Shot 70 people in Norway. Breivik's terrorist attacks in Norway. Investigation and trial

Terrorist attacks in Norway on July 22, 2011- two terrorist attacks that occurred on the same day in Oslo and on the island of Utøya. Police believe the attacks are related.

Norwegian citizen 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik was arrested for the shooting on Utøya. According to the suspect's lawyer, Geir Lippestad, he confessed to committing both terrorist attacks.

69* 62*** Of these, 65 were shot by Breivik on the spot, 1 drowned trying to escape, 1 died falling from a cliff, 1 died from wounds on the way from the island, 1 died in the hospital.
** According to some sources - 66. The indictment refers to 32 camp participants wounded by Breivik. One report on the events of July 22 states that more than 100 people were injured on Utøya, including various injuries (bruises, cuts, etc.) while fleeing, and also suffered from hypothermia in the water, the temperature of which was about + 14 degrees.

Of these, 8 were immigrants (not including a Georgian citizen who was visiting Norway).

The average age of those killed (not including three people over 30 years old) was 17.7 years.

Breivik fired 121 shots from a 9mm Glock 34 pistol and 171 shots from a Ruger Mini-14 rifle. At the time of his arrest, 374 pistol and 765 rifle cartridges remained in his arsenal.

All those killed and wounded on Utøya belonged, according to Breivik's classification, to category B traitors(leaders and board members of regional branches of the AUF ("Workers' Youth League", the youth wing of the Workers' Party (WP), their deputies, activists of the organization) and traitorscategory C(ordinary AUF members and sympathizers).

Breivik failed to be executed category A traitors– former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Bruntland, who was his main goal(she left the island before Breivik arrived), and the head of the AUF Eskila Pedersen a, who, along with several of his closest assistants, fled from the island by boat after hearing the shooting.


According to reports, Breivik began expressing his ideas on Internet forums in the summer of 2009. He began preparing for the attack itself in the fall of 2009. At the same time, he visited his friend Peter in Hungary and found that the Hungarian women were very beautiful, but refused all connections with them, because this, in his own opinion, could interfere with his “Great Goal”.

Also in early 2010, he communicated with the famous British anti-Islamist blogger Paul Ray and, according to the latter, may have drawn inspiration from Ray's blogs. However, despite their communication, the blogger refused to add Breivik as a friend on social network Facebook, because he did not like the appearance of the future terrorist.

According to the investigation, there is reason to believe that Breivik was closely associated with British radicals. According to Foreign Policy, in 2002 in London, he and nine others founded the Knights Templar organization, whose goal was to “seize control of Western European countries and implement a conservative political agenda.” As The Guardian notes, it was then that he met his mentor, who called himself Richard, after Richard the Lionheart.

Attempt to buy a weapon in the Czech Republic

In August - September 2010, Breivik spent 6 days in Prague, where he tried to purchase firearms. However, in his own words, he was a little afraid of the trip, as he had heard that Central Europe has “the most cruel and cynical criminals.” On the second day of his stay, he received a referral to mining, so that no one would suspect him of preparing a terrorist attack. Anders was going to buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle and a Glock 17 pistol, as well as hand grenades. He was also in possession of a false police ID and uniform, which he had illegally purchased online and was wearing during the attack. Ultimately, he failed to carry out his plan and went back to Norway.

Buying weapons in Norway

Anders also tried to buy weapons in Berlin and Belgrade, but again nothing worked out. (In total, in preparation for the terrorist attack, Breivik visited 20 countries). Then he decided to obtain a semi-automatic rifle and pistol legally in Norway. Legally this did not pose a problem as he had no criminal record, had a hunter's license and had owned a Benelli Nova pump-action shotgun for seven years. Upon his return from Europe, Breivik received permission to own a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic carbine for the purpose of “deer hunting”; he bought it in the fall of 2010 for 1300 euros. Obtaining a pistol permit was more difficult, since for this you had to not only be a member of the shooting club, but also show attendance.

Breivik visited the Oslo shooting club 15 times between November 2010 and January 2011 and was then given permission to purchase a Glock 17 pistol. He also used the computer shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for shooting practice.

In March 2011, Breivik bought components for an explosive device online from a fertilizer seller in Wroclaw, Poland. On May 18, 2009, Anders Behring Breivik registered his own vegetable growing company called “Breivik Geofarm,” which explained the purchase of so many fertilizers. Later, the Pole was brought in as a witness in the case of terrorist attacks.

On April 27, 2011, he assembled his first explosive device. During May-June, he collected 20 explosive devices of varying power. On June 13, 2011, he carried out his first test explosion in a vacant lot in the suburbs of Oslo. On July 15, 2011, he rented a Volkswagen Crafter. On July 18, he installed the most powerful explosive device he had assembled inside. On July 21, he ordered a prostitute to his home for 2,000 euros, with whom he spent the whole night. On the morning of July 22, he visited church in Oslo.

Terrorist attack in Oslo

On July 22, 2011 at 15:25:22 (local time) an explosion occurred in the Government Quarter of Oslo. According to police reports, a radio-controlled bomb weighing about 500 kilograms planted in a Volkswagen Crafter was made from agricultural fertilizers based on ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel.

The first message about the explosion was received by the police a minute and a half later, at 15:26. Two minutes later, the first police and ambulance vehicles arrived on the scene.

Seven people died from the explosion on the spot, another died in hospital from his injuries, 209 people were injured, 15 of them seriously. Government members were among the victims. The explosion damaged nearby buildings, including the Ministry of Oil Industry and the editorial office of the tabloid Verdens Gang. A fire broke out in one of them, and glass in buildings on a nearby street was broken by the blast wave. Police cordoned off the scene and urged everyone to leave the city center if possible.

Massacre on Utøya

An hour and a half later (that is, about 17:00 local time) after the explosion in the center of Oslo, Anders Behring Breivik reached ferry crossing off the island of Utøya. At this time, a traditional youth summer camp of the ruling Workers' Party was held on the island, in which 655 people aged 14-25 took part.

Dressed in the uniform of a police officer, Anders presented a fake ID and reported the need for safety training in connection with the terrorist attack in the capital. Having gathered several dozen young Social Democrats around him at about 17:22 in the evening, he opened aimed fire on them; he killed 67 people (including one citizen of Georgia and the half-brother of the Crown Princess of Norway). The shooting, which lasted about 73 minutes, caused panic and many people rushed into the water in an attempt to escape. Two young people drowned while trying to swim away from the island. About 110 people received various injuries, including non-gunshot wounds. There are two known cases in which Breivik spared his victims: an 11-year-old boy whose father he had just killed and a 22-year-old young man who begged the terrorist to spare his life.

After the arrival of the police (counter-terrorism unit Beredskapstroppen), the terrorist surrendered at 18:35, two minutes after the police arrived on the island. Moreover, his first words after his arrest were “I’m finished...” During the massacre, Breivik was wearing headphones and listening to the soundtrack from the trailer for the film The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, arranged by “Requiem for a Tower” (composer Clint Mansell, version of the soundtrack to the film by Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream), using it as a means to suppress fear. Police also suspect that he was videotaping the shooting.

International reaction


On August 19, 2011, Polish police arrested a 17-year-old teenager for threatening to repeat the act of Anders Behring Breivik and cause an explosion in Warsaw.
On August 28, Norwegian police arrested a far-right nationalist on charges of illegal possession of weapons and explosives.
On September 2, Norwegian police decided to talk with British radicals and anti-Islamists whom the terrorist mentioned in his manifesto and in his testimony. 186 spent cartridges found on the island

Investigation and trial

On August 24, 2012, the court found the “Norwegian shooter” Anders Breivik sane, guilty of the deaths of 77 people in 2011 and sentenced him to 21 years in prison. Breivik himself does not hope to ever be released.

Before his trial, he was kept under special supervision in solitary confinement in a special prison, which was a Nazi camp during World War II.

IN On this day Breivik committed his crime. For mass murder he received 21 years...
With a touching explanation - “without the right to marry for 10 years for good behavior” but with the possibility of extending the term. Animals... 21 years old, that's about three months for killing one person... He was not recognized as crazy and now he is in a personal prison, more like a sanatorium. He writes books, eats well, but is still dissatisfied with the conditions of detention. About how he managed to accomplish double terrorist attack under CAT...

In principle, this deadline was immediately clear. The longest prison term in Norway is 21 years. For the entire period he will live in a well-guarded building, with views of the city without bars. In a three-room “cell” with an office, a computer, a TV, a gym and a swimming pool... and under the supervision of doctors.

On July 22, 2011, Breivik cynically shot 77 people! At the same time, 34 people were killed between the ages of 14 and 17, and 242 people were injured. And now he is comfortably isolated from society according to a special law (which was adopted purely for Breivik).

But he organized and carried out a double terrorist attack in Norway on July 22, 2011. First he caused an explosion in the center of Oslo...

and then went to a youth camp on the island of Utøya and opened fire on the teenagers. The small island was littered with corpses. In addition, the teenagers believed that he was a policeman who had come to save them, and they themselves came to him for help. When the police arrived on the island, he surrendered without offering resistance. He values ​​his life very highly.

Explaining his actions, Breivik said that in this way he wanted to draw the attention of Norway and Europe to the influx of Muslim migrants and spoke out against multiculturalism, which in his opinion is destructive.

And he killed mostly girls. He listened to music on headphones and shot everyone who got in his way... some even tried to swim away from the island. There were also Chechen children there. Unlike the Norwegians who were fleeing, they did not run away, but threw stones at Breivik from behind cover. He complained about this in court. Once they even hit him in the head... nonhumans... Chechens were also kept in prison, they were believed to be his assistants. Thank God, we later figured out what was what.


He looked like the main character of a Nazi film,” Adrian shows, running his hand over his head. - Blonde hair, combed back, and such a special expression on his face... Stony, or something...

21-year-old Adrian Prakon, a worker at a youth camp on Utøya, and his friends learned about the explosion in Oslo from radio messages: people were confused - they called their friends and cried. The campers were brought together to inform them of what had happened. Adrian recalls that the last words at that meeting were "Remember that Utøya is now perhaps the most safe place in Norway." Someone called their parents and heard in response: “It’s good that you are on the island, and we don’t have to worry.” But they were all wrong - armed with a semi-automatic rifle and pistol, Anders Breivik at that moment was already mooring to Utøya:

We received a call from the office and were told that a policeman had come ashore to see us,” recalls Adrian Prakon.

Having landed on east coast islands, Breivik kills the only camp guard and the head of the camp on the pier. they thought that he had arrived to reinforce security. And he slowly enters the cafeteria, where at that moment most of the camp’s inhabitants have gathered and are told about the events of the terrorist attack in Oslo. Breivik interrupts the meeting, calls people to him - and calmly opens fire on them...

“I was going to the cafeteria to get information materials to distribute,” says Adrian Prakon, “But suddenly I heard shots and saw people running. They were shot in the back and fell dead right in front of me. I saw the shooter: dressed in a black and red uniform, with slicked hair, he looked like a Nazi. Two people started talking to him, and a second later both were shot...

People are running in panic from the cafeteria to tent camp in the center of the island, looking for shelter there. Adrian ran along with everyone, but halfway there he looked back and hid behind a huge canopy to see what was happening:

The killer approached the tents, slowly raised the flaps, looked inside - and shot. And immediately the inside of the tent was painted red... He carried out the bloody massacre slowly, cold-bloodedly and cruelly. He was so relaxed and calm. He had everything under control. It was clear that he had been planning this for a long time...

Walking through the tent city, Anders Breivik continues to shoot everyone who catches his eye. During the government building bombing, the terrorist was psychologically distant from his victims - but now, as he shoots people on the island, one by one, Breivik is looking them straight in the face...

Those who were not in the tent camp are trying to hide in the forest, behind the camp buildings, in rock crevices. The other part of the camp's inhabitants, including Adrian, runs to the shore, trying to swim away from the island. The young man rushes into cold water as he was - in clothes and rubber boots. He manages to swim about 150 meters, but is still very far from the opposite shore. Adrian realizes that his strength is leaving him - and turns back to the shore, along which Breivik is walking with a carbine in his hands:

He stood ten meters from me, shooting at the swimmers. It’s hard to say whether he noticed me from the very beginning or just at that moment. He looked at the shore and the other swimmers with a long, hard look, looked at me and pointed the weapon in my direction - the barrel was looking straight into my face. I stood in water up to my knees and could not move. I was a real live target and all he had to do was pull the trigger. I remember that I screamed in horror and began to beg: “Please don’t shoot me! Please don’t!”

And for some reason he did not shoot, but turned to the people who were floating away. He shot at them and shouted: “This is the day of your death! I will kill you all!”

I found it difficult to catch my breath. At that moment my legs gave way. Somehow reaching the shore, I collapsed on the pebbles. For some unknown reason I was still alive...

However, this was not the end of the nightmare. An hour later, the terrorist returned to the place where Adrian, along with other survivors, was hiding behind trees and rocks. In the video filmed by Norwegian television crews from a helicopter circling over the island, Adrian is one of the blurry figures in the freeze frame. He watches as one of his friends begs Breivik to spare his life.

The shooting started again - people fell on me as if they had been knocked down, fell into the water... I heard the killer’s breathing, his steps: two meters, one meter... He stood above me. I heard him reload his weapon and realized that it was all over...

Adrian received a bullet in the shoulder almost point-blank. He hid behind a pile of bodies so that the killer would mistake him for dead - and was able to hold out until help arrived. At 18:26, the police anti-terrorism squad "Delta" arrives from Oslo to Utøya: the squad's fighters are divided into two groups of 5 people - one examines the north of the island, the other goes in a southerly direction.

“Suddenly I heard the screams of strangers,” recalls Adrian Prakon. “I raised my head, saw approaching police with machine guns and remembered that that man, the terrorist, was also a policeman. And we all thought: “Oh, my God! These are his accomplices who have come to kill us.” We threw stones at them, cried and screamed. But when these people began to help us cope with our injuries, we realized that these were real policemen...

At 18:33, Anders Breivik surrendered himself - going out to the grove on the southern tip of the island, the police saw a man standing in a clearing with his hands behind his head, in front of whom a weapon lay on the ground. In an hour and a half spent on the island, the terrorist managed to kill 69 people.

Since that terrible July day, Adrian has been haunted by one thought: why did the terrorist spare his life? On April 23, he received an answer to this question. On this day in court, a grinning Breivik said that he would shoot again the inhabitants of the Social Democratic youth camp, even knowing that almost half of his victims were teenagers under 18 years of age. But Adrian Prakon, he changed his mind about killing... because of his appearance. “There were people there who looked more like leftists than others, but unlike the others, this guy looked like an ultra-rightist. When I looked at him, I saw myself in him - and did not shoot at him,” he explained murderer.

If the terrorist had known then who he was going to spare, he would have pulled the trigger without hesitation. Ironically, Adrian Prakon, who seemed “socially close” to the Norwegian racist, is the son of Polish immigrants, and also a homosexual who cannot possibly share Breivik’s ideology filled with hatred and xenophobia. And yet, the killer's mistake saved his life.

And another surviving participant in the youth camp, 23-year-old Chetil Bergheim, upon learning that Breivik was scheduled for a new psychiatric examination, says: “I would be glad to know that a madman shot at us. I can’t comprehend that a healthy person could do such a thing.” .

The country has not seen a tragedy like the one that happened in Norway on July 22 since World War II, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said during his televised address to the nation.

"This bloody and cowardly attack has not shaken our democratic foundations," he said. "We are a small but proud nation. Bombs and bullets will not keep us silent."

By itself. Breivik later smiled at the trial, yawned and behaved like a film actor after an Oscar. And he had expensive lawyers, who were later paid for in court. And Breivik went to his personal prison.

According to the media, a year of keeping Breivik in such a “personal boarding house” will cost the Norwegian taxpayer 2 million euros per year. At the same time, Breivik himself believes that he did everything right, that he killed out of self-defense and only regretted that he killed so few teenagers. Breivik was unlucky, because the defense asked to find him INNOCENT!

Pokp is sitting, he is active. On November 9, 2012, Breivik sent a 27-page letter to the Norwegian prison service, complaining about prison life. Breivik does not like the attitude of the prison guards, the rubber handle that rubs his hand with prolonged use, the forcedness to shave and brush his teeth under the supervision of guards, and sometimes they bring him cold coffee and butter, which, in his words, “cannot be spread on bread.” In general, Breivik called the conditions in prison “sadistic”...

The photo shows the inhumane conditions of his detention.

On March 15, 2016, a court hearing was held to consider the case regarding the conditions of his detention in prison. On April 20, 2016, a court in Oslo partially upheld Breivik's claim over conditions in prison and ruled that the government must compensate all of his legal expenses - 330,000 kroner (about 40 thousand US dollars).

It turns out that the Norwegians, including the parents of the children he killed, will support him. Perhaps not even for life...

Bombing in Oslo's government quarter and attack on a youth camp on the island Utøya (Utoya) / Utøya.

First, a car bomb exploded in the government quarter in central Oslo; The explosion killed 8 people. As it turned out later, this was a distracting maneuver by the criminal.

A few hours later, a man dressed in a police uniform turned out to be a 32-year-old Anders Breivik / Anders Breivik, - opened fire from an automatic firearm at a youth camp on the island of Utøya (Utøya), as a result of which
69 people were killed and 151 people were injured.

Utøya (Utøya) / Utøya- an island on Lake Tyrifjorden in Buskerud county (Norway). Located 35 km northwest of Oslo. The dimensions of the island are about 500 x 300 meters. The nearest shore is about 600 meters away. The island belongs to the Norwegian Workers' Youth League, which runs a summer camp there.

In Russia, where Norwegian words are often distorted geographical names and surnames, due to the phonetic dissimilarity of the languages, the name of the island is usually written and pronounced as Utoya (with an emphasis on O), but this is incorrect. In Norwegian, this name sounds like ["utøya] with an emphasis on the "u". But I will call this place, as it is customary in Russia, taking into account the phonetics familiar to Russian-speaking people - Utøya.

Breivik surrendered to the arriving police officers without resistance. He confessed to organizing the massacre, but did not admit his guilt. According to Breivik, he was guided by “ideological” motives: according to his plan, the terrorist attack was supposed to attract public attention to the problem of illegal migrants and the need to fight the “Islamization of Europe.”

There could have been significantly more casualties, but the two cars filled with explosives did not explode.

There could have been significantly more victims, but 32-year-old German tourist, former military man Marcel Gleffe, who was vacationing at the Utvika campsite near the island, heard shots on the island and immediately realized what was happening there. He got into his boat and rushed to help. Over several times, Marcel Gleffe took about 30 people from Utøya.

There could have been significantly more victims, but two Norwegian women, a married couple - Hege Dalen and Toril Hansen, - were on the shore when they heard shots on the island. On their boat, at real risk to their lives, these women saved about 40 people over four trips to the island.

I would be lying if I called them “fearless”. No doubt they were wildly afraid. They heard the shots and understood that if the killer noticed them, there was a high probability that they would not get out of there alive. But they fulfilled their human and civic duty - they saved those caught in mortal danger of people.

There could have been significantly fewer victims, but the Norwegian police were extremely careful in this anomalous case. low level professionalism and helplessness, and this is one of the biggest disappointments in my life.

I bring full list victims who died on Utøya, arranged, as far as the investigation could establish, in the order of their deaths, indicating the injuries inflicted on them by the perpetrator, including those who died on the way to the hospital, crashed by jumping from a cliff, drowned while trying to escape from the island by swimming.

69 dead at the hands of a murderer:

Pay attention to the nature of the wounds: almost every victim has one or two fatal wounds to the head: the killer finished off his victims in cold blood, leaving them no chance of survival. Moreover, when Breivik walked around the island in search of new victims, along the way he checked the bodies of people lying on the ground - whether they were really dead or just pretending, sending more bullets into their heads...

Most of the shooter's victims are teenagers and young adults between 14 and 25 years old.

The first to die was a 51-year-old Trond Berntsen - the only private security guard on the island, half-brother of the Crown Princess of Norway Mette-Marit / Mette-Marit.

On the 58th, one of the youngest victims was shot - the 15-year-old son of my Norwegian friends Emil Okkenhaug / Emil Okkenhaug (11/02/1995) from Levanger (Nord-Trøndelag), who was initially reported missing but later found murdered. He was about to start high school in the fall and dreamed of devoting himself to journalism. Emil is survived by two younger sisters Oda (14) and Maria (9).

Arne, Oda, Maria, Jeg sørger med deg...

I mourn with you.

The youngest victim of the terrorist was a 14-year-old Johannes Buø, arrived from Spitsbergen.

Almost always when I write about Norway, the tags "Norway" And "Russia" often stand side by side - I draw parallels with Russia. Alas, in almost all cases these comparisons are far from being in favor of the latter. To put it mildly. But smart people understand why I do this, but you still can’t explain anything to fools and, especially, cattle.

I will do the same in this case.


When the first catastrophic terrorist attacks occurred in Russia, President Putin canceled gubernatorial elections, banned public organizations, existing on foreign donations (so-called “foreign agents”) and began a crusade against freedom of speech.

After the first series of terrorist attacks (explosions of residential buildings in Moscow), he unleashed a bloody massacre in Chechnya. On the wave of which he became acting. President of Russia.

Now, in the face of a rapidly growing fear of a terrorist threat, which Russia itself brought to life with its brainless foreign policy- the occupation of Crimea, military intervention in the ancient conflict between Shiites and Sunnis in the East, - the hysteria of the authorities is rapidly growing, which is trying to protect itself from it: new power structures of the guardsmen are being created (the so-called “national guard”), in no way shopping mall it is impossible to pass otherwise than through the detector frame, laws are adopted in batches that significantly infringe on the rights of citizens and limit freedom of speech, but the worst thing is that bloggers, journalists and ordinary citizens receive real prison terms not even for writing an article - for reposting, for stating that "There is no god!" for publishing the cartoon, for liking. The impoverished Russian state, which does not have the funds to provide its citizens with a minimally acceptable human existence, is spending huge amounts of money on the war in Syria. And all this is happening under the banner of “the fight against extremism and the terrorist threat.”

It’s easy to predict where this will lead: either to police despotism in the spirit of Orwell’s novel “1984,” or to a popular explosion, which in Russia, as we know, takes a long time to mature, but in the end is always merciless and terrible.

Prime Minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg / Jens Stoltenberg compared this inhumane massacre to the Second World War, but in his first speech he stated that his country would not respond to a terrorist attack by reducing the level of political freedoms and openness of society and the response to terrorist attacks would be MORE, not less, democracy, freedom and openness in the country .

And the king Harald V / Harald V said in his speech that he believed that Norway would be able to preserve itself as it was. The future Norway will not be difficult to recognize because it will not change much and will remain as open and peaceful as it was.

Almost immediately after the terrorist attack, tens and hundreds of thousands of people in different cities and towns took to the streets. And that evening, hundreds of thousands of people, holding hands and raising flowers above their heads, sang the song “Children of the Rainbow” / “Barn av regnbuen”, which ended with applause, in protest against Breivik’s bestial action, to demonstrate unity and complete rejection of the ideas of the “intellectual " a fascist, set out in his 1,500-page manifesto.

En himmel full av stjerner,
blått hav så langt du ser,
en jord der blomster gror,
kan du ønske mer?

Sammen skal vi leve
hver søster og hver bror,
små barn av regnbuen
og en frodig jord.

A sky full of stars
blue sea, as far as the eye can see,
earth covered with a carpet of flowers -
can you ask for more?

We will all live here together -
everyone is sister and brother to each other.
Like children of the rainbow
in a blooming garden.

This country really did without tightening the screws, which Russia fully implemented. It responded to hatred and fascism by expressing citizens' love for each other, and by increasing, not decreasing, openness and democracy.

Norwegians have a lot to be proud of. Now we can firmly say that this country passed this terrible test with honor, did not leave the highest step of the world podium, which it has occupied for 7 years in a row, did not become embittered like Russia, but remained just as kind and open country what it was last years.

Norway is a country not only of the highest standard of living, but also of real social solidarity. There is very little economic inequality here. In Russia, a citizen of a working profession, an office employee and a government official are three different nations, between which, apart from a passport, they have nothing in common. In Norway everyone is Norwegian.

In Norway there is both a king and a fisherman,

Research by Ronald Inglehart as part of the global sociological project World Values ​​Survey shows a very high level of mutual trust in Norwegian society: in the last wave in 2006–2007, 74% of Norwegians agreed that “most people can be trusted.” For comparison: in the USA - 39%, in Germany - 37%, in the UK - 31%, in Russia - 26%.


I was, to put it mildly, surprised by the lack of professionalism of the Russian journalists (I don’t want to think about bias), who covered this terrorist act something like this:

"...None of the more than a hundred people tried to pick up a stone or stick from the ground, attack the killer and save themselves. ... Alas, it is not at all surprising that the victims of the killer or killers were completely unable to stand up for themselves," - wrote Expert magazine (Eugene Berlin) in July 2011, explaining that almost a hundred people resignedly allowed themselves to be shot at a shooting gallery by the “weakness of character” of the Norwegians and too much trust in government agencies, which, if necessary, will always protect. - "...It has now become clear that the civilian population is unable to do anything to save their own lives."

Two thirds of those who, according to highbrow Russian journalists from one of the leading analytical publications with the provocative name “Expert,” should have rushed “with sticks and stones” at a heavily armed criminal, were between 14 and 20 years old. These were teenagers and still very young people. And this happened in a country to which nothing like this had ever happened. Adults (see list) - i.e. those who could offer him real resistance “with stones and sticks” were prudently shot by the killer first.

I admit that the editors did not have accurate information about the composition of those killed. But in such a situation, arrogantly “getting used to”, lecturing and drawing “clever conclusions” about what “came to light”, insulting the honor of another nation - is not an indicator of great intelligence and high professionalism. To put it mildly.


I remember then I was shocked by the reaction of a significant part of the Russian people to this fascist act: satisfaction and approval. Here is a clear example of this opinion:

Moreover, this amoeba is not able to distinguish Sweden from Norway.

Pay attention to the logic of this Russian cattle ( murzatyi ): it is necessary to kill children IN ADVANCE, regardless of their age, so that later “not to live under their leadership.” Since all those under whose leadership Russia will live in a few decades are now children, then, apparently, according to the logic of cattle, it is necessary to cut out all kindergartens in advance - what if there is a new Hitler or a new Putin somewhere out there?..

Interestingly, this redneck also has a son. ...Perhaps we can start “prevention” with it?..

I also met another redneck on the sidelines of LiveJournal who took a photo of Breivik as her avatar. I told this bastard everything I thought about her and what I would do to her when I met her, confirmed that this was a direct threat and invited her to sue me. Notifying me that I would gladly break this creature’s skull right in court - my karate teacher did not teach me to fight, he taught me to kill. ...So far there is silence.

I won’t mention the name of this creature in LiveJournal, but verola , on whose blog this happened, will confirm that this was the case.

Therefore, someone who preferred her own death to the death of her child did not particularly surprise me: from a nation whose level of redneckness is prohibitive, one could not expect anything else. These individuals don’t care whose bones they dance on - rednecks don’t value other people’s lives as such - I wrote about this. For the cattle, another person is a function that will either fill his trough or scoop something out of it. And this is precisely what determines the attitude of a cattle to another person. And it is precisely this attitude of people towards each other that is very common in Russia.

This is exactly how the Russian cattle met the occupation of Sevastopol and Crimea - at first with delight, imagining that “annexation” would “strengthen” Russia and, accordingly, increase the contents of their trough. And that is why now “the disappointment in the annexation of Crimea is intensifying”, when it turned out that Crimea really pulled the country to the bottom, and their troughs were noticeably empty - the cattle “reconsidered their attitude” because, to their surprise, they realized what kind of “ pleasure" you have to pay - and pay it to him.

In conclusion, fourth.

Remember the frenzied reaction of the “all-forgiveness” Orthodox Church and the Russian judiciary to the boorish act of the three fools (the so-called Pussy Riot) in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - they would have been sentenced to a couple of months public works, and not only a very harsh, but an illegal sentence was passed against them - many human rights activists noted that the sentence was handed down in gross violations of criminal and procedural legislation.

Now compare with this:

Gunnar Linaker was 23 years old when he was killed. ...When Breivik opened fire, Gunnar was talking on the phone with his father. The last thing he heard was: “Dad, they’re shooting here! We have to run!”

Teenagers who miraculously survived the massacre at a youth camp on the island of Utøya have described how they tried to escape from the attacker, who shot at everyone who got in his way.

The testimony of eyewitnesses near Oslo, who miraculously survived, made it possible to compile a chronicle of the tragedy of July 22.

The brutal “hunt” for the teenagers lasted about two hours. The first shots were fired at approximately 17:00 local time - some time after.

At this time, there were almost 560 people on the island, mostly young people from 14 to 20 years old - participants in the summer camp of the youth organization of the ruling Norwegian Workers' Party. According to the latest data, 85 of them died. More than two dozen are in hospital in serious condition.

According to several eyewitnesses, the tall blond man beckoned the victims to him, saying that he had certain important information.

"Come here, I have important information“Don’t be afraid,” these were the words of the killer that 15-year-old Eliza conveyed. The girl was lying on the ground a few steps from the shooter, so close that she could hear his intermittent breathing.

"People were running like crazy. He kept shooting," the girl said.

According to 21-year-old Adrian, who was wounded in the shoulder, the killer kicked everyone to check if people were alive. “When the killer started shooting next to me, I lay down on my face and pretended to be dead,” the young man recalled.

A 16-year-old girl, who did not want to give her name, confirmed his words. "I saw the boy lying on his back. He was moaning and crying until he (the killer) walked up to him and shot him again," she said.

Massacre on the island of Utøya, Norway

In panic, people tried to escape, hid under their beds, jumped out of windows and jumped into the water.

“It was real chaos, people were jumping into the water to swim to the mainland,” said one eyewitness. However, the attacker continued to shoot people in the water, which was stained with blood.

“He slowly moved around the island and shot at everyone who got in his way. Surprisingly, he looked very calm,” recalled another eyewitness to the events.

One girl and her friend still managed to swim to the opposite shore, covering a distance of more than 700 meters. They were picked up by a boat.

“I can’t shed a single tear. I can’t believe that today I almost died, that they didn’t catch up with me and kill me,” the survivor wrote on her blog.

"We were running away. The worst part was that we knew he was wearing a police uniform. Who were we to believe? If we had called the police on the phone and the same guy had come to help us? We still called the police. But they spent a lot of time,” the girl added.

Many eyewitnesses expressed confidence that. “I’m absolutely sure they shot from two different places at the same time,” said the young man, whose last name is Roseth.

Massacre on the island of Utøya, Norway

According to eyewitnesses, the accomplice was dressed in a police uniform, he was about 180 centimeters tall, with thick dark hair, and looked like a typical Norwegian. He held a pistol in his right hand and a gun behind his back.

“I turned and ran. I saw how they shot people. 15 and 15 were killed - in rows. We thought that we were finished too. Many called their parents on the phone to say goodbye,” said Alexander Stavdal.

Footage from the scene, which shows dozens of bodies of young people lying everywhere on the island, caused shock among Norwegians. “I saw people jumping into the water, about 50 people were swimming to the shore. People were screaming, they were chilled, they were scared. They were from 14 to 19 years old,” said 42-year-old Anita, a resident of a village on the mainland near the island Lien.

Norwegian police arrived at the scene of the tragedy only around 19:00. 32-year-old Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik was detained on suspicion of the crime. Police say he is "without a doubt" linked to the Oslo bombing.

Police continue to search for victims. Rescue helicopters ply in the skies over Lake Tyrifjord, where the island is located, dozens of medical teams work in the camp, and coast guard boats sail in the coastal waters.

Total Dozens were injured. The country's Prime Minister said that there has not been a more terrible tragedy in Norway since the Second World War.

"Bloody Friday" in Norway -


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