Visa-free countries for Russians (2016): list, rating, design features and reviews. Which countries will accept Russians without a visa? Countries without visas for Russians

Do you want to go abroad, but don’t want to get involved in bureaucratic battles with embassy staff? No problem, because there are as many as 38 states that can be visited without unnecessary formalities.

Visa-free countries for Russians included in this list in 2019 offer beach holidays for every taste: from inexpensive to exclusive. A relatively short flight is also an important argument when choosing a destination.

Albania belongs to the Balkan states. This member of the list is located near Montenegro and Greece, washed by the Ionian and Adriatic Seas. Adriatic resorts are rich in clean sandy beaches. The shores are decorated scenic spots, rocky bays and pine forests. You can stay in the country for 90 days without a visa.

Vietnam attracts with its pristine nature, the good nature of the locals, clean white and pink beaches and a mild climate. Here you can relax for 15 days completely freely and, importantly, inexpensively.

Georgia. The resorts of Adjara are ideal for family holidays. The cleanest water, mild climate and comfortable conditions are appreciated by many tourists. If you are looking for a holiday abroad without a visa, and inexpensively, then Georgia is a great option. Free entry for Russians is valid for a whole year.

Egypt continues the list, despite some difficulties with . Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh still delight vacationers with comfortable hotels. Clean beach areas, beautiful underwater world and coral reefs attract travelers all year round. The visa is issued upon arrival, valid for a month, the price is $25.

Israel- a country rich in ancient sights and resort areas. The Mediterranean coast attracts tourists with its unique vegetation, warm healing water Dead and... Here you can vacation visa-free for 90 days.

Pleases with bright colors, inexpensive food and the absence of language problems, because the Russians occupied almost everything " hot spots" An e-visa to India for 30 days can be issued online and costs $60.

Indonesia in 2019 climbed even higher in the list of popular tourist destinations among travelers abroad. Fascinating flora and fauna, many picturesque corners with clear sea water - an ideal place for tourists. The coasts of Indonesia are popular among surfers and those who like to bask in the rays of the tropical sun. Within a month, tourists are provided visa-free holiday.

– the ancient shore of Aphrodite, washed by warm Mediterranean Sea, with vibrant scenery and beautiful stretches of beach. It's small paradise for tourists. To enter, you just need to first apply for a visa online, valid for 90 days. A single entry will cost inexpensively, 25 euros, a multiple entry visa - 65 euros.

– an African state with Arabic exoticism. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The coast and Moroccan beaches will delight tourists with untouched nature, hot sand and warm water. The visa-free regime for Russians is valid for 90 days.

Thailand– exotic warm country, similar to a heavenly fairy tale. Luxury Resorts with coconut palms and clear blue lagoons will not leave any tourist indifferent. Visitors from abroad are allowed to enjoy the local beauty for a month.

Is in North Africa and is washed by the warm Mediterranean Sea. You can swim here almost all year round. Picturesque shores, clear turquoise water and cozy surroundings are the optimal place for traveling with children. Hassle-free and inexpensive holiday in Tunisia is provided for a period of 90 days.

Türkiye, which at the beginning of 2019 was still on the list of “undesirable” destinations for Russians, continues the list of visa-free countries for a beach holiday. The long coastline is rich beautiful beaches and historical sites. You can spend a month in Turkey without visa control.

Montenegro- a hospitable country Balkan Peninsula. Shore Adriatic Sea has picturesque beach resorts, cozy sunny bays and clear waters of the Adriatic. Visa-free entry is valid for 30 days.

Sri Lanka- a paradise on the planet with amazing colors and romantic landscapes. Cleanest beach areas, calm ocean waters, amazing corals and a peaceful atmosphere will make your vacation unforgettable. An entry permit is issued upon arrival, valid for no more than 1 month.

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And a little exotic

If the previous options for getting a tan abroad did not interest you, it’s too early to get upset. The most interesting things are yet to come. Visa-free entry for Russians extends to another list of countries where you can sunbathe in 2019. They are located, as a rule, on other continents, so this vacation can hardly be called inexpensive. However, the brighter the impression will be.

Antigua and Barbuda is a small island state in the Caribbean Sea. Mild climate, exotic vegetation, pink and White sand, cozy bays attract travelers from all over the world. Free entry is open for a month.

Argentina– an unusually vibrant country on the coast Atlantic Ocean. Beautiful beach coast stretches for 17 km, where there are 24 comfortable resorts, which are crowded with tourists in the summer. You can relax here for 90 days.

Bahamas - the next tropical exotic in the Atlantic Ocean on the list. The Bahamas is rich in white sand beaches, blue lagoons, coral reefs and pristine tranquility of nature. Visa-free entry for Russians is valid for 3 months.

Barbados located in the eastern Caribbean. It is famous for its pristine beaches, luxurious gardens, caves with underwater lakes and rivers. You can stay here freely for up to 28 days.

Brazil– a bright exotic country, attracting tourists with its color, warm climate and rhythm of life. Brazil's white sand coastline is very diverse, with secluded picturesque spots and crowded resorts. You can vacation for 90 days without a visa.

Vanuatu- tropical islands surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. Beautiful weather makes for an unforgettable beach holiday all year round. For lovers of underwater entertainment, there is a long list of opportunities here. It's fashionable to spend time here abroad Honeymoon. Visa-free entry for Russians is valid for 30 days.

Venezuela– a beautiful Latin American country with unique exoticism. Picturesque landscapes, delicate sand, an abundance of pearls and rainforests will leave a lot of impressions. Margarita Island is famous for its excellent recreation and clean warm water. A visa is not required for visits up to 90 days.

Haiti is a tropical island state surrounded by coral reefs, with hot sand, clear lagoons and romantic sunsets. You are allowed to stay for three months without any formalities.

Hong Kong washed on three sides South China Sea, is rarely suggested on tourist lists for beach holidays. And in vain. Numerous bays and bays stretch along coastline, and the cleanest coastline is protected from the wind mountain ranges and great for swimming. Russians are allowed to vacation here without a visa for two weeks.

Grenada located on the southeast coast Caribbean Sea. Cozy bays, a rich underwater world and a deserted coast are created for lovers of calm, peaceful leisure. Visa-free travel is allowed for 90 days.

Located in eastern Haiti. Evergreen vegetation and snow-white beaches with delicate sand, diving and snorkeling activities will be remembered for a long time by guests from abroad. You can vacation in the country for a whole month without obtaining an entry permit.

Kenya continues the list of destinations where you can gain impressions relatively inexpensively. The Indian Ocean washing it will delight tourists with warm waters all year round. The opportunity to engage in water sports greatly diversifies your leisure time. The visa is issued at the airport, valid for 90 days, and costs $50.

Colombia. The waves of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea wash the shores of an amazing and colorful state. The Caribbean coast is rich in secluded beach resorts and tropical exotica. Russians are allowed to stay in the country for 90 days.

Comoros They are distinguished by excellent beaches with emerald crystal clear water and wild, untouched nature. It’s not for nothing that those who come from abroad call them a “tropical paradise.” The visa is issued upon arrival, for 45 days, and costs 30 euros.

Costa Rica tops the list of the happiest countries in the world. She is in central America, known for its colorful beaches with azure water on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. You can rest for 30 days without an entry permit.

– the famous Freedom Island offers unique opportunities for diving and underwater photography. The country's luxury beach resorts welcome tourists all year round. Russians can vacation in Cuba visa-free for no more than 30 days.

– highlight Indian Ocean, which is extremely popular in 2019. Island state prized for its luxurious beach area, colorful plants, underwater sports and wedding ceremonies. Vacations are allowed for two months without obtaining an entry permit.

Malaysia- small tropical paradise with white sandy islands and stunning soft sand, picturesque bays and azure water. You are allowed to spend a holiday in Malaysia without a visa for 30 days.

– the famous islands of the Indian Ocean are truly its pearl. Maldives beaches are located in picturesque transparent lagoons with luxurious comfortable villas and the peaceful tranquility of nature. You can enjoy a visa-free stay for 30 days.

- another member of the list from South America. A cheerful state washed by two oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic. Iconic Acapulco boasts a relaxing climate, stunning beach resorts and vibrant nightlife. You can stay here for a whole six months without visa control.

Seychelles located in the western Indian Ocean. Untouched charming nature, pink and white beaches, clear water, soft sand - all this is called “a little paradise on earth.” Here you can relax for up to 30 days.

Fiji– magnificent fairy islands V Pacific Ocean. They are known for their excellent wedding venues, luxury holiday, diving, surfing and snorkeling. Russians are allowed to stay freely for 4 months.

Jamaica completes the list of visa-free countries for 2019. This delightful island in the northern Caribbean attracts with its outlandish places and unspoiled nature, elite beaches with golden sand, warm sun and hospitality. You are allowed to stay in Jamaica for 30 days without an entry permit.

Consolidated list of visa-free countries for beach holidays

A country Days without a visa
1 Abkhazia 90
2 Albania 90
3 Antigua and Barbuda 30
4 Argentina 90
5 Bahamas 90
6 Barbados 28
7 Brazil 90
8 Vanuatu 30
9 Venezuela 90
10 Vietnam 15
11 Haiti 90
12 Hong Kong 14
13 Grenada 90
14 Georgia 365
15 Dominican Republic 21
16 Israel 90
17 Indonesia 30
18 Colombia 90
19 Costa Rica 30
20 Cuba 30
21 Mauritius 60
22 Malaysia 30
23 Maldives 30
24 Morocco 120
25 Seychelles 30
26 Thailand 30
27 Tunisia 90
28 Türkiye 90
29 Montenegro 90
30 Fiji 120
31 Jamaica 30

A visa is required to enter most countries in the world. The need to complete documents, an interview at the embassy and other formalities significantly complicate preparations for vacation. In addition, it takes time to obtain a visa, which means that buying a last-minute ticket or giving a tour as a gift will no longer work.

To avoid such difficulties, you should pay attention to countries that allow visa-free entry Russians. In most cases, visa-free countries located towards our tourists in 2016 still require that the passport be valid for another 3-6 months after entering the territory of the state. This should be taken into account when planning your vacation.

Remember: most countries in South America are ready to host our citizens without asking for a visa! In second place are the countries of Asia and Oceania. A much smaller number of African and even fewer European states provide Russians with such benefits. In a number of countries, a visa can be obtained at the airport upon arrival without any problems, which can also be equated to a visa-free regime. Let's look at the most popular visa-free countries in 2016.

1st place: Türkiye

Popular resorts: Kemer, Antalya, Alanya
3 hours 30 minutes

Flying to Turkey? Don't worry about a visa - everyone gets one upon arrival!

This state has long been chosen by our compatriots for recreation. A visa allowing you to stay in the country for up to 60 days per visit is issued upon arrival. Sea, sun, hotels with swimming pools, beaches and a lot of entertainment, operating on the “All Inclusive” system - it’s not surprising that all this attracts Russian tourists! In addition, many Turks understand Russian. Turkey is easy to get to, and a trip here will cost much less than, say, in any other country. European state(although Türkiye is partly Europe too).

The country has resources for both active and beach pastime. If you are in the mood for an active holiday, then sightseeing, walks in the picturesque surroundings and a variety of sports will not let you get bored. If you are coming to bask in the southern sun and breathe in the sea air, Turkish hotels on the first coastline will provide you with this opportunity.

(Update 11/26/2015) After Turkey shot down a Russian plane that violated its air border, tour operators were banned from selling trips to this country for an indefinite period. Flights to Turkey from Russia have also been suspended. The possibility of introducing a visa regime is also being discussed.

2nd place: Egypt

Popular resorts: Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada
Approximate flight time from Moscow: 12 hours

Egypt is the best visa-free country for Red Sea lovers

Even despite the unstable political situation, Egypt continues to break records of popularity among Russians. The revolutionary unrest, of course, had an impact on the number of Russian citizens vacationing here, but many of our compatriots still choose to vacation in this country. The main reason for this constancy is, of course, the Red Sea. Local resorts are a real find for lovers aquatic species sports and, above all, diving.

Fans of beach holidays will also get the desired dose of sea and sun. Hotels here operate according to the “All Inclusive” system that is already familiar to everyone. The legendary pyramids, ancient Egyptian temples and Muslim cultural monuments will not leave indifferent travelers who come here in search of an “oriental fairy tale”. Attention: a visa valid for 1 month is issued upon entering the country!

(Update 11/23/2015) After the crash Russian plane A321 in the skies over Egypt, flights from Russia to this country have been suspended indefinitely.

3rd place: Thailand

Popular resorts: Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui, Chiang Mai
Approximate flight time from Moscow: 16 hours

Thailand - perfect place for inexpensive active rest!

A visa is not required if you intend to stay in the country for no more than 30 days. Thailand attracts our fellow citizens with its quaint landscapes, magnificent beaches and clear sea, which can be enjoyed here all year round. Exotic cuisine, the famous Thai massage or elephant riding will be a great bonus to other benefits local recreation. Accommodation in Thailand is relatively inexpensive, so many of our compatriots can afford a tour to this country.

4th place: Israel

Popular resorts: Jerusalem, Haifa, Ein Bokek, Eilat, Netanya
Approximate flight time from Moscow: 7 o'clock

In Israel, 2 seas are available at once: the Red and the Mediterranean

We associate this state with biblical shrines and Dead Sea. The flow of pilgrims of various faiths does not dry out here throughout the year. In addition to believers, everyone who wants to undergo health treatment at the Dead Sea, famous for its healing mud and mineral salts, widely used in the cosmetics industry, flock to these regions.

The Red and Mediterranean Seas will appeal to fans of beach holidays. Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Tel Aviv and Haifa await inquisitive tourists who are determined to personally explore all the local attractions. You can stay in Israel without a visa for up to 90 days, but upon arrival you will be asked for return tickets, hotel reservations and health insurance for the duration of your stay in the state.

5th place: Montenegro

Popular resorts: Budva, Becici, Sveti Stefan island
Approximate flight time from Moscow: 4 hours

Montenegro is the best start for visa-free travel to neighboring countries

Montenegro is known for the beauty of its landscapes, mild climate and clean mountain air. You can stay here without a visa for up to 30 days. In addition, the country neighbors several states for which Russians also do not require a visa to visit - Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This opens up opportunities for traveling to several countries at once, which, of course, is an important advantage when choosing a vacation spot. In addition, in Montenegro it is easy to combine city and beach holidays, since the houses that vacationers often rent are located in cities with good developed infrastructure. All this makes this state incredibly attractive for tourists.

6th place: Cuba

Popular resorts: Varadero, Havana, Holguin
Approximate flight time from Moscow: 13 hours

Cuba is a remote but extremely hospitable place for Russian tourists

You can vacation in Cuba without a visa for up to 30 days. However, some formalities will still have to be completed: filling out an immigration card, and possibly also presenting return tickets and information about sufficient funds.

We are connected with Cuba by the Soviet past - songs about Che Guevara familiar to many from childhood, Cuban dances and the fiery temperament of the local population certainly resonate in the Russian soul. Caribbean beaches, inexpensive cigars and rum complete the list of pleasant associations with these lands. Unfortunately, it should be borne in mind that the poverty of the local population and widespread devastation may overshadow the experience.

7th place: Dominican Republic

Popular resorts: Punta Cana, Puerto Plata, La Romana
Approximate flight time from Moscow: 14 hours

Traveling to the Dominican Republic with vouchers is much cheaper than traveling with “savages”

You can stay in the country without a visa for 45 days, but upon entry you must purchase for a small amount tourist map. Caribbean Sea, coral reefs, palm trees and bright sun attract our tourists with their exoticism. Hotels here also operate on an all-inclusive basis, which allows you to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Alas, the flight to Dominican Republic not cheap.

8th place: Argentina

Popular resorts: Buenos Aires, Villa General Belgrano, Cordoba
Approximate flight time from Moscow: 20 hours

Argentina - wonderful place for the most active tourists

Stay in the country without a visa – a full 90 days. The beauty of this state cannot be seen in one trip: the Andes, the majestic Iguazu Falls, silver mines, Cape Horn and huge glaciers - all this is Argentina. Here you can see penguins walking in their natural element and learn to dance the Argentine tango.

9th place: Peru

Popular resorts: Cusco, Lima, Machu Picchu
Approximate flight time from Moscow: 19 hours

Peru is an original holiday destination with a minimum of Russian tourists

Entry into Peru is allowed without a visa for up to 3 months. It's worth coming here just to see famous city Inca Machu Picchu, although it is not the only pearl of these places. The mighty Andes, the Amazon Valley and mysterious paintings in the Nazca desert attract romantics from all over the world.

10th place: Cyprus

Popular resorts: Paphos, Larnaca, Ayia Napa, Protaras, Nicosia
Approximate flight time from Moscow: 4 hours

These beauties belong to Paphos (Cyprus)

For Russians, entry into Cyprus is conditionally visa-free - a visa is issued upon arrival, subject to a pro-visa, which can be easily and freely issued online. Cyprus has a very mild climate, it is always warm here, and the air humidity is not as high as, for example, in Turkey. The sea and beaches are always clean, prices are relatively cheap, local residents friendly - what else do you need for complete relaxation?

If you don’t know where exactly to go to Cyprus and at the same time like a relaxed holiday, with reviews of architectural and religious attractions, then go to Paphos or Larnaca. If you want to “have fun” and feel the whole drive nightlife Cyprus is waiting for you resort town Ayia Napa.

Complete list of visa-free countries for Russian citizens

  • Abkhazia (entry with a general passport)
  • Azerbaijan (entry with international passport)
  • Antigua and Barbuda (1 month)
  • Argentina (90 days)
  • Armenia (entry with international passport)
  • Bahamas (90 days)
  • Barbados (28 days)
  • Belarus (entry with a general passport)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (30 days)
  • Botswana (90 days)
  • Brazil (90 days)
  • Venezuela (90 days in half a year)
  • Vanuatu (30 days)
  • Vietnam (15 days, break between entries into the country - 30 days)
  • Haiti (3 months)
  • Guyana (90 days)
  • Gambia (56 days)
  • Guatemala (90 days)
  • Honduras (90 days)
  • Hong Kong (14 days)
  • Grenada (90 days)
  • Georgia (90 days)
  • Guam (up to 45 days)
  • Dominica (21 days)
  • Dominican Republic (30 days)
  • Israel (90 days)
  • Kazakhstan (entry with a general passport)
  • Kyrgyzstan (entry with a general passport)
  • Colombia (90 days)
  • Costa Rica (30 days)
  • Cuba (30 days)
  • Laos (15 days)
  • Mauritius (up to 90 days at a time, no more than 180 days per year)
  • Macedonia (90 days every six months; from 03/15/2016 - by invitation)
  • Macau (30 days)
  • Malaysia (30 days)
  • Maldives (30 days)
  • Morocco (3 months)
  • Micronesia (30 days with return tickets available)
  • Moldova (entry with international passport)
  • Mongolia (30 days, no more than 90 in total in each 180-day period)
  • Namibia (3 months)
  • Nicaragua (90 days)
  • Niue (30 days)
  • Cook Islands (31 days)
  • Panama (90 days)
  • Paraguay (90 days)
  • Peru (90 days)
  • El Salvador (up to 90 days)
  • Swaziland (1 month)
  • Northern Mariana Islands(45 days if return tickets are available)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (up to 1 month)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis (up to 3 months)
  • Saint Lucia (up to 6 weeks)
  • Serbia (30 days)
  • Tajikistan (entry with a general passport)
  • Thailand (30 days)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (90 days)
  • Tunisia (up to 3 months)
  • Türkiye (60 days) update 11/27/2015- Russia announced the introduction of a visa regime with Turkey. Let's see how events unfold
  • Uzbekistan (entry with international passport)
  • Ukraine (90 days in a 180-day period, according to a general passport)
  • Uruguay (up to 90 days within six months)
  • Fiji (4 months)
  • Philippines (30 days)
  • Montenegro (1 month)
  • Chile (up to 90 days)
  • Ecuador (90 days)
  • South Korea (60 days)
  • Jamaica (30 days)

Countries that issue visas at the border

  • Bangladesh (15 days)
  • Bahrain (14 days)
  • Belize (up to 30 days)
  • Bolivia (up to 30 days)
  • Burundi (subject to special permission from the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  • East Timor (only in Dili, up to 30 days)
  • Gabon (up to 3 months, subject to visa permit)
  • Ghana (up to 90 days, subject to visa approval)
  • Djibouti (1 month)
  • Egypt (30 days, free "Sinai stamp" - 15 days)
  • Zambia (90 days tourist visa, 30 days business visa)
  • Zimbabwe (90 days tourist visa, 30 days business visa)
  • India (30 days with online visa approval)
  • Indonesia (30 days)
  • Jordan (30 days)
  • Iraq (14 days, visa permission required from the Kurdistan Foreign Ministry)
  • Iran (14 days)
  • Cape Verde (30 days)
  • Cambodia (1 month)
  • Kenya (3 months)
  • Cyprus (if you have a “pre-visa” issued online)
  • China (only Hainan Island - up to 15 days, Dalian airport - transit 7 days)
  • Comoros (2 weeks)
  • Kuwait (1 month subject to certain conditions)
  • Lebanon (subject to certain conditions; 3 months)
  • Madagascar (90 days)
  • Myanmar (with eVisa, up to 28 days)
  • Nepal (90 days)
  • Palau (30 days)
  • Paraguay (up to 90 days)
  • Pitcairn (up to 14 days; subject to certain conditions)
  • Samoa Western (60 days)
  • Sao Tome and Principe (with visa permit)
  • Saint Helena Island (up to 183 days, except Ascension and Tristan da Cunha)
  • Seychelles (90 days)
  • Senegal (with online pre-registration)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (up to 30 days)
  • Syria (up to 15 days; under certain conditions)
  • Suriname (2 months; subject to permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Suriname)
  • Tanzania (90 days - tourist visa, 2 weeks - transit)
  • East Timor (30 days)
  • Togo (7 days)
  • Tonga (31 days)
  • Tuvalu (1 month)
  • Turkmenistan (under certain conditions; 10 days)
  • Uganda
  • Central African Republic (7 days)
  • Sri Lanka (transit - up to 48 hours, tourist - up to 30 days)
  • Eritrea (1 month with visa permission of the host country)
  • Ethiopia (1 month, at the airport only)

Countries with simplified visa processing

  • Bahrain (visa online possible)
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Guyana
  • Cyprus (visa online possible)
  • Kuwait
  • Mexico (visa online possible)
  • Montserrat (visa applied online)
  • Myanmar (visa is issued online)
  • Rwanda (visa applied online)
  • Niger
  • Singapore (visa is issued online)
  • Sri Lanka (visa is issued online)

During the holiday season, many of our compatriots rush abroad to seek new experiences and emotions. When choosing a travel destination, the visa regime that operates on the territory of states plays a huge role. What has changed in the list of visa-free countries for Russians in 2018, as well as the top 8 most popular tourist destinations where a visa and additional costs for its application will not be required.

Visa-free mass tourist destinations

It is worth noting that most states that do not require submission of documents to the consulate are outside the European part and are located in Asia, Africa and South America.

The most widespread tourist destination in the summer, which has gained its popularity thanks to its impeccable service (one of the best in the world), as well as its unique all-inclusive system. The share of Russian tourists in the country’s total tourist flow is about 20%; therefore, the Turkish government has canceled the purchase of visas for our citizens. You can stay in the country without a visa for up to 60 days.

One more no less popular destination recreation both in summer and winter. A relatively inexpensive pricing policy, an all-inclusive system similar to the Turkish one, a unique Red Sea and a rich history attract Russian citizens to this marvelous eastern country.

Close economic cooperation between our states, a huge flow of tourists, as well as the crisis of recent years influenced the decision by the Egyptian authorities to abolish the visa regime. You can stay in the country without a visa for up to 1 month.

A small country, formerly part of Yugoslavia. The mild climate, crystalline Adriatic Sea, related culture and common Orthodox religion have ensured the popularity of Montenegro resorts among tourists from Russia. You can stay in the country without a visa for up to 30 days.

Amazing eastern country, which attracts tourists with its picturesque nature, mild tropical climate, exotic entertainment, delicious cuisine and rich culture. There is not a single person who would remain indifferent after visiting the resorts of Thailand. A bright kaleidoscope of impressions is undoubtedly Pattaya, which was originally the “capital of entertainment” since the 60s. It was here that the American army soldiers spent their leave from the base, which was located not far from the resort.

The once simple street of Wolf Street in Pattaya, once inhabited by local fishermen, has been transformed to suit the needs of vacationers into the most scandalous and shocking, where anyone can find entertainment to their liking. If you are planning a trip to this paradise for up to 90 days, then a visa is not required.

Caribbean countries - Cuba and Dominican Republic

Surely many of you have watched the famous film “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Filming took place surrounded by picturesque Dominican landscapes. White sandy beaches, a service system that is built according to the Turkish principle attracts a huge number of tourists to the Dominican Republic, making it more and more popular with our compatriots every year.

Cuban resorts are not as pretentious and rich as Dominican ones, but no less in demand. Close long-term cooperation and long-term friendship between our states, mutual assistance and support in the most difficult times for the countries ensured a special reverent attitude of the Cubans and a warm welcome from Russian citizens. A visa is not required to visit these countries.

It attracts not only beach lovers, but also a large number of pilgrims rushing to visit the “Holy Land”. Thanks to one of the best healthcare systems, the presence of highly qualified specialists in various industries medicine, unique rehabilitation centers in Israel there is a continuous flow of representatives of medical tourism from all over the world, including from Russia. A visa is not required to visit the country for up to 3 months.

IN last years a developing and increasingly popular destination due to its relatively moderate pricing policy and impeccable service. Resorts of unprecedented beauty, the hospitable mentality of the Vietnamese, low prices on services and products makes Vietnam a heavenly holiday destination. A visa is not required when visiting the country for up to 15 days; beyond this period, a visa is provided free of charge.

One of the most unique places in a world whose atmosphere is permeated with romance. Snow-white beaches with sand of a unique type that does not heat up in the sun, emerald ocean water, landscapes virgin nature and secluded hotels with full complex all kinds of services - an ideal place for newlyweds and couples to relax. A visa upon arrival in the republic is not required if your trip does not exceed 30 days.

After the collapse of the USSR, the participating states created a new union - the CIS, within the framework of which agreements on close economic and cultural cooperation were concluded. Particular attention was paid to the procedure for establishing borders and the visa regime. Below is a list of states that are Russia’s closest neighbors, some of which can be visited if you have an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation:

  • Abkhazia;
  • Belarus;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • South Ossetia.

Entry into the remaining countries is possible with a foreign passport:

  • Ukraine;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Armenia;
  • Georgia;
  • Moldova;
  • Uzbekistan.

This list does not include the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia), when visiting which it is necessary to obtain a visa by submitting documents to the consulate, as well as Turkmenistan, where a visa is issued by flight for a period of no more than 10 days. List of other visa-free countries for Russian citizens:

  • Antigua and Barbuda;
  • Argentina;
  • Aruba (Netherlands Antilles);
  • Bahamas;
  • Barbados;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Botswana;
  • Brazil;
  • Vanuatu;
  • Venezuela;
  • Guatemala;
  • Honduras;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Grenada;
  • Guam;
  • Dominica;
  • China (not all provinces);
  • Colombia;
  • Costa Rica;
  • Laos;
  • Mauritius;
  • Macau;
  • Macedonia;
  • Malaysia;
  • Morocco;
  • Micronesia;
  • Mongolia;
  • Namibia;
  • Nauru;
  • Nicaragua;
  • Niue;
  • Cook Islands;
  • Panama;
  • Paraguay;
  • Peru;
  • Salvador;
  • Swaziland;
  • Northern Mariana Islands;
  • Northern Cyprus;
  • Seychelles;
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;
  • Saint Kitt and Nevis;
  • Saint Lucia;
  • Serbia;
  • Trinidad and Tobago;
  • Tunisia;
  • Uruguay;
  • Fiji;
  • Philippines;
  • Chile;
  • Ecuador;
  • South Korea;
  • Jamaica;
  • Vanuatu.

In some countries, a visa is issued upon arrival at the airport and takes from 5 to 20 minutes; no additional documents are required. These countries include:

  • Bangladesh;
  • Bahrain;
  • Belize;
  • Bolivia;
  • Burundi;
  • Gabon;
  • Ghana;
  • Djibouti;
  • Zambia;
  • Zimbabwe;
  • India;
  • Indonesia;
  • Jordan;
  • Iraq;
  • Iran;
  • Cape Verde;
  • Cambodia;
  • Kenya;
  • Cyprus;
  • Comoros Islands;
  • Kuwait;
  • Lebanon;
  • Madagascar;
  • Mali;
  • Myanmar;
  • Nepal;
  • Palau;
  • Paraguay;
  • Pitcairn;
  • Samoa Western;
  • Sao Tome and Principe;
  • Saint Helena Island;
  • Seychelles;
  • Senegal;
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;
  • Syria;
  • Suriname;
  • Tanzania;
  • Togo;
  • Tonga;
  • Tuvalu;
  • Uganda;
  • Central African Republic;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Eritrea;
  • Ethiopia.

Collecting additional documents makes life much more difficult for tourists. But the world is not limited to Schengen. Now the number of countries that Russians can visit without a visa is several dozen states that are different from each other. Which ones should you choose in 2016?

Morocco can easily replace Russian tourists Egypt - you can stay here with just one passport for 3 months. Unlike many Arab countries, in Morocco you can simultaneously feel the exotic without sacrificing comfort. The possibilities of the kingdom are not limited.

Tourists have at their disposal luxurious sandy beaches, colorful markets, traditional hammams and architectural heritage (Bahia and El Badi palaces, majestic mosques and forts). You can follow the example of European tourists and experience the wonders of Moroccan thalassotherapy in Marrakesh or Agadir.

And although visiting the island of Aphrodite requires a pro-visa, the procedure for obtaining it is very conditional. That is why Cyprus has been a favorite destination of Russians for many years now. The island offers resorts for any budget with quality service and clean beaches, a rich excursion program and a range of typical resort entertainment.

In addition, you can undergo a course of thalassotherapy, go on a mini-cruise and get acquainted with the amazing gastronomy of Cyprus. And in winter, you can also master the slopes of the Troodos ski resort. In general, Cyprus, with its predominantly respectable nature of recreation, is a full-fledged alternative to neighboring Turkey.

One of the most affordable and closest destinations for Russians is Abkhazia, where you can vacation without a visa for 3 months. For a beach holiday, you should choose Gagra or Pitsunda with sand and pebble beaches. The advantage of these resorts is the healing air and opportunities for health tourism.

And the historical and natural heritage Abkhazia will not leave indifferent lovers of rich excursion programs. Among the most legendary and visited places are Lake Ritsa, the New Athos cave and monastery, the temple of St. Apostle and Botanical Garden Sukhumi. In addition, Abkhazia, with its clean environment and home-made products, is the best place for families with children.


Israel is popular with our tourists throughout the year. People come here to immerse themselves in the past, touch the shrines of several religions, relax at the noisy parties of Tel Aviv and improve their health at the resorts of the Dead Sea.

Beach lovers have at their disposal the coasts of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. And if you combine a relaxing holiday with excursions around Jerusalem and Bethlehem, you definitely won’t be bored. Also, Israel, where cultures have been layered on top of each other for centuries, lends itself to gastronomic adventures.

In 2015, Indonesia joined the list of visa-free countries for Russians. You can stay in an exotic country for 30 days without additional documents. Indonesia is not only about popular Bali. The country attracts untouched natural parks, elegant temple complexes and clear mountain lakes.

Indonesia is suitable for active holidays. Trekking routes around the volcanoes are popular, and the islands are ideal for diving and surfing. In terms of infrastructure, Indonesia is superior to many Asian destinations. Local hotels correspond to the “star rating” and will pleasantly please you with the quality of service.

Mysterious Laos is the choice of those who decided to exchange comfortable hotels for original exotic ones. There is no sea and diversity here tourism infrastructure, inherent in neighboring Vietnam. Tourism is just beginning to develop. But there is an abundance of ancient temples, ancient ruins, waterfalls, colorful markets and untouched landscapes.

The country will appeal to adventure seekers and those who love to discover the characteristics of ancient cultures. Laos is very convenient for tourists: you can stay here for up to two weeks without a visa, but if necessary, you are allowed to extend your visit twice for another 15 days. Also short trip You can travel to Laos from Vietnam or Thailand.


Thailand is an accessible and convenient destination for Russians in all respects. And there is nothing that this state cannot please tourists with. Here you can alternate between beach holidays and heavenly beaches With excursion trips to ancient temples. And exploring the underwater world involves noisy parties.

Another thing that attracts Thailand is inexpensive shopping and low food prices. In combination with without visa regime for 30 days, this fact becomes decisive when choosing Thailand as a destination.

Sri Lanka

Just one registration on the Internet is enough to get to Sri Lanka - a country for those who dream of escaping from the hustle and bustle. This destination is known for its leisurely pace of life. Popular activities among tourists include diving, fishing, visiting ancient temples and nature reserves.

And, of course, you cannot ignore the beaches of Sri Lanka. The coast of the island stretches for thousands of kilometers and is strewn with soft sand. Moreover, some beaches are regularly included in ratings of the best in Asia. Sri Lanka will also delight shopping lovers. It is famous for its precious stones, quality textiles and aromatic Ceylon tea.

Like Thailand, Vietnam has long been a classic destination for paperwork opponents. The country is open to free visits for 15 days. You can do a lot in two weeks in this country - for example, get to know underwater world at dive sites. Or visit Hanoi to see ancient temples.

An undoubted advantage of Vietnam is the variety of resorts. Russians are especially fond of Nha Trang, Phu Quoc and Phan Thiet, which are suitable for vacationers with any budget.


Although Serbia cannot be called a popular destination, in terms of the number of tourism opportunities it is not inferior to many European countries. First of all, people come here for health improvement - local resorts have long been famous for their healing factors. Serbia also has many attractions: ancient cathedrals, cities, fortresses and natural parks.

Not only the Serbian capital, Belgrade, is of interest to tourists. Another attractive city is Novi Sad. It hosts music festivals, masterpieces of religious architecture and museums. You do not need a visa to travel to the country if your stay does not exceed 30 days.

Planning a vacation is an exciting process. The success of your trip depends 100% on the right choice of country for your holiday. But often the possibility of travel is limited by the visa regime for entering the country. What to do if it is not possible to obtain a visa? Choose countries where you can travel without a visa.

Video: overview of visa-free countries on the map

Where in Europe to holiday without a visa?

For Russians, visiting most of the countries of Europe is a necessity. But not all European countries are participants in the Schengen agreement.

Countries with visa-free travel in 2019:

  1. - You can travel around the country for a whole month; to enter, you must have a foreign passport with you, the validity period of which ends no earlier than the end of the trip.
  2. Ukraine, - stay up to 3 months, you need to present both passports: both a citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign one.
  3. - stay up to two months, only a foreign passport is required.
  4. - You can travel for up to a month, you must have a foreign passport.
  5. Moldova - travel period - 90 days, a foreign passport is required.
  6. - travel period is 90 days, in addition to a foreign passport, a certified invitation or a voucher from a travel company is desirable.
  7. Bosnia and Herzegovina - travel period - up to 1 month, in addition to a foreign passport, you need a certified invitation-support, provision of tickets to your homeland, a travel agency voucher.

Countries with different entry conditions

You can also travel to Europe without a visa to the following countries:

  • . In general, Russians need a visa to travel to Cyprus. But in case of arrival by plane landing in Paphos or Larnaca, it is possible to purchase a visa for three months online in advance. You must first submit an application form on the embassy website.
  • A two-week visit to the border part of the Sør-Varanger region is allowed if the Russian lives no more than 35 km from the Norwegian border. Kaliningrad residents can come to the northern regions of the Warmian-Masurian and Pomeranian Polish regions for a month.
  • And for a period of 90 days, Russians - residents of the cities of Krasnogorodsk, Pechera, Pytalovo, Ostrov and the Pskov region - can travel.

Where to relax without a visa at sea?

The vast majority of Russians associate holidays abroad with mandatory swimming in the warm sea. In which countries by the sea can you spend your holiday?


Previously, visiting Turkey required paying for a visa upon entering the country. Now this procedure is not required, so Russians can visit any of the Turkish resorts and stay in the country for up to 30 days. High-quality service, an all-inclusive system, excellent nightclubs and mandatory animation in every hotel are essential conditions for a holiday in Turkish hotels. Additionally, you can purchase a flight tour to Israel and enjoy excursion programs.


Traveling to Russia does not require a visa in advance - it is issued upon arrival in the country. However, before purchasing a ticket and traveling, you must obtain permission from the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to purchase an entry visa. This can be done in two ways: through a tour operator or independently via the Internet. The “Vietnamese” destination is still new, so it’s worth visiting the country before it turns into a typical tourist reservation.

Dominican Republic

A visa is issued directly at the airport upon arrival in the country. Validity period is one month. A beach holiday in the Dominican Republic means pearly white beaches and coral reefs, a warm ocean and gentle sun. The country also has a huge reserve with American crocodiles. Fans of excursions will appreciate the many museums and monuments covering the history of the colonization of the islands.


A country proven by generations of tourists, where traditional beach activities goes well with ancient history. For those who want to enjoy resort holiday and to visit the majestic pyramids you only need to pay $20 for entry. Read more about and methods of free entry.


Jerusalem is ancient city with a special atmosphere, as if saturated with the spirit of ancient world religions. And the Dead Sea of ​​Israel is famous for its healing properties. Russians can stay without a visa for up to 90 days.


To fly to means to enjoy your vacation on cleanest beaches surrounded by piercing blue sea with coral reefs, try your hand at diving and plunge into an atmosphere of absolute peace. The right to enter is confirmed by a visa, which the tourist receives for $10 right at the airport.


“Pop”, so attractive to tourists, also does not require travelers to pre-register a visa for entry.

For a 30-day stay in the country, a foreign passport with two blank pages is sufficient, the validity of which expires no earlier than six months before the end of the trip.

Will it be possible to vacation without a visa in Greece?

Are you planning a trip to Greek resorts? It is not surprising - the luxurious climate, abundance of entertainment and rich architecture attracts tourists from all over the world to Greece.

Unfortunately, for holidays on most Greek resorts You must obtain a Schengen visa.

But there is a way out - trip to one of the islands adjacent to Turkey. An entry visa is provided to the tourist upon arrival in the country. Its cost is 30 euros.

List greek islands, where you can go by ferry from Turkey and get a short-term visa “on the spot”:

  • Cyclades Islands: Mykonos and Santorini.
  • Lesvos.
  • Chios.

Entry without a visa to other countries worthy of tourist attention


  1. period of stay - 90 days;
  2. document - internal passport of the Russian Federation;
  3. You cannot travel from Abkhazia to Georgia.



  1. period of stay - 90 days;
  2. Ethnic Armenians are prohibited from entering the country, regardless of their citizenship;
  3. refusal of entry if there are marks of Nagorno-Karabakh in the passport.

Duration of stay - 90 days.



  1. Travel duration is 3 months.
  2. A visa is issued upon entry for $50.

Duration of stay - 14 days


  1. Duration of stay - 90 days.
  2. A ban on visiting the country for persons with stamps of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in their passports.

Indonesia, island


  1. The visa is issued upon arrival.
  2. You must have a return ticket.
  3. Travel duration is 30 days.
  4. The cost is $25.
  5. It is possible to extend your stay by a month.


  1. Travel duration is 30 days.
  2. The cost of a visa is 10 Jordanian dinars.
  3. Possibility of extending the period of entry by six months.


  1. A tourist visa is issued upon arrival.
  2. Validity period - 1 month.
  3. You must provide a photo or pay an additional fee.
  4. Cost - 20 dollars.

Visa-free entry is granted for a 30-day period.

The visa is issued at the airport upon arrival. You must provide 2 photos.

Price various types visas:

  1. 15 days - 30 dollars;
  2. 30 days - 40 dollars;
  3. 90 days - 90 dollars.


Visa on arrival is available for men only for $20.


  1. free visa-free entry for 21 days;
  2. 59 days visa on arrival for $62.


  1. Online pre-registration and a $20 processing fee are required.
  2. At the airport, you will need to present a printout of the visa permit, after which the tourist will be issued a 30-day double-entry visa (cost: $20).

Duration – up to 60 days.

South Ossetia


  1. Duration of stay - 3 months.
  2. Possibility of entry with an internal passport.
  3. You cannot move from Ossetia to Georgia.

Infographics: a complete list of countries that do not require visas

Holidays abroad without a passport

Resort countries where you should buy a ticket or go traveling as “savages” without a foreign passport at all are:

  • Abkhazia. The purest sea water and low housing prices are very attractive to tourists. The most popular resorts Abkhazia is New Athos where to visit unique caves, Gagra s rich history And architectural monuments, Pitsunda, Sukhum and Gudauta.
  • Belarus. This former Soviet republic is famous for its attractions and quality sanatoriums. There is no sea in Belarus, but there are a huge number of lakes and protected areas. It’s better to come here with a ticket to a sanatorium and combine your vacation with excursion programs: visiting Belovezhskaya Pushcha, inspection historical monuments in Grodno, Minsk and Brest.
  • is a region famous for its unique national reserves and a whole complex of historical, architectural and archaeological monuments. Of interest to tourists is Baikonur - the world's first cosmodrome, as well as recreation on the best ski resorts, located on the slopes of Altai.

Why should you choose countries with visa-free entry for your holiday?

Obtaining a visa is associated with certain difficulties:

  1. Impossibility of purchasing a last minute ticket. Applying for a visa takes quite a lot of time, so it is impossible to save money by purchasing a last-minute ticket - most of these tours are sold out 2-3 days before the possible departure.
  2. Long visa processing time. This is especially true in the summer - during the summer holidays, huge queues of potential tourists gather at embassies.


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