Estates and museums of fairy-tale heroes. The best fairy tale museums for your children. Sculpture "White Rabbit"

Amazing and fabulous place It is necessary to visit every parent who comes to the capital with their child. And if you are a resident of Moscow and have not yet visited the Buratino-Pinocchio Museum, then this is completely unforgivable. Here you can immerse yourself in the amazing, fantastic world of this well-known story.

Visiting Buratino

Arriving at the Pinocchio-Pinocchio Museum, you can wander around amazing world, where these heroes lived, or book excursions. They are themed here, for every taste - “Papa Carlo and his dolls”, “Pinocchio and Malvina meet friends”.

With the help of the museum staff, you will actually visit the country of Buratinia. Few people will refuse such an offer. You can stroll along the narrow Italian street where the now famous carpenter Papa Carlo lives in his closet. Be sure to visit him. Or try to find the treasured golden key on your own in the pond where Tortilla the turtle lives.

The children will be told in detail about Pinocchio, the ancestor of Pinocchio, who was invented by the Italian storyteller Carlo Collodi in 1883. And also about its Russian counterpart Buratino, which Alexei Tolstoy wrote about in 1936.

It is surprising for both children and adults that it was not only in Russia that storytellers imitated Collodi. There are similar plots, for example, in German fairy-tale literature - this is Otto Bierbaum's Zepfel Kern. You can learn this and much more about your favorite childhood heroes if you come to the Pinocchio-Pinocchio Museum.

Pinocchio and his friends

Together with his friends, the main character of the fairy tale is ready to conduct various excursions for visitors.

In the new museum program, children will be able to meet the beautiful Malvina, who will teach the restless Pinocchio and all the children who come to visit him the basic rules of etiquette. For example, how to behave at the table, in the theater, at a party, how to communicate politely with each other. So this excursion will be not only interesting, but also educational.

The main thing that is advised to everyone who decides to visit the Buratino-Pinocchio House-Museum is to carefully read the fairy tale again in advance. Then it will be even more interesting and fun.

How to get there?

The Buratino-Pinocchio Museum is located in Moscow. To get there, the easiest way is to take the metro, the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line. You will need to get off at Izmailovskaya station. This is between "Pervomaiskaya" and "Partizanskaya".

It’s not difficult to find the Buratino-Pinocchio Museum. 2nd Parkovaya Street, building 18. If you are coming from the center, then it is best to get off from the last car. This way you will immediately find yourself on 2nd Parkovaya Street. You can walk to the museum from the metro. It will take no more than 5-7 minutes walking.

The museum is open every day, seven days a week. Opens at 10 am and is open until half past five in the evening. You need to visit it by appointment, so be sure to inform us about your visit in advance. Also, one more nuance - you need to have replacement shoes to visit the Pinocchio-Pinocchio Museum. After all, you will go directly to visit fairy-tale characters, and when visiting, it is customary to take off your shoes. Well, or wear clean shoes.

The ticket price will be 600 rubles. If the visit is collective, for example, a whole class, starting from 15 people, came to visit Malvina, then they will be given a 10 percent discount.

Also, children from large families will pay 100 rubles less, even if they come for an individual excursion.

There is good news for organizers of visiting children from boarding schools. They won't have to pay for a ticket at all.


What is the name of the boy who had to live out the word “eternity” from pieces of ice?
(Kai. G. H. Andersen. The Snow Queen)
Who are Bosse and Bethan, in which book do we meet them?
(Brother and sister of the Kid from the book by A. Lindgren “The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof”)
What name sounded in the song called by the bells of the magic pot in H. C. Andersen's fairy tale "The Swineherd"?
("Ah, my dear, Augustine, Augustine, Augustine...")
What is the name of the girl who asked Lewis Carroll to write a fairy tale with “more nonsense”?
Name two friends, heroes of V. Dragunsky’s stories.
(Misha and Deniska)
What was the name of the wizard who carried two umbrellas with him: one colorful and elegant, and the second - ordinary, black?
(Ole-Lukoje from the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen)
In the title of which fairy tale by A. Lindgren the boy's name is repeated twice?
("Mao, my Mio")
Name the two restless brothers from A. Gaidar’s story.
(Chuk and Gek)
The name of this boy is included in the title of N. Nosov’s story, which ends with the words: “...weeding out weeds is not a difficult task at all. Much easier than cooking porridge!”
("Mishkina porridge")
What are the names of Pippi Longstocking's closest friends?
(Tommy and Aniika)
Remember Pippi's full name.
Who is Yalo and in what fairy tale do we meet her?
(Olya is the heroine of V. Gubarev’s fairy tale “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”)
What is the name of the evil sister of the good doctor Aibolit from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky?
What are the names of Ivan’s older brothers from P. P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?
(Danila and Gavrilo)
Mark Twain and A. Gaidar's heroes have the same names. How?
Name Ruslan's three rivals from A. S. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila."
(Rogdai, Ratmir, Farlaf)
What is the name of the poet in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”?
What is the name of the heroine of V. Kataev’s fairy tale “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”?
What were the names of the heroes who were not brothers, but were surprisingly similar?
(Tom Canty and Edward, Prince of Wales - heroes of M. Twain's story "The Prince and the Pauper")
What was the name of the boy who, thanks to the magic hemp seed, always answered the given lesson perfectly, although he was not taught?
(Alyosha in Antony Pogorelsky’s fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”)
What was the name of the boy who was friends with the bell boys, who met with the hammer men and Princess Spring?
(Misha in V. Odoevsky’s fairy tale “Town in a Snuffbox”)
In which two works by A. S. Pushkin the heroines have the same name - Lisa?
("Queen of Spades", "Peasant Young Lady")
What is the name of the heroine arguing:
"...I won't eat, I won't listen, I'll die among your gardens!" I thought and began to eat...
(Lyudmila in A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)
In which works by A. S. Pushkin the heroines are called Maria, Masha?
("Dubrovsky", "Blizzard", "Shot", "Poltava", "Bakhchisarai Fountain", "The Captain's Daughter")
What is the name of nanny Tatyana Larina’s husband?
("My Vanya was younger than me, my light...")
What are the names of the heroes of the fairy tale who, together with Professor Enotov, made a journey into the world of plants and insects, which they saw as if through a magnifying glass?
(Karik and Valya. Ya. Larry. The extraordinary adventures of Karik and Valya)
What is the full name of the hero of the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin - Gwi-don.
(Prince Guidon Saltanovich)
What was the name of Dad's friend Carlo, the carpenter who brought him the log from which he carved Pinocchio?
The Louvre, thanks to its three most famous artistic monuments, is called the museum of three women. Say their names.
(Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Venus de Milo, Nike of Samothrace)
Which Pushkin heroine is the dress style named after?
(Tatyana - "Tatyanka")
During Christmas fortune-telling for the name of her betrothed in A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin,” Tatyana Larina dreams of hearing the desired name “Eugene,” but... What name does she hear?
One of the months of the year is named after the goddess of the earth, the mother of Hermes. Which?
(Maya, hence “May”)
What Russian female name does the wooden toy, invented by the artist Malyutin, bear?
(Matryona - "matryoshka")
Which banknote with the image of the empress began to bear her name?
(The image of Catherine II was on the hundred-ruble banknote; it was called “Katenka”)
In Hebrew this name means “Merciful”, “grace”. That was the name... of Austria,... Ioannovna.
What was the name of the heroine of the famous play by A. N. Ostrovsky, whose name means “seagull” in ancient Greek?
(Larissa is the heroine of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “Dowry”)
“Pure” - in Greek, and in Russia it is also Great. Who is she?
“Blooming” - in Greek, and in Russia - a cartoon heroine, a friend of the girl Vera (based on a fairy tale by E. Uspensky). Who is this?


Leading: Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in small house For many years there lived a tall, gray-haired man whom all the children in the country knew. It was he who came up with many fairy-tale heroes: Muhu-Tsokotuhu, Barmaleya, Moidodyra. The name of this wonderful man was Korney Chukovsky. On April 1, 2007, if he had lived, he would have turned 125 years old. Korney Chukovsky is the literary pseudonym of the writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov. He got up very early, as soon as the sun rose, and immediately got to work. In spring and summer I dug in the garden or in the flower garden in front of the house, in winter I cleared the paths from the snow that had fallen overnight. After working for several hours, he went for a walk. He walked surprisingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started racing with the kids he met while walking. It was to these kids that he dedicated his book “From Two to Five.” Scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, K. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children. From an early age, his poems bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents and grandparents could not imagine their childhood without the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky! Today we will commit with you unusual journey, we will meet the heroes of Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tales.


Remember what words the line ends with and name the fairy tale:

He treats little children, Heals birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses... ( Aibolit) (“Aibolit”)

Suddenly from the gateway - a terrible giant, red-haired and mustachioed... ( cockroach) (“Cockroach”)

I am the Great Washbasin Famous... ( Moidodyr) The commander of the washbasins and the commander of the washcloths. (“Moidodyr”)

The pigs meowed - meow - meow, Kitties... ( grunted oink- oink) ("Confusion")

In Africa there is a robber, In Africa there is a villain, In Africa there is a terrible... (Barmaley) ("Barmaley")

People are having fun - Fly is marrying a dashing, daring young man... ( mosquito) (“Fly - Tsokotukha”)

The sun was walking across the sky and ran behind a cloud. The bunny looked out the window, It became a bunny... ( dark). ("Stolen Sun")

No no! The nightingale does not sing for pigs! You better call... ( crow) ("Telephone")

And the dishes go forward and forward across the fields, through the swamps. And the kettle said to the iron - I have to go... ( Not Can). (“Fedorino’s grief”)

Only suddenly, from behind a bush, from behind a blue forest, it flies from distant fields... ( sparrow) (“Cockroach”)

And behind him the people are singing and yelling: “He’s such a freak!” What a nose, what a mouth! And where does this come from... ( monster). ("Crocodile")

And I don’t need either marmalade or chocolate, But only small ones, Yes, very small ones... ( children) ("Barmaley")


Which characters do these fairy-tale names belong to?

Aibolit - (doctor)

Barmaley - (robber)

Fedora - (grandmother)

Karakula - (shark)

Moydodyr - (washbasin)

Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles)

Tsokotuha - (fly)

Barabek- (glutton)

Red-haired, mustachioed giant - (cockroach)


In what work did the dishes re-educate their owner? Fedorino grief")

Name a fairy tale in which a terrible crime occurs - an attempted murder? (“Fly - Tsokotukha”).

Which hero was a terrible villain and then reformed? Barmaley»)

What was the name of the boy who defeated the Crocodile? (Vanya Vasilchikov)

In which fairy tale is the sparrow glorified? cockroach»)

Name a fairy tale whose main idea can be expressed in the words: “Cleanliness is the key to health!” Moidodyr», « Fedorino grief")

What did the animals ask for in the poem - fairy tale “Telephone”: (Elephant - chocolate, Gazelles - carousels, Monkeys - books, Crocodile - galoshes)

On whom did Aibolit and his friends travel to Africa? (Wolves, whale, eagles)

What “horned beast” were the tailors afraid of in the poem “The Brave Men”? (Snail)

In which fairy tales is the crocodile the hero? ("Confusion", "cockroach», « Moidodyr", "Telephone", "Barmaley", "Stolen Sun", "Crocodile")


I have different things in my basket (bag). Someone lost them. Help find their owner, remember the fairy tale and the lines that talk about this item.

Telephone (U me rang telephone)

balloon (We drove bears on bicycle, A for him mosquitoes on balloon)

Soap (Here And soap jumped)

Saucer (A for them saucers)

Galosh (Send me a dozen new galoshes)

Thermometer ( And sets them a thermometer)

Sieve (The sieve jumps across the fields)

Gloves ( And then they called bunnies : “Can you send me some gloves?”)

Coin (The fly walked across the field, the fly found the money)

Chocolate ( And he gives everyone chocolate in order)

Collar ( The crocodile looked back with the collar and Barbosa swallowed it, swallowed it)

Washcloth ( And the washcloth is like a jackdaw, as if he swallowed a jackdaw)


(Address to the portrait)

Tall, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging on his forehead, laughing eyes and an amazing easy gait. This is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. He was distinguished by great hard work. “Always,” he wrote, “no matter where I was: on the tram, in the line for bread, in the dentist’s waiting room, I wrote riddles for children so as not to waste time.”

- GuessriddlesK. Chukovsky(children make a wish)

Wonderful house. Was White House, Wonderful house, And something knocked in it. And it crashed, and a living miracle ran out from there - So warm, so fluffy and golden. ( Egg And chick)

Wonderful cave. Red doors in my cave, White animals sit at the doors. I gladly give both meat and bread - all my spoils - to the white beasts! ( Mouth And teeth)

Beware! Oh, don’t touch me: I’ll burn you even without fire! They carry me along the water. (Nettle)

A wonderful locomotive. A steam locomotive without wheels! What a miracle locomotive! Has he gone crazy - he walked straight across the sea! ( Steamboat)

The sage saw a sage in him,

A fool is a fool, a ram is a ram,

The sheep saw him as a sheep,

And a monkey - a monkey.

But they brought him to him

Fedya Baratova,

And Fedya saw the shaggy slob.


Wonderful horses.

I have two horses, two horses,

And the water is hard

Like stone!

(Skates and ice)

Toothy mystery

I walk - I wander not through the forests,

And by the mustache, by the hair,

And my teeth are longer,

Than wolves and bears.



Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the action he committed.

Set the sea on fire

swallowed the sun


I washed my dishes!

Returned the sun to the sky.

Put out the sea

Saved Mukha - Tsokotukha.

Ate a cockroach

Cured the animals

K. Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this. His little son fell ill. K. Chukovsky took him on the train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to compose him a fairy tale: Once upon a time there was a crocodile, He walked the streets.

The boy suddenly became quiet and began to listen. K. Chukovsky's fairy tales help all children navigate the world around them and make them feel like a fearless participant in imaginary battles for justice, for goodness and freedom. The poems of K. Chukovsky cultivate the ability to empathize, sympathize, and rejoice. Let us all rejoice together and watch a dramatization of excerpts from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

We will encounter the works of K.I. Chukovsky many more times. In high school you will meet Chukovsky the translator. He translated from English “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”, “The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Poor Prince”, “Rikki - Tiki - Tavi” and other books.

Irakli Andronikov wrote that “Chukovsky has inexhaustible talent, smart, brilliant, cheerful, festive. Never part with such a writer for the rest of your life.”



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