What are the best villages? The most beautiful villages in Russia. Village Staraya Ladoga

Wooden huts and fat cats, creaky wells and clay jugs with milk, mills on rivers with sedge-covered banks and absolutely fabulous grandmothers - all this will greet a tired resident of the metropolis and envelop him in peace and complete tranquility.

Our answer to the Alps, the rating of the most beautiful villages in Russia is an excellent reason to leave the boring city and go “to your aunt, into the wilderness” - into the blessed silence of the Russian outback. Wooden huts and fat cats, creaky wells and clay jugs with milk, mills on rivers with sedge-covered banks and absolutely fabulous grandmothers - all this will greet a tired resident of the metropolis and envelop him in peace and complete tranquility. And in the most beautiful villages there are surprisingly many historical monuments and lovely museums, so your vacation promises to be not only relaxing, but also educational.

A little history

The Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Russia was created in 2015. Initially, it included 5 of the most worthy settlements that passed a strict selection: the village must be “alive”, preserve traditional way of life everyday life, number no more than 2000 people and have a desire to develop rural tourism. The initiative quickly became popular, and today there are more than 40 settlements on the regularly growing list. Most of the participants are from the north: from the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod regions, Karelia, and also Buryatia, but everyone is welcome in the association; it’s not for nothing that its motto is to inspire people to love rural Russia!

Where to go?

Village Vyatskoye

The village of Vyatskoye is an honorable pioneer in the field of beauty of Russian villages: in 2015 it became the first member of the association. The village is located in the Yaroslavl region, 300 km from Moscow, on the classic Central Russian plain, riddled with rivers and decorated with a chain of lakes - there are 38 of them in the vicinity of the village! The development of the village has remained virtually unchanged since the 18th century: here you can see merchant mansions and peasant huts, taverns and tea establishments, a church and a fire tower - in total more than 50 architectural monuments. 10 museums will be dedicated to all the details of local life, including the Museum of Russian Entrepreneurship, the interactive museum “Numbers of the Merchants of the Urlov Brothers”, and the Museum of the Vyatka Peasant. Three hotels are ready to accommodate guests of the village.

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Atsagat village

“Equator of Buryatia”, the village of Atsagat is located almost in the very center of the republic, 50 km from Ulan-Ude, in a valley surrounded by hills with a clear mountain stream. The settlement dates back to the 17th century and now has about 100 houses - wooden huts and traditional yurts. Atsagat is famous for its datsan - a Buddhist religious school, where the teacher of the 13th Dalai Lama taught, and healing source, whose waters cured Nicholas II from injury. In the village museum you can see ancient Buddhist relics and, no more, no less, a thousand Buddha figurines. Guests of Atsagat are accommodated in yurts.

The pearl of Staraya Ladoga is the 15th century Staraya Ladoga fortress with walls 7 meters thick.

Village Oshevensky Pogost

The “old man” of the list of the most beautiful villages in Russia, Oshevensky Pogost is located in the legendary Kargopolye, perhaps the most picturesque and authentic region of the Arkhangelsk region. With a population of only 73 people, the Pogost can boast of an impressive number of monuments: a block of traditional wooden houses, a wooden church with a unique octagonal dome painted “to heaven”, and the active Holy Dormition Alexander-Oshevensky Monastery of the 15th century. Guests of the village are invited to take a steam bath and learn to spin wool on ancient spinning wheels, walk along the picturesque banks of the Churiega River and participate in wedding ceremonies with the baking of special “teterki” cookies. Guests are accommodated in a restored merchant's house.

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Kinerma village

The Karelian village of Kinerma was founded in the 16th century on the site of the original settlement of ethnic Karelian-Livviks. Today there are 16 houses and only 5 permanent residents, but guests are received with cordiality and thoroughness: they are accommodated in traditional huts with three meals a day and are entertained in every possible way with master classes and excursions. The pearl of Kinerma is the chapel of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God with an 18th century iconostasis. It is also worth examining in all details the remarkably preserved houses with carved hedges and wells. You can spend your leisure time taking a steam bath, studying the Karelian language, practicing baking “wicket cookies” and mastering the weaving loom.

You can get to Nizhmozero, the ancient village of the Arkhangelsk Pomors, only in the summer, by off-road vehicle or boat.

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Village Staraya Ladoga

One of the closest villages to cities and accessible all year round is the village of Staraya Ladoga on the Volkhov River in the Leningrad Region. The oldest traces human activity in these places dates back to the Neolithic era, and the oldest wooden buildings were made from logs from the 8th century. Meeting architectural monuments will amaze even experienced tourists: the Staraya Ladoga fortress of the 15th century with walls 7 meters thick, two monasteries - Uspensky and Nikolsky, ramparts Zemlyanoy city, churches, chapels, graveyards, burial mounds, estates... Tourists are accommodated in guest houses and entertained with excursions and master classes from old Russian life.

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Ferapontovo village

The village of Ferapontovo in the Vologda region is famous for two key attractions: the Ferapontov Belozersky Monastery and the Museum of Dionysius' Frescoes. However, the village’s place on the list of the most beautiful villages in Russia was secured not by its famous monuments, but by the authentic atmosphere of a Russian village with its wooden huts with carved frames and the picturesque expanses of the Vologda region. In addition to admiring the above-mentioned monuments, tourists are offered hikes in the surrounding area and relaxation on the lake shores. Accommodation - in guest houses and the private sector.

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Nizhmozero village

Nizhmozero - an ancient village of Pomors in Arkhangelsk region, which can only be reached in the summer, by SUV or boat. This is one of the most remote villages from civilization: around only virgin nature endless northern expanses. All buildings in Nizhmozero are wooden, made using the traditional timber frame for these places. Guests of the village admire the picturesque surroundings, go boating on the system of lakes and channels, try traditional cuisine with an abundance of fish dishes and enjoy the ringing silence of the almost uninhabited region. Tourists are ready to be accommodated in two guest houses or provided with a place in a private house.

The other day the most beautiful Russian village. This village of Vyatskoye, Nekrasovsky district Yaroslavl region. It was this village that became the first member of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages of Russia. What the most beautiful village in Russia looks like is in our photo gallery.

To enter the association you must meet several criteria. One of them is that the population of the village should not exceed two thousand people. It is important to preserve the landscape and create new tourist sites. It turned out that in our country so far only Vyatskoe can claim this high status

In the photo: Resurrection Church in the village of Vyatskoye, 2012

“The “Most Beautiful Villages” brand was not invented by us. Back in 1982, an association was created in France, uniting rural settlements with exceptional cultural and natural heritage. Now about two dozen such national associations around the world are united in the Federation of the Most Beautiful Villages on Earth. In 2014, our own association appeared in Russia, and now we are accepting the first participant who meets all our criteria,” the president of the association, Alexander Merzlov, explained to journalists.

He noted that currently about 20 rural villages are applying to join the association. settlements Russia. They are subject to fairly strict criteria: aesthetic, architectural, historical and cultural, presence natural monuments etc. At the same time, it is also necessary that the settlement be residential, and not occupied only by museums, that it be rural, and that all residents agree to participate in the association.

The village of Vyatskoye, Nekrasovsky district, Yaroslavl region, will officially become a member of the association on October 15, when the membership charter will be signed.

As explained CEO historical and cultural complex "Vyatskoye" Larisa Kovalenko, the revival of the village began several years ago. “The village has more than 100 stone houses, two churches of the 18th century. It was a wealthy settlement, the patrimony of Metropolitan Philaret. We wanted to restore it, preserve it in memory of those who lived here before.” Now there are 10 museums in Vyatskoye, employing about 100 local residents“,” said L. Kovalenko.

The village of Vyatskoye, Nekrasovsky district, Yaroslavl region, will officially become a member of the association on October 15, when the membership charter is signed, Interfax reports.

The ancient merchant village of Vyatskoye is located in Nekrasovsky district- one of the most environmentally friendly and historically significant areas of the Yaroslavl region, 30 km from Yaroslavl along the Lyubimskaya road and 300 km from Moscow. Interesting story these places are profitable geographical location, the richest Natural resources make this region an attractive area for tourists. Amazing beauty the nature of the Central Russian plain with a web of rivers and lakes (there are 38 of the latter), with open spaces pleasing the eye at any time of the year, with a mild climate - all this contributes to the fact that exploring these places is equally interesting in winter and summer.

The village of Vyatskoye is an urban complex of the 18th-19th centuries with more than 50 registered architectural monuments, former merchant and peasant houses, tea and tavern establishments, and almshouses.

The basis of historical cultural heritage Vyatsky is primarily the planning structure of the village, almost entirely related to XVIII century. To date, more than 30 cultural and historical heritage monuments have been restored in the village and filled with new functional purposes. The village has three hotels, a restaurant, a cinema and concert hall and ten museums, including the Museum of Russian Entrepreneurship, the Museum of the Vyatka Trading Peasant - Gorokhov’s House, the Polytechnic Museum Amazing world mechanisms and machines,” the Museum of Kitchen Equipment, the “Black Bathhouse” museum and the Museum of Russian Amusements, according to the association’s website.

Cultural guides

Five most attractive villages in Russia

The Russian cultural heritage portal “Culture.RF” and the Perspektiva Foundation have developed a guide to rural tourism as part of the all-Russian campaign of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation #vacationinRussia. Into a tourist guide designed to increase popularity rural tourism, entered tempting and unexpected routes.

1. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE. Vyatskoye (Yaroslavl region)

This Russian outback was in caring and loving hands. The village has not only its own website (no one will be surprised by this), but also a map of attractions, the ability to online book huts and even its own press center.

The ancient merchant village of Vyatskoye is located in the Nekrasovsky district - one of the most environmentally friendly and historically significant areas of the Yaroslavl region. You can easily get here by car from Yaroslavl, the journey will take less than an hour. What is special about Vyatsky and why was it recognized as one of the most beautiful villages in the country?

The village of Vyatskoye is a unique urban complex of the 18th–19th centuries with more than 50 registered architectural monuments, former merchant and peasant houses, tea and tavern establishments, and almshouses. There are 10 museums on its territory.

The festival “Province is the Soul of Russia” is held in Vyatskoye. During the festival, young musicians, artists, and sculptors come here.

In 2015, at the Intermuseum festival, the museum community recognized the historical and cultural complex “Vyatskoye” the best museum year in Russia, awarding the Grand Prix of the international festival.

View of the village from the bell tower of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Photo: krasaderevni.ru/villages/vyatskoe

Black bathhouses on the banks of the Ukhtomka River. Photo: krasaderevni.ru/villages/vyatskoe

Church of the Resurrection of Christ in autumn. Photo: krasaderevni.ru/villages/vyatskoe

2. THE MOST HISTORICAL AREA. Uvek ( Saratov region)

Few people know that in the Saratov region you can find objects from all historical eras: from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. These unique monuments make the region one of the richest in cultural and historical terms in the entire Eurasian space. One of the main attractions of the region is now the outskirts of Saratov, in which, since the 8th century AD, there has been the largest urban center of the Golden Horde - Ukek.

Today the festival of historical reconstruction “One Day in the Life” is being held here medieval city" In 2016, the event will take place from September 2 to 4. Guests will see the work of medieval artisans, take part in master classes on birch bark weaving, and try their hand at archery and belt wrestling.

The historical site will feature several main locations: “Emir’s Headquarters”, “Russian Quarter”, “European Embassy”, “Bazaar”. In each of them the past of the Golden Horde will be recreated.

Village Uvek (Saratov region). One day in the life of a medieval city. Photo: ukekfest.ru/gallery

Village Uvek (Saratov region). One day in the life of a medieval city. Photo: ukekfest.ru/gallery

3. THE HAPPIEST VILLAGE. Esso ( Kamchatka Krai)

Getting here is not so easy. The village of Esso is located 600 kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, on the very border of the tundra.

Numerous thermal springs They turned a simple village into a geothermal resort. They also feed the year-round pool on the main square. Locals say that Esso can lay claim to the title of "The Happiest Village".

After all, there are no such coniferous forests as in Esso anywhere else in Kamchatka, and the Ichinsky volcano (3621 m) is the second largest (after Klyuchevskaya Sopka) from active volcanoes Eurasia. Hot springs heat houses and greenhouses in which cucumbers, tomatoes and even grapes grow! The climate in Esso is sharply continental, so in summer Esso is the warmest place in Kamchatka, and in winter the thermometer needle here can drop to −47 °C!

Festivals are held in Esso every year. The main event is held on the last Sunday of February: on this day the Beringia, an extreme sled dog race, starts.

The village of Esso (Kamchatka Territory). Photo: kamchatkatravel.net/special/esso-selo.html

The village of Esso (Kamchatka Territory). Photo: strana.ru/places/37245

4. THE OLDEST VILLAGE. Varzuga (Murmansk region)

Varzuga is located just 20 kilometers from White Sea and is considered one of the oldest villages on the Kola Peninsula. She is almost 600 years old. Besides its age, its main attraction is the wooden tented Assumption Church. The temple was erected in 1674 without a single nail.

And here, every spring, Atlantic salmon rises up the river - this used to be the main fishery of the villagers. Today, the movement of fish attracts more and more more tourists. Someone is coming to see unique phenomenon nature, and some go fishing - along the Varzuga River of the same name, camps for fishing tourists stretch for hundreds of kilometers.

The village of Varzuga (Murmansk region). Photo: v-varzugu.ru

More than 40 small settlements are members of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages of Russia. The selection criteria are strict: these must be “living” villages (that is, not museums, but those in which people actually live) numbering up to 2,000 people, ensuring the preservation of the historical appearance of their buildings and being surrounded by an interesting landscape.

Association experts also consider it important to have authentic wooden sidewalks in combination with good road infrastructure in the village so that it is accessible to tourists.

1. Vyatskoye: An ancient merchant village

If you want to see a real merchant village, go to Vyatskoye. One and a half thousand people live here permanently, and all of them are simply in love with their village. It has perfectly preserved ancient buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries, including a hotel, restaurant, and trading shop.

Anastasia Stepanova / Museumfest.ru

In addition, there are unique museums of everyday life, where you can see very rare objects. For example, the “Museum of Kitchen Equipment” displays egg cookers and toasters that were used back in the Russian Empire, and the “Sounds of Time” museum contains antique barrel organs and gramophones.

Anastasia Stepanova / Museumfest.ru

How to get there: from Yaroslavl by bus No. 123 (from the Cosmos shopping center). Travel time is 40 minutes.

2. Totma: City of Russian-American Friendship

Valentina Pevtsova/TASS

Medieval Totma is located in very picturesque place, on the banks of the river of the same name. There is a legend that when Peter I came here for the first time, he said: “It’s not a city, it’s darkness,” and that’s where the name comes from. And today with It's worth coming here to see churches in the "Totem Baroque" style, as they are called: tall white temples decorated with lace ornaments.

Konstantin Kokoshkin/Global Look Press

Every year on July 26th Small town ok Totma celebrates Russian America Day at the same time as Fort Ross in Northern California. It would seem, what is the connection between these places? It turns out that Fort Ross was founded by a native of Totma, Ivan Kuskov, who in 1808 led a sea voyage to the shores of Western America. In 1990, the house where pieces were held recent months of his life, became a branch museum complex, which houses documents and items related to California intelligence. Today, residents of Totma and Fort Ross have a tradition of jointly ringing bells in the churches of Totma and Fort Ross, which is broadcast via video link.

How to get there: From Vologda by any bus towards Veliky Ustyug. Travel time is 4 hours.

3. Kimzha: Arctic village of the 16th century

It’s hard to imagine, but the Russian Arctic was inhabited 400 years ago. The Old Believer village of Kimzha in the Arkhangelsk region is a clear confirmation of this. Here every house is a treasure trove for a historian and a monument to northern wooden architecture. Almost all the houses in the village are over a hundred years old - and families still live in them.

Tourist information center of the Arkhangelsk region

In the village you can see not only residential buildings, but also the northernmost wooden mills in the world.

Tourist information center of the Arkhangelsk region

How to get there: from Arkhangelsk by car along the Arkhangelsk-Belogorsky-Pinega-Kimzha road. Distance - 350 km.

4. Oshevensky Pogost: Wooden churches of the 18th century

Pavel Kononov/Sputnik

In the Arkhangelsk region, many wooden churches have been preserved, but many of them are not in the best condition. It’s worth coming to Oshevensk to see northern wooden architecture with your own eyes. Particularly worth paying attention to is the Church of the Epiphany from 1787, one of the largest surviving wooden churches in Russia.

Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

Here you can also see old wooden houses. The village is small - only 70 people live here permanently, but tourists are always welcome in Oshevensk. Guests are told about local customs, show a real Russian bathhouse “black-style”, and also teach traditional crafts.

Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

How to get there: from Arkhangelsk you first need to get to the city of Kargopol by bus No. 521 (travel time 8 hours), and then by bus to Oshevensk (travel time 1 hour).

5. Kinerma: Traditional Karelian village

Ilya Timin/Sputnik

Residents of Kinerma have still preserved their traditional way of life: they engage in agriculture, Karelian crafts - and are happy to share their knowledge with guests, and they also teach how to cook Karelian dishes.

Ilya Timin/Sputnik

In the village itself you can see a wooden chapel from the 18th century with a preserved iconostasis, as well as residential buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries, which are already recognized as architectural monuments.

How to get there: from the Petrozavodsk bus station to regular bus towards Savinovo. Travel time is 2.5 hours.

6. Bolshoi Kunaley: Old Believer village in Buryatia


Buryatia is a region where mostly Buddhists live, but not far from Ulan-Ude there are old village Old Believers. It was founded by the first 200 settlers in 1765, and to this day the descendants, more than a thousand of them, have preserved the rural way of life.


The wooden houses of the local residents are especially impressive: bright, decorated with contrasting carved frames and unusual ornaments. You won't pass by!

How to get there: from the Ulan-Ude bus station by regular bus. Travel time is 2.5 hours.

7. Staraya Ladoga: The ancient capital of Northern Rus'

This is not only one of the most beautiful villages in Russia, but also one of the oldest! It was founded in the middle of the 8th century, and a stone fortress from the 9th century, as well as the St. George Church and the Assumption Cathedral from the mid-12th century have survived to this day.

Alexey Danichev/Sputnik

It is believed that in ancient times Staraya Ladoga was the capital of Rus'. According to legend, Prince Oleg the Prophet, who reigned at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries, is buried here, on the largest hill. Whether this is true or not is not known for certain, but you will definitely enjoy the picturesque views of Staraya Ladoga.

Ruslan Shamukov/TASS

How to get there: from St. Petersburg to the city of Volkhov by train (2.5 hours), then by bus No. 23.


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