How a volcano appears for children. "Mysteries of nature: volcanoes." GCD for experimental activities of children of senior preschool age. Making a fairytale island

You can watch a volcano erupt at home not only on TV. With the help of a small chemical experiment, you will arrange a real eruption on a fairy-tale island.

From this article you will learn

All that is needed

For the experiment you will need some household chemicals and decorative elements to create an island. The volcano island can be made from natural materials or use dinosaur sensory box sets.

A model of a volcano is made from plasticine. Creating a fabulous volcanic island for the experience is the main component of it and serves to develop the child's imagination and creativity. Such activities will help instill a love for chemistry and geography. The child will develop fine motor skills of the fingers while making plasticine terrain and its inhabitants.

To make an island you need:

  • cardboard;
  • stapler or narrow tape;
  • box with colored plasticine;
  • small animal toys;
  • colorful pebbles;
  • a large plastic box or bowl in which the island will stand;
  • glass or plastic container with a volume of 200 ml for the volcano crater.

To conduct the experiment you will need:

  • soda 20 g;
  • food coloring:
  • vinegar 9%;
  • dish detergent 25 ml;
  • water 100 ml.

Usually the experiment continues until mom runs out of all the baking soda and vinegar, so be patient.

Children cannot carry out the experiment on their own without adults. If vinegar gets into a child's eyes or mouth, it can cause a burn to the mucous membranes, and if swallowed, it can cause a burn to the esophagus.

Making a fairytale island

You can build an island in a large plastic container. Pour real water and line the bottom with round pebbles. Make a container for the volcano from a jar for baby food or an old glass. For the mountain inside which the container will stand, you need to make a cardboard model; your child will be happy to cover it with plasticine.

The sequence of making a volcanic mountain:

  • cut out a circle of the required diameter from thick cardboard;
  • make a cut from the edge to the center of the circle;
  • roll up a cone;
  • the edges of the cone are fastened with a stapler or tape;
  • cut off the upper part of the cone at a height equal to the container chosen for the volcano;
  • place the container inside the cone.

I coat the top of the mountain with plasticine. To do this, roll out small brown plasticine cakes and stick them to a paper cone, completely covering the cardboard. The top of the volcano can be made of red plasticine, which will imitate hot lava.

They place a volcanic mountain on a dry island of pebbles. They are seated around small rubber animals that are among children's toys. Multi-colored amazing dinosaurs or wolves, foxes, bunnies, bears and other inhabitants of the forest and jungle. Depending on what animals were planted, vegetation for the island is selected. Large tree ferns and horsetails for dinosaurs, and ordinary fir trees and birches for bunnies and foxes.

Plastic plants are also often sold in sets for children's games. You can use a leaf of a living fern and twigs of plants if it is summer outside. Plants can also be molded from plasticine, made from threads and beads or regular cardboard.

You can make small houses out of cardboard for plastic Indians and soldiers. It is better to use cardboard to make plants and houses when the island is in a container with blue-dyed sand instead of water or on a blue plasticine sea.

Conducting an experiment

Finally the island is ready. All the toy animals and people froze in anticipation of an interesting event - a volcanic eruption. They know that the volcano is not real and therefore are not afraid of it.

To conduct the experiment, pour a tablespoon of soda into the volcano jar. Add a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. Red or orange food coloring is dissolved in 100 milligrams of water and added to the baking soda and detergent. The base for the experiment is ready, all that remains is to add vinegar. For mom, you can let your child pour vinegar into the volcano on his own, under her supervision, so that he doesn’t do it in her absence. It is better to repeat the experiment for an encore, pouring vinegar into the “mouth” of the volcano and pouring soda into it until the child is interested in it and asks to repeat the experiment.

When vinegar is added, the baking soda will begin to foam, erupting from the “volcano mouth” like red or orange lava. The detergent will allow the “lava” to foam longer and more abundantly, overflowing from the vent and flooding the surrounding area along with plants and animals that were carelessly located too close.


The safest way to experiment with a volcano for young children is to use baking soda and vinegar. It can be repeated many times, and getting the necessary materials for the experiment is not difficult.

The most interesting thing about the experience is creating your own fairy-tale island with your child, which can be used not only for the “Volcano” chemical experiment, but also for an exciting game.

With older children, you can conduct the “Vulcan” experiment at home using
, potassium permanganate and glycerin. For the experiment, ammonium dichromate is poured into an evaporation bowl in the form of a slide, in the middle of which a depression is made. Add a little potassium permanganate and a few drops of glycerin to the recess.

After a few minutes, due to the interaction of potassium permanganate and glycerin, the ammonium dichromate will ignite. Sparks will shoot out from the volcano in all directions, and a fountain of fire will begin to erupt. Before starting the experiment, the bowl must be placed on foil so as not to burn the surface on which the experiment will take place.

Ammonium dichromate can simply be set on fire, and it will burn like a volcano, spewing sparks. The experience is exciting, but children should not be allowed to do it without the presence of adults. Burns can be caused not only by sparks, but also by the chemicals used.

Good luck with your experiments!

For many uninitiated people, volcanoes seem like something fantastic and incomprehensibly menacing. In order to get a more complete picture of these objects, we present Interesting Facts about volcanoes.

The only volcanic rock floating on the surface of the water is volcanic pumice. Characterized by its gray color, this stone is riddled with hollow holes formed when the stone cooled. This process was accompanied by the release of gases, which formed the holes.

Eruptions of the largest volcanoes, called supervolcanoes, often cause horrific consequences. This includes the rain of fire that rains down for many miles around the volcano itself, and global climate changes caused by ash entering the atmosphere. Fortunately, such volcanoes erupt on average several times every 100,000 years. About one of them, located on the territory national park Yellowstone, scientists say, is likely ready for another eruption.

The largest eruption observed is considered to be the activity of the Tambora volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa. The eruption killed 100,000 people. According to researchers, Indonesia has the largest number of historically active volcanoes. There are 76 of them in total.

Most volcanoes appear at the boundaries of tectonic plates that form the earth's surface. Other volcanoes, such as Yellowstone, are located in other “hot spots” with magma bursting from the depths of the earth.

Iceland, also called the land of fire and ice, is endowed with nature's most big amount volcanoes in a region called the "mid-ocean Atlantic ridge". The recent eruption of Eyjafjallajoku, which shocked many, was incomparably weaker than the explosion of Skaptar, which caused terrible damage to the island's food supplies and caused a famine that led to the death of twenty percent of the population.

Citing interesting facts about volcanoes, one cannot help but talk about the dire consequences of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991. As a result of the volcano's release of 22 million tons of sulfur compounds into the planet's atmosphere, the temperature dropped by 0.5 degrees.

The ability of volcanoes to grow is interesting - accumulating lava and ash increase its height.

Volcanoes are called extinct when scientists believe that they will no longer erupt. Volcanoes with activity that has subsided for a while are said to be dormant.

If during a volcanic eruption the walls holding back the lava are destroyed, a huge crater appears, called a caldera.

The Kelimutu volcano, located in Indonesia, has three unusual lakes. The water in each of them periodically acquires different colors - turquoise, green, black or red. These transformations are caused by the reaction of volcanic gases entering into a chemical reaction with various minerals that are dissolved in water. This is what causes the change in color of the lakes.

The highest volcano on Earth is considered Mauna Loa in Hawaii. Its height is 4 thousand meters above sea level. There are five volcanoes on this island.

Volcanic eruptions release small ash particles into the atmosphere that can scatter the sun's rays. This gives the atmosphere coral and orange hues and adds color to the sunsets.

Most islands Atlantic Ocean formed as a result of volcanic activity.

Among the attractions of the island of Lanzarote from the group Canary Islands a restaurant with the sonorous name El Diablo (translated from Spanish as “the devil”). The chefs of this restaurant prepare food directly above the mouth of an active volcano. Note that its temperature exceeds 400 °C.

Scientists classify the Indonesian archipelago as a part of the earth's crust that is in the process of formation. At the same time, some islands gradually or unexpectedly emerge from the depths of the sea, while others plunge into it. This is a consequence of frequent earthquakes, impacts large number active volcanoes, and the growth of coral reefs. Such changes require frequent amendments to the Indonesia map.

Located on the island of Kiu Shiu in Japan, the volcano called Aso is the largest volcano in the world. The crater of the volcano is 14 kilometers wide, 23 kilometers long and 500 meters deep.

The eruption frequency of the Izalco volcano in El Salvador is 8 minutes. Over the two hundred years of activity of the volcano, over 12 million eruptions occurred.

Interesting video. Volcano of Fear:

A truly amazing sight - a volcanic eruption. But what is a volcano? How does a volcano erupt? Why do some of them spew out huge streams of lava at different intervals, while others sleep peacefully for centuries?

What is a volcano?

Externally, the volcano resembles a mountain. There is a geological fault inside it. In science, a volcano is a formation of geological rock located on the surface of the earth. Magma, which is very hot, erupts through it. It is magma that subsequently forms volcanic gases and rocks, as well as lava. Most of the volcanoes on earth were formed several centuries ago. Today, new volcanoes rarely appear on the planet. But this happens much less frequently than before.

How are volcanoes formed?

If we briefly explain the essence of the formation of a volcano, it will look like this. Under the earth's crust there is a special layer under strong pressure, consisting of molten rocks, it is called magma. If cracks suddenly begin to appear in the earth’s crust, then hills form on the surface of the earth. Through them, magma comes out under strong pressure. At the surface of the earth, it begins to break down into hot lava, which then solidifies, causing the volcanic mountain to become larger and larger. The emerging volcano becomes such a vulnerable spot on the surface that it spews volcanic gases onto the surface with great frequency.

What is a volcano made of?

In order to understand how magma erupts, you need to know what a volcano is made of. Its main components are: a volcanic chamber, a vent and craters. What is a volcanic source? This is the place where magma is formed. But not everyone knows what a volcano’s crater and crater are? A vent is a special channel that connects the hearth with the surface of the earth. A crater is a small bowl-shaped depression on the surface of a volcano. Its size can reach several kilometers.

What is a volcanic eruption?

Magma is constantly under intense pressure. Therefore, there is a cloud of gases above it at any time. Gradually they push hot magma to the surface of the earth through the crater of the volcano. This is what causes an eruption. However, just a short description of the eruption process is not enough. To see this spectacle, you can use the video, which you need to watch after you have learned what the volcano is made of. In the same way, in the video you can find out which volcanoes do not exist nowadays and what the volcanoes that are active today look like.

Why are volcanoes dangerous?

Active volcanoes pose a danger for a number of reasons. The dormant volcano itself is very dangerous. It can “wake up” at any time and begin to erupt streams of lava, spreading over many kilometers. Therefore, you should not settle near such volcanoes. If an erupting volcano is located on an island, a dangerous phenomenon such as a tsunami may occur.

Despite their danger, volcanoes can serve humanity well.

How are volcanoes useful?

  • During the eruption, a large amount of metals appears that can be used in industry.
  • The volcano produces the strongest rocks that can be used for construction.
  • Pumice, which appears as a result of the eruption, is used for industrial purposes, as well as in the production of stationery erasers and toothpaste.

There are about one and a half thousand volcanoes on our planet. Only twenty of them erupt annually.

There are three main types of volcanoes. The first type includes volcanoes that spew magma, the second type includes those that spew magma and ash, and the third type includes volcanoes that spew only ash.

Word "Volcano" comes from Italian. vulcano, ascending to lat. Vulcanus "Vulcan" is the name of the ancient Roman god of fire. This was the custom in Ancient Rome, where volcanoes were considered the home of the fire god. It is hardly possible to list all the gods worshiped by the ancient Romans, since their number amounts to more than one hundred.

In the Middle Ages, they believed that a volcano was the entrance to hellish hell (the underworld).

One of the most large volcanoes world is called Mauna Loa. It literally translates to "Long Mountain" in Hawaiian. The volcano occupies most of the island of Hawaii and is considered perhaps the most active in the world. Mauna Low has erupted exactly 33 times since it was first recorded in 1843. The last time the volcano came to life was in 1984. Then approximately 30 thousand acres of land were covered with lava, and the area of ​​the island itself increased by 180 hectares.

50 km from Manila on the island of Luzon is located the smallest on the planet active volcano. It is called Taal - after the lake where its crater is located in the form of a protruding island. Taal has erupted more than 30 times since 1572, most recently in 1965.

In Spain there is a church in the crater of the Santa Margarita volcano.

Most high volcano in the world it is translated from Spanish as “salty eyes”. Ojos del Salado is located on the border of Argentina and Chile, and rises to 6891 meters.

Kilauea in Hawaii had the longest eruption period in the 20th–21st centuries. Beginning its activity on January 3, 1983, it erupted continuously for 29 years.

Volcanoes can be not only a natural disaster, but also the cause of unexpected events in cultural life. For example, in 1816 in Western Europe And North America There was unusually cold weather caused by the eruption of Mount Tambora on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa. This year was nicknamed "the year without a summer" and was the coldest since weather records began.

Some volcanic islands, such as Iceland and Hawaii, have black beaches. Their sand is made of basalt, a pyrogenic rock formed when lava cools and crumbles into grains of sand.

The lands on which volcanoes are located are the most fertile, due to the fact that the eruption saturates the soil with useful substances such as phosphorus and potassium.

About twenty percent of all volcanoes on Earth are underwater.

Birds called maleo use the heat of the lava to incubate their chicks.

The word lava borrowed from Italian (lava, Latin labor) and French(lave) in the 18th century. It means “falling, crawling, sliding, descending (down),” or “that which descends” (down) as a result of a volcanic eruption. Lava flows out at speeds of 100 kilometers per hour. Lava varies from volcano to volcano. It differs in composition, color, temperature, impurities, etc.

In some volcanic areas, such as Iceland, hot magma energy can be used to heat water and power power plants. This type of energy is called geothermal (earth heat).

Volcanologists measure the power of an eruption using a scale Volcanic Eruptions(VEI), where 0 is the weakest eruption and 8 is the strongest. The figure eight is usually reserved for powerful eruptions, popularly called “supervolcanoes.”

To date, the volcanic eruption is considered the most terrible volcanic eruption of the 20th century. Mont Pele on the island of Martinique in the West Indies in 1902. Then more than 30,000 people died, and only two survived: a shoemaker who lived on the edge of the island, and a prisoner who was saved by the thick walls of the prison. .

In 1963, an undersea volcano gave birth to the newest land surface on Earth, the island of Surtsey, which is located off the southwest coast of Iceland.

The largest ash emission in the 20th–21st centuries was recorded at Mount St. Helens in 1980. In 9 hours, the mountain erupted about 540 million tons of ash, scattered over an area of ​​57,000 square meters.

There is none in Australia active volcano, since it is located in the center of the tectonic platform.

Volcanoes for children

Children about volcanoes...

Making and studying a volcano...

Tell your child about how a volcano is formed, how an eruption occurs, when boiling magma lava (a mixture of molten rocks and gases) rushes upward, finds holes in the earth's crust and comes out through them, a volcanic eruption occurs.

Do a visual experiment together. Make a volcano, a volcano can be made in many ways, for example: a volcano on the beach or in a sandbox, you will need baking soda + vinegar.

Make a slide out of sand, place a baby food jar or a small plastic bottle inside the slide. In which you previously poured a mixture of vinegar and red food coloring (or red gouache to imitate lava) at home. Take soda with you in a small container (for example, from a Kinder Surprise), ask your child to pour the contents into the “volcano mouth”. You can do it the other way around, first pour in the baking soda and then pour in the vinegar. Watch together as the eruption occurs. If the volcano stops erupting, add some ordinary water to it and it will start erupting again!

2. A volcano can be made from clay, plasticine, or papier mache. It’s very simple to do, we take a small bottle, I also wrap it in foil to save clay and cover everything with plasticine or clay, don’t try too hard to make the volcano smooth, the more cracks, the more natural it will look, let it dry, the volcano is ready. Inside, just like in the first method, we will add soda + vinegar with dye.
Then add some water and your volcano will erupt again with renewed vigor!

This volcano can be made from clay or plasticine, here are some photos for inspiration

You can make a volcano out of papier mache
You will need PVA glue, a bottle and newspapers, coat each layer generously with glue, make an airplane

After drying

All that's left is to paint it

You can make a small panoramic model in a box


3. Another way is that, once in the water, they hiss and bubble; with their help, you can not only arrange an eruption, but also tell your child about geysers. You can make these bombs yourself; there are many recipes on the Internet. The main components of such bombs are citric acid and ordinary soda, the ratio should be 1:2. , that is, two parts baking soda and one part citric acid. By the way, there are ready-made kits for sale for making bombs yourself. And from the ready-made mixture for bombs, you can make a volcano; add water to it drop by drop (for example, from a pipette or use a syringe without a needle) and your volcano will seethe (erupt).

4. A rather risky method, but interesting, is Coca Cola (it contains acid) + menthol candies Mentos. If you decide to try this method to show your child, practice first or watch a video on YouTube, there are a lot of them on request Mentos + Coca Cola.

5. And lastly, there are ready-made sets with volcanoes on sale, everything is already prepared there, there are even special glasses, not so much for practical purposes, but so that the child realizes the importance of the moment :) For example


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