What you need for the trip. What to take on a trip - list of hygiene items and cosmetics

Every tourist often asks a simple and logical question about how to turn a long train trip into an exciting and tireless experience. It is also equally important for travelers to take everything they need so as not to deprive themselves of comfort and avoid any unpleasant situations. Most convenient way reduce the risk of problems - make detailed lists. After this, you should check how necessary each item included in them is for a particular trip.

The first list - the shortest - will include everything without which no trip would take place:

  • bank card;
  • tickets (if they are paper and not electronic);
  • internal passport (if necessary, this can be a foreign passport);
  • documents related to the purpose of the trip;
  • photocopies of passport and other important documents;
  • cash (small amount);
  • birth certificates of minor children (if they are traveling).

Without bank card You can get by on the train, but later it will become necessary.

Travel first aid kit

It is extremely important for travelers to avoid health problems while traveling. Therefore, a travel first aid kit must certainly consist of several items:

  • antipyretic,
  • painkillers,
  • antiallergic,
  • antimicrobial,
  • anti-colds.

When traveling, you should protect yourself from the consequences of accidents. Therefore, a travel first aid kit will be incomplete without a minimum of necessary drugs and items:

  • activated carbon;
  • antibiotics prescribed by your doctor;
  • cotton wool;
  • bactericidal patch;
  • bandage;
  • iodine;
  • ointments for wound healing;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

To avoid suffering from diarrhea, travelers will need one of the recommended medications: Festal, Loperamide, Mezim.

Dramamine will help with motion sickness.

Train wardrobe

Travel takes place both in the warm summer months and in the frosty winter. Therefore, from the recommended list of clothing you should take what is suitable for a specific season and category of train:

  • trousers - regular or sports;
  • turtleneck;
  • jeans - not made of too hard fabric;
  • sneakers or sneakers (inexpensive);
  • shoes (light);
  • shirt;
  • socks – replaceable;
  • sandals;
  • sweater;
  • slippers;
  • T-shirt;
  • flip-flops;
  • shorts.

Do not forget that the choice of wardrobe also depends on the gender, tastes and age of each individual passenger.

Set for technically advanced tourists

For many modern travelers any trip is impossible without gadgets and devices. Therefore, regardless of the season, the minimum set of items for this group of tourists includes:

  • Charger;
  • headphones;
  • laptop or tablet;
  • player;
  • smartphone or regular mobile phone.

"Road menu"

Not every tourist will undertake to give advice about food and drinks along the way. Everything here is too individual.

The “travel menu” should consist primarily of tasty and non-perishable products:

  • boiled eggs and potatoes;
  • coffee or tea bags;
  • mineral still water;
  • sliced ​​bread;
  • nuts;
  • sugar and salt (a little);
  • fresh vegetables and citrus fruits;
  • sweets (cookies, caramel, gingerbread);
  • dried fruits;
  • raw smoked sausage;
  • hard or processed cheese;
  • stews (if the duration is more than two days).

Self care kit

The train is not a beauty salon, and there is neither a bathroom nor a shower, but every passenger does not forget about the simplest cosmetic and hygiene products:

  • wet and paper napkins;
  • deodorant;
  • mirror;
  • toothpaste and brush;
  • a bar of soap;
  • handkerchief;
  • towel;
  • toilet paper;
  • hair brush.

Men certainly take with them everything they need for shaving, and girls and women take a whole range of cosmetics and products.

Leisure on the train

Modern gadgets give passengers an excellent opportunity to keep themselves busy while traveling by watching movies or playing games on a tablet, smartphone or laptop. And yet there are many tourists who prefer traditional activities:

  • games of checkers, cards, dominoes or chess;
  • solving crossword puzzles;
  • listening to your favorite radio stations and music using the player;
  • reading books, newspapers or magazines.

Individual comfort

Some passengers may be annoyed by noise in neighboring compartments or corridors. Due to hygienic reasons, not everyone decides to use bed linen and dishes on the train. Therefore, it is worth compiling a set of items for yourself that will help create comfortable conditions:

  • earplugs;
  • fork;
  • eye mask;
  • pillowcase;
  • garbage bags;
  • sheet;
  • jackknife;
  • tablespoon and teaspoon;
  • cup;
  • corkscrew.

For those who are afraid of falling from the top shelf, on branded trains Special seat belts are provided, but not always.

When traveling with children, parents should be prepared for inevitable inconveniences. Adults should be guided by the list of necessary items and things that will make the trip easier:

  • sketchbook;
  • baby food;
  • toys;
  • oilcloth;
  • diapers;
  • player;
  • diaper;
  • educational games;
  • collapsible pot or with lid;
  • pacifier;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • chocolate and sweets.

The list depends on the child’s gender, age, preferences, temperament and character.

Before setting off, a woman expecting a child should definitely consult with her gynecologist. Usually, during pregnancy before 18 and after 24 weeks, the doctor does not allow you to travel. The list of necessary items, food and everything else is not particularly different from the already mentioned lists. It just needs to be supplemented with a few documents:

  • an extract from an outpatient card;
  • health insurance policy.

It is also important to remember that only the bottom shelf is suitable for pregnant women. You should definitely walk along the corridor more often and under no circumstances lift heavy things on your own.

The more seriously and responsibly each train passenger approaches his future trip, the fewer problems await him on the journey.

Vacation is always a long-awaited event, but many tourists do not know what to take with them on their trip. It is difficult to make a list of necessary things, and often in your luggage there are completely useless items, which also have to be carried with difficulty.

When you're packing in a hurry, you're bound to forget something, which is why it's recommended that you take extra care when packing your bag for your vacation, no matter where you go.

Basic collection rules

Before you find out what things are vital on the road, what you need to take on a trip, study the list of basic rules that are recommended to be followed during packing. They are universal and suitable for absolutely any trip, wherever you go, to Crimea, Turkey or snowy Switzerland:

  • Get ready for your trip in advance, without postponing this activity until the last day. It’s even better to make a list and carry it with you for at least some time, writing down the necessary things there when you remember them, because insight comes at the most unexpected moment;
  • Less is better - this golden rule always applies. Believe me, hardly anyone will be able to appreciate all the charm and variety of your wardrobe on vacation, and you will get tired of dragging your suitcase on the way to the airport. Travel lightly, especially when it comes to foreign countries - you can buy good things on vacation, bringing new things home;
  • Choose your travel suitcase wisely. It must be reliable, have a lock, a strong zipper and minimal weight. It is better to give preference to a bright suitcase with an unusual design, then you will easily recognize it when handing out luggage;
  • Pack your luggage properly in your suitcase; clothes should be rolled up like flight attendants do to save space. And don’t forget to wrap everything in a plastic bag; while your luggage is in transit, liquids can spill from neighboring bags, ruining your belongings and, with them, your vacation.

Following these rules will be useful on your trip, and your vacation will go flawlessly, at least your mistakes when packing will definitely not interfere with your trip.


The most important thing you need to take with you on a trip is documents and money. It doesn’t matter what the purpose of your visit is, how much time you have to eat, even for 2 days, even for a whole week, you definitely can’t do without this list of things:

  1. Documents - this includes a passport, visa, insurance, plane tickets and hotel reservations, everything that is required for a specific country. You need to grab not only the originals, but also copies, placing them separately. Also save all copies on your smartphone and in cloud storage (even the VK network allows you to do this). In case of loss or theft, you will still have problems, but not so global;
  2. Money – you cannot do without cash; take with you at least some currency of the country you are going to. Accordingly, keep the main amount on cards, preferably several - through a mobile bank you can transfer money between your accounts absolutely free. Keep cards in different places, be sure to find out the bank number in advance so you can call to block it in case of theft;
  3. A notepad with a pen for notes - in principle, a mobile phone is also suitable for these purposes; notes can be made in a special application, SMS drafts or on a voice recorder if you are just too lazy;
  4. Download the most necessary applications for your smartphone - maps, translator, books, games, music and videos to pass the time on the road. By the way, if you prefer to save money, find special travel programs. For example, when going to the Louvre, download an audio guide in Russian, which will tell you with interest about all the exhibits, and absolutely free;
  5. Chargers - be sure to charge your gadgets before departure, and also find out what chargers are available in the resort country; you may need adapters. Remember that a regular USB cable is enough to charge your smartphone from the TV in a hotel;
  6. First aid kit - of course, you can’t do without medicines, especially antibiotics and painkillers. If you suffer from chronic diseases, you cannot travel without your usual medications. But be careful, so in some Asian countries Domestic drugs are prohibited - find out about this in advance.

This list of things to take on a trip is really personal. You must determine for yourself what your trip is impossible without when packing your suitcase.

Hygiene items you can't live without

When wondering what to take on a trip, of course, do not forget about simple things that you may need at any moment. Even if you are going for one, two or 3 days, you will need:

  • toothpaste and brush;
  • nail clippers or scissors;
  • wet wipes;
  • dry paper handkerchiefs;
  • comb;
  • shampoo in small tubes or samples;
  • plastic bags;
  • mirror;
  • shaving set;
  • sunscreen (also useful for southern countries, and at ski resorts);
  • deodorant;
  • feminine hygiene products.

In fact, this list is purely individual; if a woman cannot go out without makeup, she will need decorative cosmetics. You can’t do without pumice at sea, but you shouldn’t take bright perfume on a bus trip, it can cause discomfort to your neighbors.

Clothes and shoes for the traveler

The choice of outfits for a tourist is a matter of personal views and preferences; it also depends on the characteristics of the host country. What should you take with you on a trip? The following set will be useful for traveling:

  1. Pants and shorts.
  2. A couple of T-shirts and blouses.
  3. Jacket and windbreaker.
  4. Comfortable sneakers or sneakers in which you are ready to walk all day.
  5. Swimsuit for sea ​​travel.
  6. Underwear and socks.
  7. Ballet flats, sandals or flip-flops.
  8. Headdress.

Carefully study the weather forecast as well as customs tourist country. Excessively revealing outfits are not suitable for a Muslim resort, as you will attract annoying male attention. In general, the Vatican has strict rules, and if you plan to visit churches, you should take a skirt and scarf.

Remember that some expensive and fashionable restaurants have a special dress code; you simply will not be allowed in in shorts and sandals. If you are going to eat in such an establishment, you will have to bring sandals and a dress.

Food and other little things

Also look at how long you are traveling, what method of travel you have chosen, and who will keep you company. Here are some useful tips:

  • On a long train trip, you can take food, products that will not spoil and will not smell strongly. Tea, coffee, sugar and cookies - a travel kit for traveling even for one day;
  • If you plan to sleep on the road, you can take an inflatable pillow or neck cushion with you;
  • An umbrella is needed for a trip if it might rain. This accessory, of course, can be bought upon arrival, but why do you need several umbrellas at home?
  • It is strictly not recommended to take any decorations or jewelry. The watch should also be left at home if it is quite expensive. In other cases, a wristwatch can help you out, for example, when your smartphone is dead and you lose track of time while sightseeing;
  • Matches or a lighter, of course, are not used to burn down a hotel in which the level of comfort does not correspond to the stated photographs. You may also need adhesive tape, a needle and thread, a fumigator or insect repellent cream, and disposable spoons;
  • Toys will come in handy when traveling with children - at least a couple of their favorite cars or dolls so that your little one can pass the flight time. And for the little ones you will need nappies and diapers, as well as a blouse that will protect you from the coolness of air conditioners;
  • When you go outdoors, the set will be completely different. You will need a flashlight, a compass and other little things, without which it is impossible to experience all the delights of country life.

For any trip you need to take something to eat, at least a small snack and water. It is best to take small bottles of unsweetened water, although this is purely a matter of taste. Don't forget to bring refreshing lollipops and sweets, but be careful with chewing gum; for example, its import into Singapore is prohibited.

Video: what is worth knowing about things in a suitcase and what should you take with you?

And of course, the most important thing you can take, or rather, even need, is a good mood, because without it you won’t be able to relax. Stock up on positivity, charge your camera and go on an adventure. Even if you suddenly forgot something, don’t be upset, no disaster happened, you can always buy any item upon arrival, or even refuse to use it at all.

I don’t know how it is for others, but for me, vacationing with children, especially traveling together, gives special, happy emotions. Traveling with my kids, I get the opportunity to rediscover familiar places, as if I, and not my child, are seeing the sea for the first time, looking at the clouds from an airplane, driving a train across a bridge over a river...

Joy, surprise, delight - it’s so nice to share them with your loved ones! But you still have to remember that you are a mother and no one but you will take care that the whole family feels comfortable, that no things are forgotten, that there is something to charge phones, to keep the children occupied (dad too), and even I had a headache pill on hand. Well, let's figure out what to take with us on vacation.

On the plane for yourself and the child

When traveling with children by plane, it is important to relieve your hands as much as possible. Therefore, the most convenient option for carry-on luggage is a backpack, well, maybe a shoulder bag, but not a bag that will constantly get in the way.

Documentation necessary for boarding the plane (passports, birth certificates, tickets, etc.), as well as money It makes more sense to keep it in a fanny pack.

Then you won’t have to frantically rummage through your pockets while simultaneously tracking with your eyes the direction of your child’s movement.

  • Cloth

Multi-layering is encouraged, so that at any time you can take off or, conversely, put on a blouse or T-shirt. Spare T-shirts for you and your children can be very useful in case of spilling or vomiting due to motion sickness. Spare panties and socks, even for those who are older - up to 10 years old, I think.

Disposable diapers 3-4 pcs. for those who still use them.

A travel potty for children from 2 to 5-6 years old (in case the toilet is busy, and simply using a potty is more convenient and hygienic than dragging the child to a public toilet).

Large flannel diaper. It’s convenient to cover up, dry off, and make a bed, and it takes up little space.

  • Of course, entertainment for children

Download cartoons and age-appropriate games to your tablet, phone, or laptop in advance. Just keep in mind that if there are two children, you will need two gadgets, otherwise a fight or scandal is inevitable . You can take one or two toys, a book, a coloring book, stickers.

  • Food and drink

Children are allowed to bring bottles with expressed breast milk or formula, juice, and water. When purchasing tickets or later, you can order a special children's menu, but this is suitable for children over 5; for children aged 1-2 years, it is better to take with them their usual food, store-bought in jars or homemade in a transparent plastic container. You can take fruits, dry cookies, sweets.

It is very important to give your child small sips to eat or drink when taking off and landing the plane. Swallowing movements reduce ear congestion and relieve the condition.

Breast or pacifier - for babies, juice, water, lollipop - for older ones.

If there Be sure to take medications with you that you will need to take during the flight . You will also need antipyretics, painkillers, antihistamines, and medications in case of exacerbation of a chronic disease, if any. If you have a runny nose or are prone to otitis media, be sure to put vasoconstrictor drops into your nose before takeoff - this will help avoid the risk of subsequent inflammation of the middle ear. Anti-motion sickness pills wouldn't hurt, just in case.

In the dry air of the cabin, it is recommended to moisten the baby’s nose with drops based on sea water (Aquamaris, Aqualor, etc.), this will make breathing easier and reduce the likelihood of infection with some kind of virus from other passengers. It also doesn’t hurt to protect your face and hands from drying out - apply moisturizer or simply wipe with a damp cloth.

Wet wipes are a must to wipe your hands, wipe your face or butt.

  • Dream

For infants, it is good to take a carrier backpack or sling, where the baby can sleep peacefully during the flight. A number of airlines offer a special cradle for sleeping babies, but you must order it in advance on the website. You can also find out in advance : Is it possible to bring your own carrier on board (check for the sign that allows you to fly in your carrycot). It is more convenient for older children and adults to sleep with a special collar pillow.

On the train

By and large, you need to take everything on the train that you take on the plane, only, taking into account the duration of the trip, in increased quantities.

  • Documentation

In addition to tickets, passports, certificates, do not forget medical insurance, especially if you are traveling around Russia.

  • Cloth

Comfortable sports and home kits for yourself and your children. For babies at the rate of 2-4 per day. As a last resort, you can contrive and wash it (I remember we even washed our hair in the sink in the toilet). Don’t forget replacement shoes, slippers or flip-flops, which are more convenient in terms of speed of removal.

  • Personal hygiene items

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels, liquid soap. Although towels are provided, a spare one definitely wouldn't hurt. Personal care products (wash, cream), for children. Again, in conditions where it is impossible to wash, especially in the heat, wet wipes will help out. Pick up more and different ones: for children - to wipe off, antibacterial - for hands and surrounding surfaces, for intimate hygiene.

A potty with a lid is almost mandatory for children under 5-6 years old, since it is not at all easy to get to the toilet urgently on a train.

2-3 diapers - cover up, lay down, dry off.

Diapers for babies.

  • Food

It’s clear that we immediately discard perishable options. What remains are noodles, purees, soups, instant cereals, vegetables, fruits, cookies, juices, tea, sugar. You can take smoked chicken and sausage, eggs, and cottage cheeses, but eat them at the first meal. I think that when traveling with children, it is better to fork out a little and go to the restaurant car 1-2 times a day to have a hot meal.

Baby purees for jar-fed children.

Utensils: spoons, knives, mugs.

A couple of garbage bags (sometimes given by the conductor).

  • Entertainment for kids

Various gadgets are being used again, but the battery life is not long and they definitely won’t be enough for the whole trip. There are almost no sockets in the carriage, and with a high degree of probability there will be more than enough for those eager to recharge. You can buy a spare battery.

Coloring books, sticker books, plasticine. You can’t take too many books - they are heavy, but you can take 2-3. In my opinion, encyclopedias are a more long-lasting option; they can be considered for a long time.

I really liked the invention for children under 8 years of age, which allows parents to have a peaceful sleep without worrying that the child will “fly away” to the floor at night. This train playpen . You can buy it ready-made, or you can sew an analogue yourself.

More about it below.

What medications should you take on vacation with children?

  1. Antipyretics and painkillers - paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is advisable to have one of the drugs in syrup, the other in suppositories.
  2. Antihistamines . Drops based on cetirizine (Zyrtec, Zodak, Cetrin) for internal use. For local action, for example, for an insect bite (Fenistil gel, Psilo-balm, 1% hydrocortisone ointment).
  3. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops (for example, based on xylometazoline).
  4. Regidron or analogue for the preparation of oral rehydration solution.
  5. Chlorhexidine or other disinfectant solution.
  6. Panthenol, to help with burns.
  7. Otipax or analogues - anti-inflammatory and analgesic for otitis media.
  8. Tobrex or other antibacterial eye drops.
  9. Iodine .
  10. Activated carbon .
  11. Antibacterial ointment (for example, Baneocin).
  12. Plaster, bandage .
  13. Scissors, pin, disposable syringe 5 ml.
  14. Medicines prescribed by a doctor with an existing or likely to worsen illness.

Packing your suitcase for a vacation with children

List of essential things on vacation for children and adults

  • Clothes and shoes for mom

Jeans, windbreaker, skirt or sundress, shorts, light trousers, T-shirts and (or) blouses 4-5 pcs., underwear, swimsuit(s), elegant dress, socks 2-3 pairs, hat, sneakers, flip-flops, sandals .

  • Clothes and shoes for dad

Jeans, windbreaker, shorts - 2 pairs, 4-5 T-shirts, shirt, trousers, cap, socks - 4-5 pairs, underwear, swimming trunks, sneakers, sandals, flip-flops.

  • Boy's clothes

Windbreaker, jeans, long-sleeve T-shirt - 2 pcs., shorts - 4-5 pcs., T-shirts - 4-5 pcs., shirt, pants - 2 pcs., briefs - 6-7 pcs., swimming trunks, socks - 4 -5 pairs, cap or Panama hat, sneakers, sandals, flip-flops.

  • Clothes for girls

Dresses or sundresses - 2-3 pcs. (one smart one), skirt, shorts - 1-2 pcs., T-shirts - 2-3 pcs., long sleeve T-shirt, light trousers - 1-2 pcs., socks - 4-5 pairs, windbreaker or jacket, jeans or thick pants, tights, swimsuit, panties - 6-7 pcs., Panama hat, headscarf, moccasins or sneakers, sandals, flip-flops.

Hygiene items and cosmetics

Children's 2 in 1 shampoo and shower gel, toothbrushes, pastes, deodorants for adults, shampoo, baby liquid soap, mother's cosmetics, comb, hair clips, electric razor (or just a razor), wet wipes.

A cane stroller if you have a small child.

General purpose items

Phones, camera or camera, chargers (especially for cameras, although you can buy them), hats and sunglasses, thread and needle, manicure set or just scissors.

List of useless things on vacation with children

The thought of lying quietly on the beach is practically useless on vacation with preschool children, unless you take your grandmother or nanny with you. But this is just a lyrical digression.

The most essential things to take with you on a trip. 10 things that will make your vacation interesting, productive and safe.

The long-awaited vacation has arrived! Suitcases are packed, tickets are purchased, and happy vacationers are burning with anticipation of enjoying the sea, air, and mountains. But are you really ready for the journey? We will talk about things the absence of which can ruin your holiday in this article.

So, what is worth taking with you on the road:

Tablet or laptop

Favorite gadgets are indispensable on vacation!

This very useful device with Internet access will take up minimal space in your luggage and will make your vacation much easier. Wherever you relax, in a picturesque village in your native countryside or in mysterious pacific islands, the presence of the Internet will allow you to always be informed latest news, and just stay in touch. Watching movies on a laptop or tablet will help pass the commute. Using a tablet or laptop, you can easily find your way in an unfamiliar area, book a bus or train ticket to another city or a hotel room, select the attractions you want to visit, find out which restaurant you can taste the best dishes of national cuisine.

So, packing hand luggage(and a tablet and laptop have no place in your main suitcase), don’t forget to take your favorite gadgets with you on vacation - you won’t regret it!

International SIM card

A tourist SIM card will save money while traveling

A tourist SIM card is the second indispensable thing for a traveler. Thanks to tourist SIM cards, which are valid in more than 180 countries, your communication costs will be significantly lower. You will receive all incoming calls completely free of charge, and the tariff for outgoing calls is much cheaper than that of the domestic mobile operator.

Thanks to the wide coverage area of ​​tourist SIM cards, you can easily forward calls from your regular number to a tourist one.

Charging device

Don't forget your chargers!

Today it is hardly possible to imagine a vacation without a mobile phone and a camera. These devices have many functions, which leads to rapid battery drain. Therefore, to avoid becoming a regular customer of local battery merchants, take chargers for your gadgets with you. This way you will save your nerves and considerable money, because in any tourist city the cost of chargers and batteries is several times more expensive!

Pocket phrasebook

What to take with you on a trip - pocket phrasebook

No matter how wonderful your knowledge is in English, it is better to always have a phrasebook on hand in the language of the host country. If you contact the seller or waiter on his native language, not only will it be easier for him to understand you, but you will pleasantly please him, which means you can count on a good attitude and even discounts!

Sun protection

Sunscreen is useful in southern countries and in the mountains

An irreplaceable thing beach holiday are sunscreens. You definitely need to take a protective cream with you on the road, the level of protection of which is SPF 30-50 - especially if you are going to hot countries or to ski resorts. Apply this cream in the first days of your vacation, when your skin has not yet adapted to aggressive sun rays.

If your skin is naturally dark and you hardly burn in the sun, do not neglect protective measures. After all, premature aging of the skin occurs precisely due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, along with applying sunscreen, use after-sun creams and sprays.

Don't forget to apply protective cream in the second half of your vacation, when your skin has already acquired a bronze tint. For these purposes, a cream with a lower level of protection is suitable - SPF 10-15.

Travel health insurance

You should take care of health insurance in advance For a complete and carefree holiday, you will also need to have medical insurance. In developed countries, receiving medical care

- the pleasure is not cheap; in third world countries, the lack of a medical insurance policy will not allow you to receive medical help at all. Therefore, even if the acquisition health insurance is not required to obtain a visa or you are going on holiday to visa-free country

Travel first aid kit

, take care of purchasing an insurance policy.

A first aid kit will come in handy on any trip. The same applies to medications, which must be in your vacation luggage. Most medications abroad are available only by prescription. Thus, in Europe only aspirin is available for free sale. That's why Take with you on the road medicines for colds, intestinal disorders, allergies, headaches, motion sickness

. After all, before your body adapts to new climatic and gastronomic conditions, all sorts of unexpected things can happen to it more than once.

Insect/mosquito repellent

What else should you take with you on vacation? Of course, protection from insects!

Special emphasis should be placed on insect repellents. Remedies for midges and mosquitoes will come in handy in an area where there are a great many of them. You must have a good understanding of the area you are heading into. And if you are planning to conquer the jungles of Africa or, insect repellents must be very strong.

Driver license

You should also take your driver's license with you on your trip - they may not be superfluous. Even if you are not going on a trip own car- who knows, maybe a craving for self-study The area will encourage you to rent a car. In this case, you cannot do without a driver's license.

Extra bag

If you take an extra empty bag, you’ll definitely thank us later :)

Be sure to bring a souvenir bag with you on your trip. By the end of the trip, cruelly violating all the laws of physics, the tourist’s luggage inexorably increases, and shopping does its job. And if you don’t want to buy expensive suitcases and bags abroad for souvenirs and new things, just take an empty bag with you, which can easily be folded into a suitcase and used when necessary.

During the hot season, rest time begins. Anyone planning to soak up the warm sun should not forget the necessary things. We have compiled for you full list things on vacation that you simply need to take with you.


What to take on vacation if you are driving a car or flying by plane to the sea? The list of things to pack for a vacation doesn’t have to be lengthy. You are flying on vacation, but why drag huge suitcases with you? The following clothing options are suitable:

  • T-shirts/undershirts;
  • shorts;
  • jeans;
  • swimming trunks for men;
  • light dress/sundress;
  • warm jacket or sweatshirt;
  • underwear;
  • socks.


Useful accessories include the following:

  • headwear (panama hats, caps, hats);
  • glasses (vision and sunglasses);
  • pareos, scarves, stoles;
  • umbrella.

If a girl wants to do beautiful photos graphies on vacation, it is advisable to think through your images in advance. You can decorate your body with a light pareo. And also add chains, earrings, bracelets and other jewelry to your look.


If the holiday destination is warm, then it is better to take 1-2 pairs of light shoes:

  • slates;
  • sneakers;
  • lightweight sneakers;
  • sandals.


A necessary list of things to take abroad at sea: to Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus or Europe, which will help maintain your hygiene even in the most distant countries:

  • Toothbrush;
  • toothpaste;
  • shampoo;
  • air conditioner;
  • soap;
  • comb;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • wet wipes;
  • deodorant;
  • razor;
  • nutritious cream;
  • sunscreen;
  • tanning product.

First aid kit

The list of things to pack for a seaside holiday abroad, especially with a child, should contain pharmaceuticals that can instantly relieve any pain.

List of medications for vacation at sea:

  • Paracetomol/No-spa/Pentalgin (painkillers);
  • Amoxicillin/Aspirin/Paracetomol (antipyretic);
  • Mezim/Pancreatin/Activated carbon (for better digestion and stomach pain);
  • Smecta/Imodium/Loperamide (against intestinal disorders: vomiting, diarrhea);
  • Nurofen/Citramon/Ibuprofen/Spazmalgon (for headaches);
  • Otrivin/Nazivin/Tantum-Verde/Coldrex/Lazolvan (fight ARVI);
  • Dramamine/Aviamore (against motion sickness in transport);
  • Askofen/Andipal (reduce blood pressure to normal);
  • Telfast/Tavegil/Suprastin/Fenkarol (against allergies);
  • Fenistil (against annoying insects);
  • Nimulid/Ibuprofen/Diclofenac (from bruises and sprains);
  • Panthenol/Ibuprofen (from burns);
  • Novopassit/Persen/Valerian (sedative);
  • Plasters/Bandages;
  • Green pencil/Iodine pencil.

‼People who suffer from chronic diseases, first of all, need to put vital medications in their first aid kit‼


Do you want to take beautiful photos from another country and be always in touch? Don't forget about technology! Here required list things to take on holiday abroad:

  • telephone;
  • phone charger;
  • external battery;
  • headphones;
  • laptop with charger;
  • tablet with charger;
  • mp3 player;
  • camera;
  • memory card for camera;
  • eBook;
  • needles and threads.

Hand luggage

And now the most important thing! A vacation packing list would not be complete without the following items:

  • ordinary passport;
  • foreign passport;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • power of attorney for the child;
  • tickets;
  • debit and credit cards;
  • cash;
  • driver's license;
  • guide.

Useful applications

These programs will help you navigate in any country. Useful travel apps:

  • One Two Trip (tickets);
  • Aviasales (tickets);
  • Maps.me (offline maps that work without the Internet, but you must first download the desired map of the region);


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