Six of the most beautiful villages in Russia that deserve their title. The most beautiful villages in Russia Top 10 largest villages in the world

For a long time Russian villages were forgotten, which is completely unfounded. Of course, some of them are in poor condition, while others are completely abandoned and have disappeared from the face of the earth.

According to the 2010 census, there are more than 150 thousand rural settlements in Russia. And there will certainly be several to compete for the title of the most beautiful. And in 2014, the association “The Most Beautiful Villages” was created, which supports the development rural tourism. Let's go to a small virtual trip through some of these villages.

Village of Bolshoy Kunaley, Buryatia

The village of Bolshaya Kunaley is located on the banks of the Kunaleyka River. The village appeared at the beginning of the 18th century and since then has lived its measured and quiet life. There are few inhabitants in the village - about a thousand people.

The peculiarity of the village is its houses. Made of timber, they are all painted in bright colors, with carved shutters and painted fences, and are somewhat reminiscent of a children's fairy tale.

Vyatskoye, Yaroslavl region

The village of Vyatskoye received the title of the most beautiful village in 2015. The village is actively developing in the tourism sector; there are ten museums alone. The houses here were built in XVIII-XIX centuries, they once belonged to merchants, and some were drinking establishments. There are thirty monuments of cultural and historical heritage here, so there is definitely something to see. And tourists have taken a liking to the village: 80 thousand travelers visited here in 2014 alone.

Desyatnikovo, Buryatia

Another village from Buryatia amazes with its colorfulness: the houses here are painted with bright colors, and all this goes well with the green hills and endless open spaces surrounding the village. Here you really feel Russia, vast and beautiful: around there are centuries-old forests, untouched valleys with clean springs, berries and mushrooms, as well as the steppe.

Oshevensky Pogost, Arkhangelsk region

Only 73 people live in Oshevensky Pogost, but this did not stop the village from joining the association of the most beautiful villages in Russia in 2016. At the entrance to the village there is monastery, founded back in 1453. In addition, a whole block of traditional northern wooden buildings, headed by the Church of the Epiphany with a bell tower, has been perfectly preserved here. Well, local residents are trying to preserve their original traditions.

Kinerma, Karelia

Kinerma is located in the Pryazhinsky district of Karelia and last year was awarded the title of the most beautiful village in Russia. IN locality 17 houses, 10 of them are considered architectural monuments. All the buildings here are built in a circle, in the center of which there is a 250-year-old chapel and an old cemetery.

And, of course, all the attributes of a village: a well with ice water, a bathhouse, a barn with a souvenir shop, and a restored traditional peasant house. There is also a mini-hotel in Kinerma, stylized as of old times and furnished with antique utensils.

True, local residents were already quite tired of the flow of tourists, and at the beginning of 2017 information appeared on the Internet that they were asking to periodically close the road sign)

Kimzha, Arkhangelsk region

This is the youngest village that bears the title of the most beautiful (received it in February 2017). There are 71 historical monument, including the Odigitrievskaya Church of the early 18th century. Kimzha is somewhat reminiscent of a museum of wooden architecture, but everything is real here: strong log huts, wooden mills, large courtyards and a river where locals go fishing.

And the local residents, until 1951, had a curious tradition: they did not have a cemetery, and all the dead were buried according to their last will. Most often these were plots of land, and sometimes courtyards of houses. It was believed that this way the ancestors would be able to protect their territories from harm.

When we say or hear the word “village,” we mostly imagine a small settlement with dilapidated buildings and almost no communications. But not all dereani are like this, there are also very beautiful and decent villages where you want to live all the time.

Bibury, England

The English village of Bibury is located in Gloucestershire. It has been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful and most English village in the world by various artists and poets. The cozy houses of the 17th century really seem to have come out of a fairy-tale illustration. The village itself is much older - the first mention of this settlement dates back to the 11th century. Despite its popularity among tourists, there is still no public transport in Biburi, and to get here you need to take the train at London Paddington station, get to Kemble station, and then only take a taxi.

Ezze, France

This picturesque village is located on the shore Mediterranean Sea. For many centuries, incessant wars were fought here, and in the village itself the most different cultures. All this gave rise to a completely unique architectural ensemble, which, together with stunning landscapes, today attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world.

Caleta Tortel, Chile

The small village of Caleta Tortel has the fame of “Chilean Venice”. There are, however, no stone palaces or majestic bridges here, but there are many picturesque wooden houses, rising on stilts and connected to each other by a whole web of light suspension bridges, and sometimes simply by stairs. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to travel here by road.

Cua Van, Vietnam

The main treasure of this small fishing village is the incredible surrounding landscapes. Small houses supported by rafts literally stand on the water in Ha Long Bay, surrounded by huge cliffs. In one of these raft houses there is also a village school, and students come to it by boats. To explore all the beauties of this village, tourists also have to rent a boat.

Pariangan, West Sumatra

The picturesque streets of this Minangkabau village are literally at the foot of the active volcano Merapi, which has erupted almost 40 times in the last 200 years. The dangerous proximity makes the impression of the beautiful landscapes especially strong.

Savoca, Sicily

This village with a thousand-year history is well known to fans of the book and film “The Godfather”, because the events depicted in the film were filmed here. Here you can visit the Vitelli bar and the famous Capuchin monastery, where the most famous crypt is located, in which more than fifty bodies have been kept for centuries local nobility and clergy who underwent natural mummification in the catacombs.

Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia

All the buildings in this Tunisian village have traditional colors: bright white walls and sky blue shutters and gates. Against the backdrop of the dazzling blue Gulf of Tunisia, the village looks simply stunning. Many representatives of creative professions constantly relax here, and many travel companies offer day trips here.

Shirakawa-go, Japan

This picturesque village is on the list World Heritage UNESCO. Here you can admire the wonderful houses with triangular roofs, built in the "gassho" style, and also the Ogimachi Castle, which is located near the village. Tourists are brought here by regular bus.

Wengen, Switzerland

The views of this Swiss village at any time of the year resemble a fairytale scenery. Indigenous people The village has a little over a thousand people. But for everyone local resident Depending on the season, there are from 5 to 10 tourists, so it is always crowded here. Here is the famous ski resort and the amazing Kriegsloch cave, which is said to be able to foretell the coming of war. Driving in regular cars is prohibited here so as not to spoil the purest mountain air. But tourists always have a variety of environmentally friendly electric vehicles at their disposal.

Zaanse Schans, Holland

Unlike modern Amsterdam, the village of Zaanse Schans has still retained its true identity. There are also typical houses of the 17th century and famous windmills, creating a real “Dutch” landscape. They sell wonderful natural cheese, beautiful painted porcelain and traditional wooden shoes.

If you remember with a shudder how your relatives frightened you with a trip to the village, then the news of a trip to the villages described below would cause you almost childish delight. For those who want to spend their holidays in a quiet, picturesque place, we present to you the most beautiful villages in the world.

Shirakawa-go in Japan

The residents' houses are built at the foot of Mount Hakusan. The gasssho architectural style is popular here. The buildings with triangular thatched roofs look neat and a little fabulous. Nearby is Ogiwachi Castle, which offers excellent views panoramic views. You can get to Shirakawa-go by regular bus from Takayama.

Bibury in the UK

Poets and artists come to this Gloucestershire village for inspiration. It seems as if time has stopped here. Narrow paths, houses of the 17th-18th centuries, ancient church St. Mary's, 16th-century weaving workshops. There is no public transport here, so nothing disturbs the pristine beauty. To get here you need to train station Paddington take the train to Kemblay and then hire a car or taxi to Bibury.

Wengen in Switzerland

People do not drive gasoline-powered cars here, preferring electric vehicles. The houses of local residents are located at an altitude of more than a thousand meters, which turns the village into an ideal ski resort in winter. There are trains to Wengen from Loterbrunnen or Interlaken.

Zaanse Schans in the Netherlands

To understand what Holland looked like in the 17th century, you need to come to the village of Zaanse Schans. It is located 20 minutes from Amsterdam, but is very different from the capital. Modern civilization has not touched this region. Here you can see windmills, Flemish houses of the 17th century, craftsmen who paint porcelain, make and sell wooden shoes.

Ezze in France

Taking a bus to Nice or Monaco, within half an hour you can find yourself in a rocky village on the Mediterranean coast. Thanks to its location on a hill, Ezza managed to resist for centuries the invaders who encroached on this piece of paradise. Old part The city is steeped in history - baroque churches, bell towers, gates to the village from the 14th century.

Pariangan in Indonesia

The Minangkabau people live in this village, so you will be able to learn as much information as possible about the culture and habits of the indigenous population. Here you can see beautiful natural landscapes, houses with traditional gabled roofs and wicker walls made of rattan. The village is adjacent to active volcano Merapi, which has erupted more than once over the past two hundred years. They go to Pariangan Shuttle Buses from the city of Batusangkara.

Savoca in Sicily

Fans of The Godfather come to Savoca to see key filming locations, including the famous Vitelli Bar and the Church of Santa Lucia. History buffs head to the Capuchin monastery, to the ruins of the fortress of Pentefur. You can get to Savoca by car from any resort on the island of Sicily.

Caleta Tortel in Chile

Caleta Tortel is located on a rock. Therefore, you will have to leave your car outside the village and continue your journey through the “Chilean Venice” on foot. The aroma of cypress trees and natural wood is in the air. Wooden houses rise on stilts, and they are surrounded by pavements and stairs made of the same material.

Cua Van in Vietnam

There are no remarkable historical buildings or masterpieces of architectural art here. This fishing village is famous for its unusual landscape of an inaccessible huge cliff. The life of local residents takes place on the water. They live in colorful raft houses, and the school is also located in one of the floating houses. There are more boats here than the buildings themselves. In Ha Long Bay you need to hire a raft, which will take you to the village.

Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia

This village attracts creative professionals who want to live and work while enjoying the blue of the Gulf of Tunisia every day. That’s why in Sidi Bou Said there are many originally designed cafes, art galleries and shops. All houses are designed in the same color scheme. The walls are painted white, and everything else (shutters, gates, decorative elements) is blue. Trains run from the capital to the village.

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For real travel gourmets, it has become too hackneyed a destination. Meanwhile, Michelin-starred restaurants and the highest quality contingent today are more likely to be found in godforsaken outskirts, picturesque and unusual. ELLE presents 12 of the most beautiful villages and small towns in the world that will become the pearl of your route.

Cozy medieval village of Yvoire, located on the French coast Lake Geneva, officially bears the name of the most beautiful and most flourishing village in France. Everything here is compact and incredibly nice - medieval architecture, narrow streets, colorful souvenir shops, local lake fish in restaurants and only 5 hotels where tourists come from all over the world. Something blooms in the gardens and on the streets of the city all year round, but it is especially beautiful in Yvoire in the summer - it is literally buried in vegetation. The rhythm of the city is surprisingly unhurried - residents are busy producing flowers and souvenirs, and the main local entertainment is walking along medieval castle Chateau d'Ivoire or the pier where swans swim among the boats.

By the way, Yvoire won a special prize at the French national competition, where it was named the most authentic village that has preserved the signs of medieval life in its original form.

Mountains and the mirror surface of Lake Geneva are the main features famous resort Evian, which is located on the border of France and Switzerland, in the foothills of the Savoy Alps. Since the end of the 19th century, the most famous mineral water in the world of Evian.

The resort gained its fame thanks to the healing properties of this water, which has become a worldwide brand, and today people come here for the incredible beauty of the place, as well as to improve their health. Evian is located on the shore of the lake and is small town With a huge amount entertainment - equestrian and golf clubs, casinos, cafes and restaurants, as well as the Thermes Evian thermal center with an impressive list of procedures based on the mineral water of the same name.

The main hotel of Evian is the Evian Royal Resort - luxurious palace on the very shore of the lake, occupying almost 50 hectares of park with swimming pools, wellness centers and hotel service of the highest standard.

The Evian resort is famous for its Golf Academy, where the international women's tournament - L'Evian Championship Golf Club - takes place. The special lifestyle of this club with elegant lunches at the Chalet du Golf, cocktails and receptions traditionally attracts the cream of European society.

The place of power of every figure in secular life, Cote d'Azur It is famous, among other things, for its incredibly beautiful landscapes, local roses and the freshest oysters. One of the most picturesque villages of the French Riviera, located on the road from Nice to Monaco, is called Eze, and its history dates back to time immemorial - it was founded by the Phoenicians. The observation deck of this heavenly place, the cactus garden and the Church of Penitent Sinners of the White Brotherhood are a favorite place for tourists all over the world.

This village in Gloucestershire is considered the most beautiful and most English village in the world. At least, such experts on local life as William Morris thought so. A narrow street above the River Colne leads to picturesque bridge, and St. Mary's Church, surrounded by lovely 17th-century English houses, illustrates the theme of the ideal authentic European village.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the village of Shirakawa-Go, located in the northern part of Japan's Gifu Prefecture, in the Sokawa River Valley, consists of just six dozen houses. Previously, the village was isolated from the outside world and was not marked on any geographical map- the dense forests surrounding it were considered impenetrable. Today, curious tourists are taken by bus to the famous architecture of the houses in the "Gassho" style.

They say it is Vietnam with its amazing nature served as a model for the fantasies of the designers of the film "Avatar". And this is not surprising - there are no such landscapes anywhere else. Aesthetes and travelers have a special passion for the small fishing village of Cua Van - its small houses are supported by rafts and literally stand on the water, surrounded by the cliffs of Ha Long Bay. In one of these raft houses there is also a village school - students come there by boat.

A village without roads or “Dutch Venice” - this is what they call this wonderful place located on water canals total length about 7.5 km. Here and today only the water transport. Giethoorn was founded in 1230 by a small group of refugees from the south of the country, but only gained worldwide fame in the 20th century, after Dutch director Bert Haanstra filmed his famous comedy Fanfare here in 1958.

The village in the Bernese Alps is home to just over 1,000 people. Meanwhile, the place is so popular among visitors that, according to statistics, for every local resident there are from 5 to 10 tourists, depending on the season. There are several reasons for this - nearby there is a popular ski resort and the amazing Kriegsloch cave, which, according to legend, predicts the approach of war. The region is also famous for its puppet theater and Mendelssohn music weeks. Driving cars is prohibited here, so as not to spoil the purest mountain air.

The volcanic island of Santorini is one of the most romantic places on the planet. You have to climb from the port along winding and dangerous serpentines, but it’s worth it - the residential part of the island offers fantastic views of the sea, the horizon and typical local buildings - white houses with blue roofs and church domes. According to legend, this place, a favorite place for couples for a peaceful honeymoon, is designed to test the strength of feelings - the sunsets of the village of Oia, the most beautiful point of the island, are so beautiful that only truly people in love can look at each other, and not at the maddening the beauty of nature. At least that's what the legend says.


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