Vorontsov Palace, how long does it take to travel from Yalta. Small and Big chaos. Upper and lower Vorntsov parks

Vorontsov Palace is one of the brightest architectural stars Southern Crimea. Built at the foot of Mount Ai-Petri, this monument to refined taste still surprises with its slender lines, variety of forms, united by one owner’s plan and architectural plan.

The famous ensemble is in no way inferior in its splendor to the one popular among tourists. It is worth considering that the Vorontsov Palace has gone through a lot during its existence. It was all here: a period of heyday, oblivion, use for the needs of the Bolsheviks and the next restoration of the luxurious decoration, collected literally bit by bit, so that the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka could be seen by as many people as possible, and convey to posterity the morals and way of life of that time.

Where is the Vorontsov Palace on the map

History of the palace

At that time, the territories on the southern coast gained unprecedented popularity among landowners, Alupka was no exception, but if other towns had at least some kind of infrastructure and connections with cities, then everything was different here: a small Tatar settlement without the slightest glimpse of serious development.

However, there were also advantages: a warm climate, many good springs, proximity to the sea and the beauty of nature. And it was these factors that influenced the choice of location for Mr. Vorontsov’s future estate.

The history of the palace’s construction should begin with an explanation of the personality of Count Vorontsov himself. Conceiving the building as a summer retreat house, one of the wealthiest representatives of the Russian elite intended to expand his influence on the southern coast of Crimea.

In 1824, through the efforts of General Mikhail Semenovich, the possessions of the Revelioti family, the then local king, under whose rule were vast lands along the banks of Taurida, were bought up, after which the count first invited the German botanist Karl Kebach to plant a garden, and only then allowed the foundation of the future palace.

About Count Vorontsov

Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov is one of the most amazing people of his era. Russian statesman, war hero, field marshal general, adjutant general, commander of the Russian occupation corps in France, cosmopolitan and Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor-general, founder of winemaking in the Crimea, bibliophile, philanthropist, strict master and good-natured person - this is not all, What can you say about the graph?

He was the first to own the Vorontsov Palace; under him, Alupka began to develop and turn into a city, the future of which was predetermined - to develop and become a famous resort.

Count Vorontsov’s hobbies were envied by everyone without exception - he was a rare bibliophile who perfectly understood books and treasured them. It was difficult to suspect this in an old warrior with the appearance of a heart conqueror, but the count’s father and uncle began collecting books. They had time, money, and the opportunity to move around the world in search of rare tomes, so nothing interfered with their preferences. Needless to say, having one of the largest fortunes in Europe and Russia, the Vorontsovs did not deny themselves pleasures. But besides opportunities, there was culture in the family. Knowledge, tact, skills, a sense of duty and honor were instilled. One of the brothers lived permanently in England, serving as a diplomat, which also left its mark.

In addition to contemporaries, ancient manuscripts were collected, much was received from relatives, the Vorontsovs were related to the Dashkovs and a dozen other equally famous families. It's a shame that nothing survived. The whole of Yalta and the Vorontsov Palace were heavily plundered during the years of unrest, so only a small part of the library, preserved in the interiors of the palace, has reached us.

The Vorontsov Palace in Yalta begins with a clean slate at the beginning of the 19th century. Through the efforts of the Englishman Thomas Harrison and the Italian Boffo, who built the Odessa palace for the count, the building plan is being prepared quite quickly and is supposed to be in the neoclassical style, which is quite modern for that time. Be that as it may, 4 years later, just after the foundation laying was completed, the English architect died. And Vorontsov decides to completely abandon the plan, proposing a new style based on the Gothic style, drawn from another English architect, Edward Blore.

The foreman never showed up at the construction site; everything was in charge of his successor, a certain U. Gunt, who built the Vorontsov Palace in Yalta, which has no equal to this day. Of course, the student made some changes to the design and the Vorontsov Palace, the address of which is now on every map of the peninsula, turned out to be in the Tudor style, extremely popular among the British, but practically unknown in Crimea.

At that time, the influence of the Turkish style in architecture was still very strongly felt here. The South Gate, in contrast to everything, was made in the Indo-Moorish style. And the picture of the gate is completed by a pair of luxurious marble lions from an Italian sculptor.

The Vorontsov Palace has existed on the map since 1848, and the park saw the light of day in all its glory only three years later. The ensemble consists of 5 buildings, with a total of more than 150 rooms. But this is not the main thing, if you look at the Vorontsov Palace not on a map, but in reality, you will see the amazing connection between the building and the mountains - the walls act as a real continuation of the mountain slopes hanging over the buildings. Gothic style, strict lines, lightness and at the same time a certain heaviness of the status of the building in a certain way influence the whole picture, complementing the natural beauty, and the palace itself becomes an inseparable part of nature, and the best part of it.

The construction was carried out not only by foreign craftsmen, but also by the count's serfs. People ground the fragments of diabase (stone mined nearby) from which the palace was built, cleared and landscaped the park and did all the rough work and more. Thanks to such coordinated work, the palace was built quite quickly. However, it was not possible to save the valuable architectural project. After the death of the owner, the house went to the heirs, then it was nationalized, converted into a sanatorium, some of the interiors and furnishings were lost. But almost everything was restored and the Vorontsov Palace in Yalta remains an excellent object of historical and cultural heritage.

The South and North facades of the building are especially interesting. Southern is a romance of an oriental type of architecture with obvious oriental motifs. The entrances to mosques and mausoleums are decorated in a similar way. It is there, at the entrance, that a deep niche is framed by an intricate portal with exquisite floral patterns. It is interesting that an analogy is drawn here with elements of the Alhambra, a palace considered to be the last refuge of Islam in the Pyrenees.

But the North Entrance is a completely different idea! Everyone who enters the Vorontsov Palace from Alupka sees the economic, Shuvalovsky buildings and Shuvalovsky passage at the gates. It is worth noting that the Shuvalovs were relatives of the Vorontsovs. Having married Count Shuvalov, Sofya Vorontsova became related to both families and her rooms were located in the right building of the palace. The narrow corridor passage between the walls, round crenellated towers and gates looks like something from the European Middle Ages, but for some reason this particular place was called Shuvalovsky Proezd.

Unlike the South, the North facade is England in all its splendor: strict, incorruptible, closed and incredibly gothic. All this complexity is slightly softened by the most exquisite details and noble proportions of the structure, but the overall spirit is preserved - an entrance worthy of kings and nothing less. The contrast between the relaxed and chic Southern facade and the slender Northern façade complements the uniqueness of the entire structure and makes travelers ask again and again how to get to the Vorontsov Palace to enjoy the perfection of the forms of the magnificent creation of English, Italian architects, coupled with Russian performers.

The heyday of Alupka

Having begun the development of territories on the former lands of Revelioti, Mikhail Semenovich placed a pair of obelisks along the borders with cast iron coats of arms and the inscription “Always unfailing fidelity.” The count's neighbors had a tiny settlement - Alupka, where 3-4 dozen families of Crimean Tatars lived. But the count’s name, or rather his position, brought to Alupka the title of residence of the Governor-General of Novorossiya. And, despite the fact that rich and famous people had visited the Crimean coast before, Alupka immediately became the center of a certain cultural community. Still would! After all, as already mentioned, the Vorontsovs’ fortune was rated very highly and was among the top three in Europe.

Even the glorious Yalta remained in the shadow of Alupka for a long time, as far as famous people lived here. Despite the fact that the count had a lot of land in other areas, he liked Alupka. And the development of natural beauties and riches began, first the Vorontsov Palace, which can be found on the map without any problems, then a mosque built for Tatar families, then winemaking, then attracting trade guests and much more, until Alupka truly became a center of communication, trade and culture . The famous "" has really become unique place, where German and French winemakers worked.

Very interesting fact:

The wine factory was built in a completely inconvenient place for construction. And the emperor repeatedly told the count about this, but Vorontsov resisted and still insisted on building the plant precisely under the rock! The reason is the purest source of water, without which good wine could not be made. A historical fact, confirmed in the memoirs of contemporaries, workers and the emperor himself.

Excursions to the Vorontsov Palace

It’s worth noting right away that everything outside the walls of the palace is free for inspection, but inside there is a fee. Even if you don’t have money with you and only have enough for the trip, by the way, Vorontsov Palace, address: Alupka, Palace Highway, 18, don’t despair! The palace itself is so magnificent that you can wander around it for hours. If you want to get an idea of ​​what you will have to face, remember the movie “Sky Swallows” - the vaudeville act was filmed in this very palace.

Well, if you want to go inside and see the interiors, it will be a luxurious excursion; the Vorontsov Palace will find something to surprise you with. There are 10 rooms available for inspection:

  • Front office;
  • The dining room is large;
  • Greenhouse;
  • Billiard room;
  • Calico room;
  • Chinese cabinet;
  • Lobby;
  • Blue living room with amazing walls decorated with stucco roses.

In addition, the Vorontsov Palace is an excursion through time; tourists can examine the interiors of traditional English architecture, marvel at the symmetry of the rooms, where northern austerity is combined with the charms of the east and south. Of course, even a day is not enough to see all the statues, portraits, pieces of furniture and other beauty, so it is important to know how to get to the Vorontsov Palace early. By the way, you can take pictures here, but without flash.

So, where is the Vorontsov Palace: 298676, Crimea, Alupka, Dvortsovoye Highway, 18. Finding the Vorontsov Palace on the map by coordinates is also easy: N44°25.194, E 34°03.281. But knowing where the Vorontsov Palace is located, it is easy to determine how to get there from Yalta. To the Vorontsov Palace from Central Station There are buses No. 32, 27. You need to get off at the “Alupkinsky (Vorontsov) Palace” stop and walk through the park to the entrance.

But it’s not enough to know how to get from Yalta to the Vorontsov Palace if the opening hours are unknown. The exhibition is open daily from 9.00 to 16.15 on weekdays and until 19.15 on Saturday. You can get to the museum by car or minibus to the Vorontsov Palace.

How to get there by car using the navigator is already clear, and minibuses No. 107, 115 will take you to the station, from there follow the signs to the place.

But there is an absolutely gorgeous way to see the Vorontsov Palace - a boat trip by sea! How to get there by boat: take the indicated minibus, get to the bus station, buy a boat ticket there and enjoy the view of the Gothic architectural masterpiece against the backdrop of Mount Ai-Petri! Isn't this why people come here?

A leisurely climb from the beach to the southern gate, stunningly beautiful East, a walk through the garden and excursions - the day will be educational, very interesting and will leave behind a sea of ​​​​the most positive emotions.

One of the most beautiful places The Vorontsov Palace is considered to be located on the Crimean peninsula. More precisely, the entire palace complex. A great place with an amazing atmosphere. Be sure to visit it when you visit southern coast of Crimea, in the vicinity of Yalta. I've been here several times and always received a lot of positive emotions.

Location and description

The famous palace complex is located almost at the foot of Ai-Petri, in Alupka. It was named after the count who created it, M.S. Vorontsova. Of course, he himself did not create the project and did not build it. This was done by professionals. As a result of many years of work, an amazing building appeared, surrounded by a luxurious park with fountains and artificial ponds. And also rare plants.

Classical and English styles are surprisingly intertwined here. The luxury of those times can be judged by the interior decoration of the palace. Visitors are offered tours of several halls, each of which amazes the imagination, pleases the eye and fills with incomprehensible, but very pleasant feelings. This is perhaps the only place on the coast about which the local population has practically no legends. At the same time, the history of its origin is so exciting and interesting that there is no need to invent anything.


It began back in 1828. It took almost twenty years to build the building; of course, no one knows the names of the workers. But the architects involved in the project were quite famous personalities in those days. These are Italian Francesco Boffo and Englishman Thomas Harrison. They created a project, which they began to implement in 1829, but Harrison died suddenly, and his place was taken by a young architect from England E. Blore.

Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov lived for many years in Foggy Albion and wanted him to have his own castle on the Crimean Peninsula. At the same time, the main desire was to combine the severity of the architecture of England and the luxurious decoration of the palaces of India. Construction began in 1832 and it cost more than nine million rubles. The construction of the dining building lasted until 1834, the arrangement of the central building was completed in 1837. Each building took more than one year to build. By 1846 the work was completed.

There are five buildings in the complex: “Central”, “Dining”, “Guest” (Shuvalovsky), “Library” and “Household”. It was decided to decorate the staircase leading to the entrance of the central building with sculptures of lions; Giovanni Bonnani was in charge of them. The “terrace of lions” completed all this beauty.

Vorontsov's palace has not survived a lot. A museum opened here in 1921, but in 1941 many exhibits disappeared. In 1945 there was a residence of the British here, and in 1956 the museum continued its activities. From forty-five to fifty-five, the palace served as a summer house for officials from the NKVD. It received the status of a museum of the palace and park art reserve in 1990.

The history, of course, is interesting, you can write a lot about it for a long time, but most tourists are interested in a completely different question: “What to see in the Vorontsov Palace?”

Features of the palace complex

The first thing that surprised me was the harmony with the local landscape. All buildings seem to follow the same direction mountain range, complementing it beautifully. In the courtyard of the utility buildings I encountered inaccessibility and severity. There are blank walls everywhere, watchtowers, but after some distance a bridge (suspension) made of cast iron appears and the general appearance changes radically.

After crossing this bridge, you will find yourself in the Front Courtyard, from which you can enjoy an unforgettable view of Mount Ai-Petri. Here you can see a sentry tower, an outbuilding and a wall serving as a support, with a beautiful fountain.

The main building is also impressive; its walls are built at different levels. The Center has a main entrance with bay windows and risalits. The towers are decorated with onion domes. Carved stone decorations and many different arches are pleasing to the eye. It is difficult to describe all the beauty; there are not enough words to express all the emotions evoked by the palace. But the photo perfectly conveys all the luxury and grandeur of the buildings.

But the park area deserves no less attention. It occupies about forty hectares and is divided into two tiers: upper and lower. On the upper level there are clearings: “Chestnut”, “Contrast”, “Solnechnaya”. They grow such unusual trees as Italian pine, oriental plane tree, Himalayan cedar and even monkey tree. There are several lakes in the upper park, one of which is home to beautiful swans and a waterfall. The lower park has an atmosphere of luxury, comfort and grandeur. The feeling of celebration never leaves.

Inside the Vorontsov Palace

Inside the castle everything remains as it was a hundred years ago. Tourists are introduced to eight halls. Among them are the count’s personal office and a Chinese office with oriental design. And also a hall with portraits of Mikhail Vorontsov’s family members, a blue living room with luxurious stucco. The chintz room retains nineteenth-century furniture, and the dining room is furnished in Tudor style. The greenhouse is waiting for you great amount exotic plants.

If you wish, you can order an additional excursion, for a fee, and visit other buildings. No less majestic and luxurious. What struck me most was the improvement and luxury of the surrounding area with its ponds, waterfalls (made by human hands), fountains and alleys leading directly to the beach.

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Alupka and the Vorontsov Palace is from Yalta. Travelers in their car are guided by a map and exact coordinates. You can rent a car. An excellent option, which has recently been used by a huge number of tourists. It is not only convenient, but also profitable. Exact coordinates

palace and map at the bottom of the page. Public transport is also a good option. At the bus station you need to take bus 32 or 27 and get to the Alupkinsky Palace stop. In principle, buses go here from other settlements

, although the travel time will be much longer.

Prices, official website

Prices are affordable, an adult ticket costs 300 rubles, a pension or pass for students is only 150, and a child’s pass is 70. Please note: the cost may change, so I recommend checking this issue on the official website - worontsovpalace.org


Photo of the Vorontsov Palace park

Photo inside

How to get there by personal transport from Evpatoria:

After the village of Orlovka, stay on the T2707 highway, at the intersection with Belbek airport, turn left, after 3.8 km, keep right and follow the H06 highway.

At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit to P27/P27, follow the Presidential Highway to the Yalta Ring, and at the roundabout take the 2nd exit to H19/H19 along the Yuzhnoberezhnoe highway.

The distance of the route Evpatoria - Vorontsov Palace is 172 km, duration is 2.5 hours.

How to get there by personal transport from Simferopol:

Drive along the Yalta highway M18 (E105), overcome the Angarsk pass, follow the direction of Alushta, Yalta, along the entire South Coast, passing Danilovka, keep to the South Coast Highway E105/H19.

After passing Gaspra, turn left onto the Sevastopolskoe/T2709/T2709 highway.

After 400 m, after refueling "TNK-TES", turn left onto the Koreizskoe highway, and then right onto the Alupkinskoe highway, following the signs to the Vorontsov Palace.

Having reached Alupka, turn right onto Yuzhnoberezhny Descent, then take the roundabout to the right (after 19 km) onto the street. Lenin, then turn right, follow the Palace Highway to Vorontsovsky Park, following the signs.

The route distance Simferopol - Vorontsov Palace is 97.5 km, duration is one and a half hours.

How to get there by personal transport from Sevastopol:

From central bus station Sevastopol follow the street. Revyakina, then along the highway. Laboratory. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit and turn right. on the street 2nd Defense. After 1.2 km, at the roundabout, take the 2nd exit and then follow the street. 2nd Defense. After passing Sapun Mountain, at the Yalta ring, take the 2nd exit H19/H19 along the Yuzhnoberezhnoe highway.

Follow this highway to Alupka (51.8 km).

Having reached Alupka, turn right onto Yuzhnoberezhny Descent, then take the roundabout to the right (after 19 km) onto the street. Lenin, then turn right, follow the Palace Highway to Vorontsovsky Park, following the signs.

The distance of the route Sevastopol - Vorontsov Palace is 65 km, duration is 1 hour.

How to get there by bus from Evpatoria:

1. From the Evpatoria bus station, take the bus to Simferopol. In Simferopol, buses run from the Kurortnaya bus station (near the railway station) to Simeiz or Kastropol. Having reached the Nursery stop in Alupka, cross the road and route No. 10 will take you to the Bus Station stop. Then walk 15 minutes to the western gate of the Vorontsov Palace. The route distance is 170 km, duration is just over 2 hours.

2. Take the bus "Evpatoria - Yalta". Having arrived at the Yalta bus station, take minibus No. 102 to the final stop “Vorontsov Palace”. The Northern Front Court is a 10-minute walk along an asphalt road.

4. Any minibus traveling in the Yalta-Simeiz direction can take you to the Pitomnik stop. On the opposite side of the road, wait for minibus No. 10 and follow to the Bus Station stop. From the stop you only have to walk 15 minutes to the western gate of the Vorontsov Palace.

Travel time is about 4 hours.

How to get there by bus from Simferopol:

In Simferopol, buses run from the Kurortnaya bus station (near the railway station) to Simeiz or Kastropol. Having reached the Nursery stop in Alupka, cross the road and route No. 10 will take you to the Bus Station stop. Then walk 15 minutes to the western gate of the Vorontsov Palace.

Travel time is just over 2 hours.

How to get there by bus from Sevastopol:

From the central bus station of Sevastopol, take the “Sevastopol-Yalta” bus and follow it to the “Pitomnik” stop, then cross the pedestrian crossing to the other side of the road and take route No. 1A to the “Avtostanciya” stop.

You can also get there by direct bus “Sevastopol-Alupka”. From the bus stop, walk 15 minutes to the western gate of the Vorontsov Palace.

Walking along the Yalta embankment in the evening, we approached one of the tourist stalls selling excursions. I was curious about what you can do to pamper your soul in the vicinity of the resort. One of the excursions included a visit to three palaces: Livadia, Massandra and Vorontsov. It makes sense to go to all three if you have it big amount time and are generally interested in this topic. I also asked which of the three palaces was the most impressive. From the answer I realized that we would go to the Vorontsov Palace...

According to the tour seller:

Livadia Palace- once was summer residence Russian Emperor, therefore externally it is presented more like a “political” building, without unnecessary decorations.

Massandra Palace– reminds fairytale castle with a small park area, built for Emperor Alexander III. The latter did not manage to live there, unfortunately. The building is entirely used for residential purposes, and from the outside it looks much more attractive than Livadiysky. However, the palace and the park are small in size, and besides, they are located completely on the other side of Yalta.

That's why I stayed Vorontsov Palace– famous not so much for the palace itself as for the large park surrounding it. The creation of both the palace and the park took place at the same time, now they form a single palace and park ensemble. By the way, the park, where plants from all over the world are planted, is considered one of the best not only in Crimea, but also in Europe. It is difficult to resist such an argument. It is logical that our choice fell on the Vorontsov Palace.

Bus from Yalta

WITH Yalta bus station the bus is coming under № 102 (he first passes by the Swallow's Nest, then stops at cable car on Ai-Petri, and its final stop is at the Vorontsov Palace, everything you need in one set). Flights daily from 06:45 to 21:45, interval 35-60 min, fare 40 rub/person.

WITH bus station "Clothing market"(not far from Yalta Embankment) there is a bus service № 132 . Flights daily from 07:00 to 21:00, interval 20-30 min, fare 40 rub/person.

We got from the ski lift to Mount Ai-Petri. Just wait for a passing bus and go (10 rubles). If I had known that there was only one stop left to the Vorontsov Palace, we would have walked.

Taxi from Yalta

Taxi Yalta-Vorontsov Palace will cost from 1000 rub/car.

Personal or rented car

The easiest way to get there is by car, and along the way you can see the Swallow’s Nest and Mount Ai-Petri without having to adjust to the public transport schedule. If you have a license, but don’t have a car, you can easily get one online and in Yalta upon arrival.

Excursions to the Vorontsov Palace

Vorontsovsky (Alupkinsky) park

As I already wrote above, to get to the palace, you need to go through the territory of a rather large (about 40 hectares) park. At the entrance you are greeted with this map, which I advise you to take a photo of so as not to get lost. A walk in the park is perfect free.

Usually, I am skeptical about the words “one of the best among .....”, however Vorontsovsky Park really deserves attention.

Lakes in the park

One of the first impressive places in Vorontsovsky Park that we went to were artificial ponds, which in their shape resemble mountain lakes, that's why they are named like this:

1. Swan– the most big lake, in the center of which there is a rock, from where water flows in a thin stream.

2. Trout- Lake next to Swan Lake, which has a calm and even thoughtful appearance.

3. Mirror– the calm surface of this lake really looks like a mirror, despite the fact that it is flowing.

In one of the lakes we noticed a white swan splashing in the water. To our delight, there are also benches installed here. On one we sat down to admire the bird.

Small and Big Chaos

Lakes are not the only thing to please the eye in the park. By the way, they are located exactly between the Small and Great chaos. This was the first time I had heard such a name, so it was a crime not to follow the path of the sign.

Following a barely visible path through the overgrown trees, we reached the Big Chaos. At the end of the path, it appeared before us in the form of a majestic cascade of large stone blocks. You look at this “chaos” and involuntarily pictures of either a big explosion, or a glacier melting, or an earthquake appear... We had to ride along approximately this kind of hill in the Sayan Mountains of Khakassia.

I think it is pointless to list the numerous streams, grottoes, shady alleys and flower beds. All this can be seen while walking through the luxurious Vorontsov Park. Somewhere in the park there is also the Hall of Waterfalls with a stone pyramid in the center surrounded by three waterfalls.

Vorontsov Palace

A visit to the palace, of course, will cost a pretty penny. Especially if you want to get into all the holes. You can, of course, stroll through the main halls and admire the lion sculpture separately; it will be almost 2 times cheaper. You can walk around the palace for free.

Opening hours of the main cash register:

  • on weekdays - from 09:00 to 19:15
  • on Saturday - from 09:00 to 16:15
  • Sunday - day off
  • group excursions (from 15 people) — at 11:00, 13:00, 15:00

There is only one toilet for the entire palace complex. Located at the ticket office, paid separately ( 20 rub.)

Ticket prices:

  • State halls of the main building of the Vorontsov Palace + audio guide - 350 rub/adult, 200 rub/preferential*
  • House of Count Shuvalov - 150 rub/adult, 80 rub/preferential*
  • Butler's apartment - 110 rub/adult, 55 rub/preferential*
  • Vorontsov cuisine - 110 rub/adult, 55 rub/preferential*
  • Sculpture of Southern Terraces (lion)- 50 rub/adult, 25 rub/preferential*
  • Single ticket (all expositions and exhibitions) - 830 RUR/adult, 450 rub/preferential*
  • Tour of the park by electric car - 800 rub/person

*beneficiaries include children 7-18 years old, pensioners, students

We walked to the western part of the palace with towers, one of which is a sentry. I was pleased that there were few people and it was possible to take practically “deserted” photographs in the narrow passages between parts of the Vorontsov Palace.

All this can be seen for free, as well as the green gardens and lower park alleys.

Now let's find out what's inside the palace. And inside the palace there are about 150 rooms, amazing with luxury and antique furniture.

One of the most memorable rooms is the Blue Living Room, the walls and ceiling of which are made of stucco in the form of a floral pattern.

On the South side of the palace there are the South Terraces with lions made of white marble.

They settled down on a staircase that went almost to the sea.

And if you turn to reverse side, then a stunning view of the palace opens up in the background Crimean mountains with the peaks of Ai-Petri.

If you still don’t want to walk through the rooms of the Vorontsov Castle, then you can take a ticket to the Southern Terraces and just admire the views.

There is access to the beach below. So if you are in these parts during the season, bring swimsuits with you. And our day today has come to an end, it’s time to return to Yalta. will have to be postponed until tomorrow.

On the way back we came out on the other side of the park, passing various souvenir shops. I'm not a fan of collecting trinkets, but you can buy some nice souvenirs here.

Crimea has always enjoyed wild popularity as one of the most beautiful corners of the country, where it is very pleasant to relax and spend time. And this was the case not only in our time or during the Soviet Union, when Crimea was positioned as an All-Union health resort, but also during the time of Tsarist Russia, and even earlier. This is confirmed by the numerous castles and palaces that still adorn the coast of Crimea. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.
Crimea remains one of the most popular today tourist destinations, and even during the times of Tsarist Russia, Crimea was visited by almost all representatives of the aristocracy. Even the Tsar Father himself loved to relax here. That's why they built beautiful castles for themselves and their families. In Crimea you can find majestic Gothic buildings, noble English estates, luxurious Empire-style palaces, impregnable medieval bastions, magnificent oriental residences or magical palaces from German fairy tales.
Tourists vacationing on the Crimean coast can admire these beautiful structures. Therefore, if you come to Crimea, do not miss the opportunity to visit them.

Name Address How to get there
1 Livadia Palace Village Livadia-1, Baturina St. 44 ( Big Yalta).
website: http://livadia-palace.crimea.com/
2 Kuznetsov Palace (Chaliapin's house) Foros (in the territory of Foros Park). Forossky descent, 1. If you decide to admire the palace on your own, you need to get to the village by regular transport. Foros. The park and palace are located at
3 Palace of the Emir of Bukhara “Dilkiso” Yalta (sanatorium of the Black Sea Fleet) The palace is located near the Seaside Park and the Embankment in the center of Yalta
4 bird home Gaspra village You can get there by any regular transport that goes to Gaspra. Not far from the palace there is a pier where all excursion boats stop. A long staircase in several tiers leads from the pier to the palace, with observation decks. But you can get to the territory of the Swallow’s Nest through the park of the nearby Zhemchuzhina sanatorium.
5 Dulber Palace Koreiz, “Sanatorium “Dulber”. Entrance to the sanatorium is free. There are no tours inside. You can get to the palace from Yalta to Koreiz by minibus No. 26, No. 27, get off at the “Dulber Sanatorium” stop. Entrance to the sanatorium is free. There are no tours inside
6 "Romantic Alexandria"

Pos. Miskhor.

village Miskhor, Sevastopol highway, 52. (Sanatorium “Yasnaya Polyana”, access only with a guided tour, but admission to the territory is free) You can get to the palace by regular minibuses that go from Yalta to Gaspra.
7 Palace "Ai-Todor" Gaspra, Sevastopol highway 8 You can get there by any regular transport that goes to Gaspra. The palace borders the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium.
8 Palace "Kharaks"
Gaspra, Alupkinskoe highway, 13 (Sanatorium Dnepr) You can get to the Dnepr sanatorium (located in the Kharks Palace) by minibus to Gaspra
9 Vorontsov Palace
Palace Highway, 10 (park, museum). Excursions available
You can independently get to the Vorontsov Palace from Yalta by minibus No. 27, No. 32, reaching the Vorontsov Park stop. You can also get to the complex by car
10 Yusupov Palace
Koreiz-1, Parkovy Descent, 26 You can get here by numerous flights. minibuses or by boat from Yalta Embankment
11 Palace of Princess Gagarina
Village Utes (Alushta), st. Princess Gagarina, 5 (Sanatorium “Utes”). You can get from Yalta by regular transport, reaching the stop of the village. Pushkino, and follow the sign
12 Palace "Kichkine"
Hotel Kichkine "Kichkine" Located 8 kilometers from Yalta, on the eastern slope of Cape Ai-Todor, a ten-minute walk from the Swallow's Nest You can get there from Yalta by minibus No. 33, or by regular bus No. 102, No. 32. Stop "Turbaza Kichkine".
13 Khan's Palace Bakhchisaray, st. Rechnaya, 129. Admission is paid, you can take a tour right on the spot. Minibus taxis run from Yalta to Bakhchisarai. The most convenient way to get to Simferopol is from Yalta, and then by train or regular bus to Bakhchisarai.
14 Palace "Suuk-Su" Located in Gurzuf at the foot of Mount Ayu-Dag (on the territory of Artek) You can visit the Suuk-Su Palace with sightseeing tour along Artek, which should be ordered in advance at the excursion stalls. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the camp territory.
15 Massandra Palace village Massandra (Big Yalta). Entrance to the palace territory is paid. You can book excursions on site.
Website: http://worontsovpalace.org/?page_id=730
You can get from Yalta by route buses No. 29, No. 31 or trolleybus No. 2, to the Orel stop. IN summer time there is an additional shuttle bus № 74.
16 Golitsyn Palace village New World, st. Golitsyna, 18.
17 Palace of Prince Raevsky (Karasan) village Pushkino (Sanatorium "Karasan")
18 Vorontsov's estate Simferopol, st. Yaltinskaya, 2, Salgirka Park
19 Hunting House - Yusupov Palace Sokolinoe village (Bakhchisarai district)

Livadia Palace

How to get there: Livadia-1 village, Baturina street 44, which is part of Greater Yalta. You can get to the Livadia Palace either by regular bus No. 5 or by sea on boats. The palace is open from 10.00-19.00, seven days a week.

Livadia Palace

This palace was built for the Romanov family at the beginning of the last century, in the Italian Renaissance style with oriental flavor. Nicholas II loved to relax here and even dreamed of living in this place like an ordinary person after abdicating the throne.

The palace is surrounded by a beautiful garden: boxwood and laurel bushes, green lawns, slender palm trees and all this against the backdrop of sparkling, blue sea. From the Livadia Palace begins the Tsar's Path, which leads to Oreanda, where the palace of Nicholas II's mother once was, although it has not survived to this day. The Tsar's Path is 6,711 steps along a shady alley lined with benches and gazebos along the coast, offering wonderful views.
The palace played an important role during the Second World War, it was here that the Yalta Conference of the Allies was held against Nazi Germany. By the way, Roosevelt, who lived in this palace during the conference, also wanted to move to Livadia after the end of his term in office. You can learn more about these events by visiting the museum, which is located in the palace. A visit to the museum is only possible in conjunction with a guided tour, but it is not necessary to book sightseeing tour in advance. Local guides also work here and will be happy to tell you about the history of the palace and the Romanov family.
The walls, floors and ceilings recreate the luxury of the imperial residence, but since the room is used for receptions, the furnishings of the rooms have been changed.
It is worth noting that the Livadia Palace was built on the site ancient church, part of which is preserved within the walls of the palace, it served as the home chapel of the royal family. Today the temple is also open.

Kuznetsov Palace (Chaliapin's house)

How to get there: The Kuznetsov Palace is located in Foros on the territory of Foros Park. If you decide to admire the palace on your own, you need to get to the village by regular transport. Foros. The park and palace are located at Forossky Spusk, 1.

It was built by the merchant Kuznetsov, who was also called the “tea or earthenware king.” The mansion building took 45 years to build, so the “tea king” built his castle almost all his life.

The Kuznetsov Palace, or as it is also called “Chaliapin’s House,” was built in the style of Russian classicism. It is very reminiscent of the ancient mansions of St. Petersburg. This is a luxurious estate in the middle of an unusually beautiful park, the arrangement of which was carried out by the philanthropist Golitsyn. Particularly impressive to tourists is the “Paradise Corner” of the park, where six small ponds are located at different levels and connected by cascades. Gorky, Chaliapin and many other famous people rested here. During Soviet times, a departmental boarding house was located here, where the party elite rested. But today it is the Foros sanatorium, where everyone can relax.
The mansion has preserved beautiful stucco molding, marble fireplaces and luxurious panels that remain from the first owner. You can visit the palace building only with a guided tour, but you can walk around the park freely.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara "Dilkiso"

How to get there: Yalta. The palace is located near the Seaside Park and the Embankment in the center of Yalta, and many tourists come to admire this amazing palace. Today it houses the sanatorium of the Black Sea Fleet, so you can’t get inside, but all tourists in Yalta should definitely admire the beautiful architecture of the eastern, royal dwelling.

Among the modern buildings of Greater Yalta, the palace of the Emir of Bukhara stands out for its originality. This is a colorful oriental-style building with airy arches, semicircular windows and domed roofs that resemble a turban.
The Principality of Bukhara extended across the territories of modern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. But apparently the local ruler did not find a better place than Crimea, which at that time was already in the Russian Empire. The emir acquired land and built this amazing palace in Yalta. He was a generous patron of the city and even became an honorary citizen.
The Dilkiso Palace, which means “charming” in Turkic, was built in the Moorish style and in some ways even resembles the fabulous Alhambra. Round turrets and carved balconies fit beautifully into the overall architecture of the building. And all this beauty is buried in the greenery of palm trees and cypresses. .

"Bird home"

You can get to the Swallow's Nest by any regular transport that goes to Gaspra. Not far from the palace there is a pier where all excursion boats stop. A long staircase in several tiers, with observation platforms, leads from the pier to the palace. But you can get to the territory of the Swallow’s Nest through the park of the nearby Zhemchuzhina sanatorium.

bird home

This small palace in Gaspra is so impressive and delightful that it has become business card Crimea. This is undoubtedly the most recognizable landmark of the peninsula, which millions of tourists come to admire every year.
The castle is located on sheer cliff, at 38 meters height. There are many beautiful legends associated with this place, one of which says that the castle was born from the diamond diadem of the beautiful Aurora. But of course this is not true. The castle was built in 1912 by a German architect who tried to give it a medieval, Gothic German style and he succeeded, since in its beauty “Swallow’s Nest” can be compared with the world famous Neuwanstein Castle, which became the prototype of the symbol of the Walt Disney company. But the castle got the name “Swallow’s Nest” from a completely different building that was here before.

If you look at the Swallow's Nest from below, it seems that the castle is about to fall off the cliff. But this is not at all true, because even after the strongest earthquake that happened in Yalta in 1927, the castle survived, although part of the rock on which it was built collapsed into the sea.

For a very short time the castle was the summer residence of landowners. After the revolution of 1917, a reading room was opened here, but after the earthquake the castle was closed. And only in the 70s of the last century it was restored.
For some time there would have been an Italian restaurant here, but then the castle premises were converted into an exhibition hall, where holiday season exhibitions and a souvenir fair are held.

Dulber Palace

You can get to the palace from Yalta to Koreiz by minibus No. 26, No. 27, get off at the stop “Sanatorium “Dulber”. Entrance to the territory of the sanatorium is free. There are no excursions inside.

Dulber Palace

The grandson of Russian Emperor Nicholas I, traveling through Syria and Egypt, brought back a lot of impressions from there. He told about them to the court architect Krasnov, who was the author of many palaces for the imperial family. This is what prompted the construction of an amazing palace in the village of Koreiz, which was named “Dulber”, which means “beautiful”.

The blue and white building with carved fences, balconies, arched windows and silver roofs fascinates with its fabulousness. To make Dulber even more similar to the palaces of eastern rulers, the architects recreated the Arabic script that adorns the entrance to the estate, where the traditional Muslim blessing is written in Arabic: “May Allah bless everyone who enters here.”
It was this luxurious palace that became the last bastion in 1918 for representatives of the Romanov family, who took refuge here from the Bolsheviks until they sailed to England. There was even a machine gun mounted on the roof for protection.
There is a beautiful park around the estate that opens to the sea. Today, on the territory of the palace there is a sanatorium “Dulber”, where you can relax almost all year round.

"Romantic Alexandria"

village Miskhor. You can get to the palace by regular minibuses that go from Yalta to Gaspra. The palace is located at Sevastopol highway, 52. You can only get inside the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium with a guided tour, but entry to the territory is free.

Panina Palace

This is one of the most interesting palaces, which is not like other estates on the peninsula. It is located in the village of Miskhor in Big Yalta. From the façade it resembles medieval castle, and it seems that the royal flag will now appear on the spire. Towers topped with battlements, gray walls hewn from granite and narrow windows - oh, how all this reminds us of medieval castles, knights clad in armor, tournaments and beautiful ladies.

But on the other hand, “Romantic Alexandria” looks like a luxurious Italian estate with terraces covered with roses and beautiful view on the sea.
The palace was built for the family of Prince Golitsyn, where the prince moved after retiring. Gorky, Chekhov, and Tolstoy vacationed in “Romantic Alexandria.” For some time Nabokov lived here, who loved to catch butterflies in the park. The heiress of Prince Golitsyn, Countess Panina, invited many people here famous people who lived in the palace for a long time. A separate guest house was even built for this purpose. There is a beautiful park around the castle that is worth admiring.

Today “Romantic Alexandria” is one of the buildings of the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium. The name of the sanatorium was given in honor of the estate of Leo Tolstoy, who lived here. In the room occupied by the great writer, a museum of his work has been set up, and the atmosphere that was here during his stay has been recreated.

Palace "Ai-Todor"

The Ai-Todor Palace is located in Gaspra, at Sevastopol Highway 8. You can get there by any regular transport that goes to Gaspra. The palace borders the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium.

The Ai-Todor Palace is another estate that belonged to the imperial family. Or rather, the younger brother of Emperor Alexander II. His Serene Highness Prince Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov developed vigorous activity here and organized a profitable economy. Only the wine that was produced at the Ai-Todora wineries was bought up by neighboring estates. In tsarist times, the estate occupied an area of ​​more than 100 hectares, and there was everything that was necessary for life. But after his death, the estate was divided between his sons.
This is a majestic estate that impresses with its royal beauty and luxury. But today there is a sanatorium named after. Roses of Luxemburg are for children with tuberculosis, so excursions to the palace are not held.

There is a beautiful park around the estate, created by the best gardeners in Europe. It is worth noting that this is the same park that overlooks Romantic Alexandria. Amazing nature and the beautiful landscape design has been impressive for more than a hundred years.

Palace "Kharaks"

You can get to the Dnepr sanatorium (located in the Kharks Palace) by minibus to Gaspra. The palace is located at Alupkinskoye Highway, 13.

Emperor Alexander II's younger brother had two sons, and after his death the inheritance was divided. The eldest got the Ai-Todor estate, and the other got a plot in Gaspra. It is worth noting that the younger prince was fond of archeology and began excavating an ancient Tauri settlement in Gaspra. The ruins of the city of Kharaks were discovered here, which were carefully preserved and even an open-air museum was built on the territory of the estate.
Therefore, when the prince hired the architect Krasnov to build the palace, the name was already predetermined - only “Kharaks”. Around the palace there is a beautiful park with flower beds, labyrinths of alleys and a majestic staircase that descends in several tiers to the sea.

The palace complex is designed in Scottish style. And, indeed, this massive, two-story building is reminiscent of the houses of the old part of Edinburgh. When designing the palace, Krasnov used the same technique as during the construction of the Dulber Palace, when several architectural styles were taken as a basis. Nicholas II, after visiting his nephew at Kharaks, hired Krasnov to work on imperial palace in Divadia, which was a turning point in the architect’s career.

In addition to the majestic architectural complex, on the territory of the estate you can see the ancient ruins of a Roman palace. Today “Kharaks” is given over to the “Dnepr” sanatorium, with a modern medical base. But tourists come here not only to relax, but also simply to admire the beautiful palace that belonged to the imperial family.

Vorontsov Palace

You can get to the Vorontsov Palace from Yalta by minibus No. 27, No. 32, reaching the Vorontsov Park stop. You can also get to the complex by car. The palace is located at Dvortsovoye Shosse, 10. You can get inside with a guided tour.

Vorontsov Palace

The majestic Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, built in the English style, is rightfully one of the most visited attractions of the peninsula. The highlight of the palace is its gray-green color, which resembles aged stone, as if the structure is thousands of years old, although in fact it was built in the period 1830-1848. This is a luxurious building, with beautiful architecture, full of nobility and truly royal majesty. The estate belonged to several generations of Counts Vorontsov.

During Soviet times, the palace was nationalized and one of the first museums on the peninsula was opened within its walls. During the war, the Germans heavily looted the museum, and many valuables were taken away, although most of them were returned.
Another interesting fact: it was here that English Prime Minister Winston Churchill lived during the Yalta Conference.
There is a beautiful park around the palace, decorated with sculptures, labyrinths, fountains and flower beds. It is worth noting that the park took almost thirty years to build - even longer than the palace. Over the years, more than one generation of trees has grown. But it was worth it - Vorontsov Park, one of the best examples of park landscape design.

Inside the palace, the luxurious interior that was here during the Vorontsovs’ lifetime has been restored. You can only see this luxurious home furnishings with a tour.

Yusupov Palace

The complex is located at Koreiz-1, Parkovy Descent, 26. You can get here by numerous regular minibuses or by boat from the Yalta Embankment.

The Yusupov family was one of the richest and most noble families in Russia. It was rumored that their fortune was much greater than that of the imperial family, so all Yusupov's palaces were distinguished by extraordinary luxury.

Crimea has always attracted people with its beauty. Having a house here was prestigious in Tsarist Russia, so it is not surprising that the Yusupovs built their own palace - one of the most luxurious estates of the family. The same court architect Krasnov, who after the construction of the imperial Livadia Palace was given the title of Great Court Architect, worked on the palace.

The Yusupov Palace is located in Koreiz, surrounded by a magnificent park stretching all the way to the sea. The palace is designed in the Romanesque style, but with the addition of oriental luxury and splendor.

The park, where many trees are up to 500 years old, also deserves attention. The collection of stone lions that adorns the park and the entrance to the palace is the hallmark of this place.
During the Yalta conference, the Soviet delegation lived here. Stalin liked the palace's wine cellar, which was converted into a bunker. For a long time, access to the Yusupov Palace was prohibited, since it was a boarding house for the elite. But today, you can admire the magnificent park and palace as part of a tour.

Palace of Princess Gagarina

Sanatorium "Utes" is located at the village of Utes (Alushta), st. Princess Gagarina, 5. You can get from Yalta by regular transport, reaching the stop of the village. Pushkino, and follow the sign further.

In Alushta, on the picturesque Cape Plaka, at the beginning of the last century, a magnificent palace was built - a symbol eternal love. This is the palace of Princess Gagarina, who ordered the estate in memory of her husband, the general, who died early. The widow was very worried and died the year the palace was built. They say her ghost still haunts here. The palace was built in a very picturesque place. Previously, the estate of the engineer Borozdin was located here, where Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Mitskevich, Griboedov and other famous personalities came to rest.

The architect of the house was the famous Krasnov, who built almost all Yalta palaces. The luxurious building in the Empire style resembles French castles Napoleonic era. The rich decoration of the palace, balconies, narrow pointed terracotta turrets, and huge windows that give the monumental building an airiness - all this enchants and makes you admire the architecture of the estate for a long time.

Today the building is used as the administrative building of the Utes sanatorium, and it is a pity that the facades of this magnificent building are disfigured in some places by air conditioners. But, nevertheless, visiting Alushta and not admiring the beautiful architecture of the palace and the landscapes of the park would be an unforgivable mistake.

Palace "Kichkine"

Sanatorium "Kichkine". You can get there from Yalta by minibus No. 33, or by regular bus No. 102, No. 32. Stop "Turbaza Kichkine".

Located in Livadia, on a cliff in the middle of a juniper grove. The “Kichkine” palace, which means “little”, cannot boast of impressive size, but, nevertheless, it is extraordinary and unlike other palaces in Crimea. Despite the fact that the palace was built for Prince Romanov, the grandson of the great Emperor Nicholas I, it resembles the luxurious palaces of eastern rulers.
The building is designed in the Moroccan Baroque style. There is intricate stucco, airy, carved columns and arches that give the impression of exquisite lace, and even a small minaret on the roof, although Muslims have never lived here.
The history of "Kichkine" is connected with beautiful story love between the emperor’s niece and the Georgian prince, who went through all the obstacles and were able to carry their love through all the prohibitions and create a happy family. And that's exactly what paradise they lived.

The palace is surrounded by a beautiful park of subtropical plants, the creation of which was commissioned by the best landscape designer of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Claidi.

Today, the Kichkine estate is part of a sanatorium complex of the same name. Access to the park is free, but the palace can only be visited as part of a guided tour. The palace building houses a museum dedicated to the Romanov family.
It is worth noting that during the Second World War, Hitler presented this palace to General Mainstein, who conquered Crimea, for which he received the rank of field marshal, but he owned this beautiful palace for only two years.
A staircase cut into the rock leads directly from the palace to the sea. And although it was cut through in Soviet times, it has become an equal attraction of this complex.

Khan's Palace

The Khan's Palace is located at Bakhchisaray, st. Rechnaya, 129. Minibus taxis run from Yalta to Bakhchisarai. The most convenient way to get to Simferopol is from Yalta, and then by train or regular bus to Bakhchisarai. There is an entrance fee, but you can take a tour right on the spot.


This is one of the oldest palace complexes Crimean coast. The Khan's Palace was the residence of the Crimean Khan. It is located in the former capital of the Crimean Khanate - Bakhchisarai. It is worth noting that this is the only surviving example of Crimean Tatar palace architecture in the world. And one of three examples of eastern palaces in Europe.

The completion of the construction of the palace dates back to 1532, but even after this date the Khan’s Palace was rebuilt more than once. One of these reconstructions was carried out before the arrival of Catherine II, who lived in it for only three days. But still, the palace was rebuilt and furnished with furniture brought from St. Petersburg. Even today, some pieces of furniture brought for the needs of the Empress have been preserved in the museum’s exhibition.
The palace hosts most interesting excursions, which help to get acquainted with the culture of the Eastern Khanate and take us to the distant Middle Ages, when the possessions of the Ottoman Empire extended here.

Palace "Suuk-Su"

Located in Gurzuf at the foot of the Ayu-Dag mountain. You can visit the Suuk-Su Palace along with a sightseeing tour of Artek, which should be booked in advance at the excursion stalls. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the camp territory.

This small palace is rightly called the “Crimean Monte Carlo”. The initiator of its construction was the famous engineer V.I. Berezin, who together created this luxurious estate. The architecture of the complex is Italian Renaissance with arched windows, columns, semicircular towers and carved balustrades.

The palace was originally built as an elite vacation spot for the aristocracy. There was a casino here elite restaurant, hydropathic There were boat excursions to Yalta, electricity was provided, which was a great luxury at the beginning of the 20th century, and regular dance evenings were held.
Famous artists, writers and representatives of aristocratic families visited here. But during the Civil War the building was badly damaged. Then it was rebuilt, and the building was transferred to the department children's camp"Artek". During the second war there was a recreation center for German soldiers.
After the war, the building was restored and again transferred to the camp, on whose territory it is located. Today there is a museum of cosmonautics and a museum of the history of the camp.

Massandra Palace

village Massandra. You can get from Yalta by route buses No. 29, No. 31 or trolleybus No. 2, to the Orel stop. In summer there is an additional shuttle bus No. 74. Entrance to the palace territory is paid. You can book excursions on site.

Massandra Palace

The palace in Massandra is a bright representative of the French Baroque. It was built at a time when everything French was in fashion, which affected the architecture of the palace, which is reminiscent of the castles of Louis XIV. The construction of the palace was ordered by Prince Vorontsov in 1881, but after the death of the prince, the unfinished construction was purchased for the imperial family. Alexander III wanted to use the Massandra Palace exclusively for family recreation. The interior of the estate does not even include formal halls for audiences.
But, unfortunately, the Massandra Palace never became an imperial residence. Emperor Alexander III died a few months before his first trip to Massandra, and his successor Nicholas II preferred Oreanda and Livadia. But Massandra Park often became a place for picnics and aristocratic tea parties in the fresh air.
IN Soviet times The Massandra Palace became a state dacha where Stalin, Brezhnev, and Khrushchev vacationed.
Later, a museum dedicated to the imperial family was opened here, which is still in operation today. There is a magnificent park around the palace, the area of ​​which is more than six hectares. Here and today, designers maintain a luxurious landscape that is worthy of an imperial palace.

Golitsyn Palace

This original palace is located at the address of the village. Novy Svet, st. Golitsyna, 18.

Today, the Golitsyn Palace houses the local administration, shops and several private hotels, so tourists have the opportunity to live in a castle that very much resembles medieval fortress. There is nothing on bookingcom. I only found it on another portal http://www.nowsvet.com.ua/index-2_1.php

His Serene Highness Prince Golitsyn was loved and revered for his philanthropy, nobility and care for his subjects. And there is a reason for it. After all, it was he who built a real castle for the workers of his champagne factory in the New World. “House of Visitors” - that’s what they called it local residents this majestic castle that resembled a medieval fortress.

Massive square towers with battlements give the building the formidable appearance of a fortification. But inside the castle there is an elegant courtyard where workers could relax.
Golitsyn himself never lived in this castle and upon his arrival in the New World he settled down on a small estate nearby, where a museum dedicated to this Crimean philanthropist was opened.

Karasan Palace

You can get to the Karasan Palace from Yalta regular buses Yalta-Alushta, stop "village. Pushkino". Then follow the sign to the Karasan sanatorium.

“Sunrise, East” - this is how you can translate the name of the marvelous Karasan palace in Alushta. The estate is associated with the name of the ancient Raevsky family, although it was built by the Borozdin family.

The architecture of the palace can be described with the fashionable word today: “fusion”. On the one hand, this is a luxurious oriental palace with arched windows and lace balustrades, reminiscent of the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai, and on the other hand, the palace is made in a country style with carved balconies and graceful columns.
The Raevsky family spent many happy days on the estate. Pushkin also visited “Karasan” and admired the intoxicating nature of this place, which he wrote about in his letters.

Around the Karasan Palace there is a beautiful park with an area of ​​18 hectares. Since Raevsky served in the land department, he tried to make his park unique. He assembled an amazing collection of more than 200 different types of trees brought from South America and Africa. Of particular interest is the alley of two-hundred-year-old pine trees - the only one in this region.

Since 1924, the palace was given over to the administrative building of the Karasan sanatorium, for patients with pulmonary diseases. Good medical facilities and wonderful air, saturated with pine needles, work wonders, making this place unique.
Unfortunately, the building was heavily damaged during the earthquake. But even today you can admire the luxurious stucco molding, the marble fireplace in the living room and the bas-relief of the Madonna above the entrance, which Raevsky brought from Paris.

Vorontsov's estate

This luxurious estate is located in Simferopol on Salgir. The house is located at the address Simferopol, st. Yaltinskaya, 2, Salgirka Park.

Initially, the estate was built for the Naryshkin family. It was built by the Vorontsov architect Elson. Inspired by the beauty of the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai, he wove some elements into the architecture of the estate.
In 1834, the house came into the possession of the Vorontsov family. The prince, despite rare visits to the Simferopol estate, maintained it in excellent condition and took care of its development. That is why the imperial family stopped here during their trip to the south. Emperor Nicholas I called the estate a “small palace”, and indeed, despite small sizes, it looks impressive and spacious. In addition to the imperial family, many famous writers, scientists, poets and musicians visited here - the house on Salgirka was always open to guests.

Around the estate there is a picturesque park "Salgirka", which is one of the most significant attractions of the city.

Unfortunately, during Soviet times the building underwent significant reconstruction, and although the façade was restored to its original appearance, the interior has undergone significant changes. Today you can freely admire the magnificent building, with stone lions that guard the entrance. There are no tours inside the estate, as the premises have been rebuilt for the needs of various institutions.

Hunting house - Yusupov palace

Driving along the Yalta-Bakhchisaray road you can see the luxurious Yusupov estate, which is located in the village of Sokolin.

The richest family of the Russian Empire built for themselves luxurious, truly royal palaces, even if this palace was used as a hunting lodge.

The architect of the Yusupov hunting house was Krasnov, each of whose projects became a real pearl. The palace was built in 1910, stylized as a “Caravanserai” in the Tatar style. Having seen this house, the Yusupovs gave it the name “Askerin”, which translated means “belonging to a warrior” - the family was famous for its military valor.
It is interesting that the tiles for the house were ordered from local Tatar craftsmen, who imitated the patina so skillfully that even the owners did not notice the difference between the skillfully aged tiles and the ancient tiles of the Khan's Palace. The interior painting was done by graduates of the Stroganov Art School.
One of the first guests the palace received was Emperor Nicholas II, who noted the originality and sophistication of the estate. During the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, the house was looted more than once.
Today the building is used as a boarding school, so it is impossible to get inside. But the question of transferring the Yusupov palace-house to a museum has already been raised. So, perhaps, in the near future, tourists will be able to get a closer look at the beautiful architectural monument.

"Vasil-Saray" Ustinov's estate

Boarding house "St. Petersburg". You can get to Vasil-Saray from Yalta by trolleybus No. 2 to the Dzhemiet stop, then go down the road. You can also get there by minibuses and tourist boats that go to Massandra.

Today this is one of the buildings of the St. Petersburg boarding house in Massandra, but initially this luxurious villa in the neoclassical style belonged to Prince V.S. Golitsyn, who laid out a beautiful park with cypresses, yews, cedars and juniper thickets and some varieties of flora that are listed in the Red Book.
After Golitsyn, the estate changed several owners and finally went to Count Ustinov, who held high diplomatic positions under the emperor. The count began building a new house, which he entrusted to Krasnov. And the name of the architect alone suggests that this architectural monument is worthy of attention.
Interestingly, unlike many palaces south coast, the estate was practically not damaged during the wars, so it was only restored and the facade was updated, but the original architecture remained unchanged. The wonderful stucco moldings that were used to decorate the houses still remain inside.

Estate "New Kuchuk-Koy"

How to get there: Parkovoe village.

Not far from the old Sevastopol highway there is a small village called Parkovoye, where one of the most beautiful estates in the Art Nouveau style is located - New Kuchuk-Koy, built by philanthropist Ya. Zhukovsky in 1905.
Interestingly, this is one of the first estates built from concrete, in record short time. The building was decorated by the most famous artists of the Silver Age: Vrubel, Utkin, Lanceray, Kuznetsov and others. Unfortunately, the building was heavily damaged by fire and is currently under restoration. But tourists who come here can admire the unique park in the Russian Art Nouveau style - access is open.
The park is decorated with many unique sculptures-symbols that create their own special world. Among them are such sculptures as: “Boy Falling Asleep”, “Bather”, “Nymphaeum”, “Awakening” and others.
Particular attention of tourists is attracted by the “Jacob” staircase, named after the first owner, Yakov Zhukovsky, which connects the upper and lower terraces of the estate.

Palace of Mordvinov “Good Wasteland”

This luxurious palace is located at Yalta, st. Sverdlova 32. At the end of the embankment, st. Drazhinsky.

Count N.S. Mordvinov served Catherine II faithfully and faithfully, for which he received an allotment of land in the Yalta Valley. The count named the estate “Good Heath” and laid out a park, which later became public.
The Mordvinov Palace was built by the count's great-grandson. This is a magnificent building in the Renaissance style, reminiscent of luxurious Italian villas. The two-story palace had 79 rooms, decorated with stucco, columns and balconies. The original paintings of the walls and balconies have still been preserved. The general architecture of the palace remained unchanged. The palace was accompanied by a picturesque park with fountains, and antique sculptures and plants listed in the Red Book.

After the revolution of 1917, the palace passed into the department of the People's Commissariat. Afterwards it remained a closed boarding house of the Ministry of Defense for a long time.
And only recently the Mordvinovsky Palace was put up for sale at a price of 16 million euros. This is the most expensive object on the Crimean peninsula.

Kessler Manor, estate of Countess Mongenet

Pos. Fersmanovo (near Simferopol).

Not far from Simferopol, near the village of Fersmanovo, there is the once beautiful noble estate of the landowner Kessler. German by nationality, Kessler lived in Russia long enough to fall in love with this region forever.
The building was built at the end of the 19th century in the neoclassical style. Unfortunately, today it is in a deplorable state - only the walls remain, but you can still recognize the amazing architecture of this castle, reminiscent of German estates.

And three kilometers from the Kessler estate, you can see another equally forgotten estate of Countess Mongenet. In order to purchase it, the Mongenet spouses, French by origin, had to seek special permission. The Countess began arranging her new home, making it more luxurious and representative. Today, only the outer walls of the palace and the tower-outbuilding have been preserved.

Dacha Stamboli

Address of the Stamboli dacha: Feodosia, Lenin Ave., 47 in the city center on the embankment. Today it houses a museum of underwater archeology.

In the center of Feodosia, one cannot help but pay attention to a luxurious building with an oriental flavor - this is the Stamboli dacha. The building amazes with its oriental magic and incredible luxury, which can compete with royal palaces Crimea.

The construction of the house was ordered by Feodosia manufacturer Joseph Stamboli, who lived in the house for only three years, then he had to leave for Turkey, as the October Revolution began.

The style of the house is rich in oriental flavor and is made in the best traditions of Turkish architecture. Large arched passages, semicircular vaults, domed roofs and small turrets-minarets, for an unknowing person - the dacha looks like the palace of an eastern ruler.

When decorating the house, marble, paintings, stucco were used - everything that made the building royally brilliant and rich. In Soviet times, hospitals and hospital buildings were located here. Not everyone liked this luxurious building, which was reminiscent of the past, so there was talk of its demolition. But, fortunately, this did not happen and today you can admire the amazing architecture with pleasure.

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