Where is the village located in Russia. Five most attractive villages in Russia. Russian villages are dying out

There are so many village names that can be found throughout the vastness of Rus' - from the poetic and sublime, like Pospelovo, Voznesensky or Krasavino, to the amusing, ridiculous and even incidental: Durnovo and Khrenovo, Snova Zdorovo and Popki, Bald Balda and Kozyavkino.

However, don't be so quick to laugh. If something in Rus' seems funny to you, it means you simply don’t know something.

There were a great many principles by which villages and villages were named in Russia. For example, the names could be preserved as the names of administrative units.

The centers of the boyars' possessions were called the Great or Great Court, a fortified settlement was called a town, a village with a church and a cemetery was called a graveyard. The village, which began with a single yard, was called Pochinok, and the inhabitants of the village of Slobodki or Sloboda were once exempt from taxes. The settlements Stan, Stanovaya, Stanovishte received their names from the camps that were set up on the roads - princes or their governors stopped there to collect taxes.


The basic principle by which the Russians named their settlements was the name after the place on which the village stood. It could be named after a river or lake, or according to some special sign: Vysoka Gorka, Bolshoi Kamen, Zalesovo, Zaplivino, Bolshoy Lug, Istok.

The village of Pazukha near Veliky Ustyug got its name from the word “bosom”, which meant “backwater, bay”; the village of Porog stood near a stone ridge. The names of the villages Prislon and Prislo come from the noun prislon, which meant “mountainous river bank,” that is, the villages stood on the bank, on a hill.

The name Bear's Vzvoz says not only that bears lived in the forests near the village, but also that it stands on a steep slope - on the "vzvoz"

The village of Babka near Voronezh, according to one version, received its name from the pelicans that lived here, which in Rus' were called bird women, and according to another, near the village there are many women - stone idols.

No one fried anyone in Zharenny Bugr; the word “Fried” came into the name from the Turkic language, in which “jar” meant “steep, steep bank.” And the village of Suchkino received its name from the uprooted arable land, which was previously called sukami.

The village of Istopnaya stood on a river flowing from a swamp, “swamp”; In ancient times, the name of the village of Isada meant a place of landing, loading, and a pier. The name of the village of Ryzhesidenie comes from “seat” - a piece of land that the settler cultivated.

By nickname

Villages in Rus' were called by the name common among the inhabitants, for example, Petrovo, Ivanovo, Yudino - the latter comes from the modified Christian name Judas.

Villages were named after the first or last name of their founder-first settler, for example, the village of Elakino in the Veliko-Ustyug region received its name from the family nickname of the pioneers Sava and Karp, who were called “Elakinsky” (“Arctic fox books of the Russian North”). The names of the villages Klepik and Klepikovskaya come from the nickname Klepik, Klyapa, which in Rus' was used to call crooked, stooped people.

Kurilovo received its name from the nickname of the founder of the village Kurilo, which meant “drunkard, reveler.” The name of the village of Pestovo goes back to the old Russian nickname Pest, which meant a stupid, stubborn person.” And the villages of Suslovka, Susolovka, Susol were named after Susol, who received his nickname from the verb “susolit”, that is, “drink”, “suck”. Bolshaya Rudnitsa came from the name Ruda, which is no longer used, Kiev - from Kiya, and Makhnovo from the abbreviated name Matvey (N.V. Anisimova “What the names of our places say”).

Zagoskino took its name from the nickname Zagoska - cuckoo, and Ratchino - from the name Ratch, Ratibor, Porkhovka - from the name Porkh, and Shilovo - from the nickname Shil.

By occupation

This is the most understandable principle of the name of the village - blacksmiths lived in Kuznetsovo, cattlemen lived in Velyatino or Velyacheye, leather was tanned in Kozhino, rocker arms were bent in Koromyslovo, and vats for kvass and beer were made in Doshchanovo (doschan - vat), harnesses were made in Khomutovo, Grammateevo was inhabited by literate people, the village of Khrenovo was famous for its fields of horseradish, in which local peasants specialized, and in Dobrye Pchely they were engaged in beekeeping.

By the names of animals and trees

The village could have been named after the animals for which the surrounding thickets were famous. For example, Lisya Gorka, Badgers, Komarovo, Gusevo, Zhuravlikha, Teterki, Kuliki, Vydrino, Shatunovo, Polozovo.

Or by the species of trees and shrubs that grew nearby - Sosnovka, Liptsy, Dubovaya, Dubye, Veresovka, Lozovitsy.

The village of Durnikha in the Moscow region is named after the old name for blueberries - this berry was called durnika, and the locals collected it in large quantities in the summer. The village of Cheremsha was famous for its wild garlic, and in Cheremukhono there were a lot of bird cherry trees. The forests near Myasnoy Bor in the Novgorod region were rich in living creatures and game.

On church holidays

Villages and villages with such names were spread throughout Russia and Siberia: Arkhangelskoye, Uspenka, Postnoye, Vosrkesenka, Nikolskoye, Bogorodskoye, Troitskoye. Sometimes there are also pagan names, for example, Staroperunovo and Novoperunovo.

Adapted titles

In some places, the Turkic names of villages were changed into Russian, and now one can only guess what this name meant before. For example, the name of the Transbaikal village of Khokhotuy may have previously sounded in Buryat as Khogotuy or Khogotoy, which meant birch forest, or Khokhutuy, that is, tract, road.

IN Volgograd region there is the village of Tsatsa, the name of which most likely goes back to the Kolmyk name of a Buddhist chapel. And the village of Baldeika in Udmurtia is named after the Tatar word “buldy”, which means “successful completion of a task”

In honor of the events

Some villages are named after some event, often anecdotal. For example, Pancake Heaps in the Smolensk region received their name from the pancakes with which village residents greeted Empress Catherine II. And Again Zdorovo got its name from two landowners who always said hello in one place. The village of Trakhoneevo was named after the Byzantine family of Trakhaneots, whose representatives were present at the wedding of Sophia Paleolog and Ivan III. And the Posolkoye village in Buryatia is named after the ambassadors who were killed by nomads in this place.

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Each of us has our own ideas about what a village and a village holiday are. However, such settlements around the world vary greatly, and at the same time they have something in common: clean air, a small number of inhabitants and a small cozy space.

website I have made a selection of 17 unusual and amazing villages that will win your heart and become the highlight of any trip.

1. Hallstatt, Austria

(Hallstatt, Austria)

Bright, like toy houses, nestled in several tiers on the mountainside, an azure lake with swimming swans, the Alps, which are reflected in the mirror-like surface of the water - all this gives the impression of a fairy tale come to life.

The population of Hallstatt does not exceed 1,000 people. And the location is unique: on a narrow strip of land between the majestic Alpine mountains and Lake Hallstattersee.

2. Simian-la-Rotonde, Provence, France

(Simiane-La-Rotonde Village in Provence, France)

Azure sky, lavender fields, alpine mountains, Mediterranean cuisine and the charm of Provence - what else is needed to relax your soul? One of the attractions of this place is Agoult Castle (Château des Agoult), built in the 12th century. The 12-sided pyramidal rotunda in the castle gave its name to the town. Summer festivals of ancient music are held there.

3. Rainbow Village, Taichung, Taiwan

(Rainbow Village, Taichung, Taiwan)

On one of the outskirts of the city of Taichung there was a military settlement, which over time was almost abandoned by all its inhabitants. The authorities decided to demolish the houses, and the 86-year-old war veteran, in order to save his yard from demolition, painted the walls of the houses with various characters and patterns. Today it is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Taiwan.

4. Marsaxlokk, Malta

(Marsaxlokk, Malta)

Marsaxlokk is a picturesque fishing village in Malta. There are no storms in the harbor, so the yellow sandstone houses are located close to the water, leaving only a strip for the roadway and pedestrian embankment. The population of Marsaxlokk is only about 3,000 people. Most men are engaged fishing just like their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers did in their time.

5. Floating Islands of Uros, Bolivia and Peru

(Floating Islands of Lake Titicac, Bolivia, Perú)

On the border of Peru and Bolivia on Lake Titicaca lives the Uru tribe, which inhabits 42 floating islands on the lake. These islands are built by the uru themselves from reeds. From the same material, residents make boats on which they go for fish. Despite the remoteness from civilization, solar panels can be seen on the reed islands, which allow local residents to watch TV.

6. Alberobello, Italy

(Alberobello, Italy)

Alberobello is famous for its complex of 1,400 trulli houses, recognized by UNESCO as part of the historical and humanitarian heritage. Trulli - limestone residential peasant houses - are unique examples of buildings with dry masonry walls (without mortar). They take their name from the Latin word trulla, which means dome.

7. Monsanto, Portugal

(Monsanto, Portugal)

The small village of Monsanto bears the proud title of “the most Portuguese village in Portugal.” The local saying, “In Monsanto, you never know whether a house is made of stone or a house made of stone,” very accurately reflects the uniqueness of local architecture. Boulders serve as walls and roofs of some houses.

Small houses with red tiled roofs are hidden under huge granite boulders, and the narrow streets seem to have been carved out of stone by a giant.

8. Uchisar, Türkiye

(Uchisar, Turkey)

Uchisar is one of the most densely populated villages in the region. Most of the population, of course, lives in a modern village built near the famous rocks, but there are also living quarters in the rocks themselves.

It is a one-of-a-kind rock settlement with white tuff towers and spiers centered around a central peak. From the top of the rock there is a magnificent view of the entire valley.

9. Longji Rice Terraces, China

(Longji Rice Terraces, Chinese)

The rice terraces in Longji are considered one of the most beautiful in China. Popularly called the Dragon Ridge Terraces, they are located around the picturesque village of Ping An. The terraces are the fruit of many years of work; they have existed almost since the 12th century and were built on the slope of mountains up to 1,100 meters high. The peasants who built them cared about their survival in mountainous areas, and this was their only opportunity to feed their family.

10. Pariangan, Indonesia

(Pariangan, Indonesia)

The active volcano Merapi, which towers over this village in West Sumatra, is one of the country's main natural assets. Pariangan is considered the oldest village of the Minangkabau people, so an inquisitive tourist will be able to learn a lot about the culture and customs of the indigenous population.

There are charming gabled traditional houses, including a 300-year-old structure with rattan walls, and a beautiful 19th-century mosque.

11. Cua Van, Vietnam

(Fishing Village Cua Van, Vietnam)

Cua Van is a picturesque fishing village in Halong Bay. This is one of the largest floating fishing villages, located right on the water surface. You can get there by rowing boats and see local residents mining all kinds of gifts South China Sea. Local residents live in colorful raft houses, and the school is also located in one of the floating houses.

12. “Dutch Venice”, Giethoorn, Netherlands

(Giethoorn, the Dutch Venice, Nederland)

Giethoorn is one of the most beautiful villages in the Netherlands, it is also often called the “Dutch Venice”, as it is located on water canals total length about 7.5 km. The settlement was founded back in 1230. To get around the village there is a bicycle path and numerous water channels. The main transport is rowing boats and boats with electric engines. The houses are located on islands and connected wooden bridges(there are more than 50 of them throughout the village).

13. Bibury, UK

(Bibury, England)

Biburi is considered one of the most beautiful, picturesque and oldest villages England - the first mention of it dates back to the 11th century. It seems that time has stopped here - ancient houses, beautiful nature and even public transport does not travel so that nothing disturbs the pristine beauty. Poets and artists, as well as filmmakers, come to the village for inspiration - “Bridget Jones's Diary” and films about Mrs. Marple based on the stories of Agatha Christie were filmed here.

12/28/2015 at 6:56 pm · Johnny · 80 590

Top 10. The most beautiful villages in Russia

For a long time, the Russian village was unreasonably forgotten. During this period, many rural settlements were completely abandoned or disappeared from the face of the earth. Since 2014, an association has appeared, the object of which is the most beautiful villages in Russia. Settlements that meet certain criteria can participate in the competition. The natural landscape, historical value, appearance and population, which should not exceed 2 thousand people, are considered. There are at least 10 villages in Russia that can compete for the status of the most beautiful and culturally interesting.


One of the most beautiful villages in Russia is located in Murmansk region. has a history of almost six hundred years and is a decoration of the Kola Peninsula. In the center of the village is the Assumption Church, which was built at the end of the 17th century without the use of nails. This building is historical and cultural heritage


, which is recognized as a monument of wooden architecture. In addition to its historical value, the village is famous for its tourism activities. Atlantic salmon migrates along the Varzuga River, for which you can catch a permit and have a good rest in the lap of nature. The village has long been chosen by the British for tourism. Locality in can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful villages in Russia. It was once a dying place with few inhabitants. Thanks to the architect Vasily Shchetinin, Nikolo-Lenivets village has turned into a creative gallery in which every wall and fence is handmade from natural materials. This idea was picked up by fellow compatriots and foreign architects. Currently, the village annually hosts a festival called “Arch-Standing”. Picturesque houses fit harmoniously into the original Russian landscape.


The Kamchatka region has a harsh climate, but this does not affect the life of a beautiful and happy Russian village. located in a fertile place where they beat from the ground thermal springs


. They are used for heating houses, as well as for health purposes in the local sanatorium. The village is separated from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky by 600 kilometers. The absence of civilization in the usual sense makes it possible for folk art to develop. Songs and dances can be seen and heard on national and rural holidays. The local Rotary Club solves pressing issues of the settlement and has connections with the same organization in Alaska. In the Vladimir region, 10 kilometers from the city, there is Bogolyubovo village , dating back to the 12th century. Judging by the number of Christian shrines and their architecture, the settlement can be called one of the most beautiful villages in Russia. The foundation for the settlement was laid by the Kiev prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who made this picturesque corner his patrimony. Remnants of the foundation have survived to this day. ancient castle . Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God


It is built on a hill and during the flood period it is surrounded by water. In this village, a boat is not a luxury, but a means of transportation in the spring. This pearl of Russian architecture is located in the Tver region and can truly be recognized as the most beautiful village in Russia. The atmosphere of this settlement takes people back to the pre-Mongol period, when the tops of churches sparkled here and there, and the green meadows were pristinely fresh. The Nativity Church, which was built in the 15th century and is still in operation, is especially beautiful. The Tver principality once claimed primacy in the dispute with the Moscow principality, and then it turned into the periphery of the great state. Its originality is preserved not only in chronicles, but also in.


Lost in the Altai Territory is the settlement in which the famous writer and actor of our time Vasily Shukshin was born.


can confidently be called the most beautiful village in Russia, since it is here that you can see real open spaces covered with meadow grasses and grain crops. The village is considered to be the homeland of the Polovtsy, with whom the Russian princes and their squads fought so bravely. The Shukshin Museum is located in Srostki. Literary readings and even a film festival are held in honor of the famous countryman. The Katun River looks very picturesque, and the houses located on its bank look harmonious. Moscow and the Moscow region are more famous high level life than regions more distant from the center. Zhukovka


has become the most glamorous town in the entire country. Its streets have been turned into neighborhoods with fashionable boutiques, and its houses are replete with expensive and beautiful things. The professional architect Grigoryan worked on the appearance of the village, creating comfortable conditions not only for the local population, but also for fashion brands. Zhukovka became so popular relatively recently, but it is not the most beautiful village in Russia, especially since it is in favor with many wealthy and respected people. Locality Big Kunaley


located in Buryatia on the banks of the Kunaleyka River. The village appeared at the beginning of the 18th century and since then it has continued to exist and live its own life. Its population is just over a thousand people. The amazing houses in Bolshoi Kunaley are all of them, as if by choice, painted red with blue windows and green fences. The appearance of the settlement resembles a cheerful children's fairy tale. Bolshoi Kunaley can lay claim to the title of the most beautiful and unusual village in Russia. And local residents are happy to support the unusual image of their native village. There are a lot of vibrant and original settlements in Buryatia and village Desyatnikovo belongs to this category. All the houses look very exotic because they are painted in bright colors. The surrounding nature is also inimitable: endless expanses, green hills and high blue skies are perfectly combined with the work of human hands. In the category of the most beautiful villages in Russia, the village of Desyatnikovo can take worthy place . Residents preserve not only the appearance of their picturesque place, but folk traditions


and crafts. In 2019 village of Vyatskoye worthy title. Vyatskoye is located in Nekrasovsky district Yaroslavl region. On its territory you can see 10 museums of various types and architectural historical monuments. Locals constantly take part in various competitions and become their winners. Vyatskoye is not only a historical and cultural complex, but also a developing tourist destination region.

    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 14, 2010, there were 1,287 urban-type settlements in Russia. Of these, 206 have a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. No. Urban settlement Region Population, thousand people (2002)… …Wikipedia

    Urban planning of the USSR and Russia Documentation Urban planning code · Land use and development rules · General plan · Planning project · Land surveying project · GPZU ... Wikipedia

    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 9, 2002, there were 181 rural settlements in Russia with a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. Among the largest rural settlements 95 villages, 56 villages, 29 towns and 1... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the 2010 census, among 1,100 cities in Russia, 163 cities had a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants (as well as 2 more in round numbers), falling into the categories of large, large, largest cities and cities of millionaires. At the same time, 1 more... ... Wikipedia

    Urban-type settlement Chervonoye, Ukrainian. Chervone Country UkraineUkraine ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 55°42′ N. w. 36°58′ E. d. / 55.7° n. w. 36.966667° E. d. ... Wikipedia

Unusual names: villages, towns in RUSSIA and received the best answer

Answer from Dmitry Shapovalov[guru]
On the forum of the Radio Mayak website I found the following list:
We publish unusual names Russian cities, towns and villages sent by our listeners.
The city of Slavgorod, Altai region.
City and river Karasuk, Novosibirsk region.
Village Strashevo, Pskov region.
Village of Yakhrenka, Kirov region.
The village of Bambuchki on Sakhalin.
The villages of Baikal and Mars in Bashkiria.
In the Moscow region there are the Besputa and Mutenka rivers.
Nedomerki village, Pskov region.
Near Norilsk there is the Gryaznukha river.
The Vyssa River flows in the Kaluga region.
Dagestan, village of Luxemburg.
Orenburg region, village of Blyavtamak.
The village of Grudishchi near the city of Kostroma.
Oladykha village in Nizhny Novgorod region.
River Ik in Bashkiria.
In Astrakhan there is the Balda River.
In Krasnoyarsk - the village of Chesnoki.
In Chukotka - the village of Chaplino.
In the Magadan region - the city of Gadlya.
Belgorod region - the village of Zhabskoye, Ladomirova, the village of Yamki, Zazhuevka, Khryapino, Salovka, Valuiki.
In Altai there is the village of Aya, its inhabitants are Aychans.
In Stary Oskol there is the Ublya River.
The village of Sinebryukhovo, Arkhangelsk region.
The village of Muzhi in the north of the Tyumen region.
Altai Republic, Choya village.
In the Kemerovo region, the village of Mutnoye.
Moscow region, Klinsky district, Gologuzovo village.
In the Tobolsk region, the village of Barabany.
In the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region there is the Voblya river.
In Chukotka, in the Bilibino region, there is the Keperveem River, which translated means Wolverine River.
In Khakassia there is a small river Parnushka, which flows near the village of Parnoye.
In Ulyanovsk there are the Gushcha and Seld rivers.
Kaluga region, the villages of Korekozevo - Zheltouhi - Sinyavka - Matyukovo - Marmyzhi - Zlovodka - Malaya Bolshakha - Lyubun - Svinukhovo - Chumazovo - Life Waves.
In the Republic of Bashkortostan - the village of Farmers.
In Transbaikalia there are the villages of Ulety and Zaigraevo.
In the Kostroma region - the village of Red Elephant.
In the village of Poputnaya Krasnodar region Bei-Murza–Chekhrak river.
In the Chunsky district there are the villages of Bayanda, Vesely and Vydrino.
In Tatarstan, in the Aznakaevsky district, there is the village of Chemodurovo.
The village of Potnyaki in the Kirov region.
In Altai there are the villages of Polovinkino, Novosklyuikha, Novoperunovo.
In Bashkiria, in the Belebeevsky district, there is the village of Kum-Kosyak.
Not far from the city of Noyabrsk, on Yamal, the Nyudya-Pidya-Yakha stream.
The village of Shchekotikha, Ivanovo region.
In Yakutia, in the Olekminsky district - the village of Biryuk.
In the Volgograd region there is the Raztverdyaevka River in the Shakin farmstead.
In the Stavropol Territory there are the Kuma and Podkumok rivers. And in Kabarda the city of Zalukokoazhe.
Republic of Buryatia - Zabukhai village.
In the Chita region there is the Duralei River.
In Udmurtia, the village of Igra, the village of Baldeika.
In the Altai Territory the villages of Petukhov Log, Bezrukavka, Warsaw.
Perm region, Duraki village.
In the Tver region, the village of Lokhovo (Small and Big).
Village of Khokhotuy, Trans-Baikal Territory.
In the north Omsk region rivers: Shish, Uy, Ibeika, Arkarka.
There is a stream called Ipukik in Kamchatka.
On Sakhalin there is the Khoyambusibin River.
In Bodaibinsky district Irkutsk region- Mama village.
Village of Promokashka, Chelyabinsk region.
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the village of Kozulka.
IN Chelyabinsk region the villages of Ferschampenoise and Paris.
In the Tomsk region there is the Chemondaevka river.
In the Ural outback there is a place called San Donato.
Village Kosoy Byk, Krasnoyarsk region.
In the Samara region there is a village with the cute name Koshki.
In the Omsk region, in the village of Sidelnikovo, the Uy river flows.
Village Bedoba, Krasnoyarsk region.
Pereplyuyka River, Tomsk region, Asino.
Kirov region, Kobeli village, Ezhikha village, Gusi village.
Lakes Krivoe and Khoroshenkoe in the Samara region.
The Pokhabikha River flows into Lake Baikal.
The village of Tebenki in the Kemerovo region.
In the Stavropol Territory there is the Mukha River.
The village of Srakino, Vologda region.
Near Novosibirsk is the village of Mochishche.

Answer from Oksana[guru]
in the Ryaz region there is the village of Nasilovo)

Answer from Unknown[master]
In the Moscow region. Durykino, Rzhavki))

Answer from Lobotomy and Anhedonia[guru]
stone end, pancakes, goats, pikes, Mocha River, Bolshoi Kuyash, river. Uy, Malaya Pyssa, Nizhnie Khachiki, Scrotums, Chern, the village where Galkin lives is called Gryaz (from Gryaz to Riches)) Bayandai, Dudes, Plan, Sinenkie, Verkhnye Shmary, Lokhovo, Vydropuzhsk, Pyankovo, Pedrilovo, Lobok (in company with Scrotum ) Deep, Narrow, Soft, Malaya Purga, Khomutikha, and somewhere the Ublya River flows

Answer from Alexander Nefedov[guru]
Voblya river in the Moscow region and every 2 more names

Answer from Hornadochka[guru]
In the Nizhny Novgorod region there is the village of Vad. If you answer someone that you are going there, you hear "To Hell."

Answer from Roman Kapustin[newbie]
The village of Solovykha and the village of Petropavlovskoye (Petropavlovka)


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