Chime Festival. Festival of bells and the day of remembrance of St. Jonah of Klymenets. Tutaev, Yaroslavl region

The Crystal Bells Festival of Bell Art takes place annually from January 17 to 19 in the city of Kargopol, Arkhangelsk region.

The museum project “Crystal Bells” has been implemented since 2005. The peculiarity of the festival is that it is the only winter festival of bell art in Russia. It is dedicated to Orthodox holiday Epiphany.

The main venue was Cathedral Square, where the architectural ensemble white stone churches and a bell tower, which is the center of the main square of Kargopol. The ensemble creates a single architectural space that promotes emotional visual perception of the events taking place during the festival.

The Crystal Bells festival brings together courageous people who are not afraid of severe frosts and north winds. Famous Russian bell ringers come to see it. Every year the number of bell ringers and cities participating in the festival is growing: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl, Vologda, Petrozavodsk, Arkhangelsk, Omsk. In 2009, bell ringers from Belarus and Serbia responded to the invitation of the festival organizers.

During the festival, experienced bell ringers conduct master classes; concerts are held at the mobile belfry, children's creativity competitions; new exhibitions are opening; in the halls of the museum there are concerts of the museum choir of spiritual singing “Svetilen” and other creative groups of the city. It should be noted that the festival program includes both traditional events and new ones.
The highlight of the festival, its culmination, is the bell concert on the night of January 18-19, the Great Blessing of Water and bathing in the Epiphany font on the Onega River. The effect of perceiving what is happening is enhanced by the solemn sound of bells and compositions made of ice surrounding the font.
The organizers of the Crystal Bells Festival of Bell Art strive to make each festival unforgettable. Every year, in addition to traditional events, new ideas are offered to residents and guests of the city.
In 2010 For the first time, the ensemble “Northern Pearls” (Pomeranian Philharmonic, Arkhangelsk), performers of traditional Sami singing (Norway) took part in the festival events; on Epiphany Christmas Eve, Cathedral Square was decorated with ice sculptures created by masters from Kargopol, Arkhangelsk, Germany.
The festival of bell art “Crystal Ringings” is an unforgettable event, a holiday that fills you spiritually and gives an emotional charge for the whole year!
Thanks to the festival, Kargopol now has its own bell ringers. Now every day at noon, polyphonic, welcoming bells flow over the city.

Program of the XIII All-Russian Festival of Bell Art
"Crystal ringing"
January 17 -19, 2017

January 17 (Tuesday)
11.00 — 13.00 – registration of festival participants
11.00 — master class on a mobile belfry and a master class on making bells(Kazakovskaya elementary school-garden).
11.30 — "From the Cathedral to the Cathedral"— excursion, legends and facts of the ancient square (Cathedral Square, gathering at the Cathedral Bell Tower).
12.00 -16.00 — bells(Cathedral Square).
15.00 — master class on making bells(Museum and Exhibition Center, Lenin St., 40).
16.00 — "Let's ring all the bells!"— presentation of the exhibition based on the results of the interregional competition of children's artistic creativity (Museum and Exhibition Center, Lenin St., 40).
18.00 — opening of the bell art festival "Crystal Ringings": "Ice Opening Day", performance by the Rarog group, bell ringing (Cathedral Square).
19.00-21.00 - “Winter Dreams” - concert of the Pomor Chamber Ensemble, Arkhangelsk (Museum and Exhibition Center, Lenin St., 40).

January 18 (Wednesday)
10.00 —"Kargopol white stone"— city tour with a visit to the historical exhibition (Gathering at Vvedenskaya Church, Oktyabrsky Ave., 54).
11.15 – 12.15 – “Winter fun”- children's interactive program with the participation of the living history club "Rarog", Yaroslavl (Cathedral Square).
12.00 -16.00 — bells(Cathedral Square).
15.00 — "Bell, bell, bell"— a game activity for children (Museum and Exhibition Center, Lenin St., 40).
15.00 — master class on a mobile belfry(Kargopol Industrial College).
16.00 — master class on painting clay bells(Center of Folk Crafts “Bereginya”, Arkhangelskaya St., 5).
18.00 — "Crystal ringing floats through the centuries"concert of the choir "Svetilen"(Museum and Exhibition Center, Lenin St., 40).
19.00 — "Russian fun"— interactive program, living history club “Rarog”, Yaroslavl (Cathedral Square).
20.30 — "Samovarov's Tale"— theatrical excursion with tea party. (Museum and Exhibition Center, Lenin St., 40).
22.00 - 23.30 - “Ice Party” - evening with Igor Gusakov, Kargopol (Museum and Exhibition Center, Lenin St., 40).
22.00 — 01.00 — Photo exhibition “Crystal ringing” in the lens" and a master class on a mobile belfry (Christ Nativity Cathedral).
22.00 — 01.00 — night bell concert(Cathedral Square).
23.45 — religious procession to Jordan on the Onega River(from C. Nativity of John the Baptist).
24.00 — 02.00 — The Great Blessing of Water and Ablution in the Epiphany Font on the Onega River(embankment named after A.A. Baranov).

From June 17 to 19, 2017, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve is holding a festival of sacred music, “Bell Score of Kizhi Island.” The festival is dedicated to the celebration of the day of St. Jonah of Klymenets, a locally revered saint.

Kizhi bell ringers are known for their skills far beyond protected island. Their performances at the belfry of the Chapel of the Archangel Michael for tourist groups and at the bell tower of the Kizhi churchyard during church services became an integral part of the unique atmosphere of the island of Kizhi. And in ancient times, during holidays, in the villages of Zaonezh, the ringing of bells was heard from everywhere - the belfries simultaneously sounded with a cheerful polyphony, pleasing the ear, echoing each other and creating a special musical score of Zaonezh. In 2014, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve implemented the project “Revival of the Lost Traditions of the Russian North. Bell score of the Kizhi volost". It became a continuation of a number of events aimed at restoring the spiritual tradition of Transonezh villages. In 1988, the bells of the Chapel of Archangel Michael sounded on the island of Kizhi. 10 years later, in 1998, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve and the Association of Bell Art of Russia organized the first festival dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the revival of bell ringing on the island. Kizhi. The second festival, dedicated to the 290th anniversary of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, took place on the island of Kizhi in 2004. In 2016, leading bell ringers from the North-West of Russia came to the III Bell Ringing Festival, they visited the belfries in the chapels of the Kizhi Necklace, gave several concerts for tourists and local residents at the belfry of the Kizhi churchyard, the chapels of the Savior Not Made by Hands, Michael the Archangel, and the Three Saints on the island of Kizhi.

The 2017 festival program includes bell ringing from leading bell ringers from Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod, Vologda, Moscow, Rostov the Great, and, of course, Kizhi bell ringers. The bell towers of Kizhi Island will come to life for 3 days of the festival. The bells will ring at the chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands from the village of Vigovo. At the Chapel of the Archangel Michael there will be real bell concerts that will demonstrate the features of bell ringing different regions Russia, an individual approach from each master of his craft. And local residents will be delighted by the evening concert of bell ringing on Narina Mountain.

In addition, in the vicinity of Kizhi Island there are historical villages with churches and chapels. The sound of bells will also be heard in these villages. Also during the festival, you will be able to get acquainted with the unique exhibition of antique postcards “You can see better from your bell tower” from the private collection of Sergei Starostenkov, vice-president of the Association of Bell Art of Russia. As part of the festival, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve, together with the Association of Bell Art of Russia, is organizing a scientific and practical symposium “Northern Bells in the Context of the All-Russian Bell Tradition.” The following topics are expected to be discussed:

  • Bells and ringing in museums and museum-reserves";
  • Bell ringing in a modern soundscape;
  • Wooden belfries as one of the types of bell structures;
  • Festivals and concerts of bell music;
  • Bells are monuments of history, culture and foundry art.

The symposium will be attended by not only bell ringers and campanologists, but also directors of the largest bell foundries: ITALMAS (Tutaev, Yaroslavl region), LITEX (Moscow). Based on the results of the Festival, it is expected to develop practical recommendations on the revival of chapel bells in the historical Kizhi volost.

List of bell ringers participating in the bell ringing festival on June 17–19, 2017:

  • Nadezhda Bykadorova, bell ringer of the Temple of Panteleimon the Healer
  • Kirill Gureev, graduate student of the Petrozavodsk State Conservatory named after. Glazunova, bell ringer
  • Igor Arkhipov, director of the Toive ensemble of PetrSU, bell ringer of the Petrozavodsk and Karelian diocese
  • Viola Gushchina, leading researcher at the Kizhi Museum-Reserve
O. Kizhi:
  • Alexey Nesterov Alexey, bell ringer of the Spaso-Kizhi churchyard
  • Arseny Bykadorov, bell ringer of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and the Kizhi Museum-Reserve
  • Igor Hutter, bell ringer of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve, bell ringer of the Petrozavodsk and Karelian Diocese
Saint Petersburg:
  • Andrey Ivanov, bell ringer of the Church of the Presentation of the Lord
  • Sergey Starostenkov, vice-president of the Russian Bell Arts Association, member of the festival organizing committee
  • Vladimir Kaychuk, bell ringer of the Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God
Veliky Novgorod:
  • Vyacheslav Volkhonsky, researcher at the Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve, bell ringer at the St. Sophia Cathedral
  • Andrey Vasiliev, bell ringer of the Sofia belfry of the Novgorod Kremlin, bell ringer of the Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Wooden Architecture
Tutaev, Yaroslavl region:
  • Nikolay Shuvalov, director of the bell foundry "ITALMAS"
  • Grigory Pavlov, bell ringer of the bell tower of St. Sophia Cathedral
  • Oleg Timofeev, bell ringer of the bell tower of St. Sophia Cathedral
Moscow city:
  • Olesya Rostovskaya, member of the Union of Composers, organist, carillonist
  • Hieromonk Father Roman, senior bell ringer of St. Daniel's Monastery
  • Oleg Gritsaenko, CEO bell foundry
  • Evgeny Klimkin, candidate of art history
  • Natalya Karovskaya, director of the State Museum-Reserve "Rostov Kremlin"
  • Vasily Sadovnikov, head of the bell art sector of the Rostov Kremlin Museum
  • Elena Shatko, associate professor of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, candidate of art history.

Bell score of the Kizhi volost:

From June 17 to 19, 2017, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve is holding a festival of sacred music “Bell Score of Kizhi Island”.

The festival is dedicated to the celebration of the day of St. Jonah of Klymenets, a locally revered saint.

Kizhi bell ringers are known for their skills far beyond the boundaries of the protected island. Their performances at the belfry of the Chapel of the Archangel Michael for tourist groups and at the bell tower of the Kizhi churchyard during church services became an integral part of the unique atmosphere of the island of Kizhi. And in ancient times, during holidays, in the villages of Zaonezh, the ringing of bells was heard from everywhere - the belfries simultaneously sounded with a cheerful polyphony, pleasing the ear, echoing each other and creating a special musical score of Zaonezh.

In 2014, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve implemented the project “Revival of the Lost Traditions of the Russian North. Bell Score of the Kizhi Volost.” It became a continuation of a number of events aimed at restoring the spiritual tradition of Transonezh villages. In 1988, the bells of the Chapel of Archangel Michael sounded on the island of Kizhi. 10 years later, in 1998, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve and the Association of Bell Art of Russia organized the first festival dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the revival of bell ringing on the island. Kizhi. The second festival, dedicated to the 290th anniversary of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, took place on the island of Kizhi in 2004. In 2016, leading bell ringers from the North-West of Russia came to the III Festival of Bell Ringing, they visited the belfries at the chapels of the Kizhi Necklace, gave several concerts for tourists and local residents at the belfry of the Kizhi Pogost, the chapels of the Savior Not Made by Hands, Michael the Archangel, and the Three Saints on the island of Kizhi.

The 2017 festival program includes bell ringing from leading bell ringers from Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod, Vologda, Moscow, Rostov the Great, and, of course, Kizhi bell ringers. The bell towers of Kizhi Island will come to life for 3 days of the festival. The bells will ring at the chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands from the village of Vigovo. At the Chapel of the Archangel Michael, real bell concerts will take place, which will demonstrate the peculiarities of bell ringing in different regions of Russia, the individual approach of each master of his craft. And local residents will be delighted by the evening concert of bell ringing on Narina Mountain.

In addition, in the vicinity of Kizhi Island there are historical villages with churches and chapels. The sound of bells will also be heard in these villages. Also during the festival, you will be able to get acquainted with the unique exhibition of antique postcards “You can see better from your bell tower” from the private collection of Sergei Starostenkov, vice-president of the Association of Bell Art of Russia.

As part of the festival, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve, together with the Association of Bell Art of Russia, is organizing a scientific and practical symposium “Northern Bells in the Context of the All-Russian Bell Tradition.” The following topics are expected to be discussed:

Bells and ringing in museums and museum-reserves";

Bell ringing in a modern soundscape;

Wooden belfries as one of the types of bell structures;

Festivals and concerts of bell music;

Bells are monuments of history, culture and foundry art.

Based on the results of the Festival, it is planned to develop practical recommendations for the revival of chapel bells in the historical Kizhi parish.

Sightseeing tour with theatrical scenes from peasant life

09.30-10.00 - Bell ringing at the bell tower of the Kizhi Pogost
10.00-12.00 - Liturgy in the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary
10.30-17.30 - Bell ringing at the Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands
14.00-19.30 - Concert of sacred music and bell ringing at the Chapel of the Archangel Michael
14.00 - 15.00 - Performance by Kizhi bell ringers
15.00 - 16.00 - Gala concert of bell ringing by Russian bell ringers
16.00 - 16.30 - Performance by bell ringers of Karelia
16.30 - 17.00 - Performance by Moscow bell ringers
17.00 - 17.30 - Performance by bell ringers of St. Petersburg
17.30 - 18.00 - Performance by Vologda bell ringers
18.00 - 18.30 - Performance by the bell ringers of Veliky Novgorod
18.30 - 19.30 - Gala concert of bell ringing by Russian bell ringers
10.30 - 14.00 - Program at the house of peasant Yakovlev ( playground, demonstration of crafts, master classes, photo shoot in folk costume, fair and sale of products from local producers, tasting of “Kizhi tea”)

Conducts the festival of sacred music “Bell Score of Kizhi Island”. The festival is dedicated to the celebration of the day of St. Jonah of Klymenets, a locally revered saint.

Kizhi bell ringers are known for their skills far beyond the boundaries of the protected island. Their performances at the belfry of the Chapel of the Archangel Michael for tourist groups and at the bell tower of the Kizhi churchyard during church services became an integral part of the unique atmosphere of the island of Kizhi. And in ancient times, during holidays, in the villages of Zaonezh, the ringing of bells was heard from everywhere - the belfries simultaneously sounded with a cheerful polyphony, pleasing the ear, echoing each other and creating a special musical score of Zaonezh.

In 2014, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve implemented the project “Revival of the Lost Traditions of the Russian North. Bell score of the Kizhi volost". It became a continuation of a number of events aimed at restoring the spiritual tradition of Transonezh villages. In 1988, the bells of the Chapel of Archangel Michael sounded on the island of Kizhi. 10 years later, in 1998, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve and the Association of Bell Art of Russia organized the first festival dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the revival of bell ringing on the island. Kizhi. The second festival, dedicated to the 290th anniversary of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, took place on the island of Kizhi in 2004. In 2016, leading bell ringers from the North-West of Russia came to the III Festival of Bell Ringing, they visited the belfries at the chapels of the Kizhi Necklace, gave several concerts for tourists and local residents at the belfry of the Kizhi Pogost, the chapels of the Savior Not Made by Hands, Michael the Archangel, and the Three Saints on the island of Kizhi.

The 2017 festival program includes bell ringing from leading bell ringers from Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod, Vologda, Moscow, Rostov the Great, and, of course, Kizhi bell ringers. The bell towers of Kizhi Island will come to life for three days of the festival. The bells will ring at the chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands from the village of Vigovo. At the Chapel of the Archangel Michael, real bell concerts will take place, which will demonstrate the peculiarities of bell ringing in different regions of Russia, the individual approach of each master of his craft. And local residents will be delighted by the evening concert of bell ringing on Narina Mountain.

In addition, in the vicinity of Kizhi Island there are historical villages with churches and chapels. The sound of bells will also be heard in these villages. Also during the festival, you will be able to get acquainted with the unique exhibition of antique postcards “You can see better from your own bell tower” from the private collection of Sergei Starostenkov, vice-president of the Association of Bell Art of Russia.

As part of the festival, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve, together with the Association of Bell Art of Russia, is organizing a scientific and practical symposium “Northern Bells in the Context of the All-Russian Bell Tradition.” The following topics are expected to be discussed:

— Bells and ringing in museums and museum-reserves";

— Bell ringing in a modern soundscape;

— Wooden belfries as one of the types of bell structures;

— Festivals and concerts of bell music;

— Bells are monuments of history, culture and foundry art.

Based on the results of the festival, it is planned to develop practical recommendations for the revival of chapel bells in the historical Kizhi volost.

Sightseeing tour with theatrical scenes from peasant life

09.30-10.00 Bells ringing at the bell tower of the Kizhi Pogost

10.00-12.00 Liturgy in the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary

10.30-17.30 Bells at the Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands

14.00-19.30 Concert of sacred music and bell ringing at the Chapel of the Archangel Michael

14.00 - 15.00 Performance by Kizhi bell ringers

15.00 - 16.00 Gala concert of bell ringing by Russian bell ringers

16.00 – 16.30 Performance by bell ringers of Karelia

16.30 – 17.00 Performance by Moscow bell ringers

17.00 – 17.30 Performance by bell ringers of St. Petersburg

17.30 – 18.00 Performance by Vologda bell ringers

18.00 – 18.30 Performance by the bell ringers of Veliky Novgorod

18.30 – 19.30 Gala concert of bell ringing by Russian bell ringers

10.30 - 14.00 Program at the house of peasant Yakovlev (playground, demonstration of crafts, master classes, photo shoot in folk costume, fair and sale of products from local producers, tasting of “Kizhi tea”).

This year the festival took place in the form of a bell-ringing meeting, which brought together 60 bell-ringers from all over the country, as well as Belarus and Kazakhstan. On Saturday, May 27, the masters of bell ringing, together with the President of the Association of Bell Art of Russia, Alexander Yareshko, discussed the problems of preserving bell-ringing traditions at a scientific and practical conference.

As a result, a resolution was adopted in which representatives of different schools expressed their position regarding the use of mechanical ringing in churches and temples: “Of particular concern are cases of neglect of the thousand-year tradition in the form of refusals of the bell ringer, substitution of bells, speculation on book publications, materials that are dishonestly copied from other sources, etc.

Any, even the most perfect mechanism, cannot glorify the Lord; this must be done by a spiritualized person, just as sound recording and its broadcast in sound recordings cannot replace singers in a church.

The ringing of bells is not the ringing of “heavy metal”. The ringing of a bell is the “voice of God,” a prayer addressed to people, a call to them,” the resolution says.

Speaking to the participants and spectators of the conference, the dean of the Alekseevsky deanery, Archpriest Pavel Churashov, recalled how the Festival originated. During a pilgrimage to the Saraktash monastery, Father Paul was struck by the sound of their bells.

At that time, the Church of the Resurrection, which was under construction, did not yet have bells, and he turned to Alexei Demidov with a request to build a belfry. Alexey Ivanovich supported this idea and at the beginning of 2002, bells were brought from Kamensk-Uralsk. Under the leadership of the most experienced master Vladimir Petrovsky, a belfry was built, which 15 years later turned into one of the centers of bell-ringing art.

And over the years, the festival, from a timid concert of Alekseevsky bell ringers, who were trained by Vladimir Maryanovich in a few months, has turned into a festival of all-Russian scale, which not only residents of the region but also the republic are looking forward to!

And Alekseevskoye became one of the centers for the development of bell ringing, since after the conference, master classes from representatives of different bell ringing schools were held at three portable belfries and the bell tower of the temple.

And already on Sunday, despite the cool weather, Cathedral Square was filled with several thousand spectators who gathered to listen to the bells and watch the authors and performers of sacred and folk music, folklore and dance groups. In total, the visiting artists numbered about 250 people.

Before the start of the holiday, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Vasil Shaikhraziev, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Demidov, State Duma deputy Olga Pavlova, accompanied by the head of the region Vladimir Kozonkov, inspected the shopping arcades of the “City of Masters”, which unfolded nearby.

At the opening of the Festival, Vasil Shaikhraziev congratulated the Alekseevites, participants and guests on the holiday on behalf of the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and noted that from the point of view of Orthodoxy and Islam, such festivals are accompanied precisely by spirituality:

When we educate ourselves on the basis of the laws, traditions and culture of our ancestors, on the basis of Orthodoxy, raise our children and grandchildren, pass on the greatness of Russia from generation to generation, this is our strength and unity. More recently, in 2003, the festival was just in its infancy, and years later it became international.

I would like to wish “Alekseevsky Chimes” longevity, so that the number of participants and spectators increases from year to year. And as a legacy of the festival, so that in our families, our homes, in our Tatarstan, Russia, we always feel peace, respectful attitude towards elders, and use this example to educate the younger generation.

Bishop Parmen of Chistopol and Nizhnekamsk also greeted the guests:

Today Alekseevskoye, Tatarstan, Russia, with this ringing of bells, testify to the call for peace, the call to love, which Christ himself commanded. As the ancients said, it’s time to beat swords into ploughshares and stop fighting.

On my own behalf, I will add - pray, work, create, restore temples and mosques, love, help the old and poor, create families, give birth to children, give them the opportunity to remember history and never forget it.

After this, the bell-ringing squad took the stage, led into the festival “battle” by the guest of honor Alexander Yareshko and the smallest Cossack in the world Ivan Shuvarov, who became famous after participating in the television project “Best of All”. Famous bell ringers Sergey Maltsev (Rostov on Don), Yuri Pavlov (Samara), Vladimir Degtyarev (Yaroslavl), Bogdan Berezkin (Minsk), Pavel Lyalin (Moscow) and Ksenia Plekhanova (Alekseevskoye), under the direction of the President of the Association of Bell Ringing Art, delighted the audience with simultaneous ringing all belfries.

This year, the organizers of the gala concert presented the audience with a medley of the final songs that were played in different years. Moreover, participants from previous festivals were invited for this purpose.

According to tradition, the anthem of the Alekseevsky Chimes was performed by regular festival participants Stanislav Bartenyev and Anna Sizova, as well as Ekaterina Belova. We remembered with kind words the first bell ringers who stood at the origins of the festival, as well as the organizers of the bell tower.

At the same time, shots and explosions were heard at the stadium, which were carried out by fans of historical reconstruction at the Cossack Sloboda.

According to the ataman of the Alekseevskaya village, Yuri Egorov, this project has been implemented as part of the Alekseevsky Chimes festival of bells for the third year in a row. This year, the Cossack Settlement program included a historical reconstruction of military episodes from the times civil war 1918-1922, dedicated to the events near the village of Bolshoy Krasny Yar (now Stepnoshnostalinskoe rural settlement).

Representatives of the military-historical clubs “3rd Don Cossack Battery” from Dimitrovgrad, “Regimental Intelligence”, “Azov Red Navy Man”, “147th Samara Infantry Regiment” from Samara, “Avtobat” and “Combat Unit” from Ulyanovsk took part in the reconstruction. as well as participants in the children's movement "Svyatych" under the "Union of Cossack Warriors of Russia and Abroad."

In the second part, a combat episode from the Great Patriotic War was played out, in which the events of June 1944 near Vitebsk were restored. Representatives of the military-historical clubs “Citadel” and “Vityaz” from Kazan, “Zvezda” from Alekseevsky and the search detachment “Vystrel” from the city of Chistopol took part in the production.

In between the “battles,” festival guests heard many military and Cossack songs performed by the Zakamsky Cossack Choir from Naberezhnye Chelny. Also, representatives of the Cossack societies “Khutor Borovetsky” and “Stanitsa Cheremshanskaya” held a master class on saber flanking among the audience, and the folk group “Siberian Cossack. Kazan" organized national games.

This is our second time coming. Last year we were there as spectators. And this year the children performed and had a good rest, sang and danced. It’s nice that Vanya is recognized, but on the other hand, he is only 5 years old, and such fame has fallen on him. It’s good that he is small and does not yet realize this burden.

He is already tired of this, because people always come up to him, ask him something, ask him to take a photo. And the festival itself is very positive. There are Cossack brothers, the clergy, and a fair of craftsmen. I haven't seen a single person with a sour face today.

This suggests that the festival was truly a success, people come here, and people are interested in it. We arrived yesterday, and for the first time we were in such an environment that we fell asleep and woke up to the ringing of bells, because rehearsals were going on until eleven at night, and the bells were also ringing in the morning.

Indescribable feelings of spiritual purity and grace. We are glad that on Alekseevskaya land we are considered fellow countrymen. All our relatives are from Shuran, which is not far from here, and therefore we are all fellow countrymen here, big river Kama. Next year we plan to come with all our relatives, there are twenty of us.

Unfortunately, the bell ringer from Ukraine, Irina Zvyagolskaya, had difficulties at the border, and she was unable to come to the festival, which is why she was very upset. Through the newspaper, Irina conveys greetings to all Alekseev residents, and wishes constant improvement to the bell ringers:

To all bell ringers good health, success in bell making, always be on top, learn and develop, do not be lazy, strive for the best. All the best and huge greetings from Dikanka.

The festival of bell ringing ended with an evening concert, where the festival participants did not let the spectators freeze. The artists warmed them up with their lively and cheerful numbers. Performances of the guslar ensemble " Living water", Stanislav Bartenyev, Anna Sizova and other performers were forced to dance and sing along.

Well, the festive fireworks display, which left no one indifferent, became a chic end to the Festival!


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