Hotel management in the Rumba style. Hotel management in the style of "Rumba Tariffs and Tariff plans"

RUMBA 8, Hotel Management- the program was developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform and is intended for use in accommodation services, reservations, and operation of hotels, boarding houses and holiday homes. The solution allows you to keep records across several legal entities. The program allows you to keep end-to-end accounting for several hotels or several buildings of one hotel in one database.

Detailed description of the program's functional modules

Room Fund

  • The ability to keep records of several hotels in one database. Tariffs, room types, room capacity are set for each hotel. Restrictions on staff access to data of only one selected hotel. Possibility to receive integrated reports for all hotels.
  • Arbitrary grouping of rooms with a nesting depth of up to 4, for example, Hotel/Building/Floor;
  • Maintaining a directory of room types. Arbitrary grouping of room types with nesting depth up to 2;
  • Maintaining a directory of auxiliary premises (saunas, gyms, etc.)
  • Support for blocks of combined numbers;
  • Management of the period of operation of the number. The ability to put numbers into service on a date and take numbers out of service on a date. Correct reflection of the “life” period of numbers in reports;
  • Maintaining a history of changes in room types and number of seats in a room. Correct reflection of the history of number type changes in reports;
  • Audit of changes in room parameters by staff;
  • Maintaining a directory of types of accommodation for guests in rooms;


  • Quantitative booking by room type (without selecting a room number);
  • Reservation of rooms or places in rooms;
  • Reservation of auxiliary premises;
  • Group booking with the ability to indicate in one booking an arbitrary number of guests and various planned parameters for the guests’ stay (length of stay, rates, methods of dividing payment between the counterparty and the guest);
  • Calculation of the cost of a reservation based on tariffs, taking into account the specified rules for dividing payment between guests and the counterparty, tariff plans, automatic and manual discounts/surcharges;
  • Generation of invoices (requests) for payment of reservations with automatic calculation of the composition and cost of services;
  • Controlling the ability to accept a reservation based on the remaining available rooms/beds. Displaying the remaining available rooms/beds by day of the period of planned stay. Displaying the balance of the number of planned arrivals for the selected counterparty;
  • Displaying the sign of mutual settlements with the counterparty when booking;
  • Control over payment for the reservation;
  • Displaying the status of payment of invoices for the reservation (paid/unpaid/partially paid)
  • Support for rebooking rooms and control over rebooking;
  • Automatic search for the applicant in the guest database when booking while entering the full name;
  • Automatic search for a similar counterparty by TIN in the counterparty database at the time of registration of a new counterparty;
  • Maintaining a directory of arbitrary reservation statuses;
  • Search for reservation by:
    • Full name of the applicant/visitor
    • To the counterparty
    • Planned arrival date
    • Reservation number
    • Reservation status
    • Name of the applicant's contact person
    • Full text database search, fuzzy search
  • Registration when booking additional services that must be provided to guests upon arrival;
  • Loading Internet applications/reservations. Distribution of notifications about the status of Internet reservations (accepted/rejected);
  • Redirection of charges between guest and applicant accounts;
  • Registration of reservation deposits;
  • Print booking confirmation, select print language;
  • Sending confirmations by email. mail;


  • Accommodation of guests "from the street";
  • Accommodation of guests by reservation;
  • Accommodation of guests under agreements with contractors;
  • Possibility of creating group personal accounts;
  • The ability to split a group reservation into an arbitrary number of group and personal accounts;
  • Renewal of guests;
  • Relocation of guests;
  • Operations with groups;
  • The ability to automatically control the terms of payment division between the counterparty and the guest. Automatic change in the payment split method when a guest extends a period later than the one specified in the reservation or upon early check-in.
  • Calculate the cost of a guest's stay in real time while editing the guest's accommodation parameters.
  • Current information about the availability of rooms/beds with prices;
  • Selection of suitable rooms based on the planned period of stay, room type, room qualities, for example, view from the window, availability of air conditioning, gender and citizenship of neighbors, etc. Automatic filtering of rooms for cleaning and repair;
  • Two-level audit of changes in placement parameters by staff:
    • Changes in placement details;
    • Ability to restore values ​​to any date in the past.
    • Logging changes by event type;
  • Automatic search for guests in the database when entering data in the guest card;
  • Automatic search for guests when saving in the database using passport data;
  • Registration of the place of birth and place of residence of guests with the possibility of using the Russian Federation Address Classifier;
  • Registration of migration cards and visas for foreigners, printing of registration notices foreign citizens;
  • Maintaining a register of registration of foreign citizens;
  • Maintaining a directory of guest types. Typing of guests upon check-in or booking;
  • Maintaining a “black list” of guests;
  • Ability to block transactions with a guest on the black list;
  • Search for guest debt from previous stays. Automatic transfer of debt to a new personal account;
  • Search for personal accounts of guests by last name, room number or plastic magnetic card;

Tariffs and Tariff plans

  • Multi-currency accounting;
  • Support for payment mechanisms at the rate of service provision or at the rate of payment for the service;
  • Maintaining prices for services in any currency;
  • A mechanism for registering prices in the program using orders to change prices, effective from a specified date and time. Storing the history of changes in prices for services;
  • A mechanism for creating tariff plans that allows you to automatically change the cost of services depending on time, day of the week, season, etc.
  • Support for various algorithms for calculating the cost of living, including hourly hotel rates and monthly rates.
  • Ability to create your own calculation algorithms
  • For authorized users, the ability to specify arbitrary discounts/surcharges;
  • For authorized users, the ability to indicate a free price for accommodation.
  • Audit of accrued discounts and markups;

Additional services

  • Accrual of arbitrary additional services to the personal accounts of guests;
  • Accrual of services in any currency with fixation of the exchange rate of the currency of service provision;

Services for third party visitors

  • Registration and payment for arbitrary services to hotel visitors;
  • Formation of acts on Additional services third party visitors;

Cash register

  • Connection of most Fiscal Registrars approved for use in hotels. Working with cash register drivers:
    • Driver FR from the company Shtrikh-M;
    • General cash register driver from Atol;
    • Universal cash register driver from the KKS company;
  • Log of closing cash register shifts;
  • Journal of deposits/payments of money to/from the cash drawer of the cash register;
  • Several printable X and Z report forms;
  • Control over compliance of returns with the cash legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Division of payment between an arbitrary number of invoices, acts of service provision;
  • Support for any payment methods in acts and invoices, including payments by credit cards;
  • Ability to minimize discounts/surcharges when printing invoices for guests;
  • The ability to collapse additional services into the “accommodation” service when printing invoices for guests;
  • Selecting a payer when issuing invoices for group personal accounts, including from among guests not residing on this personal account, or selecting any counterparty;
  • Selecting a guest from among the guests of the group personal account, which will be indicated on the printed invoice form. Convolution of the services of other guests into the services of the selected guest;
  • Ability to print multilingual invoices;
  • Translations of service names, room types, tariffs, hotel names, etc., everything that is printed, in different languages;
  • Selecting print language;
  • Setting the print language by guest or counterparty

Deposits (collateral)

  • Making a deposit to the guest's personal account;
  • Making a deposit for your reservation;
  • Possibility of dividing the deposit into basic services and additional ones;
  • Possibility of making deposits via cash register;

Telephone conversations

  • Connection to the telephone tarifficator program (the WinTariff 32 tarifficator connection module is included in the price of the main delivery)
  • Manual registration of the cost of telephone calls per room number;
  • Control of conversations during the period when the number was free;
  • Statistics on telephone conversations;
  • Statistics on payment for telephone calls;
  • Support for using one phone in a room occupied by guests with different personal accounts;

Mutual settlements with counterparties

  • Conducting end-to-end mutual settlements with counterparties in the context of contracts and groups;
  • Formation of acts on the provision of services for a personal account or a group of personal accounts;
  • Registration of receipt of money from counterparties using any payment method;
  • Mechanism for automatic offset of advance payments on acts using the FIFO algorithm;
  • Support for various algorithms for automatic division of services between counterparty and guest accounts:
  • Support for manual distribution of services between the counterparty and guests;

Room properties

  • Arbitrary set of number properties;
  • The property of the number is taken into account when selecting a free number;
  • Report on room properties for the selected period

Repair and cleaning

  • Arranging/removing rooms for repairs, including with the possibility of automatically removing a number from repair at a set date and time;
  • When a guest checks out, the room is automatically cleaned;
  • Housekeeping numbers are taken into account when selecting available rooms;
  • Room cleaning statistics;
  • A report calculating the required number of room cleanings and linen changes based on the room occupancy history. Used to verify the actual consumption of detergents, laundry, etc. with the norms.
  • Planning and control of maids' work


  • Scheduled reminders;
  • Reminders by room number;
  • Reminders regarding personal account, reservation, accommodation, guest, counterparty;

Planning the work of maids

  • Maintaining directories of maids' work and standards for these works;
  • Planning and maintaining the work schedule of maids;
  • Printing tasks for cleaning rooms;
  • Maintaining records of maids' work;

Regulatory procedures

  • Downloading currency rates from the Internet;
  • Automatic cancellation of expired reservations;
  • Uploading data Uploading data of foreign guests to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation
  • Closing the period
  • Ability to perform arbitrary procedures on a schedule

Data exchange with external systems

  • Uploading documents to 1C:Accounting. Invoices, Acts, Invoices, PKOs are uploaded;
  • Uploading data on foreign guests for transfer to the Federal Migration Service;
  • Downloading data from the restaurant's Front Office about guest orders closed to the room number;
  • Downloading data from the restaurant's Front Office about guest orders placed on the card;
  • Uploading guest identification cards to the restaurant front office;
  • Loading data on telephone conversations from an external tarifficator;

Load reports

  • Certificate of availability;
  • Loading of the Room Fund by room/building/hotel/room type;
  • Planned arrival;
  • Planned departure;
  • Actual check-in;
  • Actual departure;
  • No show;
  • State of the NF as of date and time;
  • Busy numbers;
  • Available rooms;

Guest reports

  • Guest history;
  • Room occupancy history;

Reports on mutual settlements

  • Debtors;
  • Brief/detailed balance sheet for mutual settlements with counterparties;

Analytical reports

  • Summary of room sales by breakdown:
    • Hotel
    • Number/Group of numbers
    • type of number
    • Rate
    • Client type
    • Marketing code
    • Source;
    • Firms
    • Services
  • Summary of sales of services, broken down by:
    • Hotel
    • Service
    • Client type
    • Marketing code
    • Source;
    • Firms
  • Sales summary by customer geography, broken down by:
    • Hotel
    • A country
    • Region
    • City
    • Age
    • Marketing code
    • Source;
    • Purpose of the visit
    • Firms
    • Services
  • Summary of counterparty sales, broken down by:
    • Hotel
    • Client type
    • Client
    • Agreement
    • Guest type
    • Rate
    • Firms
    • Services
  • Summary performance indicators of the hotel (including cumulative total)

Regulated reports

  • OVIR. Printing the register of registration of foreign citizens
  • OVIR. Summary of the number of foreign citizens
  • Goskomstat. Information about the hotel operation form No. 1 - brief
  • Goskomstat. Information on the export/import of services in foreign economic activity according to form No. 8 - WES (services)
  • Goskomstat. Report on the number of foreign citizens who visited Russia and the number of places for their accommodation (form No. 2-int)
  • Goskomstat. Report on the number of guests by country of arrival and length of stay

Control over personnel actions

  • Detailed log of all user actions in the database;
  • Registration of adjustments for operations of creating/changing/deleting records in main directories and documents. Information about the date, time, author of changes, values ​​before and after changes is saved;
  • Ability to restore to previous values;
  • Report on suspicious actions of personnel.

Industry Various tourism and hotel businesses

Rumba 8: Hotel Management / News release No. 11775 / Product page on the developer’s website


The "Rumba 8: Hotel Management" configuration is intended for automation of hotels, boarding houses, and holiday homes. The configuration includes workstations for a receptionist (administrator), a reservation department manager, a room service supervisor, a conference room reservation service manager, and an economic planning service employee.

Main functionality:
- Accounting for room loads
- Individual and group bookings
- Mutual settlements with counterparties
- Mutual settlements with guests
- Working with groups
- Reservation of resources - conference rooms, saunas, etc.
- Accommodation of guests
- Maintaining a register of registration of foreign citizens
- Management of tariffs by day of the week, by season
- Discount management. Cumulative discounts
- Number quota management
- Management of maids, creation of cleaning tasks, planning and control of work execution
- Online online booking module
- Module for Managing Distributed Information Databases for building a distributed multi-hotel database
- Accounting in one database of any number of hotels and buildings
- Multilingual user interface (Russian/English)
- Print documents from the program in different languages
- Accounting on behalf of several legal entities
- Ability to work with different currencies
- Detailed audit of system user actions

The delivery includes interfaces with adjacent systems:
- Tariffs for telephone conversations
- Electronic lock systems
- Integration with the restaurant front office
- Uploading data for the Federal Migration Service, OVIR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
- Data exchange with “1C: Accounting 8” and “1C: Accounting 7.7”.

Work with KKM "Shtrikh-M", "Atol", "KKS:Spark", "Datecs" is supported.

The configuration includes more than 90 reports, including operational reports on loading, mutual settlements, regulated and analytical.


The "Rumba 8: Hotel Management" configuration is original; it requires the "1C:Enterprise 8.1" platform to be installed.

The configuration has closed code sections and is protected by a Guardant hardware protection key.

Main functions Accommodation service Reservation of rooms By type of room and room Accommodation of guests Fulfillment of all requirements of the Federal Migration Service Reservation of resources Conference rooms, saunas, ... Mutual settlements with guests By personal accounts Mutual settlements with counterparties By contracts Room maintenance service Scheduling of maids' work Interfaces with 1C: Accounting 8, 1C: Accounting 7.7 With payment systems Reporting It is possible to customize reports by the user without programming

Room stock Accommodation service Occupied/vacant rooms Room blocking Repair, Rent, etc. Features of the rooms View from the windows, equipment in the rooms, etc. Room characteristics area, number of rooms, etc. Reservation/Group reservation Generating reservation confirmation Invoices for reservations Sending confirmation forms and invoices Functions for working with in large groups(~300 people) Allocation of rooms before arrival Booking according to agent quotas Booking according to the arrival calendar grid

Room stock Balance of available rooms Shows data for any given period If the data changed hourly, you can see the hour when the room goes on sale Can be printed or saved in Excel Each number can be checked by calling a “decryption” report

Reservation Individual Group Reservation for a specific number Reservation by room type Individual payer, individual agent Calculation of agent commissions Redirection of accruals Ability to specify a free price Printing and sending confirmation and invoices for payment directly from the program Managing quotas of counterparties and agents Removing numbers from the sales quota Accrual of contractual prices for all rooms in the quota

Reservation History of document changes Changes in all details are tracked (it was now) It is possible to roll back the state of the document to any point in the past (if you have access rights) Automatic generation of invoices for payment requests Making an advance payment for the reservation at the cash desk Printing confirmation in Russian/English

Mutual settlements with guests Personal accounts Accrual Automatic for reservations and accommodations Manual Manual for selected guests from a group (group accrual) Payment Various payment methods Possibility to make a deposit for both reservations and accommodations Refund Transfer of deposits between personal accounts Splitting/Combining accounts Printing invoices according to the form 3-G

Payment for services in a personal account It is possible to make a payment for an arbitrary amount (less or more than the balance on the personal account) It is possible to make a payment at one workplace using different cash registers and different payment methods. The list of cash registers and payment methods available to the user is configured in access rights

Mutual settlements with counterparties Acts (invoices) Acts form the accounting implementation of services and “transfer” the responsibility for receiving payment on the personal account from the receptionist to the accounting department Acts can be generated manually or automatically by the day closing procedure Day closing parameters are determined by the organization’s accounting policies and may be different for various legal entities of the hotel It is possible to print invoices directly from the program In this case, the invoice number is reserved in 1C: Accounting to maintain continuous numbering of invoices Payment A convenient mechanism has been implemented for posting payments received to the current account between accounts, contracts and counterparty group numbers Payment is possible “non-cash” services through the receptionist’s cash desk Two balances are maintained for the counterparty: Accounting balance Operational balance, which additionally takes into account guests currently staying Current reservations for future periods from this counterparty

Room management service Management of room statuses automatic change of room status upon check-out (dirty) Customizable depending on the cleaning technology adopted by the hotel business process for changing room statuses occupied clean occupied dirty clean occupied dirty during cleaning at inspection clean ... Changing the status of a room by dialing a code on the phone in the room Special form for monitoring the current situation of the maids Formation of cleaning tasks by floor or section of the room stock Planning of the work of the maids Maintaining the work schedule of the maids Maintaining standards for the performance of work in the rooms (by area, time, standards for the consumption of items) Based on the state of the hotel, automatic creation of a work plan for the maids - on-site, routine cleaning, linen change, etc. The ability to use various schemes for automatically distributing maids to work The function of checking the composition of work and “highlighting” changes in the plan

Interfaces Fiscal registrars All Shtrikh-M certified for the service sector in Russia are supported; Atol; KKS; Iskra Payment systems It is possible to process payments with plastic cards (VISA, Master Card, etc.) directly from the program without using separate bank terminals Atol: Payment system driver Tariffing for telephone calls, pay television, Internet Customizable loader for external tarifficators Loader from the WinTariff tarifficator 1C: Accounting Using only standard documents Connecting to the program directly from 1C: Accounting 8.1 and 7.7 Electronic locks Norweq Onity Salto Cisa Timelox Adel

Reports Operational Audit Analytical Regulated Rosstat - 1 - Quarterly brief Rosstat Annual Rosstat - Information on the number of foreign citizens by purpose of visit - Quarterly Registration log of foreign citizens Customizable System for saving user settings Customizing Appearance Composition, headings and column width Groupings Sorting Conditional formatting 39 41 Differences from 7.7 Interface The interface “like an accountant’s” is a thing of the past The program can work on touch screens of standard POS systems Operation speed Response time of less than 10 seconds is guaranteed for 90% of transactions in hotels with 500 rooms, provided that at least 2 x years of history Report generation speed Maximum time to generate any report for any period

Differences from 7.7 Examples of report execution speed for a hotel database with 250 rooms, 2 years of history ReportTime 7.7 (sec) Time 8.0 (sec) Remaining available rooms by day (for 4 weeks) 294 Report “Guests by document” for 1 day for all counterparties 953 Debtors942

ATOL Group of Companies is pleased to announce the start of distribution through our partner network of software products “Rumba. Hotel management", which are developed by the company " Hotel technology».

This software product is a hotel management system of any size, from small mini-hotels to large chain hotels with several thousand rooms. "Rumba. Hotel Management" is a technological continuation of the popular product "Cinimex: Hotel". Product "Rumba. Hotel Management" was developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform.

It was not by chance that our company chose the field hotel automation to develop new partnership areas. On the one hand, many will argue that now is not the most better times for the distribution of such solutions and that the construction of new hotels will be suspended, but our estimates and forecasts show a more optimistic picture. Firstly, on this moment in Russia the most low rate quantities hotel rooms per capita, secondly, Russia has one of the most low levels hotel service, thirdly, many hotels do not yet understand the benefits of full-fledged accounting and keep it either in “home-written” programs or in Excel. The Rumba solution meets all the most demanding accounting requirements and has a convenient and simple user interface.

We also believe that holding Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 will arouse great interest in Russia among the tourism community.

Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion: the crisis in any case is temporary, and the growth trends in the hotel sector are obvious.

But one of the most important reasons is the increasing number of requests from our partners for a similar solution to appear in our line.

The criteria for choosing a supplier were obvious to us:

1. The solution must be in the mid-price segment

Since our company distributes products only through a partner channel, we rely on solutions in the mid-price segment, which, on the one hand, will be available for implementation by any company, and on the other, will include all the necessary functionality. The Rumba software product fully meets this criterion.

2. The solution must be functional and reliable

Naturally, we must be responsible for quality software, which we supply to our partners. Our testing has shown that with the help of Rumba it is possible to reliably automate hotel management of any scale.

3. The solution must be integrated with our products

To connect equipment, the Rumba program uses ATOL: Retail Equipment Drivers.

GC "ATOL" will supply "ATOL: KKM Driver" and "ATOL: Payment System Driver" free of charge in one box along with the "Rumba" software. Hotel management."

4. The developer must be well-known in the automation market

The Hotel Technologies company is known in the automation market as the developer of the Sinimex: Hotel software product on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform. This product occupies one of the leading places in terms of the number of implementations. And the Rumba solution is a continuation of this popular product on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform.

5. Pricing policy should be interesting to our partners

The product will be distributed according to the ATOL Group affiliate program.

To learn the functionality and begin distributing these products, the partner must purchase the NFR version of the product. You will also find a description of the functionality on our website in the Specialized Solutions section.

List of hotels automated by the Rumba software product. Hotel management":

  • "Central House of Tourists", Moscow
  • "Yakhont", Vladivostok
  • "Hotel FSB of Russia", Moscow
  • "Dolphin", Sochi
  • "Oreshnik-3", Sochi
  • "Emperor", Tula
  • "Toyan", Tomsk
  • Business hotel " South Gate", Orenburg
  • "Sovetskaya", Ivanovo
  • Hotel ski center "Tanay", Kemerovo
  • "Nicole", Moscow


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