Madagascar Island – interesting facts. Population of Madagascar: number, density, age and racial composition The indigenous population of Madagascar is called

Option No. 2217089

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Specify the number of pre-positions, in which it is correct to transfer to the MAIN information, co-holding -I'm in the text. Write down the number of these proposals.

1) The root of the souls of the dead, at night they return into the world of the living and bringing misfortune and death.

2) Europeans, having met on Ma-da-ga-ska-re living ones with luminous eyes in the dark, they were called le-mu-ra-mi, and the name stuck.

3) The Europeans who fell on Ma-da-ga-skar in the 16th century met there for the first time harmless animals from a long distance -mi pu-shi-sty-mi tails-sta-mi, chain-ki-mi la-pa-mi and huge-mi eyes-behind-mi - le-mur-ditch, or “poppies”, as they call them na-zy-va-li abo-ri-gen-ny.

4) Root-to-the-se-le-nie Ma-da-ga-ska-ra calls for the ko-sha-whose le-moirs - animals with huge the light in the dark behind the eyes - the word “poppies”.

5) Having arrived at Ma-da-ga-skar in the 16th century, the Europeans met there le-moors, harmless animals with long pu-shi-sty-mi tail-sta-mi, chain-ki-mi la-pa-mi and huge-mi eyes behind-mi, which local residents are on- call me "poppies".



Which of the following words (co-words) should be in the place of the pass in the third clause?



Because the

That's why


About the fragment of the vocabulary article, which contains the meaning of the word OWN. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. You write a number that corresponds to this meaning in the given fragment of the vocabulary article.

OWN, oh, oh.

1. Lying above someone. by right of ownership. S. house.

2. Your own, personal. See your own eyes behind you. In your own hands. Sense of self-worth(feeling of self-respect). According to his own opinion.

3. Living in a non-middle-of-mind, position, subordinate to someone. S. cor-respondent.

4. Literal, real. V. own meaning of the word.

5. Peculiar only to someone, without any additional additions (special). C. body weight.

6. actually, introductory. More precisely, in essence. Actually, I don’t argue.

7. actually, part. You are limited: without something, something else, something else. The Volga system is made up of the Volga and its tributaries.

(1) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls ring-tailed lemurs, harmless animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge, wide-open eyes, with the word “maki”, but the modern name - “lemur” - was given by Europeans. (2) In Ancient Rome, lemurs were the name for the souls of the dead who did not find peace in the kingdom of the dead and return at night to the world of the living, bringing misfortune and death. (3) With the fall of Rome, the mystical lemurs disappeared into oblivion,<...>When in the 16th century the first Europeans came to Madagascar and met small animals with huge eyes glowing in the dark, they remembered Roman superstitions about the ghosts of the dead and gave “maquis” their own name, which stuck.


In one of the words given below, there is a mistake in the stan-nov-ke of the de-re-tion: INCORRECT you are on the letter, denoting cha-yu-shchaya stressed vowel sound. You-pi-shi-te this word.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

In the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the RESCUE operation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to remove ships from ice captivity has ended.

Rosa Lvovna rose from her chair and walked towards the door with a ROYAL gait.

Lesha dressed his little sister, and they went to meet dad from work.

The estate was surrounded by a high STONE fence.

During the year, the production development plan underwent significant changes.


In one of the words below, there is an error in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word right.

according to THEIR own

in TWO THOUSAND fifth year


PRO-PO-LO-SCHI underwear

pair BO-TI-NOK


Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

B) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

C) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

D) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

1) Athletes who will compete at the World Championships are now training hard, dreaming of victory.

2) A.I. Kuindzhi in the painting “Birch Grove”, using a technique not previously used in Russian landscape, created the image of a sublime, sparkling, radiant world.

3) Thanks to the work of linguists, we learned the names of those who lived thousands of years ago real people: artists and sculptors, emperors and priests.

4) Those who were unable to watch the new film were very sorry about it.

5) Those who have studied mathematics, of course, know about Euclid.

6) An educated person knows both literature and history well.

7) N.M. Karamzin wrote that “let there be honor and glory to our language.”

8) Kuindzhi considered himself Russian and called the Greeks, who had inhabited the Black Sea coast since antiquity, his ancestors.

9) By following the rules of etiquette, you can even express displeasure in such a way that no one will be offended.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Define the word in which about the unstressed unstressed vowel of the root. You write this word by inserting a letter.






Define a series in which both words have the same letter. You write these words by inserting a letter.

not..pretty, in..plump (of light);

pr..attract, pr..sit;

counter..gra,; (visa), premiere;

from..move, come..lie down.


You write a word, in which the letter I is written in place of the letter I.







You write a word, in which the letter U is written in place of the letter U.

laugh..t (they)

hear..t (they)


Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Ivan Ivanovich listened to his son with a tense and (in)incomprehensibly smile.

The topic of co-chi-not-revelation (not) revealed.

Yes, there is a (not) clear plan for the development of the production of cri-ti-to-va-li in the ministry.

This place is (not) for-nya.

No (un)needed information.


Definition of a sentence in which both of your words are written together. Open the brackets and write these two words.

Water Bai-ka-la! The sun quietly sank behind the mountains, threw out a farewell green ray, and Baikal immediately returned to yourself some tender greenery.

Mu-zy-ka Sho-pe-na be-re-di-la vo-po-mi-na-niya. Its sounds, JUST like in childhood, made my throat choke and I wanted people to be happy.

Andrei Rublev was (PO)IS-TI-NOT you-y-y-y-s-master of ancient-Russian life-in-pi-si, about-la-da-yu- such a very creative ma-not-roy. However, not much is known about him: (FROM) THAT distant time only a mi-ni-a-ty-ra has been preserved, for some -the swarm is sealed by the hu-dozh-nick.

If only the nature of the SAME (SAME) could feel gratitude towards a person (FOR) THAT he penetrated into her life, exalted and sang it, this gratitude would fall to the lot of Pri-shvin.

SO that you can call from Russia to Europe via mobile phone, you must spend at least five hundred rubles.


Indicate all the numbers, in place of which NN is written.

De-lav-shie for-mas-ki-ro-va (1) search for robbery for only what was in the table, other boo-ma-gi left (2) s so-top-she (3) about not-tro-well-you-mi.


Place pre-pi-na-niya signs. Indicate the number of prepositions in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) In the 15th century, they used both heavy cannons for the siege of fortresses and light guns in field battles.

2) The word expresses thoughts and can serve to unite and separate people.

3) Mi-ke-lan-je-lo depicted people with a mighty body and a strong will, brave and untamed, calm and determined tel-nykh.

4) In the lu-ka-mischievous and unusual-but-ly-rich voice of the Russian ba-la-lay-ki, you hear a sko-mo- Ro-shya prowess of the first mu-zy-kan-tov in Rus'.

5) Due to the current situation after the revolution, Kup-rin found himself in emigration and for almost twenty years passionately - come back to Russia.


When the village (1) located in the valley (2) was covered by a wide, cool shadow from the mountain (3) covered with a roof west (4) people gathered at the white old church.


Arrange all the not-to-one-hundred signs of pre-pi-na-tion: indicate the number(s), in place of which one(s) in the sentence there should be one hundredth place(s).

Ag-ro-but-we often use certain qualities of living organisms for our own purposes. So (1) for example (2) in agriculture, some types of organic matter serve to protect the crop from harm the actions of others (3) that is (4) are their own biological guardians.


Arrange all the pre-pi-na-niya signs: indicate the number(s), in place of which one(s) in the sentence there should be one hundredth place(s).

To catch pro-pteras, the inhabitants of Su-da-na use a special ba-ra-ban (1) with the help of (2) some (3) sounds (4) raindrops.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

At sunset it began to rain (1) which immediately dispelled the stuffiness that had accumulated in the air (2) and (3) while it made a loud and monotonous noise in the garden around the house (4) the sweet freshness of wet greenery came through the open windows in the hall.


Which of your sayings correspond to the text? Specify the number from the ve-tov.

1) The appearance of the country, the face of the country should be the subject of concern for the state.

2) The landscape, the landscape of the country are absolutely not dependent on the person’s idea of ​​beauty.

3) The economic activity of a person largely determines the landscape and landscape of the country.

4) The landscape of the country tells a lot about the relationship between society and man, nature.

5) It’s not possible to create a department to protect the external appearance of the land.

(According to V. Soloukhin*)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin

Option 4.


Which of the following statements are true? Specify the number from the ve-tov.

Indicate the numbers in order of origin.

1) In sentences 1-4 there is a presentation of judgment and description.


3) Sentences of 8-10 co-holding elements of judgment.

4) Sentence 17 contains an explanation of the statement in sentence 16 of the judgment.

5) In sentences 13-14 there is a description.

(1) Just as an artist creates a landscape painting, so an entire people gradually, involuntarily, perhaps even, stroke by stroke over the course of centuries, creates the landscape and landscape of their country.

(2) The face of old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent by those hundreds of thousands of churches and bell towers that were located throughout its expanses in predominantly elevated places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) Tens of thousands of landowner estates with their parks and pond systems also contributed a considerable share to the landscape and landscape of the country. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and hamlets with willows, wells, sheds, bathhouses, paths, gardens, vegetable gardens, pledges, spinning wheels, carved frames, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, round dances, mowing, shepherd's horns, sickles, flails, thatched roofs, small individual fields, horses plowing... (5) The face of the country changed when all these factors determining the landscape disappeared.

(6) Just as a landscape artist puts a piece of his soul into his creation and creates a landscape, essentially speaking, in his own image and likeness, so the soul of the people and the idea of ​​beauty that is in the soul is invested in the landscape of any country. this or that people lives.

(7) It is bad if the soul is asleep, if it is distracted, drowned out by side circumstances, interests, noise, self-interest or other considerations, if it is dead or, more precisely, in lethargy. (8) Then spirituality leaves the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it seems to be emptying, the form remains in the absence of content, it emanates coldness, alienation, indifference and, precisely, emptiness. (10) It becomes indifferent to an individual and an entire nation: what will it look like? (11) What will the house, village, river, valley, hills, and country as a whole look like? (12) What will the face of the country be like?

(13) There are departments for the development and extraction of mineral resources, for road construction, for agriculture, for electrification, for light, heavy and automotive industries, but there is no department for the appearance of the country (land), for its neatness, tidiness, spirituality.. (14) We think about the strength of structures, about the nature and volume of excavation work, about the amount of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but we don’t think about what it will look like? (15) How it will look not only on its own, but in combination with the surroundings, with the terrain, in accordance with traditions and with projection into the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and totality is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society.

(17) trashed forest, rutted roads with stuck cars, shallow rivers, green meadows striped by tractor tracks, half-abandoned villages, agricultural machines rusting under open air, standard houses, fields infested with weeds, speak about the residents of this or that village, this or that area no less than an unsightly and neglected apartment about its residents.

(According to V. Soloukhin*)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin(1924-1997), poet, prose writer. Reflecting on modern man, V. Soloukhin highlighted the problems of his interaction with the earth, nature, culture, and the heritage of the past.

Source of text: Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language: training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lvova - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 136 pages.

Option 4.


From pre-lo-zhe-niya 7 you-pi-shi-those terms.

(1) Just as an artist creates a landscape painting, so an entire people gradually, involuntarily, perhaps even, stroke by stroke over the course of centuries, creates the landscape and landscape of their country.

(2) The face of old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent by those hundreds of thousands of churches and bell towers that were located throughout its expanses in predominantly elevated places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) Tens of thousands of landowner estates with their parks and pond systems also contributed a considerable share to the landscape and landscape of the country. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and hamlets with willows, wells, sheds, bathhouses, paths, gardens, vegetable gardens, pledges, spinning wheels, carved frames, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, round dances, mowing, shepherd's horns, sickles, flails, thatched roofs, small individual fields, horses plowing... (5) The face of the country changed when all these factors determining the landscape disappeared.

(6) Just as a landscape artist puts a piece of his soul into his creation and creates a landscape, essentially speaking, in his own image and likeness, so the soul of the people and the idea of ​​beauty that is in the soul is invested in the landscape of any country. this or that people lives.

(7) It is bad if the soul is asleep, if it is distracted, drowned out by side circumstances, interests, noise, self-interest or other considerations, if it is dead or, more precisely, in lethargy. (8) Then spirituality leaves the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it seems to be emptying, the form remains in the absence of content, it emanates coldness, alienation, indifference and, precisely, emptiness. (10) It becomes indifferent to an individual and an entire nation: what will it look like? (11) What will the house, village, river, valley, hills, and country as a whole look like? (12) What will the face of the country be like?

(13) There are departments for the development and extraction of mineral resources, for road construction, for agriculture, for electrification, for light, heavy and automotive industries, but there is no department for the appearance of the country (land), for its neatness, tidiness, spirituality.. (14) We think about the strength of structures, about the nature and volume of excavation work, about the amount of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but we don’t think about what it will look like? (15) How it will look not only on its own, but in combination with the surroundings, with the terrain, in accordance with traditions and with projection into the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and totality is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society.

(17) trashed forest, rutted roads with bogged cars, shallow rivers, green meadows striped by tractor tracks, half-abandoned villages, agricultural machines rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infested with weeds, speak of the inhabitants of this or that village, this or that another area is no less than an unsightly and neglected apartment about its residents.

(According to V. Soloukhin*)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin(1924-1997), poet, prose writer. Reflecting on modern man, V. Soloukhin highlighted the problems of his interaction with the earth, nature, culture, and the heritage of the past.

Source of text: Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language: training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lvova - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 136 pages.

Option 4.

(7) It’s bad if the soul is asleep, if it’s distracted, behind-the-scenes, in-the-world. re-sa-mi, shu-ma-mi, ko-ry-stiyu or other co-o-ra-same-ni-i-mi, if she is dead or, let’s say more precisely, na-ho -di-tsya in le-tar-gy.


Among sentences 1-5, find one(s) that is connected with the previous one(s) with the help of -schi define-de-li-tel-no-go and indicate-for-tel-no-go-place-names. Write the number(s) of this proposal(s).

(1) Just as an artist creates a landscape painting, so an entire people gradually, involuntarily, perhaps even, stroke by stroke over the course of centuries, creates the landscape and landscape of their country.

(2) The face of old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent by those hundreds of thousands of churches and bell towers that were located throughout its expanses in predominantly elevated places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) Tens of thousands of landowner estates with their parks and pond systems also contributed a considerable share to the landscape and landscape of the country. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and hamlets with willows, wells, sheds, bathhouses, paths, gardens, vegetable gardens, pledges, spinning wheels, carved frames, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, round dances, mowing, shepherd's horns, sickles, flails, thatched roofs, small individual fields, horses plowing... (5) The face of the country changed when all these factors determining the landscape disappeared.

(6) Just as a landscape artist puts a piece of his soul into his creation and creates a landscape, essentially speaking, in his own image and likeness, so the soul of the people and the idea of ​​beauty that is in the soul is invested in the landscape of any country. this or that people lives.

(7) It is bad if the soul is asleep, if it is distracted, drowned out by side circumstances, interests, noise, self-interest or other considerations, if it is dead or, more precisely, in lethargy. (8) Then spirituality leaves the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it seems to be emptying, the form remains in the absence of content, it emanates coldness, alienation, indifference and, precisely, emptiness. (10) It becomes indifferent to an individual and an entire nation: what will it look like? (11) What will the house, village, river, valley, hills, and country as a whole look like? (12) What will the face of the country be like?

(13) There are departments for the development and extraction of mineral resources, for road construction, for agriculture, for electrification, for light, heavy and automotive industries, but there is no department for the appearance of the country (land), for its neatness, tidiness, spirituality.. (14) We think about the strength of structures, about the nature and volume of excavation work, about the amount of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but we don’t think about what it will look like? (15) How it will look not only on its own, but in combination with the surroundings, with the terrain, in accordance with traditions and with projection into the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and totality is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society.

(17) trashed forest, rutted roads with bogged cars, shallow rivers, green meadows striped by tractor tracks, half-abandoned villages, agricultural machines rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infested with weeds, speak of the inhabitants of this or that village, this or that another area is no less than an unsightly and neglected apartment about its residents.

(According to V. Soloukhin*)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin(1924-1997), poet, prose writer. Reflecting on modern man, V. Soloukhin highlighted the problems of his interaction with the earth, nature, culture, and the heritage of the past.

Source of text: Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language: training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lvova - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 136 pages.

Option 4.

(1) Just as an artist creates a landscape painting, so an entire people gradually, involuntarily, perhaps even, stroke by stroke over the course of centuries, creates the landscape and landscape of their country.


Pro-chi-tai-te fragment-ment of re-cen-zii. It contains special languages ​​and texts. Some terms used in the review are discussed. Insert in the places of the blanks the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“Dedicating the text to the creation of the landscape and landscape of the country, V. So-lo-ukhin already in the first pre-lo-zhe- nii, using a technique such as (A)_____, compares the work of the rain over the landscape with the creation -I don’t eat the landscape as a whole whole house. The same technique is repeated in the sixth sentence. Using multiple (B)_____ (prepositions 4, 7, 14, 17), the author tries to describe it more accurately or other phenomenon. The key to understanding the problem, put by the author, is in the sentences 7-12. (B)_____ (“the soul is sleeping, it is dead”) in the 7th sentence makes the reader take a new look for the usual things. The text is about the author's nickname in no way about us. An unequal-spirited attitude towards what the author writes about, the emphasis is exactly correct, for example, “neatness, neatness, spirituality”, as well as (G)_____ (“of course”, “first of all”).”

Spi-juk ter-mi-nov:

1) comparative turn-mouth

2) whether or not

3) contextual an-to-none-we

4) ranks of one-kin members

5) oli-tse-tvo-re-nie

6) co-creation

7) introductory words and constructions

8) simple-sto-river lek-si-ka

9) ri-to-ri-che-skoe-ra-sche-nie

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row, corresponding to the letter for you:


(1) Just as an artist creates a landscape painting, so an entire people gradually, involuntarily, perhaps even, stroke by stroke over the course of centuries, creates the landscape and landscape of their country.

(2) The face of old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent by those hundreds of thousands of churches and bell towers that were located throughout its expanses in predominantly elevated places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) Tens of thousands of landowner estates with their parks and pond systems also contributed a considerable share to the landscape and landscape of the country. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and hamlets with willows, wells, sheds, bathhouses, paths, gardens, vegetable gardens, pledges, spinning wheels, carved frames, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, round dances, mowing, shepherd's horns, sickles, flails, thatched roofs, small individual fields, horses plowing... (5) The face of the country changed when all these factors determining the landscape disappeared.

(6) Just as a landscape artist puts a piece of his soul into his creation and creates a landscape, essentially speaking, in his own image and likeness, so the soul of the people and the idea of ​​beauty that is in the soul is invested in the landscape of any country. this or that people lives.

(7) It is bad if the soul is asleep, if it is distracted, drowned out by side circumstances, interests, noise, self-interest or other considerations, if it is dead or, more precisely, in lethargy. (8) Then spirituality leaves the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it seems to be emptying, the form remains in the absence of content, it emanates coldness, alienation, indifference and, precisely, emptiness. (10) It becomes indifferent to an individual and an entire nation: what will it look like? (11) What will the house, village, river, valley, hills, and country as a whole look like? (12) What will the face of the country be like?

(13) There are departments for the development and extraction of mineral resources, for road construction, for agriculture, for electrification, for light, heavy and automotive industries, but there is no department for the appearance of the country (land), for its neatness, tidiness, spirituality.. (14) We think about the strength of structures, about the nature and volume of excavation work, about the amount of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but we don’t think about what it will look like? (15) How it will look not only on its own, but in combination with the surroundings, with the terrain, in accordance with traditions and with projection into the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and totality is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society.

(17) trashed forest, rutted roads with bogged cars, shallow rivers, green meadows striped by tractor tracks, half-abandoned villages, agricultural machines rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infested with weeds, speak of the inhabitants of this or that village, this or that another area is no less than an unsightly and neglected apartment about its residents.

(According to V. Soloukhin*)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin(1924-1997), poet, prose writer. Reflecting on modern man, V. Soloukhin highlighted the problems of his interaction with the earth, nature, culture, and the heritage of the past.

Source of text: Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language: training tasks / I.P. Tsybulko, S.I. Lvova - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 136 pages.

Option 4.

(4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and villages with vet-la-mi, ko-lo-d-tsa-mi, sa-ra -ya-mi, ban-ka-mi, tro-pin-ka-mi, sa-da-mi, ogo-ro-da-mi, behind-lo-ga-mi, spin-la-mi, cut-ny -mi na-lich-ni-ka-mi, horse-ka-mi, wing-lech-ka-mi, yar-mar-ka-mi, sa-ra-fa-na-mi, ho-ro-vo- yes-mi, po-ko-sa-mi, past-tu-shy-mi horn-ka-mi, ser-pa-mi, tse-pa-mi, so-lo-men-ny-mi roof-sha- mi, ma-len-ki-mi eat-no-lich-ny-mi po-la-mi, lo-shad-ka-mi on pa-ho-te...


Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Just as an artist creates a landscape painting, so an entire people gradually, involuntarily, perhaps even, stroke by stroke over the course of centuries, creates the landscape and landscape of their country.

(2) The face of old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent by those hundreds of thousands of churches and bell towers that were located throughout its expanses in predominantly elevated places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds monasteries, countless wind and water mills. (3) Tens of thousands of landowner estates with their parks and pond systems also contributed a considerable share to the landscape and landscape of the country. (4) But, of course, first of all, small villages and hamlets with willows, wells, sheds, bathhouses, paths, gardens, vegetable gardens, pledges, spinning wheels, carved frames, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, round dances, mowing, shepherd's horns, sickles, flails, thatched roofs, small individual fields, horses plowing... (5) The face of the country changed when all these factors determining the landscape disappeared.

(6) Just as a landscape artist puts a piece of his soul into his creation and creates a landscape, essentially speaking, in his own image and likeness, so the soul of the people and the idea of ​​beauty that is in the soul is invested in the landscape of any country. this or that people lives.

(7) It is bad if the soul is asleep, if it is distracted, drowned out by side circumstances, interests, noise, self-interest or other considerations, if it is dead or, more precisely, in lethargy. (8) Then spirituality leaves the landscape. (9) The landscape remains a landscape, but it seems to be emptying, the form remains in the absence of content, it emanates coldness, alienation, indifference and, precisely, emptiness. (10) It becomes indifferent to an individual and an entire nation: what will it look like? (11) What will the house, village, river, valley, hills, and country as a whole look like? (12) What will the face of the country be like?

(13) There are departments for the development and extraction of mineral resources, for road construction, for agriculture, for electrification, for light, heavy and automotive industries, but there is no department for the appearance of the country (land), for its neatness, tidiness, spirituality.. (14) We think about the strength of structures, about the nature and volume of excavation work, about the amount of wood, about centners and tons, about cubic meters and square meters, but we don’t think about what it will look like? (15) How it will look not only on its own, but in combination with the surroundings, with the terrain, in accordance with traditions and with projection into the future.

(16) The landscape in all its complexity and totality is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society.

(17) trashed forest, rutted roads with bogged cars, shallow rivers, green meadows striped by tractor tracks, half-abandoned villages, agricultural machines rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infested with weeds, speak of the inhabitants of this or that village, this or that another area is no less than an unsightly and neglected apartment about its residents.

The ethnic formation of the peoples of Madagascar was carried out in the process of resettlement to the island, first of Africans and Asians, and later of traders from India and Portugal and French colonists. Today's indigenous population of Madagascar is the result of the assimilation of these peoples. The state of Madagascar is currently inhabited by 18 main ethnic groups - clans, the majority of the population is formed by Malagasy.

The official languages ​​of Madagascar are Malagasy (or Malagasy), English and French. About half of the population adheres to a religion based on the cult of ancestors and traditional for the area. About 40% of the country's inhabitants are Christians (Catholics and Protestants). Part of the population is trying to combine the religion of their ancestors with Christianity. A little less than 10% are Muslim.

The majority of Madagascar's population lives in rural areas, less than a quarter of the country's population lives in cities. The highest population density is in the central part of the island and on its east coast, the average density is about 22 people. per sq. km.

The average life expectancy in the Republic of Madagascar is low - 56.5 years, so more than half of the island's population are young people under the age of 20; less than 4% survive to the age of 65. Population growth in the country is stable and amounts to about 3%.

Population size:
21,281,844 (July 2010 estimate)

Gender and age structure of the population:

0-14 years:
43.5% (Men 4,523,033/Women 4,460,473)

15-64 years:
53.5% (Men 5,483,684/Women 5,557,098)

65 years and older:
3% (Male 280,677/Female 348,591) (2010 est.)

Average (median) age:
18.1 years

17.8 years

18.3 years (2010 est.)

Population growth/decrease rate:
2.993% (2010 estimate)

Fertility indicator (rate):
37.89 population births/1,000 (2010 est.)

Mortality rate (rate):
7.97 deaths/1,000 population (July 2010 est.)

Net migration rate:
0 migrant(s)/1,000 population

Urban population:
29% of total population (2008)

Urbanization indicator (coefficient):
3.8 Annual % change (2005-10)

Sex ratio:
At the time of birth:
1.03 men(s)/women

By age 15:
1.01 men(s)/women

15-64 years:
0.99 men(s)/women

65 years and older:
0.8 Men(s)/Women

In the general population:
0.99 men(s)/women (2010 est.)

Infant mortality rate (rate):

52.84 deaths/1,000 live births

57.69 deaths/1,000 live births

47.84 deaths/1,000 live births (2010 est.)

Life expectancy at birth (average life expectancy):
In the general population:
63.26 years

61.27 years

65.3 years (2010 estimate)

General indicator (coefficient) of fertility (complete offspring of a woman during her childbearing period):
5.09 children born/woman (2010 est.)

HIV/AIDS prevalence rate among adults:
0.1% (2007 estimate)

Number of people living with HIV/AIDS:
14,000 (2007 estimate)

Number of people who have died from HIV/AIDS:
less than 1,000 (2007 estimate)

Malagasy, Malagasy

Official language:
Malagasy, English, French

Ethnic groups:
Antayfasi, Antaymypy, Antaisaka, Antambaxyaka, Antankarana, Antanysi, Antandryi, Bara, Betsiley, Betsimikapaka, Bezanuzanu, Bezu, Maxafali, Merina, Masumbiki, Sakalava, Tanala, Tsimixeti

Religious composition of the population:
local beliefs 52%, Christians 41%, Muslims 7%

Linguistic composition of the population:
English (official), French (official), Malagasy (official)

Population literacy level:
A person is 15 years of age and can read and write

In the general population:
68.9 %

75.5 %

62.5% (2003 estimate)

Expected duration of study (from primary to higher education):
10 years

10 years

10 years (2008)

State expenditures on education:
2.9% of GDP (2008)

Madagascar is an independent state located on island of the same name in the Indian Ocean. Its area is 578 thousand km 2. In the ranking of the most large islands in the world it occupies fourth position. The population of Madagascar is about 24.2 million people. The capital of the state is the city of Antananarivo.

Historical information

Madagascar is one of the largest states located on the territory of one island. According to scientists, the settlement of these lands occurred during the early Middle Ages in Europe. The Malagasy (as the indigenous population of Madagascar is called) had close cooperation with the Arab peoples and borrowed the Surabe alphabet from them. In 1500, Europeans learned about the island after Portuguese ships moored on its shores.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, a kingdom called Imerina was created on the territory of the current state. But in 1897 these lands were colonized by the French Empire. Between 1940 and 1943, the island came under British occupation and only in 1960 did it gain independence. Despite the liberation from the colonists, the population of Madagascar remained below the poverty line. All this happened due to the instability of the economic and political component of the country. Various military groups came to power and tried to maneuver between European states and the countries of the socialist camp during the period Cold War. At the end of this confrontation, the process of democratization began on the island of Madagascar.


Today, more than 24 million people live in Madagascar, and according to some sources, this figure has already exceeded 25 million. Over the last century, population growth has increased 10 times. The main percentage of citizens are children and the younger generation of Malagasy, whose age does not exceed 20 years. There are 60% of them.

According to demographers, the number of females and males is almost the same, the difference in numbers is less than 100 thousand.

Interesting fact! Since the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, when the population of Madagascar was 600 thousand people, by 1900 it reached 2.5 million.

According to preliminary estimates, if the birth rate in the country increases at the same rapid pace as it is now, by 2100 the number of island citizens will increase to 70 million.

The population density of Madagascar (according to 2015 data) is 41.3 people. per km 2.

official languages

There are two official languages ​​in Madagascar: French and Malagasy. The first of them is a legacy of colonialism, but the second is considered indigenous. The Malagasy language belongs to the Malayo-Polynesian group. During its existence, it combined dialects from Malay and Polynesian. It contains Arabic, Amharic and Creole words, and also borrows a lot from Swahili and Bantu.

Linguists studying the Malagasy language have found echoes of Sanskrit (the ancient language of the Hindus) in it, indicating that settlers from Malaysia and India arrived on the island more than 2,000 years ago.

The dialect of indigenous peoples is little studied. But since it has much in common with other languages ​​of the Malayo-Polynesian group, Malagasy can be understood by the inhabitants of Java and Sumatra, the Visayas and Tagalogs living in the Philippines.

Age indicator

The age composition of the population of Madagascar, according to 2015 data, looks something like this:

  • children from 0 to 14 years old - more than 40%;
  • young people from 15 to 24 years old - 20.53%;
  • persons 25-54 years old - 31.56%;
  • elderly people (55-64 years) - just over 4%;
  • old people 65 and above - 3.22%.

Surprisingly, the birth rate is much higher than the death rate. According to statistics from 2015, per 1000 people there were 6.81 deaths and 32.61 births.

The island of Madagascar has a very high infant mortality rate, but this does not in any way affect the decline in the number of citizens of the country. The thing is that the state has a very high birth rate. Fertility is 5.1 children per woman. As a rule, urban families raise 2-3 children, but in rural areas, the number of children can reach 5 or more.

Religious preferences

The religious composition of the population of Madagascar is very diverse. The majority of the country's citizens follow the traditional indigenous religion. The main doctrine of ancestor cult is the connection between the realm of the dead and the living people. Most adherents of this religious movement are found among the Imerina people.

In total, about 52% of the entire population of Madagascar believes in ancestor cults. They believe that all the souls of dead people join their forefathers and form a kind of “divine” hierarchy. This religion has a very strange ritual, which for Europeans will seem savage. The ritual ceremony (fimadihana) involves “turning over the dead.” During the traditional ceremony, believers take out the bodies of the deceased and wrap them in a new silk sheet (shroud). During the festival, people have fun and dance. They may carry the dead in their arms during the ceremony, and then place them back in the crypt.

Madagascar's population is approximately 41% Christian. Most belong to the Roman Catholic Church. There are slightly fewer Protestant denominations on the island, including Lutherans, Adventists, Anglicans and others.

The rest of the country's citizens, which is 7%, are adherents of Islam. The teachings of the Koran are most widespread in west coast islands.

Racial composition of the population of Madagascar

The majority of the island's inhabitants are Malagasy. They make up 98% of the total population. Interestingly, the Malagasy are not a separate nation, but a collection of 20 ethnic groups. They all boil down to the Malay-Indonesian peoples. The indigenous population is divided into two subgroups:

  • Mountain tribes. These include betzileu, merina, sihanaka, mikea and others.
  • Coastal peoples. This group includes Antanusi, Sakalava, Antakarana, Betsemisaraka, Tsimikheti, Mahafali and others.

This division is due to the historical migration of people who arrived on the island. The settlement of Madagascar by Austronesians occurred between the 2nd and 5th centuries. They settled in the areas central highlands. Years later, a second migration wave began, when residents of the eastern part of Africa, mainly belonging to the Bantu people, began to come to the island. These settlers settled on practically free lands coastal zone. According to some reports, the Bantus came to the island as a result of human trafficking.

But there are other equally interesting versions about the settlement of the island. Some scientists argue that the Negroid race was the first to arrive in Madagascar, and the migration of the Austronesians occurred much later.

Differences between indigenous ethnic groups

People who have lived in this country for a long time, and the indigenous inhabitants of the island, have perfectly learned to identify the differences between ethnic tribes. Among themselves, Malagasy people call each other “gasi”. All ethnic groups have differences, although not too noticeable to visiting guests. They have different language dialects, types of housing, etc. They also differ in external features: skin color and face shape. Almost all groups have different greeting phrases.

The dialects and adverbs of the local population are unwritten. In educational institutions, the official state Malagasy language is used. It is spoken by more than 80% of the entire population.

Largest cities on the island

The largest and densely populated city Madagascar is the capital of the state of Antananarivo. According to 2010 data, about 1 million 688 thousand people lived in the territory of this metropolis. There are no other million-plus cities on the island.

  • Toamasina. This city is located in the province of the same name and is its center. More than 225 thousand people lived here in 2010. Given the rapid demographic growth in the country, it can be assumed that this figure has increased significantly over 7 years. The city is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and is considered one of the main ports of the country. Export goods are transported from here: spices (cloves, pepper, vanilla), coffee, graphite. And food products, textiles, equipment and machines for various purposes are delivered from other countries.
  • Antsirabe. Today, this city has a population of up to 250 thousand. Since it is located in a hilly area, at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level, climatic conditions colder than in other regions. Antsirabe is famous for its warm springs and hot baths. Not far from the city there is another attraction - Lake Tritriva, which is of volcanic origin.

  • Fianarantsoa. The location of the settlement is the province of the same name. According to 2010 data, 184 thousand people lived here. The main part of the city was built in the 20s of the last century. It is conventionally divided into three parts: the upper, middle and lower city. There is highway, leading to the city of Ambusitra (from the north side) and to Ambalavao (from the south). Air service has also been established. In the areas adjacent to the city, coffee beans, tomatoes, rice and tobacco are grown. There are also numerous vineyards.
  • Mahajanga. Locality, located in the gray-western part of the island. It is the main administrative unit in the district of the same name. The city's population is more than 166 thousand people (2010 data). Here it is sea ​​port, but since the depth in the harbor is not too great, small ships carrying cargo up to 150 tons come here. The most major commodity exported from Mahajanga is frozen shrimp. There is an airport in the city. Local beaches They are very picturesque and attract many tourists to these places.

IN last years Many people from rural areas move to live in cities, but their number is still larger. According to statistics, 30% of Malagasy are city dwellers, and the remaining 70% are inhabitants of the outback.

Every year, the difference between birth and death rates increases in favor of the former, due to which the population of Madagascar increases.

Description of the country's economy

The island's economy is a developing one. At the end of 2007, the state's GDP amounted to more than 18 billion US dollars, which brought the country to 116th position in the world ranking. Per capita income is one of the lowest (157th) at $1,068.

The main components of Madagascar's economy are agriculture, fishing and tourism. The country is an exporter of various spices and herbs, coffee, vanilla, and in cocoa, rice, granulated sugar, legumes, peanuts and bananas, it occupies a leading position in the world market.

Tourism in Madagascar is one of the country's main sources of income. Natural wealth contributes to attracting many people to this exotic corner. About 80% of the flora and fauna are considered endemic.

Slavery in the 21st century?

There are rumors that even now on the island some people are kept in slavery. Of course, it has slightly different forms than in ancient times, and does not have official status. Since a large number of people live below the poverty line, they have to borrow from wealthier fellow villagers or relatives. Unable to repay, they are forced to work off the loan they took out. At the same time, without receiving a penny for your work. Many young people and even children work for food and shelter. For many years, the population of Madagascar was poorly educated, but today the picture has changed significantly.


Although Madagascar is a third world country, the standards of education here are very high. Primary School- this is the norm for Malagasy. The education reform launched by President Ratsiraka has contributed to an increase in the level of knowledge and the number of students. New educational institutions were opened, and primary education became compulsory.

About 35% of all children who complete the first stage move on to high school. And only 5% go to universities. All subjects are taught in the official Malagasy language. The Merina are considered the most educated ethnic group.

Option No. 6

Exercise 1

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The indigenous population of Madagascar called the souls of the dead lemurs, who returned to the world of the living at night and brought misfortune and death.

2) Europeans, having met animals with eyes glowing in the dark in Madagascar, called them lemurs, and the name stuck.

3) Europeans who came to Madagascar in the 16th century first met there harmless animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge eyes - lemurs, or “poppies”, as the aborigines called them.

4) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls ring-tailed lemurs - animals with huge eyes glowing in the dark - the word "poppies".

5) Having arrived in Madagascar in the 16th century, Europeans met lemurs there, harmless animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge eyes, which local residents called "poppies".

(1) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls ring-tailed lemurs, harmless animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge, wide-open eyes, with the word “maki”, but the modern name - “lemur” - was given by Europeans. (2)B Ancient Rome Lemurs were the name given to the souls of the dead who did not find peace in the kingdom of the dead and return at night to the world of the living, bringing misfortune and death. (3) With the fall of Rome, the mystical lemurs disappeared into oblivion,<...>When in the 16th century the first Europeans came to Madagascar and met small animals with huge eyes glowing in the dark, they remembered Roman superstitions about the ghosts of the dead and gave “maquis” their own name, which stuck.

Task 2

What word (combination of words) should be in the gap in the third (3) sentence?


For example

Task 3

Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word OWN. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

OWN, oh, oh.

1. Belonging to someone or something. by right of ownership. S. house.

2. Your own, personal. See with your own eyes. In your own hands. Self-esteem (feeling of self-respect). At your own request.

3. Being under the direct control, disposal, subordination of someone. S. correspondent.

4. Literal, real. In the proper sense of the word.

5. Peculiar only to someone, without extraneous additions (special). C. body weight.

6. actually, introductory. To be more precise, in essence. Actually, I don’t argue.

7. actually, a particle. Expresses limitation: without something, something else, extraneous. The Volga system consists of the Volga itself and its tributaries.

Task 4

In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write this word down.

jealous (predicate)


Task 5

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Ecologists are trying to identify a disease that threatens boxwood, especially its young shoots, with extinction.

Environmentalists call for economical use of electricity and plan to hold a special eco-action for cellular subscriptions.

Rescuers quickly localized the fire in a HIGH-RISE building.

The guests visited the assembly hall of the new lyceum building, which is not inferior in scale and decoration to a small DRAMATIC theater.

Task 6

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.



about FIVE HUNDRED pages

a lot of CHERRIES

PLANT a tree

Task 7

Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial phrase

C) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) violation in the construction of a complex sentence

D) violation in the construction of sentences with homogeneous members

1) St. Basil's Cathedral has not only rich decor, but also an unusual overall composition.

2) I sincerely admired and loved this painting by Surikov; an unknown power emanated from it.

3) The generation of our fathers and grandfathers perceived the reforms with distrust.

4) Tired from a long walk, we wanted to get to the camp as quickly as possible.

5) In 1871–1872, Dostoevsky’s sixth novel was published with the defiant symbolic title “Demons.”

6) Once you see this clearing, you will not be able to forget it.

7) At the group meeting, issues of attendance and whether it was possible to take tests early were discussed.

8) Gorky could vividly depict the life of tramps, since he knew the life of these people well from the inside.

9) Contrary to expectations, service in the regiment was full of surprises, often pleasant.

Task 8

Identify the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


lock up

sp..oral (solution)

Task 9

Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

whole..whole, ra..col

not...sightly, walked...

pr..found, pr..white

once..skate, at..slope

stop..become, oh..fighty

Task 10

Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.






Task 11

Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.


doesn't stick (they)

trepl..t (they)

Task 12

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

By midnight, all the guests had left, Maria was left alone, but now she was no longer (NOT) SO sad.

Natalya Petrovna’s new acquaintance turned out to be a far from (NOT) SIMPLE person.

The still (UN)furnished room seemed frighteningly huge, alien and cold.

(NOT) FAR from our house there was a birch grove, and I could walk there for days on end.

Maksimka, (NOT) THINKING about the danger, rushed to help his friend.

Task 13

Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(B) FOR an hour the conversation did not stop: they talked mainly (ABOUT) the upcoming journey.

And if (FROM) WHAT I’m starting to do, I’m not the only one who expects benefit, then, I admit, I’m more willing to take it FOR (THAT).

And no matter how much you are in a hurry to get to the water, you will still stop several times on the way down the hill to look at the distance on the other side of the river.

(B) AS A CONSEQUENCE of the rainfall, the river overflowed its banks, and the entire space (ALL) AROUND was covered with water.

(NO)THING had changed in his appearance, although he was dressed the SAME as before.

Task 14

Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

The main action of the picture takes place in the background: in a bright room, a tearful (1) lady with a child in her arms looks pleadingly at the invited (2) doctor in a golden (3) pince-nez.

Task 15

Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma

1) Neither the bad English weather, nor the icy cold of the bedroom, nor the cold tea could change the guest’s mood.

2) In the syntactic structure of two poetic texts we can find both similarities and differences.

3) I. Repin was very interested in life in all its manifestations and he was disgusted by the indifference of Western artists to social problems.

4) Our class especially liked role-playing reading or dramatization of fragments from the works being studied.

5) Many literary scholars and historians argue again and again about the secrets of Shakespeare’s work

Task 16

The garden (1) thinned out more and more and turned into a real meadow (2) descended to (3) a river overgrown with green reeds and willows (4).

Task 17

Place all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Good weather in the mountains settled (1) visible (2) for a long time and made everyone happy. The (3) valley was visible below, and the aromas of herbs could be felt even high in the mountains.

Task 18

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The trees (1) near (2) which (3) we located (4) rose alone in the middle of an open field, which was sown with rye and buckwheat.

Task 19

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

It has long been known (1) that (2) if you throw a piece of stale meat into the sea (3) sharks do not appear in this place (4) because they are repelled by the smell of acetic acid.

Task 20

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write this word down.

When you commit an act for which you may later be ashamed, you need to remember that someday you will get a reverse boomerang effect.

Task 21

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) When a person grows up, his eyesight deteriorates.

2) As a child, even dandelions could magically erase all trouble.

3) Childhood is unique.

4) It is impossible to make the world as bright as a child.

5) When I was a child, I caught bigger fish...

(1) A person rejoices when he grows up. (2) Happy to be leaving childhood behind. (H) Of course! (4) He is independent, big, courageous! (5) And at first this independence seems very serious. (6) But then... (7) Then it becomes sad.

(8) And the older an adult, the sadder he is: after all, he is sailing further and further from the shore of his only childhood.

(9) The house in which you grew up was demolished, and an emptiness appeared in your heart. (10) The kindergarten you went to was closed, and some kind of office appeared there. (11) And then you found out: Anna Nikolaevna, your first teacher, died.

(12) There are more and more emptiness in the heart - as if it would not become completely empty, terrible, like that end of the world near the stairs on a quiet night: black in front of you, only cold stars!

(13) When a person grows up, his eyes become dull. (14) He sees no less, even more, than in childhood, but the colors fade and the brightness is not the same as before.

(15) Without childhood, the soul is cold.

(16) It seems to me that everything was better in my childhood. (17) Swifts flew overhead - swift birds, whose flight resembles the trail of lightning, and from them we learned the weather. (18) If they fly low, right above your head, cutting through the air with a slight rustle, it means rain, and if they hover in small dots at a bottomless height, it means it’s a clear day, you don’t have to be afraid - the most reliable sign.

(19) The sea of ​​dandelions was blooming. (20) If you’re upset about something, upset - go outside when the dandelions are blooming, walk two blocks along a sunny path, and you’ll still remember why it upset you so much, what a nuisance: dandelions with their bright colors will magically erase everything in your head . (21) When will they fade? (22) When will the wind blow stronger? (23) A holiday in the soul, by God! (24) Clouds are rushing across the sky, white, flying. (25) And billions of parachutes take off from the ground to the clouds - a real blizzard. (26) On such a day you walk around rejoicing, as if you yourself were flying above the earth and looking at it from above.

(27) In my childhood there was fish in the river, big perches pecked on the fishing rod, not like now - all kinds of small fish!

(28) It seems to me that everything was better, but I know that I am mistaken. (29) Who is given the magical right to compare childhoods? (30) Which lucky person was able to start his life twice in order to compare the two beginnings? (31) There are none. (32) My childhood seems wonderful to me, and everyone has such a right, no matter what time they lived. (33) But it’s a pity to drive away the delusion. (34) It’s for me

I like it and it seems important.

(35) I understand: in childhood there is similarity, but there is no repetition. (36) Every childhood has its own eyes. (37) But how can we make sure that, despite the difficulties, the world remains childishly beloved?

(38) How to do it? (39) Is there really no answer?

(According to A. Likhanov*)

* Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov (born in 1935) - Russian writer, author of books for children and youth, journalist, public figure.

Text source: Unified State Examination 2013, Center, version 4.

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Task 22

Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 1–5 present the narrative.

2) Sentences 9–11 list the events that took place.

3) Sentences 24–25 contain description.

4) Sentences 28–34 contain reasoning.

5) Sentences 20-22 contain a narrative.

Task 23

Write down synonyms from sentence 20.

Task 24

Among sentences 27–37, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

Task 25 No. 5

Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

"A. Likhanov writes about what is near and dear to him: these are very personal and therefore very emotional reflections. It is no coincidence that the syntactic device appears in the text - (A)_____ (sentences 4, 23, 27). Although the writer does not impose his point of view on us, we cannot remain indifferent to what A. Likhanov is talking about. The trope - (B)_____ (in sentences 8, 36) and the syntactic device - (B)_____ (sentences 9-10) - create a feeling of everyone’s involvement in the problem raised. Another technique does not allow the reader to remain indifferent - (D)_____ (sentences 29-31).”

List of terms:

1) metaphor

2) syntactic parallelism

4) exclamatory sentences

6) dialectism

7) colloquial word

8) question-and-answer form of presentation

9) rhetorical appeal

When planning a trip to distant countries, many tourists are interested in the life there. There are many interesting facts that everyone who is planning their holiday in this country should definitely know. There is unique flora and fauna here, rich story, originating in ancient times.

Nature of Madagascar

The entire island is one state, located in Indian Ocean. It is often referred to as Africa, and geographically this is true. The most interesting facts about Madagascar are the following:

Historical Interesting Facts about the country Madagascar

The first people appeared on the island more than 2000 years ago. During this historical period, local residents experienced great amount important events. The most interesting of them are:

  1. The island was first discovered in the 16th century by explorer Diego Diaz from Portugal. Since then, Madagascar has been used as an important trading hub.
  2. In 1896, the French captured the country, turning it into their colony. In 1946, the island began to be considered an overseas territory of invaders.
  3. In 1960, Madagascar gained independence and gained complete freedom.
  4. In 1990, Marxist rule ended here, and the veto on all opposition parties was lifted.
  5. The peak of the royal mountain of Ambohimanga is considered an important historical one on the island. It is a place of worship for Aboriginal people and is a religious and cultural asset of the state.

Ethnic Interesting Facts about Madagascar

The number of inhabitants in the country is almost 23 million people. They all speak to each other official languages: French and Malagasy. The traditions and culture of the Aboriginal people are quite multifaceted; the most interesting facts are:


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