Belovezhskaya Pushcha drawings. The estate of Father Frost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha: is it worth it?! Walking tour of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Or how we met Santa Claus in the primeval forests of the Motherland

Chapter 1. Flora and fauna of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Terrible secrets primeval forest.

The bison is a large, shaggy-haired cow. This cow weighs approximately 600-800 kg. But this particular bull in the photo weighed 1200 kg. This is one of the first 5 bison that were brought to the Pushcha from Poland after the Great Patriotic War. It successfully reproduced there. And now we have 312 bison in Belarus. And if they multiply any more, they will devour the Pushcha. Therefore, they are now being actively exported to other friendly countries....5 zubriks will soon leave for Moldova.

But there are no bears in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Back in the day, when there were few bison and they were on the verge of extinction, vile bears drove them onto the ice of the lake in winter and the bison, like large cows on ice, simply crashed. Significantly superior in strength to bison, bears killed them with one blow to the back. Therefore, hunting bears in the Pushcha has always been permitted, and at present there are only two bears left there - Misha and Masha, who were sleeping peacefully in the enclosures while we were looking at them.

When does a deer grow antlers?

No, that's wrong. A deer grows antlers in its second year of life. And they don’t grow straight away into bones, but into fluffy ones. Such super cool velor horns. And every year a horn grows on them. That is, the age of a deer or elk = the number of antler shoots + 1. However, there are exceptions to the rule. Starting from a certain period of aging (for each individual), the number of processes decreases in reverse direction. So an old moose is a bald moose.

Females do not grow horns. They get much more. I was “placed” by the antlers in this angle to take pictures with the deer.

Well, let's move on to storks. It turns out that storks are not swans at all. T But a stork man doesn’t care at all who he lives with. Returning from the south to his nest, a male stork may meet there a completely different female stork, and not his wife. However, a scandal cannot be avoided. The missus arrives later (well, she was delayed..) and what she sees is treason and betrayal. The male stork leaves the nest and gives the ladies the opportunity to find out for themselves this piquant question - who will live with him... It all ends sadly - one of the storks is forced to leave the nest and her stork. It's good if there are no casualties. And the stork takes it for granted.

Women storks are generally cruel birds...U Nothing will work out between a white stork and a black one, because the white lady simply doesn’t understand what the black one wants from her? That is, love, courtship and all that stuff for God’s sake, but they don’t know how to make children. Learn the materiel, as they say.

Beavers. Beavers are kind, as you know. But in the advertisement we are shown a seemingly terminally ill beaver at the end of his days. In life, beavers have yellow, even yellow-brown teeth, and the darker they are, the stronger and more valuable they are for the beaver. but when white spots appear on them, this is a dental disease, which is naturally extremely undesirable for a beaver.

Wolves are not uncommon in Pushcha. A wolf differs from a dog fundamentally in that its tail is always tucked between its legs and never curled.

There are no less interesting birds in Belovezhskaya Pushcha - black grouse and wood grouse. I think many people know why is a capercaillie called a capercaillie - he is completely deaf when he sings his mating songs, and it’s not for nothing that he is deaf - he sings disgustingly. That is, it’s good for him, but for everyone else... And when he sings like this, you can remove him from the tree with your bare hands, which hunters have always used. So about the morals of these birds. They can mate with each other, although the birds are completely different. And their offspring are called the unflattering word mezhnyak. And this mezhnyak is barren in pursuit of multi-colored storks.

Foxes are the most arrogant and dirty animals, among the inhabitants of the forest. Literally. They never clean their holes and, excuse me, poop where they eat. Unlike badgers. Those cleanest animals, and often they clean up after the foxes their own holes that the foxes have occupied.

The raccoon dog is our Belarusian opossum. Just a little bit - she immediately pretends to be dead, and if you kick her, so to speak... to check her deadness... she jumps up and runs away with a wild squeal...

Lynxes have wide paws so they can run through the snow without falling through, and a small heart so they don’t have to run after their prey for a long time. Either right away or never is their motto. If it was not possible to grab it right away, then the lynx may simply die while catching up with it, which it certainly does not want, and the prey is released on its own.

Among the nocturnal inhabitants there are, of course, bats of all different varieties.... As you know, bats navigate using ultrasound. This was established through animal cruelty- first they were blindfolded... and they all oriented themselves perfectly... Then they bandaged their nose... and at least they had something... And then they got to their ears... I can’t guarantee the purity of this experiment... still according to I’m telling you from memory... but nevertheless, as a result, they found out that they are guided by ultrasound... Everyone also probably knows that our cauldrons often get tangled in their hair... And all because hair does not reflect ultrasound... And then scientists found out that white color also does not reflect ultrasound. And I somehow felt creepy in this museum. Blondes should not go into caves with mice. Especially for blondes :)

All kinds of reptiles, insects and plants simply flood the Pushcha. You still can’t tell about them all... but I must say they are impressive....

Chapter 2. Belarusian Santa Claus.

So, let's move on to the second part of our journey - meeting with Santa Claus.

This is the official residence of Father Frost. There are four of them officially registered on earth, so to speak - Santa Claus lives in Lapland; in Alaska we must assume the same; Russian Father Frost lives in Veliky Ustyug; and ours is in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Also Santa Claus. Well, it’s clear that grandpa alone can’t cope. There are four of them... but it doesn’t matter :)

Electrical elements of the Residence

That's what he is!!! Summer! Talked to us. I wished you all the best and fulfillment of all your desires. The children gave him their letters directly into his hands! Overall it was actually pretty cool. Actually for real. And then we went for a walk around his property. The real world of a fairy tale. It was truly magical to meet the REAL SANTA CLAUS!

Vitalik was lucky - he found his frog princess. And an amazing tree is black alder. This is the only tree that sheds green leaves in the fall!

And also on the way

A mill that you had to touch and it would grind all the bad deeds done during the year, and the gnomes would then take them far into the forest. And if you then behave well, then this evil will never return to you. Teremki, Dwarfs and Snow White and other fairy tale heroes - there were a lot of them! The pond where the frog princess lives. Magic well. And then we came across a clearing of twelve months. You had to touch your month and make a wish - it would definitely come true.

Fraternization with dwarves. High five!

Emelina pike

Ilya made a wish at the snowball. It will definitely come true

The Little Humpbacked Horse

These gnomes love mushrooms...

Minor saxophonist

Magic pond where the Frog Princess lives

Around the Christmas tree... gnomes are also no strangers to progress

Buratino of course on Tortilla

New fairy tales. Ilya and the wolf. Fury is wooden and in the flesh

New fairy tales. Masha, Sasha and the bear

Golden comb cockerel

Just a gnome

Good old tales - Anfisa

February is the second brother month. You had to touch your month and make a wish

The Frog Princess in person. Men kiss her to find their other half

Here she is! Beautiful mega-tree of the country! Only in summer. Round dances are held around it in winter and the most famous song about New Year and a Christmas tree for hundreds of children. Song - “A Christmas tree was born in the forest!” By the way, in 2006 I turned 101 years old. And the words were written to her by an unknown school librarian from some village... I don’t remember anymore. And the music was composed much later.

She is very tall, and most importantly....real....and could wring your neck to see the top. 40 meters. Attention - THE HIGHEST LIVING EUROPEAN TREE. She is 120 years old!!! There was also something to see around the tree.

There is also “Skarbnitsa” is a repository of gifts, as well as letters, drawings, photographs and crafts sent by children to Santa Claus. And this is us sitting in the chair of Santa Claus while grandfather is away. This office also houses the Santa Claus Museum, which contains antiques.

A very beautiful flower bed near Skarbnitsa

There is a museum of antiquities in Grandfather's office. Stupa for your attention!

In Grandfather's chair. And around - all the children's gifts to Santa Claus

There was also the Snow Maiden's house there. Only the Snow Maiden does not live there. And she was not there. She only comes in winter. But we found out who her father is))))).... The snowman is her father. Mom unknown

Chapter 3. Live wild animals.

And then we went to the enclosures to look at the same wild animals that we were told about in the museum. It turned out that they are not wild at all. The bison were really far away, the bears were sleeping, and some of them didn’t come out of their holes either. But many did not refuse to eat.

Warned - wild animals! Let's go to the enclosures.

Animals reproduce well in the Pushcha. Young shoots

Bison are the kings of the forest. Waiting to be sent to Moldova

A four-year-old deer snatched a carrot from my hands

No one refused to eat. The moose ate some bread

We had a great trip and had a great time. There is amazing nature there. The air is clean there. I saw the real Santa Claus. I made wishes and I already want to go there in winter - for the New Year.

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The Belovezhskaya Pushcha Nature Reserve is the main natural attraction of Belarus, home to rare animals, bison. What to see in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, how to get there from Minsk, prices for excursions, food and hotels in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Reviews about the holiday with photos.

Now I am in my homeland, so on weekends I visit the sights of Belarus, which I will be happy to write about on my blog. I'll start with a story about Belovezhskaya Pushcha. “Pesnyary” also sang about her.

The Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park is a biosphere reserve, part of which is located in the west of Belarus, the other part in Poland.

It consists of 500 thousand square meters of forest, the average age of trees in which is 100 years. There are oak trees on the territory of the Pushcha that live there for 500-600 years.

This is one of the oldest nature reserves in the world, which was founded more than 600 years ago. Since 1992 national park was included in the fund world heritage UNESCO. This is one of the main attractions of Belarus. Holidays in Belovezhskaya Pushcha are popular among animal lovers and ecotourism.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha occupies a huge territory. You can only move around the reserve on foot, by bicycle or by excursion bus. We leave our car in the parking lot.

In essence, the Pushcha is a large forest, where there are several lakes, a small zoo and some entertainment. The main objects that are usually seen in the Pushcha are: enclosures with animals (bison, horses, wild boars), the Estate of the Belarusian Father Frost (open all year round, not just in winter), and the Local History Museum of Nature.

Cash desk opening hours: 9.00 – 18.00

Bicycle rental opening hours: 9.00 – 18.00

Opening hours of the Museum of Nature: 9.00 - 18.00

Opening hours of the Residence of Father Frost: 9.00 - 18.00

Bus departure times from the entrance to the Pushcha to the Estate of Father Frost: 11:00; 13:30; 16:00 daily (if there is a group of at least 10 people)

Hotels in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Renovated building of the Kamenyuki Hotel and restaurant

There is one in Belovezhskaya Pushcha hotel "Kamenyuki". One building is located on the territory of the reserve, the other is in the neighboring village of Kamenyuki, 900 meters from the main entrance to the Pushcha.

Prices in the village are lower than in the forest itself. Link to Kamenyuki No. 2 in the village (rooms from 17$ )

The Kamenyuki Hotel is now listed on Now booking rooms in Belovezhskaya Pushcha has become much easier (previously you had to call a landline phone on weekdays, but now you can rent a room on the Internet)

Houses in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

If you don’t want to live in a hotel, then in the village of Kamenyuki you can rent a room in a house, a cottage, or stay in an agricultural estate.

If you come by car, it makes sense to live not near Pushcha, but to rent an apartment in Brest, Kobrin or any other city nearby - it will be several times cheaper than living in Belovezhskaya Pushcha or Kamenyuki.

Apartments and houses in Belarus can be rented using the following links:

  • Apartments for a day in Brest - from $19 per apartment

Farmsteads and houses in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Belovezhskoye Estate, from $25

Price - 25$ for a room with a shared bathroom, 45$ per room with private bath

You can rent a separate 19th century house entirely for 50-60$

The estate in the village of Kamenyuki is decorated in a traditional style. There is free wifi and free parking, garden, barbecue area and terrace. It's a 20-25 minute walk to the forest.

House 10 km from the forest, from $75

Price for a one bedroom house - 75$
4 bedroom house - from 100$

The price depends on the number of guests and the size of the cottage.

Complex of cottages. There are 1 bedroom, 4 bedroom and 5 bedroom houses. All houses have a fireplace, private bath, terrace, barbecue, free wifi and parking.

Suitable for those with a car. The estate is located 10 km from the forest in the village of Makovishche

House in Kamenyuki, from $30

Price for two - 30$ , for three - 40$ , for 4 - $50, maximum 5 people.

House with 2 bedrooms in the village of Kamenyuki. There is a garden with a terrace and barbecue facilities, a kitchen with oven, TV, free wifi. The forest is 1 km away.

Excursions in Belovezhskaya Pushcha:

  • On foot— you can visit enclosures with animals, the Local History Museum and lakes
  • By bike— there are five routes through the territory of the Pushcha, the most long route 27 km long, it runs along ancient oak trees, covers several lakes, partly runs along an asphalt road, and 70% along a dirt road.
  • By excursion bus(2 excursions)

Prices for excursions around Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Tickets for excursions can be purchased at central cash register at the main entrance. They accept only Belarusian rubles or bank cards.

Russian rubles, dollars and euros are not accepted. If you plan to go to the enclosures and the nature museum, it is better to buy tickets immediately.

All prices are indicated in Belarusian rubles. To understand how much it is dollars, divide the price on 2.

To get the price in Russian rubles, multiply the price in “proteins” by 30.

Prices for adult and children's tickets will be listed below. Visiting the estate of Father Frost, enclosures with animals, the museum of nature - children's ticket up to 14 years old, sightseeing tour with a visit to the Museum of Folk Life - child ticket up to 18 years old.

Walking tour of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Price: 1 white ruble(RUR 31 / 0.5$ ), lasts 2 hours

You pay money and receive a map with the attractions indicated on it. You can walk without a map, but since the border with Poland is very close, it’s better to get a map so as not to accidentally go where you shouldn’t.

If you just want to walk around the Pushcha without a map, then no need to pay.

Walking tour in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Bicycle tour of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Bicycle rental works from 9.00 to 18.00.

Prices for cycling routes:

There are several cycling routes of varying lengths, designed to last one and a half, two, four hours. The price includes bicycle rental and a map with routes. The path runs along asphalt and dirt paths.

I read different reviews about the bikes. Many people write that they got an old bike for rent and advise, if possible, to choose an aluminum one with speeds. It is recommended to take your bike from home. I haven’t rented a bike myself, so I don’t know how things are with the equipment.

Bike tour in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Sightseeing tour of Belovezhskaya Pushcha by bus

Winter equipment rental

Tour of the Estate of the Belarusian Father Frost

Price: adults 8.5 byn ( 260 rub./ 4.4$), children 7 byn ( 215 RUR / 3.6$)

The price includes the performance and gifts for about 3 bel. ruble

Lasts about 2 hours. The bus leaves from the main entrance at 11.00, 13.30 and 16.00

The residence is located 12 km from the main entrance to the reserve, so you can get there on foot or by bicycle, but it will take a lot of time.

Excursion to the Residence of Father Frost

Sights of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Local History Museum of Nature

Price: adults 3 byn (90 rub / 1.5$ ), children - 2 byn (60 rubles / 1$ ).

You can rent an audio guide for 3.5 byn(110 RUR) or order group excursion behind 5 byn(150 rubles) for groups of up to 10 people.

This is the best local history museum on the territory of Europe (although in Moscow it will be cooler). The exhibition was collected over 70 years.

Only wild boars are specially shot in the Pushcha, because there are so many of them. All other animals died of natural causes and were found by rangers or local residents.

Museum of Nature

stuffed deer
Hunting scene

Residence of the Belarusian Father Frost

A fun performance is being held at the Residence. We danced in circles, ran around the Christmas tree, chatted with Santa Claus and Baba Yaga's sister Korgota, guessed riddles, after which we could write our wishes to Santa Claus. I liked the performance. I think children should like it too.

At the end they gave sets of very tasty Belarusian sweets worth 30 thousand ( 1.5$ ), which is especially nice. Different groups receive different gifts: chocolates, drawing kits for children, etc.

You can also make up to 100 wishes at the residence. Grandfather promised that all of them would come true within a year. We'll see.

Finding happiness with Korgota
12 months. You can hug yours and whisper your deepest wish in his ear :)
My month Kastrychnik
Territory of Father Frost's Residence
Belarusian Santa Claus. Children from Russia did not immediately recognize him
In your grandfather's house you can write down your wishes and receive a gift
Round dances around the Christmas tree in Belovezhskaya Pushcha can be done even in summer

Animals of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Price: adults 2.5 byn ( 80 rub), children 1.5 byn ( 45 rub.).

It is better to buy tickets to the enclosures in advance at the central ticket office.

Wild animals constantly live in the forest, but you can’t always see them, so it’s best to look at the famous Belarusian bison in enclosures. The enclosures are home to bison, deer, raccoon dogs, foxes, moose, bears, wolves, horses, and wild boars.

From 15.20 to 16.00 the animals slept in the houses; large animals were far from the fence. When we found ourselves near the enclosures again around 6 pm, the animals woke up.

They approached the fences and allowed themselves to be petted. It turned out that it is better to look at the animals in the morning or evening. During the day they are busy or sleep.

!!! Please pay attention to the fact that you cannot feed the animals. There are signs on the fences of the enclosure asking people not to feed the animals, but for some reason people continue to throw loaves and whole loaves of bread into the enclosures. If you want a bison or deer to come closer to the fence, it is better to show him a blade of grass.

In front of me, not very smart, giggling people threw a stone at the boar. The boar ate the stone out of habit, but why do such a thing?

A boar that swallowed a stone
Bison in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Dappled deer
High walls of enclosures

People feed animals bread

Other attractions

Also on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha there are several artificial lakes, centuries-old oak trees, about 300 species of rare birds and about 900 varieties of plants. All this can be seen while walking or cycling.

Food prices in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Our one-day trip to Belovezhskaya Pushcha by car from Minsk cost 120 Bel. rubles (RUR 3,700) for two people.

We drove 760 km, so the main part of the expenses is gasoline (1.19 byr (42 rubles) per liter of 95). We ate at the cafe twice. Once in the forest itself, the second time on the highway. The remaining costs are entrance fees to the enclosures, the museum and the excursion.

Prices in restaurants on the territory of the Pushcha are the same as in establishments in Minsk. Also to the right of the entrance to the reserve there is the Sosny cafe, where you can inexpensively eat pancakes with blueberries or honey, order shish kebab with salad and drink tea.

Sosny cafe menu

Herbal tea with pancakes

How to get to Belovezhskaya Pushcha from Minsk and Brest

1. By car- 360 km from Minsk along the M1 highway to Zhabinka, then through the city of Kamenets to the village of Kamenyuki - this is the administrative center of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. We reach the end of the village of Kamenyuki and come to a parking lot and the entrance to the reserve.

The movement of vehicles without special permission through the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is prohibited, so we park the car and go for a walk.

2. By public transport

By train to Brest. Tickets for the Minsk-Brest train can be purchased in advance on the website

From the railway station in Brest you need to get to Central Bus Station. Walking distance is about 15 minutes.

At the bus station we buy a ticket to the village of Kamenyuki.

From Kamenyuki station we walk about 1 km to the central entrance to Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Main entrance to Belovezhskaya Pushcha

My reviews about Belovezhskaya Pushcha

It so happened that we left Minsk late and arrived in the Pushcha at 14.30, so we didn’t have time to see everything.

What I especially liked:

  • Museum of Nature. I don't like museums, but here everything is decorated in top level. Made with soul. For me, the main thing is that animals are not killed for the sake of the museum.
  • Herb tea- poured in the Sosny cafe and in the cafe at the residence of Father Frost. To my greatest sadness, the tea itself, which is used to brew tea, is not sold on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • Excursion to the Residence of Father Frost. They gave delicious gifts, and the performance itself was fun. Well done guys. They are trying!
  • Bison and gray horse. The conditions for keeping animals in enclosures are quite good. I used to not like zoos, but now I understand that they still have meaning. Most zoos are home to old or sick animals who find it difficult to find food in the wild. At the zoo, the animals are fed - this is already a big plus. The only thing that seemed strange to me was that all the trees in the enclosures where the bison live were cut down. In summer, animals will have nowhere to hide from the sun. I hope that closer to June the bison will move from their clearing to the forest, like other animals.

There are no trees at all in the enclosure where the bison live

What I didn’t like about Belovezhskaya Pushcha

  • People who, despite the ban, feed animals with bread and stones.
  • According to reviews, the condition of the bikes leaves much to be desired.
  • Bison are not combed. In Chizhovsky Park in Minsk, animals look more well-groomed.

Working on turning a toad into a prince

Thus, while traveling to the sights of Belarus, I recommend that you visit Belovezhskaya Pushcha and spend at least one, two or three days there. Relax your soul, breathe in the fresh forest air, ride a bike or just take a walk.

Have a nice holiday in Belarus! Sincerely,

— How old is Santa Claus?
- As much as the White Light costs.
- How long do you think he will live, forever?
- As long as they believe in him!

On the pre-holiday days, the Estate of Father Frost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha welcomes and sees off thousands of people from different parts of Belarus and our neighboring states. Is it worth looking for a fairy tale in Kamenyuki in the days winter holidays Or is it better to postpone the visit to the white-bearded Grandfather until better times? To resolve this issue for ourselves once and for all, we “took on the tail” of a tourist group from Pinsk and set off along the most popular route. We tell and show how the Pushcha greeted us in the review.

I admit honestly, this is my first visit to Santa Claus. I didn’t really count on miracles, because... I understood that Grandfather would have no time for me, he would be attacked by crowds of tourists. I was expecting the most important thing from the trip: answers to the questions “When is the best time to visit the Pushcha with the whole family? Should I go “savage” in my own car or use the services of a travel agency and an experienced guide?

Since we were going to a fairy tale, on the advice of the guide, it was decided to turn into adult children and try to plunge headlong into miracles. We listened to everything and tried to soak in the magic of the moment to the roots of our hair, to the last finger not chilled in the cold. In our company of 48 people there were also children, so adults kept glancing at them, trying to be “infected” by their spontaneity and naivety.

Everyone wanted to see Grandfather Frost, and quickly, but there was a long way ahead. Long because of the queue of hundreds of people wanting to do the same. By the way, there is no crowd; everything is organized in such a way that the wait is as comfortable as possible. In the territory free toilets, which is very important when you have children with you.

The area adjacent to the Estate is quite large, there are points selling food and drinks, souvenir shops, and a Santa Claus train. You can warm yourself by the fire, sit in the gazebo, or eat hot pancakes and barbecue until it’s your turn to enter through the main gate into the treasured courtyard.

Information for reference...
The residence of Father Frost is open from 9:00 to 18:00 every day, seven days a week and no lunch break.

Even if you arrive at the Estate of Father Frost on your own (not on a tour bus), the same procedure awaits you: you will have to leave the car in the parking lot at the central gate of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, and get to the residence by bus as part of a spontaneously formed group, which will be accompanied exactly just like tourists arriving with a guide.

Let's give it its due, the organization is up to par. Each group is approached by its own guide (one of fairy-tale heroes or Santa Claus's assistants) and tries to brighten up the painful minutes of waiting as much as possible.

We got a sweet girl with a pleasant and well-trained voice, who sang songs, led round dances with the children, played games, asked riddles and did everything so that we would not freeze on the way to our dream - to get to Santa Claus.

With leaps and bounds, we were getting closer and closer to the cherished gate... The guard in a green caftan did not look at all intimidating.

The real guards were the knights Dub Dubovich and Elm Vyazovich, and the sweet and slightly frozen young man simply regulated the influx of people, letting the next group through only when the previous one had already been taken into the experienced organizational hands by the next assistant of Grandfather Frost.

By the way, one little trick helps control the crowd. Everyone is told a legend that you should never go out through these gates, otherwise you will carry with you all the troubles and all the negativity that other visitors leave in the Estate. Here! One-way traffic: everyone who has already visited the courtyard exits along a different route.

Our sweet girl guide returned to the starting point, handing us over to the next hero. Who do you think it is? Snow Maiden? But no! This is the youngest daughter of Father Frost, the mother of the Snow Maiden. Yes, yes, it turns out that Grandfather has a wife - Zimushka Winter, three daughters - Blizzard, Stuzha and Metelitsa. The two eldest are not yet married, everyone is looking for one red-haired, the other bald and fluffy. And the youngest - Metelitsa - without hesitation, married the Snowman and they had a daughter - Snegurochka, the granddaughter of Father Frost.

Metelitsa entertains the guests at the entrance for some time, introduces them to family secrets and, as the adults understand, stalls for a little time so that the kind Grandfather Frost has time to catch his breath. In the meantime, before the kids, Snow White and her seven dwarfs.

The carved tower of Father Frost cannot be confused with any other house. Festive illumination at dusk gives it a special mystery; the carved patterns evoke admiration. The house is two-story, grandfather lives here all year, even in summer. On the first floor there is a throne room and an office, on the second there is a bedroom.

Here it is, the long-awaited meeting! Here he is - the Wizard! Grandfather greets the guests, asks where they came from and, despite the bustle and influx of visitors, finds a couple of kind words and jokes. Next - a group photo and... And that’s it, Grandfather Frost doesn’t have any more time, the next group of those eager for his attention is approaching.

In fairness, I note that our sweet girl guide warned that Grandfather was very busy and instructed her to listen, collect and convey all the poems, songs, letters and wishes that the children had prepared. Therefore, the little dreamers, on the way to Santa Claus’s house, did everything that was required for such an occasion. No offense. Go ahead.

Not far from the tower of Father Frost there is a carriage drawn by a pair of deer. Apparently, this is where Grandfather delivers gifts to the kids.

A faithful guardian and reliable assistant is the cat Vaska (or maybe not Vaska, he did not introduce himself).

Opposite Father Frost's house there is an alley of wooden sculptures. Here are Baba Yaga, and Zyuzya Poozersky, and Bolotnik Unusual, and Kysh Babai, and Pakkaine. You can read about each on a special sign and tell your child.

In addition to Santa Claus's house, there is Mother Winter's Workshop. Santa Claus built it for his wife on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Estate. Master classes are held in these magical walls, magical things are created, and you can celebrate a birthday.

There are many wonderful places in the Estate, and each has its own legend. If you touch the Magic Mill and remember all your bad deeds and deeds, the Mill will grind them and turn them into dust and sand.

After this, you can safely go to the Glade of Twelve Months, look for your sculpture and make a wish.

The route is designed so that tourists move in a circle. Even with a large number of guests, you can take a selfie and look at all the wonders without interference.

There is a small lake near the Mill. Its banks are decorated with wooden sculptures. Grandfather Frost brought the Frog Princess into his fairy tale. Perhaps he hoped that among the many guests of the estate there would be Ivan, who would kiss the Princess, and she would turn into a beautiful woman. There was no Ivan in our group, so the frog is sitting and waiting for the next group... Although, something tells me that there were attempts to kiss the Princess, but, apparently, it was not the same Ivan, and maybe all this was without love - that’s why the magic wasn’t it worked.

There is also a goldfish near that lake. It is waiting for everyone passing by to make three cherished wishes. There is also a bridge with exactly 97 logs. Every step is a new desire. In general, Dreams must come true, and the Estate has ALL the conditions for this. The chances increase a hundredfold!

Children will surely recognize the heroes of their favorite fairy tales, and adults will note the character of the wooden characters. Each section of the territory is remarkable in some way.

Unusual signs can be seen throughout the compound.

Entrance to the Gorynych snakes is strictly PROHIBITED. And the workers really make sure that guests do not smoke on the premises of the complex.

Another sign that is unlikely to be found anywhere else. A carved bench invites you to sit down and recite a poem. Cute…

Centuries-old trees are not uncommon on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The huge spruce has seen a lot in its life, and now guests of the residence of the Belarusian Father Frost dance around it. Now she is elegant both in winter and in summer. The height of the spruce is about 40 meters! It is unlikely that you will meet the same giantess anywhere else in Belarus.

After singing a song about a Christmas tree and twirling in a round dance, visitors move on.

Here is the hero of the coming year - the Fire Rooster. There are several such zodiac sculptures.

You can sit on the bench by the gnome or take a closer look at the Snake and Horse.

The Snow Maiden's House is of keen interest to the female part of the group. The legend says that you need to walk around it in a circle, look through the window, count the pillows on the bed and be sure to look in the mirror on the wall. It's magical. Women will become more beautiful, men - wiser and stronger, children - healthier and more obedient.

You won’t be able to go inside the Snow Maiden’s house, it’s too small. By the way, the Snow Maiden inherited from her father, the Snowman, the ability to melt, so she does not live in the Pushcha all year round, like Father Frost. Comes only in winter.

Treasurer's box - another one iconic place at the estate of Father Frost. Children's letters and crafts are stored here.

Here they give out gifts to everyone who bought admission ticket(this is included in the price). Here you can buy souvenirs and aromatic Pushcha herbal tea.

Here is a journal in which you can write down your wish or say hello to Santa Claus. It is interesting to read what children and adults write. “Skarbnitsa” is the last point of the route. You can wander around the Estate for some time, taste hot herbal tea with pancakes and game shish kebab.

If you're lucky, you can see bison, deer and other Pushcha residents: special feeders have been built for them.

CONCLUSION: It’s up to you to decide whether or not to go to the Pushcha on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, when there are crowds of people there. But the Estate of Father Frost is worth visiting with children in any case! This is undeniable. I think it will be interesting to visit the Pushcha with the whole family, even in different seasons, because it is not only Father Frost that attracts tourists to Kamenyuki. The most important asset of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is fresh air and centuries-old forest. This is worth returning to the Pushcha again!

Dear readers. Tell us, have you visited the Belarusian Father Frost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha? What impressed the children most?


Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the significant natural sites of Belarus. In summer you can take a break from the bustle of the city, and in winter you can recharge yourself in the New Year's mood. I decided to try it winter option. What came of it - read below.

Day 1. How to get to Kamenyuk without a car?

I had the opportunity to visit Belovezhskaya Pushcha a couple of years ago, but I only got around to talking about the trip now. But don’t worry, I remember everything, I’ll tell you honestly, I hope a lot of things will be useful. In general, Saturday, on which our small company decided to go to the protected forest, began early. Our train to Brest departed at 6:16 a.m. and arrived around 10:00 a.m. Getting off the train in Brest, we headed to the bus station: it is from here that minibuses and buses depart for Kamenyuki, an agricultural town next to Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

We found the bus station quickly. We got there by walking in about 10 minutes. As expected, the minibus does not go to Kamenyuki often: 3 times a day. The closest one is around 1 p.m. What to do until then? We decided to put our things in a storage room at the bus station and take a walk around Brest. Let's go, as they say, wherever our eyes look. And it turned out that our eyes are what we need. Having walked quite a bit, we suddenly found ourselves on a spacious “shop” street - Sovetskaya.

I am very pleased with the main streets of our regional cities. Low houses from a bygone era with newfangled shops look European. And New Year's decorated shop windows and snow-dusted lanterns create a special atmosphere. You immediately understand: you are not in Minsk. This is understandable, after all, abroad is “a stone’s throw away”, if only I had a visa... Eh, I’m daydreaming, let’s move on. Soon we found ourselves at the New Year's market. It was hard to resist and not buy anything. However, remembering the bags left at the station, we decided to make do with only magnets with a view of Brest.

By the appointed time we returned back to the bus station. There were plenty of people eager to get to Kamenyuki. Those who did not have enough tickets at the box office were asked to ride while standing. But you won’t envy them - it takes more than an hour to get to Kamenyuk. And yet people traveled. At just over 2 o'clock we were already there. And then an unexpected situation arose.

At the ticket office at the bus station they asked us: “Will you take a return ticket?” And even then something should have alerted us. But nooooo. We decided: “Why, we’ll buy it in Kamenyuki at the station.” When we got there... In a word, the lonely stop in the town of Kamenyuki, blown by all the winds and covered with snow, looked little like a bus station. Yeah, so that was the question of the kind aunt at the box office, who was too lazy to say that there would be nowhere to buy tickets. But then the driver came to the rescue and asked if everyone would be able to return back. From him we purchased life-saving vouchers, giving us a chance to get out of the border Belarusian outback. “Where is the forest?” one of the passengers asked the driver, looking around into the foggy distances. And we also pricked up our ears.

The driver pointed in the direction where it ended locality, and left. Locals quickly fled to their homes. Apparently, there were very few tourists traveling on their own, like us. Everything around was white and white, there was either snow or fog ahead, and nothing was visible in the direction where the forest should be... But first we had to find a hotel.

Everything turned out to be quite simple. Building No. 2 of the Kamenyuki Hotel is located in the town itself, while the other 3 buildings are located right on the territory of the reserve. Naturally, there are no signs. We decided to resort to Sherlock's method. The road to nowhere went to the right (although the driver claimed that it was Belovezhskaya Pushcha), and to the left were village houses. We decided to go towards civilization. You made the right decision - here it is, hotel No. 2. Better than you could imagine. Budget - and the conditions are at the level.

In search of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

After settling in, we quickly had a bite to eat and went to explore the area. Still, the clock was already ticking 15:00, and it was unacceptable to stay late. Having followed the direction indicated by the minibus driver, within 10 minutes we found ourselves at the entrance to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Well, hello, it took us so long to get to you!

There is a parking lot at the main entrance to the famous reserve. You cannot enter the territory by private transport. Anyone traveling on their horse must park it here. Only sightseeing buses, which take tourists to attractions. To get on the excursion, you need to buy a ticket and wait for the next flight. The ticket office is located to the right of the entrance. There is also a kiosk with souvenirs.

The tourism department of the reserve offers 2 bus excursions: sightseeing tour of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and a trip to Santa Claus. For some reason there was no sightseeing tour. But we didn’t plan to get there. The main goal, of course, is Santa Claus. Moreover, it is recommended to go to him in the evening, when the illumination turns on. For the last flight at 16:00, all tickets were already sold out, but there were so many people interested that they soon announced that they would make another flight for us at 17:00. There were as many as 2 buses.

While the box office was discussing how many tickets could still be sold, the line was “squeezing” a local cat who was resting on the window sill of the box office. A polished fur coat, a well-fed face, a lazy look - these are the people who have really successfully settled down in the reserve.

At the estate of the Belarusian Father Frost

A trip to Santa Claus is a topic that deserves special attention. Boarding buses on the territory of the Pushcha is reminiscent of the storming of the Bastille (not that we remember this event as we do now, there were simply a lot of people). The bus brought the tourists who had had a good time and loaded a new batch. Is it worth clarifying that tickets were sold to everyone, regardless of how many seats there were on the bus. But here we must pay tribute to the men who showed an extreme degree of nobility, giving up their seats to women and children, and dutifully rode standing, hugging backpacks and sleds.

The journey to Santa Claus took exactly 16 minutes :) While driving, passengers were given a recording of a story about the Pushcha to listen to. When everyone unloaded from the bus at the entrance to the Fairytale Estate, there was a pause: “What next? Where to go?" It’s good that they didn’t have time to disperse - soon a woman in a blue cape approached the group and announced that she was Snowflake. Well, for God's sake, Snowflake, so Snowflake. The children immediately surrounded the guide and dragged her to the gate to the territory of the residence of their beloved Grandfather. The woman continued the tour, backing away. But in fact, Snowflake was a great story for us: she told a very fun, perky and interesting story.

By the time we reached the estate, it was already quite dark. In addition, the elements were seriously raging. The snow was excellent. Remember a couple of snowless winters? So, that year we really asked for snow - and we finally got it. The atmosphere was created just right, only the camera desperately refused to take pictures in the dark, and even with the lens covered in snow.

We didn’t get to Santa Claus right away. First we looked out the windows Snow Maiden's house, looked for their reflection in the mirror. They say that if you can see the reflection, you will look 10 years younger. I immediately doubted: is it worth it? I somehow didn’t want to go back to school. But we were assured that this effect was gradual and would manifest itself over time. Well, let's see.

And finally, adults and children crowded together with equal joy Santa Claus's house. And he stood on his porch next to his granddaughter and waved his hands to the visitors, shouting greetings. It was difficult to photograph him, because by the time I took aim, the younger generation was already hanging on my grandfather’s red caftan. It is a difficult job, however, to be a children's favorite.

I didn’t even hear what the unfortunate man was shouting, I tried to get around the crowd and take at least some pictures. But literally a couple of minutes were allotted to meet the most important character of the estate: during the pre-holiday period, a conveyor system operates in the fairy-tale residence. Very soon Grandfather announced that he would not be able to take a photo with everyone, so he suggested taking photos by region. It turned out that in our group there were not only Belarusians, but also foreign guests: Poles, Lithuanians.

Then the new Snowflake picked us up and took us to Nastenka from a fairy tale about 12 months. Nastenka didn’t look much like a girl, but the little one didn’t care at all. In addition, she built an excellent fireplace near the wooden figures of the brothers. First, everyone was asked to find their month and make a wish from it. I was lucky: everyone rushed in the spring-summer direction, and I calmly went to my Listapad. Make a guess - I don’t want to.

I enjoyed the round dance around the fire. We defrosted our noses a little, warmed our hands by holding on to our neighbors, threw everything bad into the fire, and “raked in” everything good for ourselves. The ceremony went off with a bang, as even adults know: fire cleanses. Another place where you can get rid of everything bad is mill, which grinds up all the negativity left to her. Well, what would a visit to the residence be without a round dance around the main New Year's tree. The illumination is simply gorgeous.

On the way back we stopped at treasury, where Santa Claus keeps children's letters, drawings and gifts. There, everyone, even adults, received a well-deserved (included in the ticket price, of course) sweet gift. The children were happy. Oh well, whatever, everyone had a good time.

Leaving the residence

When setting off on the way back, there was no need to look in the parking lot for the bus we arrived on. You could return to the main route to Belovezhskaya Pushcha on any bus with the inscription “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”. But we didn't know this. Therefore, we sat on our bus until it set off. We had to wait for more than an hour because the driver did not want to go until the bus was full. Ultimately, unable to withstand the onslaught of the freezing crowd, provoked by the crying of children, the driver gave up. Finally, we set off. Latest. How the tourists who went on a spree returned, and whether they returned at all, remained a mystery.

We drove through a snow-covered, peaceful forest, undoubtedly hiding in its black depths secrets known only to it. The road was illuminated exclusively by the headlights of our bus. And there was some kind of universal peace in it all. Under the smooth rocking of the vehicle and “Sacred motive, reserved distance...”, which was almost immediately pulled from the Pesnyary speakers to the entire bus, it began to drift somewhere into sleepy oblivion. And even the groans and sobs of rather tired children could not dispel this special atmosphere.

They took us right outside the Pushcha territory. I don’t know about the tourists who lived in hotels on the territory, but it was very convenient for us, because we still had to return to Kamenyuki. The snowstorm was “high quality”; the pedestrian path along which we came here during the day was not visible. We walked along the roadway, but that was okay, because there were practically no cars.

The clock showed only 8 pm, but the snow covering our faces seemed to hint that we would not see anything interesting that day. To tell the truth, I was completely impressed and wanted to get to the hotel as soon as possible. On the way to our temporary home, I thought that if we brush away the blanket of snow that has covered it from the streets and roofs of the houses of the agricultural town of Kamenyuki, we will see a completely developed and well-groomed settlement, albeit a one-story one.

Day 2. Museum of Nature and enclosures

It is worth understanding that such a trip (for 2 days) is not suitable for those who like to laze in bed. The next day, our plans were to visit the Museum of Nature and enclosures with animals, and everything had to be done before 14:00, since it was at this time that the minibus departed, allowing us to take the evening train to Minsk. We decided to go to the museum first, because we didn’t know how long it would take. And the enclosures, if something happened, could be sacrificed.

In the newly opened Museum of Nature there was almost no one there. This played into our hands: we could calmly take pictures, and even the grandmother-controllers at the entrance, who warned us not to touch anything, not to follow us, but to stay to discuss local news. We tried our best to be obedient, but how could we not pet the bison at the entrance?

The museum was impressive! It reminded me of a natural history museum in the USA, but this is still a level. And, most importantly, you can take pictures! In each section, the habitat of certain animals is recreated. Only here the administration cheated: not a single exhibit was signed. If you want, take an audio guide or book a tour. Well, okay, we’ll somehow distinguish a fox from a beaver. Read more about the museum here:

We spent about half an hour at the museum, although it seemed like we walked for a very long time. Further - enclosures. They are located on the same side as the museum, you just need to cross the road. The territory is large, you can walk there for a very long time. It took us more than an hour to complete the enclosures. And this takes into account the fact that many animals were hiding in houses from the frost, and we did not stay near them for long. The most sociable were the fawn and the pony. A little girl fed a deer a loaf of bread. At that moment we regretted that we ourselves forgot to take gifts for the animals.

And the pony, bored in the neighboring enclosure, happily allowed all visitors to pet him.

Well, and, of course, we cannot forget about the king of the Pushcha - the bison. In the bison enclosure, the trees are covered with boards. We didn’t immediately understand why this was done until we saw their demonstration battle. Now it is clear.

In addition to forest animals,... cats were found behind bars. That's where Maslenitsa is for them. Apparently, they have been “protecting” this area for a long time, as they look quite well-fed, walk imposingly and are not afraid of anyone.

Around 12:00 we were already leaving the territory of the enclosures. On the way, of course, we couldn’t miss the souvenir stall. In fact, you can’t go home empty-handed. There was everything there: magnets on birch trees, white-haired dolls, candles, clay figurines. There is also a postal kiosk nearby, near the parking lot. There you can send a letter or postcard to your homeland with a special stamp of Belovezhskaya Pushcha or purchase brochures about the famous reserve.

Return to Brest

15 minutes before the minibus departed, we checked out of the hotel and went to the bus stop. The big advantage of hotel No. 2 is that it is located right next to the bus stop.

View from our room. On the right, where the fence ends, there is a stop. And if you go further, straight ahead all the time - in about 10 minutes you will find yourself at the gate to the Pushcha.

The minibus driver, like the day before, was inimitable. Even on the way to Kamenyuki, I noticed his ability to simultaneously drive a car and count passengers, as well as write something in a notebook, put aside “hundreds” for change in a separate pile, talk on the phone, sing along to Selena Gomez... It’s good that it’s the other way around On the way, we sat not next to him, but in the cabin: at least I didn’t see him driving.

Everyone knows that Belarus is famous for its landscapes, but what we saw that day through the windows of the minibus was truly amazing. Days of incessant snowfall turned the fields white. The earth smoothly flowed into the light gray sky, and only the pale shadows of forests and villages in the distance suggested that this continuous canvas was nevertheless cut by a strip of horizon somewhere in the center.

“It’s snowy, it’s snowy all over the earth, in all directions...,” I remembered... How long we waited for snow this winter. Suddenly a voice was heard from behind. No, not Pasternak, don’t think so, I wasn’t that cold in the Pushcha. The child sitting behind me asked his mother:

- Mom, how does Santa Claus know what gift I want for the New Year?

“He knows everything,” my mother said, not at a loss.

-No, how does he know what to bring for each child? – the suspicious boy did not let up.

“But he doesn’t bring it to everyone, but only to obedient children,” came the answer.

- Mom, am I a puffball? – the child asked.

“Not always,” the stern mother snapped.

– And if not always, will there be a gift?

“He’ll still see how you behave before the New Year, and then he’ll decide,” my mother gave her verdict.

The boy became quiet for a while, and it already seemed to me that right from that moment on he would try his best to be “puffy.” But no, it didn’t last long, after only 5 minutes my chair was shaking again due to the baby spinning non-stop.

In Brest we had another 2.5 hours of free time. We checked our things into the storage room at the bus station and decided to go to the Brest Fortress. Moreover, it is not far: just three bus stops from the bus station - and you are there. Of course, we had to walk a little more, but after about 10 minutes we already saw a large star carved in stone at the main entrance. This is what the Brest Fortress looks like in winter.

This weekend has come to an end. The Brest-Moscow train took us to Minsk in 4 hours. Quite tired of the snowstorm, we drove home, dried our boots and thought that we should return here in warmer times: both to Brest and to Belovezhskaya Pushcha to compare our impressions. And you definitely need to go to large quantity days. To take a break from the bustle of the city.

The case when expectation and reality did not coincide (

What do you imagine when you hear Belovezhskaya Pushcha? Personally, I - “The Reserved Chant, the commanded daaaaal”, a huge dense forest through which you walk, enjoy the fresh air and accidentally meet either a bison or an elk)

After all, we were told from childhood that this is the main Belarusian nature reserve, almost the best attraction in the country. Perhaps many people think so, but I have a completely different opinion. Unfortunately(

What do we actually have?

Most of the Pushcha is closed to visitors, because... This border area, only a specially designated piece is available to tourists. Something like this.

You drive up to the parking lot, leave your car, and go to the ticket office.

Prices for visiting

There is a lot of information, even too much, but the girls at the ticket office are polite and friendly, they help you find your way around the services.

Among the services offered:

  • Enclosures with wild animals - 3 rubles per person.
  • A visit to the Museum of Nature and the Museum of Folk Life - 3.50 rubles per person.
  • Excursion to visit Santa Claus by bus, available all year round. With making wishes, round dances, jokes and gifts. 8.50 rubles per person.
  • Others: tour guides, audio guides and others.

You can buy tickets only at the box office at the entrance, only for white. rubles You can pay in cash or by credit card.

Right there, near the entrance, there is a rental of bicycles and other Vehicle(for example, in winter - sleds).

There are several routes, cycling and walking. And they are all paid, they all have their own cost) Moreover, even if you ride your own bike or walk on your own feet.

And here are 2 things I don’t understand: 1) what is the reason for this payment, depreciation of asphalt or something? 2) the routes start at a decent distance from the main entrance. If, out of ignorance, you didn’t buy a ticket right away, then what, go back?)

Strange, very strange.

Enclosures with animals in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

A very sad sight. Maybe they look good in winter, but on a sunny summer day, when it’s +30 outside, it all looks like cruelty to animals. Bears were especially not spared(

The enclosures are really big, but not for the bears. But for some reason the trees were cut down, and the animals are sitting in the wasteland. This is how bison walk under the scorching sun.

And they sit on heaps of sand. I’m not a biologist and I could be wrong, but in my opinion, this bears little resemblance to the natural conditions familiar to bison.

The situation is similar with deer.

Red deer with huge antlers sit in a swamp.

The coolest, shady area is near the horses.

And here come the bears.

2 bears, in 2 small cages with bars. In the photo he climbs into a trough to cool off in the water - and guess what? There is practically no water there. Just to drink (I don’t understand why this is happening to them.

Leva liked everything, but the adults around him were somewhat puzzled by what they saw.

You can ride around the territory on a horse-drawn carriage or on a children's train.

It seems to me that the surest option for visiting the Pushcha is to ride one of the cycling routes, but on the other hand, if there is someone in your company who does not ride, there is not much entertainment for him.

Maybe it’s a good walk – I don’t rule out that possibility. But again, if someone in your company does not like or cannot walk for a long time, he will frankly have nothing to do.

The forest itself is incomparable, but the infrastructure and organization are confusing.

And nature is beautiful, there are no questions about nature.

Where to eat in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

In the territory national park There are several places where you can sit, relax and eat.

Not far from the enclosures there is a cafe “Forest Fairy Tale”. The prices are quite affordable, there is a large selection. But the guys work a little strangely) If there are a little more orders in the kitchen than usual, then panic reigns in the establishment, and no one is responsible for anything)

On the day we arrived, schoolchildren were being fed lunch in this cafe. A notice was posted at the entrance that the establishment was closed for special services. In fact, it turned out that everything works, only a) the waiter won’t come to you, go order it yourself; b) not all positions are available; c) wait 40 minutes for any dish.

As a result, we sat down to eat at the Sosny cafe.

I can’t say that it was super tasty, but rather filling. But all the food is edible, and I really liked the fruit drink.

There is another cafe on the estate of Father Frost. And I think there should be a few more in other places.


There is no shortage of souvenirs.

There are many of them, they are different and quite inexpensive. Magnets, figurines, plates with bison, wild boars, bears and much more.

Similar tents are located between central entrance and enclosures.

Working hours

  • The cash desk is open from 9.00 to 18.00
  • Bicycle rental - from 9.00 to 18.00
  • Museum of Nature - from 9.00 to 18.00
  • Residence of Father Frost - from 9.00 to 18.00, buses depart at 11:00, 13:30 and 16:00

How to get there

You need to get to the village of Kamenyuki.

It is located approximately 150 km from Brest. They come here Shuttle Buses, some of them drive right up to the gates of the national park, some don’t, but the walk from the station is no more than a kilometer. The schedule can be viewed on the website

The distance from Minsk is about 360 km, you can only get there by your own transport, the road is good.


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