Leman Switzerland. Geneva Lake Leman. Center for lasting beauty - L.RAPHAEL

The majestic Alps are fraught with many mysteries, to solve which travelers from different parts of the world come to their foot. One of these secrets was Lake Geneva, Switzerland. The crystal clear waters of this reservoir fascinate with their serenity, and the surrounding bright green hills, behind which the snow-white caps are hidden Alpine mountains, have special magic.

The lake is often compared to a giant mirror: its surface is so calm that it can accurately reflect nearby houses and trees. It is not surprising that this place has become one of the most visited in Europe, and it is ready to offer its guests resorts and entertainment for every taste.

General information

Lake Geneva, or as the French call it Leman, is the largest body of water in the Alps and the second largest lake in Central Europe. Its northern shore is in the possession of Switzerland, when South coast applies to French waters. The area of ​​Lake Geneva is 582.4 square meters. km, of which 348.4 sq. km belong to the Swiss state. If you look at the map, you can see that the reservoir has the shape of a crescent, the tips of which face south.

The length of Lake Leman is 72 km, and the width in some places reaches 13 km. The most deep point The reservoir was recorded between the cities of Evian-les-Bains and Lausanne: its size is 310 meters. The lake is of glacial origin, so it is quite cold and suitable for swimming only in the summer months, when the sun's rays warm the water to 21 - 23 °C.

The reservoir is the main transport artery connecting the cities located around it, between which ships sail daily. To ensure navigation around Lake Leman, 22 beacons were installed, which also give signals to fishermen and athletes about the approach of bad weather.

Nature, flora and fauna

If you look at Lake Geneva in Switzerland, then amazing nature region attracts the eye even in the photo. There are many parks and reserves here, as well botanical gardens, which can be found both in city resorts and in the mountains.

La Pierrez

Mountain goat

The largest nature center in Switzerland has become the La Pierrez nature reserve, whose landscapes change one after another, as if in a kaleidoscope. The park covers an area of ​​34 square meters. km and is a mixture of valleys, cliffs, meadows and gorges. Mountain goats, chamois, bears, lynxes and marmots live here, and among the birds you can find golden eagles, partridges and falcons, owls and woodpeckers.

Leman is a real treasury for the fisherman, in the depths of which a rich man is hidden undersea world. Among the inhabitants of Lake Geneva you can find pike, perch, trout, crayfish, whitefish and many other species of fish.

On a note! Swiss laws allow the use of a reservoir for fishing with a fishing rod with a single hook without obtaining a license. However, fishing with a spoon requires special permission.

Since Lehman is protected from northern winds chain of the Alpine mountains, a unique climate has been established in the region. And if in winter Lake Geneva can still blow you with a dry, cold wind, in summer it will only reward you with a soft, warm breeze. In July and August, the air temperature in the Lake Leman region can warm up to 30 ° C, which allows the local population to safely grow grapes. The region is dominated by subalpine vegetation, and palm trees are often found in local resorts.

Cities on the shores of Lake Geneva

It is no coincidence that Lake Leman is called the Swiss Riviera: after all, several picturesque resort towns, each of which has its own entertainment and attractions.

At the southwestern tip of Lake Leman is Geneva, one of the most beautiful cities in Switzerland with a population of 200 thousand people. Its unique symbol was the majestic Jet-Deau fountain, gushing straight from the reservoir with a stream 140 meters high. Surrounded by flowers and greenery, Geneva is replete with parks and squares, cultural monuments and historical attractions, among which you should definitely visit:

Saint Paul's Cathedral
  • Saint Paul's Cathedral
  • Basilica of Notre Dame
  • Flower clock
  • Reformation wall

This Swiss city can rightfully be called a cultural center: it has about 30 different museums. Geneva is of great value to the entire world community, since it is here that the headquarters of many international organizations, such as the Red Cross, the WTO and the UN, are located.

Spread over picturesque hills and framed by vineyards, Lausanne is located on the northeastern shore of Lake Leman in Switzerland. This well-kept, plant-lined city of 128,000 people is rich in historical sites and museums, and its many parks are a favorite place for leisurely strolls. In order to get to know Lausanne, it is important to visit its unique attractions:

  • Ancient castles Beaulieu and Saint-Mer
  • Gothic Lausanne Cathedral
  • Olympic Museum
  • Gothic Church of St. Francis
  • Ryumina Palace

Travelers love to stroll through the medieval quarter of Ville Marchais and explore the most valuable exhibits on display in Lausanne art galleries.

What was once a small settlement of fishermen and winemakers has now grown into an elite resort town, considered one of the best not only in Switzerland, but throughout Europe. Montreux, with a population of only 26 thousand people, is located in the most eastern point Leman.

Photos and descriptions of this resort on Lake Geneva make it clear that this place is not for those who are used to saving money: luxury hotels, elite clinics, restaurants top level, expensive boutiques greet tourists at every turn.

Every year it is held here jazz festival, where famous musicians from all over the world come. Among remarkable places Montreux is worth highlighting the Chillon Castle, which is located in the suburbs, and the monument to Freddie Mercury, installed on the embankment of Lake Leman.

The small town of Vevey in Switzerland with a population of 19.5 thousand people is located on the northeastern coast of the lake. Famous throughout the world for its fertile vineyards, this ecologically clean resort It is calm and cozy.

Monument to Charlie Chaplin

If you happen to find yourself in Vevey, be sure to take a stroll around Grand-Place, visit the old café de La Clef and climb to the top of Mont Pelerin. This resort was appreciated by many celebrities: it was here that he spent last years talented actor Charlie Chaplin, in whose honor a monument was erected in the city park. Like other cities in Switzerland, Vevey boasts unique museums, among which the Wine Museum, the Photography Museum and the Food Museum deserve special attention.


One of the oldest European thermal resorts Evian-les-Bains is located on the southern shore of Lake Geneva in France. This secluded place with a population of only 8,600 people is famous for its first-class balneotherapy, for which English monarchs and aristocracy have long come here for treatment. And today, any traveler visiting Evian-les-Bains can afford these procedures.

There are surprisingly few tourists here, so the atmosphere in the city is conducive to a calm and measured holiday. Evian-les-Bains has excellent water connections to all towns on the Swiss Riviera, so getting here for spa activities is easy.


Thonon-les-Bains is the largest resort town located on southern shores Lake Leman in France. It is very popular among tourists due to its numerous thermal springs. The unique Savoyard architecture of Thonon-les-Bains, with its shops and souvenir shops, stands out among other towns on Lake Geneva.

There are several interesting attractions here, among which the following are of particular value:

Ripay Castle
  • Ripay Castle
  • City Hall
  • central square
  • Ancient Church of St. Paul

Thonon-les-Bains is located right at the foot of Mont Blanc and mountain range Chablais, where you can take the funicular and enjoy magnificent views of the surrounding area.

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Things to do

In addition to walking around the main resorts of Lake Geneva, where there are many attractions, tourists have an excellent opportunity to attend local events and arrange a real attraction of water activities.

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Lake Geneva is the largest lake in both Switzerland and France. In addition, this lake is the second largest in both Western and Central Europe after the Hungarian Lake Balaton. The surface area of ​​Lake Geneva is 580 km², Lake Balaton is 594 km². True, Lake Geneva is deeper: its maximum depth is 310 meters, the maximum depth of Lake Balaton is only 12.5 meters. As a result, the volume of water in Lake Geneva is much larger: 89 km³, making it the largest freshwater reservoir in Switzerland. The water volume of Lake Balaton is much more modest and amounts to 1.9 km³. At the same time, the water in Lake Geneva is very clean. 80 million m³ of water is used annually as drinking water. The quality of water in the lake is regularly monitored by the International Commission for the Protection of the Water Basin of Lake Geneva (French Commission internationale pour la protection des eaux du Léman, abbreviated as CIPEL).

Lake name

The lake has a crescent shape and is divided into Upper Lake(French Haut Lac), Big lake(French Grand Lac) and Small Lake (French Petit Lac). Written mentions of it are already found among geographers of ancient times, who called this lake “lacus lemanus”. This name first appeared in the Celtic language and means “ big water" Today Lake Geneva is called Lac Léman or Le Léman in French, as well as Lac de Genève. Moreover, the name Lac de Genève is used not for the entire lake, but for that part of it that is located in the canton of Geneva. The name in German is Genfersee.

Cities on the coast

Along the shores of the lake there are two large Swiss cities: Geneva in the southwest and the capital of the canton of Vaud, Lausanne, in the north. Two others famous cities- These are Montreux and Vevey, located on the northeastern shore of the lake. The headquarters of the world's largest food manufacturer, Nestlé S.A., is located in Vevey. And the city of Montreux is famous for the fact that - since 1967, every year in July - the Montreux Jazz Festival is held here, attracting over 200,000 spectators each time.

In the northwest coast in the canton of Vaud there is a small picturesque town of Nyon (French: Nyon), famous among music lovers no less than Montreux. Here, since 1976, a rock festival is held annually under open air"Paléo Festival", which also attracts at least 200,000 spectators.

One of the symbols of Lake Geneva is Chillon Castle (French: Château de Chillon), which is located five kilometers southeast of Montreux. This castle is the most visited historical building in Switzerland. More than 400,000 people visit it annually. Chillon Castle is a complex of 25 buildings and three courtyards, which are protected by two circumferential walls. It is located on an island 120 meters long and up to 48 meters wide. A bridge connects it to the shore. The first written mention of Chillon Castle dates back to 1005. And the English romantic poet George Byron described this castle in detail in 1816 in his romantic poem “The Prisoner of Chillon”.

Another symbol of the lake and the city of Geneva is the unique Jet d’eau fountain, whose height reaches 140 meters. It is located directly in the lake. The fountain throws up 500 liters of lake water per second. At the same time, the water reaches speeds of up to 200 km/h. This fountain appeared in 1885. At that time its height was only a few meters. At that time, the fountain served as a high-pressure valve for the pressure water supply system of the Forces Motrices de la Coulouvrenière hydroelectric power station. This power plant supplied energy to the workshops of Geneva jewelers. Mine modern look The Jeu d'Eau fountain was acquired in 1951. By the way, the residents of Geneva, observing the behavior of the fountain jet, learned to predict the weather from it for the next couple of days.

On the northeastern coast of the lake between the cities of Vevey and Lausanne are the terraced vineyards of Lavaux (French: Lavaux). They are narrow terraces with stone walls that descend to the shores of the lake along steep slopes. These vineyards appeared back in the 12th century. They stretch for 30 kilometers and cover an area of ​​805 hectares. Lavaux Vineyards is the largest wine region in Switzerland. In 2007 they were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a natural and cultural complex.

In 1990, Switzerland introduced its own system for determining the quality of wine.

On the label of a wine of the 1st category, an AOC mark is placed with the name of the region in which it is produced. The abbreviation AOC stands for "Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée" (Controlled Appellation of Origin). The AOC category includes wines from eight Lavaux regions. The typical wine variety in the Lavaux vineyards is Chasselas. The area of ​​vineyards with grapes of this variety is almost 75% of the entire Lavaux area. In total, about 30 different grape varieties are grown here. The most common are Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Gamay and Gamaret.

Fishing and fishing

Fishing enthusiasts will definitely be happy to visit Lake Geneva - it is rich in fish. More than 30 species of fish live here. The most common species are whitefish, lake trout, pike, perch, grayling, char and burbot. In 2016, 1,047 tons of fish were caught in this lake. At the same time, commercial fishermen caught 983 tons, and amateur fishermen - 64 tons of fish. The first and second places in production are whitefish (736 tons) and perch (192 tons). In 2016, 42 tons of pike were also caught. However, Swiss ichthyological experts believe that even more pike need to be caught in Lake Geneva, as they eat a lot of trout, whitefish and grayling. And in 2016, 7 tons of American crayfish were caught here, which somehow ended up in the lake in the 1970s.

Fishing and fishing in Switzerland are quite strictly regulated. Rules fishing appeared on Lake Geneva already in the 14th century. Since the 16th century, regular controls on the number of fish caught have been introduced. In 1980, an agreement was concluded between Switzerland and France regarding fisheries. The agreement came into force in 1982. According to it, amateur fishermen can fish anywhere in Lake Geneva, but professional fishermen must adhere to the borders of their state. In 1998, a new agreement was adopted. Now commercial fishermen also have the right to fish throughout the lake. Switzerland and France discuss the fishing situation on the lake regularly.

Byron's already mentioned poem “The Prisoner of Chillon” was written on the shores of Lake Geneva. Byron lived here from May to October 1816 in the Villa Diodati in the town of Cologny. On June 22, 1816 he visited Chillon Castle. Byron completed work on the poem “The Prisoner of Chillon” in July of the same year.

In the same Villa Diodati and around the same time, another famous work arose. The English writer Mary Shelley, who lived there with her future husband Percy Shelley, wrote the epistolary novel Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus here. The novel was first published anonymously in 1818. In 2015, the novel “Frankenstein” was included in the rating of “The 100 greatest British novels”.

The Mont Blanc embankment of Lake Geneva became the site of the death of Duchess Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie of Bavaria (German: Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie, 1837 - 1898), also known as Sisi or Sissy, wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I. Elizabeth was Empress of Austria from 1854 and Queen Consort of Hungary from 1867. On September 10, 1898, she walked along the embankment, accompanied by one of her ladies-in-waiting, Countess Irma Sztáray. Here she was waylaid by the Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni, who stabbed Elizabeth in the heart with a thin sharpener made from a triangular file. The sharpener entered the empress's chest to a depth of 8.5 cm and pierced the left chamber of the heart. Elizabeth died at 14:40 on the same day. Luigi Lukeni was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. On October 10, 1910, he hanged himself in his cell.

A fire in a high-rise casino complex in Montreux on December 4, 1971 inspired the British rock band Deep Purple to write their famous song “Smoke on the Water.” The casino, in whose theater a Frank Zappa concert was held that day, burned down completely. The musicians watched the fire and a curtain of smoke over Lake Geneva from the Europe Hotel. "Smoke on the Water" was first released on the album Machine Head in March 1972.

Location: France, Switzerland
Square: 582 km²
Greatest depth: 310 m
Coordinates: 46°27"35.9"N 6°31"51.5"E

Leman or Lake Geneva is considered the largest in Europe. The picturesque body of water lies on the border between Switzerland and France and is almost equally divided between the two countries. Crystal water, clear mountain air, beautiful nature And magnificent resorts attract many tourists from different parts of Europe to the shores of the lake.

Chillon Castle on Lake Geneva

Geographical features

From above, Lake Geneva looks like a huge crescent moon, the horns of which point south. It stretches for 72 km and reaches a width of 13 km. The reservoir is of glacial origin and has a depth of up to 310 m. Leman is famous for its clean water, but it is quite cool, so people swim here only in July and August, when the water temperature warms up to +19...+23°C. The main beaches along the shores of the lake are grass or platforms.

Due to the fact that the wall of the Alpine mountains protects Leman from the cold northern winds, a unique climate, reminiscent of the subtropics. Palm trees grow on the streets of resorts, and coastal terraces are actively used for growing grapes. In summer, the air temperature in the Lake Geneva area reaches +32...+36°C, but due to the proximity of the mountains, no one suffers from the heat.

The shores of the reservoir are surrounded by green peaks, behind which snow-white caps are visible. high mountains. Lake Geneva is compared to a huge mirror because it remains calm throughout the day, and the smooth surface reflects every house and tree growing on the shore. It is noteworthy that there are 22 lighthouses installed around Leman, which serve for navigation and signal fishermen and amateurs aquatic species sports about approaching bad weather.

Terraced vineyards of Lavaux on Lake Geneva

Major resorts

It is no coincidence that Leman is considered one of the most visited lakes in the world. On its banks there are resorts, entertainment and attractions for every taste, which is why the picturesque surroundings of the reservoir are called the Swiss Riviera. These places have long attracted wealthy people, incorrigible romantics and artists. IN resort towns, located around the lake, were the Empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Sissi, the English poet Lord Byron, writers Ernest Hemingway and Vladimir Nabokov, composer Igor Stravinsky, film director Alfred Hitchcock and other celebrities.

On the northern coast of Leman lies one of the cultural centers of Switzerland - the beautiful Lausanne. People come here to admire the beauty cathedral- the largest Gothic temple in the country, built in the 12th-13th centuries. Here you can hear a beautiful-sounding organ consisting of 7,000 pipes. Travelers enjoy walking in the medieval quarter of Ville Marché, visiting art museums

city ​​and spend time in the green parks "Mon Repos", "Olympic", "Hermitage" and "Elysees".

Located on the eastern tip of Lake Montreux is known throughout the world for its beauty institutes, cabarets, bars and private schools. People come here for beauty and health, and the main guests of this prestigious resort

people who are not used to saving become. Montreux clinics provide a full range of cosmetic services and perform the most modern plastic surgeries. They offer programs for losing excess weight and restoring the nervous system.

The resort town of Vevey lies between Lausanne and Montreux and is known for its silence and excellent ecology. It is here that the headquarters of the favorite company of sweet tooths and fans of good coffee, Nestle, is located, and the museums of the Old Town, Clocks, Photography and Games are open. The world-famous comedian Charlie Chaplin spent the last 25 years of his life in Vevey, so a monument to the great artist was erected in the city square.

Freddie Mercury statue in Montreux on the shores of Lake Geneva Those who want to do active recreation They find a lot of interesting things on Lake Geneva. Many travelers go water skiing, windsurfing and sailing . IN coastal resorts play tennis, learn the basics of equestrian sports and take long hiking

into the mountains.


A large Swiss city is located at the southwestern tip of the lake. Geneva is often called the “capital of the world”, because it is in this city that the headquarters of the UN and the Red Cross are located. It is noteworthy that almost 200 people live here and 40% of them are foreigners. Geneva has a lot of attractive places for tourists. Business card The Swiss city has become a huge fountain, the Jet-Deau, which shoots to a height of 147 m directly from Lake Geneva. One of the largest fountains in the world is impressive! The flow rate in it reaches 500 liters per second, and the water jet accelerates to 200 km/h. Thanks to the fine splashes on a sunny day, you can see a bright rainbow near the fountain, and on dark time

days around

man-made miracle spectacular colored illumination appears. Zhe-Do works daily, and is turned off only in severe frosts or when there is high wind.. View of the Freddie Mercury statue from Lake Geneva Once in Geneva, most travelers rush to the colorful Old city Self-guided tour It's best to start with the historical Burg de Four square, which was founded back in the days of meetings with city residents and tourists - Promenade de la Treille. This street is famous for the longest wooden bench, which is a whopping 120 m long!

For the curious architectural monument Swiss city is the ancient St. Peter's Cathedral, founded at the beginning of the 13th century. The Catholic church was rebuilt several times, so on its facades you can see a mixture of traditions of Romanesque architecture, Baroque and Classicism. Directly behind the cathedral building is Archaeological Museum , whose exhibits tell about ancient history

Switzerland. Another iconic landmark of Geneva is located on the opposite bank of the Rhone River. The Catholic Basilica Nord Dame is a couple of minutes' walk from railway station

. It was built in the 19th century in the Gothic tradition, and today houses a white stone statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Jet d'Eau Fountain on Lake Geneva

Near the Mont Blanc Bridge, on the Promenade du Lac, you can see an unusual flower clock. The time on them is determined not only by the position of the hands. You can find out what time it is by what type of flowers bloomed in the flower beds near the dial.

What else to see on Lake Geneva

On a small rocky island, 3 km from Montreux, rises the romantic Chillon Castle. It was erected in 1160 to control the road between the mountains and the lake. From the beginning of the 19th century to the present day, a museum has been opened in the castle, where many tourists visit. The areas around Lake Geneva are famous for their food and wine festivals. For gourmets, there are wine, cheese and chocolate tours. Fans of gastronomic tourism will definitely visit the Lavaux region, stretching between Lausanne and Vevey. The local terraced vineyards and quality wine are so popular that in 2007 the wine region was included in the list of monuments World Heritage


Birdwatching enthusiasts come to Leman to watch waterfowl. Near its shores you can always find seagulls, ducks, swans and ducks.

Transport on the lake

Most of the cities located on the shores of the lake are connected by ferries of the shipping company CGN. This company was founded in 1873 and uses 16 ships to transport passengers, including 5 vintage paddle steamers built at the beginning of the last century. Situated between Switzerland and France, Lake Geneva spreads among many attractions. In addition to the beautiful ancient cities and popular resorts, of particular interest is Chillon on the Swiss Riviera, romanticized by poets and writers - Percy Shelley, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Victor Hugo and

A charming islet located about a hundred meters from the coast of the city of Roles in the canton of Vaud. This artificial island, built in 1836 in shallow waters to protect the port. There is an obelisk on it in honor of the man after whom it is named, Frederic Cesar de la Harpe. The obelisk, decorated with bas-reliefs and medallions, bears the words spoken by Russian Tsar Alexander I: “I owe everything to this Swiss.” Frederic Cesar de la Harpe was the mentor of the future king.

The largest in the territory Western Europe natural lake - Geneva - is located in Switzerland. In France it is called "Lac Leman". It has the shape of a crescent, narrowing in the southern part near the medieval French town of Yvoire and naturally dividing at this point into the Big and Small lakes. 59.53% (345.31 sq. km.) of the lake area falls under the jurisdiction of Switzerland, 40.47% (234.71 sq. km.) belongs to France. The border between the countries runs in the middle.

Yvoire, famous for its medieval buildings and the variety of colorful flowers that decorate its streets in summer time, included in the category of the most beautiful (small) cities in France. Called the “pearl of Lac Leman,” the city of Yvoire is one of the most popular tourist places in the Rhône-Alpes region.

Lake Geneva has existed for about 15,000 years. It was formed during the retreat of the Rhone glacier. It originates on a glacier near the Grimsel mountain pass to the east of the lake, flowing through the Valais and emptying into the lake between the resort towns of Villeneuve and Le Bouveret. Coastal landscapes are varied. Between Vevey and Villeneuve the landscape is predominantly alpine. On the southern side at the foot of the Alps - in the region of Savoy and the canton of Valais - the terrain is mostly difficult to navigate. In the northern part, the coast is covered with lush vegetation, with wonderful vineyards on the slopes, ancient villages and castles.

Although located on the edge of the Alps, Lake Geneva thanks to large mass The water in it creates its own microclimate around, especially in Montreux and the immediate surroundings, where agaves, palm trees and other exotic plants grow, protected from strong winds by the mountains.

The French border town of Alenge is interesting for its history, with a castle on a hill that offers fantastic views of Lac Leman and the Chablais area, which is a center of mountain tourism.

Lake Geneva is famous for its Belle Epoque The resort town of Evian-les-Bains was especially popular among aristocrats who came here to treat various diseases and nervous fatigue. Another resort, Thonon-les-Bains, is famous for its waters, which have detoxifying properties and help with kidney diseases.

Lake Geneva (photos, it should be noted, are shown by many unique places on its banks) between Vevey and Lutry - the area of ​​the terraced vineyards of Lavaux, included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2007.

Lake Geneva, France (France) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

  • Tours for May To France
  • Last minute tours To France

The largest alpine lake, divided by the will of history between two countries, Geneva is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. His northern shores belong to Switzerland, the south belongs to France, and they are separated by several kilometers of impeccably clean, deep blue water. Lake Geneva in France is patriotically called Lac Leman - and it actually consists of two reservoirs: Big and Small. Despite the fact that tourism in full swing is observed mainly on the Swiss coast, the French shores have also not remained aloof from the tourist boom. Most popular resort The Republic of Thonon-les-Bains is not very well known on Russian market, but his younger brother Evian annually receives a significant portion of domestic tourists.

How to get to Lake Geneva

The nearest airports to the lake are Geneva (40 km to Thonon) and Annecy (80 km). Annecy Airport receives mainly domestic and European low-cost airlines, as well as seasonal charters, while Geneva Airport receives flights from all over the world.

You can also arrive on the French shores of Lac Leman from its Swiss part. Transport connection carried out by the Swiss Navigation Company Lac-Leman. The ferry journey from Geneva and Montreux will take about 45 minutes, from Lausanne - no more than half an hour. You can also move on water between French resorts Lake Geneva - Thonon and Evian, for example, are just a 10-minute sail away.

In summer, the air on Lake Geneva warms up to +25.. +28 °C, the water temperature in July and August is +22.. +24 °C, which is excellent for swimming.

Climate of the region

The resorts of Lake Geneva are subject to a temperate continental climate. Winters here are moderately mild, and summers are not too hot. average temperature winter season fluctuates between 0.. +10 °C. At the same time, on lake shores It’s quite chilly even with positive thermometer readings, the reason for which is increased air humidity and frequent piercing winds. In summer, the air on Lake Geneva warms up to +25.. +28 °C, the water temperature in July and August is +22.. +24 °C, which is excellent for swimming.

Lake Geneva and Evian

Resorts of the French part of Lake Geneva

Evian is the most popular among Russian tourists resort on the French shore of Lake Geneva, famous not only for its couple of dozen quality hotels and convenient beaches, but also mineral water brand of the same name. The subject of increased interest among tourists here is one of the best spa complexes in Europe with the pompous but true name “Evian Royal Spa”. Among other things, drinking Evian water is indicated for a whole range of diseases, and the resort has “serious” clinics. Well, among the local attractions are Vacation home the Lumière brothers, a theater, a casino, the ancient castle of Fontbonne, as well as the Pre-Curier Garden of Water reserve and cable car to the mountain of the Chablais massif.

Thonon-les-Bains (or simply Thonon) is the largest resort in the French part of Lac-Leman. In addition to excellent conditions for health improvement and beach holiday(more than twenty hotels, the ultra-modern Valvital spa complex and its own thermal source Versoix “included”) Tonon can offer tourists an incredible “excursion” in scope. The city was once the capital of the historical province of Chablais, owned by the Counts of Savoy, and has a considerable number of attractions, including the majestic castle of Ripail (the last antipope Amédée VIII once rested here) and the medieval Lang watchtower.

Saint-Gingolph is famous for its unique location - the city has one foot in Switzerland, the other in France, and the border between the two countries sometimes runs right along the streets of the city. The “chips” of the destination are a magnificent beach (divided into Swiss and French parts) and a good “excursion”. The beach of Saint-Gingolph is sandy, small, but with good infrastructure - cafes/restaurants, volleyball and petanque courts, water rescue service. Among the attractions are the historical quarters of the city, the 18th century church and interesting museum traditions and navigation of Lac-Leman.

Although Yvoire cannot boast of healing mineral water, it does have a nice secluded beach. You can stay here in cozy private guest houses. Yvoire has an unusually long and rich history, traces of which can be found in the narrow streets of the historical center of the city, which, by the way, is included in State List the most beautiful villages France. Activities include boat trips on Lake Geneva and the beautiful Vaudois Route cycling route to the fishing village of Nernier.


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