Winter hike along the route Big Thach - Agige - Small Bambak (Caucasus). The legendary route “thirty” or through the mountains to the sea Thirtieth tourist route

Main routes hiking Russia and CIS countries- this is a selection best routes for tourists who prefer to walk along unknown places of our planet.

Hiking routes - who are they for?

Hiking is a very special type of travel.

Hiking is a special type of travel

Such journeys require remarkable preparation, enormous strength of spirit and will. An ordinary unprepared person, after the first kilometers covered on his own two feet, will think a dozen times whether or not to make hiking in future. Previously, I myself walked along some routes, covered dozens of kilometers along them, saw a lot beautiful places, received a huge number of positive emotions. On some hikes I took friends with me; along several routes, where the path was not the longest or most difficult, my friend and I took our classmates.

Hiking Russia

  • Kola Peninsula

The climate of the peninsula ranges from subarctic maritime (northwest of the peninsula) to moderately cold (centre, southwest and east of the peninsula). Most of this territory of Russia is located beyond the Arctic Circle and consists of terraces, mountains (rising more than 800 meters above sea level), depressions, reservoirs (rich in a variety of fish) and plains of numerous lakes and swamps. Climatic conditions The peninsulas provide the opportunity to enjoy the polar day (solstice) in summer, and the aurora in winter.

  • Karelia

This region is called a “pioneer” in active recreation and tourism in Russia. The cleanest air, mixed forests with rich flora and fauna, rivers and lakes attract tourists from all over the world. The climate varies throughout the territory from maritime to continental. The territory of Karelia is composed of hilly plains turning into highlands, lake basins, ramparts (up to 2 km high and up to 200 meters wide), kamas.

  • Komi Republic and Arkhangelsk region

The Arkhangelsk region is located along the coast of the Arctic seas, which makes the climate varying from subarctic to maritime to temperate continental. Island part territories and some coastal areas are classified as the Far North region. The territory is a plain with hills on the coast, depressions and lakes in the continental part ( Summer mountains Onega Peninsula), creating chains of mountain ranges with hills in the south (Konosha-Nyandoma Upland), low mountains with peaks up to 450 meters high in the east (Timan) and plateaus (ridges) in the west of the region (Vetreny Poyas). The region has a huge number of rivers and lakes. Particularly large lakes and rivers are Lacha, Kenozero, Kozhozero and Northern Dvina, Onega, Mezen and Pechoga. The forest area of ​​the region is presented in the form of mixed forests. It should be noted that such famous nature reserves as the Pinezhsky Nature Reserve, Vodlozersky Nature Reserve are located here. national park and Kenozersky National Park.

The Komi Republic is a continuous forest area, since forests occupy almost 70% of its entire territory. The famous Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve (the territory is represented by forests that have never been subject to anthropogenic impact from humans) and the Yugyd Va National Park are protected by UNESCO and included in the list of “Virgin Forests” of the Komi Republic. The climate is temperate continental. The terrain is flat, changing in places to mountains, washed by rivers.

  • Leningrad and Vologda regions

The Leningrad region is located on the territory of the Russian Plain, with small hills up to 150 meters above sea level, and lowlands on the coast of Lake Ladoga and Gulf of Finland. The climate is Atlantic-continental. Nature - mixed forests, rare species of animals and plants, glacial lakes, rocks, caves and moraine ridges.

The Vologda region is called the region of “white stone cities”, located in the northeast of the East European Plain. The relief is hills, alternating with lowlands and hills. The region is full of lakes, rivers and swamps.

Ural trails

The Urals are a chain of mountains stretching between the East European and West Siberian plains, dividing the continent into Europe and Asia. The climate is sharply continental in the mountains, changing to temperate on the plains. Ural Mountains can be divided into areas:

  • Polar Urals (Konstantinov Kamen mountains and the upper reaches of the Khulga River),
  • Middle Urals (up to the Yurma Mountains)
  • Southern Urals (from the Yurma Mountains to the southern borders of Russia).

The relief of the Urals is plateaus, hills and plains.

Walking through the European territory of Russia

The territory of the European part of Russia is divided into federal districts:

  1. Central,
  2. Northwestern,
  3. Southern
  4. Privolzhsky.

Hiking in Russia is of course not limited to the routes listed below.

Russia has many routes for lovers of hiking tours

But the lion's share of them falls on the European part of Russia. The diversity of natural conditions, large extent, flat nature of the terrain and other indicators of commonality make it possible to combine them into a single hydrographic region. Natural conditions are determined by the extent of the area with the shift geographical landscapes from North to South. Northern part, passing through Kazan - Ufa belongs to the forest zone. The southwestern part is mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests, and the north- East End— taiga. The territory is also dominated by forest-steppes, steppes, lakes and swamps. The relief is a hilly plain with small hills over 200 meters above sea level. In the east the plain is bordered Ural ridge, the central part is represented by the Central Russian Upland, in the south the Donetsk Ridge with heights reaching 370 meters above sea level, in the southeast there is a vast depression adjacent to the Caspian Sea (Caspian Lowland) and in the northern part there are the basins of the upper Dnieper, Upper Volga and Kama. The climate is continental, but due to the extent of the region, climatic conditions vary. Climate differences manifest themselves in a change in landscape from taiga in the north and mixed forests in the northwest to steppes and semi-deserts in the south and southeast.

Southern Siberia

This region of Russia is mountain ranges, forming the watershed of the Irtysh, Yenisei and Ob rivers. Climatic conditions are a transition from sharply continental winters to short, hot summers. The landscape of Southern Siberia can be divided into five relief belts:

  • Alpine high-mountain belt - the highest peaks of Altai, Stanovoy Highlands, Tuva and the Barguzinsky ridge with a height of more than 2500 meters with glaciers and snowfields
  • Mid-mountain belt - prevails over most of Southern Siberia, the height of the ridges reaches 2000 meters, and in some places 2200 meters
  • Low-mountain belt - represented by ridges of hills turning into foothill plains. An example is Transbaikalia.
  • Plain - undulating plains on the ridges of Eastern Altai, Sayan and Northern Transbaikalia
  • Intermountain belt of basins - steep slopes of ridges with glaciers

Khabarovsk region

It is located in the eastern part of Russia, washed from the southeast by the Sea of ​​Japan, separated from Sakhalin Island by the Tatar and Nevelsk Straits, and includes several islands. Climatic conditions vary from north to south (from continental to subtropical) depending on proximity to the sea and landscape. The landscape is mountain ranges (Sikhote-Alin, Pribrezhny and Dzhugdzhur) and a plateau up to 2500 m high. The Khabarovsk Territory is unique in that it is a “country of taiga”. Light-coniferous taiga covers almost the entire region from north to south, where it turns into spruce-fir taiga.

The territory of the region is rich in rivers, lakes and waterfalls (more than 100), which indicates the diversity of flora and fauna, nature reserves, caves and archaeological sites. Island part Khabarovsk Territory— light-coniferous and dark-coniferous taiga. The main inhabitants are birds that fly here to reproduce.

Exploring Primorye

The region is located in the southeastern part of Russia and is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan. Its territory is represented by lowlands in the west, turning into mountains in the central and eastern parts of the region. Temperate and monsoon climate. The region's attractions include caves and waterfalls, nature reserves and parks (national and natural), rivers and lakes with the purest water. The landscape of the region includes rocky peaks with snow caps, rocky slopes and wooded slopes, smoothly turning into plains, steppes and swamps. The forests are mostly mixed and coniferous-deciduous with interlacing lianas.

Sakhalin island

Sakhalin Island is the largest island in Russia along east coast Asia, washed Pacific Ocean, Seas of Okhotsk and Japan. The geographical position of the island makes the climate temperate monsoon turning into maritime. On the island great amount rivers and streams, lakes and waterfalls, mineral springs with healing mud, volcanoes, sites of primitive inhabitants, natural (Moneron Island) and archaeological (more than 250), monuments (about 1000 cultural and historical heritage sites) and geothermal springs. The richness of the flora and fauna is amazing.

Kurile Islands

The Sakhalin region includes Kurile Islands, consisting of a chain of small islands (more than 30) with a length of 1200 km. The islands have a maritime climate with high humidity. The territory mainly consists of mountains (volcanoes), mineral springs, natural (Kurilsky Nature Reserve) and archaeological monuments. The length of the islands from north to south represents the diversity of nature. Due to the harsh climate in northern islands the flora is shrubs, and on the southern islands there are coniferous forests and broad-leaved species. One of the attractions southern islands is magnolia and bamboo.


Kamchatka is located on the Kamchatsky Peninsula, which is famous for its volcanoes (more than 1000, of which 29 are active), geysers, and on the islands Karaginsky and Komandorsky. There are many rivers and lakes on the peninsula, which originate at the foot of mountains and glaciers. The peninsula is divided by two ridges: the Sredinny (the longest) and the Eastern, between which is the Central Kamchatka Lowland. The maritime climate predominates on the coast of the peninsula, while the central and northern parts have a continental climate. Vegetable world peninsula - coniferous and sparse birch forests, cedar and alder dwarf trees, meadows and moss tundra. The fauna is diverse and amazing.

Magadan region, Chukotka

The Magadan region is located along the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in Northeast Russia. The region is characterized by a subarctic climate, turning into a marine one. The region consists of mountains (in the North they are called Sopki) and plateaus, such as: the Verkhoyansk ridge, the Oymyakon and Upper Kolyma highlands, the Yanskoye, Yukagir and Elga plateaus. The forest occupies most of the territory and consists of evergreen forests and relict poplar forests.

Chukotka is the most severe and mysterious region in the entire territory of Russia. Most of the territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Chukotka is located on the entire Chukotka Peninsula and adjacent islands. Subarctic climate, alternates between marine, on the coast, and continental, during inland areas. Permafrost covers the entire Chukotka region. Most of the peninsula is mountain and arctic tundra with shrubs, lichens, grasses and mosses. Light coniferous and relict poplar forests are occasionally found. The peninsula consists of several natural areas(arctic desert, typical and southern tundra, forest-tundra and deciduous taiga) which explains the great diversity of flora and fauna.

Such natural phenomena as the Northern Lights and winter, lasting 10 months, do not occur anywhere else.

Caucasus (Western and Eastern parts)

The Caucasus is a mountainous region of Eurasia, located between the Azov, Black and Caspian seas.

You can watch an excellent video about a category 4 hiking trip in the Caucasus.

I have always admired the guys who walk such routes. The landscape of the mountains depends on the height and distance from bodies of water. Starting from swamps and glacial forests in the center and west and moving to high-mountain semi-deserts, steppes and meadows in the south. Mountain forest - fir and spruce forests. The Caucasus mountain system is divided into three regions:

  1. Western Caucasus (mid-mountain and high-mountain ranges covered with snowfields and glaciers). For example, Arkhyz and Sofia waterfalls),
  2. Central Caucasus (the highest peaks exceeding 5,000 meters above sea level. For example, Elbrus)
  3. Eastern Caucasus (mountains small height, running from the mountain from Kazbek to the Absheron Peninsula).

Hiking – Crimea

The relief of Crimea starts from plains in the East, to hills and mountain ranges in the South-West of the republic. Nature is rich in mixed forests, pine forests, steppes and forest-steppes. The majority of the country has a temperate continental climate, turning into a Mediterranean climate on the southern coast of Crimea (Crimean Peninsula).

The main destination of tourism in that region is Crimea. Therefore, it is not surprising that

Tourists in Crimea could always find stunningly beautiful places

and has always been popular. Mountain Crimea is interesting for its historical and archaeological cultural monuments (cities and monasteries in caves, medieval fortresses), palaces, waterfalls, salt lakes (about 50) and landscapes. A distinctive feature of Crimea is the smooth transition from mountains to flat steppes, the change from cool air to sea breeze.

Kazakhstan and Central Asia

The relief of the territory of Kazakhstan is highlands, lowlands, hills and plains with endorheic basins. The climate is mainly sharply continental. The mountain system is represented by the ridges of the Mangystau Mountains, deserts in the Balkhash-Alakol depression, and the Saryarka upland.

We have truly magnificent places in Kazakhstan in their beauty. Having walked many routes, I was convinced of this more than once. I invite everyone to come and see this for themselves.

Most of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) is occupied by semi-deserts and deserts, which indicates an arid climate. IN mountain range Central Asia includes: the Ustyurt plateau, the Turan lowland, the Turgai plateau, the Kazakh small hills, the mountains: Kopetdag, Pamir-Alai, Tien Shan, Dzungarian Alatau, Saur and Tarbagatai. The relief of the territory of Central Asia can be divided according to its constituent states:

  • KAZAKHSTAN: plains from the Volga to Altai and from Western Siberia to the oases and deserts of Central Asia;
  • KYRGYZSTAN: Tien Shan ranges with valleys and basins;
  • MONGOLIA: vast desert and semi-desert plains; in the west and southwest there are mountains; in the southeast the Gobi Desert;
  • TAJIKISTAN: Pamir and Alai Mountains; Fergana Valley (western part) in the north, Kofarnikhon and Vakhsh valleys in the southwest;
  • TURKMENISTAN: hilly or flat sandy desert with dunes, merging into mountains along the border with Iran;
  • UZBEKISTAN: flat sandy deserts with dunes; wide and flat, valleys abundantly irrigated by the Amu Darya, Syr Darya and Zeravshan rivers; Fergana Valley (eastern part) surrounded by the mountains of Kyrgyzstan.

Tien Shan

Tien Shan (“Heavenly Mountains”) is a mountain range located in Middle and Central Asia. The main part of the Tien Shan is located in Kyrgyzstan, the northern and western ranges in Kazakhstan, and the southwestern part of the Tien Shan in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Geographically, the Tien Shan Mountains are divided into regions:

  • Northern (Kyrgyz Range, Kungey-Alatau, Ketmen, Chu-Ili Mountains, Trans-Ili Alatau and Issyk-Kul)
  • Western (Chatkal, Sandalash, Pskem, Maidantal, Ugam, Fergana and Atoinok ranges)
  • Eastern (ridges Kuilyu, Akshiyrak, Dzhetymbel, Naryn-Too, Borkoldoy and At-Bashy),
  • Central
  • Internal (valleys covered with moraine sediments, covered with grass, which creates conditions for pastures (syrts)).

The Tien Shan ranges are characterized by mountain-glacial relief, which indicates a sharply continental climate. Vegetable and animal world individual areas of the Tien Shan Mountains varies significantly depending on climatic and relief features.

Republic of Belarus

The republic is located in Eastern Europe, which indicates a temperate continental climate with mild winters and warm summers. The terrain is flat and in some areas becomes elevated. Nature, rivers and forests, attract tourists from all over the world. The routes pass through nature reserves and national parks with minimal impact on the environment.

The tourist’s path passes along specially equipped trails. Examples are such parks as “Narochansky”, “” and Polessky Reserve.

Carpathians - Ukraine

The Carpathians are a mountain range in Central Europe, passing through states such as Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine (which is why I decided to insert an overview of the Carpathians in this article), Poland, Serbia, Romania and part of Austria, the peaks of which are covered with glaciers. Total length chain is 1600km. The relief is represented by turbulent rivers, forests and meadow valleys.

The entire mountain range can be divided into alternating climatic zones: Highlands (cold with high humidity), middle mountains (moderate cold), Carpathian region (warm and moderately humid), Lowlands (high humidity) and Transcarpathia (warm and humid). The climate is generally temperate continental, sometimes warm due to the frequent presence of the Atlantic cyclone.

Well, it seems to me that I covered almost all the main hiking routes Russia and CIS countries. Go, explore, admire the great nature and beautiful views.

If anyone has anything to add, I would also be grateful for comments. And please share the article materials with your friends using the social network buttons.

Soon I will add materials on many walking routes. therefore, subscribe to site updates so as not to miss them.

This is real hiking. We carry food, equipment and personal belongings ourselves in backpacks. We spend the night in tents and cook food over a fire or gas burner. The recommended backpack weight limit for men is 18 kg, for women 12 kg.

To take part in a hike in the Caucasus, you need. We will contact you, discuss all the details and tell you what to do next.

The cost of a trip to the Caucasus includes: accompaniment of a guide along the entire route, registration with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 3 meals a day (be sure to study ours, it can be adjusted).

The price does not include: equipment rental, travel, fees for visiting museums, nature reserves, caves and other paid attractions along the way. In the amount of up to 3600 rubles per trip (except for rental).

The guide can change the route of the hike based on the weather, the condition of the group, the foresters prohibiting passage and other factors.

If the cost of the trip seems unaffordable, choose it for yourself.

If you don’t have your own travel equipment and there is nowhere to borrow it, then you can take it.

For those who have already gone with us, the trip will cost 8100 rubles. For children 8-14 years old the cost is 7400.

Group meeting at the Krasnodar railway station 1 until 11 am. We will be back in Dagomys by 15:00 on the 8th day of the hike. On day 9 you can leave in the morning. 30 minutes to Sochi, 1.5 hours to the airport in Adler by train.

Additional important information:

1 day. Khadzhokh - canyon of the Belaya River. Rufabgo Falls

Radial exit 8 km in both directions.

Usually groups gather in Krasnodar. It is there that trains from Moscow and Minsk and buses from Crimea arrive early in the morning, via the ferry crossing. Those who wish can independently, if it is more convenient, through Maykop get to the village of Kamennomostsky, where the rest of the group will arrive in the afternoon. That's what it is mountain resort Hadjokh, famous for its skilled stone-cutters and sheep breeders. It is also the starting point of our hike. After gathering the entire group, there is enough time to set up a camp and explore two local attractions. The amazing Khadzhokh Gorge is a narrow, 400-meter canyon through which, with enviable persistence, the stormy waters of the Belaya River have been making their way through the rocks for thousands of years. The second, calmer, but no less picturesque, attraction is the seven-stage cascade of waterfalls of the Rufabgo stream. Usually shallow, after rains it instantly turns into a stormy stream of water and everything that gets into it, for which it received the local name - the Evil Wizard. To explore everything you will need a short, no more than 8 km, radial hike, light. The attractions are paid, 150 rubles each, but there is a free trail to the waterfalls.>

Day 2. Abadzesh Pass - Lagonaki Plateau

Start height 1780 m, parking height 2050 m, elevation gain 270 m, mileage 9 km.

After morning exercise and breakfast, there will be a motor rally again, but now for real mountain roads with corresponding landscapes and emotions. Transfer to the Abadzesh Pass. Finally the full hike begins. But we won’t tear it up, today we are acclimatizing. A smooth 9 km climb with a height gain of only 270m is just what you need. The altitude is more than 2000 m, we are already among alpine meadows with characteristic vegetation and karst formations, in some of them there is eternal snow at depth. Along the Lagonaki plateau we will go to the stream with interesting name Chopped at the foot of Mount Oshten. After setting up the camp, those who wish have the opportunity to swim in the not very cold waterfalls of the stream and admire the mountain landscape. IN good weather The Krasnaya Polyana mountains, the site of the future Winter Olympic Games 2014, are clearly visible. Those who weren’t there can climb the nearest hill and inspect tomorrow’s path, or spend their excess energy usefully and go into the forest for firewood. A fire is always nice.

Day 3. Mount Oshten (2804 m)

Radial exit, elevation gain 754 m, 13.5 km in both directions.

In the morning there will be accelerated procedures, breakfast and a not difficult, but fast radial climb to one of the three neighboring three-thousanders, Mount Oshten (2804m). Fast, because after lunch the clouds descend on the mountains, visibility decreases and the possibility of arriving and not seeing anything increases. We’ll go light, without backpacks, but you definitely need to bring raincoats and warm clothes. The weather can change almost instantly. A solid height meets with bare rocks of the slopes and eternal snow of the peaks. Solemn grandeur and silence leave indelible impressions for life.

Day 4 Guzeripl and Armenian passes, Fisht shelter. Small Fisht Glacier.

The parking height is 1590 m, the drop in height is 470 m, the mileage is 10 km. Radial exit: elevation gain 410 m, distance 8 km in both directions.

Today we will finally leave the parking lot on the Rublenny stream. A gradual descent leads to the Guzeripli and then the Armenian passes. The trail traverses the slopes of the Lagonaki plateau, the vegetation here is very lush - often we will walk along a narrow corridor with two-meter walls of grass. The ten-kilometer trek ends at the Fisht shelter, equipped with a parking lot on the shore big river. There's even a shower and a shop! True, the prices are astronomical. More precisely, by helicopter: there is no road here, all food is delivered to the store by helicopter, and the garbage is also taken away on it. Before the end of the day, those who wish still have time to run to the 8-kilometer radial to inspect the small glacier on Mount Fisht.

Day 5 Fisht Oshten pass. Lake Psenodakh, Maikop Pass.

Parking height 1560 m, elevation gain 630 m, drop 660 m, mileage 12.5 km.

Acclimatization has been completed and you can increase the load. There is a long and difficult climb ahead to the Fisht-Oshten pass (2220m). Then we will go down to the picturesque mountain lake Psenodakh. An unusually shallow, crescent-shaped lake with a depression at one end. You can have great shopping here! The lake is surrounded by legendary three-thousander brothers: Fisht, Oshten and Pshekho-Su. From here you can also enjoy a unique view of the Great Fisht Glacier. Walking around Fisht in a circle, we will finally enjoy the alpine meadows, and through the Maikop Pass we will go down to the parking lot.

Day 6 Vodopadny stream, waterfall 200 m. Moonlight Glade.

Parking height 1873 m, elevation gain 330 m, elevation loss 350 m, elevation gain 430 m, mileage 11 km.

Today we will continue to traverse the slopes of Fisht, the road will constantly go up and down. The Vodopadisty stream, encountered along the way, originates from the Fisht glaciers and falls as a powerful waterfall from a 200-meter height. The spectacle is very grandiose! But you can’t always see it. The main waterfall fills only after a good rainfall or in the spring. But on the other hand, a small waterfall always “works”, flowing straight out of a rock of the same 200-meter height. Further the path passes close to V.V.’s dacha. Putin at Moonlight Glade. Now all views here are ruined not only by the buildings themselves, but also by the ski lifts under construction. Excavators, bulldozers, pipes, cables, noise, stench... Our mood is finally spoiled by a security guard running towards us with a threatening look and demands to immediately erase everything that was photographed... Of course, such a disgrace in the State Caucasian Nature Reserve should not be in everyone's sight. It seems to me that the path past the dacha will soon be completely closed... as usual, under the guise of concern for the peace of wild animals and plants. On this day we will have our last high overnight stay, right on the Circassian Pass.

Day 7 Descent to Solokh aul.

We begin to go down to the sea. The route passes through a shady beech forest and there will be streams.

Day 8 Transfer to Dagomys, sea…

We take a chartered minibus to Dagomys. The camp is set up in a convenient location on a wild beach.

Day 9 Home…

The most leisurely morning of the entire trip is accompanied by a gentle sea and a slight sadness of parting. Those who wish to extend the bliss can stay here for a few more days. You can get to Sochi by train in half an hour, to Krasnodar in 4 hours.

Goodbye, Caucasus.

Hi all! While new trips are just being prepared, I decided to remember the past and write about hiking through the Caucasus through the mountains to the sea. And it was back in 2008, when the creative association ProYOU went to visit relatives in Adygea with the idea of ​​making a short trip with access to the sea.

After a short stay with relatives (to whom we will return more than once ;-)), a trip to Maykop, and hikes along the surrounding waterfalls, we found a local guide, Slava. He agreed to take us through the mountains for a small fee. And he even organized a minibus directly to the house! We probably could have walked on our own, but the new location and the presence of a reserve, as well as the prospect of resolving issues with environmental authorities ourselves, prompted us to take a guide.

The legendary all-Union tourist route No. 30 or simply “thirty” starts from the checkpoint of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, passes along the Lago-Naki plateau, through the passes of the Caucasian ridge, and ends in Dagomys, already on the Black Sea coast.

What is so interesting about the “thirty” route? It covers several climatic zones at once - alpine meadows, Mountain peaks with eternal snow, fir forests and subtropical coastlines. There is also a nature reserve located here, and this has helped preserve unique nature, rare and unique animals, birds, plants. It is quite possible to meet bears here (in rare cases, of course) - we saw small and large tracks.

The route runs near the Oshten and Fisht mountains, from which many rivers in the region originate. Stunning scenery is guaranteed Caucasus Mountains, stormy mountain rivers, the smell of herbs, a mountain bathhouse and much more!

The route through the mountains to the sea looks like this: checkpoint of the reserve - Instructor's gap - Armenian pass - Fisht shelter - Belorechensky pass - Cherkessky pass - Babuk-Aul shelter - Solokh-Aul shelter.

Transfer to the Fisht shelter

The minibus took us to the checkpoint, from where we walked along the Lago-Naki plateau. The spaces are incredible! The trail goes through alpine meadows, every now and then bumping into streams and lakes, and somewhere in the distance a herd of horses can be seen.

From the Lago-Naki plateau the trail goes to the slope of the Mount Oshten massif, the views become more and more “vertical”))

Amazing nature! The fields are simply bursting with greenery...

Mountain Caucasian herbs

Our guide Slavik, a very cool dude, he has a special dialect, a mixture of Caucasian and Rostov)))

It’s hard to walk because you’re not used to it...

During the whole day we walked about 7 km, quite a bit, but the landscapes replace each other with kaleidoscopic speed! At the end of the day we crossed the Armenian Pass, the descent from which ended at the Fisht shelter. It is located at the foot of famous mountain on the Belaya River, one might say at its source. The pass offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains!

View from the Armenian Pass to the Fisht shelter and the Belaya River valley

The shelter is lively - there are many tents, people crowd around the kitchen, where you can order something to eat. There are some bearded men here...

Radial access to the Big Fisht Glacier

The glacier is located at an altitude of more than 2800 meters above sea level. Fisht is famous for the presence of a large number of caves, grottoes, and underground rivers. The most famous of them are the Soaring Bird Cave and the deepest cave in Russia, “White Star”. Also, Fisht is the westernmost peak of the Caucasus, which has glaciers.

We headed to all these beauties the next morning. At first, the trail slowly climbs up, then you begin to encounter very steep rocky ledges that you have to climb up. With each new ledge, more and more breathtaking views open up.

Down below you can see the Fisht shelter:

We go higher and higher to Mount Fisht, views opposite

We finally reached the glacier and walked up it a little more. People generally climb Fisht, the category of such ascent is 1B, but we didn’t intend to.

Above there are only rocks, ice and gray thunderclouds

The guide Slava took with him a funny spaniel dog. It was difficult for her to go up and it was so hot that as soon as she saw the snow, she plunged into it with pleasure and let’s ride on her back! Then I swam in the sources of the Belaya River;-) So I ran around, all wet and happy.

Shelter "Fisht" - shelter "Babuk-aul"

Our path lies further - through the mountains to the Black Sea. From the very early morning we got up and with the very first walk we crossed the Belorechensky pass, where fierce battles took place during the Great Patriotic War. This is reported by the memorial obelisk installed at the top of the pass. In general, this entire area has a rich military history, there are signs here and there, remains of trenches...

View from the Circassian Pass to the Armenian Pass. Fisht shelter in the valley

Here is another sketch map of the area of ​​our trip:

After the Circassian Pass, the trail goes through a dense southern forest, where we stopped for lunch. Here you can already feel the subtropical climate and the proximity of the sea. Completely different plants and humidity. In general, nature is of course very different from the Altai, and even more so, Omsk I’m used to.

Here the bear passed with her cub

Then begins a long descent into the valley of the Shahe River, it is also called a fun descent. Imagine 7 kilometers just down the roots and earth)) Everything is fine, but towards the end the knees begin to behave strangely, it’s not often that such a load falls on them! Anyone who went down there will understand me :-)

Main Caucasus Range

Then you need to cross the hanging bridge over the Shakhe River, and the nearest shelter is just a stone's throw away!

The “Babuk-aul” shelter is comfortably located in a large clearing among the warm southern forest. Unlike our previous place to stay, women are in charge of everything here. You know, the atmosphere is very different - calm and tranquility. Everything is neat, tables under a canopy, excellent shower, and a stream flows right behind the “dining room”))

Shelter "Babuk-aul"

The finish line - the road to the sea in the back of a truck

Yesterday there was a very long evening with wine and songs by the fire, so the morning was sleep-deprived)) But there was nothing to do, especially since right in the morning the other guys and I agreed to chip in on the associated Gas-66 towards the sea. And we had to leave right now; we didn’t even have time to have breakfast.

And yet, everything happens for a reason and not in vain! We would need the whole day. to walk along the Shakhe River to the village of Solokh-aul. And the road is not the most interesting - mud in the forest, no surrounding views.

I am amazed at the power of the Gaz-66 - the truck easily travels straight along the river, rolling over lying trees and wet stones. In the back, of course, it shakes mercilessly! But it’s interesting all the time: either a branch will hit your ear, or you’ll jump half a meter, and you also need to have time to talk to the guys from Chelyabinsk ;-)

In the village of Solokh-aul we rested for a couple of hours and waited for the bus to Dagomys. The road to Dagomys is very breathtaking with its views, sharp turns, she constantly goes down to the sea. It was not possible to photograph all this beauty, since we are not the only ones who want to quickly plunge into the refreshing sea - a bus full of people!

That’s all, our route through the mountains to the sea has ended, the legendary route “thirty” through the Lago-Naki plateau, Mount Fisht, several passes and climatic zones. Then I saw the sea for the first time! It’s later, every year I go to these parts, but this was the first time, yes. It’s difficult to convey this feeling... the perfection of nature and the world around, a splendor that simply cannot be imagined...

I was also surprised by the locals who hardly bathe and say “what did I forget there?” I try to appreciate what I have every day, something that can be forgotten simply out of habit. But beauty is everywhere, you just have to look from the other side. And I encourage you to do this!

Very close to Dagomys there is a wonderful place where you can put up tents thirty meters from the sea, it is open and publicly accessible. At the same time, there are very few people there, just noise Railway at the top, but after a day you get used to it. The beach here is small pebbles and has a rather steep descent into the sea, and on nearby beach The sanatorium has a shower. All conditions for life! Strictly speaking, a tent may not be needed, it’s Krasnodar region and subtropics! I highly recommend you go to!

“Route 30” - this hike in the Caucasus was recognized as the best hiking route in the USSR; Nowadays it has not lost any of its attractiveness for tourists of different levels and ages who want to enjoy the beauty of the Caucasus.

Hiking "Route No. 30" in the Caucasus runs along the once most famous pedestrian route in the USSR No. 30 in the mountains of Adygea("thirty"). Every year thousands of tourists from all over Russia and abroad pass through it; its length exceeds 60 km.

This leisure as part of a hike along route 30 in the best traditions tourist trips- food is cooked over a fire, sleep in tents, all things are carried in backpacks. At the same time, the “thirty” hike in Adygea is quite feasible for people in satisfactory athletic shape without acute diseases or physical defects.

Hike along route No. 30 in the Caucasus begins in the mountainous region of Hadjokh, and ends in resort village Dagomys (Sochi). On a hike on route 30 in the Caucasus we will see the Kuban steppes, and alpine meadows, and coniferous, deciduous forests, and the nature of real subtropics.

Now let’s talk in detail about what the phrase “route No. 30” includes. in the Caucasus, through Fisht:

Route 30 Caucasus - 1 day:

The main gathering place for the group is the Krasnodar railway station, until 8 am. There will be a transfer from here participants of the hike "Route 30" through Maykop to the village. Kamennomostsky (another name is Khadzhokh). The instructor will meet all other participants at the final point (Khadzhokhe) from lunch to evening, since the overnight stay will be near the station.

Today, on a hike along route 30, we will explore the surroundings of the village. Hadjokh. In a 15-minute walk we will see the main highlight of these places - the canyon of the Belaya River (Khadzhokh Gorge). We will be able to admire the rumbling and raging mountain river at the bottom of the canyon, walk along shaky bridges on a hike along route 30. We will also visit the Rufabgo waterfalls. Picturesque, but not too deep, after rains they turn into raging streams of muddy water. The 15-meter "Lace" is the tallest of them. Here, in a cozy clearing on the bank of the river, we will break camping, we'll cook dinner over the fire and spend the first night hike route 30, Caucasus.

(kilometre: about 8 km)

Route 30 in the Caucasus in the area of ​​Mount Fisht - Day 2:

In the morning we move to the Abadzesh Pass. Here is already the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve: around us are lush herbs of the alpine zone and karst sinkholes, at the bottom of some there is snow even in summer. Gradually we move through the Abadzesh pass to the Rublenny stream on a hike along route No. 30. We go out to the famous Lagonaki plateau, where we admire the three-thousander Oshten, the treeless slopes of which contrast with the green hills of Lagonaki. At a stream where you can swim, we will stop for the second night in a tent camp on the hike “Along Route No. 30.”

(climb on a hike along route 30 in the Caucasus: 330 m, mileage: 10 km)

Route 30 in the Caucasus- Day 3:

Today on a hike along route 30 We leave our tents and things in place and set off for a radial trek to Mount Oshten (2804 m). Its wild slopes are in some places covered with white caps of the eternal snows of the Caucasus. It is important to leave as early as possible, because after lunch the top of Oshten is covered with clouds, which is dangerous for movement. Along the route No. 30, wonderful views of the Main Caucasian Range will open up; under your feet there will be many beautiful flowers (for example, the rarest black tulips), many of which are endemic to the Caucasus. Accommodation today according to the hiking program along route 30 In the same place. Don't forget to admire the stars, which are much brighter here than in the cities!

(elevation gain: 754 m, trekking distance "Route No. 30" in the Caucasus in Adygea: 14 km)

Route 30 through Fisht. Caucasus - Day 4:

We continue our journey along route No. 30 in the Caucasus. The morning transition will give us new beautiful views surrounding mountains and valleys of the Caucasus. Then along the Guzeriplsky and Armenian passes we will go to the Fisht parking lot on the hike "Along Route No. 30". The same White River flows here - already powerful and wide, and there is also a very pleasant parking place. Those who find it too little can go on a radial trek (8 km) to the small Fishta glacier on a hike along route 30 in the Caucasus. It has been preserved since the last glaciation - about 10 thousand years ago, and in the scatterings of stones you can often find a fossilized shell or ammonite. The overnight stay will be at the Fisht tourist shelter.

(height drop: 470 m, mileage: 10 or 18 km)

Caucasus, hike along route 30 - Day 5:

Today's challenge hiking route 30 in the Caucasus- conquest of the Fisht-Oshten pass. First we will approach the Caucasian mountain lake Psenodakh, which has the shape of a crescent. The lake itself is quite shallow - just above the knee, but in one place there is an interesting funnel with a depth higher than human height. Mountains Fisht, Oshten and Pshekho-Su, located near Psedonakh, are considered three brother mountains in local legends. The older brother is Fisht (2867 m), the middle one is Oshten (2804 m) and the younger “brother” Pshekho-Su (2744 m). From the conquered pass on the hike on route No. 30 we will have magnificent views of the rocky slopes of Mount Fisht and the sharp ridge of the Great Glacier. We will quickly descend from the pass to spend the night more comfortably.

(altitude gain: 630 m, altitude loss: 650 m, mileage hiking route 30 in the Caucasus: 13 km)

Route 30 Caucasus - Day 6:

Since morning on the hike “Along Route No. 30” in the Caucasus we will move on a short transition to the Circassian Pass. Along the way we will see an impressive 200-meter waterfall. Let's walk through Moonlight Glade, where V. Putin's dacha is being built. Let's admire the peak of Mount Mavrikoshka and the Circassian Pass (Caucasus), where a stele was erected in memory of those killed during the Second World War. We will spend the night at the Circassian Pass. By this time, the sleeping bag will seem much more comfortable than perhaps on the first nights!

(altitude gain: 700 m, altitude loss: 390 m, mileage hike "Along Route No. 30" in the Caucasus: 11 km)

Route 30 Caucasus - Day 7:

In the first half of the day hike along route No. 30 We have a long descent ahead of us through the beech forest, which is not called “fun” for nothing. The lower we go, the thicker and warmer the air becomes - the approach of the sea is more and more noticeable on route 30 in the Caucasus. The descent will lead us to the Babuk-aul farm. Having passed through the cordon, we leave the reserve and move towards the Shakhe River, across which a bridge has recently been restored, which will save us from the ford. We will set up camp on the bank of Shahe.

(altitude drop on the hike “Along Route No. 30” in the Caucasus: 1670 m, kilometer: 23 km)

Route 30 Caucasus, Adygea - Day 8:

Along a picturesque forest road, under the steady sound of the river, we move to the Solokh-Aul farm on route No. 30, from which it is a stone's throw to the long-awaited sea in the Caucasus. We pass the almost completely extinct village of Bzog. Near the river of the same name we will see a three-stage waterfall. Soon the magnificent canyon of the Skalisty stream will open before us on the hike "Along Route No. 30". Numerous streams and waterfalls flow down the walls of the canyon, water dust sparkles in the sun's rays. In the village of Solokh-Aul, those who wish will be able to visit the tea museum and listen to the interesting fate of the “father of Krasnodar tea” I. Koshman, and they will also be able to ride horses. From here the bus is coming to Dagomys and Sochi, to the warm waters of the Black Sea.

(altitude drop on a hike in the Caucasus "along route No. 30": 1670 m, kilometer: 23 km)

Route 30 through the Caucasus Fisht - Day 9:

The evening and night at sea will certainly be remembered for pleasant sensations. Today our hike along route No. 30 in the Caucasus is over, it’s time to part ways and return home. Those who wish can extend their vacation in beach mode.

“People often ask me: why do you need all this?
I answer: because every step I take is in the mountains Caucasus during a hike opens up unprecedented horizons and stunning beauties... Then, to feel victory when I climb to the top with my last strength... Then, that there are people with me who, in these “terrible conditions and hard physical exertion,” find, like me , relaxation and the meaning of life..."

Hike through the mountains to the sea along route 30

The famous All-Union tourist route No. 30 “Through the mountains to the sea” Of course, we will go along the most interesting, shortened part of it, since the entire route, which has existed since the 30s of the last century, was covered in 21 days. The basic idea of ​​changing several climatic zones during a hike also remains.

Group meeting place and time

At the Magnit store in the village of Kamennomostsky. Republic of Adygea, Maykop district.

You must be at the meeting place at 9.00 Moscow time.

From Kamennomostsky we move in an organized manner to the starting point, at the Lago-Naki checkpoint at the Azishsky pass. 40 km.

For participants who do not have personal transport, transportation to the starting point will be organized. Not included in the price. On average 500 rubles per person.

It is better to inform the trek coordinator in advance about the routes to the starting point and meeting point.

How to get to the meeting point without personal transport?

Start place and time

Checkpoint Lago-Naki on the Azishsky pass.

You must be at the start site at 10.00 Moscow time.

Personal vehicles can be left in a guarded parking lot at the checkpoint.

Finish place and time

The village of Solokh-Aul. Lazarevsky district, municipaleducation "resort city"Sochi,Krasnodar region.

We will be at the finish site at 18.00 Moscow time.


Checkpoint Lago - Naki - Guzeriplsky pass - Armenian pass - Fisht shelter - radial glacier on Mount Fisht - Belorechensky pass - Cherkessky pass - Babuk-Aul shelter - Solokh-Aul village.

Depending on the weather, the condition of the group, and the health of the participants, the instructor may make changes to the route and plan by day.

Plan by day

1 day.

In the morning we meet at the starting point at the Lago-Naki checkpoint (altitude 1800 m) not far from the Azish pass. We move with exits to observation points of the Kamennye More ridge to the stream near the former Rublenny booth. This not difficult transition is completed in 4 hours.

Day 2.

We leave through the Guzeriplsky passes (height 1965 m.) And Armenian (height 1833m) to the Fisht shelter (height 1600m). About 5 hours in time. Along the way, you can try swimming in the lake.

Day 3.

Radial access to the glacier of Mount Fisht. If the weather is favorable, the condition of the glacier is safe and the participants are in good physical shape, it is possible to reach the top (height 2867 m)

Day 4

In the morning, having assembled the camp, we go through the Belorechensky (height 1788 m) and Cherkessky (height 1830 m) passes, almost completely covered with beech forests, to the Merry Descent, which leads to the Babuk-Aul shelter (height 600 m) on the river bank Shahe. In time, approximately 7 hours.

Day 5

From the Babuk-Aul shelter, which is already in the subtropical zone, along the road going through boxwood forests, we reach the final point of the route - the village of Solokh-Aul, from where you can take a bus or taxi to the Black Sea coast. The walking part of the journey lasts about 6 hours.

Cost: 5 days - 9,000 rubles.

Making an advance payment in the amount of 30% of the cost, by transfer to bank card, ensures reservation of a place in the group.

The remaining cost, 70%, is paid in cash to the instructor on the first day of the hike. Payment can be made by transfer to a bank card.

  1. Passport.
  2. Compulsory health insurance policy.
  3. Backpack. Men's 80-140 liters, women's 80-100 liters. A large backpack can be compressed if it is not completely filled, but a small one cannot be stretched. Rain cover for backpack.
  4. Sleeping bag. Comfort temperature from +2 to -5 degrees, preferably with synthetic filler. You can use down, but it dries worse when wet.
  5. Mat (karemat), thickness, 8-12 mm.
  6. A wind-resistant tent, preferably with a skirt or a place in such a tent.
  7. Raincoat with hood or poncho with hood.
  8. A demi-season jacket or a light down jacket with a hood, ideally a membrane jacket with a skirt at the waist and cuffs on the sleeves, preferably in a size that allows you to wear it over your main clothes.
  9. A windbreaker or windbreaker with a hood, ideally a membrane one with a skirt and cuffs on the sleeves. With a water resistance of 10,000 mm or more, a raincoat or poncho with a hood is not needed (No. 7).
  10. Special attention! Tried, worn, closed trekking boots, ideally mountain boots.
  11. Tried and worn, trekking shoes as spare and bivouac shoes. You can use polyurethane galoshes.
  12. Two pants: lightweight microfiber trekking pants and windproof trousers, ideally membrane ones, in a size that allows you to wear them over your first pants and thermal underwear.
  13. Thermal underwear “for movement”, 1 pants and 1-2 sweaters.
  14. Two pairs of high-quality trekking socks, 2 pairs of regular socks, one of them insulated. Set of change of underwear, swimming trunks (swimsuit).
  15. Cap or hat.
  16. Hat, fleece or polartec.
  17. Two fleece or lycra gloves.
  18. Fleece or polartec suit (pants and sweater). You can only wear a sweater.
  19. Headlamp with 1 spare battery.
  20. Sunglasses in a hard case, with an ultraviolet protection factor of at least 3.
  21. Sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 50.
  22. Hygienic lipstick.
  23. Hygiene products: soap, if shampoo, then a sample (1 for two), toothpaste in the smallest package (1 for two) and a brush, toilet paper, a towel (not large), wet wipes 1 pack (about 10 pieces)
  24. CLMN. Mug, spoon, bowl, knife. Of course, the lighter the better.
  25. Thermos. Based on 500-800 ml per person or 1 liter for two.
  26. Bottle for water. Better plastic, 1l..
  27. Seat (preferably).
  28. Trekking poles (preferably).
  29. Flashlights, leg gaiters to prevent snow and dirt from getting into your shoes (preferably).


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