What to take with you abroad. What to take with you on a trip? Detailed list

Before your trip, you should seriously think about what to take on your trip and what to put in your suitcase. You need to give up all unnecessary things and at the same time not forget those that you really need.

No matter what country you plan to fly to, the first rule of baggage packing is don’t take more than you should! Usually it is 20 kg checked baggage per person + 5 kg hand luggage, and 32 kg if you fly business class. Otherwise, your vacation will begin with serious expenses for excess weight already at the departure airport! Do you need this?

For tourists going on tour on airline flights Pegasus Fly And Nord Wind, there is one more rule, but more on that later. What you need to take with you on a trip first of all and what you should refuse, we’ll figure it out in this article. Look for a short checklist at the end of the article.

First of all, you need to collect and pack the following documents in waterproof packaging:


Foreign passports or Russian passports (when traveling within Russia) for each tourist on the trip. When traveling abroad, decide for yourself whether to take or leave a Russian passport. Usually tourists leave it at home.

Copies of all foreign and Russian passports. Be sure to store them separately from the originals! A copy of your Russian passport is required if you leave the original at home. This will make it easier to obtain a certificate to return to Russia if you lose your foreign passport.

Departure documents must be obtained from the travel agency 3 days before departure. Photo: © flickr/Evan Goldenberg

Birth certificate when traveling with a child under 14 years old + copy. If only one of the parents is traveling with the child, and their last names in foreign passports do not match, then the birth certificate is the only document by which our border guards can release such tourists from the country! Be careful!

Departure documents for tourists on tour packages. They are usually issued at the travel agency where the tour was purchased no earlier than 3 days before departure:

  • International health insurance policy.
  • Route receipts or tickets. It is advisable to have them printed.
  • Transfer vouchers or booking/payment confirmation (if available).
  • Hotel check-in voucher or booking/payment confirmation (if available).

International driving license (if available). In many countries (for example, Thailand, Montenegro) it is more convenient to travel by scooter or car.

If possible, make scans of all documents and save them in some cloud service (for example, Google Drive and Yandex Drive) or send them to your email. This is done so that if the original documents are lost, they can be restored as quickly as possible.


Debit and credit bank cards. It is recommended to take a couple of cards on a trip at once - in case one card is lost, blocked or swallowed by a machine. Additionally, it is worth writing down the card numbers and phone numbers of bank operators. It is very important to notify the bank about your trip. Otherwise, the bank may consider transactions made in a number of countries (Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, etc.) to be fraudulent and the card will be blocked.

Cash in local currency of the country or in euros/dollars. You may need to pay for a taxi or buy something at the airport. Large bills are often exchanged at a more favorable rate, so ask banks for larger bills (100 dollars, 100 euros and above). If trips in the country are calculated in euros/dollars, then the tourist will also need change.

It is advisable to take at least two cards. Photo: © flickr/frankieleon

Recommendation: it is better to hide both money and documents somewhere in a secret pocket of your jacket and shorts. Some people buy a special handbag for their clothes. Thus, the risk of losing documents and money is reduced significantly. Don’t rely on an ordinary bag or backpack - they are regularly stolen by thieves on bikes, this is especially common in Vietnam, India, and Italy.

First aid kit

The duration of the trip in itself does not play a special role (although a weekend tour in nearby town, even two weeks of sea vacation on the other side of the world) - the most important medications should always be with you.

Of course, you can buy the necessary drug abroad, but in many countries a prescription from a local doctor is required, or the development of medicine itself is low there. And there are no pharmacies in the deep jungle.

It is best to divide the first aid kit into two parts: keep the necessary medications in your carry-on luggage (for example, a spray for asthmatics or a couple of tablets for motion sickness), and the rest in your suitcase.

Mandatory list of medications to take on a trip:

  • painkillers and antipyretics;
  • medicines against diarrhea and poisoning;
  • antihistamines for allergies;
  • motion sickness medications;
  • disinfectants;
  • medications for chronic diseases if necessary;
  • hygiene supplies.

More full list Look for medications in the checklist at the end of the article.

We collect basic luggage: clothes, equipment, cosmetics

If you're flying by Pegas airlines Fly and Nord Wind pay attention to the baggage rules! Recently, these airlines have only allowed free carriage one suitcase up to 20 kg! That is, if:

  • If you want to register two bags with a total weight of up to 20 kg for one tourist, you will have to pay for one of the bags!
  • if you register one bag up to 20 kg per tourist - everything is OK!
  • Luggage cannot be combined! If previously it was possible to take two suitcases weighing up to 30 kg, now it is impossible! It doesn’t matter if one, two or five tourists check in one suitcase, its weight cannot exceed 20 kg!

So, what should you take with you on a trip, but so as not to be overweight?

Take the bare minimum. Many things can be purchased on the spot. Photo: © flickr/Magnus D

Technology and electronics

Like modern life, and travel is impossible to imagine without electronics. However, everyone takes their own equipment: some need a laptop, a camera and a mobile phone, while others can easily get by with just a smartphone.

Professional cameras, if you are not a professional photographer and are not traveling for work, it is better not to take them. They are very expensive and it would be a shame to lose them.

It's worth taking a USB flash drive with movies downloaded to it in advance - many hotels have TVs with USB ports. Local television, due to the language barrier, will appeal to the rare tourist.

Please note that in most countries the network voltage is lower than in Russia - equipment will take longer to charge. Therefore, do not count on the fact that your mobile phone will be enough for your daily photo and video shooting.

Cosmetic and hygiene supplies

It’s worth remembering that hygiene products can now be bought even in the middle of the Sahara, so you shouldn’t empty everything out of the house. Your travel cosmetic bag should have:

  • toothpaste and brushes (you can use disposable ones);
  • shampoo and liquid soap/shower gel;
  • shaving kit (if necessary);
  • wet and paper napkins;
  • cosmetic creams (for body, face and tanning);
  • deodorant;
  • mirror and small manicure set;
  • decorative cosmetics.

It’s hard here...Girls, I understand you perfectly.... But it’s worth deciding in advance whether the new Max Factor mascara is really needed or whether the jungle will do just fine without it. In a word, if you are going out into the world while traveling (for example, on a cruise), then you should take the most important things; and if, apart from deserts and local attractions, nothing threatens, then why this extra weight?

Even economy hotels have a minimum set of cosmetics. Photo: © flickr/Simon Jones

Clothes and shoes

When traveling with clothes, take only the essentials. Remember about 20 kg! For each extra kilogram above the norm they will ask for at least 800 rubles.

All clothing should be appropriate for the season and situation. A little black dress and heels are not suitable for the beach. A swimsuit is unlikely to be needed in winter Finland. In Thailand, India, Vietnam, Egypt and Turkey, you can easily go shopping and buy everything you need, and cheaper than in Russia.

In a country with a warm climate you will need:

  • T-shirts (minimum two pieces);
  • shorts or skirt;
  • light dress;
  • trousers/jeans and a warm sweater (in case of bad weather);
  • socks;
  • swimsuit and swimming trunks, a couple of sets;
  • underwear;
  • flip flops (or sandals);
  • sneakers (a larger size wouldn’t hurt, in case your feet get sore);
  • cap or any other headdress;
  • Sunglasses.

In winter, on the contrary, you should abandon your summer wardrobe and take a warm one - gloves, a scarf, a hat, thick jeans and a knitted or down sweater.

What to take on a trip...

… by train

Considering that on the train there is not much to do other than eat well, and the journey is usually long, then on the trip you should take: a cup, tea and coffee bags, food (fruits, dried fruits, sandwiches and instant food are recommended), water and wet wipes . It's also a good idea to wear socks, just in case: at night the temperature on the train drops. As a rule, the conductor has boiling water.

...by car/bus

When traveling by bus or car, I recommend taking: a thin but warm blanket, a neck pillow, warm socks, snacks and water. You can take a thermos with hot tea, but remember that the toilet is excursion buses usually closed, and stops are made no more than once every two hours.

… with baby

When traveling with a baby, you must take (except for documents for children): an additional set of clothes and changeable diapers, baby food(they are allowed to bring 2-3 jars on the plane), their favorite toy. I recommend downloading some children's games or cartoons to your tablet.

  • To save space in a suitcase, clothes are rolled into rolls. Smaller things are placed inside.
  • Socks and glasses cases are excellent storage for wires, small items, and jewelry.
  • Place bottles with liquids in a bag or wrap them in film. It is advisable to buy a travel kit - small bottles for shampoo, gel and creams. Taking a large bottle of shampoo or gel for a 10-day vacation is irrational. If a small portion of the travel kit is not enough, it is easy to buy everything you need at your local store.
  • It is advisable to refuse heavy and large things. You can ask the hotel administration for the same hairdryer or iron if they are not in the room.
  • Paper books can be replaced with electronic ones.
  • It is also recommended to avoid expensive jewelry. Even in European countries tourists can be robbed. Let all the diamonds and other expensive jewelry wait for you at home.
  • It is always worth reading the rules of the host country. For example, they won’t let you into Australia with food (even the last half-eaten cookie will be taken away(((

Depending on the purpose and circumstances of the trip, the list of required things may be supplemented. You won't need a sleeping bag when traveling around Paris. However, a small boiler, a set of threads, a plug adapter, a fumigator, a lighter, matches, a flashlight, earplugs, and a set of disposable tableware will be needed in almost any tropical country (Thailand, Vietnam, India), especially if you plan to stay in a budget tourist class hotel.

Traveling is always a lot of impressions, acquaintances with interesting people, visiting previously unknown places and adventures. To make the most of your trip, make sure there are no distractions. If you prepare everything in advance for the trip, then during the trip you won’t have to waste time looking for some urgently needed item.

Making a list of things

On the last day, in the turmoil, there is a high probability of losing sight of something. The easiest way to take all the things is to make a list. Include in it all the items that will definitely be needed or will help in an unforeseen situation. Assembling a bag with a list takes a short period of time. Only the essentials are included on the list. On the one hand, there should be enough things so that you don’t need anything during the trip. On the other hand, there should not be too many of them so that the bag does not become heavy, which is especially important if you carry your luggage with you all the time.

It is simply unrealistic to create a universal list for all occasions. A trip to the sea will always be different from a trip to ski resort, at least clothes. Spending the night in a tent will obviously require more things than spending the night in a hotel room. However, we will try to give general recommendations on what to take with you on the road.

Personal care products

The set of hygiene products for women and men will be different. However, both lists will include:

  • deodorant;
  • toilet paper, wet and dry wipes;
  • means for cleaning teeth and oral cavity (toothpaste and brush, toothpicks, dental floss, mouthwash, chewing gum);
  • mirror and comb;
  • manicure set;
  • bath accessories (soap, shower gel, shampoo, washcloth).

Naturally, everyone may or may not have certain things on their list.

Representatives of the fairer sex additionally receive tubes of face and body creams, hair clips and decorative cosmetics. For men, the list usually includes a razor and shaving products. To save space, they can be replaced with an electric razor with a battery. If you don’t have one, then it’s better to compare prices in different stores. Women can also find body hair removal products in their bags, but there are enough of them to recommend something specific.

In summer, sunscreen, anti-sun and after-sun creams are additionally supplied. Choose all tubes and jars small sizes. If the trip lasts several days, it is easier to take samples.

Clothes and shoes

Clothes chosen are comfortable and appropriate for the season. It is better to choose things that do not require ironing and are easy to clean from dirt. Depending on the time of year, take thermal underwear and an extra set of underwear. Not always on the street good weather, it is better to prepare in advance for different situations. In case of rain or snow, it is advisable to take a raincoat, an umbrella, and spare clothes, so that if you suddenly get wet, you have something to change into.

Shoes should be comfortable and not rub anywhere. If it’s winter, then it’s good to keep warm, and in summer, on the contrary, it’s good to ventilate so that your feet don’t sweat.

Technical devices

No trip is complete without phones and cameras. In addition to the smartphone, be sure to take a charger for it. A spare battery will come in handy, especially if there is no access to an outlet or such an opportunity rarely arises. When traveling abroad, telephone calls while roaming are expensive. In this case, they buy walkie-talkies and communicate with each other for free.

In addition to the camera itself, several pairs of batteries or a battery with a charger are taken to power it. Check availability before traveling free space on the memory card. Take care of maximum protection of photographic equipment from physical damage, water and dust.

Among the others technical means Can be a GPS navigator, laptop, e-reader, tablet. Don't forget the chargers for them too. If two gadgets are replaced by one, then take one. It is worth considering that there may be only one outlet at your place of residence and, moreover, in in an inconvenient place, so make sure you have a tee and an extension cord.

When traveling, you must take all the medications you regularly take. If there are none, then it is advisable to include cold, anti-inflammatory and painkillers in your first aid kit. Medicines used for burns, indigestion and sprains will not be superfluous. Bring patches and condoms, just in case. The latter can be used not only for their intended purpose. For example, you can put valuables or documents in a condom to prevent water from getting on them.

Money and documents

Before any trip, estimate how much money you will need. Change the required amount to another currency if you are planning a trip to another country. Bring enough cash if you are traveling through sparsely populated areas and there may not be a bank or ATM nearby.

The list of documents includes a passport, international passport, medical insurance, tickets, and visa. Just in case, it’s better to make copies of your passport and grab maps and guides to the places you plan to visit.


In addition to the main set, the list often includes:

  • cup;
  • flashlight;
  • threads and needles;
  • items for writing (pen, pencil, notepad).

While you get to your destination, you will want to eat and drink. Prepare yourself some food and drinks. Moreover, in the cold season it is better to take a thermos with hot tea/coffee.

It is impossible to create a universal list for any trip. But there are several categories of goods that will be useful on most trips. The list includes things that they plan to use in the future, or those that will help in a critical situation. And let the only thing that will never be useful be a first aid kit.

When you go on a trip, during which you will live in a foreign city, you will inevitably think: Have I forgotten something? Different people on such trips, of course, need different things, but there are items that are very difficult for a modern person to do without on a trip. We will include in our list 7 items that you definitely need to remember when planning a trip to another city in Russia. The list, of course, is not complete, but it can help not to forget something important.

Wherever you go, be sure to check before leaving that you have everything necessary documents. The list of such documents may not be so small: passport, driver’s license, work ID, travel certificate, work papers, tickets, insurance, etc. Documents must be neatly folded in a special handbag, folder or separate pocket in a suitcase. If you haven't yet experienced traveler, then be sure to take the time the day before your trip to carefully gather all the documents you need to take with you.

2. Comfortable shoes

A trip, no matter where you go and no matter what transport you use, involves a lot of stress on your legs. Therefore, you definitely need to stock up on a very comfortable and proven pair of shoes for the season in advance. In addition, if you plan to stay with friends for a few days or at rented apartment, then you also need to take replacement house shoes. Today it is very easy to find comfortable and beautiful slippers. They won’t take up much space in your suitcase, but thanks to them you will feel almost at home in someone else’s apartment.

3. Mobile phone

When leaving home, be sure to check if you have forgotten your mobile phone. Where are we today without telephone communication? This item is needed both for everyday and business conversations, and in emergency situations that may happen on the road. It is important not to forget to charge your mobile phone before your trip. By the way, if you are traveling for several days or weeks, be sure to take a cell phone charger with you.

4. Accessories

Depending on your preferences, think about the little things you need on the road and when living in a foreign city. You may need something from the following list:

  • comb;
  • wrist watch;
  • umbrella;
  • Brush for footwear;
  • sanitary napkins;
  • glasses;
  • Swiss knife.

The list can be endless. Just the day before your trip, sit down and think about what little things you can’t do without in everyday life. There is no need to overload your luggage, but you should definitely take some useful or pleasant little things.

5. Book

If you expect to spend a long time alone, for example, in the evenings in a rented apartment, then a fascinating read will definitely not hurt you. It is better not to take serious literary works on a trip. For men, the "travel" genre is usually detective stories, and for women - romance novels. Although, everyone has their own tastes. By the way, you can buy the book both at the station and upon arrival in the destination city. You should not take any thick volume or encyclopedia with you on the road. It is better not to overload your luggage. By the way, today it is very convenient to take on trips e-books. They are compact and you can upload as many texts as you like.

6. Medicines

You don't know if there will be a pharmacy nearby when you need some medicine. And in a foreign city, looking for a pharmacy when you feel unwell is a dubious pleasure. Take a small first aid kit with you, containing any medications you may need. The list is different for everyone. As standard we can offer:

  • antipyretics;
  • painkillers;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • anti-motion sickness tablets;
  • heart and blood pressure medications;
  • throat lozenges.

The list can be very diverse. It depends on what frequent health problems a person has. And if you also plan to have some fun on your trip, be sure to bring condoms.

7. Cash

Perhaps you live in a large metropolis and are used to paying with bank cards everywhere, however, when going to a foreign city, be sure to take a certain amount of cash with you. Money won’t take up much space, but you may need it at any moment. For example, you might want to stop and grab a bite to eat at a roadside eatery, or see a souvenir you like in a small souvenir shop. Having some cash on hand will help in many situations that may happen on the road.

When traveling or living in another city, you may need many other things. But we hope our small list will help you not to forget something necessary, useful or simply pleasant. In any case, in , you will always find a complete set for a traveler - slippers, disposable razors, shampoos, hygiene products, cutlery and much more!

Quite often, the most unpleasant part of the journey is the long and cumbersome preparations. Or fast and stupid. I know those who carefully prepare for a trip for a week, thinking through every detail, and those who get ready on the day of departure, forgetting half of it. Do you recognize yourself?

I have been preparing for the trip for years. Every time after returning from a trip, starting with a trip to Crimea in 1998, I wrote “Lists of things for the trip based on the results of the last trip.” And the next time I set out on the road, I always used the previous list. She opened her notebook and with a pen put a tick in front of the item packed in her luggage.
Over the past 15 years, a lot of lists have accumulated. Anyway, the brown notepad is over. The lists differ from each other because the trips themselves differ: the number and set of things for a three-week trip differs from the list of things for a two- and three-day trip. Also, traveling by train, bus and car involves slightly different sets and distribution of things. What is distribution? This is packing things in different bags: luggage (what will be removed and will remain untouched during the move to your destination), bag(s) with you (what you will use on the trip).

Due to the nature of my work, I traveled quite a lot. Over time, numerous lists resulted in one standard list of things, which can be assembled in 1 hour, provided that you are not traveling with a large family (here, of course, you cannot do it in an hour) and provided that the clothes are washed and ironed in the closet, just get a shot glass. Because “working” with clothes is the most time-consuming. So, keep your clothes (and shoes!) in combat (clean!) readiness at all times if you are an avid traveler.
So, I present to you a simple and “quick” list of things to collect. Prepare your bag (suitcase), print out the list, fold your items and put a mark next to each item you put in your luggage.
P.S. Care and hygiene products can be packaged together in one bag. The same goes for medications. Try to arrange items so that those closest to their purpose are located together, so it will be convenient to find them and unpack them on the spot.

List of things in short trip(for 2-5 days)

  1. Toothbrush, toothpaste,
  2. Soap, washcloth,
  3. Shampoo,
  4. Tonic, cleansing gel,
  5. Crema,
  6. Cotton pads, cotton swabs,
  7. Intimate hygiene products,
  8. Deodorant,
  9. Wipes – dry, wet,
  10. Hair products: styling spray, hairspray,
  11. Hair accessories: comb, hairpins, headbands, etc.,
  12. For the eyes: glasses (including sunglasses), contact lenses, lens solution, etc.
  13. Cosmetics, perfume,
  14. Mirror,
  15. File and manicure scissors,
  16. Medicines
  17. Cellophane bags, bags,
  18. Garbage bags,
  19. Hairdryer (if the hotel does not have one),
  20. Camera(s), video camera, memory cards,
  21. All charges (from camera, phone, laptop, etc.)
  22. Utensils: Cup, spoon, knife,
  23. Food: tea, coffee, sugar, cookies, chocolate, nuts (individually),
  24. Kettle or boiler (if not at the hotel and if needed),
  25. Umbrella,
  26. Sponge and cloth for shoes

Clothes, shoes, other

  1. Underwear (according to the number of days + stock),
  2. Hosiery (socks, tights - according to the number of days),
  3. Pajamas, nightgown (individually),
  4. Home suit, robe (individual),
  5. Rubber slippers (individually),
  6. Slippers (if the hotel does not provide them),
  7. Towels are provided in all normal hotels; if you wish, you can take them as a safety net.
  8. Trousers, jeans, breeches (individual, but in any case Always take the insulated version and the lightweight version. It can get warmer (colder) unexpectedly and overnight, this has happened to me many times),
  9. T-shirts, blouses, etc. (by number of days)
  10. Windbreaker, jacket, jacket (individually)
  11. If you plan to visit a temple, have with you Necessarily: skirt (pareo, large scarf, shawl), head scarf (hat, cap), cross

In a lady's handbag

  1. Documents (passport, birth certificates of children, insurance policies, travel vouchers, payment receipts, etc.)
  2. Wallet with money,
  3. Phone (don’t forget to charge before the trip!),
  4. Wet and dry wipes,
  5. Comb,
  6. Pen, notepad,
  7. etc. optional


  1. Hydrogen peroxide,
  2. Remedies for bruises and wounds (“Rescuer” or the like),
  3. Adhesive plasters and bandages,
  4. Citramon or etc.,
  5. Antihistamines (for allergies),
  6. Gastric (no-spa, phosphalugel, mezim, activated carbon...),
  7. For the throat: falimint, inhalipt or the like,
  8. Nasal drops,
  9. Antipyretics: Theraflu.
  10. Don't forget any personal medications you take!

When we are going on a trip, it is very important to take everything we need to make our vacation as comfortable as possible, but at the same time we do not need to take too much. Therefore, it is worth thinking about what to take with you on your trip in advance. It's best if you have a list of the most necessary things in front of you, which reduces the likelihood that you will forget something. A well-written list of things will come in handy on any trip.

What things will we need on our trip?


  1. Passport and international passport if you are traveling abroad.
  2. Copy of passport and foreign passport. Be sure to make a copy of your photo page and visa page.
  3. Plane, train or bus tickets. Make a photocopy and download the tickets to your phone if you have an electronic version.
  4. Hotel voucher. Print it out, make a photocopy and download it to your phone.
  5. Medical insurance. Print it out, make a photocopy and download it to your phone. In the article, I described in detail how to choose the right insurance and shared my experience of insurance abroad.
  6. International driving license if you are going to rent a car or scooter while traveling.
  7. If you are going on a trip for a long time, you can issue a general power of attorney to a person you trust. For example, when I was traveling around Thailand for 5 months, on the first day of arrival I lost my SIM card, to which my webmoney wallet was linked, therefore I could not use this wallet and I had to create a new one in order to somehow get money. And if I had issued a general power of attorney for a person who was in my city, he would have given me new map with the same number and this way I would solve my problem. Therefore, in order to resolve matters in your city, it is very useful to have a trusted person.


  1. Cash. I don't recommend taking a large amount of cash, but it is better to always have a small amount of cash dollars in your pocket just in case.
  2. Bank cards(Visa and MasterCard). It is advisable to have several cards from different banks with you. Be sure to check the expiration date of the cards and, if it is coming to an end, then make a new card. Write down all the PIN codes in a safe place, just don’t sign that this is a PIN code from a specific card, just rewrite the numbers and make a special designation for yourself so that it is clear that this is a PIN code from a particular card. For example, you can write out numbers and shade different pin codes with different colors using a marker if your cards are different colors.


  1. Mobile phone and charger, connect roaming. I recommend taking two mobile phones - for a SIM card with roaming and a local card. Or one phone, if you can insert two SIM cards into it.
  2. Laptop, netbook or tablet plus charger, headphones, mouse, microphone.
  3. Camera and/or video camera, charger and cable.
  4. Flash drive

First aid kit

I described in detail what medications to take on a trip. Also, do not forget to take travel insurance with you on your trip, it will allow you to save a large amount of money in case of need.

Clothes and shoes

Everything is individual here, some people take very few things, it could be a couple of T-shirts, shorts and flip-flops, while others cannot do without a lot of clothes.

What recommendations can I give regarding clothing and shoes? If you are going to Southeast Asia, then in addition to summer clothes, take a couple of warm things: a jacket, pants, socks and sneakers. Because it can get chilly here in the evening, especially if you like to ride your bike in the evening or at night. Also, if you plan to travel by bus, as a rule, they are quite cool due to air conditioning, so you will need a jacket, pants, socks, and sneakers. Sneakers are also very useful when you decide to walk through the jungle.

I can say that these five points that I talked about above: documents, money, equipment, first aid kit, clothes and shoes are the most basic ones that you definitely need to take on a trip. Below I will talk about a few more points, but here, if you wish, you can take these things with you or buy them on the spot.

Protective means

  1. Suntan cream
  2. Sunglasses
  3. Insect repellent
  4. Chapstick
  5. Cap, hat or panama hat
  6. Umbrella

Hygiene and personal care products

  1. Deodorant
  2. Comb, hair dryer
  3. Cotton and dry wipes
  4. Manicure set
  5. Shaving accessories
  6. Cotton swabs and disks
  7. Soap or shower gel
  8. Shampoo and hair conditioner (it’s best to take the travel version or pour it into small bottles)


  1. Needle and thread
  2. Pin
  3. Small folding knife

That, in principle, is all the necessary things that I wanted to talk about. If you are going on a long trip, then I recommend not taking a lot of things, it is best if you go with one backpack, especially for those who want to visit several countries, since it is completely inconvenient to constantly carry a suitcase with you. Moreover, if you travel around one region and use, for example, a low-cost airline, it is much cheaper to fly without a suitcase, since you will have to constantly pay extra for it and the cost is quite high.

You can download a detailed checklist for the trip using the link. When you get ready for a trip, print it out and check that you have taken all the necessary things. Take a list of things with you on your trip, it will help you not to forget anything on the way back.


If I missed something, write to me in the comments and share your experience.

I wish you a pleasant trip!


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