Why were flights to Egypt banned? Why did Russia actually ban flights to Egypt? What famous people of Russia and Karelia think

It was assumed that after the fatal flight, Yu.A. Gagarin will be able to fly the MIG-17 independently. A MIG-17 aircraft with tail number 19 was even allocated for the first cosmonaut. A few days before the fateful flight, Gagarin underwent a medical examination, during which it was noted that he was completely healthy. After pre-flight preparation, the flight sheet was approved by Seregin and signed by Gagarin. Everything went as normal. After the mechanic's report that the aircraft was ready to fly, the pilots climbed into the cockpit. Gagarin was located in the front part, and Seregin in the rear. At 10:19 am on March 27, 1968, the plane under the control of Gagarin took off. After 11 minutes, Yuri Alekseevich reported to the ground that he had completed the necessary exercises and asked for permission to return, which was received. However, a minute later the plane crashed into the ground. At the same time, the commission that investigated the tragedy clearly established that power plants The aircraft were working properly before hitting the ground. Therefore, it was not a problem with the aircraft. The commission's data were collected in 30 weighty volumes, but no fault was found in the aircraft. The tragedy was attributed to high clouds. The lower layer of clouds was only 500-600 meters from the ground, and pilots in conditions of limited visibility could simply make a mistake. At the same time, the commission’s specialists noted that Gagarin’s flight with Seregin took place at a small of this aircraft speeds of about 500 km/h, and this car always came out of a spin without any problems. What was surprising was the fact that before they hit the ground, both of them were completely calm and confidently controlled the plane. The version about flying while intoxicated was not confirmed. Sabotage was also ruled out. There was only one conclusion left. Turning the plane in the absence of visibility of the horizon, Gagarin made a mistake, and the plane went into a dive.

    The list of diseases for which it is not recommended to fly on an airplane is quite wide. The risk group includes people who suffer from thrombophlebitis. When flying on an airplane, you have to move a little, as a result, the blood in the veins of the legs stagnates, and there is a danger of blood clots developing and breaking off, clogging the arteries with blood clots.

    People suffering from hypertension, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, that is, those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. The fact is that the pressure on board the aircraft at altitude is reduced, as a result of which less oxygen enters the blood than usual. For the same reason, people with high cranial pressure should not fly. It is strictly contraindicated to fly for people who have recently suffered a heart attack, hypertensive crisis, or stroke.

    It is also not recommended to fly while suffering from pneumonia or bronchitis.

    Pregnant women after 36 weeks of pregnancy may not be allowed on board the plane at all, since labor may begin during the flight, and this is a danger both for the woman in labor and for the child, because a difficult birth may occur, something may go wrong not so, and this already requires the presence of a specialist doctor and special equipment.

    And, of course, people with infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets should not fly, as they can infect other passengers. People suffering from plague, cholera, or hemorrhagic fever are not allowed to fly.

    In my opinion, there are no prohibitions that certain people should not fly. I know that pregnant women (in later stages), people with heart and lung diseases, and asthma need to be careful when flying (reduce them to a minimum).

    Yes, not all people are given the opportunity to try the thrill/feeling of heights when flying up into the sky; due to many parameters/illnesses, some are not allowed on board the plane; this list includes the following diseases that are contraindications to flying:

    • pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy
    • pneumonia
    • thrombophlebitis
    • who has claustrophobia
    • asthma
    • after operation.
  • Many of the authors' responses correctly listed medical contraindications for flying, indicating the most common ones. Personally, I would put mental illnesses associated with various phobias in first place; secondly - diseases of the cardiovascular system, then diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, pneumonia, etc.).

    Everyone can fly, unless you feel completely unwell, of course! the main thing is not to be too pregnant, last month and allow yourself a little alcohol, which will help distract you from the fears that sometimes grip airplane passengers.

    One hundred percent - for women who are in late stages of pregnancy. Like, premature birth is possible. I even saw something like this somewhere in a movie.

    Possibly with asthma. They have the medicine in a special bottle. But will it work at such a height? The pressure is there. I just had a lighter on the plane, but the gas didn’t come out during the flight.

    • thrombophlebitis
    • pneumonia
    • exacerbation of bronchial asthma
    • pulmonary hypertension
    • had surgery less than 2-3 weeks ago
    • recent heart attack or stroke

    It is also undesirable to fly with damage to the middle or inner ear. If you are diving and less than 12 hours have passed before departure after 1 dive, and after several - 24 hours.

    Almost everyone can fly. Thank God, when boarding a plane, they don’t require medical certificates. That is, a person is free to make a decision on his own. If you have any concerns, it is better to abstain. But there are no official prohibitions or restrictions. Polts and people with cardiovascular diseases should be treated with caution.

    List of diseases for which you cannot fly on an airplane:

    • trauma to the middle ear and nasal cavity
    • altitude sickness
    • venous thrombosis
    • severe flu
    • asthma
    • tetanus
    • any psychiatric illness
    • acute infectious diseases
    • active form of tuberculosis
    • meningitis
    • acute leukemia
    • increased intracranial pressure

    And other.

    Ha! It may be stupid, but probably a drunken bird!? They'll fine you =)

    Someone who only knows how to swim and crawls with great difficulty.

    Can't fly, I think, for people who are afraid of heights.

    He'll look down from the window. He's screwed right away.

    People with deep thrombosis of the leg veins, respiratory tract diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma), mental disorders, and pregnant women after 36 weeks are not recommended to fly.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin On November 6, he announced a ban on all Russian aircraft flying to Egypt. This is due to the crash of a Russian plane on October 31 over Sinai. Let us remind you that 224 people died during the plane crash. Amitel news agency found out which countries still refused to fly to Egypt.

Why are flights to Egypt generally banned?

American and British intelligence, based on intercepted data, announced the possibility of a bomb exploding on board the plane. Intelligence representatives reported that they received information about a planned terrorist attack by the Islamic State (the activities of Islamic terrorists are prohibited in Russia. – Editor’s note)

Which countries have refused to operate flights to Egypt?

1. Great Britain became the first country to announce the cancellation of all flights to Sharm el-Sheikh due to information received from British intelligence. This happened on November 4th. The British Foreign Office explained this for reasons of tourist safety.
However, flights were supposed to be restored on November 6. On Friday, 29 flights were expected to operate from Sharm el-Sheikh to the UK. However, in the evening it became known that the British airline plane flying to Sharm el-Sheikh turned back halfway.

2. Following the UK, the Dutch government also decided to suspend flights over the Sinai Peninsula. It was announced that the ban would remain in effect until at least Sunday. The crash of the Russian A321 aircraft was also cited as the cause.

3. The Belgian tourist airline Thomas Cook has canceled all flights to the Egyptian Sharm el-Sheikh until November 12, a company representative said. According to Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders, Brussels is “awaiting guarantees of security at the airport” of Sharm el-Sheikh.

4. The Ukrainian State Aviation Service has banned its air carriers from flying over the Sinai Peninsula. “For flights, it is recommended to use LAKTO and/or RASDA air navigation points,” the agency reports.

Who did not prohibit, but took precautions?

2. The French authorities do not advise their citizens to visit the proud Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt. This statement was published on the website of the French Foreign Ministry on Thursday. Earlier, French government spokesman Staffan Le Foll said that planes from France are currently not flying to Sharm el-Sheikh airport.

Russia has suspended air traffic with Egypt until all the causes of the A321 plane crash are clarified. This idea was proposed by the FSB, and President Vladimir Putin supported it. The suspension applies not only to flights resort areas, but also to other parts of Egypt. Great Britain, Holland, Ireland and France are also temporarily unavailable for flights to the Arab Republic.

Now Russian tourists leaving Egypt without luggage, only with hand luggage, according to safety requirements. The bags are then delivered by separate aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. This is due, among other things, to the insufficiently thorough baggage inspection scheme at Egyptian airports.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Karelia, there are currently 51 residents of the republic in Egypt, and 84 vouchers for the upcoming holiday have also been sold.

Tourists who have purchased trips to Egypt in the near future are offered several options for further action: go to court; contact the tour operator who had tour purchased, to provide alternative recreation; third option - the tour operator can agree to partial compensation for the tourist Money due to the fact that he also incurred certain costs for organizing this vacation.

Tour operators offer clients a replacement vacation destination: in this case, if new tour will be more expensive, the tourist pays extra for it, if cheaper, then the tour operator will return the difference. Tourists are also given the opportunity to postpone the tour to a later date. As the official representative of the Russian Union of Travel Industry Irina Tyurina clarifies, dates of tours to Egypt can be postponed throughout the year. As for refunds for tourist packages, such issues are resolved within a month.

Tour operators could lose hundreds of millions of dollars if tourists cancel their purchased tours en masse, which is about 200 thousand people. Even transferring tours to other countries, for example to Turkey, will not save you from financial losses, since you need to book new hotel. And hotels in Egypt do not always return money. It all depends on the agreement between hoteliers and tour operators. Prime Minister Medvedev instructed the government to prepare a program to provide support to tour operators who suffered due to the suspension of air traffic with Egypt.

Egypt will lose $500 million due to the cancellation of hotel reservations at resorts in the winter due to Russia's suspension of flights. According to the Association of Egyptian Chambers of Tourism, if the situation is not resolved in the coming days, the damage will reach 2 billion.

What do famous people of Russia and Karelia think?

Sergey Shugaev, head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Karelia:

– Transportation of passengers and baggage from Egyptian airports will be organized on separate flights. Only the most essential personal items are allowed to be carried on board the aircraft, including baby food and essential medicines. In the near future, a scheme for the delivery and receipt of tourists’ luggage will be developed. At Egyptian departure airports - Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada - special information desks and representatives have been organized Russian airlines and tourism operators to inform passengers as fully as possible on their further actions. All organizational issues are handled by the operational headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are put on high alert.

Gennady Gudkov, former deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security:

“I think we have come to the conclusion that this was a terrorist attack.” I am 90% convinced that this was a terrorist attack. I talked to pilots, I talked to testers, I talked to experts. They have little doubt that it was an explosion of a device embedded in tail section airplane. Nothing can destroy an airplane like an explosion in the tail section. Most likely, according to my consultants, something was brought on board and placed in the tail section. It could be something from luggage, it could be something from technical details.

I think that the FSB now understands that this was a terrorist attack, and the FSB recommendation comes from this understanding.

It is clear that every intelligence agency in the world in the fight against terrorism can rely on the support of any other intelligence agency, because this is a common enemy. I think that, of course, our people there will now try to find traces of this crime together with the Egyptian special services.

Naturally, Egypt is interested in finding those responsible, if possible. But this is very difficult to do, because structures such as the Islamic State, like al-Qaeda, operate through their supporters from within.

Should we expect increased security measures in Russia? I think yes. Egypt is not a party to the conflict in Syria. Nevertheless, a terrorist attack occurred over its territory. It is clear that the bomb was planted at the Sharm el-Sheikh airport, which means that terrorist groups are operating in Egypt. They act in exactly the same way here, if you believe the FSB information about the prevention of a major terrorist attack in Moscow. It is therefore clear that the risk of terrorist attacks in Russia has increased significantly.

Alexander Golts, military observer, deputy editor-in-chief of the Internet publication “Daily Journal”:

“The cancellation of these flights makes sense only if flights to Egypt pose a danger, and this, first of all, suggests a version of a terrorist act. This version is the most unpleasant for Russia, because it is more or less obvious that this will in a certain way discredit the Russian operation in Syria.

I think that during contacts with Putin, the same Cameron could have provided him with some information. The British shared it, although reluctantly, apparently. Now everything will be focused on the investigation, on how effectively it will be carried out. However, I am not confident that Russian intelligence services have the same capabilities in Egypt as Western ones. Still, for quite a long time, Egypt was oriented purely towards the West, and this, obviously, also affected the activities of the special services.

– Since we got involved in the conflict in Syria, from a PR point of view, this situation is very uncomfortable. The authorities fear that they will be condemned for interfering in the Syrian adventure, after which they were unable to ensure the safety of citizens.

Vladimir Frolov, international relations expert:

– If it is confirmed that the lives of 224 citizens of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine were carried away in the sky over Sinai terrorist attack, then retribution will be required. No self-respecting state can leave such a crime against its citizens unanswered. It is clear that the action of retaliation for the terrorist attack must be carried out jointly with the special services and the Egyptian army. The group that has assumed responsibility is distinguished by a high level of secrecy, and the Egyptian intelligence services have not yet succeeded in fighting it. But something else is also clear - the terrorist attack forces us to take a fresh look at the Russian strategy in Syria, to re-evaluate its realism, tactics and risks for Russia and its citizens.

Questions immediately arise here. How was the decision made on the Syrian gambit? How were the risks and reliability of intelligence data assessed? Why was it considered possible to participate in the sectarian war on the side of the Shiites against the Sunnis? Is there a threat of global jihad against Russian citizens? It was clear to experts that Russian tourists in Egypt and even Turkey are an unprotected target for ISIS terrorists. At a minimum it was necessary to enter increased level terrorist threat and loudly warn about the dangers of traveling to resorts in the region.

Illustration: Shutterstock

I assume that civil aircraft of Russian airlines will soon be banned from flying not only to Egypt, but also to other countries indirectly or directly associated with ISIS.

There is not a single country in Africa that would be safe for Russian citizens to fly. It is necessary to ban not only Egypt, but also Tunisia, where there were also terrorist attacks not so long ago. It is also necessary to ban flights to Algeria, Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and other African countries. The safety of Russian citizens is more important. “Children, don’t go for a walk in Africa...”

Now for Asia. I remember when we went to Sri Lanka we flew over Iran or Iraq or something like that. There were mountains below where Islamists with Arab BUKs could hide. That is, such directions as United Arab Emirates, Goa, Sri Lanka, Bali, Thailand, Vietnam, and not to mention all sorts of weird Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, must also be banned for the safety of Russian citizens.

Flights to China, Japan and North Korea, since these flights take place in the territories of Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, where there should be no Islamists. That is, flights to China, Japan and North Korea should not be prohibited.

As for Europe. The question is complex. Europe is definitely much safer than pathetic and irresponsible Egypt, but there are also many Islamists in Europe now masquerading as refugees. That is, Europe cannot be considered completely safe. Banning flights to Europe also seems unnecessary. I personally believe that it is impossible to ban flights to Europe, but everyone must be warned about the danger before departure, so that passengers already know that they are flying at their own peril and risk, and may not reach their destination. After all, there are at least some crazy pilots in Europe who fly planes straight into a mountain because of problems with their personal lives. We need to remember this.

Flights to the USA and Canada should be strictly prohibited. I think there’s no point in scattering thoughts all over the tree about why.

Flights to Latin America you can leave it. More precisely, we need to treat them like flights to Europe: not prohibit, but warn that to this very Dominican Republic, dear tourists, you fly at your own risk.

Flights to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia in general do not pose a threat, so there is no need to ban them.

There are no flights to Ukraine anyway, because Ukraine itself has banned them.

There is one controversial country left. This is Türkiye. It would seem that in order to fly to Turkey, you just need to fly over the Black Sea - and here it is - Turkey, no need to fly over Iraq or Syria. But this feeling of security is false. Because in Turkey there are also mountains where Islamists can hide, waiting Russian planes. If you fly to the south of Turkey to Antalya, then in any case you will have to fly over these terrible Turkish mountains fraught with an abyss of dangers. That is, regarding Turkey, I have this opinion: I would fly to Istanbul, since there is no need to fly over mountains. But I wouldn’t fly to Antalya. Of course, you are less likely to find yourself in a falling plane than in Egypt, but the possibility still exists.

To summarize, we can say that the safest flights for Russians are flights within Russia itself. For example, to Crimea.


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