How to return a non-refundable ticket s7. Forced refund of air tickets. Dependence on tariff plan

Air tickets, in most cases, are purchased in advance, long before departure. But during the waiting period, any unforeseen situation may happen or plans may simply change. As a result, the passenger wants to get his money back and return the ticket.

This is regulated by the legislation of our country, but, despite general laws, each airline may have its own conditions that should be studied when choosing a carrier. Let's figure out how you can return a purchased s7 ticket. This is Siberia Airlines.

Air ticket refunds from any company are a rather troublesome procedure. There are several different reasons why you might want to return such a purchase. This can happen due to the fault of the air carrier, as well as for personal reasons. In this case, you can change or return both a travel document purchased in person and one purchased electronically. This only affects the return procedure itself. It is most difficult to return tickets purchased at a discount or promotion.

The return of a ticket due to the fault of the carrier in the c7 company occurs under the following circumstances:

  1. Rescheduling or cancellation of the flight on which you purchased the seat.
  2. Changing the original route.
  3. If there are no places according to the class.
  4. Return the plane to the departure airport. This happens if for some reason the plane is not allowed into air space certain territories over which the route was located.
  5. You were not transported from the airport where the transfer took place.
  6. The plane landed at an airport that is not indicated in the flight route.

It is important to understand that if the flight was partially completed, then you can return the amount for the ticket only for the unfulfilled part of the flight.

If you cancel a flight before check-in, you should contact an official representative of the company, who will make the necessary note about the cancellation of the route. If the flight is canceled after check-in, you should pick up coupons from the check-in staff. When assessing the circumstances that led to the return, information that your visa was not extended is not a valid reason for the forced return.

You can return tickets on the company’s website, as well as in person at the carrier’s central office.

Dependence of refund rules on ticket tariff plan

The s7 company, like other air carriers, sells travel documents of varying prices.

Depending on the price, there are several tariffs, each of which has its own return conditions:

  1. Economy basic. They are completely non-refundable. If you do not show up for your flight and have such a document in your hands, you have the opportunity to change the departure date, flight number, and route. In this case, you will have to pay a fee for the operation. It is also possible to pay extra and purchase Economy Basic and Business Basic tariffs.
  2. Economy Flexible. The conditions of this fare provide the opportunity to change the date to any other, as well as the flight number without paying fees. All you need to do is pay extra for the ticket price. This does not apply if you intend to change your flight number and date after your flight has been checked in. The condition is to pay a fee for the operation. You can pay extra and purchase tickets using Economy Flexible and Business Flexible tariffs. When returning the document, if you were not late for the flight, the paid amount will be partially provided. If you are late, only the fare is refunded on unused sections of the route, without paying airport taxes.
  3. Business Basic. Under this fare plan, changing your flight and departure date if you do so in advance will incur a fee; If you are late for your flight or do not show up for it, you will also have to pay a fee to change the flight and date. The tariff is completely non-refundable. You won't be able to return your ticket and get money.
  4. Business Flexible. In this tariff, you can change your ticket to another date and flight without paying fees, even if you are late or do not show up for the flight. The YR fee is fully refundable. YQ tax is not refundable or replaceable.

To avoid problems, it is advisable to ask in advance how to change a ticket, since each carrier has different conditions. As for s7 travel documents, depending on the class and fare, they are assigned bonus miles. Please note that bonuses can only be returned to you if you canceled the flight in advance and were not late for it.

If the fare is refundable, it is worth considering that you can get the full cost if you cancel the flight earlier than 24 hours in advance - then you will be given the full cost of the flight, with the exception of some fees that are specified in the company's rules. If you cancel your flight less than 24 hours in advance, the refunded amount will be only 75% of the cost.

Where to go to return an s7 ticket

To exchange a ticket, you can go to the company’s official website. It describes in detail how to change or return a ticket. You need to fill out a return application, which is located in the “My Bookings” section.

You can also call the call center and tell the employee your details, as well as the first and last digits of the card from which the payment was made. The call is free, or you can contact the operator directly from the website via an online line. Return contact is carried out via your email - you will be informed at what stage the process of returning your ticket is.

By law, returns are made no later than 20 days, not counting weekends and holidays. If you want to personally contact the sales department, you will have to take into account that it works only on weekdays, and accepts applications strictly from 9 am to 1 pm. If you did not purchase the travel document, you will need a power of attorney from the person who paid for the purchase.

If you purchased an electronic ticket via the Internet, then know that this is the same document. You can return or exchange it without any problems. This can be done on the carrier’s official website using an electronic application. The money is returned to the account from which the payment was made, unless you specify a different method.

Sometimes tickets are purchased at travel agencies or on the airline's website. In this case, for a refund Money It’s not enough to go to the company’s website. You need to call the office or call center.

In each individual case, the application is considered individually, depending on the reasons that are indicated in the drawn up return paper. There are valid reasons, such as death or serious illness of a passenger or close relative. In this case, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the reason for the refusal.


Ticket refunds are carried out according to the rules of air transportation in our country. But when purchasing a pass for a specific airline, be sure to take into account their rules. Please read them carefully before booking and purchasing a document.

If you do not agree with the refund rules, you can appeal the airline’s decision to Rospotrebnadzor, Transport Supervision and higher authorities. The last resort may be to go to court, but in this case it is advisable to enlist the support of an experienced lawyer.

It is advisable to plan your trip well so that you do not have to change your purchase. And if unforeseen circumstances happen to you or the airline violates the terms of the flight, try to negotiate with the s7 carrier about a refund of the ticket.

Reading time: 5 min

Usually plane tickets are purchased in advance. This is a reasonable decision, because in case of a return, you will be able to demand the money back and not face any difficulties. But even in such a situation, it is difficult to understand the airline rules on your own. In the case of a specific S7 company, a ticket should be returned after reading reliable information.

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Where to contact

To exchange or voluntarily refuse a purchased S7 ticket, you need to go to the company’s official website.

To return, use several methods:
  1. The site has a “My Bookings” service.
    You need to log in using the data received when ordering and purchasing. A Return button will appear. You should look for it on the right side of the monitor.
    The next step is to identify passengers whose tickets need to be returned back to the company. Before submitting your application, it is advisable to read the information provided on the page.
    Additionally, you need to check your data, contact information, and card details to which the money will be transferred after the transaction is completed.
    This method is relevant if the document was purchased using a plastic card.
  2. Call the contact center.
    There is a phone number on the company website hotline. A call can also be made by pressing the company's call button. The service is free in the Russian Federation.
    The operator is provided with the data from the first page of the passport, date of birth, several digits of the card with which the ticket was paid earlier. The staff member will ask for your reservation number and itinerary.

If the passes were not purchased via the Internet, then you need to visit the carrier’s office and issue a refund. The money will be handed over personally to the passenger who will verify a valid passport.

Return nuances

The company refuses to return money to an outsider. But there is an exception - if there is an official power of attorney, the airline has the right to hand over the funds.

It is important to know:
  1. In case of successful consent, the funds will be transferred to the user’s account within 20 days.
  2. For services provided, the carrier charges a small percentage. To find out the exact amount, you need to call the contact center and indicate your region of location.
  3. An electronic ticket is a valid document, just like the printed version. Therefore, you can demand a refund for it without much difficulty.
  4. The amount is transferred to the same account from which the funds for payment were received. You can provide additional details so that the refund can be made to another account.

When purchasing from a third-party agency, you must call S7 for delivery. Applications for compensation are considered on an individual basis. Employees of the organization will study the reasons for the refusal and report a decision.

Return Policy

To get a refund for your ticket and not violate official aviation rules, you need to follow the instructions.

According to tariff plan

Each airline sells tickets at different prices, depending on the selected class.

Based on the purchased tariff, you need to find out about the return conditions:
  1. "Economy" or basic.
    Such documents are considered non-returnable. If a person misses a flight, but has a ticket in hand, then the citizen has the right to change the departure date, route and even the board number. But you will have to pay a fine for refusing services.
    Additionally, it is possible to deposit money to purchase a pass to a more comfortable class.
  2. S7 refund of economy-flexible ticket.
    According to the tariff, the user has the right to change the departure date, as well as change the flight number. In this case, you will not have to pay additional fees. You only need to pay extra for the ticket if it costs more than the first one. But this does not apply to situations where the number and day are changed after registration. In this case, you will have to pay a penalty.
    If you want to donate travel document, without being late for the flight, the amount will be refunded in full.
  3. Basic business.
    You can change the departure date and flight number in advance. In this case, the passenger is not subject to additional fees. If a person does not make it before the flight departs, a penalty must be paid to change the flight date.
    The tariff is non-refundable, and you won’t be able to get your money back for it, but you can make an exchange.
  4. Flexible business.
    The document is of a return type, so you will not have to pay a penalty for changing the date or flight, even if the passenger missed the plane.
    To avoid difficulties when returning tickets, you need to clarify the necessary questions with airline consultants in advance. S7 provides bonuses for every flight. To return them, you will need to be notified of the flight failure. If the registration delay occurs due to transport difficulties, the bonuses will expire.

Full return

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Any passenger has the right to cancel the flight in advance. Advance notice of the decision and compensation will be required.

Size depends on failure time:
  1. If you return your travel document 24 hours in advance, you can expect a full refund.
  2. If the period is less than a day, then the amount will not exceed 75%.

It is important to understand that the decisive factor in this matter is the efficiency of the reported data.

Sample application

To return an S7 ticket, you need to fill out a correct application.

Contents of the standard form:
  1. First, complete passenger information is filled in.
  2. Next, you need to provide information from the first page of your passport.
  3. After this, they write a request for the opportunity to terminate the contract. The column indicates the direction in which the person was supposed to go - the flight number, the date of departure, the number of tickets to be returned, the names of the passengers.
  4. The next step is to ask for a refund. This section provides payment details.
  5. The last part of the document is agreement to withhold a certain percentage for the provision of services.
  6. At the bottom of the page, indicate a mobile phone number for communication, put a personal signature, and the date of drawing up the paper.


To get a refund of the money spent on a ticket, you must indicate in your application compelling reasons why the person is unable to attend the flight.


Sometimes situations arise when a passenger is unable to come to the airport, even if he has purchased tickets in hand.

Such cases include:
  1. Illness of the main passenger or his relative with whom he was supposed to travel.
  2. If a circumstance arises such as the death of one of the family members who was supposed to fly on an airliner with the passenger. To confirm the fact of death, provide a document or certificate signed by the attending doctor and the seal of the clinic.

Not the passenger's fault

Every citizen has the right to demand money back from the airline. But provided that the impossibility of the flight was due to the fault of the air transportation company.

  1. The flight was canceled due to bad weather or aircraft breakdown.
  2. Sometimes companies change the route for certain reasons.
  3. The aircraft is not allowed into space, and the pilots have to turn the board back.
  4. The journey to the airport takes a certain time, and therefore in the harbors they provide a special bus to transport people. If it breaks down during the journey and the person misses the flight, then it is not his fault. The company is obliged to return the money or exchange the transport document for a suitable ticket.


Voluntary cancellation of a flight is a situation when a passenger has the opportunity to visit the airport on the appointed date, but does not want to do so. Then you should warn the company representatives.

The ticket is not refundable

There are unpleasant situations when the flight is canceled, but the operators refuse to return the money paid. The carrier's employees are guided by the internal rules for the return of S7 air tickets.

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These are illegal and false actions aimed at people who do not know the rules and regulations for the provision of services, as well as the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. The carrier does not have the right to withhold funds if the emergency occurred due to the fault of the airline.

When a preliminary refusal has been received, the passenger can file a complaint with the following authorities:
  1. Air Transport Agency.
  2. Russian aviation website.
  3. Rospotrebnadzor.

In 2020, anyone has the right to return money for unused ticket. If the delay or complete cancellation was due to the fault of the airline, the passenger may request not only a refund, but also an exchange of the ticket for a suitable option.

In the event of a violation of the terms of the contract air transportation between the Carrier and the passenger, it is necessary to submit an application, indicate in it the data and circumstances why the flight did not take place, and attach documents.

  1. What is necessary?
  2. Contact an official representative - he must put a mark and certify it with a stamp (flight cancellation before check-in).

Contact the registration service staff for coupons for your ticket (the flight was canceled after check-in).

After completing these actions, you will be able to confirm the forced type of procedure and receive compensation.

  • The conditions may be as follows:
  • flight rescheduling or cancellation;
  • change of route;
  • return of the aircraft to the departure airport;
  • failure to provide transportation from airport transfer;
  • landing at an airport not specified in the flight conditions;
  • illness/death of a passenger (close relative).

In the event that the transportation was not carried out in full, the amount of compensation is the cost of purchasing the air ticket, and if it is partially completed, the cost of the funds received by the passenger corresponds to the unfulfilled part of the transportation.

A passenger who decides to return a travel document on his own initiative will have to agree with the carrier’s rules:

  1. Refund carried out during the validity period air ticket, unless otherwise provided, according to the selected fare.
  2. In the case when it is a tourist flight, the documents are issued by a travel agency. All actions are carried out upon presentation of a passport and transportation document, in the place and in the currency in which the flight was paid for.

S7 and return of electronic travel coupon

E-ticket - This is a sheet of regular A4 format on which all the information about the future flight is posted. Compared to its analogue, it has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to order at any time via the Internet;
  • purchase data is stored in the company database.

The document is official, i.e. is considered an agreement between the carrier and the passenger, its cost is lower, and the time spent on the purchase is reduced significantly.

If a situation arises when it is necessary to return it, you must provide identification documents of the passenger, fill out an application form, and upload them electronically to the website. Also You can call the consultation center and provide your information there.

The money will be returned to the bank account from which the payment was made. The amount is returned to third parties if there is a power of attorney (notarized).

On an international flight

Not completed just in time a visa is not a reason for forced . Only a voluntary refund is possible if the cost of the reservation has already been paid at the time of refusal to issue a visa by the consulate or embassy.

Filling out an application

The basis for compensation is filling out an application at the company’s official sales office. Payment of refunds is carried out on weekdays from 9.00 to 13.00 for passengers, in whose name the travel pass is issued if there is an identity document.

If you need to issue money to a third party, you will need a notarized power of attorney.

Actions on the company's official website

In S7 airlines airlines On the official website, the return procedure can be carried out by filling out a simple application form in the “My Bookings” section of your personal account. If necessary, the procedure can be carried out by calling the contact center S7 at 8-800-700-0707, 8-800-200-0007 (calls within the Russian Federation are free). You can order a call to the company’s call center through the “Call to Call Center” tab, the button is located at the bottom of the screen.

Please note that when registering through the call center, the operator will ask you to provide your full name, passport details and date of birth, as well as the first and last digits card numbers, from which the payment was transferred, booking number and route.

Reimbursement of funds is carried out within 20 working days on that bank card, from which the payment was made. All changes to the purchase of tickets associated with their cancellation are carried out in accordance with the rules of the fare you have chosen.

Special company rules

The company establishes an additional fee for passengers, levied if travelers wish to change some of the conditions of the flight (change of date, flight, booking code). The amount is determined according to the issued tariffs:

  • before the end of registration – business and standard (no fee); economy and promo (1000 rubles or 20 euros for one ticket);
  • in case of no-show - business and standard (no fee), in S7, return of promo and economy tickets is prohibited.

In order to change your flight route, you should contact the agent who arranged it or the contact center.

S7 company awards bonus miles to all S7 Priority program participants(S7 Priority), as a percentage of flight distance, booking class and fare:

  • business – 300%;
  • standard – 200%;
  • economy – 50%;
  • promo – 25%.

If the ticket is not used, bonuses may be returned. The exception is no-show for a flight.

Is a full refund possible?

The passenger has the right to cancel the flight before the flight has departed; to do this, it is necessary to notify the carrier in advance. In this case, he is entitled financial compensation, its size will depend on the period of time during which the failure occurred:

  • per day – full cost;
  • less than a day – 75% of the price paid.

The Air Code of the Russian Federation stipulates non-refund of payment under the terms of the concluded agreement and tariff package.

Acquainted with current rules and regulations passenger transportation, choose a convenient flight, book a ticket online or by dialing the contact center number.

If unforeseen circumstances do occur and you need to return your travel document, be sure to follow a series of steps that will allow you to receive the maximum compensation amount.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site, we all travel and vacation in other countries, and each of us chooses our own modes of transport for transfer and in most cases, these are airplanes. Here, everyone chooses their own airline, guided by their own requirements for them and other factors, such as price, since in Russia, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to fly business class. But as it happens, life can present circumstances that will not allow you to fly, and it is logical that if you did not fly anywhere, you would like to return s7 plane tickets and get your money back. Below I will tell you how to do this.

Is it possible to return tickets to S7?

Earlier, I already told you how to return money for an Aeroflot ticket and you saw that the procedure is very simple, for S7 it is not at all more complicated and the process itself takes a few minutes, in terms of actions from you, but the refund may take a long time, but about everything a little below.

And since I started to return electronic ticket s7. I had to fly to Krasnodar on December 24, but my son started teething terribly and had a fever, in the end we postponed everything and had to return the money for the tickets. We didn’t see Domodedovo that day, although it took us 30 minutes to get to Domodedovo airport.

You can return s7 plane tickets through a special service, you can find it by going to Personal Area website

Select the required reservation and you will be transferred to its details. In the upper right corner, click the link Issue a refund, it is thanks to this service that the electronic ticket is returned to s7.

We are waiting for your request to be processed.

We check the box that we agree to return the electronic ticket from S7 and click send the application.

Your application will be accepted and you will receive its code. It will be very useful if you need to call the s7 contact center and clarify any details or the status of your return. Also write down your application number, they may ask you too. All documents will be sent to your email. By default, the money will be returned to the same card with which you paid for the tickets; if you bought with cash, which I highly doubt, then you will need to provide the details.

You can also return your s7 e-ticket through the contact center by calling 8 800 700–0707 (free in Russia) or calling directly from the website, also free. At the very bottom of the site, find the Contact us section and select Call online. An additional window will open that will automatically type desired number and will connect you with a technical support operator.


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