A guide to the most mysterious tourist sites in the Chelyabinsk region. Located in the village of Chudinovo, Oktyabrsky district

Gazprom explained its claims against NOVATEK for ₽30 billion with a “letter from a scientist” ...that statements about the loss of the budget of ₽30 billion due to the project NOVATEK « Yamal LNG"were not official. These assessments were made in a scientific discussion by a member... accused the project NOVATEK « Yamal LNG“that the Russian budget was missing ₽30 billion. The company’s statement was received by RBC. Claims to NOVATEK were formulated... with " Yamal LNG» volume of Russian pipeline gas in European markets. IN NOVATEK refused to admit these accusations were true. The company emphasized that NOVATEK And... NOVATEK responded to the reproach about the budget loss of ₽30 billion due to Yamal LNG ...Russia did not receive 30 billion rubles. In NOVATEK do not believe that liquefied natural gas from the project " Yamal LNG"competes with Russian pipeline gas at..." Nikolai Kislenko critically commented on the launch of liquefied gas production at the plant " Yamal LNG» NOVATEK. « Yamal LNG"- this is the absence of an export duty, the absence of a mineral extraction tax (mineral extraction tax... The head of Russia's largest LNG plant moved to NOVATEK ... (LNG) « Yamal LNG NOVATEK, received by RBC. Kot will become the 12th member of the company's board. Among the shareholders " Yamal LNG" - first LNG-factory NOVATEK(holds... the position of manager " Yamal LNG" "The candidacy of a new general director « Yamal LNG" will be approved by the board of directors " Yamal LNG“at the end of December 2018,” the message says NOVATEK, admitted to... Mikhelson announced Western pressure on Norway because of Russian gas Chapter NOVATEK explained that Western partners are putting pressure on Norway over the transshipment of liquefied gas from the plant “ Yamal LNG" Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the construction of a terminal in Murmansk, he indicated. NOVATEK asked to speed up the construction and commissioning of... the existing plant " Yamal LNG"in Norway became the reason for pressure on this country from Western partners. Chapter about this NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson said... NOVATEK found gas for the third LNG plant ... good prerequisites for the successful implementation of new LNG-project,” he pointed out. NOVATEK launched the first LNG- plant in Yamal - “ Yamal LNG" - in December 2017. Its capacity... reserves of more than 926 billion cubic meters. m of gas. The first two lines " Yamal LNG"(together - 11 million tons per year) have already been launched, the third (more... gas). In May 2018, co-owner NOVATEK And " Yamal LNG» French Total agreed to purchase 10% of Arktik LNG-2" and an option for another 5...

Business, 24 Sep 2018, 11:12

NOVATEK delivered the first LNG cargo to Brazil ... . Ltd (“daughter” NOVATEK) supplied the first batch of liquefied natural gas to Brazil ( LNG), produced at the plant " Yamal LNG" This is stated in the message NOVATEK, entered... the party LNG To China. As Mikhelson noted, the total share of the two lines of the plant “ Yamal LNG» accounts for about 3.5% of the global market volume LNG. IN NOVATEK plan to produce 55–60 million tons LNG per year, third... NOVATEK doubled remuneration for board members ... the company launched the first phase of its key gas liquefaction project - “ Yamal LNG"(planned capacity - 17.4 million tons per year) - and already... ACRA Vasily Tanurkov. At the end of July it became known that NOVATEK will launch the second stage " Yamal LNG» several months ahead of schedule, and the third - earlier... 8 million tons LNG over plan. In May NOVATEK attracted the first shareholder - the French Total - to its new project"Arctic LNG-2", the launch of which... The first shipments of liquefied gas from Yamal LNG were delivered to China ...the first batches of liquefied natural gas ( LNG) With " Yamal LNG" To China. TASS reports this with reference to NOVATEK. Each tanker carried... " Yamal LNG"was launched in early December 2017. Chapter NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson announced the launch of the second stage on July 19 “ Yamal LNG"in the first ten days of August. NOVATEK controls 50.1% " Yamal LNG", 20 each... The head of NOVATEK announced the launch of the second stage of Yamal LNG ... natural gas " Yamal LNG"will be launched in the first ten days of August. The head stated this NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson, reports TASS. First of all " Yamal LNG"launched in... . The lot was acquired by Petronas LNG UK Limited. The gas was delivered by icebreaker LNG-tanker "Christophe de Margerie" to Britain. From there the cargo was delivered to... . After launch " Yamal LNG" profit NOVATEK increased by 16%, to 179.4 billion rubles. The Russian gas company owns 50.1% " Yamal LNG", 20 each... Timchenko announced a new joint project between Total and NOVATEK ... companies to jointly implement a gas liquefaction project " Yamal LNG" worth $27 billion. "We have built now " Yamal LNG" Where did we get the money? $27 billion investment... . That's the main thing. I always have it,” added Timchenko. " Yamal LNG» - a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas with a capacity of 16.5 million... per year (with the possibility of increasing to 17.5 million tons). Besides NOVATEK, shareholders " Yamal LNG"are French Total (20%) and Chinese CNPC (20%) and... NOVATEK reported damage to one of the Yamal LNG tankers ... tanker plant " Yamal LNG"was damaged and will temporarily suspend the supply of liquefied natural gas, Prime reports with reference to the deputy board NOVATEK Brand of Jetveya... factory « Yamal LNG"at the end of 2017 and an increase in average sales prices of liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas," the company indicated. Factory " Yamal LNG"opened... NOVATEK's revenue increased by 16% after the launch of Yamal LNG ... EBITDA is mainly related to the launch of production LNG at the first stage of the plant " Yamal LNG"at the end of 2017 and an increase in average prices... . At the annual meeting of shareholders on April 20, the chairman of the board and co-owner NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson said that based on the results of the first quarter of 2018..., first of all, technological ones,” Mikhelson explained. Factory " Yamal LNG» began production of liquefied natural gas ( LNG) on the first production line in December 2017... The first tanker with gas from Russia for the United States continued its journey to Boston ... British Isle of Grain terminal in Kent. Representative of the company NOVATEK, at whose plant liquefied gas was produced, told RBC that... the purpose of the tanker with cargo has not changed. NOVATEK On December 5, he announced the launch of the first stage of the plant. Yamal LNG", which produces liquefied natural gas. The total capacity of the plant should exceed 16.5 million tons LNG in year. Price... The shipowner named the reason for turning around a tanker with Russian gas for the United States ...delivered to its destination. The route change is explained there weather conditions. LNG-tanker Gaselys of the French company Engie, which carries a cargo of liquefied gas... were called. The company could not name the reasons for the reversal NOVATEK, at the factory " Yamal LNG» which this batch of gas was produced. “We sold this one... we need to ask the new owner - the Engie company,” a representative told RBC the day before NOVATEK. At the same time, experts interviewed by RBC did not rule out that... The first tanker with gas from Russia for the United States turned around in the middle of the Atlantic ... He. NOVATEK On December 5, he announced the launch of the first stage of the plant " Yamal LNG» for the production of liquefied natural gas with a capacity of 5.5 million tons LNG in year. ​ Until April 2018, gas from " Yamal LNG"will be sold on the spot market, after which deliveries under long-term contracts will begin. " Yamal LNG» 50.1% owned NOVATEK, 20... NOVATEK commented on gas supplies from Yamal LNG to the USA Representative NOVATEK commented to RBC information about the shipment of gas from “ Yamal LNG" in USA. "The first batch LNG from the factory " Yamal LNG» we sold Petronas and assumed that... the UK's first shipment of liquefied natural gas ( LNG) With " Yamal LNG" Kommersant also noted that the cargo LNG originally acquired the British branch of the Malaysian Petronas - Petronas.... Initially, the first batches of gas were supposed to be delivered to China. NOVATEK owns 50.1% " Yamal LNG", another 20% each belong to the French Total and the Chinese... NOVATEK announced plans to become a global player in the LNG market ... Russia by this time, according to forecast NOVATEK, more than 80 million tons will be produced LNG(besides " Yamal LNG» now liquefied gas is produced only at one... new LNG-factories NOVATEK estimates at 2.5–2.8 trillion rubles. (excluding " Yamal LNG") until 2030, and operating cash flow LNG-projects by this time, according to the company’s forecast, will reach 4–4.3 trillion rubles. NOVATEK ... NOVATEK intends to invest 700–780 billion rubles in gas assets. until 2030 ... first of all " Yamal LNG", located in Yamal. According to strategy NOVATEK, Russia will produce about 80 million tons by 2030 LNG, A NOVATEK will provide two... market LNG amounted to almost 30%). Before launch " Yamal LNG» Russia exported about 10 million tons LNG per year from the Sakhalin-2 plant of Gazprom. NOVATEK stated that it would be possible to reach the level of Qatar after the launch of two LNG-company projects: “ Yamal LNG" and "Arctic LNG-2". ... NOVATEK Technological solution: why Russia needs LNG production in the Arctic Yamal LNG, which is the key shareholder " LNG" The success is obvious. But the main thing is what next? Firstly, it is interesting and important what proportion of tankers with LNG... liquefaction NOVATEK, but also Gazprom and Yamal LNG are making efforts to create their own technologies and localize equipment production. It is assumed that the fourth line " " will... NOVATEK named the buyer of the first gas shipment from Yamal LNG NOVATEK... . This is stated in a message received by RBC Yamal LNG». NOVATEK, which owns 50.1% " NOVATEK on Tuesday, December 5, announced the launch of the first... in a message NOVATEK. Chairman of the Board and Co-Owner Yamal LNG Leonid Mikhelson told reporters on December 8 that the first batches of liquefied gas of the project “ LNG» will be sent... to the list of the largest exporters NOVATEK in the world,” Mikhelson noted (his words are quoted in the company’s message). Besides Yamal LNG y " » three more shareholders:... Gas benefits: how the state helped build Yamal LNG LNG...governments with export liberalization Yamal LNG. Initially, it was assumed that liquefied gas would be exported from “ NOVATEK" will be Gazprom Export, with which Yamal LNG in 2010 concluded... a supply contract under which the shareholders " LNG"could pledge loans. Soon after the long-awaited liberalization of exports (November 2013) were introduced... The Saudi minister arrived at the opening of NOVATEK's Yamal LNG plant Yamal LNG... the village of Sabetta for the opening ceremony of the plant " NOVATEK", controlled LNG, and loading of the first batch of liquefied natural gas ( NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson. Shareholders " Yamal LNG"besides NOVATEK(50.1%) are the French concern Total and the Chinese... ... from the project " Yamal LNG NOVATEK(controls 51% " Yamal LNGYamal LNG NOVATEK, shareholders " Yamal LNG The first tanker with Yamal LNG products will be sent to the Chinese CNPC ... from the project " Yamal LNG", which is scheduled to launch before the end of 2017, will be sent to China's CNPC, the CFO said NOVATEK(controls 51% " Yamal LNG") Mark Jetvey... the line of the plant " Yamal LNG» is 97% ready, the entire project as a whole is 89% ready, according to the company’s materials. Besides NOVATEK, shareholders " Yamal LNG"are French Total... The head of a company associated with the Yamal LNG project faces criminal charges ... « Yamal LNG", we remind you that he is building a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug ( LNG). The project provides for annual production of about 16.5 million tons LNG and... in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. Shareholders of OJSC Yamal LNG" are PJSC " NOVATEK"(50.1%; co-owner and chairman of the board of the company Leonid Mikhelson... it was not possible to do this. Journalists also turned to " NOVATEK" And " Yamal LNG“, the answer has not yet been received. Workers warned the governor about a hunger strike due to non-payment of wages Employees of RSK-Logistic who worked on the construction of the project " Yamal LNG"(the largest shareholder of OJSC " Yamal LNG" company " NOVATEK"), informed the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko that... in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. Shareholders of OJSC Yamal LNG" are PJSC " NOVATEK"(50.1%; co-owner and chairman of the board of the company Leonid Mikhelson... NOVATEKYamal LNG NOVATEK Yamal LNG LNG LNG NOVATEK ... The head of the FAS called the terms of the competition in Yamal “disgraceful” ...this region. These conditions apply only to NOVATEK building a gas liquefaction plant in Yamal " Yamal LNG", and its subsidiaries. “I don’t... 285.3 billion cubic meters. m (D1). NOVATEK is constructing a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas " Yamal LNG» with a capacity of 16.5 million tons in... others LNG-projects in Yamal and Gydan, for example, “Arctic LNG-2" on the basis of the Salmanovskoye and Geofizicheskoye fields. At the end of June, the CFO NOVATEK ... Yamal LNG... the village of Sabetta for the opening ceremony of the plant " NOVATEKYamal LNGYamal LNGYamal LNG"are NOVATEK (50 ... Yamal LNG will charter four gas carriers from a Japanese company ... . (MOL) signed a long-term contract for the charter of four gas carriers for the project " Yamal LNG... the village of Sabetta for the opening ceremony of the plant " NOVATEK. The tank capacity of each vessel will be 174 thousand cubic meters. m... Greek Dynagas. With these companies " Yamal LNG» signed 45-year transportation contracts. The first stage of the plant " Yamal LNG» with a capacity of 16.5 million tons should be launched at the end of 2017. The project is valued at $27 billion. Shareholders “ Yamal LNG"are NOVATEK (50 ... NOVATEKYamal LNGYamal LNG NOVATEK Yamal LNG will refuse €300 million of Chinese financing in favor of loans ... said the chairman of the board of the gas company “ NOVATEK» Leonid Mikhelson, reports RBC correspondent. Mikhelson confirmed that the first line " Yamal LNG"will be put into operation in... Germany, in the amount of about €300 million. " Yamal LNG» - a project for the production, liquefaction and supply of natural gas. NOVATEK plans to launch the first enterprise of the project... Company NOVATEK will involve in the project " Yamal LNG NOVATEK Yamal LNGYamal LNG» - a project for the production, liquefaction and supply of natural gas. NOVATEK Yamal LNG"at the end of 2017... NOVATEK will attract €200 million from Germany and Sweden to Yamal LNG Company NOVATEK will involve in the project " Yamal LNG» more than €200 million from financial institutions in Germany and Sweden. The head stated this NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson, reports TASS. According to the agency, about attracting funds from Germany and Sweden to the project “ Yamal LNG“Mikhelson told... €200 million,” said Mikhelson. " Yamal LNG» - a project for the production, liquefaction and supply of natural gas. NOVATEK expects to launch the first plant " Yamal LNG"at the end of 2017... Novatek intends to attract Spaniards to projects in Yamal ... Novatek"does not rule out the possibility of attracting Spanish companies to the new project for the production of liquefied natural gas "Arctic LNG-2". The plant will appear on the shelf... business forum. With a number of foreign and Russian companies on the project “ Novatek"Already reached an agreement. In particular, a framework agreement on strategic... was signed. Start of construction LNG-the plant is planned for 2018, the launch of the first line (there will be three in total) - in 2022. Talking about " Yamal ...) - non-core business for NOVATEK, which focused on the development of large LNG-factories on Yamal and the Gydan Peninsula. First of all " Yamal LNG"with a capacity of 16.5 million... times, estimates the head of the department LNG ICIS Heren Roman Kazmin. LNG for Poland NOVATEK has already begun to develop in the small-tonnage market LNG, and Cryogas-Vysotsk can...

Competitive advantages

    traditional reserves of high concentration located on land

  • well-studied geology and proven development technologies
  • Very low level development and production costs
  • high efficiency of the liquefaction process due to low average annual temperature
  • access to markets in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region
  • government support, including tax benefits

Project infrastructure

The field development project involves drilling 208 wells at 19 well pads. Gas produced at the field will be supplied to the international market in the form of LNG, for which a gas liquefaction plant will be built, consisting of four technological lines. The first line of the plant with a capacity of 5.5 million tons of LNG per year was put into operation in December 2017. The infrastructure for loading LNG for export consists of a loading rack with two berths in the port of Sabetta, equipped with ice protection structures. Reinforced ice-class Arc7 tankers are used to transport LNG.

Project implementation status

The final investment decision on the project was made in December 2013.

LNG production at the first production line of the plant began on December 5, 2017. Yamal LNG shipped the first batch of liquefied natural gas with a volume of 170 thousand cubic meters on December 8, 2017. In August 2018, Yamal LNG shipped the first batch of LNG after the launch of the plant’s second production line. In November 2018, Yamal LNG produced the first LNG on the third production line.

In 2018-2019, the company Yamal LNG OJSC annually plans to commission one production line of a liquefied gas plant, so the question is, Yamal LNG - vacancies, this moment very relevant. At Yamal LNG there are vacancies for specialists and workers of various specialties and qualifications.

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Vacancies for the YAMAL LNG company in Moscow (office), shift on Sabetta - an integrated project for the production, liquefaction and supply of natural gas. The project involves the construction of a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the resource base of the South Tambeyskoye field. The proven and probable gas reserves of the field according to PRMS standards amount to 926 billion cubic meters. m. As part of the Project implementation, a transport infrastructure is being created, including sea ​​port and international airport Sabetta.

Company card
YAMAL LNG company: official website - yamallng.ru.
Fresh vacancies YAMAL LNG and HR department contacts are available at the address, send your resume - yamallng.ru/career/open_vacancies.
Vacancies are posted only on official websites. Through them, access to all contacts and vacancies is open. Without intermediaries from the direct employer. Below is collected information from open sources for your reference.

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The company pursues personnel and social policies in compliance with the strictest and highest international standards. Yamal LNG vacancies– positions for representatives of various specialties; workers from different countries take part in the implementation of the project.

The construction of the liquefied natural gas plant is carried out in three stages with launch in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. The project provides for the annual production of about 16.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and up to 1.2 million tons of gas condensate for supplies to the markets of the Asia-Pacific region and Europe.

Open vacancies Yamal LNG

In addition to the construction of the plant, modern airport for international traffic and seaport, as well as other facilities transport infrastructure. The construction of the plant is carried out in several stages, the launch of which is planned in 2017-2019. Up to 16 million tons of LNG will be supplied annually to European and Asia-Pacific countries; in addition, up to 1.2 million tons of gas condensate will be sold.

The project is being implemented by Yamal LNG OJSC, whose shareholders are the largest companies in the field of hydrocarbon production and processing: NOVATEK OJSC - 60%, Total - 20%, CNPC - 20%.

Personnel policy

OJSC Yamal LNG in its activities complies with high international standards in matters of social and personnel policy. Our project is being implemented by representatives of various nationalities and states. A common goal and a strong team are the main conditions for the successful implementation of the Project. The company creates comfortable and safe working conditions, takes care of the social security of employees, providing compensation, voluntary medical insurance, and the possibility of sanatorium-resort rehabilitation and recreation.

OJSC "YAMAL LNG" is an actively developing company interested in cooperation with highly qualified specialists.

Working conditions in Yamal LNG are constantly improving, so they are safe and comfortable, all workers are provided with a full social package, health insurance, there is an opportunity to take advantage of the sanatorium-resort recovery. The company is actively developing, so there is a constant need for qualified workers in various specialties.

Today, there is a large selection of vacancies, and you can apply for the one that matches your education and work experience. The most current vacancies: managers, IT specialists, financial and economic specialists, chemical analysis laboratory assistants, engineers different directions work, process plant operators.


The stronghold of Yamal LNG is the village of Sabetta, which has created comfortable conditions for living, rest and leisure of workers. There are cozy dining rooms, a hotel, a bathhouse, a sports complex, food warehouses and other facilities. The infrastructure is constantly expanding, a laundry room, living quarters, a warm parking lot, and a new canteen are currently being built, so current vacancies are appearing. More than 15,000 people are already employed in the implementation of this project, and if you hurry, you can soon join them.

Yamal LNG vacancies— integrated project for gas production, liquefaction and sales
Competitive advantages
traditional reserves of high concentration located on land
well-studied geology and proven development technologies
very low development and production costs
High efficiency of the liquefaction process due to low average annual temperature
access to markets in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region
government support, including tax benefits

Project infrastructure

The field development project involves drilling 208 wells at 19 well pads. Gas produced at the field will be supplied to the international market in the form of LNG, for which a gas liquefaction plant will be built, consisting of three technological lines with a capacity of 5.5 million tons of LNG per year each. The infrastructure for loading LNG for export will consist of a loading rack with two berths in the port of Sabetta, equipped with ice protection structures. Reinforced ice class Arc7 tankers will be used to transport LNG.

Yamal LNG – professions for specialists of various specialties. The main advantages that allow the company to successfully compete in the modern market:

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  • deposits are located on land and are highly concentrated;
  • development technologies are well developed;
  • studied geology;
  • a minimum of funds is spent on field development and gas production;
  • climatic conditions make it possible to effectively carry out the liquefaction process;
  • established market in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region;
  • tax breaks and other government support.

Many vacancies require people with experience in similar work, but there are also those who accept people without work experience, for example, general workers, drivers of various categories of driving, and there are vacancies for women.

Project implementation status

The final investment decision on the project was made in December 2013, and the start of LNG production is planned for 2017.
Major tenders have been completed and key contracts have been concluded for the supply of materials and equipment and the provision of design and construction services. More than 95% of the LNG plant's products have been contracted. The operation of cargo berths in the port of Sabetta has begun, ensuring year-round delivery of construction cargo. Development drilling and construction and installation work are underway at the LNG plant facilities. At the end of 2016, the project was approximately 75% complete.

It is planned to extract gas from 208 wells; it will be supplied to the market in liquefied form, therefore, starting in 2017, three technological lines will be commissioned, each with a capacity of 5.5 million tons of liquefied gas per year.

A shipping rack with two berths is being installed in the port of Sabetta. Now the cargo berths are already operational, so the delivery of building materials is carried out continuously throughout the year. This project involves the construction of the largest LNG production plant in Russia.

This is the largest enterprise on the Yamal Peninsula, which provides people in this region with highly paid jobs, the average salary is 120,000 rubles. Yamal LNG – vacancies for rotational work. Usually the shifts are 30/15, 30/30, 60/30, but there may be others, so when applying for a job, be prepared to temporarily leave your family, your usual life and work in harsh climatic conditions.

Since the construction of the plant is planned until 2019, the need for new specialists will remain relevant for a long time.

As part of the YAMAL LNG project, it is planned to build the country's largest LNG (liquefied natural gas) processing and production plant, capable of developing a capacity of about 16,500,000 tons annually based on the resources of the South Tambeyskoye field.
According to PRMS standards, the proven and probable reserves of the gas field are approximately 900 billion cubic meters. This project involves the implementation of communication routes:
sea ​​port,
motor transport structure,
modern Sabetta airport.

Work at Yamal LNG

The company OJSC Yamal LNG is one of the leading companies in the region on the Yamal Peninsula, located beyond the Arctic Circle. This venture is a joint venture, where the management stake belongs to OJSC NOVATEK, TOTAL, CNPC and the Silk Road Fund are involved.
Salaries in Yamal LNG start from 120,000 rubles.

This structure provides for a large number of jobs for shift work in the North. This area is widely in demand among job seekers who are ready to break away from their usual life and move into hard work conditions for a period of one month or more. The shift schedule is mainly structured as follows: 30/15, 30/30, 60/30 - however, there are other options.
Working conditions
Construction of the plant is planned in three stages:
Accordingly, current vacancies in the project will appear for a long time. Direct employers are ready to offer Better conditions for shift work in the gas production industry.
The Yamal LNG plant is being established above the Arctic Circle on the northern Yamal Peninsula, on the site of the South Tambey natural gas field. Construction is successfully carried out in 3 stages in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The natural gas processing project plans to annually produce 16.5 million tons of liquefied gas and up to 1.2 million tons of gas condensate for the Asia-Pacific and European markets. Job openings at the Yamal LNG plant will be available below.


An LNG plant with a capacity of approximately 16.5 million tons is being built directly at the South Tambey gas field, at Ob Bay. The construction involves a modular type of installation, which seriously reduces the financial costs of construction and determines the project implementation schedule. This project will contain 3 natural gas liquefaction trains with a capacity of 5.5 million tons each year. The first launch is planned for 2017. Taking into account the low average Arctic temperatures, much less specific energy is required for the gas liquefaction process, this makes it possible to achieve large volumes of LNG production compared to projects located in the South and using similar equipment. After the plant starts up hydrocarbon production the mixture from the field's wells will be transported through gas collection networks to a single complex for gas preparation and liquefaction. Next, at the entrance of the complex there will be a separation process. The input structures include installations that regenerate methanol and stabilize condensate. The separated natural gas will go to technological lines where liquefaction and purification from acid gases and methanol will take place, as well as drying and removal of mercury, extraction of ethane, propane and other heavy hydrocarbons. Next, the purified natural gas will be sent for cooling and liquefaction. The LNG will be further stored in closed isothermal tanks. It is planned to build 4 reservoirs with a capacity of 160,000 cubic meters. m. each. Jobs at the LNG plant IN YAMAL vacancies - read on.

Averkiev pit, cave. A horizontal karst cavity embedded in a massif of Proterozoic limestones and dolomites.

It is connected to the day surface by a vertical shaft. The cave is located in the Satka district, on the left bank of the river. Ai, three km south of the village of Staraya Pristan (near the so-called White Ford), 300 m from the confluence of the Vinokurny Spring into the Ai River.

The entrance to the cave opens into a steep wooded slope at the bottom of a karst sinkhole. The entrance hole is oval-shaped with dimensions of 2x3 m. It is followed by a vertical shaft 21 m deep with a variable trunk diameter (from 2 to 8 m).

From the bottom of the shaft there is a steep, inclined descent in the form of a stone staircase with steps made of limestone slabs (probably of artificial origin). After 7 m, an inclined corridor leads to horizontal part caves, which are a system of narrow low passages and 2 large grottoes. The first grotto - Cave Hermits - stretches from north to south by 35 m, its width is from 5 to 9 m, the maximum ceiling height is 8 m. From the southern part of the grotto, the 12th passage leads to the 2nd, more extensive grotto - the Musical Drop. It stretches in the north-west direction for 25 m, its width is from 8 to 14 m, the ceiling height is from 4 to 8 m. In the southern wall of the grotto there is a new move, which stretches to the southeast. After 10 m it branches into 3 dead-end passages.

The total length of the passages and grottoes of the cave. 130 m, maximum depth 28 m, width from 1 to 14 m, height from 0.8 to 8 m. The cave has high (up to 98-100%) humidity, the air temperature is always 4-5 °C.

There are 2 underground reservoirs in the cave: one of them is a small shallow lake with clean spring water; the second appears only in the spring as a result of melt water entering the underground cavity. There are a few stalactites on the vaults of the grottoes. The cave is home to a small colony of bats.

In 1924, residents of the village. During an excursion in the cave, Eilina discovered the remains of a hut, a wooden bench, a stone bed, various iron items, a print from a copper icon, human skeletons and bones of domestic animals. On the floor of the grotto of the Cave Hermits, a large stone cross was laid out of uncemented cobblestones.

The cave got its name from them. Elder Averky, a hermit and schismatic who lived there in the 1870-1880s.

Based on the results of the environmental assessment “Sinegorye” (1986), by decision of the Chelyabinsk Regional Executive Committee in 1987, the Averkiev Pit Cave was declared a natural monument.

A complete speleological survey, topographic survey and description of the cave were carried out in 1971 by speleologists from the Chelyabinsk club “Pluto” and the Satka club “Poisk” (expedition leader S.V. Faizullina).


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