Ryazan Aviation College. Flight schools and airborne schools. What prospects await a flight school graduate?

The school's aircraft flight record is already more than four thousand hours. Over the past few months, a great amount meetings, meetings and discussions on this issue, but so far no full answer or decision on this issue has been received.

It is high time to make this problem public, since the authorities and people responsible for resolving these issues do not want to take responsibility, although this is their direct responsibility. Representatives of the governing bodies just shrug their shoulders and shift the responsibility for resolving our issue to other people. In fact, the school is completely ready to resume flights, the planes are in excellent condition, but without permission from higher authorities, this is not possible; no one really knows why permission was never received.

If you are interested in this issue as material for a report, please tell me how to contact you further for a more complete disclosure of information and clarification of details, we have written only superficial information.”

* * *

Times pass, but nothing changes. In the 90s, the debt on departure reached 6 or even more (!) years. This is not the case nothing good- practice must take place immediately (or in parallel) with theory, otherwise there is very little sense, especially considering our stupid reality, in which even in the absence of debt on departure, graduates still have to learn what they should know as license holders.

If, after finishing the theoretical program, the cadets are sent home for several years, and then gathered together to “roll” the program “around the airfield” for three months... And if this graduate still has to poke around in the doors of airlines for a year or two (all they want to at least join Aeroflot for starters), then, Gentlemen! What quality of pilots and flight safety can we talk about?

“Sasovo named after the Brave USSR G.A. Tarana flight school civil aviation» is a branch of the national federal educational budgetary institution experienced higher education“Ulyanovsk Aviation Higher School of Civil Aviation (University)” (SLU GA branch of FGBOUVPO UVAU GA (I)), in accordance with the license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of experimental secondary education, creates training on a budgetary basis of experts, and with 100% reimbursement of costs to the school for training in the following professions:

– 161005 – pilot (flight operation aircraft) – with 100% reimbursement of training costs and on a budgetary basis;

— 230401– by industry (information aggregates) — with 100% reimbursement of training costs and on a budgetary basis.

Upon completion of training, graduates of the school are issued diplomas of experienced secondary education. Graduates of the profession Flight Operation of Aircraft are issued a civil aviation pilot certificate (the qualification level of commercial pilot is assigned).

In addition to producing experts in the main professions, the school provides additional paid services in the field of education legal entities, to the population, in the areas of advanced training, obtaining new professions, retraining:

— professional retraining and improvement of management personnel and qualifications of specialists in the profile of secondary educational institutions;

— training of operators of computers and electronic computers;

— driver training Vehicle in category B.

The school has everything you need for good simulator, theoretical, and flight training. Well-equipped laboratories with mock-ups and operating diagrams, classrooms, simulators for developing piloting skills, and a television training center are located in three buildings.

There are three computer labs in the educational department. In classrooms number 13 and number 29, a multimedia projector is permanently installed for the purpose of conducting theoretical and practical classes. In order to conduct various extracurricular lessons and activities, the educational department has a multimedia portable projector.

One computer in computer classes is installed on the teacher’s desktop, with a printer and scanner connected to it. In room number 12 of the cyclic working group “Computer Engineering and Informatics”, in addition to office equipment and computer equipment, there is a plotter for printing visual wall material.

The school has Internet access. Decides to this moment the question of satellite connection of room number 10 to the global Internet, which will allow classes to be conducted with both teachers and cadets.

But before cadets enter the airfield, they are trained in the educational department, where they begin training under the leadership of skilled teachers who have extensive experience and work experience (about a hundred percent of teachers have the highest or first qualification category).

Assistant Director for Academic Affairs of the school Alexander Vladimirovich Yurchenkov teaches special subjects “Flight Operations Management”, “Flight Safety”, and others.

The library plays a huge role in the formation and moral development of future pilots. It is both an information and leisure center. The library of the Sasovo Flight School is an information center and takes part specifically in the cultural and educational activities of the school, as well as in the leisure activities of cadets.

I started writing this post several times, but could not finish it, and when I finished it, I took it and deleted it. It seemed so boring to me that I think at that moment I realized that writing deeply informational posts, with numbers, facts and useful information- that's not mine. Therefore, for all useful information, refer to the Internet, and I will write as best I can. Go.

I have wanted to visit the Sasovo Flight School for a very long time. I can’t even count how many times I drove past the “SASOVO” sign on the way from Moscow to Ulyanovsk and back, and each time the steering wheel almost turned, but each time I was chilled by the thought: “well, I’ll come, well, I’ll look from behind the fence, and then Well, they won’t let me go anywhere anyway.” And with this thought I drove by.

But, as I already wrote on the pages of this magazine, there are now two guys studying in Sasovo who, at the age of 30, decided to radically change their lives and still make their childhood dream come true, the dream of flying. And my LJ, and myself, became some part of the catalyst for this venture. And when one of them suggested that I organize a visit to the school, I, of course, answered “Yes.”

The approval process was long and complex, because there were a lot of factors that had to line up in a sequential series. And this, and this, and the fifth, and the tenth... But in the end the day was set, and having ordered myself two days off in a row in advance, I went to bed in anticipation of tomorrow.

Tomorrow came very quickly - we had to get out of Moscow before the morning traffic jams and had to get up at three in the morning. I “flew” to Ryazan unnoticed, but at the bypass I had to jostle with trucks and the realization that Sasovo was not so close to the capital came right there, but once again breaking out onto a free road, this feeling left me, lemon steam of tea rose up in the glass holder, The toffee wrapper crunched in my hands, the speakers began to play the voice of Bon Jovi:

Yeah, I will love you
Baby - Always
And I"ll be there forever and a day -

And again everything became fine and the road ran happily under the wheels again.

Soon the treasured sign appeared and now I’m definitely going there! Danil met me at the checkpoint/passage point and, having parked the car, we went to check in. The school provides good rooms for guests/parents of cadets, which is where I stayed. Unfortunately, I deleted the photo of the number, but he was quite sane, especially since I only needed to spend the night there, and he completed this mission 100%.

Our excursion began with the control tower (control tower). What is very good about Sasovo is that the airfield is literally located behind the fence of the training unit. And, it seems to me, airplanes flying outside the classroom window are the best motivation to learn, even when something doesn’t work out or doesn’t work out and patience is at its limit. At the Ulyanovsk school there is no such motivation, because the airfield is far outside the city. And it’s just convenient - the first flight shift starts early and in Ulyanovsk we had to add time to travel to the airfield.

This is the inscription that greets everyone who finds themselves in front of the control tower door. ;)

There are no cadet flights today, but an L-410 is expected to arrive from Krasny Kut.

The tower offers good views of the airfield and airplanes

Let's go around the building on the other side

Well, now let's see how the cadets live.

This building is informally called the “skull” and freshmen live here.

And this is how the first course lives. Barracks. In Ulyanovsk, conditions are less spartan. In this regard, the female cadets are luckier; they initially live in a separate dormitory.

Everything is army style.

There is one dryer for everyone, of course.

Senior students are moving to more comfortable conditions. And the guys no longer live in a barracks with +100500 people, but in rooms of 4-6 people. Let's take a walk to their location.

At the entrance we will be greeted by a cabinet for the orderly. ;) Just kidding, of course, we will be met by an orderly, in our case he was simply shy to be photographed. ;)

And there's even a TV. Danil, smile! ;)

Well, here is the home of one of my two heroes.

Quite cozy.

Very correct words, and just in line with the whole atmosphere.

All your suspicions about PR are groundless. ;)

During my cadet years, I didn’t have the “internet.” What about the Internet, I didn’t even have a computer.

Well, now let's look at where the cadets study.

The school bears the name of this great aviator.

Not all young people now know the smell of a library, but I know it well and remember it very well. ;)

Well, now it’s time for the training complex.

Classes for theoretical preparation and passing tests before the simulator.

Place of the teacher-instructor.

Yak-18T simulator. At the moment, the Yak-18 is not flying at the school yet and a Cessna is used as an initial training aircraft.

This is already a serious type - L-410. Now the Orenburg airline crew is undergoing training here. Let's not disturb them, they will finish soon and we will return. And we'll even fly.

An-2 simulator class.

Whaaaack? ;) Like? ;)

Instructor's place.

So, as I promised, let's return to the L-410 simulator.

Instructor's place.

Ehhh, beauty!

I took off from the Ulyanovsk Central airfield and, having jumped the Volga, came in to land at Ulyanovsk Vostochny. Anticipating your questions, I will answer right away: no difficulties with the helm and trimming I didn't test the plane. This is an airplane, it itself (!) flies. ;) All the help of the instructor who was with us consisted only in voicing the speeds at which the mechanization could be released and what speeds to maintain for approach and for flight along the route. These speeds are written in the L-410 manual and I could not know them.

We landed, taxied, drove around the airfield, looked at the drawing of the details of the airfield, by the way, even the aviation museum, which is located near the airfield in Ulyanovsk, was partially drawn.

Now, according to all the rules of big aviation, we are changing roles and now the pilot is Danil and he is taking us back. ;)

Despite the fact that Danil had not yet flown at all, even in a Cessna, with our little tips, he landed and did it quite well. If you have the grip, you will fly!

Cessna trainer.

We spent the first half of the next day in the guys’ dorm, chatting about this and that over pu-erh and jam.

These are the future captains aircraft! Well, except for the dog, of course! ;) Let's fly, guys!

Well, after lunch, with a feeling of complete satisfaction, I headed for Moscow. Fate gave me a whole day in which I was able to “become” a cadet again, breathe in the smell of books on aerodynamics and remember the taste of cadet borscht, and this, friends, is a very special atmosphere. Danya, thank you for this!

To be honest, I don’t even know how to end this post. Let me say this: it was a small happiness understandable to few, and these words will be the most correct. Thank you for your attention.

Pursuant to the order Federal agency air transport dated October 20, 2008 No. 413 On measures to implement the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 4, 2008 No. 109-r On July 29, 2009, an entry was made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on reorganization in the form of affiliation with the FGOU SPO Krasnokutsk Flight School of Civil Aviation (KKLU GA), FGOU SPO Omsk Flight Technical College of Civil Aviation named after A.V. Lyapidevsky (OLTK GA) and FGOU SPO Sasovskoye named after Hero of the Soviet Union Taran GA. flight school of civil aviation (SLU GA) to the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation (Institute) (December 25, 2015 renamed into the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation B.P. Bugaev") and creating branches on their basis:

  • Krasnokutsk Flight School

    Krasnokutsk Civil Aviation Flight School named after Honored Pilot of the USSR Vasin I.F. - branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation B.P. Bugaev."
    Abbreviated name of the branch: KKLU GA branch of the FSBEI HE UI GA
    Location (legal and actual address) of the branch: Russian Federation, 413231, Saratov region, Krasny Kut, st. Aviation, 49
    Branch Director: Karaman Alexander Anatolyevich
    Tel./fax: (84 560)5-46-08 Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Omsk Flight Technical College

    Sasovo Civil Aviation Flight School is located in Ryazan region and is a secondary aviation educational institution. The school is a branch of the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation.

    In 1943 in the city of Isilkul Omsk region was founded summer school, where the initial training of civil aviation pilots was carried out. The school was formed on the basis of the Isilkul and Yanaul air squadrons with the involvement of flight personnel. In 1945, she was relocated to Sasovo. In 1949, for services to the Fatherland in the training of young pilots, Grigory Alekseevich Taran, his name was assigned to the Sasovo Civil Air Fleet Flight School.

    The Soviet years became the heyday of the school. During this period, he was unofficially called “courtier” due to the fact that the SLU GA was located not far from Moscow. High level teaching made it possible to train qualified specialists who were valued throughout the country. In addition, the school actively trained foreign cadets.

    The training process was carried out on a wide range of aircraft and helicopters, making it possible to produce highly versatile piloting specialists.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a real decline began in the school. The aviation crisis during this period also affected educational institutions. Due to lack of funding, there was an outflow of students, who numbered only twenty people. There was a catastrophic shortage of fuel to refuel aircraft, as well as experienced instructors.

    An important step towards restoring the school’s former name was its merger with the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation in 2009.

    Since then and to the present time, SLU GA has been its branch. In 2012, a new concrete runway was built at the school, and in 2014 the canteen building for cadets was reconstructed. Today, SLU GA is confidently increasing the number of applicants every year and training personnel using modern simulators.

    Sasovo Flight School

    Admission to SLU GA The Sasovo Civil Aviation Flight School accepts applicants on the basis school education

    in 11th grade. The training period for pilot qualification will be 2 years 10 months. Studying is possible only on a full-time basis. In addition, there is a specialty in information technology.

    Documents are usually accepted from late June to mid-August. Not only citizens of the Russian Federation, but also foreign applicants can enter the Ryazan Civil Aviation Flight School at the expense of the state budget, depending on the current quotas and international training agreements.

    One of the conditions for admission to the school is passing a flight medical commission and a psychological examination. For this purpose, special medical-flight expert commissions have been created. When passing the VLEK, the applicant is required to provide a military ID or certificate. The following documents must be submitted to the commission:

    1. Photos of the applicant (2 pieces 3*4).
    2. Certificate of dental examination.
    3. Conclusions from a psychiatrist, narcologist and venereologist at the place of registration or residence.
    4. Tests for HIV and RW.
    5. Blood group and Rh factor tests.
    6. Blood test for viral hepatitis B and C.
    7. Stool analysis.
    8. Certificate of vaccinations.
    9. Certificate of fluorographic examination.
    10. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses and the conclusion of a radiologist.
    11. Certificate from a gynecologist (for girls).
    12. Health insurance policy.

    You can take the commission at the school itself or any other institution where there is a VLEK. It is important to take into account the validity period of each of the certificates presented above, as well as the period for conducting clinical studies, in order to complete the examinations on time.

    Unique runway

    Documents for admission

    After passing the VLEK, applicants submit documents to the school within the specified time frame. They are listed on the official website of the Sasovo Flight School of Civil Aviation: http://sasovoavia.3dn.ru/. At the admissions committee, those wishing to apply for admission write an application in the form approved by the school. It is accompanied by an original or a copy of an identification document, photographs (4 pcs. 3*4) and a certificate. You can immediately indicate whether the future cadet needs a dormitory.

    Foreign citizens or stateless persons are required to submit a larger number of papers that will confirm their right to study in the Russian Federation, the identity of the applicant, the authenticity of the certificate and its translation if necessary, etc. Original documents can be sent by mail. Photocopies are allowed for personal delivery. If an applicant submits original documents, the school undertakes to ensure their safety and issue them, if necessary, upon application.

    Enrollment in SLU GA

    Reception of documents ends on August 15. After this, the admissions committee begins selecting students according to certain criteria. First of all, the average score of the certificate is taken into account as an indicator of the general knowledge of the school course of education. If budget places there are not enough and there are applicants with the same number of points, they are ranked according to marks in such subjects as mathematics, Russian language, physics, foreign language in the same order of importance. The results of the psychological examination will also be taken into account. According to data from previous years of the Sasovo Civil Aviation Flight School, the passing score is about 4.25.

    The cadets of the budget department are allocated a place in the dormitory, a uniform, food and a stipend. Girls are not provided with hostel accommodation.

    Applicants who did not qualify for the budget can apply for paid training. At the Sasovo Flight School of Civil Aviation, the cost of training is 68,686 rubles in the first year, 61,360 rubles in the second and 54,621 rubles in Last year study. Passing the VLEK commission is also paid here.

    Birthday of the flight school and farewell to the legendary An-2 aircraft.

    Training at SLU GA

    College cadets receive necessary set knowledge, skills and abilities for a successful start to work. The list of subjects includes general humanitarian and economic disciplines, labor protection, highly specialized courses and practical classes. Students have at their disposal classrooms for studying all types of subjects separately. In total, there are three educational buildings in SLU GA.

    Most classrooms have interactive whiteboards, projectors, laptops and plotters. The school has automated workstations with specialized software and Internet access is provided.

    The school has its own local network, where on the server you can exchange materials with classmates and teachers. For practical classes, there are three laboratories in the buildings. A wide range of textbooks is presented in the library and reading room of the school.

    Training complex

    SLU GA cadets regularly perform training flights at their own airfield and three landing sites. The airfield is equipped the latest equipment for light signals, radio communications and landing approach systems. It has its own autonomous weather station that transmits data on weather conditions.

    The school's aircraft fleet includes 39 units, including An, Yak and Cessna aircraft.

    In addition, the practical features of flight are studied on simulators that simulate the behavior of a real machine in the air. They are also capable of recreating various basic and emergency situations in the air.

    Sports activities

    On the territory of the Sasovo Flight School there is a stadium with stands, running tracks and a football field. In addition, the complex has a sports building where cadets can engage in weightlifting, exercise on simulators and engage in various sections. The alternatives include all popular types sports including shooting and swimming. Once a week, cadets have the opportunity to go to a rented track in the pool, and twice a week they can visit the ice arena.

    Leisure and hobbies

    For lovers of creative recreation, on the territory of the school there is an assembly hall equipped with modern multimedia equipment. The school has vocal and dance clubs and has its own ensemble, which gladly accept new talents.

    Life and accommodation

    Cadets of the school have the opportunity to live in dormitories, which have all the conditions for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, rest and safety of personal belongings. Each building has a lounge room with a satellite TV. The first course lives in a barracks-type building. Second and third year students live in rooms for 4-6 residents.

    All buildings have been renovated; there are showers and toilets, and there is enough space for each resident for a comfortable stay.

    CCTV cameras are installed in the hostel buildings.

    Students eat free three times a day in the canteen, the range of dishes of which is strictly regulated by sanitary standards. Control over the quality of food is carried out by a special commission. You can get free medical care in the medical and sanitary department of the school. Cadets are given a free uniform, including during summer practice.

    Social support

    The main direction of social support is material support for orphan cadets. They are provided with a monthly social stipend, a lump sum payment once a year, payment for food during the holidays, an allowance for the purchase of stationery and textbooks, as well as money for travel once a year and payment for clothing, shoes and equipment. Upon graduation from college, orphans receive a payment to compensate them for the purchase of things for the future.

    The remaining students of the budget department receive a monthly stipend, the amount of which depends on the student’s performance. If there is academic debt and its untimely liquidation, the student is deprived of payment until the next six months.

    Graduates of the Sasovo Civil Aviation Flight School can apply for positions as pilots and crew chiefs at various airports, airlines and other institutions of this profile. Currently, the industry requires a large number of new personnel capable of professionally performing their job responsibilities. In addition to enormous pleasure, the profession of a pilot can generate considerable income, but it requires maximum concentration and dedication.

    Graduates of the school are required to provide information about their employment to the educational institution within 10 days after graduation. This is a common practice in similar institutions.

    Famous graduates of the Sasovo Civil Aviation Flight School

    Over the long period of operation of the school, highly qualified specialists worked and studied here. Some of them became famous throughout the country for their courage and exploits related to their professional activities.

    The pride of the school are the heroes of the Soviet Union: G.F. Bazhenov, a WWII participant, and I.A. Kashin. There are many heroes of Socialist Labor among the graduates: five former cadets of the SLU GA were once awarded this title. Graduated from the SLU GA and the hero of Russia, test pilot R.T. Yesayan. In addition, the hero of Azerbaijan Z.T. studied here. Yusifov, Hero of Vietnam Tuan and holder of the Order of Labor Glory M.P. Kleshchevnikov.


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