Everest coordinates on the map. Top of the world. Geographic coordinates of Mount Chomolungma. Facts about Everest

Everest from the plane (shrimpo1967 / flickr.com) Everest (Neil Young / flickr.com) Mount Everest from Base Camp (Rupert Taylor-Price / flickr.com) Mount Everest, Base Camp and Rongbuk (Göran Höglund (Kartläsarn) / flickr. com) Top of Qomolungma (jo cool / flickr.com) View of Everest (Christopher Michel / flickr.com) cksom / flickr.com Mahatma4711 / flickr.com McKay Savage / flickr.com ilker ender / flickr.com Fred Postles / flickr. com Jeff P / flickr.com Everest in the clouds (Jean-François Gornet / flickr.com) utpala ॐ / flickr.com View of Everest from an airplane (Xiquinho Silva / flickr.com) Rick McCharles / flickr.com Climbing Everest (Rick McCharles / flickr.com) Everest Base Camp - Gorak Shep - Nepal (lampertron / flickr.com) akunamatata / flickr.com Summit of Mount Qomolungma (Everest) (TausP. / flickr.com) Denn Ukoloff / flickr.com Mount Everest (Christopher Michel / flickr.com) Returning from Everest Base Camp (valcker / flickr.com) Everest and Nuptse (smallufo / flickr.com) Stefanos Nikologianis / flickr.com

Everest or Chomolungma is the highest mountain peak in the world. It is located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and Tibet. autonomous region China. Geographical coordinates Mount Everest: 27°59′17″ north latitude and 86°55′31″ east longitude.

The height of Chomolungma is 8848 meters above sea level. For comparison, the height of Elbrus is highest point Russia, has only 5642 meters above sea level, i.e. at 3206 m below Chomolungma.

The first ascent of Everest was made on May 29, 1953 by New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.

The mountain is best known throughout the world as "Everest". The peak was named after George Everest, who was the chief surveyor of British India in the 1830s and 40s.

Mount Everest (Christopher Michel / flickr.com)

Interestingly, the mountain was so named during Everest’s lifetime, about a year before his death. The name was suggested by a student of a scientist who calculated the exact height of the peak and thereby proved that it is the highest on Earth. Before this, the peak was also known as "Peak XV".

The traditional Tibetan name for the peak is Chomolungma, which can be translated as “mistress of the winds.” This name is widely used in Russian cartography, but in Western countries it is not very well known, as it is considered quite difficult to pronounce.

On maps published in our country, the peak is usually signed as “Qomolungma”, and the name “Everest” is indicated in brackets. The traditional Nepalese name for the mountain is also Sagarmatha.

Where is Mount Everest (Qomolungma)?

Almost every child knows where Everest is today. If you look at geographical map, then you can see that it is located in the highest mountain system on Earth - the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China.

Everest coordinates: 27°59′17″ N and 86°55′31″ E. Mount Everest is part of the Mahalangur Himal range; the Nepalese part is located within the Sagarmatha Park.

Summit of Everest

The top of Mount Chomolungma looks like a pyramid with three almost flat sides. The southern slope is steeper, snow and ice hardly even linger on it, the northern slope is somewhat flatter.

The relative height of the mountain is approximately 3550 m. The South Col Pass, whose height reaches 7906 meters above sea level, connects Everest with Mount Lhotse (8516 m), and the North Col Pass (7020 m) with Mount Changtse (7553 m). Most mountaineering routes pass through these two passes.

Geographical characteristics

The Khumbu Glacier is located in the basin between the peaks of Chomolungma and Lhotse. Below it turns into the icefall of the same name, which is considered the most dangerous section when climbing through the South Wing.

View of Everest (Christopher Michel / flickr.com)

This can be explained by the fact that the icefall is almost constantly in motion. To pass this place, climbers use various ladders and railings.

Below the icefall, the glacier continues again and ends only at an altitude of 4600 meters. Its total length is 22 km.

Another notable feature of the local topography is the Kangshung Wall. This is the eastern wall of the summit of Mount Qomolungma, whose height is 3350 meters and the base width is about 3000 meters.

At the foot of the wall there is a glacier of the same name. Climbing to the top along the Kangshung Wall is significantly more dangerous compared to standard routes.

Everest in the clouds (Jean-François Gornet / flickr.com)

Climate - what time of year is suitable for conquering Everest?

The summit of Everest is characterized by extremely unfavorable climatic conditions. There are often very strong winds here, blowing at speeds of more than 50 meters per second.

The temperature at the top never goes above 0 degrees. The average July temperature is minus 19 degrees, and average temperature January - 36 degrees below zero. On winter nights, temperatures can drop to 50-60 degrees below zero.

What period of the year is best suited to conquer the peak? Based climatic conditions, the most favorable time for climbing is the beginning of May. At this time, the winds here are usually the least strong.

How was Everest formed?

The history of the formation of Everest is closely connected with the history of the formation of the Himalayas, which dates back many millions of years ago and stems from global geological processes.

Top of Chomolungma (jo cool / flickr.com)

About 90 million years ago, the Indian Plate broke away from the giant continent of Gondwana and began to move north quite quickly.

The speed of movement reached twenty centimeters per year, which is significantly greater than the speed of movement of any other plate of the earth's crust. About 50-55 million years ago, the Indian Plate began to collide with the Eurasian Plate.

As a result of this collision, the Eurasian plate was greatly deformed - a vast mountain belt was formed, the highest part of which is the Himalayas.

At the same time, the sedimentary rocks that previously made up the bottom of the ancient ocean were crushed into huge folds and often ended up at enormous heights. This explains the fact that the top of Everest is composed of sedimentary rocks.

Everest Education Scheme

Today, the Indian plate continues its movement in a northeast direction, deforming the Eurasian plate. In this regard, mountain-building processes in the Himalayas continue.

The height of the mountain system in general and individual peaks in particular continues to slowly increase by several millimeters per year.

During large earthquakes, changes in the height of an area can occur almost instantly and be much more significant.

Ecology: garbage left by climbers, bodies of the dead

The environmental situation on Mount Chomolungma leaves much to be desired. During the ascents on its slopes accumulated great amount garbage.

According to 2007 data only Tibetan section the mountain contains about 120 tons of various debris left by climbers. It is not entirely clear how to remove garbage from the slopes.

In the last few years, attempts have been made to collect waste, but this was clearly not enough. Another problem is the evacuation and burial of the bodies of deceased climbers.

  • A rather interesting fact is that the water on the highest peak in the world boils at a temperature of only +68 °C. You'll probably ask: why? This is due to the fact that Atmosphere pressure here is only a third of normal pressure at sea level.
  • Another interesting fact– this is the gradual growth of the mountain. Indeed, the height of Chomolungma increases every year by 3 to 6 millimeters. The same trend is characteristic of all the Himalayas, which is explained by the ongoing processes of mountain building and the associated rise of the territory.
  • I would also like to mention this curious fact that Everest is the highest point in the world only if we take into account the height from the level of the world's oceans. Thus, the Mauna Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii rises 10,203 meters relative to the ocean floor, while its height above sea level is only 4,205 meters.

A place with a view of Everest

Thanks to the efforts of the www.AirPano.com team, it became possible virtual walk by Everest. AirPano specializes in virtual tours, filmed in high resolution bird's-eye. Below is a panorama overlooking Everest.

January 21, 2016

Mount Everest is a real treasure of Nepal, this small country considered the birthplace of Buddha.

Name variations and location

Nepal would never have acquired the status of a kind of tourist “Mecca” if not for Everest. This is an amazing peak, shrouded in legends. The mountain was named in honor of George Everest, an Englishman and head of the geodetic service. Translated from the Tibetan language, the second name of this mountain is Chomolungma. It sounds like "Divine". The Nepalese call the mountain Sagarmatha - “mother of earthly gods”. Before the arrival of Europeans here, the peak was also called Chomo-Kankar - “queen of white snows”. Looking at the map of the southern part of Asia, you will find a narrow strip of the Himalayas in the north of the Hindustan Peninsula and determine the coordinates of Mount Qomolungma. To the north is the Tibetan Plateau. The height of Everest is 8848 meters. The geographic coordinates of Mount Qomolungma are 27°59′17″ north latitude and 86°55′31″ east longitude. It is part of the Main Himalayan Range. The highest point on the planet is located almost on the border of China and Nepal.

Not a cheap pleasure

Climbing to the top of the world is quite a difficult and expensive task. "Divine" is located in a remote area and is not easy to reach, as evidenced by the geographical coordinates of Mount Qomolungma. And this is due not only to the price of flights and long distances. Despite the fact that Mount Qomolangma on the map belongs to Chinese territory, it generates income for both China and Nepal. After all, just issuing a climbing permit brings up to 10 thousand dollars from each climber to the state treasury. In addition, you need expensive climbing equipment. These are tents, ice axes, cables, special clothing, sleeping bags, an oxygen apparatus. Orientation on the terrain is of great importance; they used to use a map, compass and geographical coordinates of Mount Qomolungma. Nowadays navigators make it possible not to get lost. You also need to stock up on food, oxygen and gas cylinders. In addition, you need to pay for the services of Sherpa porters, instructors and guides. The total amount spent on the rise can exceed 65 thousand dollars. You will also have to be patient. The complete ascent process, together with the mandatory month-long acclimatization to the rarefied air, training and arrangement of intermediate camps, lasts about two months.

Death area

In the snows of Everest, on the way to the top, there are about two hundred dead climbers. The wind blows snow off some of them, and such “marks” subtly remind tourists that the mountain is not to be trifled with.

Chomolungma has many dangers - avalanches, rock and ice slides, severe frosts. In winter, at the top of the mountain, the thermometer readings can drop below 60 degrees. Wind that knocks you off your feet.
But the most severe enemy of a climber is the lack of oxygen. It is not for nothing that heights above eight kilometers are called the domain of death. Since here the oxygen content drops to 0.3 from the norm and below. In such conditions, the body experiences tremendous exhaustion. The heart can simply stop in such conditions.
It is extremely difficult for climbers to move in the “death area”. Therefore, oxygen cylinders are mandatory elements of such expeditions. But many ascents have been made without the use of breathing apparatus.

Humanity check

“Mother of the earthly gods” attracts climbers with her inaccessibility. Climbers who come here have been preparing to climb this mountain for many years. They buy equipment and do physical training. If a person is not rich, he understands that he has only one chance to overcome this height. There won't be another try. In these conditions, travelers find themselves in circumstances where the call of height comes into conflict with humanity. For example, there are still a hundred meters to the top, the climber has almost no strength left, and a freezing man lies on the path. He urgently needs help. And the tourist understands that if he helps this person, he himself will no longer be able to reach the long-awaited peak. Help or step over a lying person? Unfortunately, many choose the second. There is a well-known story about a group of Japanese who met three freezing people. And they continued to climb, thereby leaving the unfortunate ones in the lurch.

History of conquest

After it was discovered in the mid-19th century that Everest was the highest mountain planet, many wanted to climb it. The geographical coordinates of Mount Qomolungma have become of interest to many adventurers. The situation with conquering this inaccessible height was complicated by the fact that for many years the approach to it was limited by the governments of Tibet and Nepal. Mount Chomolungma is located right on their border. But under the influence of the world community highest peak was open to mountaineering expeditions. But the enormous altitude, cold, lack of oxygen and hurricane winds preserved the inviolability of this shining peak for a long time. Attempts to reach it failed time after time. But at the end of May 1953, two travelers were the first to climb to a height of 8848 m. These were members of the English expedition Tenzing and Lambert. After this historic ascent, climbers set many records related to Chomolungma. This includes climbing to the top without an oxygen mask, exploring new routes, high-speed skiing and snowboarding, and even ascents by disabled climbers. One of them ascended on prosthetics, the other, being completely blind.

Mount Everest has been attracting people from all over the world since ancient times. Climbing it is fraught with many dangers and difficulties. However, neither the high cost of the climb, nor the huge load, nor even the fear of death stops numerous climbers climbing this majestic mountain.

Mount Everest (also called Chomolungma) is known as the highest in the world, but only if you do not take absolute height as a criterion. Everest rises the greatest distance above sea level among any other mountain on Earth, but there is a volcano growing from the ocean floor, so its actual height is greater. However, since the summit of Everest reaches the highest point on the planet, it is main goal most climbers who dream of conquering a giant at least once.

Location of Mount Everest and its characteristics

It is unlikely that there will be those who do not know on which continent the highest peak is located (Eurasia). They teach about Everest in geography lessons, showing where the mountain is located and which hemisphere it belongs to. Many people miss in which country Chomolungma is located, but geographic coordinates will help determine the exact position of the highest point on the planet, and this is China. Its latitude and longitude in degrees are as follows: 27°59′17″ N. w. 86°55′31″ E. d.

The mountain is part of the mountain range, being part of the Mahalangur-Himal ridge. In fact, it belongs to two countries: Nepal and China, while the highest point, the North Peak, is part of China. Its height in meters is 8848. The southern peak is slightly inferior in its indicator, but, nevertheless, reaches 8760 meters.

Because of its outstanding height, Everest was measured relatively recently. The first estimate appeared back in 1852 during trigonometric calculations. In the 1950s, theodolites were already used: with their help, it was possible to record the exact value of 8848.13 meters. Later, various information appeared in which the measurements fluctuated either up or down. The reason for this was that the peak consists of glaciers, which for a number of reasons can grow and shrink. It is officially recognized that the height of Everest is 8848 meters, and its solid rock ends at around 8844 meters.

The shape of Everest resembles a pyramid with three sides, while on the south the slope is steep and exposed, as snow and ice slide down from this side. Because of high altitude It is not surprising that wind speeds can exceed 200 m/s. In summer, the temperature fluctuates around 0 degrees, in January it drops to -35 degrees during the day and -50 and even -60 at night.

origin of name

Chomolungma is a Tibetan name that means “Divine Mother of Vital Energy.” This unusual name was chosen to honor the Bon goddess Sherab Jhamma. She is a symbol of mother energy. The Tibetans also gave the mountain a second name with the same etymology - Jomo Gang Kar, it translates as “Holy Mother, white like snow.”

Another popular name comes from English, as it was assigned as a tribute to the services of George Everest. At the beginning of the 19th century he was a famous figure in geodetic research. The scientist's successor put forward his surname as the name after an employee of the service where Everest worked made the world's first measurement of "Peak XV", considered the highest in Eurasia and presumably on the planet.

There is another name given by the people of Nepal. In their language, Mount Chomolungma sounds like Sagarmatha, which means “mother of the Universe.” In Nepal, they treat the highest peak with special warmth, so they prefer to call it in their native language.

Mountaineering Center

Mount Everest, due to its outstanding size, has long attracted the attention of rock climbers, but today climbers climb along well-established routes. Many groups prepare for camps, and hikes are organized almost every day during the season. This is one of popular destinations tourism, so Mount Chomolungma can hardly be called uninhabited.

The history of ascents includes pioneers Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary, who first reached the highest point in the world in 1953 on May 29. After their success, many expeditions managed to reach the peak, but only from the beginning of the 19th century did hikes become available to a large circle of people.

Climbing to the top is allowed in spring and autumn, as there are fewer winds during these seasons. In autumn, the rise is used only on the south side. Preparation lasts about two months, as the body must go through an acclimatization period. The last 300 meters are considered the most dangerous, but the impressions from the view are worth it. You won’t be able to see in any picture or photo what the mountain conqueror will receive, because emotions will greatly enhance the effect of what you see.

Mount Everest is a real treasure of Nepal, this small country considered the birthplace of Buddha.

Name variations and location

Nepal would never have acquired the status of a kind of tourist “Mecca” if not for Everest. This is an amazing peak, shrouded in legends. The mountain was named in honor of George Everest, an Englishman and head of the geodetic service. Translated from the Tibetan language, the second name of this mountain is Chomolungma. It sounds like "Divine". U is called Sagarmatha - “mother of the earthly gods”. Before the arrival of Europeans here, the peak was also called Chomo-Kankar - “queen of white snows”. Looking at the map of the southern part of Asia, you will find a narrow strip of the Himalayas in the north of the Hindustan Peninsula and determine the coordinates of Mount Qomolungma. Located to the north, the height of Everest is 8848 meters. Chomolungma Mountains - 27°59′17″ north latitude and 86°55′31″ east longitude. It is part of the Main Himalayan Range. The highest point on the planet is located almost on the border of China and Nepal.

Not a cheap pleasure

Climbing to the top of the world is quite a difficult and expensive task. "Divine" is located in a remote area and is not easy to reach, as evidenced by the geographical coordinates of Mount Qomolungma. And this is due not only to the price of flights and long distances. Despite the fact that Mount Qomolangma on the map belongs to Chinese territory, it generates income for both China and Nepal. After all, just issuing a climbing permit brings up to 10 thousand dollars from each climber to the state treasury. In addition, you need expensive climbing equipment. These are tents, ice axes, ropes, special clothing, sleeping bags, oxygen apparatus.

The map, compass and geographic coordinates of Mount Qomolangma were previously used of great importance. Nowadays navigators make it possible not to get lost. You also need to stock up on food, oxygen and gas cylinders. In addition, you need to pay for the services of Sherpa porters, instructors and guides. The total amount spent on the rise can exceed 65 thousand dollars. You will also have to be patient. The complete ascent process, together with the mandatory month-long acclimatization to the thin air, training and arrangement of intermediate camps, lasts about two months.

Death area

In the snows of Everest, on the way to the top, there are about two hundred dead climbers. The wind blows snow off some of them, and such “marks” subtly remind tourists that the mountain is not to be trifled with.

Chomolungma has many dangers - avalanches, rock and ice slides, severe frosts. In winter, at the top of the mountain, the thermometer readings can drop below 60 degrees. Wind that knocks you off your feet.

But the most severe enemy of a climber is the lack of oxygen. It is not for nothing that heights above eight kilometers are called the domain of death. Since here the oxygen content drops to 0.3 from the norm and below. In such conditions, the body experiences tremendous exhaustion. The heart can simply stop in such conditions.
It is extremely difficult for climbers to move in the “death area”. Therefore, oxygen cylinders are mandatory elements of such expeditions. But many ascents have been made without the use of breathing apparatus.

Humanity check

“Mother of the earthly gods” attracts climbers with her inaccessibility. Climbers who come here have been preparing to climb this mountain for many years. They buy equipment and do physical training. If a person is not rich, he understands that he has only one chance to overcome this height. There won't be another try. In these conditions, travelers find themselves in circumstances where the call of height comes into conflict with humanity. For example, there are still a hundred meters to the top, the climber has almost no strength left, and a freezing man lies on the path. He urgently needs help. And the tourist understands that if he helps this person, he himself will no longer be able to reach the long-awaited peak. Help or step over a lying person? Unfortunately, many choose the second. There is a well-known story about a group of Japanese who met three freezing people. And they continued to climb, thereby leaving the unfortunate ones in the lurch.

History of conquest

After it became clear in the mid-19th century that Everest was a planet, many people wanted to climb it. Geographic coordinates have become of interest to many adventurers. The situation with conquering this inaccessible height was complicated by the fact that for many years the approach to it was limited by the governments of Tibet and Nepal. Mount Chomolungma is located right on their border. But under the influence of the world community, the highest peak was opened for climbing expeditions. But the enormous altitude, cold, lack of oxygen and hurricane winds preserved the inviolability of this shining peak for a long time. Attempts to reach it failed time after time.

But at the end of May 1953, two travelers were the first to climb to a height of 8848 m. These were members of the English expedition Tenzing and Lambert. After this historic ascent, climbers set many records related to Chomolungma. This includes climbing to the top without an oxygen mask, exploring new routes, high-speed skiing and snowboarding, and even ascents by disabled climbers. One of them ascended on prosthetics, the other, being completely blind.

Mount Everest has been attracting people from all over the world since ancient times. Climbing it is fraught with many dangers and difficulties. However, neither the high cost of the climb, nor the huge load, nor even the fear of death stops numerous climbers climbing this majestic mountain.

The path of the longest mountain belt in the Universe runs through all of Eurasia. He, starting from the foot French Alps, extends all the way to the vast expanses of South Vietnam. The highest ridge of the gigantic mountain range recognized as the Himalayas.

The majestic mountain looks like a grandiose petrified wave rising into the heavens. The crest of a wave frozen in stone is crowned by the Great Himalayas. In the main Himalayan range, stretching along the border of Tibet and Nepal, 11 peaks are connected. Each mountain range here has a height exceeding 8,000 meters.

Historical names of the highest mountain range

Here, in the “abode of eternal snow,” on the lands of China, lies Mount Chomolungma, the highest of the Himalayan “eight-thousand-meter” ridges. U giant mountain, which soared into the skies to an incredible height, there are two more names. They named her Sagarmatha - “Lord of the Sky”.

The Tibetans call the peak Chomolungma (translated as “Goddess of the Earth”). For Europeans, it is Peak Everest. They named the mountain that way when India was experiencing an era of colonization, under the yoke of Great Britain, and the topographical service of the enslaved state was headed by Major D. Everest, who was studying the colossal mountain system.

Top of the World

The Himalayan massif is considered a unique place. In this marvelous corner are the sources of the Indus and Ganges. Mount Chomolungma with its high status became known to the Chinese much earlier than to people from the New World. At the northern foot of the “top of the sky,” the Ronkbuk monastery was founded, which is still active today.

Before a person entering the inner monastery courtyard, a majestic sight opens up - impressive mountain ranges of stunning beauty. The magnificence of the grandiose peak is felt from mountain passes, neighboring it and located many kilometers away from it.

Formation of Everest

The Himalayan range, according to geologists, was formed during the era of the split of the ancient continent of Gondwana. The continent broke into plates. The Indian plate, moving in a northerly direction, collided with the Eurasian fragment. In the zone where the plates meet, compression of the earth's crust occurred and a huge fold formed, which was called the Himalayas.

Himalayan mountain system formed three grand steps, spreading from north to south. The “pre-Himalayas”, which form the southern step, have a lower altitude. The mountain ranges here have an altitude of about 1000 m.

The middle stage is represented by massifs rising to 3500 m. In the northern part, the height mountain peaks fluctuates in the range of 6000-8000 m. The width of the mountain ranges reaches 80-90 km.

The growth of the Himalayan range has not stopped yet. Scientists assure that the height of the Himalayas increases by 3-10 mm every year. The mountain range contains 75 peaks exceeding an altitude of 7,000 meters. The Nepalese Himalayas are recognized as the highest.

And Mount Chomolungma rose above all the ranges. Where is its top? It rises above the endless expanses of China. The highest peak, Everest, is surrounded by other giant peaks, forming a real “roof of the world”, holding the skies above the earth.

Everest height

The mountain peak, proudly rising up from the eternal Himalayan snows, attracts tourists with its grandeur and mesmerizing beauty. Many climbers dream of conquering the steep slopes of the grandiose mountain range with the shape of a triangular pyramid. Overcoming difficult things for them mountain paths with a length of 8848 meters (this is the height of Mount Chomolungma) - a great honor!

The exact height of the peak was established by English topographers in 1852. Since then, many attempts have been made that would refute the primacy of Everest. However, they were debunked over and over again, because they all turned out to be untenable.

While the bulk of the high peaks included in the mountain complexes of the world were conquered by climbers, the “seven-thousanders” and “eight-thousanders” that formed Mount Chomolungma, Everest, if you like, the climbers did not know how to approach.

Climate on Chomolungma

Steepness southern slope much more than the other two. The snow does not linger on it, so a naked mountain appears before the eyes of travelers. The remaining slopes are covered with glaciers stretching up to 5,000 meters.

Specifying the coordinates of Mount Chomolungma, tourists understand that the climate at the “top of the world” is far from comfortable. When bad weather breaks out on a mountain range, staying in its open spaces is very dangerous. The thermometer freezes here at -60 0 C, and the wind whistles at a speed of 200 km/h.

Climbing Chomolungma

The magnetic pull of the highest point on Earth is incredible. Year after year, climbers head to the East, to where Mount Chomolungma is located, where the tip of its gigantic peak piercing the clouds is located. The temptation to conquer this peak is great, but only a few reach it.

Everest's philosophy is harsh. The path to its peak is reserved for those who are fussy and hasty, unprincipled and careless. It often turns into a tragedy for them. The first climbers, who began climbing at the dawn of the 20th century, suffered a fiasco due to poor equipment. Mount Chomolungma was first conquered by people in 1953.

Climbers constantly compete in difficulty. Some try to climb icy slopes in the middle of winter. Others, intending to climb to the top, refuse to take oxygen. Emancipated women, united in a group, try to overcome the difficult path without men.

However, to surprise everyone, only the Rebellious Mount Chomolungma granted him the great favor of setting several records at the same time! Climbing alone along the northern slope without oxygen, he completed the climb to the top in 3 days. In 1992, 32 climbers climbed the peak as part of the Russian Lada Everest team.

Recent ascents

The success of the expedition depends not so much on the quality of the equipment, but on the climate, which is determined by the latitude and longitude of Mount Chomolungma (27°59′17″ N, 86°55′31″ E), as well as its height. In addition, climbers have to overcome the high air pressure that occurs.

About 500 travelers go to conquer the peak every year. The governments of the Middle Kingdom and Nepal are not averse to making money by granting the right to climb the slopes of the harsh peak. Nowadays almost all ascents are carried out on on a commercial basis. Tourists negotiate with specialized companies to organize a climb to the peak of Everest.

Professional guides accompany travelers to the very top. The service to climbers costs $65,000. This amount includes training, provision of the required equipment and safety (to the extent possible) on the labor-intensive mountain route. It takes about 2 months to acclimatize and climb.


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