Online check-in for Nord Wind airline. How to check in online for Nord Wind charter flights: select seats, check in luggage, get a boarding pass. Receiving your boarding pass

Life is accompanied by an eternal rush. People are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, so they are looking for ways where and how to gain extra time. It is known that time is wasted in the queue at the check-in department of the airport terminal, during which you can manage to do a lot of other useful things.

Therefore, air carriers worried about their customers and launched an online flight registration platform. Charter company Nordwind Airlines, based in Sheremetyevo, has integrated remote service. Online check-in for the Nord Wind flight It's free and only takes 5 minutes. - you just need to follow the steps according to the web instructions.

Advantages of web check-in for Nord Wind flights

Most people ignore this type of registration. But in vain - after all, when purchasing a ticket for Nordwind Airlines flights online, you can save time and gain useful experience:

  • There is no need to go to the airport in advance. You can spend longer with your loved ones or solve several important matters.
  • No more long lines at the check-in counter. With the help of the Internet, registration is carried out at home, with a cup of tea, or in pauses between tasks.
  • With a web ticket, the tourist chooses the place that suits him best.

For travelers who are late for the airport, check-in for the North Wind airline flight at electronic ticket will be the best solution while the taxi is on the way to the airport.

How to complete the online procedure

The following algorithm of actions will help you quickly and efficiently complete online check-in for a Nord Wind flight. First, the receipt received by e-mail upon completion of the ticket booking is opened, then the instructions are followed. To get started, go to the official website of Nordwind Airlines at the link After this, click on the “Online registration” section.

A window will appear: here you need to enter information about the passenger, namely:

  • departure airport;
  • the traveler's surname indicated on the air ticket;
  • flight number, number, document name and air ticket number.

After all online registration data has been entered and double-checked, the “Register” button is pressed. Then the system will find the ticket in the database, and the traveler will be successfully registered.

The icon next to the Nord flight of interest shows that the service is active and you can continue the steps.

All that remains is to choose:

  • passenger on the proposed list;
  • space in the cabin;
  • then just click the “Register” button.

After completing web check-in, you should print your boarding pass, as a paper document will be needed at the airport. To transfer to paper, you need to click the “Print coupon” button. If all the rules for registration are followed, then at this step the procedure is completed.

Rules for online check-in at Nordwind Airlines

The company’s official website publishes not only aircraft departure times, but also instructions on how to check in for a Nordwind Airlines flight and what exceptions there are.

It would be better to get acquainted with the data in advance to avoid difficulties:

  • Only those airline customers who have their boarding pass can complete web check-in for a plane ticket;
  • online check-in has a limited period of validity, begins one day before departure and ends 4 hours before the plane’s departure;
  • if you have animals, the web method is not available, you will have to go through the standard check-in procedure at the airport terminal;
  • If you have luggage with you, the tourist needs to go to the check-in counter to register it.

Despite electronic check-in, you must arrive at the airport in advance, preferably 40 minutes before the plane’s departure. The remaining pre-flight activities are customs checks and security controls.

So, we urgently needed to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg. On our website railways I didn’t find a suitable ticket, but I accidentally found it on scyscanner cheap ticket on a plane for 3200 rubles. The ticket was sold by OneTwoTrip. The first thing that surprised me was that there were a lot of questions about risks and warnings that had to be either taken on or paid extra. For example, a refund for a canceled flight cost 2000. As a result, I did not take out any insurance and just paid for the ticket. The OneTwoTrip booking system does not allow you to enter Russian letters when booking domestic flights, so after purchasing tickets a question arose about my reservation. I wanted to make sure that everything was okay with the ticket and went to the official website of the company NordWind Airlines to find out the help desk phone number. As a result, I was never able to get through to NordWind Airlines. Then I sent an email to the address indicated on the website (I’ll get ahead of myself - within two weeks I still didn’t receive a response). I finally gave up and contacted help desk reservation system OneTwoTrip and was able to quickly get answers to questions only from them, since NordWind Airlines does not respond at all, you can sit for an hour and listen to the dialing melody.

Answers to the question about Latin letters: Latin letters are acceptable when booking a ticket for a domestic flight if the booking system does not allow you to enter Cyrillic. Also read below about the nuances of baggage transportation - what is written on the ticket does not always correspond to reality.

Then I went back to the official website of NordWind Airlines and decided to go through online registration for your flight and receive your boarding pass. After some simple manipulations, I saw that my flight number and airline had changed. According to my boarding pass, I have already flown with the airline Pegasus Fly, but nevertheless I had some kind of boarding pass.

On the day of departure, I arrived at Sheremetyevo airport in 4 hours. At the airport, I learned that three NordWind Airlines flights had been delayed for more than four hours. Passengers are indignant, and there is no one to turn to, since there are no NordWind Airlines representatives at the airport. Again, all passengers say that they can’t get through to the information desk - in the end, everyone is on their nerves and there is no information. Check-in for my flight began exactly on schedule, but the flight itself was delayed by 30 minutes, which, as I understand it, is not a delay at all for this airline.

The plane was in good condition, as was the service - there were no complaints. I have attached a photo of the plane.

Conclusion: NordWind Airlines is a pure lottery. Either you buy a cheap ticket and fly normally, as in my case, or the flight is canceled and you are left at the airport without money. But the most common case is a flight delay, so I highly do not recommend taking a ticket if you have flights on other types of transport, there is a very high probability of being late for all subsequent flights.

P.s. The airline’s website says that you can take 1 piece of hand luggage up to 10 kg and one piece of luggage up to 20 kg. But at the check-in desk, for some reason, the system says that the maximum weight you can check in as luggage for free is 10 kg. When asked why this is so, at the check-in desk they say we don’t know, since we are not airline employees. Either contact the airline or pay an additional 2,000 rubles for luggage. As you already understood, the first option will not work, since it’s not possible to get through by phone (you can try to get through by phone before purchasing just out of curiosity), that is, the only option left is to pay extra money or throw away the excess weight from your luggage.

Good day to all!

Today I want to tell you about my experience of flying with the airline. NordWind. We flew with this airline because we were buying a tour to the Dominican Republic and had no choice about who to fly with. And since booking tickets and hotels on your own is more expensive package tour, then we settled on it, although we have not flown through tour operators for quite some time. We flew from the Pegasus company. Well, let's start from the very beginning, I tried to get through electronic check-in for flight and was surprised to discover that all places (absolutely all) are paid. Prices range from 2000 to 7500 per seat, depending on its convenience. This was my first time encountering this, but I decided that paying for seats that you should be seated in for free was absurd. As a result, when we flew there, my husband and I were seated in those “trump seats” near the emergency exit, where we could stretch our legs. Then many came up and asked how much we paid extra for them, it turns out we had to pay an extra 7500 rubles for them, so we are pretty lucky, I thought then, but it was too early to draw conclusions. People began to walk around the cabin of the plane to be seated together, since they were seated at different ends. When we had already arrived in the Dominican Republic and Pegasus was taking us by bus to the hotel, we were immediately offered to book seats on the return plane, of course not for free, arguing that we could then sit at different ends of the plane and it would be better to immediately choose seats next to each other. In general, NordWind is a whole chain of surcharges for any reason. By the way, we actually flew back separately, though one after the other. And there was also a problem with the seating of passengers; they were looking for a seat among those available, since several people were seated in the same seats.

For almost 12 hours of flight, they feed you only once; if you want to eat again, then pay money. Of course, I understand everything, but it seems to me that they should feed you at least 2 times, as other airlines do. Some airlines serve 2 meals in 8 hours. And in addition, the amount of food was not calculated at all and there was no reserve, for example, on the way back, I ran out of chicken and they began to distribute the remaining fish to everyone, and the stewards managed to get through less than half of the plane. The food is pretty good, you can eat it. For example, I show the diet: fish and rice, 2 buns (I really don’t understand why there are two of them), butter, potato salad, pie.

There is no alcohol on board, not even wine and beer, that is, everything is strict, only juices and water. Moreover, the juices also run out towards the end of the flight and they are no longer poured into two glasses so that there is enough for everyone.

There were televisions in the cabin, but when we flew there there were no headphones and probably we just had to buy them. But there is no point in buying, since all the films are in English, Chinese and French and this is in Russian airline, in general, the logic is not very clear to me. On the way back, the TVs did not work at all, that is, they simply did not turn on.


This airline allows 20 kg. per person for one suitcase. This is the first time I’ve encountered this, that is, one suitcase cannot weigh more than 20 kg, even if there are 10 of you with one suitcase. That is, in total you can carry 200 kg, but only 20 kg in your suitcase. There are quite large fines for overweight., so at the airport a show begins to see who is carrying how much and how much needs to be transferred. Everyone weighs their suitcases on scales before checking in, it’s good that there are free places where you can weigh them. But you get additional stress, and crazies and cries of people are heard from all sides.

The plane itself is quite fresh, the seats are tolerable, you can even sleep a little, although there is little space between the seats and the seats themselves are not very comfortable.

And of course, don’t expect any additional bells and whistles in the form of cosmetic bags with toothbrushes, sleep masks and slippers, chair pillows, etc. The blankets run out instantly and those who are late are left without a blanket. But in general, the impression from the airline was not very pleasant; after all, taking money for absolutely everything that is possible and impossible, I think is overkill. It’s good that air on the plane is free for now, but I wouldn’t be surprised that they’ll fix that soon too. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to choose another airline, I advise you to do just that. Still, you don’t want to fly for a long time without food, at different ends of the plane, and even pay extra for luggage when leaving. And it is advisable to start your vacation on a positive note.

Thank you all for your attention, Lena was with you.

Nordwind Airlines is a Russian air carrier that began operations in 2008. In Russian, its name sounds like “Nordwind Airlines”, the owner is the limited liability company “Northern Wind”.

general information

The airline is a “daughter” of the well-known Pegasus and is based in the capital’s Sheremetyevo.

Over ten years of Nord Wind's operation, started with three air gardens and 6 routes, significantly increased its fleet, equipping it with modern airbuses and Boeings, including those designed for ultra-long flights (more than 10 thousand km), and also expanded the geography of flight destinations.

Focusing its activities on the comfort and safety of passengers, continuous improvement and development, the company, originally founded to carry out charter flights to popular foreign resorts, since 2016 has gradually begun to add to its flight schedule and regular flights- both domestic and international.

Company board

Today, North Wind is one of the top 10 largest air carriers in terms of passenger turnover, flying to 85 destinations: Israel, Vietnam, Turkey, Morocco, Phuket, Greece, Spain, Italy, Egypt and many others, and is working to constantly increase this number .

Nord Wind organizes regular flights from such administrative centers as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Anapa, Yakutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Volgograd, Sochi, Ufa, Simferopol, Chelyabinsk and more than 20 cities, performing at least a hundred flights daily.

Check-in rules

The principles of operation of air transport differ significantly from the procedure for traveling on buses, trains or even ferries - simply purchasing a ticket and having it with you during boarding is not enough, you need to arrive at the departure point in advance and go through the mandatory check-in procedure for the flight, without which passengers simply will not be allowed on board. board the aircraft, and by “in advance” we mean at least two to three hours. At the same time, you still have to stand in line, often quite long.

Note! Typically, most passengers check in at the airport, where special counters and kiosks are provided for this purpose for an independent procedure, but in both cases, you will most likely have to spend at least 40 minutes - an hour, not to mention the fact that a whole hour standing, especially with suitcases, bags and small children - a very dubious pleasure.

After checking in, the passenger receives a boarding pass with the number of the seat allocated to him in the aircraft cabin. Of course, you can ask the registration employee for a specific place - near a window or aisle, depending on individual preferences traveler, but it is not at all a fact that they will meet him halfway, and often the desired places may simply no longer exist. This is especially offensive if the passenger gets seasick and feels uncomfortable while flying in the rear of the plane, or if a family (a large group) is flying and everyone wants to sit together, and not at different ends of the cabin.

There are often cases when late passengers have conflict situations - for example, a mother and child want to sit next to each other, and they would certainly meet her halfway, but free seats There are only two/three/four left, and they are all a few rows apart.

Airport check-in counters

To avoid such unpleasant moments and not be nervous on the way to the airport, there is a great way to save your time and keep calm - electronic registration.

It has undeniable advantages over the usual one, allowing you to avoid all the problems described above:

  • You can register from your home or office any time after registration opens, while lying on the couch, sitting with a cup of your favorite coffee, or during a break between meetings.
  • You can choose the best ones yourself free places in the aircraft cabin or purchase paid ones - for example, with increased legroom . This is an excellent opportunity, since bad seats can significantly spoil the impression of a flight, especially an overnight or long one: queues will form near the rows close to the toilet, there may be shaking at the end of the cabin and all the sounds and smells of the kitchen will be heard.
  • There is no need to arrive at the airport several hours in advance - an hour and a half is enough, since the passenger is already on the general boarding list, or even less if there is no need to check in luggage. In this case, it is enough to arrive in such a way as to pass passport control and proceed to the boarding gate. This possibility is especially relevant when there is a possibility of being late for the plane - if connecting flights, train delay (in the case of non-resident passengers) and many other cases. Many passengers flying from Moscow and not living in the capital are often forced to wait much longer than necessary: ​​when choosing a train/bus, they will prefer not the one that arrives three to four hours before departure, but the one that provides a reserve of 7 hours -8, or even more hours, since an intermediate ideal option can be found quite rarely. On line registration can successfully solve this problem.

Of course, this procedure also has some disadvantages:

  • When not all places increased comfort purchased, passengers with children or those registering among the latter can be accommodated on them without additional payment - paying seat neighbors will, of course, be offended. But if there is no fear of taking the risk of flying bad place or not fly away at all (no one has canceled the possibility of overbooking), then you can successfully use this chance.
  • If you have luggage, you will still have to check it in (often at common counters), since luggage tags are of a strictly established type and you cannot print them yourself at home.

Some large air terminals are equipped with special baggage collection points (Drop Off Luggage), where you can check in your own suitcases and leave them for loading on board, having pasted all the necessary tags printed on them automatically. In these same machines you can make an additional payment for excess. The queue there will be much shorter than at regular counters.

Note! This option is available only after completing electronic check-in for the flight!

Self-service baggage drop-off counter.

There are also airports where there are practically no usual check-in counters, but there are many points where check-in of passengers and baggage is carried out automatically.

Attention! In any case, baggage must be checked in no later than check-in for the desired flight is completed.

But no matter how much the listed disadvantages overshadow the advantages, there are still many more of the latter.

The most common reason for not using online registration is that many people simply don’t know about it.

Meanwhile, airlines always encourage such a convenient option as it significantly reduces their costs. Passengers also benefit in this situation - the procedure allows you to save up to several hours of precious time.

Attention! Electronic check-in is available for all charter and scheduled flights departing from airports in Russia and the CIS countries.

After passing it, the airline recommends arriving at the airport at least an hour and a half in advance if you need to check in your luggage and check in hand luggage, and no less than an hour if you are traveling lightly, since boarding ends 20 minutes before the scheduled departure time.

How to check in for a flight online. Reservations

To check in for a plane online, you just need to know the parameters of your reservation (assigned when purchasing a ticket) and have access to the Internet.

Electronic check-in for a flight on the official website of the airline " North wind"starts a day before departure and ends 3 hours before it; it is very simple and rarely takes more than five minutes.

You can check in at the airport no earlier than 6 hours before the departure of an international flight and 3 hours before a charter flight. The procedure is completed in 50 minutes. before departure.

Note! Passengers who do not check in within the designated period are considered late and are not allowed on the flight!

Check-in for a Nord Wind flight online check-in begins with logging onto the company’s website and searching for all the necessary data in itinerary receipt electronic ticket.

Electronic ticket itinerary receipt

To search for your reservation, you must enter the passenger's last name as it appears on the ticket, ticket and flight number, date and airport of departure. If a company is flying, add fellow travelers using the “Add Passenger” button.

Passenger data entry

After entering your personal data, you can proceed to selecting seats on the plane: in the tab there will be a layout of the cabin of the airliner that is planned for the flight. On the map of places you need to mark with a mouse click any of the places you like from those available for selection. Seats that are already reserved or blocked by the carrier (first rows and near emergency exits) are highlighted in gray; free ones are highlighted in other colors.

Selection of seats

There is a fee for selecting locations from this translator. Economy class prices are as follows:

  • on flights within the European part of the country, west and east of the Urals - 300 rubles* for regular seats, 500 rubles* for preferred seats (second, third and fourth rows of the cabin), 1000 rubles* for comfortable seats (with increased legroom - 1st row of the cabin and seats near emergency exits);
  • on the others, more distant domestic flights choosing the place you like will cost from 500 rubles* to 1500 rubles*
  • on international flights- from 10 euros* to 75 euros.*

In comfort class prices will be as follows:

  • within the European part of the country, to the west and east of the Urals - 1300 rubles* for preferred seats, 2000 rubles* for comfortable ones;
  • on other, longer domestic flights, choosing your favorite seat will cost from 1,800 rubles* to 2,500 rubles*
  • international - from 25 euros* to 100 euros.*

Business class with similar flight parameters will cost:

  • within the European part of the country, to the west and east of the Urals - 1500 rubles* for preferred seats, 2500 rubles* for comfortable ones;
  • on other, longer domestic flights, choosing your favorite seat will cost from 2,000 rubles* to 3,000 rubles*
  • international - from 30 euros* to 120 euros.*

At the same stage, you can order additional paid services and enter your privilege club card number.

Note! The airline does not guarantee that the passenger will be given the seat that was chosen during check-in for a number of reasons: for example, the flight may be made by another board, or at the request of the security service, but this does not happen often.

After clicking the “complete” button, you need to print your boarding pass or save it on your computer/mobile device so you can print it later.

Registration stages

Receipt boarding pass is the final stage of registration. The easiest way is to print it on your home or office printer immediately after completing the registration procedure.

If you don’t have a printer at hand, you can get a coupon at the registration counters. Many airports also have the option to print it at self-check-in kiosks or terminal service centers.

Note! If you check in using a mobile device, you can print out your boarding pass using special devices by attaching a phone display with a QR code of the ticket to their reader.

The ticket contains information about the boarding gate number, the start time of boarding the aircraft and the passenger’s seat in the cabin.

If there is no need to check in your luggage, then you can go straight to boarding with it, having gone through passport control and the inspection procedure.

Boarding pass.

It may look slightly different depending on whether it was printed on a regular A4 printer, a check-in kiosk or handed out at a counter.

Additional Information! Today, seats in the aircraft cabin can be selected when ordering a ticket, after booking in the section personal account“my ticket” and when checking in online or at the airport.

Mobile registration

This means registration using a mobile device. The difference between this type of check-in is that after completion, the boarding pass is displayed on the display of the mobile device. You can save it in photo format or send it to yourself by e-mail. When boarding, just show the airline staff the pass on your phone screen.

The general algorithm of actions is the same as when registering using a PC.

Nordwind Airlines mobile application at the moment not yet.

Restrictions when registering online

For all its convenience and simplicity, online registration still has a number of limitations.

By general rules“North Wind” you can use it if:

  • the flight is completed own flights"Nordvinda";
  • there is no more than a day left before departure and at least four hours for international flights departing to the Russian Federation (except Yerevan and Antalya) and one hour for those departing from Russia;
  • There are no plans to transport weapons, pets or luggage in a separate place in the cabin.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that electronic check-in is prohibited at a number of departure airports (Tehran, Aktau and some others), and also that the company allocates a certain number of seats for it.

For a number of Promo tariffs (economy, comfort and business) and charters, the option is available only in case of simultaneous purchase of the seat selection service.

Thus, the opportunity to independently check in for a flight is one of those pleasant bonuses that the airline offers its passengers and which, without a doubt, should be used to make your flight and its anticipation as comfortable as possible.

*All prices are current as of July 2018.

Here you will learn how to do web check-in for a Nord Wind charter flight and get a boarding pass. We will also tell you about baggage allowances and rules for transporting animals. If your question is outside the scope of this topic, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and follow one of the links to the carrier's page.

General information

Online registration conditions

The carrier’s website contains a short list of conditions for checking in for a flight via the Internet: less than 24 hours and more than 1 hour left before departure, you are flying without animals and excess baggage, you do not need an escort at the airport (for example, for people with disabilities), there are no prohibited items in your luggage.

Free baggage allowance

When checking in online on the Nord Wind website, you will be asked to: choose a seat in the cabin (conditionally free), purchase an additional piece of luggage and select a dish from the presented menu for the duration of the flight. The standard weight of luggage, which is included in the air ticket price, is 20+5 (20 - main luggage, one piece; 5 - hand luggage).

Paid luggage

Excess baggage is baggage whose dimensions and weight do not meet the carrier’s requirements (see link below).

When you register online on the Nord Winda website, you will be prompted additional service for purchasing/paying for one more piece of luggage (1+). It costs from 1,450 rubles to 3,500 rubles, which depends on the departure airport and flight route. We recommend using this service, as baggage handling fees at the airport can be significantly higher, and it can take up to half an hour.

Animals in the salon

It is assumed that animals can be carried on Nord Wind airline flights. However, you must obtain prior permission to do this before opening online (web) registration. To do this, write a letter to the agent company where you purchased your air tickets or travel package. The collection and legitimacy of the collected documents for veterinary control remains with you.

Electronic boarding pass

After checking in online, print the boarding pass that you will receive from the airline. It is not the document you need to fly, but it will help you quickly find your flight at the airport. Use it as a cheat sheet. You will receive a valid boarding pass at the airport at the Nord Wind check-in counter.


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