Alpine mountains. Where are the Alps

The Alps are one of the largest mountain systems on Earth. Scientists studied them in detail for many years, and later this information helped in the study of other mountain ranges. Today we will determine the geographical location of the Alpine mountains according to the plan.

The Alps are not the highest and longest in Eurasia. But the Caucasian, being higher, and the Ural, more extended, lie partly on the territory of Asia. Only the Alps are completely located on European soil.

And below we will determine the geographical location of the Alpine mountains. In the 6th grade, this topic is discussed according to the school curriculum, but many of us, as the years pass, forget the knowledge gained. But first, let's discuss what we know about the Alps today.

general information

Supposedly the white peaks of the mountains, shrouded in fog, get their name from the Latin word albus, meaning "white".

The approximate age of the mountain system is from 23 to 34 million years. During this period, it was formed mountain range as a result of the collision of tectonic plates. Most ancient part his are Dolomites, which are part of the Southern Limestone Alps system. This system is located in northeastern Italy.

The relief of the Alps is incredibly diverse and is represented by hills, mountains, hills, plains and lowlands. Despite the height and width of the Alps, climbing them is not problematic. Tectonic and erosional dissection of the mountain system has created many convenient passages and passes.

Today this mountain range incredibly popular with tourists.

Let's determine the geographical location of the Alpine mountains

Since the middle of the last century, the Alps have been studied in great detail by scientists European countries. It was on their example that other mountain systems in Europe were later explored, and their cover structure was first noticed. The Alps provided extensive information for the development of geography and related sciences. Well-known terms like “alpine folding”, “alpine meadow”, “mountain climbing” indicate this fact.

The Alps are considered the highest and longest mountain system, which lies entirely in Western Europe. They are located on the territory of a number of countries, so we often hear about French, Italian, Swiss Alps. But such a political division is inappropriate, since the territorial affiliation of one or another part of the Alps does not always correspond to their natural features. Now let’s determine the geographical location of the Alpine mountains.

They begin off the coast of the Ligurian Sea (which is part of the Mediterranean) with the system of the Maritime Alps, which border the Italian ridge - the Apennines.

In a geography lesson, determining the geographical location of the Alpine mountains is not difficult. This is how they look on the map.

The mountains are divided into Western and Eastern (lower). The most high point Western Alps - Mont Blanc with a height of 4808 m, information about which is provided below. The Eastern Alps are wider, but their highest point is only 4049 m.

They stretch from the shores of the Mediterranean to the Central Danube Plain, which is located in the basin of the middle Danube. The western region of the mountains comes almost close to the sea in France, then makes an arc towards Slovenia, passing through Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Liechtenstein. The mountain range is 1200 km long and up to 260 km wide (in the widest part of the Eastern Alps).

The small European principalities of Liechtenstein and Monaco are entirely located in the Alps. Mountains occupy 65% ​​of Austria, 60% of Switzerland, 40% of Slovenia. Also, a small percentage of the Alps falls on Italian lands (17%), French (7%) and German (3%).

Highest peak of the Western Alps

The Western Alps, which are 500 km long, extend in a northwesterly direction through France, Switzerland and Italy.

Mont Blanc is the highest peak of the Alps, the height of which is 4808 m. This place is considered to be the birthplace of mountaineering, modern look which began to take shape right here in the Chamonix Valley. Geographically, it is located on French soil.

Several popular ski resorts have been created here, which are located right at the foot of Mont Blanc. At the same time, the mountain peak breaks records for mortality. People die more often while climbing it than when conquering Everest. However, this does not stop climbers from all over the world from coming here.

Highest peak of the Eastern Alps

The Eastern Alps stretch across the territory of Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Slovenia. Piz Bernina, the highest point of the Eastern Alps, is geographically located in Switzerland. Its height is 4049 m. The mountain bears the title of one of the most beautiful and picturesque, therefore it is very popular among climbers. Piz Bernina has the shape of a rib, and due to its impeccable line of ice and snow, it bears the poetic name “stairway to heaven.”

Now that we have briefly defined the geographical location of the Alpine mountains, let's move on to some facts that deserve attention:

1. Mummified human remains were found in the Alps, which are about 5,000 years old.

2. Up to 120 million tourists visit the mountains annually. It also hosted the largest number of competitions in the history of the Winter Olympics.

3. According to the definition of the geographical location of the Alpine mountains, they resemble a crescent moon when viewed from space.

4. In the Alps, as of 2001, the population was 12 million inhabitants. The largest cities are Grenoble (France), Innsbruck (Austria), Trento and Bolzano (Italy).

However, this is only a small part interesting information about this mountain system.

Climate in the Alps

To the north and west of the Alps, a temperate climate prevails, and to the south - a Mediterranean subtropical climate. In the region of the mountain system itself, the climate is determined by the relief. After all, the higher you go in the mountains, the colder it gets. At an altitude of 500 m average temperature is 18 degrees, at an altitude of 1000 m - 16 degrees, and at an altitude of 2500 m - only 6 degrees. In January, respectively, the average temperature is -6 °C and -15 °C.

For altitudes above 3000 m, the temperature does not rise above zero, which contributes to the formation of numerous glaciers.

Alps- the most high mountains Western Europe- occupy part of France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia.

A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from Mediterranean Sea to the Middle Danube Plain. The length is approximately 1200 kilometers (along the inner edge of the arc about 750 kilometers). Width up to 260 kilometers. The transverse valley between Lake Constance and Lake Como is divided into the higher Western Alps (up to 4807 meters, Mont Blanc) and the lower and wider Eastern Alps (up to 4049 meters, Berdina).

In the Alps are the sources of the Rhine, Rhone, Po, Adige, and the right tributaries of the Danube. Numerous lakes of glacial and tectonic-glacial origin (Bodenskoe, Geneva, Como, Lago Maggiore and others).

The altitudinal zonation of the landscapes is well expressed. Up to an altitude of 800 meters the climate is moderately warm, at southern slopes- Mediterranean, many vineyards, gardens, fields, Mediterranean bushes and deciduous forests. At an altitude of 800-1800 meters the climate is temperate and humid; broad-leaved forests of oak and beech are gradually replaced upward by coniferous forests. Up to an altitude of 2200-2300 meters, the climate is subalpine, cold, with long-lasting snow. Shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; summer pastures. Higher up, to the border of eternal snow, there is an alpine belt with a cold climate, a predominance of low-grass sparse alpine meadows, covered with snow most of the year. Even higher is the nival belt with glaciers, snowfields, and rocky slopes.

The Alps are an area of ​​international mountaineering, tourism, and skiing.

Major ski resorts: Megeve (France), Chamonix (France), Courchevel (France), Zermatt (Switzerland), Grindelwald (Switzerland), St. Moritz (Switzerland), Davos (Switzerland), Lech (Austria), St. Anton ( Austria), Kitzbühel (Austria), Seefeld (Austria), Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany).

Photos of the Alps mountains:

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Description of the Alps mountain system

Location of the Alps mountain system on the world map

(the boundaries of the mountain system are approximate) The Alps are the highest and longest mountain range among the systems entirely located in Europe. Wherein Caucasus Mountains higher, and the Ural ones are more extensive, but they also lie on the territory of Asia.

The Alps are a complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Ligurian Sea to the Middle Danube Lowland.

Where are the Alps? Coordinates, map and photo.

The Alps are located on the territory of 8 countries: France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia. The total length of the Alpine arc is about 1200 km (along the inner edge of the arc about 750 km), the width is up to 260 km. The highest peak of the Alps is Mont Blanc with an altitude of 4810 meters above sea level, located on the border of France and Italy. In total, there are about 100 four-thousander peaks concentrated in the Alps.

The Alps are one of the main European cities.

Where are the Alps: interesting facts about the mountains

It's not just fans who come here alpine skiing, but also those who want to enjoy clean air and healing waters from local thermal springs. Eight European countries with alpine reefs and arches are participating for the first time in creating attractive conditions for tourists.

How to make an itinerary for visiting the Alps so you can see all the interesting things for a short holiday?

Iitoria in the mountains

Covered in snow and surrounded by fog Alpine peaks gave the name to the mountainous area.

It is believed to come from the Latin word "albus" ("white").

Age of the Alps it is impossible to determine the feature.

Between 34 and 23 million years ago, a tectonic collision occurred that gave rise to the longest European mountain region. Length of the Alps is 1200 kilometers.

For many years the Alps were an unavoidable natural barrier.

They restricted the movement of trade and military expeditions. Locals avoided climbing more than high height, since they could encounter avalanches, storms and frosts.

The study of the Alpine mountains began only in the second half of the 18th century.

Enthusiastic scientists studied the flora, fauna, glaciers and geology of the ridge. At the same time, the term “mountaineering” was born, which at that time meant walking along the slopes without special equipment. In 1786 it was first conquered highest alpine mountain- Mont Blanc.

The history of the Alps as a tourist destination dates back to the 19th century.

Then rich people came to mountain hotels to enjoy the unusual views and swim from the waters of thermal springs. Late XIX. Over the centuries, popularity began to be used winter views sports In the Alpine mountains there is ice rink and ski championships.

The Mountains were the site of the first Winter Olympics and remain the most popular.

Developed infrastructure, suitable weather and the presence of modern sports facilities have always offered sites in the Alps for the Winter Olympics.

Today the mountainous area is one of the largest in the world tourist centers. Every year more than 100 million people visit these places. Nature of the Alpine mountains not only attracts fans extreme species sports

Fresh air, healing properties springs and unique local culture ensure a constant flow of tourists at any time of the year.

Attractions in the Alps

Most tourists go to the Alpine mountains to admire unique views, try their hand at mountain climbing and swim in local resources.

But the Alpine region is where several European cultures meet simultaneously. Eat interesting objects with architectural, historical and religious value.

Airfare prices and tickets

In the immediate vicinity of the Alps there are no major airports.

Airlines sometimes operate flights to Bolzano (Italy) and Innsbruck (Austria), but these services are seasonal. Most tourists prefer to book a ticket to one of the nearest major airports and travel the rest of the route by bus or train.

The Alpine Mountains are easier to reach from international airports located in the following locations:

  1. Munich;
  2. Milan;
  3. Verona;
  4. Innsbruck;
  5. Salzburg;
  6. Venice;
  7. Vein;
  8. Bolzano;
  9. Bologna;
  10. Klagenfurt;
  11. Friedrichshafen;
  12. Bergamo;
  13. Brescia.

The most suitable routes for Russian tourists are the airports of Munich and Milan.

They are related to regular flights With largest cities Russia. Depending on the distance from the selected alpine settlement, the route from the airport can take from 1 to 2 hours.

Traveling from Munich to the popular ski region can be beat by road: the city is connected to the Alps with three modern buses.

From Munich Airport to the mountains it is advisable to get to suburban line S-Banh. In this case you will be there in 40 minutes.

If you decide to visit western part Alps, your trip will take place at Milan or Verona airports.

Milan has good communication with Russian cities, but you still need to get to the Alps through Verona. If you can't find a direct flight to Romeo and Juliet, don't give up: the Milan route will be comfortable. In both international airports Milan direct Milan buses are at Milan station, where you can buy your ticket in Verona.

The journey from Verona to the Alps can be a long drive by car, traveling in about two hours or by train.

Trains run from 5.00 to 22.00, leaving the platform every half hour. Tickets cost from 10 euros, and they will have to spend 1.5-2 hours on the road.


Alps(French les Alpes, German die Alpen, t. le Alpi, Slovenian Alpe, from lat. montes albes - white mountains, also possibly a name of Celtic origin alb - high, or alpa - hill) - the highest mountain system Western Europe, stretches in an arc from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle Danube Lowland on the territory of the European countries Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein, Germany, Slovenia, France, Switzerland.

The length of the mountain system is 1200 km, width - 130-260 km, height up to 4807 m (Mount Blanc). The arc is convex to the northwest with a transverse depression, within which lie Lakes Constance and Como. There are Western and Eastern Alps.

Division of the Alps

The Western Alps consist of the Maritime, Cottage, Savoy, and Bernese Alps. Their average height is 3,000-4,000 m. Individual peaks reach more than 4,000 m:

Mont Blanc (the highest peak of the Alps and Europe) 4.809 m,
Monte Rosa 4.638 m,
Weishorn 4.512 m, etc.
The Western Alps are characterized by a well-discovered arched shape of the ridges, a sharp asymmetry of the slopes - steep internal ones, gentle external ones, and a large development of glaciers.

In the Eastern Alps, the Bernese, Rhaetian, Dolomite and Carnic ranges, which stretch across the width, are particularly prominent.

The average altitude of the Eastern Alps is 2,500-3,500 m, and there are also fewer glaciers.

In addition to being divided into Western and Eastern, the Alps are also divided in a latitudinal direction: into the Northern Pre-Alps (limestone and slate mountains), the Central Alps (crystalline ridges) and the Southern Pre-Alps (limestone and sandstone mountains).

The Alps were formed during the Alpine folding day.

The axial zone of the Alps is composed of crystalline and metamorphic rocks, along the periphery - flysch and molas formations. Deposits of iron, manganese, magnesite and polymetallic ores, rock salt (in the Eastern Alps).

There are also minor deposits of brown and hard coal. There are numerous spring outlets in the Alps mineral water including warm, on the basis of which resorts were built (Baden-Baden, Bad Weslau, Badgastein, Ischl, Reichengal, Ex-Lebena and others).

About 1,200 glaciers ( with total area more than 4000 km2). There are many lakes of tectonic-glacial origin.

Where are the Alps?

The Alps have many convenient passes - Mont Cenis, Saint Bernard, Simplon, Saint Gotthard, Bernina, Brenner, Tauern. Tunnels were laid through the Alps: Simplonsky, Saint Gotthard and others.

The climate and soil and vegetation cover of the Alps have a clearly visible vertical zonation: up to 1200 m the climate is moderately warm, broad-leaved forests grow; from 1300 to 1700 m the climate is temperate, vegetation is coniferous forests; 1700-2300 m - subalpine zone; 2300-3200 m is an alpine zone with a moderately cold climate, higher is a zone of eternal snow.

Highest Peaks

4.809 m: Mont Blanc
4.478 m: Matterhorn, Apennine Alps
3,970 m: Eiger, Bernese Alps
4.166 m: Jungfrau, Bernese Alps

Po, tributary of the upper Danube;

Lago Maggiore
Glaciers (glaciers)

The permanent snow line lies in the north at an altitude of 2,500 m, and in the south - 3,000-3,200 m.

total area modern glaciation- 4140 km2. Glaciers in the Alps are approx. 1200, the largest is Aletsch in the Bernese Alps with an area of ​​169 km2. The following rivers originate from glaciers: Rhone, Rhine, Adije, Inn, Drava, etc.

About 1200 glaciers (the largest is Aletsch);

Main railway and road routes

Mont Cenis, Simplon, Saint Gotthard, Arlberg, Brenner, Semmering;

tourism, winter sports, mountaineering.

Geography of Italy

Map of Italy Topographic map Italy Italian cities and towns Photography from space.

Southern Italy and Sicily on the map 1849 p. Italy (Italia) is a country in the south of Europe, in the Mediterranean.READ MORE

Western Alps

Western Alps, part of the Alps mountain system.

Located west of a line running from Lake Constance in the north to Lake Como in the south, within Italy, France and Switzerland. The Western Alps are the most READ MORE

Cottian Alps

Monte visa Côtes Alps (French Alpes Cottiennes v. Cozie) are mountains, part of the Western Alps in France and Italy. The Cottian Alps are separated from the Alpes-Maritimes (in the south) by the Larche Pass (Maddalena), READ MORE

Graian Alps

Graian Alps Graian Alps (fr.

Alpes Grees (Graies), t. Alpi Graie mountains, part of the Western Alps in France (Savoie), Italy (Piedmont and Valle Daosta) and Switzerland (west of the canton of Valais).READ MORE

Lepontine Alps

Lepontine Alps (Italian: Alpi Lepontine mountains, part of the Western Alps in Switzerland (the cantons of Valais, Ticino and Grisons) and Italy (Piedmont).

The Lepontine Alps are separated from the Bernese Alps (read MORE

Eastern Alps

Eastern Alps, part of the Alps mountain system. East of the line running through the Alps from Lake Constance in the north along the valleys of the Rhine and Western Rhine rivers to the Splügen pass, the year of Liro and Mira to the lake READ MORE Our site was created for those who want to gain knowledge.
In our world there are still so many interesting things, places, thoughts, bright ideas that you should definitely learn about!

Where are the Alps?


Coordinates, map and photo.

The Alps are located in Central Europe
and are located in the territories of southern Austria, northern Italy, the southern half of Switzerland and the eastern edge of France.

In the map below, the Alps are highlighted in a darker color than the adjacent plains. To see the snow-capped ridges of the Alps, switch the map to “Satellite” mode in the upper corner.

46.5082512 northern latitude
10.8489056 east longitude

Alps on interactive map , which can be controlled:

Alps are on the list: mountains

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The Alps from A to Z for tourists and skiers. Maps, countries, resorts and hotels for skiing and mountain recreation.

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The snowy edge of the Apennine boot, the Alps are the highest mountain system in Western Europe, to whose picturesque peaks eight countries have access: France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Monaco. Along the 1,200-kilometer stretch of the Alpine mountain range, there are more than enough comfortable slopes, crystal clean lakes, idyllic villages and historical sites. So it is not surprising that the Alpine countries are unanimously extracting maximum benefit from these beneficial geographical conditions: in winter, the region is deservedly considered the number one destination for ski tourism, and in summer it does not lag behind in terms of medical, recreational and ecotours.

The Alps serve as the climatic border of Europe: to the north and west of them are areas with a temperate climate, and to the south are the blessed Mediterranean subtropics.

Geographically, the Alpine mountain system is divided into the Eastern and Western Alps, separated by the Rhine River valley, which in turn is located between Lakes Como and Constance. The Western Alps boast considerable heights (including highest peak- Mount Mont Blanc), while the eastern ones are lower, with gentle slopes and wide picturesque valleys. Among other things, the Alps are the “iciest” mountains in Europe: there are more than 1,200 glaciers with a total area of ​​more than 4,000 km! Thanks to them, the ski season in many regions begins at the beginning of November - the cooling “substrate” contributes to the rapid formation of snow cover and its good stability throughout the winter, until the end of March.

Regions of the Alps are usually named after a nearby city or geographical object: Ligurian, Provençal, Bernese, Zillertal, etc.

There is no need to talk at length about the merits of skiing on the slopes of the Alps: winter Italy, France and Switzerland have long been associated primarily with skis, lifts and fan parks. For example, in France alone there are more than 100 ski resorts for every taste, budget and level of skiing, while being equipped with the most modern equipment and offering a wide range of accommodation options - from economy class chalets to luxury hotels. In addition, a large number excursion programs and après-ski entertainment will make your holiday varied and educational.

An exceptionally pleasant Alpine skiing bonus is the combination of ski areas into one huge “around the world” - by moving from ski lift to ski lift you can practically ski around the entire Alps (fortunately, a single visa regime allows).

One cannot fail to mention the universality of the Alps as tourist destination: “snowless” trips to the mountains are no less popular among those who understand than ski trips. In summer, a unique microclimate reigns here: low humidity and comfortable air temperature without strong nighttime changes, the healing air of the peaks is one of the leading therapeutic factors for those who come to the Alps to improve their health, the availability mineral springs And amazing beauty glacial lakes, the water in which, although cool for swimming, is extremely tasty and healthy.

And finally, let’s mention the increasing accessibility of the Alps for the average tourist. With a reasonable approach to business, you can come here with almost any budget - you just need to choose the right tour and not resort to expensive (and often unnecessary) services.

Mountains have always fascinated us. A cold kingdom created from ice and rock, then shaped and carved by time. In the shadow mountain peaks a life that seems unnatural to us has become firmly established. Over the years, living organisms have adapted to harsh conditions. And everyone who lives in these mountains, be it a plant, a mammal or a bird, has all adapted to the flow and change of local natural phenomena. However, these natural processes pass unnoticed by mountains whose age is measured in tens or hundreds of millions of years. And the most famous among all the peaks of the world are the Alps, where highest peaks, vibrant life and stunning views. Since ancient times, various peoples have lived here, considering the Alps their support and protection from the whole world. Where are the Alps mountains located? Many will answer that in Europe. But on Earth, as many as 4 mountain ranges are called the Alps, and they are all different from each other.

European Alps

Mountains have a certain lifespan. The European Alps were formed when the continental plates of Africa and Europe collided about 35 million years ago. The European Alps are still growing, driven by the planet's internal forces. For most of their history, the mountains remained wilderness, too extreme for human life. And yet, it was people who gave the name to these mountains when they explored. It doesn’t matter where the mountains are located: in the north or south, in the east or in the west, they owe their formation to the same geological processes. In the locations of the mountains, the lines of the most active geological faults of the rock are marked. The Alps, where just such areas are located, often present bad “gifts” in the form of avalanches or small earthquakes. At the foot of the Alps live animals that can hardly be called alpine: European otters, lynxes, marmots, red deer and others. Several thousand years ago, a new force came to the Alps, where there are crystal clear rivers, vast meadows and vast forests, which learned to withstand any seasonal weather phenomena. These people, who lived for centuries at the foot of the mountains, moved upward along with their groups, founding cities and towns.

Australian Alps

On the other side of the world, in Australia, there is also the Alps mountain system, but the Australian Alps are significantly different from the European ones: there are no huge jagged peaks here, these mountains appeared 600 million years ago. But their original relief has undergone global changes, because for millions of years it was influenced by winds and rains, as well as spring meltwater flows. The glaciers of the mountain peaks barely reach the ground - these are the most ancient of the 4 Alps of the world. And after tens of millions of years, they remained isolated from the whole world. Thanks to this isolation, Australia has unique world plants and animals. The Australian echidna, like its relative the platypus, can only be found in Australia. Some inhabitants of the Australian Alps are quite surprising with their presence, because parrots look ridiculous among the snow, right? It’s more common to see them in the tropics than in the winter Australian Alps, but you can see them here too. The most common tree in Australia is eucalyptus; it remains green regardless of location, even in the snow. Yes, the Alps of this region are truly amazing place on the ground!

The Alps in New Zealand are the youngest of all the Alps. They have been formed over the past 7 million years. 2.5 million years ago, shifting glaciers marked the beginning of the Ice Age. This had the effect of forcing ancient species of the animal kingdom, such as Kia parrots, to adapt to new conditions. This is an amazing bird, possessing the mind of a monkey, and the only one of the entire species that lives beyond the snow line. The mountains live their own lives here. New Zealand's landscape was shaped by glaciers - a reminder of a world that almost disappeared.

The last of the Alps unite several mountain ranges on the island of Honshu in Japan. Most of the peaks are over 3 km high. The mountains are amazingly picturesque, and the snow-capped peaks amaze tourists visiting this country with their magnificence. An interesting fact is that among the representatives of the fauna, these mountains are home to the northernmost primate (of course, besides humans) - mountain monkeys, living among the harsh snow. They had to adapt to winters that could last up to 6 months and temperatures that could stay below freezing for weeks on end.


Where are the Alps of Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan located on the map? The European Alps are the largest mountain range in Western Europe, covering France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia. We think it will be easy to guess the location of the remaining Alps from their names. The European Alps are extremely attractive to tourists, who number over 50 million annually. First of all, these mountains attract climbers and skiers. For the latter, the season lasts from December to April. Vacationers from all over the world come to the best ski resorts: Les Deux Alpes, Courchevel, Meribel, Val Thorens and many others. In addition, the Alps, where there are many winding trails and paths, attract professional cyclists, and the landscape beauty seen from the sky attracts paragliders. The Australian Alps also boast ski resorts Mount Hotham, a fascinating picture national parks invites hikers to take an unforgettable hike through the virgin lands of this mountain kingdom. The New Zealand Alps provide many extreme descents, the season here lasts from June to September. An interesting fact is that the legendary film trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” was filmed in these parts, and not in the USA, as many believe. And finally, the mountains of Japan. They are not particularly popular among tourists and act as pilgrimage sites for Buddhists and hiking destinations for travelers looking for an unforgettable experience.

To the question Where are the Alps mountains asked by the author Zhankozha Sarsengaliev the best answer is In Switzerland
The Alps (German Alpen, French Alpes, Italian Alpi, Slovenian Alpe), the highest mountains of Western Europe, occupy part of France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Slovenia.
A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Ligurian Sea to the Middle Danube Plain. The length is about 1,200 kilometers (along the inner edge of the arc about 750 kilometers). Width up to 260 kilometers. The transverse valley between Lake Constance and Lake Como is divided into the higher Western Alps (up to 4,807 meters high, Mont Blanc) and the lower and wider Eastern Alps (up to 4,049 meters high, Bernina Mountain).
The folded structure of the Alps was created mainly by movements of the Alpine age. The highest, axial zone of the Alps, is composed of ancient crystalline (gneisses, mica schists) and metamorphic (quartz-phyllite schists) rocks, and is distinguished by a wide distribution of mountain-glacial relief and modern glaciation (about 1,200 glaciers with a total area of ​​over 4,000 square kilometers). Glaciers and eternal snow drop to 2,500-3,200 meters. To the north, west and south of the axial zone there are zones of Mesozoic limestone and dolomite and younger flysch and molasse formations of the Pre-Alps with mid-mountain and low-mountain relief.
The Alps are an important climate division in Europe. To the north and west of them are areas with a temperate climate, to the south are subtropical Mediterranean landscapes. Precipitation on the windward western and northwestern slopes is 1,500-2,000 mm, in some places up to 4,000 mm per year. In the Alps are the sources of the Rhine, Rhone, Po, Adige, and the right tributaries of the Danube. Numerous lakes of glacial and tectonic-glacial origin (Bodenskoe, Geneva, Como, Lago Maggiore and others).
The altitudinal zonation of the landscapes is well expressed. Up to an altitude of 800 meters, the climate is moderately warm, on the southern slopes it is Mediterranean, there are many vineyards, gardens, fields, Mediterranean shrubs and deciduous forests. At an altitude of 800-1,800 meters, the climate is temperate and humid; broad-leaved forests of oak and beech are gradually replaced upward by coniferous forests. Up to an altitude of 2,200-2,300 meters, the climate is subalpine, cold, with long-lasting snow. Shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; summer pastures. Higher up, to the border of eternal snow, there is an alpine belt with a cold climate, a predominance of low-grass sparse alpine meadows, covered with snow most of the year. Even higher is the nival belt with glaciers, snowfields, and rocky slopes. Interestingly, the eastern spurs of the Alps - the Leith Mountains and the western spurs of the Carpathians - Hundsheimer Berge are separated by only 14 km.
The Alps are an area of ​​international mountaineering, tourism, and skiing.


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