Regarding the rental of commercial premises. How to rent premises from the city correctly. Legal basis for leasing commercial real estate

Renting out real estate is a very profitable business if you treat the procedure with maximum responsibility. Constant passive income is always nice, but what if the idea arose to provide commercial real estate for rent? This will require a slightly different approach, because there is a big difference between renting an apartment and a large office.

Step-by-step instruction

The process of leasing an object is divided into the following stages:

  1. Determination of rental value.

The first step is to review and evaluate the largest number of available offers on the market. The larger the sample, the better the result (a more accurate indicator of the average rental cost for commercial premises).

During the analysis, you can use popular sites like Avito or CIAN. Information can also be studied in a variety of printed publications. If you have no desire to study other offers yourself, it would be wise to hire a realtor or broker.

The price for such services can hardly be called high, but saving a decent share of nerve cells and time is quite possible.

The cost of renting commercial real estate should suit not only the owner, but also potential clients. A deliberately high bid is unlikely to be successful, but the following factors may influence the formation of the price tag:

  • location of the building/premises;
  • infrastructure (presence of cafes in the immediate vicinity, free parking, building security);
  • building class;
  • quality and level of repairs;
  • layout functionality;
  • various communications features (uninterrupted power supply, Internet, availability of bathrooms, etc.);
  • other bonuses that can potentially improve the productivity of tenants (Wi-Fi router, coffee machine, comfortable furniture).

After analyzing prices on the market, you can contact other landlords and try to reduce the cost. Often, the price indicated in offers is indicative and approximate. The value that can be achieved during negotiations will be enough to find out the average rental rate for similar proposals. 5-10 requests are enough to get comparative data on rental rates.

The most important thing for a commercial property landlord is to find the right client. You can do this yourself, or you can hire a realtor. Both situations have their pros and cons, so choosing what to do is a personal matter for everyone.

At independent search A serious advantage for a tenant is having their own base. However, its absence will not lead to big problems, but you will have to spend more effort.

A good way to find a suitable client is to create a website with commercial offer. It is better to promote such a site using contextual advertising with an emphasis on key audiences. Thanks to such advertising, you can easily find an interested audience and avoid high commissions to agencies.

It is most advisable to do this when renting out premises with an impressive area. Such offers are sought out by clients who expect high returns from their planned activities, and who trust websites most of all.

If a person wants to buy a very expensive car, will he look for it on dubious resources or will he prefer the official website? The tenant of commercial real estate is of the same opinion.

A completely different matter is small premises for rent. There is no point in creating a website and free online message boards (even small ones) are perfect.

  1. Realtor services.

If you don’t want to search for interested parties yourself, there is the option of hiring a realtor. This person will independently find the right tenants, make contacts and even independently conclude the required lease agreement.

On the other hand, finding the right people is a delicate matter and quite complex/time-consuming. Not all realtors will agree to this, but experts in their field in serious agencies will require such services sum of money in the amount of 50% of the rental price for 1 month. And sometimes even more than that.

But still, with this method of searching for tenants, the owner will free himself from significant difficulties. In the end, all that remains is to draw up an agreement and prepare all the necessary documentation.

Payment for the realtor's services is made only after the conclusion of the lease agreement. If a realtor or agency requires you to make an advance payment or pay the amount earlier, they may be scammers.

  1. Required documentation.

Once a tenant has been found and all key points are satisfied by both parties, you can begin to draw up a contract. An agreement on the lease of commercial real estate must necessarily contain the following clauses:

  • complete information about each of the parties;
  • the exact address rental object;
  • amount and payer utilities;
  • monthly rental amount;
  • the date when the property will be rented out;
  • necessary actions of each party in the event of force majeure situations;
  • description of the quality of repairs and existing furniture;
  • Key conditions under which a lease agreement can be terminated.

If you lack the necessary knowledge or experience, it would be wiser to involve a qualified lawyer in the procedure for concluding a contract.

A contract is not the only thing you need when renting out real estate. You should also have with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document confirming ownership;
  • floor plan.

When all the documents are in hand and the parties have successfully concluded the contract, all that remains is to receive the proceeds and monitor the frequency of payments.

Commercial real estate includes office buildings, industrial premises, sports facilities, shops, garages, warehouses and even hotels.

You can speed up the leasing of commercial real estate by reducing the rental rate. Taking into account the constant costs of maintaining the premises, it would be more correct to rent out real estate at an average or even low rate than to put up high price, but for the whole year.

The price of such premises is also affected by the availability of:

  • parking;
  • points Catering(in the same building or in close proximity);
  • infrastructure;
  • high cross-country ability, etc.

In such conditions, rents can be significantly higher than the market average. And, of course, there will be a client for it.

Openness to the wishes of future clients also plays a significant role in the delivery of commercial real estate:

  1. Help with planning.

A potential tenant may need help or advice with workspace layouts. It would be wise to prepare in advance and offer several ready-made options right away, and the key changes will be left to the client, which he wants to make.

It is much easier to change something ready-made than to create something from scratch. Such attitude towards the tenant will undoubtedly be appreciated.

  1. Discussion of details.

The color of the walls in the room, the number of maximum connections to the telephone network or the Internet, as well as a discussion of all other features will help gain the tenant's favor and persuade him to rent this particular property.

This is a small psychological trick: the more a person goes into detail, the higher the chances that such a conversation will be etched in his memory. This means that he will focus on him first of all, weigh the pros and cons, etc.

However, if the entire rental process is based on such tricks, there will be a big risk of losing your reputation. If the quality of the rental is significant only in words, then this can lead to very serious consequences.

  1. Holidays.

If the commercial premises allocated for renting do not have finishing, then you can offer the tenant a payment holiday. That is, he will carry out repairs at his own expense, but while the repair crews are doing their job, the client will not pay rent for the premises.

This is quite a significant plus for a tenant who has clearly decided to rent the property:

  • if there is no extra money to pay rent and repairs at the same time, then this action will cause extremely positive emotions and increase the reputation of the landlord;
  • Also, renovation holidays will help persuade a hesitant tenant to purchase this particular property/premises.

In general, you can temporarily exempt a client from paying rent in a variety of situations. The main thing is that there are no serious financial losses for both parties. These are basic features of doing business, and tenants (as well as landlords) of commercial real estate understand this very well.

That is why such actions are widespread, although their use is not mandatory. Especially if the delivery of commercial real estate is not urgent.

  1. Lessor reliability.

This is a very important point, most clearly manifested when preparing documentation from the owner for the tenant. The more guarantees the client receives, the greater the chances of successfully leasing the premises.

An abundance of supporting documents, no tricks when signing an agreement and a good reputation are the keys to successful leasing of commercial real estate. The reason is simple:

  • when renting an apartment, the issue is often dealt with by ordinary citizens;
  • and if the premises are planned to be used for commercial purposes and to earn serious money from this business, then the tenant will study each document as scrupulously as possible.

Risks and other difficulties

Not only the tenant is exposed to risks - the same applies to the landlord. The most common causes of conflicts are:

  • insufficient definition of the legal obligations of the parties regarding the leased property;
  • delays in monthly payments and other payments;
  • use of rented property for other purposes;
  • damage/loss of property belonging to the lessor;
  • taxation disputes (according to Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation to pay VAT is assigned only to the lessor with the possibility of deducting the tax amount by the lessee if the appropriate document is available).

All these conflict situations directly depend on the concluded agreement. Each of the points should be described as accurately as possible, since this minimizes the risks for both parties at once. It is important to take a responsible approach to concluding a contract in order to avoid such situations.

Renting a commercial property is not much different, but has a number of key features. The most important thing is the conclusion of the contract. In any situation, the parties will rely only on it, therefore, when concluding a transaction, they need to concentrate their attention on this document.

Leasing commercial real estate and concluding an agreement for such a transaction is not too complicated. However, compared to residential rentals, this area of ​​the real estate market is governed by different laws and regulations. Renting commercial real estate is a profitable business, but many owners of large office buildings and commercial properties with small area, often face the problem of finding bona fide tenants. If the solution to this issue is relevant to you, then ours will be very useful for you: it will talk about how to rent out premises, do it in as soon as possible and with the greatest benefit.

Legal basis for leasing commercial real estate

Before we figure out how to take it commercial real estate for rent we will focus on the legislative acts regulating these actions. The process of transferring commercial real estate for paid use is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation(v. 34). In accordance with this legislative act, the conditions arising in the process of drawing up an agreement are reflected in the lease agreement - the main document confirming the agreement between the owner and the tenant.

Commercial real estate rental

The main responsibility of the owner of real estate is maintaining order and proper condition in the rented premises. So, for example, Art. 616 of the Civil Code obliges the landlord to independently carry out major repairs within a certain time frame. The same article also outlines the responsibilities assigned to the tenant, including cosmetic repairs of the premises, timely payment of current utility bills, and ensuring order inside the premises.

The lessor is assigned the right to rent out commercial properties on other terms, which must be specified in the lease agreement. For example, the landlord can shift the responsibility for carrying out major repairs to a person using the premises on a lease basis, or assume the responsibilities of a tenant.

Stages of real estate delivery

With a competent approach and understanding of all the intricacies of leasing commercial properties, almost every landlord will be able to cope with the issue of how to independently rent out non-residential premises. Let's look at the procedure, describing in detail what needs to be done to conclude the most profitable deal.

When renting out real estate, the main thing is to set the optimal price, find a bona fide tenant and competently prepare documents for transferring the property for rent!

Determining the rental price

This is the first and extremely important stage. If the lessor personally conducts the transaction, the establishment of rental value, as a rule, will not be completely objective. Since any lessor plans to obtain the maximum benefit. But an inflated price scares away potential tenants, while an underestimated figure will raise some doubts. Many owners of commercial properties seek the help of specialists (realtor/appraiser), although today many analyze similar offers posted on special sites, for example, Avito, Cyan and other online platforms. This allows you to understand the current market situation and fairly evaluate your own premises.

Remember! Renting a room for conducting own business, the potential tenant expects to make a profit from it. That is why, when evaluating a premises, you should take into account the estimated probable income that it will be able to receive.

In addition, when assessing the premises for rent, it is advisable to take into account a number of important factors, including:

  • area of ​​the premises to be rented;
  • existing layout;
  • object state;
  • availability of furniture and communications;
  • location of the object;
  • availability of equipped parking;
  • transport and other accessibility for the tenant’s business partners and clients;
  • visitor traffic (especially for large shopping, entertainment and office centers).

Taking into account the above points and analyzing similar options, you can set the optimal, mutually beneficial price for the premises for rent.

Search for a tenant

Searching for potential tenants is an equally important step when renting out real estate. It is important to decide who to rent the premises to, because finding a bona fide tenant can often be very difficult.

After determining the amount of the monthly fee, you need to prepare the text of the advertisement.

Usually it indicates in detail the main parameters of the object - room size, floor, geographical position, infrastructure development, condition of the premises and its equipment. It is advisable to highlight the existing advantages of the premises in the text. But you shouldn’t hide the possible disadvantages of the property being rented out, so that during the inspection you don’t end up in an awkward situation and don’t scare off a potential tenant.

You should tell us more about the options searching for potential tenants.

Search through friends/acquaintances is considered the easiest way to find a bona fide tenant. Typically, if they have extensive “connections” in the business community, commercial real estate owners can rent out their premises quite easily and quickly.

Publication of advertisements on special Internet portals, of which there are a large number working on the network. The advantage of this method is that the current rental offer is seen by a huge audience of users who are interested in choosing the most profitable option. But to attract their attention, it is important to create a good ad with detailed description premises, indicating in the text the existing advantages and, not forgetting to note the disadvantages. True information about the property will help you find a tenant faster.

Accompany your ad with several photos of the proposed premises. This will help potential tenants quickly determine whether they are interested in your property.

Sending an offer bye-mail. Cafes and bars, large and small retail outlets, beauty salons and other establishments, as well as organizations are often looking for premises to open new outlets or move to a more convenient area. You can find out the e-mail addresses of business owners or managers who may be interested in your premises on the company’s official website.

Features of renting large and small premises

We can help you rent out non-residential premises, depending on the area of ​​the property being rented out. recommendations from real estate market professionals.

For renting out a small space:

You can organize a search for potential tenants in person or through a real estate agency

  1. Using the help of professionals, you will need to sign an agreement for the provision of services. After concluding a lease agreement, you will need to pay for the agency's services. Of course, you can cooperate without formalities; then you will need to write a letter containing a commercial proposal indicating the realtor’s remuneration, and send it to agencies that work with commercial properties. Typically, the realtor's commission is half the monthly rent (one-time payment).
  2. Having decided to start searching for tenants yourself, publish advertisements on free Internet sites, organize targeted electronic mailings, in addition, placing a banner on the facade will be effective ( payable service) in the window of the rented premises (free of charge).

Renting a large premises:

If you plan to rent out a large premises, which means it will have a high expected profitability, then you can make a simple website with your own commercial offer. Typically, a website is promoted by contextual advertising using key queries. This allows you to reach the target audience, while in this option you can control the cost of the ad. In this option, you can advertise your property and save on agent fees.

Signing the contract

Competent presentation of the premises for rent– guarantee of a successful transaction. When showing the property, try to provide as much information as possible, drawing the potential tenant's attention to the advantages and likely profit that he will be able to receive when renting this property.

Signing the agreement– the final and most important stage of the transaction. A professionally prepared and executed lease agreement protects the landlord from an unscrupulous tenant. The lease agreement must include:

  • identification data of the owner of the property and the tenant;
  • address of the location of the object, its area and key characteristics;
  • Registration information;
  • contract time;
  • the amount of rent and the rules for paying it.

For your information! The law prohibits the owner of the premises from increasing the rent more than once every 12 months. Therefore, the document must indicate the largest amount of the likely increase, specifying the period for mandatory notification of the tenant.

The document must contain a detailed description of the rights/responsibilities of the parties to the agreement, as well as the responsibility of the parties for violating sections of the document. It wouldn’t hurt to include in the document an inventory of the property on the premises. So, after the end of the lease, the owner can demand financial compensation for damaged property.

How to quickly find a tenant

Several Yet useful tips will help you quickly rent out an office or a property for other purposes.

For owners who are not ready to personally search for a tenant or conduct showings/negotiations, it makes sense to seek the help of a professional realtor. He will objectively evaluate the premises, establishing its real value, take high-quality photos, correctly compose the ad text and begin demonstrating your property.

However, there are some nuances in cooperation with the agency. They must be clarified before cooperation begins.

If a landlord wants to quickly find a tenant for his premises, then he can pay the agency fee himself (many agencies charge tenants for services). This option is often used by owners of luxury real estate or if they own many properties. The money paid to the realtor will, among other things, be spent on the costs of leasing the property. Another quick option for flipping a commercial property is to reduce the rent. And there is no need at all to rent out the premises for “three rubles”; it is enough to reduce the rental cost by 5-10%. Then the premises’ competitiveness increases.

Possible risks when renting out premises

Any owner is concerned about the condition of the premises being rented and wants to have income from the transaction. We will present the main risks of commercial real estate owners and tell you how to protect yourself from them.

Inappropriate use of premises

Any properly prepared lease agreement specifies the purposes of its use and operating conditions. This applies to equipment rented with the premises.

Let’s say that at the conclusion of the transaction the tenant promised to use the premises as a warehouse, but opened a store in it. The landlord has the right to demand cancellation of the agreement without refunding the rent paid and imposing a fine on the tenant.

Damage to property

The property was handed over to the tenant in good condition, with machinery and equipment. But one day it is discovered that the premises are in a state of ruin, the equipment is broken, etc. In this case, the lessor may demand full compensation for the damage caused. In this case, not only the costs of repair work, but also the (market) value of the broken equipment are subject to reimbursement.

Liability is not provided in cases where the premises and property were damaged due to force majeure circumstances (fire, etc.).

Tenant refuses to pay rent

Sloppy payers are usually punished financially. Although this is only feasible if the lease agreement is properly executed - it clearly states the terms, procedure and amount of the monthly rent.

For small and medium-sized businesses, renting real estate from the Moscow City Property Department is one of the best ways to save on rent and free up money to solve business problems. By participating in auctions, entrepreneurs can obtain premises at a rate below the market average, and subsequently buy them back at favorable conditions. Smart Choice experts talk about how to rent premises from the city of Moscow and take part in special programs to support small and medium-sized businesses.

Step-by-step instructions on how to rent a room from the city

  • Choose the right object. They are presented on the website Pay attention to the key lot information: date of auction, rental period, starting rental amount.
  • View the property. An application for inspection can be submitted up to a few days before the deadline for accepting applications for participation in the auction. How to rent a room from the city and be sure that the property is ideal for you? Visit it yourself or have it examined by a specialist. A thorough examination, including checking the condition of repairs, communications, assessment transport accessibility, infrastructure, etc., will avoid problems with the operation of real estate in the future.
  • Register on the site that will conduct the auction. Today they are all produced in electronic format. To register, you will need to provide constituent documents and a digital signature, install several certificates and a data cryptographic protection system.
  • Collect a package of documents. You will need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (it must be received no earlier than 6 weeks before the start of the auction), copies of the constituent papers, a decision to approve the transaction, and a document confirming the authority of the person submitting the application. You also need to attach a statement in which the entrepreneur confirms that no bankruptcy or liquidation case has been opened against the company, and its activities have not been suspended.
  • Pay the deposit. Review the lot documentation to find out how to rent space from the city and how much you need to transfer to participate in the auction. As a rule, the deposit is 5% of the lot amount.
  • On the day of the auction, go to the auction site and take part in the auction. You can study the rules for bidding on the website or in the documentation for the lot. If you are the only participant in the auction, you will automatically be recognized as the winner.
  • Sign the protocol on the results of the auction. As a rule, it is published on the same day on which the auction was held. Within 10-20 days after the auction, you must contact the DGI to conclude an agreement.
  • Pay the initial amount and sign the contract. After this you will be able to use the premises.

Please note: the rental price for the year, which is indicated in the contract, will be revised after 12 months. The amount will be multiplied by the consumer price index (inflation rate). Keep this in mind when finding out how to get a space to rent from the city: the space will cost more in the future. However, the City Property Department does not have the right to change the rate unilaterally.

How to rent premises from the city of Moscow? Analyzing lot documentation

The best way to find out how to rent premises from the city is to study the lot documentation. All the key information for making a decision and planning actions at the auction will be indicated here. The document states:

  • a detailed description of the non-residential property indicating the number in the Unified State Register, intended purpose, address, area, etc.;
  • term of the contract;
  • the initial price from which bets start;
  • deposit for participation in the auction;
  • the amount that the auction winner will have to pay and the timing of payment;
  • minimum auction step;
  • documents for participation;
  • start and end dates for accepting applications, holding an auction and other information.

Also in the documentation for the lot you can study the lease agreement (pay special attention to the rights and obligations of the tenant), a sample application for participation in the auction and a power of attorney to represent interests by a third party.

Important: there are several programs to help entrepreneurs in Moscow. For example, property support is provided for small businesses that work in the field of healthcare, social nutrition, education, consumer services, etc. To understand whether your company can count on benefits, contact Smart Choice specialists: they are thoroughly familiar with the legislation on assistance programs for entrepreneurs and will take care of the correct execution of documents.

Pitfalls when renting municipal property

Before you learn how to lease a property from the city and bid on it, you need to make sure you are ready for the auction. There are several difficulties:

  • New offers need to be monitored. In order not to miss out on a profitable lot, you need to regularly monitor DGI offers. In addition, you will have to spend time inspecting the property.
  • The registration process at the auction site may take several days. It is best to register before you decide to rent a specific premises from the city of Moscow in order to be sure to become a bidder before the start. It's especially important to start preparing early if your business doesn't yet have an electronic signature. In order not to deal with the regulations for trading and not waste time on self-registration, you can use the help of Smart Choice lawyers.
  • The winner must conclude an agreement within a short time and, most importantly, make payment. As a rule, the down payment is 25% of the minimum contract amount. Considering that the bidding is not for a monthly, but for an annual rental rate, the amount will be significant. The time frame for transferring it to the DGI account is short - up to 3 days. If the auction winner does not have time to collect the required amount or misses the deadline for concluding the contract, the results of the auction will be canceled, and the deposit will not be returned to the winner.

How to rent commercial real estate from the cityno problem?

Smart Choice offers services to entrepreneurs who want to obtain city real estate on attractive terms. We provide a wide range of services:

  • Selection of an object according to the customer’s requirements among DGI proposals, monitoring of new proposals.
  • Inspection of the property, assessment of the benefits of the proposal, calculation of the approximate market value of the property.
  • Consultations on the possibility of participation in government programs.
  • Registration of the client on the trading platform.
  • Collecting a package of documents, making a deposit.
  • Developing a strategy for participating in the auction, calculating the maximum amount that makes sense to pay for the premises.
  • Participation in the auction on your behalf.
  • Signing the protocol, transferring the initial amount to the DGI account, signing the agreement.
  • Assessing the possibility of purchasing real estate, submitting documents to the State Property Inspectorate.
  • Analysis of the contract for the purchase of real estate, conducting an independent assessment.
  • Challenging the value of real estate in court.
  • Concluding an agreement for the purchase of leased real estate.

Smart Choice employs lawyers with more than 5 years of experience who have repeatedly collaborated with DGI on various issues. We will help you rent ideal premises for your business from the city with the possibility of subsequent purchase in Moscow or the Moscow region, making sure that the conditions are the most favorable.

How to quickly sell or rent out any commercial real estate

There are millions of square meters of commercial real estate in Russia, and their number is increasing every year. Shopping and entertainment complexes, business and office centers are growing like mushrooms in the rain, but... are they selling as quickly as they are being built?

The environment in which commercial real estate sellers and landlords operate

The Internet has become a popular and most effective channel for advertising real estate, which offers immense opportunities - about 200 bulletin boards and real estate portals, monthly attracting over 30 million potential buyers and tenants of Russian real estate. It would seem that with such demand, selling and renting out even the most illiquid warehouse is a piece of cake.

In practice the situation is different. Sellers and landlords are able to reach no more than 5-15% of potential buyers. The reason for this is the limited number of resources that they use for their advertising.. Real Estate, Hand to Hand or others), which are viewed by approximately 10-15% of the total number of buyers. Another 85-90% are scattered across the remaining resources, including regional resources.

This modest average market coverage is due to the technical features of advertising on Internet resources.

When selling/renting one property, the owner or manager is forced to go through a long, routine journey: choosing the best bulletin boards, registration, posting an advertisement (or several advertisements, if several premises are rented in the same building), monitoring their effectiveness, etc. The process is record-time-consuming, tedious, and often ineffective.

Realtors who work with a large number of commercial properties face a different kind of problem. We are talking about the high cost of developing files in a special XML format in which message boards accept large databases of objects. The development of one such database costs 15-20 thousand rubles. and takes 1.5-2 months. Only market monsters can afford to cover at least 20 popular sites, while capturing the attention of no more than 40-50% of potential buyers. Not a single player in the commercial real estate market can afford to advertise properties on all Russian sites.

More precisely, I could not until the advent of - an assistant to a realtor and property owner, which automates all the above-described routine processes and significantly reduces their cost.

Why is so attractive to sellers and landlords of commercial real estate?

A special advertising service, and also a powerful marketing and analytical tool, was developed at Skolkovo in 2012. Today the number of its users has reached 100 thousand people, including dozens of real estate agencies, large developers and private realtors. Behind Last year with its help, over 10 million square meters of commercial real estate have been sold and leased.

This easy-to-use and incredibly complex internal tool plays the role of a technical translator between the seller and Internet advertising resources. At its base is 120 advertising platforms on Russian real estate (as a website, Avito, Yandex.Real Estate,,, less popular and regional resources). The system has a built-in database of KLADR addresses with all possible options for writing addresses; the technical requirements of sites for creating advertisements are taken into account and regularly updated, which guarantees the user the successful publication of advertisements.

A user who needs to sell or rent out real estate registers once on and receives Personal Area. In it, he enters his advertisements or uploads them using the API (the system integrates with any CRM) or an XML file, which is developed once only according to the requirements of, selects the necessary sites and activates one of the tariffs. Within 5 minutes after passing moderation, ads are replicated to all selected resources, and within 24 hours they become visible to buyers.

Marketing and analytical tool

After publication, the first analytics for each object and for each site appear in the account on Over time, the user sees the dynamics of views, the impact of each site, and can add/disable boards that are necessary from his point of view. And also change/delete advertisements - changes are immediately reflected on all resources.

For realtors, is an invaluable marketing tool that provides a wide range of analytical capabilities. By making the necessary selections in the reports, he sees which regions are more promising for the sale of this or that type of commercial property, how people react to the offer, and in which regions it is not worth advertising at all.

There are different tariffs with different possibilities for owners and realtors

The “Regular Accommodation” tariff was created for owners. With its help, you can create an advertisement and automatically replicate it on 55 notice boards. The cost of this tariff starts from 300 rubles. per month and depends on the quantity and quality of the selected resources, as well as on the number of advertised objects.

Tariff "XML upload" designed for realtors and real estate agencies. This is a compromise option for those who want to work or are already working with sites directly, but plan to outsource the entire technical part. Using this package, the user generates XML for any selected sites (the process lasts about a minute), receives links to ready-made databases and transfers them to the sites. Then services these databases, makes changes, etc. The cost of this tariff starts from 300 rubles. per month and depends on the number of sites and the number of advertisements.

Tariff "Package" also designed for realtors and allows you to post turnkey advertisements on 65 bulletin boards. A realtor simply needs to create advertisements manually on or enter the database as an XML file or via API into the system, select sites and activate the tariff. itself will place them, pay for the services of the sites and will maintain the databases for the entire duration of the tariff. The cost of this tariff is from 900 rubles. per month

For greater efficiency and time savings, realtors combine “XML” and “Batch” tariffs, thereby achieving maximum market coverage with minimum costs money and time. In addition, this combination is an important factor for advertising the realtor himself. A seller would rather turn to a specialist who can quickly sell his property, rather than someone who, in the old fashioned way, works with three to five sites and a small number of buyers.

An immutable rule that is common to all tariffs is that the system monitors the date of publication of advertisements and automatically updates it - the offer always remains “fresh”.

Thus, has completely shifted the emphasis in the concepts of “competition” and “advertising cost” in the commercial real estate market. It evened out the chances for both major players and novice sellers, and made it possible for anyone to quickly find a client at minimal cost.


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