10 most beautiful villages in Russia. How the most beautiful village in Russia lives. And in the competition for “The most beautiful village in Russia” the victory went to the village of Vyatsky, Nekrasovsky district, Yaroslavl region

There is a village called Vyatskoye, 38 kilometers from Yaroslavl. A village that on October 15, 2015 became the first member of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Russia! Having learned about this event, I decided to go there to see the delights of the village with my own eyes.

2. This is what one of the most beautiful villages in Russia looks like. Central square with restored mansions from the 18th and 19th centuries.

3. Hills, ravines, summer "amphitheater".

5. In some places Vyatskoye looks like this.

6. And now the fun part. Why, unlike most villages and hamlets in Russia, Vyatskoye has not collapsed, but is developing. The answer, of course, lies in money.

There is a businessman in Yaroslavl, Oleg Zharov, who, according to local residents- I was looking for a place for a summer house in the vicinity of Yaroslavl. Came to Vyatskoye, fell in love with local beauties, and decided to take on the restoration of the village. I bought an architectural monument of the 19th century - the house of honorary citizen Bogorodsky, restored it, and the dacha is ready.

7. Zharov did not stop there, and over the past few years, more than 30 semi-abandoned mansions have been restored, several museums have been opened, and a church has been restored with the businessman’s money.Ascension of Christ built in 1750.

8. There are also opponents of Zharov’s “policy”. They say he buys and restores mansions with only one goal: to sell them, and thereby become richer. And it develops everything around and ennobles it, only in order to build an elite cottage village. In any case, every year new jobs appear in the village, and abandoned architectural monuments are restored.

9. Zharov also received the state prize “For his contribution to the revival and development of traditional cultural and historical values.” He was invited to the Kremlin and seated next to Putin and Medvedev. Where Medvedev said: “How about we go, Vladimir Vladimirovich, to Vyatskoye? At least the roads will be repaired before our arrival.” .

Apparently they never made it, and part of the road from Yaroslavl to the village of Vyatskoye is a toa Yamutokanavu. This is where our short journey to the most beautiful village in Russia begins.

10. Here it is Vyatskoye, an open-air museum of Russian rural life.The main idea of ​​the museum is to present to tourists the life of the Russian village as it was several centuries ago.

11. The village is more than 500 years old in total. AND known in the history of Russia for its crafts, noisy fairs and bazaars, schismatics, “going to the people,” and talented people. For example, the sculptor A.M. Opekushin - the author of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow (on Pushkin Square), Pyotr Telushkin - the founder of “Russian mountaineering”, who alone, without insurance, repaired the wing of the angel that crowned the spire Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg, by the poet Nekrasov, who found images of his heroes in Vyatskoye.

12. On the central square there is a restored fire station, now a museum in the building.

10. The parking lot next to the depot is completely filled with tourists' cars. There are even guests with overseas numbers.

11. We park next to the tourist buses.

12. And along the Ukhtomka River, which flows through all of Vyatskoye, we go to get acquainted with local life.

14. On the right bank of the river there is a museum - black bathhouse.

15. One of the central streets.

16. A rickety hut.

17. Bathhouse with a swimming pool.

18. It’s hard to believe, but, a residential building. There are even satellite dishes hanging on the front side of the façade.

19. Almost destroyed temple.

22. The restoration work of the next mansion is carried out mainly by visitors from neighboring countries.

23. Fragment of a restored mansion.

24. The restored house of photographer Kokoshkin, an architectural monument late XIX century. Perhaps one day the dangling wires will disappear and it will look really good.

25. One of the most beautiful buildings in the village of Vyatskoye. Inside Museum of Russian Entrepreneurship, or “The History of a Village That Wanted to Become a City...”.

26. On the third floor The museum has a large exhibition of household items.

27. The largest collection is on the second floor musical instruments and caskets in Europe, many of which are still in use. The collection, as we were told at the museums, belongs to Zharov.

29. Organola.

30. Punched tapes for organola. And here it’s worth retelling what the museums told us.

In the old days, when a girl was married off, it was important what kind of hearing she had. And if the betrothed had problems with this, then before playing to her future husband musical composition, punched paper tape was inserted into the organola. The girl could only press the pedal and imitate playing the keys. The music sounds beautiful, the groom is happy, everyone is happy.

Maybe it's just a story, but it was told convincingly.

31. We will consider the savings bank branch to be the ugliest building in the village, if this booth can be called a building. By the way, speaking of Sberbank, 3 days ago we closed our mortgage! We accept congratulations. Maybe one day I’ll even write about what it was like to live under the yoke of Sberbank.

32. Russian Post Office.

33. Fragment of a restored architectural monument. Everything was done quite well, even the smallest elements of stucco were preserved and restored.

34. From the yard this house looks much sadder. Perhaps it is implied that no one will set foot in the yard.

35. Outskirts of the village.

36. A neighboring village, and a country road home.

p.s. Perhaps some information about the businessman Zharov, and about the village of Vyatskoye, in some places does not correspond to reality. As they say, what you bought for is what you sold for. In general, the businessman is a great guy, he is developing his native land. After all, as practice shows, most of our rich people buy villas abroad, apartments in Dubai, and go live overseas.

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8 beautiful villages in Russia

Settlement of Pomors in Arkhangelsk region, villages of Old Believers in Buryatia, merchant village in Yaroslavl region... We selected 8 Russian villages with beautiful scenery, original museums and architectural monuments. Let's go to virtual trip And #vacationinRussia.

1. Vorzogory, Arkhangelsk region

In Vorzogory there is a wooden temple of Zosima and Savvaty Solovetsky from 1850. Also located here unique monument- a wooden tee, the only one that has survived, which is located directly on the seashore. It consists of the St. Nicholas Church (1636), the Vvedenskaya Church (1793) and the bell tower (XVIII century). In past centuries similar architectural ensembles on the seashore they were found quite often, but today all, except Vorzogorsky, have been destroyed. Monuments of wooden architecture and picturesque sea sunsets attract travelers and artists to Vorzogory.

Village of Vorzogory

The village of Vorzogory. View of the White Sea

Village of Vorzogory

2. Vyatskoye, Yaroslavl region *

The village of Vyatskoye in the Yaroslavl region was founded in 1502. Not only farmers lived here, but also merchants. Vyatskoye developed quickly and by the beginning of the 19th century resembled a small town with cobbled streets, wooden and stone mansions, and churches.

Today there are 10 museums in Vyatskoye. In the House of Merchant Gorokhov, visitors will be invited to work in a merchant's shop and pickle vegetables according to a 19th-century recipe. At the Polytechnic Museum “The Wonderful World of Mechanisms and Machines,” guests will be taught how to create an engraving on a special machine from the century before last, and at the “Children’s World” they will be shown the largest collection of children’s toys in Russia. The village even has its own amusement park: swings and carousels there are recreated according to ancient drawings.

Village Vyatskoye

The village of Vyatskoye. Children's World Museum

Village Vyatskoye

3. Kiltsa, Arkhangelsk region

The “Izbyanoye Kingdom” - the village of Kiltsa in the Arkhangelsk region - was first mentioned in the Russian census of 1623. Each house in Kielce is decorated with carved balconies, patterned platbands or figured ridges on the roofs.

Kilca is famous for its votive crosses: local residents used to install them “by promise.” Crosses could remind of a happy event - healing from a serious illness or the birth of a child. Sometimes they were installed in memory of adversity - lean years or floods. It was believed that the crosses protected local residents from harm. They brought cloth panels, scarves, and towels to the crosses. The most famous cross stands at the entrance to the village.

Kiltsa village

Kiltsa village

Kiltsa village

4. Kimzha, Arkhangelsk region

Traditional rituals are still observed in Pogost. Before the wedding, salty cookies are baked: it is believed that they bring prosperity to the family. Local residents also teach tourists how to prepare ritual dishes, spin on ancient spinning wheels, and use a broom correctly in a Russian bathhouse. Guests are offered excursions around architectural monuments.

* Member of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages of Russia

Village Oshevensky Pogost

Village Oshevensky Pogost

Village Oshevensky Pogost

Natural landscape, historical value, stunning appearance and no more than two thousand inhabitants - these are the framework for selection into the Association “The Most Beautiful Villages of Russia”. So far, this association includes 3 villages, and the list of candidates includes more than a dozen local villages.


In 2015, Vyatskoye in the Nekrasovsky district of the Yaroslavl region was recognized as the most beautiful village in Russia. In the village you can visit one of 10 museums and take photographs old mansions and admire the web of rivers and endless valleys of all shades of green in the surrounding area.

A restaurant, a cinema and concert hall and three hotels have been opened in Vyatskoye, which are visited annually by several tens of thousands of tourists. In addition to the generally recognized Krasnaya Gorka and Maslenitsa, they celebrate their own celebrations here, such as the Russian Broom Festival or the Birthday of Peter Telushkin. The story about the trip to Vyatskoye can be read here.

Oshevensky Pogost

Oshevensky Pogost, Kargopol district, Arkhangelsk region, is the youngest member of the association “The Most Beautiful Villages of Russia”. He was included in the prestigious list earlier this summer.

It is worth coming here for the historical quarter of traditional northern buildings, the center of which is the wooden complex of the Church of the Epiphany and the bell tower from 1787. On the outskirts of the village, Aleksandro-Oshevensky has also been preserved and operates. monastery, founded in the 15th century.


Kinerma, located on the territory of Pryazhinsky national district Karelia, named the most beautiful village in Russia in 2016. It consists of 17 houses, 10 of which are considered architectural monuments. All the buildings are located in a circle, and in the center there is an old cemetery and a restored 250-year-old chapel.

The village has a well, a black bath, a barn with a souvenir shop, a restored traditional peasant house and a mini-hotel. You can spend the night in a room with antique utensils for 1,000 rubles per day.


Desyatnikovo, located near the Selenga River in Buryatia, will be included in the “Most Beautiful Villages of Russia” in the fall of 2016. Of the dozen original villages in the region, it is distinguished by its amazing landscapes - the village is located next to the Barsky ridge, overgrown with centuries-old forest, as well as its unusual “appearance”. Desyatnikovo is known for its brightly painted houses, which amaze with an unexpected combination of colors.

Photo: Kuznetsov / wikimedia


In Buryatia, 52 km from Ulan-Ude on the Kuitunka River there is another candidate for the “The Most Beautiful Villages of Russia” Association. In May 2001, UNESCO declared the village “a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity” and included it in the first list of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Tarbagatai was founded at the beginning of the 18th century, where Old Believers moved from the territory of modern Belarus a little later. In the village you can still see Old Believer houses, painted in bright colors with painted shutters and quaint fences.


The village of Kosmozero, located near the long and narrow lake of the same name, like a river, is a candidate for the title of the most beautiful village in Russia, and at the same time the most picturesque village in the Medvezhyegorsk region of Karelia.

The village has been known since the 16th century - the historical landscape with hayfields, as well as ancient complexes of huts and courtyards-sheds, are still preserved here. The main pearl of Kosmozero is the ensemble of parish churches. True, today you can only see the restored tented Assumption Church of 1720.

Staraya Ladoga

One of the Association's candidates is located on the banks of the Volkhov River in Leningrad region. Staraya Ladoga is also considered one of the oldest villages in the country: its history goes back more than 1,200 years.

True, calling Staraya Ladoga a village is not entirely ethical: it was once one of largest cities Novgorod Rus' and the starting point of the great waterway “from the Varangians to the Greeks.”


Another candidate for best villages Russia is located on the shore of Lake Gorodishchenskoye, 30 km from Pskov. Local guides They call Izborsk “the keeper of the secrets of history, a source of inspiration for artists and writers.” Nicholas Roerich really painted here, Andrei Tarkovsky filmed “Andrei Rublev,” and Pskov artist Pavel Melnikov dedicated more than 200 paintings to Izborsk.

It’s worth coming here to see the famous Truvorovo settlement with a memorial cross, see the stone fortress on Zheravya Mountain and photograph the ensemble of the Malsky Monastery, located not far from the village.

Yasnaya Polyana

Yasnaya Polyana, located 15 km from Tula, is perhaps the most famous candidate for the “The Most Beautiful Village in Russia” Association. It is here that Leo Tolstoy’s estate is located, to which fans of the writer come from all over the world.

Here you need to go to the writer’s house, and also pay attention to the local lush park. It’s worth looking at the remains of the greenhouse in which apricots and pineapples were grown at that time, looking at the stables and coachman’s quarters, walking along the birch bridge and seeing the Middle Pond, where Lev Nikolaevich held a bath every summer.


The list of the most beautiful villages in Russia may be supplemented by the village of Shinaz in Southern Dagestan. It is located at an altitude of 1750 meters above sea level, 13 km from the regional center of Rutul.

“The tall minaret protrudes above the flat roofs of the saklyas, molded one above the other. In some places, pyramidal poplars decorate the village, cherries grow in the gardens, and there in the south, behind the village, snowy mountains are visible, stretching beyond the Samur valley and sparkling silver in the sun,” this is how the Russian scientist Nikolai Kuznetsov described Shinaz in 1911. And it seems that now, a century later, nothing has changed here.

The international tourism brand "The Most Beautiful Villages" appeared in France in 1982, and then the idea spread throughout the world. Since 2014, such an association has been operating in Russia. Its founder and president professor of the department agricultural tourism RGAU-MSHA named after. K.A. Timiryazeva, Doctor of Economics Alexander Merzlov. The purpose of the Association is to develop rural tourism and involving rural residents in the processes of self-development and increasing the attractiveness of rural areas. The Association “The Most Beautiful Villages of Russia” unites rural settlements with outstanding historical, cultural and natural heritage. Villages, villages, towns, villages, villages, auls and other rural settlements with a population of no more than 2 thousand people, which have preserved, at least in part, the rural way of life and have an expressed desire to develop and inspire people to love rural Russia, can join the Association.

Currently, the Association includes four settlements: the villages of Vyatskoye (Yaroslavl region), Desyatnikovo (Buryatia), Oshevensky Pogost (Arkhangelsk region) and the Karelian village of Kinerma.

Village Vyatskoye

In 2015, Vyatskoye in the Nekrasovsky district of the Yaroslavl region was recognized as the most beautiful village in Russia. In the village you can look into one of 10 museums, photograph ancient mansions and architectural historical monuments, admire the web of rivers and endless valleys of all shades of green in the surrounding area.

The village of Vyatskoye has been mentioned since 1502. It was the patrimony of Patriarch Filaret. Old Believers settled here. Of course, over the years of its existence the village has lost its beauty. IN Soviet time churches and old houses in the village were dilapidated. The village was restored by Yaroslavl businessman Oleg Zharov, who bought the estate.

Today, the village of Vyatskoye is a unique urban complex of the 18th–19th centuries, in which there are more than 50 registered architectural monuments that were in the past merchant and peasant houses, tea and tavern establishments, and almshouses. The basis of the historical and cultural heritage of Vyatka is, first of all, the planning structure of the village, which almost entirely dates back to the 18th century.

A restaurant, a cinema and concert hall and three hotels have been opened in Vyatskoye, which are visited annually by several tens of thousands of tourists. In addition to the generally recognized holidays of Krasnaya Gorka and Maslenitsa, they celebrate their own celebrations here, such as the Russian Wreath Festival or the Birthday of Peter Telushkin. Vyatskoe hosts the traditional All-Russian Nekrasov Poetry Festival, the annual festival “Days of Nekrasov”, as well as the annual Festival “Province - Soul of Russia”, the ideological inspiration of which is the famous opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya.

Village Desyatnikovo

Desyatnikovo, located in Buryatia near the Selenga River, was included in the Association “The Most Beautiful Villages of Russia” in 2016. The village was first mentioned in historical documents from 1746 in the form of “Paintings of the Tarbagatai Zosimo-Savatievskaya Church by parishioners of different villages.”

Of the dozen original villages in the region, it is distinguished by its amazing landscapes - the village is located next to the Barsky ridge, overgrown with centuries-old forest. Desyatnikovo is famous for its brightly painted houses. In the past, the houses of wealthy peasants were characterized by bright, colorful paintings of interior walls, ceilings and stoves. They were preserved in the upper rooms and on the ceilings of houses in the village. These paintings amaze with their colorfulness, rich colors, and unexpected combination of colors. Local residents preserve not only the appearance of their picturesque place, but also folk traditions and crafts.

Oshevensky Pogost

The village of Oshevensky Pogost, Kargopol district, Arkhangelsk region, is the youngest member of the Association “The Most Beautiful Villages of Russia”. Currently it is home to 73 people.

An ancient settlement in the Kargopol region has the right to bear the honorary title of the most beautiful village in Russia. Its main attraction is the Holy Dormition Alexander-Oshevensky Monastery, founded in 1453 by Saint Alexander of Oshevensky. The monastery is located at the entrance to the village.

It is worth coming here for the historical quarter of traditional northern wooden buildings, the center of which is the wooden complex of the Church of the Epiphany and the bell tower from 1787.

Tourists are attracted here by the old black baths and master classes on ancient spinning wheels. Russian wedding rituals still live in Oshevensky Pogost, for example, baking ritual cookies from salted dough - grouse.

Kinerma village

Kinerma was named the most beautiful village in Russia in 2016. It is located on the territory of the Vedlozersky rural settlement in the Pryazhinsky national region of Karelia. The first written mention of it dates back to 1563, and its name is translated into Russian as “precious land.”

The ancient Karelian village of Kinerma, which has stood among the Karelian forests for almost 500 years, has become one of the wonders of the Finno-Ugric world. Everything here is imbued with the spirit of history. The oldest buildings were built in the 18th century. The village consists of 17 houses, 10 of which are considered architectural monuments. All the buildings are located in a circle, and in the center there is an old cemetery. In the center of the village stands the 18th century chapel of Our Lady of Smolensk, which housed the miraculous icon “Hodegetria of Smolensk” for more than 300 years. Since 1979, the icon was moved to the Petrozavodsk Museum of Fine Arts. The village has a well, a black sauna, a barn with a souvenir shop, a restored traditional peasant house and a mini-hotel.

Lovers of history and antiquity who come to Kinerma have the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the life of the Karelians as a museum exhibition, but also to live in ancient houses, wash in a 100-year-old black bath, and try dishes of traditional Karelian cuisine: kalitki, kalarokka , take a walk through the forest to Lambushka and Vedlozero, enjoy nature and silence. You can spend the night in a room with antique utensils for 1,000 rubles per day.

Every year, several thousand Russian and foreign tourists. This turned out to be an unbearable burden for the locality. Minister of Culture of Karelia Alexey Lesonen said that the population of Kinerma has received a request to periodically close the road sign: the number of guests entering the village exceeds its recreational capabilities.

Updated: 11/16/2019 12:37:47

Expert: Emilia Arie

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Along with the growth of large settlements, the decline of villages is most often observed. Driving past, you can see how residential buildings alternate with abandoned and dilapidated ones, and sometimes there are entire ghost settlements, the inhabitants of which have long since moved to the cities. However, there are still a considerable number of places left in Russia where people carefully preserve the identity and unique appearance of their villages. Such scenic spots participate in competitions and, if they meet certain requirements, enter the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages of Russia, essentially becoming full-fledged tourist sites. Of these, we have selected ten of the brightest and most colorful, where you should definitely visit at least once in your life.

The most beautiful villages in Russia

Nomination place Village rating
The most beautiful villages in Russia 10 4.1
9 4.2
8 4.3
7 4.4
6 4.5
5 4.6
4 4.7
3 4.8
2 4.9
1 5.0

Varzuga was one of the largest and oldest villages on the Kola Peninsula; the first historical mention of it dates back to the middle of the 15th century. Now she is a real decoration Murmansk region, attracting tourists from all over Russia and even from foreign countries. In addition to local folklore, the villagers have preserved their traditional cuisine, central place which includes salmon dishes, animal figures baked from rye dough and Pomeranian pies with northern berries: blueberries, cranberries and others.

The natural landscapes of the peninsula are perfectly complemented by the architectural buildings of Varzuga. The pride of the village is the Assumption Church, built without a single nail at the end of the 17th century and now recognized as a monument of wooden architecture. Other attractions include: Afanasyevskaya Church and the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul, built in the 19th century, and the Museum of Pomeranian life. But tourists come here not only for the beautiful sights and to get to know the local culture. Every year, the spring spawning of Atlantic salmon takes place on the Varuga River, at which time they spread along the banks for many kilometers. tent camps for fishing lovers.

In the 19th century, the population of Nikola-Lenivets reached 10 thousand people, but with the beginning of urbanization this number decreased until by the end of the 80s it dropped to several dozen. The village received a chance for a second life after the arrival of the artist Nikolai Polisskikh. He was fascinated by the local landscapes and soon founded an art gallery here under open air. Later a short time Dozens of architects, artists and designers have already lived and created their works of art here. The Nikola-Lenivets Art Park occupies an area of ​​650 hectares; all installations are made primarily from natural materials: wood, pine cones, branches, tree bark, hay, and the like. Some of them reach 20 meters in height. Twice a year the Archstoyanie festival is held here, which brings together architects not only from all over Russia, but also from other countries.

The presence of a special status made it possible to preserve the pristine beauty of nature around the village. There are wild animals in the forests, you can even see rare species of birds, the local Eel River is crystal clear and full of fish. The creators of the park sought to preserve the ecosystem as much as possible, as well as the original appearance of the settlement. Therefore, in the village, along with art projects, you can see ancient buildings, such as the Church of the Holy Trinity, built in 1802. It was built in a style that is a mixture of Byzantine architecture and the traditions of Russian architecture. For tourists who come on holiday, Nikola-Lenivets offers a cozy hotel, guide services and participation in various creative events.

The village of Esso is located on the border of the tundra, 600 kilometers from the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Thanks to numerous thermal springs, residents of the locality do not suffer from severe weather conditions tundra Thermal energy from the sources is used to heat houses and greenhouses during the cold season, as well as for health purposes, since it has its own sanatorium. They feed all year round open pool on the main square and a swimming pool in the hotel.

Local residents call Esso the happiest village in Russia. And it is not surprising, because the lack of some benefits of civilization here is more than compensated by clean air, the splendor of the surrounding nature and preserved national culture. On holidays, the village organizes songs and dances, and colorful festivals are held annually. And in February, residents gather for the main event - a traditional sled dog race called "Beringia". This race is the longest of its kind in the world, the total length of the route is 1100 kilometers. Also near Esso (at a distance of 80 km) is the Ichinsky volcano, one of the largest in Eurasia.

Bogolyubovo - picturesque village, which is located ten kilometers from the city of Vladimir. Its more than 600-year history began thanks to the Prince of Kievan Rus Andrei Bogolyubsky, who laid the foundation of the first buildings and made the settlement his residence. He also built the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, choosing for this surprisingly a nice place, where the Nerl River flowed into the Klyazma. Surrounded by green meadows, white temple is a true masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture. He, along with the remains ancient castle, owned by Bogolyubsky, is listed World Heritage UNESCO.

Also in the village you can see another Orthodox shrine - the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery, founded in the 12th century and reconstructed in the 17th century. Inside the cathedral there is a museum where archaeological exhibits are stored.

The Karelian village of Kinerma has existed since the 16th century; currently it combines locality and an open-air museum. No more than a dozen people live here permanently, but a large number of tourists, including those from abroad, come to admire the local attractions every year. Ancient houses with carved hedges, which, through the efforts of local residents, have preserved their authentic appearance, are unique examples of traditional architecture of Olonets Karelians. The main monument of local architecture is a restored wooden chapel with an iconostasis dating from the 18th century.

The inhabitants of Kinerma support the traditional rural way of life, run the household and, of course, take care of the leisure of tourists. Guests are accommodated in classic Russian huts, and as leisure they are offered to learn about local customs and attend master classes on the Karelian language, weaving crafts or cooking traditional dishes. Visitors also have the opportunity to take a steam bath in an ancient bathhouse.

The Old Believer village of Desyatnikovo was founded in the middle of the 18th century; today about 800 people live in it, carefully preserving the traditions of their ancestors. They deal primarily agriculture and beekeeping. The ancient architecture and original way of life allowed the village to become part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Desyatnikovo is located in the Tarbagatai region of the Republic of Buryatia.

The original feature of the local houses is that almost all of them are brightly painted on the outside, and inside they have colorful patterned paintings with floral or fairy-tale motifs. Unpretentious and simple, but standing out against the backdrop of green hills, the architecture looks very picturesque and creates a positive mood. Excursions are organized for guests in the village, during which they will get acquainted with the Old Believer life, folklore and famous family songs.

Oshevensky Pogost is an ancient settlement with traditional wooden houses and ethnoculture passed down from generation to generation. Some buildings were built back in the 15th century, including the Holy Dormition Alexander-Oshevensky Monastery. During Soviet times it fell into disrepair, but was then restored and is now operational again. The Church of the Epiphany also attracts attention; the building has an original octagonal dome, the inside of which is decorated with paintings.

Village residents to this day strictly observe local rituals, one of which is baking an edible wedding charm from salt dough. Guests are also taught how to prepare these cookies and similar ancient dishes, spinning lessons, excursions and leisure activities. Guests are accommodated in a restored merchant house.

The beautiful Buryat village of Bolshaya Kuraley was founded by Old Believers resettled to Siberia at the beginning of the 18th century. It was customary for them to paint their houses and fences with bright, multi-colored paints, decorate them with carved platbands and other decorative elements. Modern residents of the village (about a thousand people live here) continue to adhere to this tradition, thanks to which the cozy streets have an elegant and even a little fabulous look. In addition, they are distinguished by their extraordinary cleanliness, and in each yard there are many flowers and green spaces.

In the village you can get acquainted with local ritual folklore, see folk costumes recreated with historical accuracy and hear traditional songs of the Transbaikal Semeisk. The Bolshekunaleysky Folk Choir is one of the oldest musical groups in Siberia; it has taken part in many festivals, including abroad.

A real paradise for lovers of northern architecture and village folklore, every house here carries a piece of history. The strong two-story huts built in the 19th century and the tent-roofed Odigitrievskaya Church deserve special attention. The inhabitants of the settlement strictly observe ancient rituals, customs and way of life, which are influenced by paganism. Their ancestors were called blacktropes, that is, sorcerers, since it was believed that they had the ability to cast a spell, cast and remove damage, and so on. It is worth noting that until the middle of the 20th century, the village did not even have its own cemetery - the deceased were buried on the territory that belonged to them, so that the spirit would guard the home and land plot.

In Kimzha, tourists can see two perfectly preserved pillar mills, built on a wooden foundation. Inside one of them there is a museum, and the second was restored with the help of invited Dutch masters, and is still functioning. There is also ethnographical museum and a craft school that teaches weaving and clay modeling.

In 2019 the most beautiful Russian village The village of Vyatskoye, founded at the beginning of the 16th century by farmers and merchants, was recognized. Today the village is a large historical and cultural complex, to which crowds of tourists flock. Here, many ancient buildings have been preserved in their original form: merchant mansions, a wooden church, peasant huts, in total about fifty architectural attractions, immersed in the greenery of nature. The village has as many as ten museums, by visiting which you can get acquainted with the history of the place, its customs and talented people born in Vyatskoye. Moreover, one of the museums, the Polytechnic, will show the process of creating engravings using a special machine, and the children's museum houses the largest collection of toys in the country.

Tourists' leisure time in the village is not limited to visiting museums and viewing architectural monuments. Various competitions, festivals, and Russian folk celebrations are regularly held here. There is also an amusement park recreated from ancient drawings. For the convenience of visitors, there are three hotels, several restaurants and a concert hall.


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