What to visit in Belek on your own. Sights of Belek - what to see. A complete guide to iconic places. What to bring from Belek

Tender sea, clean beaches, modern hotels and antique architecture – that’s what makes resort town Belek pearl of Turkey. The resort attracts older people pine forests, cedar and eucalyptus groves, lovers - ancient city Perge, and for married couples - the Troy water park.

Belek is a young town located on the Turkish coast Mediterranean Sea. This explains its dry and hot climate. The city, whose infrastructure began to develop in the nineties, is located 30 km from Antalya airport. The population of Belek is small - about seven thousand people.

Resort attractions

Map of Belek attractions includes architectural ensembles, nature reserves and ancient cities of historical value.

The Kepryuchay River flows through the 14 km long canyon. Its banks are covered with cypress and eucalyptus forests. A 27-meter bridge resembling an arch hangs over the river bed. It was built by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. The park's area of ​​500 hectares is home to six hundred species of plants and more than one hundred species of birds..

Perge, where the Apostle Paul preached Christianity, was built in the 15th century BC. Here there are ruined temples and fountains, large baths and columns, an ancient stadium for 12 thousand spectators. The triumphal gates erected by the Greeks have been preserved. This place is appreciated by lovers of ancient architecture.

The age of this picturesque cave is 14 million years, although it was discovered only in the last century. The length of the manhole is about 200 meters, but excursions are conducted on a small, equipped section of it. Thin stalactites and stalagmites hang from the ceilings of the cave. Taking photos of them is prohibited; flash and bright light make the formations darker.

Aspendos is a monument ancient architecture. It is famous for its theater, built in 155 and preserved to this day. The theater accommodated fifteen thousand spectators, and the orchestra pit accommodated 500 musicians. Until 2008, it hosted performances, performances and concerts. The ruins of the Roman Aqueduct extend for 20 km. Here are the ruins of the hippodrome, basilica, preserved ancient bridge and sarcophagi. You can explore the city on your own or hire a guide.

The two-story mosque, located in the city center, was built in the 20th century. Its facade is made in light colors, a large dome and graceful minarets give the building a majestic appearance.

It is located on the territory of the Kursunlu National Park, whose area is 33 hectares. Falling from a height of 18 meters, it forms small lakes. Along the stone steps you can go down to the bottom of the gorge. Near the waterfall there is an old mill and a wooden house.

A unique resort included in the UNESCO heritage list. Consists of seventeen mineral springs with a water temperature of 36 degrees. Lakes with thermal water surrounded by limestone sides. Swimming is allowed in a strictly designated area, and you can only go down to the source barefoot.

Belek's beaches receive the Blue Flag every year. This means that the European Environment Commission confirms their environmental friendliness. Eucalyptus trees grow along the entire 20 km long coastline. There is a golf center here, football fields, many luxury hotels. In addition to the beaches belonging to the hotels, there is also a city beach with free entry . Tourists leave only positive reviews about it.

Sold here Exotic fruits, spices, decorations self made made of gems. You can treat yourself national dishes and snacks, find unique Turkish fabrics and interesting things for the home.

The club for professional golfers is located at the foot of Mount Taurus. The National Open Golf Championship is held here.. On the territory of the club there are eucalyptus, coniferous forests and natural lakes.

12 km from the Koprulu Canyon, at an altitude of 1200 meters, there are remains ancient city Selge. It was built by the Romans in the 5th century BC. Here are the ruins of an amphitheater that could accommodate 10 thousand people, ruins of fortress walls and gates. The remains of the statue and temples of Zeus and Artemis remained on the sacred grounds.

On the territory of the garden there is a Christian church, a Muslim mosque and a Jewish synagogue. In the center of the structure there is a pool with peacocks. The “Garden of Tolerance” was opened in 2004 to show the Turks’ respect for representatives of all religions.

For children

Arriving on vacation in Belek, couples with children ask the question “What to see?” The city offers a lot of entertainment for both adults and children. Resort attractions that you can visit with children include those listed below.

Located on the hotel grounds and covers an area of ​​12,000 sq.m. Basically, the water park contains attractions for children over 10 years old. One of them is a pool with an artificially created wave, with an area of ​​1.5 square meters. km. From any point of the complex you can see the 24-meter Trojan horse, which is the basis of several attractions. “Troy” also has entertainment for kids - a swimming pool with a boat slide.

It is located on the territory of the hotel and covers an area of ​​8 hectares. The main inhabitants are birds: swans, flamingos, peacocks, ostriches, parrots and pelicans. Small lakes and ponds have been created for them. The zoo is home to monkeys, zebras and kangaroos. The child can ride a pony.

Included in the Troy water park complex. Here you can watch shows of dolphins, white whales and walruses. The highlight of the program is a Navy SEAL painting a picture. You can take pictures and swim with the animals.

Belek – small, rapidly developing resort town. Its name is translated from Turkish as “memory”. The resort fully lives up to its name. Despite modern hotels, golf clubs and rich infrastructure, Belek retains the heritage of the past. Ancient Roman theaters, bridges and cities built after the Trojan War have been preserved here. On snow-white beaches You can see ancient turtles crawling out of the water. Every year the number of tourists in love with this resort increases.

Useful maps and videos

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Vacationing in Belek and devoting all your time to the beach and sea is an unforgivable mistake. After all, there are so many interesting things around the city, and in it itself. And the Turkish Ministry of Tourism does not consider the resort as a place exclusively for beach holiday. Belek, the attractions, excursions and entertainment of which will be described in our article, is a fairly young city. But there are plenty of antiquities nearby, including ancient ones. We will tell you what to see at the resort, where to have fun in the evening, what excursions are worth going on. If you went to Belek with a child, you will also be interested in our article. We will tell you about the water park, dolphinarium and resort attractions that children will surely enjoy. Belek is popular among tourists thanks to its wonderful beaches. In addition to these, there are no less wonderful natural beauties. We will begin our story with one of them - the Koprulu Canyon.

Kopruçay River Valley National Park

The word “Belek” itself is translated from Turkish as “memory”. How can a ruler ensure that his fame lives on for centuries? Someone wages wars and seizes other people's territories, but Sultan Abdul-Aziz decided to leave a memory of himself among the people by planting the entire vicinity of Belek with magnificent pine and cedar forests. Later, eucalyptus groves were added to these trees. It especially stands out for its beauty. Forty years have passed since it was declared a national treasure and the main attraction of Belek. It is located sixty kilometers north of the resort, in the Taurus Mountains.

The Kepryuchay River in its lower reaches has seven canyons, but Kepryulyu is the most beautiful. The area of ​​the national park is more than 500 hectares. And this canyon is fourteen kilometers long. Tourists claim that you can go on an excursion here in the hottest heat - in mountain river chilly. The canyon is especially striking with its high steep banks. Sometimes it becomes narrower - up to a hundred meters wide. And the height of the natural walls reaches 450 m. national park there are 600 plant species. Thirty of them are endemic, which can only be seen in the wild here. During the excursion, tourists can see waterfalls, cascades, and natural baths that the river forms on its way to the Mediterranean Sea. Koprulu Canyon is popular among lovers extreme species relaxation, since rafting on special rafts is carried out here.


This cave, whose name translates as “olive stone,” was discovered only twenty years ago. And immediately it was included in the list of attractions in Belek, as its underground world captivates visitors with its beauty. Of the 233 m of the entire length of the small cave, one hundred meters are reserved for guided tours. But even at such a short distance you can see a lot of interesting things. These include several underground lakes with crystal clear water, and a calcite lace of thin stalactites and stalagmites, reaching a meter in length. A special microclimate has developed in the cave over millions of years. It allows you to develop weird shape growths. The excursion trail is illuminated in such a way that step by step visitors see new objects flickering in the darkness. The Zeytin-Tash cave is located north of settlement Serik.

History of Belek (Türkiye)

The resort's attractions are not limited to natural beauty alone. Before we start describing historical monuments, we must devote a few words to the history of the city. Belek arose relatively recently - at the beginning of the fifteenth century, but the lands around it were inhabited for a long time. Archaeologists have found artifacts of Persian origin dating back to the fourth century BC. And in the second century BC, the Hellenic port of Riskopos arose not far from modern Belek. When these lands were captured by Rome, and especially when the city chose them as its residence, it reached its maximum prosperity in the ancient era.

Under the rule of Byzantium, the entire area around Antalya suffered from frequent and destructive earthquakes. Many cities fell into decay, and some of them were completely abandoned. New life The Seljuks breathed into this region, who in the 13th century conquered these lands from Byzantium. And when it was installed Ottoman Empire, in 1423 small fishing village received its current name - Belek. For a long time, nets were dried and boats were repaired on wonderful beaches. But in 1984, the Turkish government decided to turn Belek into an international resort. When attracting funds from investors, they built beautiful hotels, golf courses have been laid out, and the city’s modern infrastructure has been developed. That is why the historical sights of Belek should be sought outside the resort.


This is a very ancient city. It was founded by the Hittites as Parha. But the city reached its greatest prosperity under the rule of the Romans. In the second century BC they built a theater in Perga (on the site of the old Greek one). This structure is the best preserved in Asia Minor. You can also see the ruins here watchtowers, fortress walls, baths, portico bordering the forum. Perge is on the “must see” list for all tourists visiting Belek. Photos of the attractions of this ancient city, which the Apostle Paul visited with Barnabas, is truly mesmerizing.

Waterpark "Troy"

In the city of Belek itself, the attractions are of an entertaining nature. The resort has many parks and golf courses. The Troy water entertainment complex is especially popular among children and adults. The water park has two huge slides and a dozen smaller ones, waterfalls, cascades, jumps, pools with various attractions and even a diving spot. The Troy complex also includes a dolphinarium. In addition to bottlenose dolphins, spectators are entertained by walruses, seals and beluga whales.


But the main attractions of Belek are, of course, its twenty-kilometer beaches. A wide strip of sand allows everyone to enjoy their holiday. Many of Belek's beaches are awarded year after year Blue flag for cleanliness and developed infrastructure.

On the territory of this protected area there are more than 600 different species of plants, and about 30 of them are endemic and grow only in this area. The canyon got its name from the river from which it was formed. This water route with numerous rapids and waterfalls is a favorite place for launching special rafts and attracts fans of extreme sports. For lovers of heights and active rest Mountaineering and horseback riding are offered.

Having swum and walked around to your heart's content, you should pay attention to the Oluk Bridge and the ruins of what once famous city Selge. These buildings are architectural monuments - the hardworking Romans erected them back in the second century AD. And the most compelling argument in favor of visiting this area is that the air in the national park has a high concentration of ozone, is clean and very good for health.

Perge and Aspendos

the ancient city of Perge and the Aspendos Theater - every tourist vacationing in Turkey should visit here, feel the atmosphere of the ancient era, touch history.

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Ancient theater

The ancient theater is one of the main attractions of the architectural and historical complex of Perge, located near the settlement of Belek. This theater, designed to seat twelve thousand spectators, was built by the Romans on the site of a similar Hellenic building in the second century BC.

The ancient theater is considered one of the best preserved theaters in Asia Minor. The height of the theater stage, decorated with bas-reliefs, is 25 meters. The bowl of the amphitheater contains 42 rows of seats - 19 below and 23 above. Some of the theater decorations are still in place, but some were transported to Historical Museum Antalya.

Thirty kilometers from Antalya are the ruins of the ancient city of Aspindos. The main attraction of this museum is under open air- theater-palace of Zeno, dating back to 167 AD. This is the largest building of its kind - the theater's capacity was 20 thousand spectators.

The ancient theater-palace is considered the best preserved theater in Asia Minor. According to legend, it was in this theater that the curtain was first used. An innovation in the architecture of that period was the addition of walls, rather than the use of natural relief. This theater was the first to be built in this way. The preservation of the building is so satisfactory that it is still used every year to host the Opera and Ballet Festival.

Waterpark "Troy"

Original thematic stylization “reminiscent of deep antiquity”. There are many attractions only for tourists, without local ones. There are practically no queues, exciting and new slides for everyone - scary, for children, for couples and much more! The ticket includes the cost of lunch.

Ruins of the city of Hattusha

Not far from the modern Turkish city of Boğazkoy was ancient capital Hittites - the city of Hattusha. The ruins of this ancient city are among the sites included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

During the Hittite Kingdom of Hattusha, up to 50,000 people lived. The city was destroyed along with the Hittite kingdom around 1200 BC. BC. The capital of the once powerful Hittite Empire appeared to the eyes of our contemporaries only thanks to the work of archaeologists. Almost all that remains of the huge empire are the ruins of a great city and mysterious writings that have not yet been fully deciphered by scientists.

On the excavation site, you can walk along the once crowded streets and squares of the legendary Hattusha, examine the remains of palaces, religious and residential buildings, and admire the cuneiform writings of ancient bas-reliefs that capture the history of a long-vanished civilization. It has its own museum, where you can get to know the history of the ancient settlement and archaeological finds.

The most popular attractions in Belek with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places to visit famous places of Belek on our website.

In July 2016, not far from the Turkish resort of Belek, the grandiose theme park "The Land of Legends Theme Park" was inaugurated. “Land of Legends” is not only the largest recreation and entertainment park in Turkey, located on an area of ​​63 thousand hectares, but also the first five-star hotel designed specifically for children.

The park was designed for the Rixos premium hotel chain by Emaar Properties PJSC, and the world-famous director of the Cirque du Soleil show, Franco Dragone, took part in the project.

The Land of Legends invites guests to immerse themselves in the atmosphere magical world fantasies, become participants in a colorful theatrical performance, visit the water world with its numerous slides (72 slides and 43 water attractions), a high-tech surfing pool, a body of water with sea waves, an underwater safari, a 5D cinema, cafes, restaurants, bars, SPA centers , a boulevard with shops of world famous brands and accommodation in comfortable standard and luxury rooms.


The Land of Legends Theme Park is open to both hotel guests and the general public. The park is divided into themed areas designed based on fairy tales.

Here everyone will find something to their liking: great amount water attractions, slides, swimming pools for adults and children, a unique pool that imitates sea waves more than 2 m high, a giant man-made volcano.

The bravest ones will be offered to ride the waves on a surfboard or ride one of the most extreme water slides.

You can take a trip on a ship, go underwater and meet the rich underwater world, meet a variety of sea animals and fish in a huge aquarium - a pool with sea water.

You can now take a unique underwater walk in a See Treck underwater suit in Turkey! This is a new popular entertainment for those who want to look at the inhabitants of the underwater world.

In the animal park you can watch or even personally meet dolphins, penguins and tigers, see how they swim, play or perform in front of the public. And you can swim with dolphins, accompanied by an experienced instructor.

Beach lovers can relax in the atmosphere tropical island on the beach with white sand and palm trees.

WATER WORLD - Legend of Aqua

Visit the water world theme park The Land of Legends with its dizzying slides reaching a height of 43 m, from which you can slide at speeds of up to 86 km per hour!

Rafting Rapids

Water attraction with a unique geometric shape

Space Rocket

Aqua slide with a special rocket-shaped entrance.

Tower Falls

Sea Voyager

The “traditional” kamikaze slide for every water park.

Aqua Tower

A set of slides - "water tower".

My Dive

Aqua Play

Water slides are just the beginning of the adventure. Ahead of you is a visit to the Tower of Legends and the musical world of The Land of Legends Theme Park.


Every evening you can see a show created by the characters who entertained guests all day long. Fairytale castle, the main gate, fountains and water channel, designed by Franco Dragone, become the center of a colorful show program. The carnival boat show involves unusual fairy-tale characters, whose images are inspired by the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. Fountains act as a backdrop for the performance; they bring to life works of art made of water, light and sound. This is a great show that you can't miss!


The Land of Legends Theme Park will remain one of the most vivid impressions in your memory!

You can get to the amusement park while staying in hotels of the network RIXOS HOTELS located in the resorts of Belek and Kemer on the Antalya coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Guests of Rixos hotels in the 2016 season receive free ticket and transfer to the park.

RIXOS PREMIUM BELEK 5* (Belek) - spread over a gigantic territory and has a varied number of rooms. You can relax at the hotel all year round. Fine restaurants, branded drinks, indoor pools, there's even a small indoor water park, bowling. Inside the hotel building there is a French street with bars and boutiques, with simulated rain and thunderstorms.

RIXOS PREMIUM TEKIROVA 5* (Kemer) – a large green area covered with palm trees and pine trees. For children, there is a wonderful mini-club on site and a swimming pool with water slides. The hotel has active and not intrusive animation, a high level of service and varied food.

RIXOS SUNGATE 5* (Kemer) – bulk sand beach, artificial bay, huge territory, even by Turkish standards, a large number various types rooms, many restaurants, water park, animation and sports entertainment, excellent food and a large selection of drinks.

RIXOS BELDIBI 5* (Kemer) – a small well-groomed area, its own sand and pebble beach. As a pleasant addition, a free shuttle to Rixos Sungate runs daily from 10:00 to 24:00 for guests staying at the hotel. Guests can use the entire infrastructure of the Rixos Sungate hotel.

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Belek is perhaps one of the youngest resorts in Turkey. The development of tourism here began in the mid-80s, but a short time it is one of the most comfortable cities for recreation. Belek is associated with pristine nature, gorgeous beaches and high level service. In terms of the number of attractions, it is inferior to other Turkish resorts, but Belek’s numerous advantages compensate for this shortcoming.

Belek Climate

Belek has hot and dry summers. In August, the air temperature can reach +38°C, the average stays at +29°C. Swimming season here it begins in mid-May, when the water warms up to a comfortable +21°C. By July and August, sea water temperatures reach a record +28°C. Such climatic feature allow you to relax in Belek until mid-November. IN the Velvet season the air is heated to +26°C, the water - to +22°C.

Belek Map

Holidays in Belek

Belek is considered one of the most fashionable resorts in Turkey. People come here for high quality services, while hotel accommodation in Belek is more expensive than in neighboring resorts. One of his business cards- opportunities for spa relaxation. Almost every hotel has a Turkish hammam and massage rooms. Top hotels equipped with their own spa centers.

The resort has become Turkey's premier destination for golf lovers. It is in Belek that they are located best fields countries. The resort even has a special season - the “golf” season, which begins in October and ends in May. Not only professionals, but also amateurs have the opportunity to train at the sites. During the golf season you can even attend prestigious competitions.

The Belek coastline, stretching for 20 km, is ideal for a beach holiday. The beaches have generally become the main pride of the resort: they are sandy, clean, with a gentle entrance. The resort coast is suitable for comfortable rest with kids. It is important that almost all hotels are located on the first line. In the spring, windsurfers open the season in Belek - at this time suitable winds blow, which subside by the beginning of the swimming season.

Sights of Belek

Many people blame Belek for the lack of significant attractions. This is partly true - Belek in this regard is somewhat inferior to Alania or Side. But there is something to see here. Its main attraction is natural Park. This canyon is truly unique: its width can reach 100 m, depth - 400 m. Köprülü is formed by a river that is favored by rafters. The nature of the canyon is striking in its diversity: more than 650 plant species have been recorded here, 30 of which are recognized as endemic. The park is home to Turkish pine trees, eucalyptus forests, and home to deer, wolves and wild boars. In Köprülü you can see Turkey from a different perspective, relaxing surrounded by pristine nature.

Another natural attraction of Belek is Zeytin Tash cave with beautiful stalagmite formations. And its stalactites, which hang from the ceiling and resemble lace, are considered the thinnest in the world. The beauty of the cave is given small lakes, which reflect its stalactites in clear water. Zeytin Tash is a small cave, but that doesn't make it any less interesting.

Zeytin Tash Cave. Photo: tourprom.ru

Unusual place to visit in Belek - Garden of Religions, designed to instill religious tolerance in visitors. A synagogue, a church and a mosque are located on the same territory. Structures are surrounded beautiful garden and decorated symbols of three religions, and the atmosphere is conducive to quiet walks.

You can spend time with children at the Troy Dolphinarium. There are performances of walruses and dolphins here. Swimming with dolphins is also available. The dolphinarium operates at the Troy water park, stylized as the era of the Trojan Wars. Extreme things await there waterslides, wave pools and entertainment for the whole family.

Shopping in Belek

Since Belek itself is a small town, shopping here will be an enjoyable rather than a tedious experience. Shops here are located literally everywhere and offer a varied assortment: from standard magnets to equipment for windsurfing and golf. In Belek, you can feel that this is a representative resort: for the convenience of tourists, even the sidewalks are covered with canopies that protect from the scorching sun while shopping. Among the shops there are many fur salons and boutiques with high-quality leather bags.

You can take with you from Belek handicrafts (jewelry, ceramics), Turkish knitwear and cotton, tablecloths, bed linen, leather wallet, silver - the choice is truly huge. When shopping you need to watch your expenses - Belek is considered expensive resort with corresponding prices. But if you come on vacation at the end of the season, you can save a lot of money. Better yet, go from Belek to Antalya, where there is shopping centers and there are sales.

Best restaurants in Belek

The variety of restaurants in Belek literally makes tourists' eyes widen - each establishment strives to surprise and delight customers with a high level of service and equally delicious food. Restaurant Deniz is rightfully recognized as one of the best. He offers dishes different countries, including Turkish ones. You can try shrimp, meze, octopus and grilled fish, meat different types, fresh pomegranate juice and berry desserts.

If you want to get acquainted with the gastronomy of other countries, you should go to a Greek restaurant Ocean's Fish. It offers dishes from all over the Mediterranean, fresh seafood and light salads. The restaurant also adheres to eclecticism. Istanbul. It does not have a specific specialization - it offers British, Turkish, Italian cuisine, but at the same time it has a good level of service. Istanbul offers steaks, soups, spaghetti, risotto and wide choose fish dishes.

The restaurant has its own highlight Basilica, which specializes in French cuisine and operates on an a la carte basis. It is popular, so you need to reserve a table in advance. The menu includes several types of fish, vegetarian dishes, homemade wines, steaks, quail meat with honey, French pastries, pancakes, carpaccio.

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