Lake Paanajärvi, Louhi district, Republic of Karelia, Russia. Paanajärvi National Park: history and photos From the city of Kostomuksha

National Park"Paanajärvi" (Republic of Karelia, Russia) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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The Republic of Karelia, located in the north-west of Russia, is a renowned region wild forests, countless lakes and rivers, a favorite place for fishing and ecotourism. Paanajärvi National Park is located in the very north of Karelia, near the border with Finland, and, despite the harsh climate, is accessible to visitors all year round. The nature of these places is glorified in many Karelian songs - the hills covered with dense forests breathe clean, slightly humid air, fast streams run down from the mountains, one can see “eyelashes of pointed fir trees above the blue eyes of the lakes.” The tranquility and beauty of Paanajärvi are amazing: although up to 3 thousand tourists come here a year, the park’s ecosystem remains intact, and the landscapes seem to be an echo from the pre-civilization era.

Since 1992, the park has been recognized as a protected area, so there is not a single settlement on its territory, and access to two-thirds of the reserve is closed to tourists.

What to see

"Paanajärvi" - perfect place For hiking And active rest Outdoors. The paths and main attractions are marked with signs, tent camps and simple wooden huts for overnight stays are organized. There are several routes through the reserve, some of them will take only one day, others - up to a week; V winter time Snowmobile trails are being added (equipment can be rented on site), and in the summer some tours take place on lakes.

The route to Nuorunen Peak passes through the mountain tundra - 21 km of ascent through marshy terrain surrounded by low-growing trees and mosses. This is the most high point Karelia, from where a breathtaking view of Karelian and Finnish natural beauty opens. Mount Kivakka is lower, but easier to get to - only 5 km along well-maintained trails. The small but very deep Lake Paanajärvi is a clean body of water, full of fish and framed by picturesque wooded shores. Fishing on it and some rivers is permitted under a special license, which is issued at the park’s visitor center. The loud and wide Kivakkakoski Falls form picturesque cascades on the Olanga River and are also included in the main park routes. Throughout the territory you can meet squirrels, hares and moose, which are not at all afraid of humans.

Practical information

Address: Karelia, Loukhsky district; The park's visitor center is located in Pyaozersky village, st. Druzhby, 31. Coordinates: 66° 9′ 45″ N, 30° 32′ 37″ E. Website.

How to get there: by personal transport - along the St. Petersburg - Murmansk highway to the village of Loukhi, then 110 km west to the village of Pyaozersky; by bus from St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk or Loukha - by appointment at the park's visitor center.

Opening hours: the visitor center is open on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00, stay in the park is allowed daily, departure on the last day is until 22:00. Cost: from 200 to 1000 RUB per day, depending on the chosen program. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Paanajärvi National Park is one of the main natural attractions of Karelia.

The relatively small park (104,473 hectares) contains an incredible concentration of real wild nature: the purest rivers, the highest mountains, rare species of animals, deepest lakes, as well as many plants listed in the Red Book.

The park is located in the very north of Karelia, on the border with Murmansk region. Already from the end of August here you can see incredible in its brightness and picturesque northern lights. The nature of the park is strictly protected. Getting into the park is not difficult, but more on that later. The park territory is divided into several zones:

  1. Protected area. Visiting this area is possible only by special agreement with the park administration. Ordinary tourists they are not allowed here.
  2. Specially protected area. An area into which entry is strictly prohibited. Nature is especially protected here. Every bush is counted here.
  3. Recreational area. This part of the park is organized for tourists. However, here too there are strict rules related to the life of park guests.

It is extremely difficult to single out any main attraction of the park, so it would be more correct to talk about each in order:

Mount Nourunen

This is the highest mountain in Karelia, and right up to the Ciscarpathian region there is no higher mountain. The highest point of the mountain is 576 meters above sea level. The top of the mountain is quite flat and bare. Vegetation is mountain tundra, that is, all the plants that are present on the mountain are no higher than 30 centimeters in height. From the top of Mount Norunen there is a stunning view for tens of kilometers around. Visible ski resorts Finland, lakes, clearings, rivers... Once you climb the mountain, you forget about everything, even fatigue disappears, although the path to the mountain is 21 kilometers along a narrow, swampy forest path. It's breathtaking. The most iconic place on the mountain is a huge seid.

The heaviest stone standing firmly on three supports of small stones. But most of all, this mountain attracts with its silence. For tens of kilometers around you will not meet a single person. After all, not everyone dares to come here. However, it's worth it.

Mount Kivakka

This mountain is slightly lower than Nourunen (499 m), but much more popular. This is understandable, because the path to the mountain is much shorter and easier, only 5 kilometers. There are steps along the entire path, the path is laid with wide boards, halfway there is a resting place with benches and a table, and next to it flows a crystal clear mountain stream, which attracts travelers with its freshness and coolness. The mountain offers a stunning view of the Kum reservoir. It's nice and good to be here.

Lake Paanajärvi

Yes, undoubtedly, it has a special position in the park, because it was in honor of this lake that the park got its name. The lake is quite large and very elongated: about a kilometer wide and almost 25 kilometers long, but the most important thing is that it is the deepest among all the lakes in Karelia, Finland and Sweden - the deepest deep point– 128 meters. The water in it is crystal clear.

On the lake, having received a fishing permit, you can catch a lot of fish: perch, pike, grayling and others. Motor boat rentals are available on Lake Paanajärvi. By taking a boat, you can not only go fishing, but also visit two stunning waterfalls: Mantykoski and Selkakoski. These waterfalls are one of the highest and most picturesque waterfalls in Karelia, and you can even swim near Selkakoski, recharging yourself with the energy of a cool mountain river. Before reaching the waterfalls, travelers are presented with a grandiose spectacle of the tall (60 meters) Ruskealia rock, red with iron ore.

Kivakkakoski Falls

One of the largest and powerful waterfalls Karelia. This waterfall is much wider and louder than the famous one. It is located on the threshold main river park - Olanga. The splashes of water shimmer like a rainbow in the sun, the power of the stream and the noise emanating from it make it impossible to count time, bewitching and delighting everyone who approaches it.

Of course, these are not the only attractions of Paanajärvi National Park. The entire park is one big natural attraction of Karelia, and Russia as a whole.

In Paanajärvi, everything has been done not only to preserve the virginity of the wonderful Karelian nature, but also to ensure that tourists here truly take a break from the problems and bustle of the city. The paths are laid with comfortable boards, from which you must not leave, so as not to trample the unique mosses and lichens.

Staying overnight is only possible in designated parking areas. There are special tent sites and even houses for tourists. Each parking lot is equipped with a fireplace, a woodshed, an axe, a kettle, a kettle, a canopy over the tabletop, a toilet and other amenities. Caring, kind and open rangers who keep order in the park will light a sauna for you and kindly invite you to take a steam bath.

How to get to Paanajärvi National Park.

The nature of the park is very strictly protected, so tourist visits are strictly limited. To get into the park, it is advisable to declare your intention to come in advance. Parking will be reserved for you. Otherwise, you may not be allowed into the park.

Having ordered a ticket, you need to come to the park’s visitor center, located 1050 km from St. Petersburg and 110 kilometers from Loukhov in the village of Pyaozersky. If you are not going to the park by car, you can order transport from the park for a fairly large amount. There is also an option by minibus from Petrozavodsk. Just look carefully at the schedule, because the minibus runs extremely rarely. It’s understandable, it will take 11 hours to drive it.

If you are driving your own transport, then it is easier to drive along the Murmansk highway to the fork with Loukhi and turn left towards Pyaozerskoye. The road, of course, is in a catastrophic condition, but noticeably better than the road through Kalevala.

A museum is organized in the visitor center; here you can also find out information about a possible way home, pay for each day of stay in the park, order excursions, transport, get a fishing permit and buy souvenirs.

From the visitor center to the park itself it is another 75 kilometers to the north. If you do not have a car, then the park will kindly provide you with a driver with a UAZ, of course, for a certain price sum of money. There are also known daredevils who walked this distance, hitched rides and did not spend a penny of money on the road. However, this type of travel requires great physical and psychological stability.

Free movement is allowed on the park's roads, whether you are in your own car or with a local driver.

In Paanajärvi, every time of the year is incredibly good in its own way. In the summer, here you can rent a motor boat, walk along the mountain peaks, and enjoy the tastes of berries and mushrooms, of which there are countless quantities. In winter, you can rent a snowmobile and visit all the same stunning places as in summer, only plunging under the heavy and cozy blanket of winter silence. It is extraordinary here at any time of the year.

The park is open to visitors all year round. Holidays in Paanajärvi in ​​summer and winter are two different fairy tales that you want to return to again and again. If you are choosing where to go on a trip, then Paanajärvi National Park is definitely right choice. You will not remain indifferent to these places.

Paanajärvi National Park is located near the Arctic Circle, in the Louhi region of the Karelian Republic. In the west, the border of this protected natural area coincides with the state border of Russia and Finland, as well as with the border of the Finnish national park “Oulanka”.

Area: 104,473 hectares.

The protected area of ​​the national park is located in the highest part of Karelia, in the spurs of the Maanselka ridge. The park's picturesque landscapes include Mountain peaks, gorges, mountain rivers with waterfalls and rapids, lakes, swamps, as well as spruce and birch forests.

Among the park's attractions highest mountain Finland's Nuorunen Mountains, on the top of which is the largest seid in Karelia - a place where the ancient Sami worshiped pagan gods.

The nature of the national park is exceptionally diverse. Paanajärvi Park, due to many years of geoclimatic changes, warming and cooling, has become unique place, where you can find both southern and northern plants. In addition to the spruce, pine and birch trees growing on mountain slopes, in the lowlands near the water there are willow, alder, rowan, juniper and bird cherry.

In the Olanga River valley there are pine trees that are over 400 years old, and some of them are even 600 years old. More than half of the park's territory is covered with virgin northern boreal (taiga) forests. This rare natural complex is of great importance because in other places such forests have been completely or partially cut down, leading to the extinction of many species of plants and animals.

The Paanajärvi National Park is home to bears, reindeer, wolves, foxes, hares, lynxes, wolverines, moose, martens, squirrels, otters, minks, weasels and stoats. There are also American minks, muskrats, beavers, arctic foxes and Norwegian lemmings.

Paanajärvi Park is home to such rare bird species as whooper swan, gray crane, goose, wood grouse, black-throated loon, merganser, as well as birds of prey - golden eagle, white-tailed eagle and osprey.

Holidays in Paanajärvi National Park

Vacationers can book accommodation in a hut or a tent site on the official website of the national park. When making a reservation it is also possible to rent boats, sport equipment, barbecues, etc.

Fishing in Paanajärvi

In clean, cold and deep reservoirs there are perches, roaches, pikes, burbots, mottled gobies, minnows and relict smelt. There are also brown trout, grayling, whitefish, vendace, trout and palia. The climate and water are especially suitable for brown trout, which grow to weigh up to 10 kg or more.

Fishing in the park's reservoirs is permitted only in strictly designated areas.

Rivers and lakes

In the national park, in addition to the large lake Paanajärvi, which is 23.5 km long and 1-1.5 km wide, there are more than 120 lakes, about 40 of which are quite large, with an area of ​​more than 100 hectares. Most lakes are formed in rock faults, so they are narrow, long, deep and have steep banks.

It flows into Lake Paanajärvi large river Oulankajoki (which flows out of a lake called the Olanga River), as well as the smaller rivers Sovajoki, Mäntyjoki, Astervajoki, Malinajoki and Selkäjoki.

On the Olanga River, not far from the mouth, there is the largest unregulated rapids in Karelia with a height of about 12 m. The sound of water on this rapids can be heard several kilometers away. On the section of the Olanga River from Paanajärvi to Päozer there are 12 more rapids, interspersed with picturesque reaches.

At the confluence of the Olangi River into the Kum Reservoir, there is a large area of ​​forest with dead trees, flooded back in the 60s as a result of the construction of the Kum Hydroelectric Power Station dam.

All rivers and lakes of Paanajärvi National Park are fed by springs and have exceptionally clean water.

Tours in Paanajärvi

Visitors can choose different options for visiting the park, but it is worth considering that the border zone regime operates within the Paanajärvi Park. All tourists must obtain permission to stay on site.

In the park you should only move along paved roads and trails; trampling of plants can lead to the extinction of rare species. It is possible to change the route and place of stay specified in the permit only in case of an emergency.

Hunting in the park is prohibited; it is also not allowed to pick plants or cut down trees.

Tourists can use the national park map, which shows tourist routes and infrastructure facilities. The price of excursions, transport and other services can be found on the official website of Paanajärvi Park.

Paanajärvi Visitor Center

The center, where the park administration, the Museum of Nature and the library operate, is located on the shore beautiful lake Tukhka, in the village. Pyaozersky.

The visitor center is open on weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00, however, out-of-town tourists who leave preliminary applications, can issue a permit daily from 8.00 to 19.00, even on weekends.

Tourist routes

Routes lasting from 2 hours to 2 days are marked with visible signs and directional signs. There are wooden decks, bridges, benches, toilets, fire pits and places for separate waste collection.

Hiking routes

  • Astervajärvi nature trail;
  • Kivakkakoski Falls;
  • Mount Kivakka;
  • Mount Nuorunen;
  • Vartiolampi-Arola.

Water-hiking route

  • Lake Paanajärvi.

Snowmobile routes

  • Paanajärvi;
  • Kivakkakoski;
  • Mount Kivakka;
  • Nuorunen;
  • Great Deer Circle.

Weather in Paanajärvi

The Paanajärvi National Park area is located between the Arctic and the Atlantic, so easterly winds bring the Siberian cold to the park. Winter in the park is long and cold; the first snow falls in the mountains already in September, and winter temperatures can reach minus 45 °C.

Moist westerly Atlantic winds from the Gulf Stream bring heavy rainfall and sometimes cause thaws even in the middle of winter. However, despite the thaws, by spring a snow cover of 1.5-2 m high accumulates in the park, and on mountain slopes its height can even exceed 3 m.

The average annual temperature is around zero, and the average temperature of the warmest month, July, is below plus 15 °C, although sometimes it reaches plus 30 °C.

How to get there

Any trip to Paanajärvi Park begins with a visit to the Visitor Center located in the village. Pyaozersky. After receiving permission, you need to drive from the village to the park along a 59 km long dirt road. Taking this into account, you can get there either by personal vehicle (coordinates for the navigator - 66°17′11″N, 30°8′35″E), or order a transfer from the village in the park. Pyaozersky or from the village. Louhi.

From Moscow, St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk

You can come to Paanajärvi Park by car along the St. Petersburg-Murmansk highway, following to the village. Louhi, either on train to the station Louhi. From Loukha you need to go along highway 110 km in westward to the village Pyaozersky.

From Petrozavodsk to the village. Pyaozersky can be reached by on the bus, which runs on Mondays and Thursdays. The fare is from 1,300 rubles, travel time is 11 hours 35 minutes.

From the city of Kostomuksha

In the village Pyaozersky can be reached by car along a dirt road through the village. Kalevala (253 km).

From Finland

You can enter the territory of Russia at the international checkpoints Suoperä (60 km from the village of Pyaozersky) or Lyuttya.

Video “Paanajärvi in ​​winter”

  1. Description
  2. Location on the map of Karelia
  3. What to see
  4. Advice from experienced people
  5. Cost of visit
  6. How to get there on your own

Paanayavi- one of the most beautiful national parks Russia. The value of this territory is exceptional. Here there are forests imbued with the spirit of the untamed wind, mountains and swamps, here there are rocks and valleys. In Paanajärvi you can still see nature in its true splendor. The way she was created. The air here is an air of purity and freedom. Every breath fills you with life. Every glance at Paanajärvi refreshes your thoughts.

On the map of Karelia the park looks like a large and very green spot. The park is located in one of the most “wild” and untouched areas of the republic - Loukhskoe. The western border of the park coincides with the Russian-Finnish border, which is adjacent to the Oulanka National Park from the neighboring state. Paanajärvi Square(whose name, by the way, is translated from Finnish as “Lake-path”) - 104,473 hectares. Three quarters of the entire area is covered with forest.

What to see?

You can only see in Paanajärvi nature. There is not a single populated area within the boundaries of the park. But there are, as we already said, forests. Not those familiar to the eyes of a city dweller, but carefully preserved. They are especially good in the fall. On the strict green of pines and spruces - the gold of birches and the crimson of aspens. Some pine trees in the park are 600 years old!

Due to the fact that the forest in Paanajärvi is preserved in its unchanged, true form, you can see all the inhabitants of taiga- brown bears and wolves, wolverines, soft-footed beauties, lynxes, fiery red foxes and white hares. And all kinds of forest “trifles” - martens, shrews, weasels, squirrels, stoats. Encounters with Canadian otters are very common. If you're lucky, you'll see a reindeer.

Birds- about 150 species. From bluetails to whooper swans, gray cranes and sea eagles, golden eagles and feet. All these birds cannot stand being close to cities. Therefore, seeing them is a great success for a modern resident of a metropolis.

Lake Paanajärvi is considered the pearl of the park., which gave the name to the entire protected area. A river with the unpronounceable name Oulankajoki flows into the reservoir, as well as other rivers - Sovajoki, Mäntyjoki, Astervajoki and Malinajoki. Another significant waterway for the park is Olanga River. In the early 60s of the last century, after the construction of the Kumskaya hydroelectric power station dam, Olanga flooded the resettled village of Olangasuu. The trees that grew along the banks of the river were under water. And they are still visible - serene and dead. On Olanga the largest unregulated rapids in Karelia are located - Kivakkakoski.

Height - 12 meters, don’t miss it for sure - the sound of water rolling over stones can be heard for kilometers.

However, the Mäntykoski waterfall is also good; the mossy stones of this falls are caressed by white water jets that look like silk ribbons. Not rushed, not loud, but a very delicate waterfall (if a waterfall can be delicate at all). Be sure to visit if you get the chance.

There are a total of 13 rapids on the river, which alternate with such charming reaches that you want to stay and live near one of them.

There are about 120 lakes in the park. They are amazing. Deep, narrow, with rocky shores and clear water. Some reservoirs are even located on mountain tops. The lakes are fed by springs. Both streams and rivers are filled with spring water.

Another pride of Paanajärvi - mountain tundra. The southernmost ones in Fennoscandia, unusual for the eye - with pine trees and aspen bushes creeping over the moss. Such trees grow very difficult and take a long time. A Christmas tree, whose stem is only a couple of centimeters in diameter, can be over 50 years old.

This is due to the fact that trees grow at altitude, literally on mountains. If you climb higher, the views are amazing. It seems that the whole world is boundless forests with blue strokes of lakes and threads of rivers.

Photo source -

When you're in Paanajärvi, look around carefully. And especially - under your feet. Because on the land of the park you can find unique plants. For example, the lady's slipper orchid or bearded lichen, or blue Phellodoceum (which is not blue at all, but a pleasant lilac-pink shade).

For your own safety, you need to move around the park only along paved paths and routes; they are well thought out, safe and very interesting. Moreover, you can choose a route to suit every taste - by water, on foot, in winter - on a sleigh or skis.

A visit to Paanajärvi is a must. In terms of concentration of impressions, the trip is not inferior to a visit to the Vatican. But it's important to remember that the main task park - to preserve nature in its true form. Therefore, not only pleasant adventures are possible here. To avoid them, we advise you to listen to some recommendations from experienced travelers and advice from the park administration.

Cost of visiting Paanajärvi

The cost is not at all high for the pleasures you can get. For an excursion along the routes with accommodation in a forest house they ask only 600 rubles per Russian tourists(390 for residents of Karelia), an excursion with accommodation in a tent camp will generally cost 370 and 240 rubles, respectively. Water excursions vary in price depending on the power of the motor - from 90 rubles per hour for a rowing boat to 560 rubles per hour. You can take a daily boat excursion - 2650, 3100 rubles. Excursion to the Mäntykoski waterfall on the Olanga pleasure boat - 4,000 rubles. Snowmobile excursion along the park routes - 1 hour - 610 rubles, 6 hours - 2440 rubles. Tour of the equipped winter routes on a personal snowmobile, car under the control of a state park inspector per day - an additional 150 rubles. You can rent skis (250 rubles), tents (100 rubles per day), smokehouses (50 rubles).

For free Children under 7 years old, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of group 1 and some other categories of beneficiaries enter the park and use all the services. Half price - children under 18 years old, large families, pensioners, disabled people of groups 2-3, combatants.

Getting to Paanajärvi is not easy

But it's worth it. It is not possible to reach the park by train. The nearest station is Louhi. In principle, any car can get to the park (if you don’t mind it at all, or it’s a tank), the road that goes there is an ordinary beaten track, which in some places does not allow you to reach a speed of more than 40 km per hour.

If you go to the park by car, then it is better to go not from Loukhi station, but through the village of Kalevala (Kalevala district). The road to Kalevala is much better and it will be faster in terms of time, despite the slightly longer distance. There are gas stations along the M-18 highway, although after the turnoff to Kem there are no gas stations until Kalevala. Also, after Kalevala there are no gas stations to the park and back, and you shouldn’t count on gas stations in the village of Pyaozersky (the gas station is only open until 17:00). The distance from Kalevala to Paanajärvi and back is 340 km.

To the village of Pyaozersky can be reached from the east, south and west. A 59 km long dirt road leads to the park from the village.

From Moscow, St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk you can get to the park along the St. Petersburg-Murmansk highway to the village of Loukhi, or by train to Loukhi station. From where - along the highway 110 km west to the village of Pyaozersky.

"Paanajärvi" is a national park that was formed by decree of the Russian Government on May 20, 1992 in order to preserve the unique natural complexes basin of the Olangi River and Lake Paanajärvi, which made it possible to use it for reactionary, environmental, scientific and educational purposes. The park is subordinate to the special Committee of the Karelian Republic for forest protection.

The national park is located near the Arctic Circle, namely in the northwestern part of Karelia, in the Loukhsky district. The western borders of the park coincide with the border of the Russian Federation and Finland. In the area where the border with Finland is located, national park adjacent to "Oulyanka" - a national park in Finland.

The national park has an area of ​​103.3 thousand hectares, of which forests occupy 78 thousand hectares, non-forested areas occupy 25.3 hectares, water occupies 10.9 thousand hectares, swamps occupy 13 thousand hectares, and roads occupy an area of ​​0.2 thousand ha. Settlements completely absent.

The first people appeared in Paanajärvi 5 or 6 thousand years BC. The ancient population of these places was engaged in hunting, gathering and fishing, as evidenced by various kinds of stone tools and stone utensils that were discovered on the shores of Päozero and Lake Paanajärvi. The post-war period was marked by the discovery of a dozen and a half historical sites on Pyaozero, belonging to different eras.

As for the climate, the south-west wind prevails in the park in winter, and the north-east in summer. The basin of Lake Paanajärvi is related to the Maansel agroclimatic subregion, characterized by a short period without severe frosts and cold and long winters. average temperature air temperature is approximately 0 °C, and the average precipitation is 500-520 mm. The warmest time of the year is July with a temperature of +15 °C, the coldest is January and February with a temperature of -13 °C. The height of the snow cover reaches 70-80 mm.

The park area has several mountains, which are among the ten highest in the Karelian Republic. For example, Mount Lunas with a height of 495.4 m, Mount Mäntytunturi with a height of 550.1 m. A special attraction of the park is a mountain called Nuorunen Fjeld, reaching 576.7 m, which is considered the highest in Karelia. Another unique feature of this area is the presence of “hanging” swamps found on mountain slopes.

There are 54 monuments and 15 major geological objects in Paanajärvi, which are of particular value. There are also objects of world significance, for example, the layered intrusions of Tsipringa and Kivakka, the Paanajärki fault with Mount Ruskeakalio, the Nuorunen granite massif, a small part of the Paanajärvi-Kandalaksha deep fault, as well as ancient system unique hydroglacial deltas of Olanga-Tsipringa.

Unique natural object Lake Paanajärvi is considered. The length of this lake is 24 km and its width reaches 1.4 km. The depth of the lake is 128 m. Lake Paanajärvi is one of the most deep lakes small size. The bowl of the lake contains about 1 sq. km of uniquely pure water, because oxygen saturation at a depth of 60 to 80 m is the highest in the world among all lakes around the world. The lake valley is surrounded low mountains, which contributes to the creation of a unique and special microclimate. In winter, air masses descend from the mountains into the lake valley; in severe frosty weather, differences between temperatures can reach 20°C. Temperatures were also recorded here that reached temperatures close in value to the temperatures of the poles of the northern hemisphere. During the months of April to September, the area becomes quite warm compared to nearby surroundings. It is this kind of feature of the extreme temperatures of the Olangi-Paanajärvi river basin that allows us to classify this area of ​​the park as the most continental place in Fennoscandia.

In winter, the light part of the day is very short, and then especially frequent “northern lights” are observed here, and in summer time the sun hides below the horizon for only 2-3 hours.


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