Holidays for men who value the best. The best vacation for men and the most interesting vacation for women. What are the differences? Which brand of eau de toilette for men should I choose?

“Well, you’re going to see your friends alone again. Can’t you take me with you?”- the woman asks and is offended, having again received a refusal. Why do men like to spend time without their girlfriends so much? This article reveals the secrets of men's recreation.

A woman never wants to share her man with anyone, even with his friends. A man is also an owner, but he is still more relaxed about women’s gatherings.

On the other hand, if a wife often invites her husband to meetings with friends, then you are unlikely to expect this from your chosen one.

On the contrary, he will do everything in his power to ensure that his wife knows nothing about such meetings. Or he will limit himself to standard phrases: they say, we met, sat, talked about sports, drank beer.

“He’s definitely hiding something!” - the wife probably thinks, suspecting her husband of all mortal sins. In fact, we men just need to sometimes spend time in exclusively male company! Why?

5 reasons to meet in a purely male company

1. Chat with like-minded people

Men's conversations (as well as women's) are quite primitive in terms of topics and style of communication.
Another feature of them is that they are mainly interesting only to males. A kind of club of interests.
To sit in a pleasant company, drink beer with friends, remember the past - this is what a man wants no less than sex with the woman he loves. It’s not for nothing that for many men friendship is more important than love relationships.

Men want to meet without their wives, just to talk about men’s topics, remember how they behaved before marriage, discuss last news, - in general, talk about what they don’t talk about with women.

2. Watch football/basketball/hockey

It’s so customary that sports matches should be watched, firstly, exclusively in the company of men, secondly, with beer, thirdly, in a sports bar or at the stadium.
Why is this done without women? Men don’t want to show how emotional they can be, how nervous they get over seemingly trivial things, and finally, what words they use when their favorite team loses.

3. Take a break from your wives and talk about them

Constantly hanging out with your wives sooner or later gets boring. This is human nature: monotony is depressing.
In addition, men also love to discuss their other halves - and sometimes in such a way that the most frank female conversation seems like baby babble, and men’s epithets addressed to their loved ones, the only and unsurpassed ones, make the ears droop.

4. Discuss other women

Talking about familiar and unfamiliar women is a very interesting activity and a way to escape from home and work topics.
“This is just a nightmare, I even have bigger breasts! This is an ass, I would introduce her to my friend!” - similar phrases are heard very often in male company.

Of course, these conversations are not for women’s ears, so another reason for gatherings exclusively in male company is concern for the nervous system of wives.

5. Nostalgia for the bachelor lifestyle

Actually, this is the main reason for such meetings.
After the wedding, there are natural restrictions on relationships with other women and even on meetings with friends and acquaintances - they are no longer so frequent, and you can’t afford so much (for example, you can’t drink a lot, flirt with women).
Meeting with friends is nostalgia for the times of stormy youth, not burdened by family ties, a kind of protest against the new order.

Most often, according to statistics, men lie in the following cases:

26% of men minimize the amount of alcohol they drink;
- 51% of men hide their sympathy for another person;
- 21% lie in case of infidelity;
- 13% are disingenuous when they want to brag about some of their successful purchases, exaggerating its importance;
- 14% tell lies when going out to have fun, leaving their chosen one to wait in splendid isolation.

As we can see, 14% of men lie to their girlfriends, intending to spend time without them. What excuses do we use to hide our real location?

5 most popular male excuses

1. There was a lot to do, I was late at work

The most popular excuse, which, moreover, the wife is unlikely to check.
Of course, if she knows her husband’s boss, she can call him to clarify why her husband is constantly late in the office (on the other hand, such calls are unlikely to have a favorable effect on her husband’s reputation).
But if this is not possible, the woman will be satisfied for some time with an explanation of the reason for delays at work, but if they become too frequent, she will still suspect something is wrong.

2. Visited my parents

This excuse is in second place in popularity, although in fact it is more effective.
If you come to an agreement with your mother, she will definitely play along with her adored son, but she can give out her portion of moral teachings - out of female solidarity.
A savvy husband, of course, will come up with many relatives for himself or will often “travel” to various second cousins ​​and cousins.

3. An employee became ill and was taken to the hospital

The downside to this excuse is that it cannot be used regularly.
So, once or twice a year, otherwise the wife will either worry about her husband’s health (what kind of job is this where people are constantly being taken to the hospital??), or will understand that she is being led by the nose.

4. I went to the garage to fix my car; my neighbor needed help

Again, like the previous one, this excuse cannot be used often. Although you can actually visit the garage once a month, and help your neighbors three or four times a year.
True, if later you suddenly really need the help of a neighbor and your wife, arguing that “you helped him move the piano,” insists on using his help, you may find yourself in an awkward position.

5. Went out to play football with friends

Many men really like to kick the ball with friends - remember their carefree youth.
But most often you are too lazy to do this - it is much more pleasant to just sit in a bar and lie about football.
We’ll even take sports clothes with us, and when we come home pretty tipsy, we’ll say that we drank to victory. The reason for the lie here is obvious: the man is afraid that he will not be allowed in.

And finally, it should be noted that meeting with friends is one of the most favorite types of recreation for a man. Then he is relaxed, calm, - in general, he feels “warm and cozy.”

Although every man understands his vacation differently: for some it is privacy at home, for others it is gatherings in a noisy company with a lot of alcohol, for others it is football.

Someone rests their soul by being left alone with their wife or walking around the city in splendid isolation...

But the vast majority like to sit in their favorite chair, drink a couple of bottles of cold beer, surrounded by their closest friends and watch a great Soccer game, which ends with a score of 7:0 in favor of your favorite team.

There are no ideal and identical people, both among men and among women. Each of us has bad and good habits, positive and negative character traits. All are endowed with a unique appearance and behavioral characteristics. But despite the apparent differences, there are a lot of unifying moments inherent in almost every person. For example, the desire for a happy and long life. Next, we will highlight the most important and useful life tips for men.

    Dream, plan and set goals, and most importantly, act.

    Lead a healthy and active lifestyle, that is, get rid of bad habits, eat right and exercise.

    Watch less TV and read more books, not only on self-development or running a business, but also classical literature.

    Surround yourself with people who make you happy. Maintain and value your relationship with your family. This is the most important thing in life.

    Make time for daily meditation.

    Give 110% in your profession or business and learn to invest.

    Make important decisions before 11 am and only in a calm state.

    Never stop developing and learning something new.

    Try not only to listen carefully, but also to hear. Put into practice the recommendations of successful people.

    The actions and deeds you take today determine what your body and mind will be like in ten, twenty and thirty years.

    Follow basic rules of etiquette and style, but don’t get hung up on fashion and remain yourself.

    Be responsible and solve problems yourself.

    Don't do anything you want to hide.

    Never think that a woman is too good for you.

    Develop confidence and a sense of humor.

    Don't forget to give compliments, give flowers and look after the woman you love.

    Always carry cash (not necessarily large amounts) with you.

    There is nothing wrong with going to the cinema or cafe alone.

    Invest in expensive, high-quality and beautiful things, including clothes and accessories.

    Start the day with exercise and a contrast shower.

    Do not propose to a girl until you are 100% sure that the answer will be positive.

    Learn to cook.

    Avoid conflicts, but wisely defend your principles and protect your loved ones.

    Eat broccoli, spinach, avocado, bananas and other vegetables/fruits, even if you don't really like such foods. It is very useful.

    Life is an ocean and love is a boat. Love yourself and those around you.

    Focus and do what is important to you and don't be distracted by empty things.

    Manage your time wisely. Don't waste it on something you can't change. Time is the true luxury of this world.

    Appreciate true friends. Help them and ask for help yourself.

    Get out of your comfort zone. Without this, personal growth is impossible.

    Be kind to people and don't judge anyone.

Life is not a dress rehearsal. There will be no second attempt. Appreciate every moment and fully enjoy the journey.

With such a rich cultural heritage, ancient monasteries, hospitable residents and biceps toned from endless toasts, as well as the best barbecue and cognac (this is not a steak with clear wine in a fashionable cafeteria) - an excellent choice for a confident male.

A 40-minute drive from Yerevan, at the foot of the mountains, is the picturesque Lake Sevan - here you can go out with a fishing rod for trout or simply try local crayfish in numerous restaurants in the area. And in February-March you can combine eating kebab with skiing at the resort of Tsakhkadzor - just on the way to the lake.

Read also: The best ski resorts

2. Cyprus

Cyprus is inexpensive, close, beautiful, tasty and warm. In the evening, head to the many club parties in Ayia Napa and Limassol hosted by British DJs. Many of them do not stop working even in winter. And when the hangover goes away a little after the party, you can rent a car inexpensively and drive around the picturesque island, enjoying all the “delights” of driving on the left.

Paphos will be the calmest place - suitable for introverted men who like to sit on sea rocks and dream. There is also a place for extreme sports - scattered around the island active parks, where you can ride a buggy, fly a parachute, climb ropes, and bungee jump.

3. Portugal

Lisbon has recently become a very fashionable tourist destination. There is an assumption that port wine is to blame. And also cute cable cars, lush parks, and an extremely romantic view from the fortress of St. George's Castle. Barcelona will also appeal to you for its entertainment and reasonable prices.

Still expensive? Visit Belgrade - Serbian wine is not inferior in taste to Portuguese, Balkan music is more fun, cutlets are tastier, the streets are even narrower, and sounds can be heard from every corner live music, as in the masterpieces of Emir Kusturica. Connoisseurs of stronger drinks and real cigars will enjoy it in Cuba, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

4. Czech Republic

More and more male tourists are trying to get to the Czech Republic more than once or twice. Firstly, there is really very cheap beer from local and foreign breweries and snacks that are worthy of even more attention - Hermelin cheese stuffed with spices, spicy “utopentsy” sausages and a great variety of hearty sandwiches. This is for the most part Czech culture.

Read also: Alcohol guide: where to go and what to drink there?

Secondly, from the Czech Republic you can easily get to Germany or Austria for a day using an organized excursion tour. Be sure to check out the beer towns of Žatec, Pilsen and Krusovice. Thirdly, it’s just very beautiful, cozy and great here!

5. Bali

All Russian progressive youth flock to the island of Bali: surfers and female surfers, kiters and yoginis. Moreover, all these athletes immodestly flaunt along the beaches in thongs - why not a paradise for a lonely man in the prime of his life? Girls, by the way, will also like Bali, since many young Australians vacation here, every second of whom resembles a model from GQ magazine 😉 Only strong alcohol and cocktails here are quite expensive - so you’ll have to relax with local budget beer.

By the way, in Italy only beautiful and slender girls are allowed to go topless, and lovers of plump ladies, alas, will not be satisfied with the spectacle. In France, Saint-Tropez and the island of St. Bartholomew are famous for their half-naked bathers. Yes, in our native Crimea, almost every beach has a “nudist corner”. There won’t be a crowd of beauties there, but you can get naked and feel like Adam.

Our compatriots have already mastered foreign erotica and everything that is tougher. Trains and planes carry Russian tourists of all ages to world-famous resorts with beautiful girls.

It's time to combine their impressions and find out which country in the world has the most hot holiday for men.

If the warm embrace of your beloved does not await you at home, read this article and run for tickets!

Germany: taxable creep

There are no underground massage parlors or saunas with unverified girls in Germany. Sex work is completely legal. A complete list of places for the pleasure of the flesh can be found in the first newspaper, specialized catalogs (look in the nearest sex shop) and even in the telephone directory.

For a population of 80 million, there are about 400 thousand paid girls and boys. There is plenty to choose from. Things were done especially well when it came to tumbling in Hamburg. Immediately from the station we go to the nearest puff (official brothel), we try not to pay attention to street ladies. It’s not a fact that they are vaccinated against rabies in their intimate parts. But in puff, girls have a license (and boys too), the sheets are starched, and you can wipe off a friend who has worked hard with an embroidered napkin.

A full spectrum awaits our tourists here - from to fashionable. But brothels are not cheap - 1 service ranges from 300-400 euros.

A class cheaper - girls from shop windows. Really from shop windows! Decent street ladies have little rooms where they can do a good job for a client, and their windows are decorated like shop windows. This is how beauties display their goods both with their faces and not with their faces. Price tag 200-300 euros. There are no guarantees of pleasure, however.

There are also strawberry establishments:

Sex cafe

Swinger clubs

Saunas are not very cheap, because water is expensive in Germany

Czech Republic: girls for beer

Prague for a Russian today is like Moscow. Familiar, a little expensive, full of native speech and offers to rub noses at every intersection. Prostitution is not prohibited in this blessed country, therefore great amount girls of the most exotic nationalities come to Prague to earn a place in the sun in one place. Competition with locals is the highest, so everyone’s skin certificates are perfect, and the price list is wide and tempting.

Street girls work in the area of ​​Wenceslas and Old Town Squares. Some are ready for 15 euros, some for a hundred. You should be afraid of theft and attacks from the girl's “roof”; they may take your money and not even show your breasts.

You can ride with a guarantee in any strip club or bar. Ask local men, they will not only show you, but also recommend a specific lady. Her services cost around 100-200 euros.

Spain: debauchery at home

Body trafficking is not prohibited in Spain, although it is not officially permitted. If you go out in the evening Puerto del Sol square in Madrid, you can join the stream of girls in negligee. Be careful, they are all wearing sharp heels! 90% of Spanish butterflies are newcomers, but they are all cheerful and passionate because the climate is like this. You can get a lot for 50 euros! In hotels, visits from prostitutes are frowned upon, so ladies mostly work from home.

In nightclubs and saunas, prices are higher, but there is no difference in technology.

Holland: beautiful reds

Well, which of the sexually mature males has not dreamed of getting into Red light district?! Everyone has dreamed of it, and it is advisable to be a little euphoric - from branded bar drinks and from visiting coffee shops.

You can buy a girl, or not a girl, here absolutely legally. There is a hefty downside to this - the bill for the service includes taxes and union dues. So a satisfied man is a poor man. 50 euros for 15 minutes, well, that’s somehow not Russian!

However, eyewitnesses say “It was cool!”

Thailand: girls and "girls"

All sex for tourists is in Bangkok and Pattaya, so we go to the epicenter of the boiling of the world's sperm. Sex tourism in Thailand is a very developed industry. So developed that when you buy a girl for the night, upon closer inspection you can find that she has a penis. Congratulations, you got a branded Thai ladyboy (they occupy a fifth of the intimate market)! You can try it, it’s a sensation for connoisseurs. And if faith does not allow, look at:

Adam's apple (real girls don't have it)

Hand and foot size

Shoulder width

Real girls are just a temptation. Small, with chiseled shapes and dark nipples - they are good and skillful. You can rent one at go-go bar, but the drinks there are not cheap, and your girlfriend’s thirst will be simply insatiable - after all, she’s adding to the establishment’s profits. A night with an oriental doll will cost 4-5 thousand with our money.

More Thai entertainment options:

Street girls (about 500 rubles)

Massage salon (1200-1500 rubles)

Full escort for the entire vacation

Sexy shows

The girls on the street may be underage, be careful. In the salon you can relax your back and jump on your friend – two pleasures in one.

It is very profitable to book a girl for all 7-12 days of vacation. Not only will she make daddy feel good as many times as he wants, but she will become an excellent guide and a convenient shopping companion.

And you should definitely go to the erotic show. There girls do things with their second lips that you can’t even imagine! Nuts are cracked, bottles are uncorked - a very exciting circus.

Cuba: ladies without price list

Are you going to Liberty Island? Take with you a pack of tights and a pair of bras - Cubans will instantly jump out of their scarce panties for this wealth. In Cuba, a girl needs everything: underwear, clothes, jewelry. But the official earnings of factory workers, teachers and ordinary employees are not enough, so in the evening they all go out to work part-time. And they do it for 20 dollars. The price list is not varied, but it is passionate. Additional expenses:

Payment for her territory for sex +20 dollars

In case of a visit to your hotel - a bribe to the guards +10 dollars.

Yes, buy condoms along with the ticket; in Cuba this is an expensive rarity.


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