What is unique about the Altai Mountains? Altai mountains. All about the golden mountains of Altai

Altai Mountains- a wonderful natural landmark. Mountain ranges are terrifying and awe-inspiring.

There are so many who want to conquer the snowy slopes and climb the peaks, from where they can view the spreading beauty of several countries at once.

Altai Mountains on the map

Geographical position

The Altai Mountains are located in Asia, or more precisely in Central Asia and Siberia. Mountain system covers several countries at once. It lay on the borders of Russia - in the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic, China - Xinjiang-Uyghur autonomous region, Kazakhstan - East Kazakhstan region, and Mongolia - Bayan-Ulgiy and Khovd aimaks.

Flora and fauna

The vegetation of the Altai Mountains is diverse and to some extent unique. On relatively small area mountain ranges you can find almost all types of flora of the European part of Russia, Kazakhstan and Central and Northern Asia. All this is due to elevation changes (the difference ranges from 350 meters to 4500 meters).

Various altitude zones are formed. Each of them has its own flora. Once in the Altai Mountains, you can visit a variety of natural conditions in just a day. Steppe vegetation is widely represented in Altai. Here you can see a variety of shrubs (honeysuckle, sea buckthorn, rose hips), cereals (fescue, feather grass) and other plants.

If you look at the southeastern region of the mountain system at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, it will amaze you with its semi-desert and scarcity. A completely different Altai appears in its famous forests, rich in flora. The world-famous black taiga is adjacent to the main forests and cedar trees, which occupy more than 30% of the territory of the Altai Mountains.

nature of the Altai mountains photo

At an altitude of 2000 meters the alpine zone begins. It includes swamps and tundras. The alpine meadows deserve special mention. A huge variety of grasses spreads on them, some reaching a height of more than one and a half meters.

The flora of Altai is a huge folk “pharmacy” with big amount medicinal plants. More than 100 plant species are used in the pharmaceutical industry. The most popular and famous medicinal flower is Maryin root. The bright flowers of this peony burn with fire on the colorful green carpets of countless meadows.

The next altitude zone is dominated by mountain tundra. There is no variety of herbs and shrubs, vegetable world represented by numerous mosses and lichens. In some areas you can see low-growing willows and birches surrounded by green mosses. You can also find stone blocks, entwined with lichens, between which partridge grass grows.

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The fauna of Altai amazes with its richness. Ecologists count about 90 species of mammals, more than 260 species of birds, 11 different representatives of amphibians and reptiles and two dozen fish. In the steppe, you can come across rodents at every step. Voles, pikas, marmots and jerboas hide here. Everywhere in the Altai steppes live foxes, wolves, and white hares. At an altitude of more than a thousand meters, the fauna is already more diverse, although some representatives of the steppes are still found here.

In addition to them, a wide variety of birds is represented here. Here are the bustard, the Indian goose, and the gray crane. Birds of prey also soar in the sky: black vultures, griffon vultures, saker falcons. The higher you go in the mountains, the more animals you can find among the trees and rocks. Elk, roe deer, and deer are real decorations of the Altai forests. Closer to the northern territories, lucky people can see rare reindeer.

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And in the wilderness of the taiga, dangerous, predatory animals roam: bears, wolverines, lynxes. In alpine meadows, the diversity of animals, in contrast to plant species, is much less. Although this is where rare animals listed in the Red Book live: snow leopards, argali, mountain goats.

The aquatic fauna is represented by various types of fish. Lakes and rivers of Altai are ideal fishing spots for fishermen. Pike, ide, perch, sterlet and minnows swim here. However, the higher you go in the mountains, the more variety water world becomes poorer. The Altai Mountains are the only habitat of the Altai Ottoman.

Characteristics of the Altai Mountains

Who discovered the Altai Mountains

IN different countries gave grief various names. Like the mountain range itself, its name is very ancient. It is impossible to determine who exactly discovered the mountains and gave them their real name.

beauty of the Altai mountains photo

Linguists believe that the word “Altai” comes from a combination of two Turkic words: Alty - “six” and ay - “moon”. For various nationalities, the Altai Mountains are “variegated” or “golden” mountains due to the fact that they are rich in bright colorful plants, and the snowy peaks sparkle in the sunlight.

  • Thanks to the unusual climate in winter in the Altai mountains, peculiar oases without snow cover are formed in some valleys. The temperature in them is usually 10 0 -15 0 degrees higher than in neighboring areas.
  • The first mountains formed here 500-600 million years ago. However, due to tectonic processes, their relief was destroyed, and 66 million years ago a mountain range was formed here, which still exists today.
  • Natural places, located on the territory of the Altai Mountains (Teletskoye Lake, Altai and Katunsky nature reserves, Mount Belukha), were included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1998.
  • Experts estimate the reserves of medicinal plants in the mountains to be half a million tons.
  • There are numerous mineral deposits in the mountains. However, there is practically no mining of raw materials in these areas.
  • The mountain system is divided into: Altai, Southern Altai, Gobi Altai, Mongolian Altai and Steppe Altai.
  • The length of the Museum Cave (the longest in the Altai Mountains) is 700 meters.

Altai region

Officially. Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia, 3419 km from Moscow. Territory 168,000 square km.

Informally. The Altai region is very large and diverse. The topography changes as you move through the area. He seems to be a growing bear, at first quiet and calm, then huge and majestic. This is how steppes and plains grow into foothills and mountains.

Officially. The climate is temperate continental, formed as a result of frequent changes in air masses.

Unofficially. The four seasons have many variations, and come back each year to see a different perspective. You can come in the hot summer, or you can come in the cool and rainy weather. Give me variety! - this is the main rule of Altai weather.

Summer and Altai Mountains

Officially: The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, which are separated by deep valleys of mountain rivers and vast basins located inside the mountains.

Informally: The nature of Altai is amazing. Tourists from all over globe rush to these places to enjoy beautiful views high mountains, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and deserted spaces. Immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of these places.

The settlement of the Altai Territory has begun
in the 18th century

Young Russia needed metal to produce weapons and coins. The Ural factory owner Akinfiy Demidov founded the first metallurgical plant in 1729 - Kolyvano-Voskresensky. The depths of Altai were also rich in silver. In 1744, Demidov began producing silver. The result of Akinfiy Demidov’s activities in the Altai Territory was the establishment of feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of assigned peasants and artisans.

Event tourism in the Altai region

The creation and development of bright, interesting events in the business, cultural, and sports life of the Altai Territory has become the basis for the development of event tourism in the region. The region annually hosts more than a dozen festivals, forums, and holidays that can attract thousands of tourists from various regions of Russia and from abroad. These are the International Tourism Forum “VISIT ALTAI”, the festival “Blossoming of the Elkweed”, the drinks festival “Altaifest”, the Day of Russia on “ Turquoise Katun", the festival "Shukshin Days in Altai", the International Youth Forum of the Asia-Pacific Region, the SCO Forum, the Siberian International Forum on Health and Medical Tourism, the holiday "Altai Wintering" and many others.

beauty and health

Officially. The useful flora of the region has 1184 plant species. The most large group drugs, including about 100 types widely used in official medicine.

Informally. Decoction, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks - this is what everyone who comes to the Altai Territory should try. Spas, health and wellness centers use products made from Altai herbs.

Glorified Siberian land throughout the world, the Altai mountains are dozens of massifs, ridges, and the most high peaks region. It’s not for nothing that travelers call Altai the Russian Tibet or the Siberian Alps - they are so similar in grandeur and appearance.

For the indigenous population, the Altai Mountains are direct evidence of the existence of ancient gods, by whose will these stone giants grew on the steppe land. It is the romantic image of the mountains that attracts tens of thousands of tourists from abroad, among whom you can see artists, photographers and even world-famous scientists.

Stretching for 150 km from east to west, or the Katunskie squirrels, is the highest chain of the Altai Mountains. The ridge is a natural watershed for water areas largest rivers republics - Katun, Argut and Berel. Located mountain range in the southern part of the Ust-Koksinsky district of the Altai Republic.

Here is the highest point of Siberia - Mount Belukha, and the average height of the mountains does not fall below 2600 meters. The Katunsky ridge is home to 300 glaciers, total area which exceeds 280 km 2. These are the same glaciers that give rise to the Katun and other famous rivers of Altai.

There are several dozen high-mountain lakes in different parts of the ridge. Talmen, Multinskie lakes, Kucherlinskoe lake and other reservoirs are included in the territories of biosphere reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and environmental zones.

The vegetation of the Katunsky ridge is divided into high-mountain and low-mountain zones. Pines, cedar, and Altai larch species grow here up to 2000 meters above sea level. Lake and river valleys are rich in thickets of berries, wild honeysuckle bushes and mushrooms. From an altitude of 2200 meters, picturesque alpine meadows with dwarf birch trees and flowers begin on the Katunskie squirrels.

Animal world The mountain Katun is rich and varied. Travelers can see natural environment habitat not only of Siberian bears, but also of mountain goats, deer and even the rare snow leopard.

The highest point of Altai and all of Siberia is a mountain with its legendary two peaks. The eastern peak rises above sea level by 4509 meters, the western peak by 4435 meters. The mountain is considered to be the geographical center of Eurasia - it is almost equally distant from the three oceans.

But for the Altai people, Belukha, or, as the ancient inhabitants of these lands called it, Kadyn-Bazhi, is not just a mountain, but sacred place, which in the old days you couldn’t even look at without a special reason. It was believed that in ice caves The beluga whale is inhabited by an evil demon who will punish anyone who tries to climb the mountain without his permission. This is how the Altai people explained the frequent avalanches and rockfalls caused by earthquakes.

Buddhists are sure that somewhere near the top of Belukha the entrance to the legendary Shambhala, the mythical land of sages, is hidden. It was the search for Shambhala that brought Nicholas Roerich here, who painted his famous canvases from life, as well as other artists, photographers, writers and scientists from all over the world.

Belukha did not submit to the climbers right away - the first attempts to climb the mountain were made back in XIX century, but due to avalanches and rockfalls, not a single climber was able to reach the top. The conquerors were the brothers Mikhail and Boris Tronov. One of the glaciers flowing down the western slope was later named in honor of the discoverers of the peak.

Since climbing Belukha is possible only as part of an experienced and prepared group, most tourists are content with only views of this majestic peak. Fortunately, in good weather Even from a great distance, you can take many photos with the snow-capped peaks of the mountain in the background.

To the east of Belukha stretches part of the Katunsky ridge, known as the Delaunay ridge, and is crowned by the eponymous Delaunay Peak. This mountain is considered the third peak of Altai with a height of 4260 meters above sea level. It received its name in honor of Boris Nikolaevich Delaunay, one of the founding fathers of the Soviet school of mountaineering.

Climbing Delone Peak is not as popular as Belukha, although the two mountains are comparable in degree of danger. The ice pyramid, located next to Belukha, is surrounded by snow cornices, which from time to time become the cause of terrible avalanches.

As in the case of Belukha, most tourists are content with taking pictures with the mountain in the background, occasionally climbing to the famous Tomsk sites, from where well-equipped groups of professional climbers begin their hikes to Belukha and other Altai peaks.

The former peak of 20 years of October, and now it is the third, and if you count Belukha as two mountains, the fourth highest peak of the Altai Mountains. It rises above sea level at 4178 meters. The famous Western Plateau Pass passes through the summit.

The mountain’s non-political name appeared due to the crown-like appearance of the peak when viewed from Lake Akkem. The views of the mountain from here are shared by most of the guests of the Altai foothills. And if you're lucky, the Crown of Altai will not be covered by clouds, and it can be seen in all its glory.

Chuiskie squirrels or - the second most popular tourist mountain range in Altai. Total length it is 210 km long, on which hundreds of glaciers rest, giving rise to thousands of Altai reservoirs. These Altai mountains are officially divided into two unequal parts - the North Chuysky and South Chuysky ridges.

The length of the North Chuysky ridge is 120 km, and it is much more popular than its southern “neighbor”. Some sites can be reached by off-road vehicle, and even novice tourists can walk to natural attractions. In total, there are about 300 glaciers, several dozen large lakes and many rivers and very small mountain streams on the North Chuysky ridge.

The South Chuysky ridge is considered less accessible to tourists. The mountain slopes are surrounded by rivers and neighboring massifs, so most popular sites can only be reached on foot, sometimes crossing icy rivers ford

The mountain is highest point Chuisky ridge, rising above sea level at 4177 meters. There is a glacier of the same name, a river of the same name and a lake on it. And it is the last reservoir, located at an altitude of 1984 meters above sea level, that attracts the bulk of tourists who want to see mountain peak closer.

Climbing the mountain itself is possible only if there is high level training and at least two experienced guides responsible for safety. Every summer, from the side of the lake you can see equipped climbers setting off to conquer Maashey-Bashi.

The peak is located in the Kosh-Agach region of the Altai Republic. This is the second highest peak of the North Chuysky ridge, which is known among tourists not so much for mountaineering tours as for travel to mountain valley, from which a snow-capped peak 4044 meters high is clearly visible.

But the valley of Mount Aktru is also known for the oldest mountaineering camp in Altai. Today it operates all year round. In winter people come here to ski and snowboard. And in the summer you can practice or even learn mountaineering from scratch, or simply relax, enjoying the views of the majestic mountain, the ascent of which is accessible only to experienced climbers.

The highest point of the South Chuysky ridge is Mount Irbistu- this is one of the most difficult peaks of Altai and all Asian mountains to climb, but at the same time - one of the most picturesque mountains region. The height above sea level is 3967 meters, and with certain skills you can reach the 3500-meter mark without climbing steep cliffs.

Most often, hikes to Irbistu begin from the Tydtuyaryk campsite, famous among tourists. From here, walking groups go to the sides of the ridge, cross many fords and stop at observation deck, which was created by nature itself.

The Ukok Plateau, or Ukok Plateau, is amazing place, which in most international directories is indicated as the junction of the borders of China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia. But this is not the only value of such an area; nature itself is a key attraction here.

In addition to the peaks of the plateau framing the plateau, there are many other memorable places. Archaeologists from all over the world travel to Ukok to see ancient rock paintings, mounds, and stone sculptures standing in the middle of the steppe landscape. Several thousand bodies of water are located around them in a chaotic manner - from tiny lakes to deep rivers.

But the most famous attraction found here is the same “Princess of Altai” - the mummy of a young woman, whose body is covered with numerous tattoos. The whole world learned about the discovery in the 1990s, and now thousands of people come to see the princess’s “residence” on the plateau. The mummy itself is now kept in Gorno-Altaisk, and you can see it in National Museum named after Anokhin.

In the extreme southeast of Western Siberia between 48° and 53° N. w. and 82°-90° E. the vast Altai mountain system extends across. The maximum absolute heights of the Siberian Altai range from 350 to 4500 m, and the increase in the heights of mountain ranges and the bottom of river valleys occurs in the southeast direction. In the northeast, Altai touches the Kuznetsk Alatau and Western Sayan; the Mongolian Altai departs from it to the southeast, and the hilly steppe spaces of the Kazakh hillocks with absolute heights of 300-500 m (with gradual transitions to Altai) are adjacent to the southwest. In the north and north-west, Altai is quite sharply limited by a steep erosion-tectonic ledge up to 300-500 m high, which can be traced approximately 52° N. w. Further to the southwest the Altai border becomes less distinct; its continuation here are low granite manes, extending far into the steppes of Kazakhstan.

Mountain ranges Altai are located fan-shaped. The largest high-mountain junction here is the Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola mountain range, bordering Mongolia, located in the upper reaches of the river. Argut, a tributary of the river. Katuni. Its main peak, Kuitun, reaches 4358 m in height and bears powerful glaciation. From it, beyond the borders of the USSR, the Mongolian Altai extends to the southeast, in the latitudinal direction the system of ridges of the Southern Altai goes to the west, and the border mountain range - Sailyugem (with elevations up to 4029 m) stretches to the east, which begins the Eastern Altai. Between these mountain systems of the Southern and Eastern Altai, inside the wide-open arc they form, is the Central, or Inner Altai, the continuation of which is the ridges of the northwestern part of Altai.

Southern Altai consists of the ridges (in the direction from east to west): Tarbagatai, Sarym-Sakty and Narymsky, from which several mountain ranges are separated to the south and southwest, going towards the Zaisan depression (Kurchumsky, Azu, etc. ridges) , with little dissection and high, impassable passes. Their slopes are asymmetrical - gentle to the south and steep to the north. The ridges of Southern Altai are watersheds between the waters of the tributaries of the river. Black Irtysh and the river system. Bukhtarmy. In the highest areas they are covered with eternal snow and numerous glaciers. In the eastern part of these ridges the heights reach 3915 m, and in the western part 3350 m. The highest point of the Southern Altai (Mount Kirey) is 3790 m. The Southern Altai is characterized by high passes.

Eastern Altai consists of a series of ridges located on the watershed between the Ob, Abakan and Kobdo river systems. These are the Sailyugem, Chikhacheva and Shapshal ranges. Sailyugem (absolute height up to 4029 m) stretches along the border with the Mongolia and serves as a watershed between the river systems. Ob (argut, Chuya, Bashkaus, Chulyshman rivers) and rivers. Kobdo. From the Chikhachev ridge the Chulyshmansky, Kuraisky and Aigulaksky ridges extend to the west, which in turn separates a whole fan of ridges filling the space between the river. Katun and Lake Teletskoye.

In the upper reaches of the river Ony (Abakan river system) Eastern Altai adjoins the Western Sayan through the Shapshal ridge. Characteristic features of the relief of Eastern Altai are significant elevation, comparative smoothness of mountain ranges with more or less gentle slopes; Dome-shaped peaks and significant development of raised, hilly plains (plateaus) are also typical. Of these plateaus (the so-called “steppes”) we will name the Chui steppe, the Kurai steppe, the Chulyshman plateau, the Ukok plateau, located at altitudes from 1500 to 2300 m and being the threshold to similar high steppes and semi-deserts of Central Asia.

Central, or Inner Altai. Two main mountain ranges (northern and southern) are clearly distinguished here, having an almost latitudinal extension and gradually decreasing in the direction from east to west. The southern chain consists of the high, massive Katunsky ridge (Katunsky squirrels) with the highest point of Altai - Mount Belukha (4506 m).

A direct continuation of the Katunsky squirrels to the east is the river gorge separated from them. Arguta ridge South Chuya squirrels with main peak- Mount Irbistu (up to 3958 m). To the west of the Katunsky ridge, separated from it by the river valley. Katun is located in the Kholzun ridge with altitudes of up to 2600 m. Mountain ranges here rise above the snow line and carry heavy snow and the largest glaciers of Altai.

The northern chain of ridges of Central Altai starts from the river. Chui North Chuya squirrels with the complex mountain unit Bish Iirdu (height 3899 m) and continues further to the west under the name of the Terektinsky ridge (up to 2891 m altitude). It is followed by the Korgonsky (2500 m), lower Tigiretsky (2255 m) and Kolyvansky (Mount Sinyukha - 1197 m) ridges. The last of them is gradually lost in the steppe plains.

A number of ridges extend radially from the Kholzun ridge to the west, sometimes separated into the system of ridges of Western Altai - Ulbinsky (1792 m), Ivanovsky (up to 2674 m), Ubinsky and others.

To the northwest and north of the Terektinsky and Korgon ridges there are a wide fan of mountain ranges- Seminsky (2506 m), Cherginsky (2010 m), Anuysky, Baschelaksky (2359 m). All of them are heavily eroded and have the appearance of medium-altitude mountains, without reaching the upper limit of the forest zone.

Central Altai is characterized by a large contrast of heights and the presence of wide intermountain depressions with a flat bottom (Uimonskaya, Katanda, Abai steppes), with an absolute height of up to 1000 m. As a rule, the degree of exposure of the Altai ridges increases in the direction to the southwest, and in the same direction and their patency becomes difficult.

Altai– a beautiful region famous for its nature. The majestic mountains of this region attract tourists from all over the world. The Altai Mountains are the most high mountains in Siberia, separated mountain rivers and pits. The mountain system passes through four countries: Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. In the territory Russian Federation The ridges are located mainly in the Altai Republic and in the Altai Territory.

The magnificent Altai Mountains were formed about 500 million years ago. But due to climate change, earthquakes and ice ages, about 60 million years ago the mountains were severely destroyed and acquired a completely different appearance, which we can observe today. The Altai Mountains are heterogeneous in their relief. There are three main groups here: plains, mid-mountain and glacial high-mountain relief. 2000 meters is the average height of the mountains. The highest point in Altai is Mount Belukha, its height is 4506 meters.

The Altai Mountains are unique, and have been on the list since 1998 World Heritage UNESCO.


Belukha is the highest point of Altai, recognized as the geographical center of Eurasia - it is equidistant from three oceans. This mountain has never been just a mountain, but has always represented a sacred place. The ancient Altai people of Kadyn-Bazhi believed that a terrible demon lived in the mountain, who would kill everyone who tried to climb this mountain. This is what explained the regular avalanches and rockfalls caused by the earthquake.

In contrast, Buddhists believe that it is at the top of Mount Belukha that the entrance to the mythical land of the sages, Shambhala, is hidden.

They first tried to climb to the top of Belukha back in the 19th century, but this turned out to be impossible due to constant rockfalls and avalanches. The first ascent of the mountain in history took place only in 1914 by Mikhail and Boris Tronov.

Ukok Plateau

The Ukok plateau is considered the meeting point of the borders of four states - Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Incredible nature, thousands of small rivers and reservoirs attract tourists from all over the world to visit this place. This plateau is famous for a large number of cultural monuments. Rock paintings, mounds, and stone sculptures were found here. “Princess of Ukok” is the main find in this area. This is the mummy of a 25-year-old woman found here in 1993. Tattoos on her skin, as well as horses, gold, and household items buried with her, give the right to claim that she was a very noble woman. Archaeologists, historians, and art historians still continue to study this incredibly picturesque place.

Altai Mountains brief information.


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