Greece, what a sea there is. What are the seas in Greece, where is the country located, what is its climate? Climatic differences within Greece

Before planning a summer vacation, you should set priorities, understand what you want from your vacation: swim and sunbathe during the day, and at night dance in clubs until the morning, go spearfishing, walk around the historical places, study local cuisine and culture... The choice of city and hotel, and, ultimately, the beach will depend on this.

The warmest sea can be found on, and. Try to choose hotels or beaches in bays where the water warms up better and the likelihood of cold undercurrents is very low.

This place is loved and appreciated for its majestic nature and the clean, warm Ionian Sea. In addition, this is where Mycenae is located, and the cities whose names you will find in all guidebooks. Popular tourist cities also include Poros, Loutraki and others.
If you are traveling with children, pay attention to the regions of Achaea and Corinthia, and Messinia is considered the most beautiful region from a natural point of view.
In July the sea warms up to 26C.

Average cost of comfortable double room in July 50-60 euros, in September 35 euros.
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On the endless beaches of the peninsula, the Aegean Sea will await you, the temperature of which in July reaches 24-25C. The peninsula in the south of Halkidiki is considered one of the warmest places in the world. It is on this peninsula that the sea is calmest, most transparent and there are almost no jellyfish in it. Therefore, those who love relaxation and long walks on the beach come here.

Most popular tourist cities are the towns of Nea Moudania, Halinioti, Pefkohori, which are located in the most picturesque and lively region of Kassandra. Those who love active recreation and vibrant life also come here. nightlife, and connoisseurs of walks through historical places, and nature lovers.

Located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and covering many islands of the Mediterranean, Greece is washed on three sides by seas: on the east - Aegean, from the western part – Ionic, and from the south - Mediterranean. The geographical parts of the Mediterranean Sea are the Ligurian, Adriatic, Alboran, Tyrrhenian, Balearic, Cyprus, Cretan, Libyan, Ionian and Aegean seas. But since most of them are considered only parts of the water area, many seas are not indicated on maps.

If compared with other European countries, then Greece is far ahead in terms of the number of seas washing its territory. The sea for the Greeks is one of the main sources of income. A wide sea area along with the most picturesque landscapes and numerous historical monuments attracts millions of tourists every year. Tourism brings the state about 15% of GDP, and also provides employment to more than 16% of the total employed population of Greece.

Maritime transport routes also bring their share of revenue to the state treasury: according to maritime regulations, foreign ships can pass through the Greek maritime zone only if they pay a fee. The amount of this fee depends on the type of vessel, its size and other characteristics.

Greece also receives a significant percentage of its profits from marine industries: fishing and coral collection.

The Aegean Sea washes the shores of Greece and Turkey. The most large islands Aegean Sea are the islands of Rhodes, Crete, Lesbos, Samos and Euboea. The area of ​​the sea is approximately 179 thousand km². The coast is mostly rocky. The sea is framed by numerous, usually low, mountain ranges with a semi-desert landscape.

The shores of the Aegean Sea attract divers from all over the world. Both beginners and professionals will find a lot of interesting things here. The first category of tourists will be able to admire the splendor of the seabed at shallow depths, and the second will be able to get acquainted with underwater caves, see with their own eyes sunken ships of various eras and other wonders. In addition, there are always waves here, which guarantees ideal conditions for active above-water recreation - surfing or windsurfing. That is why the World Cup stages in these sports are held in the Aegean Sea, near the island of Rhodes.

Surface water temperature of the Aegean Sea in winter time varies from 11°C to 15°C, and in summer - from 22°C to 25°C.

Due to global warming, there is a tendency for water temperatures to increase, as well as an increase in its salinity level. At a depth of more than 350 m, the temperature does not change throughout the year and is 12 – 13 °C. The salinity of the Aegean Sea is higher compared to the Black Sea. The tides here are daily, ranging from 30 to 60 cm.

The Aegean Sea is a renowned shipping region. There are a huge number of ships in Greek ports and under the flag of the state. Greek shipowners are among the most powerful in the world.

The Aegean Sea can be considered the cradle of such great empires as Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Byzantium, Ottoman Empire, Bulgarian Kingdom and Latin Empire. There are many different versions regarding the name of the sea. According to one of them, it comes from the name of the city Aigeus (Euboea island), another version leans in favor of the ancient Greek expression “waves on the water”, the third insists that the name of the sea comes from the name of the king of Athens Aegeus. According to one myth, the Athenian king threw himself into the sea, believing that his son Theseus was killed by the Cretan Minotaur.

Ionian Sea

The Ionian Sea is the deepest geographical part of the Mediterranean Sea. It is located between two peninsulas - the Alennine and the Balkan, separating Greece and Italy. Along the entire length of the Balkan coast of the sea you can see the Ionian Islands, called the “Seven Islands”. They owe this name to the largest areas of land - the islands of Ithaca, Paxos, Corfu, Levkas, Kefalonia, Kythira and Zakynthos. Although in fact there are many more islands in this system.

The sea area is 169 thousand km². Its bottom, shaped like a basin, is mainly covered with silt. Closer to coastline– sand and shell rock.

average temperature The waters of the Ionian Sea in February are 14 °C, and in August - 25.5 °C. The water temperature at depth is about 13°C.

The water salinity level exceeds 38 ‰. The tides here are daily - up to 0.4 m.

Since time immemorial, the islands of the Ionian Sea have stood out among the other islands of Greece, since even in those distant times nature blessed them with amazing beauty and lush vegetation. Mild climate, high snow-white cliffs above the azure sea, fertile lands, mountains overgrown with forests, beaches covered with snow-white sand and convenient for mooring ships.

The territory of the Ionian Sea coast is densely populated. There are many tourist cities, for most of whose residents the sea is a source of income. They, like the population of other regions of Greece, make a living fishing and provision of tourism services.

Most likely, the Ionian Sea owes its name to the ancient Greek tribe of Ionians, who founded a settlement on the island. Kefalonia and other islands of western Greece. But there is also a mythological version, according to which the sea got its name thanks to Io. She managed to swim across it after the supreme deities of Olympus turned her into a cow.

Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is designated as one of the most large seas(area – 2.5 million km²). The concept “Mediterranean” applies to peoples, climates, countries, vegetation. For many, the Mediterranean is associated with an entire era in human history and a special way of life.

The coastline of the sea is completely indented, and great amount land protrusions divide it into many semi-enclosed water areas (seas), which have their own names (they were mentioned at the beginning of the article). In the Mediterranean Sea, it is customary to distinguish two depressions: western and eastern.

The water in the western hollow is colder and fresher, its average temperature in February is about 12 °C, and in August - 24 °C. In the eastern depression, respectively, about 17°C and 27°C.

The Mediterranean Sea is attractive for its calm and beauty, but in certain seasons it, like other seas, can be stormy, crashing ashore big waves. The mild climate of the Mediterranean has always attracted the attention of tourists. The very concept of “Mediterranean climate” implies hot, long summers and short, wet winters. Many of the coastal regions of the Mediterranean Sea, mainly southern and eastern, are characterized by semiarid and arid climate features. It is the semiarid climate with an abundance of clear sunny days that is typical for the Mediterranean climate. Although winter can be characterized by a series of cold days when the sea's humid wind brings rain, frost and even snow.

The Mediterranean is also famous for its attractive landscapes. The Italian and French Riviera, the Adriatic coast of Croatia, the outskirts of Naples, the shores of Lebanon and Greece are particularly beautiful.

Here you will see the place where the great Zeus was born, find out whether the famous Colossus of Rhodes will be restored, and understand why the ancient Greek gods were amazed by the natural beauty of this country. But what would a trip be without swimming in the sea and admiring the sunset on the beach! Moreover, the disadvantages water resources not in this state.

Which sea washes the shores of Greece?

The shores of Greece are washed by three seas at once:

  • Mediterranean;
  • Ionic;
  • Aegean.

Which of them you will see every day from your hotel windows when returning to your room after a busy day depends on which part of the country you choose to stay in.

On the southern side of Greece is the most popular sea in the world - the Mediterranean. No matter what time of year you visit the country, the beaches of the Mediterranean coast will be clean and fully ready to receive all their many tourists. The Mediterranean Sea is characterized by its calm nature and warm water. Those vacationers who have purchased a vacation tour to Crete, surrounded by its waters, will be able to verify this. By the way, there are two more splashing off the coast of Crete small seas, which are separate parts of the Mediterranean: Cretan and Libyan.

Do you know which sea is the dream of all divers on the planet? Of course, Aegean! It envelops eastern part Greece and contains many beauties and mysteries. In the Aegean Sea there are the Halkidiki peninsula and the island of Rhodes - two most picturesque places Greece. The most daring travelers who come here will be able to dive to the bottom and explore sea caves, view sunken ships and study the features of the underwater terrain. Well, those who do not like extreme sports, but prefer a relaxing holiday in the sun, will certainly want to relax on one of the magnificent beaches of the Aegean coast.

And what kind of sea will those who vacation in the west of Greece see - on the island of Corfu and the Peloponnese peninsula? The harshest Ionian Sea, named after the priestess Io, the beloved of the thunderer Zeus, rages here. The best time to visit its coast is in the summer: in the winter months the Ionian Sea cools down greatly. But fishing lovers can come here all year round. In the waters of the Ionian Sea in large quantities mackerel and mullet live here - a delight for the fisherman.

Whatever name the sea bears, it was created to delight and delight. We hope that you will fully experience these emotions in Greece!

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Beaches of the Cretan Sea, Heraklion

Greece is located in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and on numerous islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Geographically, parts of the Mediterranean include the Alboran, Balearic, Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Ionian, Aegean, Cretan, Libyan and Cypriot seas. However, today most of them are considered integral parts of the water area and are not indicated on maps - it is generally accepted that the shores of Greece are washed by the Ionian Sea from the west, the Mediterranean from the south, and the Aegean Sea from the east.

In fact, Greece is washed by the largest number of seas compared to other European countries. It is the seas that are considered one of the main sources of income - from fishing, collecting corals, transport communication, and as one of the most attractive features of the country for tourists.

There is another source of income that enterprising Greeks extract from the sea - according to maritime regulations, ships from other countries of the world have the right to pass through the maritime part of Greece (and this includes about 2 thousand islands in addition to the mainland!) for an additional fee depending on the type of ship, its sizes and other characteristics.

Ionian Sea

In the Ionian Sea there are islands such as Corfu, Lefkada, Kefalonia, Zakynthos, Ithaca, etc. The average sea water temperature in winter is +14 °C, in summer - +26 °C. Tourist season starts in June, ends in October.

The name of the Ionian Sea comes from the ancient Greek tribe of Ionians who inhabited the surrounding islands, or from the name of Zeus’s beloved Io, who, according to ancient Greek mythology, was turned into a white cow for her relationship with the Thunderer and swam across the sea to escape the wrath of Hera.

Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is famous for its beauty and tranquility. The beaches here are predominantly sandy and pebble, with developed infrastructure and ample opportunities for aquatic species sports The water temperature in June is about +22°C, in August +26°C, in October +23°C.

The name Mare Mediterranea (Latin for “Sea in the middle of the Earth”) was put into use back in antiquity, when civilizations were formed mainly in the basin of this sea.

It is the Mediterranean Sea that Greece owes its tourist attractiveness: due to the fact that communication with the Atlantic is carried out only through the rather narrow Straits of Suez and Gibraltar, the Mediterranean is considered one of the warmest and salty seas on a planet with weak tides. It's perfect for a relaxing beach holiday and diving.

Sand spit connecting Rhodes with small island Prasonisi is called “The Kiss of Two Seas”, since on one side there is the Mediterranean Sea, whose waters are deep blue, and on the other - the turquoise Aegean.

Aegean Sea

The Aegean Sea off the coast of Halkidiki is famous for its exceptional purity of water and magnificent beaches. As many as 42 beaches on the peninsula are marked “ Blue flag"and are rightfully considered one of the best in all of Europe. The average water temperature in June is +23 °C, in August about +25 °C, in October +23 °C.

The beaches on the coast of Halkidiki are mostly sandy or sandy with small pebbles. They are famous for their fairly developed infrastructure and are equipped with everything necessary for active rest: surfing, diving and yachting. Most popular resorts Ionian Sea in Greece - Metamorfosi, Nikiti, Neas Marmaras and Vourvourou Bay.

Aegean Sea

The Aegean coast is a mecca for divers from all over the world. It will be interesting to dive here both for beginners who want to admire the beauty of the seabed at shallow depths, and for professionals who are more interested in sunken ships of different eras, caves and archaeological finds. In addition, there are always waves here, which provides excellent conditions for above-water activities, primarily surfing and windsurfing. It is in the Aegean Sea near the island of Rhodes that the World Cup stages in these sports are held.

In fact, it is the Aegean Sea that can be called the cradle of such ancient civilizations as Byzantium, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, the Ottoman Empire, the Latin Empire, and the Bulgarian Empire. According to various sources, its name comes from the ancient Greek “waves on the water”, after the city of Aigeus on the island of Euboea or after the name of the Athenian king Aegeus, who, according to ancient Greek mythology, threw himself from a cliff into the sea, deciding that his son Theseus had been killed by the Minotaur on Crete.

Allows it to be considered the most maritime power of the Old World. Its banks on Balkan Peninsula and two thousand islands are washed Mediterranean Sea. It is divided into several parts and to understand which sea washes Greece, you should look at the map.

Impressive list

The Mediterranean Sea has in its waters whole list small seas, some of which are named according to geographical location:

  • The Aegean washes among others the group islands of the same name.
  • Cretan is a sea off the island.
  • Libyan approaches the shores.
  • The Ionian Archipelago drifts in the Ionian.

Which seas in Greece are no longer shown on maps? The list is also impressive: Ligurian and Cretan, Balearic and Cretan, Alboran and Tyrrhenian. Today they are considered to be only parts of the Mediterranean, and therefore these names remained in the distant historical past of Greece.

First violins

For tourism business the most important role is played by the seas of Greece, washing resort areas. For example, the Ionian Sea is the cradle of the islands of Corfu and Ithaca, where the first swimmers open the season at the end of May. The water temperature here in summer stays at around +25 degrees, making water procedures pleasant and refreshing.
The shores of the resort are washed by the Aegean Sea, whose magical beaches are the dream of many fans of a bronze tan. These places have the largest number of awards for cleanliness and environmental friendliness, and developed infrastructure and unlimited opportunities for yachting and diving attract a huge number of people to the Aegean Sea in Greece active travelers. Sea water temperature throughout high season here it stays at around +24 degrees.
The Mediterranean Sea is the resorts of the islands of Crete and , where pleasant soft sand beaches alternate with small pebbles, allowing you to choose any genre and degree of comfort for your vacation. The water temperature in these places ranges from +22 degrees at the beginning of the season to +26 on peak days. The ebb and flow of the tides in the Mediterranean Sea are not clearly expressed, and therefore you can spend the whole day on the beach without changing your location.

  • Diving in the Aegean Sea allows you to admire not only natural beauty underwater world, but also sunk in different time by courts.
  • The Mediterranean Sea is one of the warmest and saltiest in the world.
  • It is the Ionian Sea that has the greatest depth in the Mediterranean waters.


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