A trip to the sea without a visa. Top visa-free countries for a beach holiday. Visa-free countries, for entry into which you do not need not only a visa, but also an international passport - Where you can go without a passport

It’s not enough for Russians to just want and go to any country in the world. Freedom of movement is limited by the need for a visa.

There are countries where you can go without a visa, there are vacation options even without a passport, and there are places where you can only get there by carefully preparing a large package of documents and passing an interview at the country’s representative office.

BiletyPlus.ru will tell you where to go without a visa, and where you will have to work hard to obtain an entry permit.

Visa-free countries

Just because you don't need a visa to stay in a country doesn't mean you can stay there as long as you like. Each country clearly states the period during which you can rest without worrying about permission. However, if you plan to stay in the country longer, you need to take care in advance about the possibility of extending your visa directly in the host country or still apply for a visa at the Russian representative office of a particular country.

Russian tourists can stay without a visa in the following countries:

  • Abkhazia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Argentina, Antigua and Barbuda,
  • Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Belarus, Brazil,
  • Vanuatu, Vietnam, Venezuela,
  • Guatemala, Hong Kong, Honduras, Grenada,
  • Dominica, Dominican Republic,
  • Israel,
  • Kazakhstan, Cuba, Colombia, Cook Islands,
  • Laos,
  • Maldives, Moldova, Macedonia, Malaysia, Morocco, Micronesia,
  • Namibia, Niue, Nicaragua,
  • Peru,
  • Seychelles, Serbia, El Salvador, Samoa, Swaziland, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia,
  • Tajikistan, Türkiye, Thailand, Tunisia, Trinidad and Tobago,
  • Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Uruguay,
  • Philippines,
  • Montenegro, Chile,
  • Ecuador.

In addition, to visit some of these countries, you don’t even need to obtain a passport. An ordinary civil passport is enough to travel to Abkhazia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, South Ossetia.

Countries where a visa is required

Countries where it is impossible to enter without permission are divided into several categories. The first is the countries of the Schengen zone. Having received a Schengen visa, you can stay in the territory of all countries that have signed the Schengen agreement. However, you need to obtain a visa from the representative office of the country where you will be staying most of the time, and it is better to enter the Schengen zone through the state that issued you the visa. Russian citizens traveling as tourists must apply for a type C visa. Do not forget about the existence transit visas if you are going to stay at the airport for more than 24 hours or intend to leave the transit zone.

Schengen countries:

  • Austria,
  • Belgium,
  • Hungary,
  • Germany, Greece,
  • Denmark,
  • Italy, Iceland, Spain,
  • Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Liechtenstein,
  • Malta,
  • Netherlands, Norway,
  • Poland, Portugal,
  • Slovakia, Slovenia,
  • Finland, France,
  • Czech Republic,
  • Sweden, Switzerland,
  • Estonia.

The second category of countries are states that require Russian citizens to have permission (visas) to stay in their country. To obtain a visa, you need to contact the country's representative office in the Russian Federation. Some states in this category (for example, Bulgaria and Cyprus) willingly and easily give Russian tourists visas, while at other consulates, in order to obtain a visa, you will have to prepare an extensive package of documents and even undergo a personal interview with consulate employees.

Visa countries:

  • Australia, Afghanistan, Angola, Albania, Andorra, Aruba, Algeria,
  • Bulgaria, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Brunei,
  • Vatican, UK,
  • Guyana, Greenland,
  • DR Congo,
  • Ivory Coast,
  • India, Ireland, Iraq, Yemen,
  • Canada, Cayman Islands, China, Cameroon, Cyprus, North Korea, Kiribati, Costa Rica, Curacao, Qatar,
  • Libya, Lesotho, Liberia,
  • Mexico, Mongolia, Mauritania, Malawi, Martinique, Monaco, Marshall Islands, Montserrat,
  • Nauru, Niger, New Zealand, Nigeria,
  • UAE, Oman,
  • Pakistan, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Panama,
  • Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Romania,
  • San Marino, Solomon Islands, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saudi Arabia, USA, Sierra Leone,
  • Taiwan, Turks and Caicos,
  • Faroe Islands, French Guadeloupe, French Guiana,
  • Croatia,
  • Spitsbergen,
  • Equatorial Guinea,
  • South Africa, South Sudan, South Korea,
  • Japan.

The third category of countries, entry into which is possible for Russians only with permission, are states that issue visas to tourists right at the airport upon arrival. The procedure is so simple that in the understanding of the average vacationer, countries without a visa and countries with visas at the airport are in the same category. However, in these countries you must pay a visa fee to obtain a visa.

Visa at the border:

  • Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bahrain, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Bhutan,
  • East Timor,
  • Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Haiti, Guinea-Bissau, Ghana,
  • Djibouti,
  • Egypt,
  • Zambia, Zimbabwe,
  • Indonesia, Iran, Jordan,
  • Cape Verde, Comoros, Cambodia, Kuwait, Kenya,
  • Lebanon,
  • Mauritius, Mozambique, Macau, Mali, Myanmar, Madagascar,
  • Nepal,
  • Palau, Pitcairn,
  • Syria, Sao Tome and Principe, Suriname,
  • Tanzania, Tuvalu, Togo, Turkmenistan, Tonga,
  • Uganda,
  • Fiji,
  • Sri Lanka,
  • Eritrea, Ethiopia,
  • Jamaica.

Visa cost

The cost of a Schengen visa is 35 €. However, consular officers often delegate the processing of the necessary documentation to travel agencies or special visa centers. In such centers they will help you collect the necessary package of documents, they may even provide the services of a photographer or arrange insurance, but you will have to pay about 30 € for registration. Travel agencies accredited at embassies also help you obtain a Schengen visa, but even here you will have to pay extra for the work.

Some countries that issue a visa at the airport require confirmation of a hotel reservation, an invitation or a return ticket. Such conditions are put forward, for example:

  • Antigua and Barbuda,
  • Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil,
  • Vanuatu,
  • Guyana, Guam,
  • Dominica, Dominican Republic,
  • Cuba (or proof of solvency of $50 per person per day),
  • Mauritius, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco,
  • Niue,
  • Cook Islands,
  • Palau, Peru,
  • Western Samoa, Seychelles, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,
  • Trinidad and Tobago,
  • Fiji,
  • Jamaica.

Some states, such as Myanmar or Sri Lanka, will additionally require you to pay a visa of $30, and Sri Lanka will also require registration on a specific website.

Basically, the cost of a visa depends on the length of stay and ranges from 7 $ (Nicaragua) to 50 $ (Bangladesh, Bolivia) or 60 € (Iran, Cape Verde) - 85 € (Guinea-Bissau). In China (30-day tourist visa) and Comoros, the cost of a visa will be $100. And in Ghana you will need to pay the same $100 and provide a certificate of vaccination against yellow fever.

African countries prefer to calculate the cost of a visa in local currency: in Bahrain you will spend 5 Bahraini dinars for a visa, and in Brunei - 5 Brunei dollars. Burkina Faso, Togo, Central African Republic will require from 10,000 to 98,000 West African francs.

And in Montenegro, for example, entry into the country will be free, but for exit you will have to pay 15 €.

The main thing that every tourist planning a trip should remember is to find out as much as possible about the country where his desire to relax leads. Take the time to ask in advance what documents or funds you will need to stay in a particular state. This will save you time and money before you even start your vacation!

Before booking air tickets anywhere, go to the website www.BILETYPLUS.ru and compare prices from hundreds of online companies that sell air tickets. Don't overpay for air tickets and hotels!

The list of visa-free countries for Russians in 2020 is quite extensive. An entry document is not required to cross their border. Residents of the Russian Federation have the right to visit these territories using a regular foreign passport.

It is possible to travel to a number of states even with an internal civil passport. And some countries that require foreign citizens apply for a visa, it is opened immediately upon arrival.

The question of where you can go without a visa is relevant for citizens of the Russian Federation at any time of the year. Many people want to fly abroad to Russia on vacation, visit relatives, or travel abroad on business. Visa-free entry makes it easier to cross border and customs points.

In addition, tourists save time and money since a visa is not required. When going on vacation or work visa-free countries, you only need to prepare a basic set of documents.

In 2020, the list of states that do not require a visa includes dozens of countries. A visa-free regime for citizens of the Russian Federation exists in the following countries:

  • Europe.
  • Asia.
  • Africa.
  • America and the West Indies.
  • Australia and Oceania.

Thus, in all corners globe There are visa-free countries where you can fly on holiday without a visa. Each has its own requirements for those crossing the border. But these rules are not an obstacle to relaxation. In 2020, travelers from the Russian Federation also have the right to visit the territories of these states.

Simplified entry

Visa-free countries for Russians are complemented by world powers with easier entry rules. In 2020, a number of states are offering simplified border crossings for Russian citizens.

This means that you cannot relax or conduct business there without a visa. But you are allowed to receive an entry document immediately upon arrival. The list of territories with simplified arrival includes several dozen items.

In addition, in 2020, guests of a number of countries have the right to apply for an entry permit online. To do this, you need to use special consular services. That is, before you fly on vacation to any state, you need to check it for a visa-free regime. If a visa is not required or simplified entry is available, crossing the border will not be a hassle.

Border crossing options

In 2020, for citizens of the Russian Federation, there are the following ways to cross the border without a standard visa.

Visa-free regime (without obtaining entry document):

  1. Using an internal Russian passport.
  2. According to a Russian passport.

Simplified regime (obtaining an entry document formally):

  1. On a foreign passport with a visa obtained upon crossing the border:
    • Or at the airport.
    • Or at a land border checkpoint.
  2. For a foreign passport and visa issued online:
    • It is required to fill out the appropriate form posted on the diplomatic mission portal.
    • The applicant receives a preliminary decision on issuing a visa and crossing the border by e-mail.
    • The form is printed by the tourist on a printer before flying on vacation.
    • The printed form is stamped immediately at the airport or upon entering the country.

Entry with a Russian passport

In 2020, visa-free entry for residents of the Russian Federation is valid in a number of neighboring republics. It is allowed to cross the border using one of the types of passports:

  • General civil (standard internal Russian passport).
  • International passport.
  • Diplomatic.
  • Official.
  • Sailor's passport.

For children under 14 years of age, a birth certificate indicating Russian citizenship is required. The following are suitable indications:

  • Insert.
  • Citizenship stamp with official seal (affixed by the Federal Migration Service or the consulate).
  • Information about the child in the parent’s passport (secured with the official seal of the Federal Migration Service).
Visa-free entry stateMaximum length of stay (in months)Additional Requirements
  • Within 3 days after arrival, registration with the internal affairs authorities is required. Those living at the hotel are registered by the administration of the institution
  • Georgians (including Russian citizens) will need an entry permit from the Abkhaz State Security Service
Belarus1 If the period of stay is exceeded, registration with the competent authorities is required
  • If the stay exceeds 30 days, registration is required with the passport and visa control authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • You must register a maximum of 5 days from the date of entry
South Ossetia3

Entry with a foreign passport

List of states with visa-free entry is not limited to the Near Abroad. In 2020, the borders of many territories are open to Russian citizens. These even include European ones - those that have not joined the Schengen Agreement.

To travel to visa-free countries on vacation, you will need a passport. In some cases, you will have to prepare additional documents.

Near Abroad

Azerbaijan3 Notification registration is provided within 10 days from the date of entry. The procedure is required. Citizens are registered at their place of stay
Armenia3 The validity period of a foreign passport is from 3 months after return
Georgia3 within 180 daysIt is advisable to take out medical insurance
Tajikistan3 A maximum of 3 days after arrival, you must register at the OVIR or hotel
Uzbekistan2 Registration is required within 3 days of arrival. You can undergo the procedure at the hotel or at the passport office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Ukraine3 months within six months from the date of first entryList of additional documents:
  • (filled out at border checkpoints and kept until the end of the trip)
  • Guarantee of financial security
  • Confirmation of the purpose of the trip (invitation, return ticket, etc.)

Sample migration card of Ukraine


CountryMaximum length of stay (in months unless otherwise stated)Additional documents
  • The visa-free regime is valid only during the summer season (in 2015 it lasted from June 1 to November 1)
  • At the same time, the state allows you to rest for 3 months during a six-month period.
A visa to the republic (regardless of the time of year) is not required for owners of:
  • Valid Schengen visa C
  • National visa D

In this case, the period is from six months at the time of entry

Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Voucher from a local travel agency with a stamp (original)
  • Visa to the destination country
3 days (transit)Tickets or proof of availability
3 months (visiting family or friends, short-term treatment, business, professional activities)Invitation certified by the competent authorities (original paper)
Macedonia (in practice, Russian citizens usually require a visa)Formally (according to signed agreements) 3 monthsOriginal of one of the documents:
  • Host invitation
  • Travel voucher
  • The validity period of the visa is 3 months from the date of issue of the visa.
  • Upon arrival you are required to receive a white cardboard. This is a certificate of registration in the republic. It is issued by the police or issued by the hotel administration. Such a certificate must be issued no later than 24 hours after entry
Türkiye (partially Asian country)2 Validity period of a foreign passport – from 4 months
Montenegro 1 Within 24 hours of entry, you must register with the Department of Internal Affairs in person or through a travel agency. Those staying at the hotel are registered by the administration of the institution


CountryMaximum length of stay (in months unless otherwise stated)Additional documents
Vietnam15 days (provided that 1 month has passed since the date of the previous departure)Validity period of a foreign passport – from six months
Hong Kong2 weeks (for tourism purposes)
Israel3 months within the six-month corridor
  • The validity period of the “foreign passport” is from six months from the date of entry
  • Round-trip air tickets (preferably)
  • Health insurance policy (recommended)
Indonesia1 month (for tourism purposes), visible at the airport
  • Validity of a foreign passport – at least six months of arrival
  • When entering the republic, a customs declaration is filled out
Laos15 days
Macau1 month (for tourism purposes)
  • Validity “abroad” – from six months at the time of arrival
  • Enough money for your stay
  • Return ticket or its cash equivalent (preferably)
Mongolia1 month of continuous stay (with the maximum total period of stay within the six-month corridor being 3 months)
  • The passport is valid for another six months after the intended departure
  • Local taxes apply when crossing the border
Thailand1 month (unlimited times)The validity period of a foreign passport is six months from the date of entry
Philippines1 Return ticket
South Korea2 months with the possibility of entry for an additional 30 days. In this case, the total period of stay is 3 months within a six-month corridor (purposes of trip - tourism, private visit, transit)Visa-free entry does not guarantee border crossing. In each specific case, the decision is made by border and immigration services


CountryMaximum length of stay (in months unless otherwise stated)Additional documents
BotswanaFrom 1 to 90 days (the decision is made by the border service, and it depends on the planned period of stay of the tourist in the republic)Migration control form (to be completed at English when crossing the border)
Mauritius2 months (for tourism and business purposes)
  • Documents confirming the purpose of the trip
  • Confirmation of residence availability
  • Financial resources (at the rate of 100 US dollars per day)
  • Ticket to reverse side
  • The validity period of the “abroad” is plus six months from the date of departure for home
  • The migration card is filled out at the border
Namibia3 months (for tourism purposes)
  • The “working” period of a foreign passport is from six months after the end of the trip
  • The migration card is filled out (issued at the airport, data is entered in English)
Swaziland1 The validity of a foreign passport is from six months after leaving the kingdom
Seychelles1 month with the right to monthly renewal for 1 year
  • The validity period of the “abroad” is from six months from the date of arrival
  • Immigration card being filled out
  • Confirmation of hotel reservation or invitation
  • Ticket to home
  • Confirmation of sufficient funds for living (optional)
Tunisia3 A special entry/exit card is filled out at the border

America and West Indies

CountryMaximum length of stay (in all countries where not otherwise specified – 3 months within a six-month corridor)Additional documents
Antigua and Barbuda1 month (extendable by six months if necessary)
  • Hotel reservation
  • Ticket home
  • Proof of solvency (optional)
  • Exit fee ($28)
Bahamas3 months (the final decision is made by the border guard)
  • Biometric passport
  • Hotel reservation
  • Proof of financial solvency
  • Certificate of employment with the salary indicated on it
  • Migration card
  • Return ticket
  • Airport tax ($67.5)
Barbados4 weeks
  • The period of “work” of a foreign passport is from six months
  • Return ticket
Brazil90 days (stay period as a tourist can be extended for another 3 months)
  • The passport is valid for six months from the date of arrival
  • Return tickets
  • Hotel reservation or invitation
  • Arrival card (to be completed upon arrival)
Guyana3 months with extension option
  • The validity period of the international passport is plus six months after return
  • Ticket to home
Grenada3 months (the exact length of stay is determined by the migration service officer)
  • The passport is valid for six months
  • Return ticket
Dominica3 weeks (for tourist purposes and the right to extend the stay for 3 months)
  • Solvency Guarantee ($50 per day)
  • Hotel reservation
  • Return ticket
Dominican Republic1 month
  • The validity period of the “abroad” is plus six months by the time of departure
  • Tourist card (issued at the country's diplomatic missions in the Russian Federation and at Santo Domingo airport, cost – 10 dollars)
  • Return ticket
Colombia The validity period of a foreign passport is six months
Costa Rica3 months (the final decision on the length of stay is determined by the migration service officer)“Working” time of a foreign passport – plus six months at the time of entry
Cuba1 month
  • Validity “abroad” – 1 month from the moment of departure from the island
  • Medical insurance policy
  • Passport validity period – plus 3 months at the time of entry
  • Air ticket home or ticket reservation
Peru The international passport “works” for another six months after departure
Salvador3 months
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines20 days
  • The passport is valid for six months from the date of arrival
  • Hotel room reservation
  • Sufficient funds for living
  • Return ticket
  • Airport tax ($40)
Saint Kitts and Nevis3 months
  • Travel voucher
  • Sufficient amount of money for living
  • Return ticket
Saint Lucia6 weeks
Trinidad and Tobago3 months (the decision on the exact length of stay is the prerogative of the migration service officer)
  • The validity period of a foreign passport is six months from the date of entry
  • Return ticket
Uruguay Validity of a foreign passport – from 3 months after departure
Ecuador3 months“Overseas” functionality – another 3 months from the date of return
Jamaica1 month (for tourism purposes or cultural exchange program)

Australia and Oceania

A visa is not required to visit the following territories:

  • Niue (1 month).
  • Cook Islands (31 days).
  • Samoa (30 days).
  • Federated States of Micronesia (30 days).

Map of Australia and Oceania

Applying for a visa at the border

Before putting a visa stamp, border guards of a number of countries require you to fill out the following paperwork:

  • Migration card.
  • Customs declaration.
  • Questionnaire.

As a rule, this does not take much time. But it is worth keeping in mind that obtaining a visa at the border is almost always paid. In addition, migration services are not limited to asking you to present only your passport and completed papers.

This is what an Ethiopia visa stamp looks like

They have the right to require additional documents from tourists:

  1. Confirmation of the purpose of the visit. For example:
    • Invitation.
    • Agreement with a travel agency.
  2. Hotel reservation or letter from the host person or company.
  3. Proof of financial solvency.
  4. Certificate from employer indicating salary.
  5. Medical certificates (for example, with information about vaccinations).
  6. Medical insurance.
  7. Ticket to home.
StateMaximum length of stay (in some cases with the right to extend)Visa fee (in US dollars unless otherwise stated)
Bangladesh1 month50
Bahrain2 weeks5 Bahraini dinars
East Timor (issued at the airport or port of Dili, if entry is through other cities, then requested online)1 month25
Guinea-Bissau30 days25 thousand African francs
Djibouti3 days (single transit)30
30 days (one-time short-term)60
Egypt1 month25
Jordan10 dinars
Iran2 weeks70 euros
Cape Verde30 days25 euros
Comoros45 days60 euros
Lebanon1 month17
Madagascar30 days (one-time)For free
90 days (double or triple)60 euros
Mozambique1 month78
Nauru2 weeks
Palau30 days50
Tanzania3 months
Togo1 week10 thousand African francs
Tuvalu1 month
Fiji3 monthsFor free
Ethiopia (upon arrival at Addis Ababa airport)30 days20

Online visa application

This visa is issued through the official websites of the embassies of states that practice such entry:

  • India (30 days 2 times a year). Website https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/index.html.

  • Kenya (3 months). Portal https://www.ecitizen.go.ke/.
  • Mexico (six months). Portal https://www.gob.mx/inm.
  • Myanmar. Website of the Myanmar Embassy in Moscow.
  • Sri Lanka (1 month). Website http://www.eta.gov.lk/slvisa/.

The applicant fills out an online form, prints out the entry permit and goes on a trip with it. In addition to the international passport and printed form, you will need an additional package of documents at the border. In particular, it is advisable for a tourist to have on hand:

Sample certificate from bank

  1. Return ticket (real or booked).
  2. Tourist voucher or invitation from the host party.
  3. Financial guarantees. For example:
    • Letter from employer indicating salary.
    • in the bank.
    • Bank card.
    • A copy of the passbook.
    • Traveler's checks.
  4. A certificate from the hotel confirming your room reservation.

A visa-free regime is a pleasant bonus for travelers from the Russian Federation. This relaxation is very important for citizens who plan to travel abroad in 2020.

The list of world powers with free entry is constantly expanding. Therefore, before flying to another country, it is advisable to clarify the entry requirements for its territory. It is possible that the state’s borders are already open for Russians to relax.

Immigration services of foreign countries put forward various requirements for crossing borders. For citizens Russian Federation In most cases, visa and visa-free countries are available if a number of additional documents are provided, the most popular of which are return tickets and confirmation of sufficient financial resources for the trip.

Entry with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

To enter some states, you can cross their borders using the internal Russian one. The list of visa-free countries for Russia, entry to which is possible with a general passport, is presented in the table below:

StateRequirements and documents
Abkhazia90 Citizens of the Russian Federation only need to have an internal passport; For a stay over 90 days you will need to apply for a visa in your passport
Armenia90 out of 180national or foreign passport of the Russian Federation
Belarus30 Registration required after 90 days of stay
Kazakhstan30 check-in after 30 days of stay
Kyrgyzstan30 if the planned trip exceeds 30 days, then within 5 days after entry you need to register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs
South Ossetia90 internal or foreign passport (or other document that can prove identity)

Entry with a foreign passport

Countries without visas for Russians, where crossing borders are required, are often available to Russian travelers with some additional documents. Most often when crossing borders, employees border service check confirmation of departure from the country before the end of the period giving the right to stay under a visa-free regime, as well as.

StateNumber of days of permitted stayRequirements and documents
Azerbaijan90 Registration with the migration service is required within 10 days after arrival
Antigua and Barbuda30
Argentina90 out of 180Same
Bahamas90 the same, instead of a ticket, an extract from the ship’s role can be used - in case of travel on private ships
Barbados28 return ticket, proof of funds
Bosnia and Herzegovina30 out of 60Same
Botswana90 return ticket, confirmation of availability of 300 US dollars per person per week (usually a bank card is sufficient)
Brazil90 out of 180return ticket, proof of hotel reservation or invitation from an individual or legal entity
Venezuela90 out of 180return ticket, confirmation of sufficient funds (payment hotel room, bank card, traveler's checks or cash), completed migration card
Vanuatu30 return ticket, proof of sufficient funds
Vietnam15 return ticket
Haiti90 Same
Guyana90 migration card, confirmation of length of stay (tickets, hotel reservation or invitation)
Gambia56 return ticket or proof of hotel reservation
Guatemala90 return ticket or to a third country, proof of sufficient funds
Hong Kong14 Same
Honduras90 migration card, return ticket, proof of sufficient funds and/or confirmation of hotel reservation
Grenada90 travel voucher, proof of financial means
Georgia360 You only need a foreign passport, entry from Abkhazia and South Ossetia is prohibited
Guam45 migration card (issued on airplanes), return ticket
Dominica21 a return ticket for an airplane, a sea vessel, or an extract from the ship's role in the case of a trip on a private vessel, proof of sufficient financial resources
Dominican Republic30 tourist card (worth 10 US dollars), return ticket
Israel90 return ticket, confirmation of hotel reservation or rental housing (printout from websites is sufficient), invitation - in case of private visits, letter from a medical clinic - for a trip for treatment
Indonesia30 return ticket, confirmation of hotel reservation or enough money to stay in the country, migration card
Colombia90 return ticket, proof of sufficient funds
Costa Rica30 return ticket, hotel booking confirmation or invitation
Cuba30 return ticket, migration card
Laos15 return ticket, proof of hotel reservation
Mauritius60 return ticket, confirmation of hotel reservation or invitation, proof of funds: USD 100 per person per day (bank card is sufficient)
Macedonia90 out of 180medical insurance policy for the entire trip
Macau30 return ticket, sufficient funds or confirmation of hotel reservation
Malaysia30 return ticket, at least 500 US dollars for the entire stay in the country
Maldives30 return ticket, travel voucher
Morocco90 migration card (must be completed in Arabic, French or English)
Micronesia30 return ticket
Moldova90 out of 180only passport
Mongoliaone entry – maximum 30, totaling 90 out of 180 daysonly passport
Namibia90 migration card, certificate of vaccination against yellow fever (if arriving from a country with an increased risk of infection)
Nauru14 return ticket
Nicaragua90 tourist card (English or Spanish), return ticket, 200 USD for the entire trip
Niue30 proof of hotel reservation/invitation/tourist voucher
Cook Islands31 return ticket, confirmation of hotel reservation, confirmation of financial means (70 NZD per person for one day of stay)
Panama90 return ticket, 500 US dollars for the entire trip
Paraguay90 out of 180return ticket and enough money to stay in the country
Peru90 the same + confirmation of hotel reservation
Salvador90 return ticket, proof of sufficient funds, migration card
Swaziland30 only passport
Northern Mariana Islands 45 return ticket, migration cards
Seychelles30 return ticket, proof of hotel reservation/tourism voucher/invitation, USD 50 per person per day
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines30 daysreturn ticket or extract from the ship's role, proof of availability of funds
Saint Kitts and Nevis90 proof of hotel reservation or travel voucher,
Saint Lucia42 return ticket, proof of funds
Serbia30 50 euros per person per day, medical insurance policy for 20 thousand euros
Tajikistan90 registration required within 3 days after entry
Thailand30 migration card
Turks and Caicos90 return ticket, proof of availability of funds
Trinidad and Tobago90 the same + confirmation of hotel reservation, migration card
Tunisia90 return ticket, migration card
Türkiye60 per entry, no more than 90 out of 180 daystravel voucher, proof of hotel reservation or return ticket, proof of USD 300 for the entire trip
Uzbekistan60 only passport
Ukraine90 out of 180 daysconfirmation of availability of funds
Uruguay90 out of 180 daysreturn ticket
Philippines30 Same
Montenegro30 only passport
Chile90 out of 180 daysreturn ticket, proof of financial means for the period of travel, migration card
Ecuador90 only passport
South Korea60 return ticket, confirmation of availability of funds for the period of travel, migration card
Jamaica30 return ticket, proof of financial means for the duration of the trip

Obtaining a visa at the border

A visa for Russians in 2019 may be available in some countries. In this case, the traveler must also take care in advance to prepare additional documents, the list of which varies in each country.

StateNumber of days of permitted stayRequirements and documents
Bangladesh15 return ticket, migration card and customs declaration, payment visa fee- 51 US dollars
Belize30 copy of the passport page with information about the owner, photo 35 x 45 mm, visa application form (issued upon crossing the border)
Bolivia30 return ticket, proof of availability of funds
Burundi30 return ticket, payment of visa fee ($40 for a transit visa and $90 for a tourist visa)
East Timor30 the stamp is placed exclusively in the city of Dili (seaport or airport)
Gabon90 entry permit from the migration department
Ghana90 clearance through Ghana Immigration via email at least 48 hours prior to departure, Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate, US$100 visa fee
Djibouti30 migration card in English or French, return ticket, proof of hotel reservation (can be printed from the Internet) or an invitation from a travel agency in Djibouti sent by fax or mail
Egypt30 (Sinai Peninsula – 15)return ticket, payment 25 US dollars
Zambiatourist – 90, business visa – 30return ticket, copy of the first page of the foreign passport, certificate of vaccination against yellow fever, if the tourist arrives from the country increased risk infectious diseases
Zimbabwetourist – 30, business visa – 30, transit – 3return ticket or confirmation of financial means for stay and departure, migration card in English (issued at checkpoints)
Jordan30 proof of hotel reservation, tourist voucher or invitation, payment of 40 JOD (visa is required at all checkpoints except Allenby-King Hussein, located on the border with Israel)
Iran30 permit issued by the Iranian Immigration Service through a travel agency or inviting party (can be either an individual or an organization), a questionnaire filled out at the airport (only possible at Tehran Imam Khomein (IKA), Gheshm Island (GSM), Esfahan (IFN) airports , Mashhad (MHD), Tabriz (TBZ), Shiraz (SYZ), Kish Island (KIH))
Cape Verde30 copy of the passport page with data and photo, return ticket, payment 25 euros
Cambodia30 payment of a visa fee of 30 US dollars, one passport photo (fine from 1 to 3 US dollars for its absence)
People's Republic of ChinaO. Hainan (Sanya and Haikou airports) – 15 days,one color photo of passport size, application form filled out in English or Chinese, return ticket, confirmation of hotel reservation, payment of visa fee - 5 US dollars (required condition - direct arrival international flight no transfers);
(Hainan Island, Dalian Airport and some controlfor groups of 2 people or more who booked a trip through a travel agency cooperating with Chinese tour operators - 21 days,Dalian Airport: one passport photo, ticket to a third country (mandatory condition - departure from the same airport), payment of a visa fee - 14 US dollars
checkpoints for residents of territories adjacent to the border)Dalian Airport – 7 days (for transit purposes)
Comoros45 2 forms (filled out in Arabic, French or English), visa is issued at the immigration office
Kuwait30 an invitation from a private individual in Kuwait or an invitation from a tour operator, a return ticket, confirmation of financial means, payment of a visa fee of 20 US dollars (if the passport contains notes about entry into Israel, the visa will be denied)
Lebanon90 proof of hotel reservation or travel voucher; Tourists whose passports contain entry stamps into Israel will be denied
Madagascar30, 60, 90 daysreturn ticket, visa fee 80,000 MGA for 30 days, 100,000 MGA for 60 days and 140,000 MGA for 90 days (can be paid in US dollars and euros)
Malithe visa is issued for the duration of the planned stayoperates through Bamako airport and the border with Senegal; the traveler is given a special form, with which he will then need to contact the prefecture of one of the regional centers and register, after which a visa will be pasted into the passport
Nepal90 2 color photos 3x4 cm, completed application form, visa fee: 25 US dollars for 15 days, 40 US dollars for 30 days, 100 US dollars for 90 days
Palau30 return ticket or entry permit issued by the Palau Immigration Service, proof of funds at the rate of US$200 per person for 7 days (travelers' checks, cash, bank statements)
Paraguay90 out of 180return ticket, proof of financial means (they don’t always check at the border)
Pitcairn14 return ticket or statement of reservation of a seat on sea ​​vessel, confirmation of financial resources at the rate of 300 New Zealand dollars per person for 7 days, payment of a visa fee (30 New Zealand dollars)
Western Samoa60 return ticket
UAE30 only passport
St. Helena Island183 return ticket for a ship or confirmation of a seat reservation on a private ship, health insurance for the period of the planned stay, proof of financial means (card, cash), proof of hotel reservation or confirmation from an individual or organization of the obligation to accommodate the guest, application (completed in English)
Suriname60 permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Suriname, return ticket, application form (filled in Dutch or English), 1 color photo 3x4 cm, itinerary / invitation from a private person / proof of hotel reservation for a tourist visa, invitation from a business partner on letterhead with signature of the director of the company and a seal for a business visa, birth certificate and notarized consent of the second parent (also translated into English or Dutch) in case the child travels with one of them or with a third party (documents are sent to the Surinamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after which the applicant receives permission with whom he goes on a trip and receives a visa upon arrival)
Tanzaniatourist visa – 3 months, transit – 14 daysmigration card and application form filled out in English (available at the checkpoint), return ticket, proof of funds at the rate of 3 thousand Tanzanian shillings per person per day
Togo7 payment of 10 thousand African francs (about 20 US dollars)
Tonga31 return ticket or proof of further travel by sea, proof of availability of funds
Tuvalu30 proof of hotel reservation or travel voucher, return ticket, proof of funds at AUD 50 per person per day
Turkmenistan10 can be issued only at the Ashgabat airport, an official invitation from an organization or an individual, issued through the migration service of Turkmenistan, a boarding card worth 12 US dollars (to be filled out upon arrival at the airport)
Ugandasingle entry – 90, single entry – 180completed application form, payment of the visa fee (USD 50 - single entry, USD 200 - multiple entry)
Central African Republic7 return ticket, certificate of vaccination against yellow fever, payment of a visa fee in the amount of 30 thousand West African francs (if you have a visa permit from the migration service - 20 thousand African francs), if there is no return ticket, you need to pay a deposit of 15 thousand. African francs, which are returned before departure
Sri Lankatourist – 30 days, transit – 48 hoursmigration card, receipt of payment of the visa fee, return ticket, no visa fee is charged during transit
Eritrea (Asmara airport only)tourist – 30 days, transit – 7one color photo, return ticket, payment of a visa fee of 50 US dollars, a copy of the passport page with data, an invitation from the Eritrean side issued 48 hours before the trip
Ethiopia (only at Addis Ababa airport)30 application form (filled out in English), payment of a visa fee, return ticket or confirmation of sufficient financial resources

Agreement on local border traffic

There are countries with visa-free entry for Russian citizens who have a special permit for cross-border travel. This permit is issued to residents of border areas with Norway and Latvia.

StateNumber of days of permitted stayRequirements and documents
Norway (Sør-Varanger municipality)15 border resident certificate (only for residents living in a zone within a distance of no more than 30 km)
Poland (Warmian-Masurian and Pomeranian Voivodeships)30 permit for local border movement (only for residents of the Kaliningrad region)
Latvia (cities in the 30-kilometer border zone)90 out of 180 dayspermit for local border movement, foreign or internal passport

Obtaining a visa online

Many countries provide the opportunity. To do this, you need to visit the website of the migration service of the country where you are planning a trip and fill out an application form, to which you are often asked to attach a photo and a copy of the passport page with data.

After processing the data at the migration service, you need to obtain an electronic visa permit, which is printed and presented at the border.

StateNumber of days of permitted stayRequirements and documents
Bahrain14 filling out a form on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bahrain, paying a visa fee of 29 Bahraini dinars
India30 scan of a color photo from 10 to 100 kb (JPEG), scan of a page of a foreign passport with data from 10 to 100 kb (PDF), payment of a visa fee of 60 US dollars
Kenya90 scan of the passport page with data, photograph up to 500 kb in size, payment of visa fee: transit – 21 US dollars, tourist – 51 US dollars
Cyprus (Paphos and Larnaca airports only)90 out of 180 dayscompleted online application form
Mexico30 the permit obtained after filling out the online form must be presented at the border
Montserrat1 yeara printout of the visa form received after filling out the online form (to be presented at the border), a return ticket, confirmation of a hotel reservation or sufficient financial resources
Myanmar28 out of 90 daysonline application, color photo up to 2 MB
Rwanda30 proof of hotel reservation or invitation (PDF format), the response received after filling out the online form should be printed and provided to border guards upon arrival
Sao Tome and Principe30 a scan of the hotel reservation confirmation, a scan of the foreign passport page with data (PDF format, size – up to 1 MB); the response sent by mail must be printed and presented at the border
Singapore35 days out of a 5 week visa validity periodcolor photo on a white background in JPEG format up to 60 kb (400x514 pixels), confirmation of a hotel reservation, scan of a page of a foreign passport with data, round-trip tickets, invitation from a private individual or organization, medical insurance in the amount of 30,000 US dollars (the latter is not required, but it is a significant advantage)

Entry with visas from other countries

Some countries do not require a visa if you have a visa to another country. The period of stay in the country in this case may be limited to a certain number of days or correspond to the validity period of the visa on the basis of which entry is permitted.

StateNumber of days of permitted stayRequirements and documents
Albania90 out of 180 daysUS visa, UK visa and Northern Ireland or Schengen visa. The visa must be multiple-entry; in addition, it requires at least one entry for the intended purpose.
Anguillavalidity period of the existing visa
Bermuda90 multiple entry UK, US or Canadian visa
Bulgariavisa validity perioddouble or multiple entry Schengen visa or multiple entry visa of Croatia, Cyprus, Romania
O. Bonaire, Sint Eustatitus and Saba30 days in case of entry with a visa or 90 days in case of stay with a residence permitvisa or residence permit to the Schengen countries, USA or Canada
Gibraltar21 days if you have a Schengen visa or the period corresponding to a visa to the United Kingdommultiple entry Schengen visa or UK visa
Irelandvisa validity periodvisa to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
O. Curacao30 multiple-entry Schengen visa category C or long-term visa category D
Mariana Islandsvisa validity periodUS visa, round-trip tickets, immigration cards on forms I-94 and I-736 completed in English (issued on the plane)
Marshall Islandsentire period of visa validityUS visa
O. Norfolkentire period of visa validityAustralian multiple entry visa or New Zealand visa if entry is from New Zealand
Reunionentire period of visa validityFrench Schengen visa marked ALSO VALID FOR REUNION
Romaniavalidity period of a cash visadouble or multiple entry Schengen visa or visa to Bulgaria, Croatia or Cyprus
Sint Maarten30 multiple entry Schengen visa category C or D
French Guianaperiod of validity of a cash visaFrench Schengen visa marked ALSO VALID FOR FRENCH GUIANA
Croatiathe entire period of validity of the existing visadouble or multiple entry visa for Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania

Visa countries for Russians

Despite the fact that Russian citizens are given many opportunities to visit many countries, some states require a visa before traveling. depend not only on the country, but also on the purpose of entry.

Depending on the purpose of your visit, you can apply for different visas, the validity periods of which differ depending on their categories. Therefore, it is better to find out about the validity period of visas before preparing documents - directly at the consulate or immigration service of the state you are interested in.

  • Iceland,
  • Lithuania,
  • Finland,
  • Netherlands,
  • Portugal,
  • Liechtenstein,
  • Estonia,
  • Slovenia,
  • Sweden,
  • Slovakia,
  • Switzerland.
  • Visa-free countries in Europe - Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey - do not require a Schengen visa, since they are not members of the Schengen Agreement.

    For those who are interested in learning more about the possibilities of traveling with a Schengen visa, we recommend.


    Russians have the opportunity to travel to many countries without a visa. But many states require proof at the border that the guest intends to return to his home country or, if transiting, to travel further. For this purpose, they often request a ticket in the opposite direction or to a third country.

    Also confirmation that you do not intend to stay in the country longer than allowed is proof of a hotel reservation indicating the dates of entry and exit. In addition to these documents, immigration officials may ask you to provide proof of sufficient funds to stay in the country.

    In addition to meeting these requirements, some countries can only be visited by first applying for a visa online or obtaining a special entry permit through immigration authorities.

    Russians have the opportunity to travel to some countries with visas from other states, as well as with permits for local border movement.

    Where to go on vacation. New visa-free countries for Russians: Video

    • When to fly: any winter month.
    • Ticket price from Moscow for one in both directions: from 35,000, in New Year- from 80,000 rub.
    • from 1199 RUR/night for two.
    • You can vacation without a visa: up to 30 days.

    Ao Nang Beach, Krabi Province

    Thailand is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about where to holiday abroad in the winter. Winter is the height of the season: no rain, the sun is shining, +30 in the air, and +28–29 in the water. Mango and papaya are singing. Nightclubs on Bangla Road are in full swing. Along with good weather, tourists fly to Thailand - prices for flights and accommodation become more expensive.

    New Year in Thailand is a holiday exclusively for tourists. With fireworks, a Christmas tree and festivities. Locals celebrate Chinese and Thai New Year on a larger scale.

    Phuket is an excellent choice if you want to scuba dive, lie comfortably on the beach, and have a blast at crazy parties in the evening. There are excellent conditions for diving and snorkeling, full of beach cafes, massage parlors and hangouts for every taste. For family tourists There will also be plenty to do with children: the island has aquarium (about 3-5 $), amusement park FantaSea with theatrical elephant show (about $55), water park Splash Jungle ($18-30). Stay in Nai Harn or Karon - these are the most calm and cozy areas.

    What to do in winter in Phuket

    • Swim, sunbathe or snorkel on the tranquil coastlineNai Harn or (entrance to the beaches is free) and feel like a hero from the movie “The Beach”.
    • Look at the temple and take the obligatory photo from the observation deck Big Buddha View Point (all locations are free).
    • Take a walk in the evening along the party street Bangla Road and go to a ladyboy show Simon Cabaret (~ 18-30 $ / 1220-2035 rub.).
    • Rent a motorbike (~ $6-10 / 405-675 rubles) and drive around the entire island, counting Buddha statues along the way.
    • Order a real Thai massage session in a street salon (from $9 / 610 rubles per hour).
    • Watch the sunset in the south of the island at the most beautiful observation deck Promthep Cape (Prom Thep Cape).
    • Become a fruitarian for a week and try all possible exotics - jackfruit, mango, rambutan and durian - for the price of a kilogram of potatoes in Russia.

    Vietnam, Nha Trang

    • When to fly: February.
    • Ticket price from Moscow in both directions for one: from 56,000 rubles.
    • from 1299 RUR/night for two.
    • You can vacation without a visa: 15 days.

    Ha Long Bay

    A hospitable country with tropical nature, delicious food, cheap diving and surfing. Compared to Thailand, there are more cool climate, there are fewer tourists on the beaches, the resorts are quieter. Vietnam is good for independent travel together, family or company. Therefore, choose a hotel that is cheaper, but with a convenient location - you won’t want to sit by the pool.

    On New Year's Day, all festive events are held for tourists in hotels. Maximum - banquet and countdown to midnight. Fireworks are rare in the country.

    Nha Trang is the most developed, interesting and fairly budget resort in Vietnam. Winter is the low season and good beach weather starts towards February. In December-January it is still cool and windy, but tickets are the cheapest. Don’t be afraid of bad weather: even in the off-season you can sunbathe (+25-28 in the air), in February you can swim (in the water it’s already +24-26), and on cloudy days you can go on excursions. It rains at least three to four times a month, but more often at night.

    What to do in winter in Nha Trang

    • Spend the whole day lying on the white sand of Paradise Beach.
    • Go on an excursion to Da Lat, see Cao Dai Temple and Linh Phuoc (entrance to the temples is free), Ba Ho Waterfall and Yang Bay Park.
    • Visit rice and coffee plantations, see how Luwak and Kuli coffee are made.
    • Try Vietnamese cuisine: Pho soup (~ 1-3 $ / 70-204 rub.), marinated pork Bun Cha (~ 1.5-2 $ / 100-140 rub.), street spring rolls and egg coffee with condensed milk ( ~ 0.5-2 $ / 34-140 rub.);
    • Travel with children to Winpearl Island (~ 28-38 $ / 1900-2580 rubles) and have a blast yourself, riding on slides, electric sleds and carousels in the water park. You can get to the park by cable car(~ 0.3 $ / 20 rubles) or by ferry.

    Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

    • When to fly: December-early January.
    • Ticket price from Moscow in both directions for one: for the New Year - from 120,000 rubles. In January, February - from 70,000 rubles.
    • from 1099 RUR/night for two.

    View of Rio de Janeiro

    The famous Copacabana beach, carnival, legendary football - all this is Brazil. Winter is the ideal time to travel to Rio. You can sunbathe, swim, look at famous statue Christ and Sugarloaf Mountain. The air temperature throughout almost the entire country is +28–29, the same in the water.

    New Year's Eve in Rio is big: all residents dress in white, come to the Copacabana coast, throw flowers into the ocean and watch fireworks. You will celebrate the holiday without chimes and Olivier, but right on the beach and to the sound of the waves.

    Holidays in Rio de Janeiro in winter are a dream come true: ocean, tropical nature, authentic culture and countless attractions. The only negative is the peak season, hence the high cost of the flight. You can fly here alone, as a couple, or in a group. But it’s not worth it with small children: the flight lasts from 17 hours, plus acclimatization and jet lag - it will be difficult for the little ones.

    Ipanema Beach

    What to do in winter in Rio

    • Dance in New Year's Eve to the rhythms of salsa on Copacabana beach.
    • Take a ride on a mini-train to see with your own eyes the famous statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado (from $48 / RUB 3,255 roundtrip from the station on Rua Cosme Velho).
    • Walk through the largest "inner city" rainforest in the world - Tijuca forest (admission is free).
    • Jump in the ocean waves at Ipanema Beach (free entry).
    • Take a tour (from $10) or at least look at the famousMaracanã Stadium , where the World Championships were held twice (1950 and 2014) and the 2016 Olympics opened.
    • See the world's largest floating Christmas tree, 85 meters high, in Laguna Rodrigo de Freitas.
    • Choose what tastes better: Brazilian coffee from the oldest confectionery Confeitaria Colombo or a glass of Brahma from the brewery"Lapa".

    Azerbaijan, Baku

    • When to fly: New Year's Eve.
    • Ticket price in both directions for one: from 17,000 rubles.
    • from 949 rub./night for two.
    • You can vacation without a visa: up to 90 days.

    Flame towers in Baku

    If you don’t want to spend a lot on a flight, but want to get away from the desk and TV, go to Baku. There is a lot to see in the city: ancient fortresses and palaces, the Flame Towers skyscraper, the Caspian Sea and the snow-capped Caucasus. There are rarely frosts in the capital of Azerbaijan; the temperature on the coast is around +10, but it can be rainy.

    In Azerbaijan, as in Russia, the New Year is celebrated on a grand scale. Restaurants offer a special New Year's program with a Caucasian flavor, and reservations must be made early.

    The capital of Azerbaijan is an excellent choice for family vacation. On holidays it is interesting to walk around the center of Baku. The city is decorated with colorful garlands and installations, the main Christmas tree is being erected in the National Seaside Park, and there will also be fireworks at night.

    When walking around the city, dress warmly and often go to a cafe to warm up. There are many authentic tea houses serving nut jam, restaurants with national dishes- kutabs, dolma with lamb and cognac (only if you are very cold).

    Heydar Aliyev Center, Baku

    What to do in Baku in winter

    • Walk through the fabulous town of “Little Venice” in the seaside park and ride a gondola there (free admission, gondola ~ 3.5-5 AZN / 140-200 rubles per person).
    • Take a photo atFountain Square with the Azerbaijani Father Frost Shakhta Baba and his Snow Maiden Karkyz.
    • Take a walk through Old Baku and remember scenes from the film “The Diamond Arm”;
    • Try traditional Azerbaijani pilaf with lamb, pumpkin, nuts, which is always prepared on New Year’s Eve (for example, in a restaurant"Nargiz" , ~ 8.5 AZN / 340 rub. portion).
    • Leave the city for more than a couple of days to experience a special spa procedure - treatment with special oil at the resort Naftalan (from 157 AZN / 6250 rubles per night for two).

    In order not to miss the best places in the capital, read ours.

    Indonesia, Bali

    • Ticket price per person from Moscow in both directions: on New Year from 80,000 rubles, in January-February - from 55,000 rubles.
    • from 899 RUR/night for two.
    • You can vacation without a visa: up to 30 days.

    Balangan Beach, Kuta

    In terms of natural beauty and level of comfort, nothing compares to a holiday on the islands of Indonesia. The easiest (and cheaper!) way to get to Bali is by direct flight: you can fly directly to Denpasar (the capital of the island). Here developed infrastructure, great hotels and great beaches. If you are flying with children, choose the resort of Sanur, you want something noisy nightlife- the city of Kuta or Seminyak, if you love peace and quiet - the Canggu region.

    If you are going to celebrate the New Year in Indonesia, don’t be surprised that the locals won’t even remember about the holiday. The night from December 31 to January 1 is celebrated exclusively for tourists in hotels and noisy areas, while the Balinese themselves celebrate their New Year Nyeppi in the spring.

    Winter is considered the low season in Bali, but Russian tourists really like to come here at this time. Rains occur, but, as a rule, in the mornings or at night they do not interfere with beach holidays. But if you plan to scuba dive, keep in mind: visibility in the water may be worse than in clear weather. Choose calm beaches for relaxation Nusa Dua, Seminyak, Sanur - there is usually less rainfall and calm water.

    Tegallalang Rice Terraces

    What to do in winter in Bali

    • Visit a popular beach Jimbaran , in the mecca for surfers Canggu , deserted and quiet Nikko Beach and Balangan with constant waves to create your own top of the best.
    • See the real ones tropical forests, ancient temples and powerful volcanoes Kintamani, Gunung Batur.
    • Spend the whole day at the water park Waterboom (from 22 $ / 1490 rubles per person) and get a powerful adrenaline rush from an almost vertical fall on the CLIMAX slide.
    • Go on an excursion to Ubud (on average ~ $30 / 2035 rubles per person): visit the monkey forest, see Hanging Gardens and find that same old Balinese healer from the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.”
    • Take a surfing course (from $30/2035 rubles per lesson) and catch a wave in Kuta or Uluwatu;
    • Buy branded items at a price three times lower than in Moscow in Kuta shopping centers (for example, in Beachwalk Shopping Center).
    • Try Balinese seafood skewers and gorge yourself on fruit.

    Russia: Crimea (Yalta) or Krasnodar region (Gelendzhik)

    • When to fly: New Year.
    • Ticket price per one from Moscow in both directions: to Simferopol - from 14,000 rubles. To Krasnodar (there are no flights to Gelendzhik in winter) - from 10,000 rubles.
    • Hotels in from 1099 RUR/night for two and from 1199 RUR/night for two.
    • You can vacation without a visa as long as you want.

    In Yalta or Gelendzhik, even in winter there is a resort atmosphere. Of course, you won’t be able to swim and sunbathe on the beach. But you will breathe in the fresh sea air, buy honey and churchkhela, walk along mountain paths and pine forests, feed the seagulls and local cats. From December to February, these regions have humid, cloudy weather, but there are sunny days and +15. You won’t see snow: only on the tops of the mountains, and even then not always.

    Celebrating the New Year is the same as everywhere else in Russia: people walk the streets, buy cheap trinkets at Christmas markets, go to cafes and shopping centers. Only the main tree stands on the square near the sea, where mass celebrations and the countdown to the New Year usually take place.

    Fly alone, as a couple, with children. For entertainment, you can take a boat ride, go on an excursion to the mountains, go to the zoo, or have a beach picnic.

    What to do at sea in winter

    • Sitting on the beach with a thermos of hot tea, watching the sunset and listening to the seagulls.
    • Rent equipment and try your hand at windsurfing or kite surfing - windy weather makes for cool fun.
    • Go to Safari Park (from 1500 rub.) in Gelendzhik or Yalta Zoo (from 250 rubles) and feed all the animals with crackers (we didn’t advise you to do this).
    • Get out for the whole day from Gelendzhik to Abrau-Durso to taste champagne (900 rubles per person), and then admire the magnificent views of the lake.
    • Take a walk along the resort alleys, parks, sanatoriums and be amazed at the silence around.
    • Take a ride on a pleasure boat (~ 400 rubles per person), taking with you bread for the seagulls - they will catch food right on the fly.
    • Celebrate New Year's Eve on the main square near the Christmas tree, drink champagne and dance on the beach until the morning.

    South Korea, Seoul

    • When to fly: any winter month.
    • Ticket price per one from Moscow in both directions: on New Year - from 50,000 rubles, in January-February - from 35,000 rubles.
    • from 1199 RUR/night for two.
    • You can vacation without a visa: up to 60 days.

    A country of tall skyscrapers, modern technology and the cult of anime. In winter, the South Korean Alps are covered with snow caps, national parks become even more beautiful, works great ski resort, built for the 2018 Olympics. Korea has the most real winter, with snow and average temperature from +5 to -5.

    On the night of December 31 to January 1, no special festivities are expected in Seoul: Koreans celebrate their Seollal New Year at the end of winter or beginning of spring. Best option celebration - book a table in a restaurant, then walk around the city or look for continuation in one of the nightclubs, always with karaoke.

    In one trip you can visit several cities. Stay in Seoul and travel from there. From the capital to the farthest city of Busan, it is only a four-hour bus ride. Come here alone, with a group or with your family - the country has entertainment for everyone. Seoul - interesting city for walks. Ancient palaces of the rulers of Korea, antique shops, art galleries, thousands of cosmetic stores and nightclubs. In Busan great beaches, in Jeju there are romantic views, and in Yeonpyeong and Hyundai Seonggu there are ski activities. choigozip Hongdae ,~ 6-20 $ / 410-1360 rub. for dinner), where the food is prepared right in front of you, try traditional Korean alcohol - soju.

  • Ice skating with your kids at a Seoul indoor amusement park"Lotte World" "(~ 14-55 $ / 950-3730 rubles) and get caught in artificial snowfall.
  • Buy at shopping district Myeongdong Korean masks and patches for yourself, girlfriends and all relatives with a supply for the next five years.
  • Belarus, Minsk and Belovezhskaya Pushcha

    • When to fly: New Year's Eve.
    • Ticket price per person from Moscow in both directions: from 10,000 rubles.
    • Hotels in from 2199 RUR/night for two
    • You can vacation without a visa: 90 days with an internal passport.

    You'll be surprised how interesting it can be neighboring country winter: snowy fairytale castles, Belovezhskaya Pushcha with the next residence of Father Frost, ski resorts. The climate of Belarus is similar to Russia, but winters are milder, without strong winds and frosts. This is an ideal option for a holiday trip with children.

    Will you celebrate the New Year in Belovezhskaya Pushcha- you will feel like the hero of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”: there is silence and a dense snow-covered forest all around. To keep you from getting bored, the hotel staff will night disco, a banquet, a meeting with the real Santa Claus and fairy-tale characters.

    Stay in Minsk and go on excursions from there. In Belovezhskaya Pushcha a whole entertainment complex: fabulous forests with snow-covered edges and thousand-year-old oaks, the hut of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the Museum of Nature with bison and other wild animals. You can stay directly in a hotel on site reserve - There are hotels of different levels of comfort here. Prices for two people for accommodation with breakfast in December - from 108 BYN / 3385 rubles. per night. Book your hotel in advance, there is a rush here in winter. If you vacation from December 28 to January 14, you can buy a tour package that includes food and accommodation along with New Year's entertainment..

  • Take a minibus (from Central Station~ 6.5 BYN / 205 rubles) for an excursion to Nesvizh (~ 6.5-13 BYN / 205-410 rubles entrance) and admire ancient castles, which look even more majestic in winter;
  • Ride a sleigh through the fairytale forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and take photos in Estate with Father Frost and Snow Maiden (entrance to the hut ~ 6.5-9 BYN / 205-285 rubles).
  • Find Nastenka from the fairy tale “12 Months” in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, warm up with her by the fire and dance around the tallest spruce tree in Europe.
  • Celebrating the New Year is a repetitive activity, and why not celebrate it in a new way every time. Last year you stayed at the festive table at home, but this year you will celebrate the first of January on the beach hugging a Balinese palm tree, or devouring Azerbaijani kutabs, or raising a glass of Korean alcohol. Just plan as early as possible. If you want to celebrate at home, that's fine too. From mid-January there is a lull and you can go on vacation quite inexpensively. Dream. Book. Rest. (And don't freeze!).

    Vacations abroad are closer and easier than you think. For many countries, you don’t even need a visa - they will be happy to see you with a simple passport. Therefore, we regularly update the list of visa-free countries for Russians.

    Countries that don't even require a passport:


    The maximum period of stay in these countries without a passport and visa is different. In most cases this is from 30 to 90 days.

    When I found out that you can see half the world without a visa!

    Visa-free countries 2019

    Azerbaijan(entry with international passport)
    Antigua and Barbuda(1 month)
    Argentina(90 days)
    Albania(usually the summer visa-free period from May 15 to November 1)
    Bahamas(90 days)
    Barbados(28 days)
    Bosnia and Herzegovina(30 days)
    Botswana(90 days)
    Brazil(90 days)

    Yes, you! Pack your things and quickly come to me for 90 days!

    Venezuela(90 days in half a year)
    Vanuatu(30 days)
    Vietnam(15 days), at least 30 days must have passed from the previous entry into the country
    Haiti(3 months)
    Guyana(90 days)
    Gambia(56 days)
    Guatemala(90 days)
    Honduras(90 days)
    Hong Kong(14 days)
    Grenada(90 days)
    Georgia (90 days + can be extended at the place of stay)
    Guam(up to 45 days)
    Dominica(21 days)
    Dominican Republic(30 days)
    Israel(90 days)

    What is there to think about, we have to fly!

    Indonesia(30 days)
    Colombia(90 days)
    Costa Rica(30 days)
    Cuba(30 days)
    Laos(15 days)
    Mauritius(up to 60 days)
    Macau(30 days)
    Malaysia(30 days)
    Maldives(30 days)
    Morocco(3 months)
    Micronesia(30 days if return tickets are available)
    Moldova(entry with international passport)
    Mongolia(30 days, no more than 90 in total in each 180-day period)

    To Mongolia for 30 days - either a vacation or a punishment

    Namibia(3 months)
    Nauru(14 days)
    Nicaragua(90 days)
    Niue(30 days)
    Cook Islands(31 days)
    Panama(90 days)
    Paraguay(90 days)
    Peru(90 days)
    Salvador(up to 90 days)
    Seychelles(30 days)
    Swaziland(1 month)
    Northern Mariana Islands(45 days if return tickets are available)
    Saint Kitts and Nevis(up to 3 months)
    Northern Cyprus(entry through Cyprus, visa for 90 days, can be placed on a separate insert)

    Where is St. Kitts anyway?

    Saint Lucia(up to 6 weeks)
    Serbia(30 days)
    Tajikistan(entry with international passport)
    Thailand(30 days)
    Trinidad and Tobago(90 days)
    Tunisia(up to 3 months)
    Türkiye(60 days)
    Uzbekistan(entry with international passport)
    Ukraine(90 days within 180, entry with a foreign passport, biometric control)
    Uruguay(up to 90 days within six months)
    Fiji(4 months)
    Philippines(30 days)
    Montenegro(90 days)
    Chile(up to 90 days)
    Ecuador(90 days)
    South Korea(60 days)
    South Africa(90 days)
    Jamaica(30 days)

    I allow you to live without a visa!

    Visa at the border

    Bangladesh(15 days)
    Bahrain(14 days)
    Belize(up to 30 days)
    Bolivia(up to 30 days)
    Burundi(30 days with special permission from the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
    East Timor(only in international airport And seaport Dili, up to 30 days) (up to 3 months, subject to visa permission from the Immigration Department)
    Ghana(up to 90 days, subject to visa permission)
    Guinea-Bissau(90 days)
    Djibouti(1 month)
    Egypt(30 days, free “Sinai stamp” - 15 days)
    Zambia(90 days tourist visa, 30 days business visa)
    Zimbabwe(90 days tourist visa, 30 days business visa, 3 days transit visa)
    Jordan(30 days)
    Iraq(14 days, applies only to Kurdistan Region, requires visa permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kurdistan Region)
    Iran(30 days)
    Cape Verde(30 days)
    Cambodia(1 month)
    Kenya(3 months with eVisa)
    China(only Hainan Island - up to 15 days, Dalian airport - transit 7 days, a number of ground checkpoints for residents of border areas)
    Comoros(2 weeks)
    Kuwait(1 month under certain conditions)
    Lebanon(under certain conditions; 3 months)
    Madagascar(90 days)

    Myanmar(if you have an eVisa, up to 28 days)

    Nepal (90 days)

    UAE (visa is issued for 30 days at the airport)

    Palau(30 days)

    Paraguay(up to 90 days)
    Pitcairn(up to 14 days; under certain conditions)
    Samoa Western(60 days)
    Sao Tome and Principe(if you have a visa issued online)
    Saint Helena Island(up to 183 days, does not apply to Ascension Island and the Tristan da Cunha archipelago)
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(up to 30 days)
    Syria(up to 15 days; under certain conditions)
    Tanzania(90 days - tourist visa, 2 weeks - transit)
    Togo(7 days)
    Tonga(31 days)
    Tuvalu(1 month)
    Turkmenistan(invitation required, 10 days)
    Uganda(90 days)
    Central African Republic(7 days)
    Sri Lanka(transit - up to 48 hours, tourist - up to 30 days)
    Ethiopia(1 month, only at the airport)

    Easy to get a visa in 2019

    Australia(online visa application)
    Bahrain(online visa application)
    Gabon(online visa application)
    Cyprus(minimum documents at the consulate, or visa online)
    Mexico(it is possible to obtain a visa online)
    Montserrat(visa is issued online)
    Myanmar(visa is issued online)
    Rwanda(visa is issued online)
    India(visa permit is issued online, visa is issued at the border. Does not work for all regions of India)
    Cyprus(at the border, if you have a proVisa issued online)
    Oman(at the border with permission from the country's immigration department)
    Singapore(visa is issued online)
    Suriname(2 months; subject to permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Suriname)
    Eritrea(1 month if there is a visa permit issued by the receiving party at the Immigration Service)

    Eritrea? Isn't this a disease?

    Where can you go with a visa from other countries?

    Albania(if you have a multiple Schengen visa, USA, UK)
    Bulgaria(if you have a double or multiple entry visa for Romania, Cyprus, Croatia and national visas and residence permits and Schengen)
    Ireland(with UK visa)
    Zimbabwe(30 days if you have the same KAZA visa with Zambia)
    Oman(with UAE visa)
    Romania(if you have a double or multiple entry visa for Schengen, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia (national visas)
    French Guiana(Schengen with a note about the possibility of entering French Guiana)
    Croatia(if you have a double or multiple entry visa for Schengen, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania)

    Visa-free transit

    You can stay in these countries without a visa for several days if you have transit tickets. Enough to see a couple of sights, buy souvenirs and try local delicacies.

    United Kingdom(24 hours)
    New Zealand(If final destination- Australia) (24 hours)
    Romania(24 hours)
    Bulgaria(36 hours)
    China: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing (72 hours)
    Singapore(96 hours)

    More than 100 countries around the world are waiting for you, and for this we offer the most profitable trips to the most beautiful places. Traveling has never been easier!


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