Project of the Tavrida route on the map of Crimea. "Tavrida" track. The degree of readiness of the route and the latest news

After the return of Crimea to Russia, the development of the peninsula began with renewed vigor. The road that will connect Kerch - Simferopol - Sevastopol will allow guests of the republic to travel comfortably along the entire coast.

History of the Tavrida route

The construction of the Crimean Bridge changed the distribution of traffic flows on the peninsula. There was a need to connect the opposite coast of Crimea with the city of Kerch. This is how the Tavrida road project came about
In 2016, the preliminary cost of the work carried out was calculated. The amount indicated was 139 billion rubles.

In the same year, the route points were finally fixed and the main characteristics were developed. future road. The route will be built in parts. In some areas existing roads will be used, in others a new route will be built. The old road surface, which is part of Tavrida, will be reconstructed to meet the requirements.

Route of the highway through cities and junctions

The road will pass through the following cities:

  1. Kerch
  2. Feodosia
  3. Belogorsk
  4. Simferopol
  5. Bakhchisaray
  6. Sevastopol

The length of the route is 250 kilometers. Thanks to modern infrastructure, the journey from Kerch to Simferopol will take no more than 2 hours. If you need to get to Sevastopol, the driver will spend no more than 3 hours on the road.
It is planned to create 6 launch sites. At the same time, the work on creating interchanges is divided into stages:

  • At the first stage, the length of the route will be 70.8 km. The route begins in the area of ​​the Crimean Bridge interchange. The stage ends in the village of Primorsky.
  • Second phase. The road section will be 50 kilometers long and will end at the next junction. Here the road to Belogorsk-Lgovskoye leaves and reaches the village of Lgovskoye.
  • At the third stage The path length is 35.6 km. From the village to the road leading to Simferopol and Feodosia. This is the Belogorsk district.
  • Stage 4. The duration of the journey is 27.5 km. From the road to Simferopol to the road leading to Bakhchisarai and Sevastopol.
  • Stage 5. 24.7 km. The route bypasses Simferopol and continues to move towards Sevastopol.
  • Stage 6. 28.9 km. The end of the journey is in Sevastopol.

In total, it is planned to create 17 interchanges for transport along the route. At the same time, 90 bridges and overpasses will be built.

Road characteristics

How will the Tavrida highway be located on the map of Crimea? During planning, calculations were made of the strength of the road surface, which was expressed in the load on the road. The figure was taken from 21 to 39 thousand cars in 24 hours.

What are the characteristics of the new road connecting Kerch and Sevastopol:

  1. As a covering asphalt concrete is used;
  2. The road under construction belongs to category IB;
  3. The permissible speed on the highway is 120 km/h;
  4. 4 lanes will be laid for vehicle traffic. 2 lanes will lead towards Sevastopol, the other 2 lanes towards Kerch. In this case, the flows are planned to be divided;
  5. On the Tavrida highway there is no provision for creating a single-level intersection with other roads.
  6. Will be built bridges, overpasses;
  7. The designers made the route does not pass through populated areas, trying to avoid them as much as possible;
  8. For the convenience of pedestrians Overpasses will be built.

Construction progress of the Tavrida road

The creation of the route began immediately after the approval of the plan and estimate. Construction is ongoing around the clock. Road workers do not have days off, so the road moves quickly. All work planned by estimate is completed on time, without delays or stops.

The project is divided into 7 stages. 6 stages of construction will take place on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. The last and final stage will take place in Sevastopol. The route is supposed to have 4 lanes. The first two lanes are expected to open in December 2018. This will be the completion of phases 1 to 4. The remaining 4 lanes will be opened by the 12th month of 2020.

The first stage of construction is actively underway. A section of the road, 70.8 km long, is being prepared: embankments are being made for the main passage. Passing engineering communications are being redone. Lightly corrugated water pipes are being laid. The road base is laid, consisting of geotextiles and crushed stone. Interchange bridges and tunnel overpasses are also being built.

As of January 2018, asphalt was laid on a section of 24 km. And a piece of two-way traffic was created.

Work is also underway at the second stage, where a section of the road remains 50 m. Here they have already managed to asphalt 13.5 km of the road, also 2 lanes. Currently, excavation work is being carried out, utility lines are being changed and altered, overpasses and interchange bridges are being built.

At the third site, they are working on installing a storm drain. The roadbed is being prepared, rainwater drainage is being installed, and crushed stone is being poured. 10 km out of 25.6 km are covered with asphalt.

Fifth stage. The general contractor creates the infrastructure along the road. The route is also being improved by installing lighting. Both single-horn and 2-horn ones are installed.

In April 2018, road workers reported that 88 kilometers were covered with asphalt without asphalt concrete. The project's readiness is estimated at 29 percent.

As of the 7th month of 2018, 97.7 kilometers are covered with asphalt. At this point, the first stage ends and the second stage of construction begins, where they can report on the 39.4 kilometers of the route that are under asphalt.

As of September 2018, builders say the route is only 38% ready. If we consider by sections, then the section where the road comes to Simferopol. This road will open to traffic at the end of 2018.

When will the Tavrida highway in Crimea open?

The final launch of the route is planned for the end of 2020. But during the entire construction period, separate areas will be opened for the promotion of cars. The opening is divided into two stages:

  1. At the end of this year (2018) should launch double-lane traffic. In total there will be 4 lanes on the highway;
  2. The second section leading from the mountain with called "Sugar Loaf" to the road connecting Sevastopol and Yalta. No final decision has been made on this section of the route, since even the design documentation is not ready.

Where there won't be settlements, the road will increase to 4 lanes. The maximum permissible speed will be 120 km/h. Inside populated areas, the Tavrida highway will merge into existing roads.

Construction cost

Preliminary calculations showed the need to provide 139 billion rubles. From the budget Russian Federation 14.36 billion were allocated to continue the creation of the Tavrida highway.

Findings during the construction of the route

The Crimean Peninsula is a place where every centimeter of land contains various artifacts. What names were found during the construction of the bridge:

  • At the very beginning of the project, excavations were made things belonging to the Bosporan kingdom. This happened on the Tiriktan shaft. There is some debate about what this massive structure is.
    Along with other finds, shaft fastening systems were discovered. The artifacts date back to the 4th–3rd century BC;
  • Was first warehouse discovered;
  • On the southeastern part of the city Kerch mound discovered.

Gradually we moved from ancient artifacts to events of our time. For example, a stone bridge built by Catherine II. This includes a bridge and excavation of part of the road.
A karst cave was discovered in the Belogorsk region.

In May of this year, an official event took place, during which a stone was laid, which became a symbol of the beginning of construction work on the Tavrida highway. Crimean authorities claim that the construction of the new route will be completed by December 2020. All related documentation for the Tavrida highway was submitted for approval back in 2015.

Benefits of the route for Crimea

It is expected that the construction of two large-scale projects will be completed simultaneously: the Tavrida highway and the bridge passing over the Kerch Strait. This will help attract a huge number of tourists to the resorts located on the peninsula. The length of the entire road will be about 260 kilometers. The new Tavrida highway will be a link between Sevastopol and Kerch.

Features of the Tavrida route

Cars will be allowed to travel at speeds up to 130 km/h, because... The route is a high-speed one. About 20 gas stations and 6 special road service zones will be built and put into operation in the Crimean section. There are plans to build motels, food outlets and even special charging points for electric vehicles. About three and a half thousand highly qualified workers will be involved in the work.

All construction work on the reconstruction of old roads will begin in June this year.

According to the project, two of the four lanes of the highway will be put into operation by December 2018. This route will have four lanes and is expected to 50 years no repairs will be required thanks to the use latest technologies and the most durable materials in the construction process. The highway will become as convenient as possible for both new travelers and the indigenous population.

Scheme and stages of construction of the route

Now we will try to figure out how the Tavrida Crimea route will go. The diagram shows that Kerch will be connected to the cities of Simferopol and Sevastopol using the constructed bridge. Nineteen kilometer bridge will become the longest in Russia. He will connect Crimean peninsula with the roads and railways of the Russian Federation. Transport traffic will be opened in December 2018, and train traffic a year later.
Planned to build:
23 overpasses;
15 bridges;
31 passages for agricultural machinery;
35 elevated pedestrian crossings;
4 lanes;

It is known that construction will take place in 6 stages. As can be seen in the diagram, the construction process will begin in the village of Primorsky, then in the Lgovsky district. At the third stage construction will take place in the city of Belogorsk. At the next stage, roads between Simferopol, Bakhchisarai and Sevastopol will be connected. Construction work in the area of ​​the village of Levadki will be completed.

Construction of a highway near Simferopol

Tavrida Crimea route scheme near Simferopol has its own characteristics. The route will pass through 8 villages of the Simferopol region. New road allow improving transport links between western settlements and Simferopol and allows for traffic freight transport. The new route will also attract tourists.

In addition to the Crimean Bridge and the new terminal of the Simferopol airport, another federal-scale construction project is in the center of attention of the media and the public - the Tavrida highway.
The official start of construction of the highway was given on May 12, 2017 (although the work itself began in the spring); by December 2018, two lanes should be opened on the right carriageway of the highway on the section from Kerch to Simferopol, and completion of construction is planned in 2020.
The Tavrida highway construction project will completely undergo state examination and receive the final set of documentation by August 20 of this year.

As I already wrote a few months ago, the length of the Tavrida highway will be 253.5 km, excluding approaches to Kerch Bridge and the territory of Sevastopol. The road will pass through the territory of 6 municipalities: Leninsky district, Feodosiysky district, Kirovsky district, Sudak, Belogorsky district, Simferopol, Simferopol district, Bakhchisaray, Bakhchisaray district.

So, by the end of July, the Road Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan reported on the readiness of the first stage of road construction (on the road approaches to the bridge across the Kerch Strait)
by 32%, the second - by 12%, the third - about 7%, in the near future the contractor - VAD JSC - will begin work on the fourth stage.

The first kilometers of road approaches to the Crimean Bridge from Kerch have already been paved. “The installation of the upper base layer of asphalt concrete mixture was carried out on the first section with a length of 2.1 km on all four lanes of the main road, as well as on the second section of the main road on two lanes with a length of 0.5 km,” reports the press service of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan .

The ministry added that the builders also completely laid the top layer of asphalt on one of the exit ramps of the transport interchange, at the junction of the automobile approaches to the future Tavrida highway. The length of the exit was 626 m. The total length of the main route of the auto approaches will be 8.6 km. They plan to launch work on them from Kerch in May 2018, and complete their construction in December. The cost of work will be 6.9 billion rubles.

The new road already has its own lights. The first locally produced lighting poles (Promsnabresurs-Crimea company) were installed at the exit from Kerch.

To date, there is a slight lag behind the schedule for the construction of the route, since the project turned out to be more complex than originally expected. One of the most pressing problems in highway construction is the shortage of building materials. To reduce the cost of work, seven deposits of inert materials are being explored, and an analysis of the use of former deposits mothballed during the Soviet era was also carried out.

There are certain problems when allocating sites for the construction of the route - in some places the construction of the route affects the interests of subsoil users and local residents.
Plus, from time to time road workers have to slow down their progress due to dangerous finds. So just over the past month, three aerial bombs from the Great Patriotic War were found and neutralized in the construction area.

Since almost the entire territory of Crimea can be called a large archaeological bridgehead, scientists received the right of the “first night”. They are the first (after the Ministry of Emergency Situations) to inspect the construction sites of the route. This year they managed to find more than 80 thousand artifacts and examine about 60 previously discovered monuments.

The M150 Tavrida highway is designed based on a load of 40 thousand cars per day, with an estimated speed of up to 120 km/h.
It is planned to build 17 transport interchanges and 90 artificial structures(bridges and overpasses), as well as 20 gas stations and 6 multifunctional zones (MFZ) of road service, which will include gas stations, food outlets, motels and parking lots for heavy vehicles.
There will also be scales for trucks at Tavrida. In the area of ​​the village of Fontan (Leninsky district), a weighing station will be built to control the movement of goods, monitor the intensity and composition of the traffic flow of large and heavy vehicles.

Construction progress

What will the Tavrida route be like?

The four-lane highway will connect Kerch, where a bridge across the Kerch Strait will be built, with Simferopol and Sevastopol. The first stage of highway construction (two-lane) is planned to be completed by the end of 2018, the second (four lanes) by the end of 2020. A section of the road in Sevastopol (section 8) is going to be built from Mount Sugarloaf to the Sevastopol-Yalta highway in the area of ​​the turn to Ternovka. However, design and survey work on the Sevastopol section has not yet been completed and a final decision on it has not been made.

Outside populated areas it will be a four-lane highway of category 1B with an estimated speed of up to 120 km/h. When passing through the territory of populated areas - a main street of citywide significance for continuous traffic and citywide significance for regulated traffic.

The Russian government allocated for construction in Crimea federal highway"Tavrida" 14.36 billion.

Construction of the Tavrida highway is going according to schedule. Road workers organized work both on the road approach to the Crimean Bridge and on the Tavrida highway around the clock, seven days a week.

The Tavrida highway will connect Kerch, where the bridge across the strait was built, with Simferopol and Sevastopol. Total length highways - 250.7 kilometers, capacity - up to 40,000 cars per day. The general contractor is JSC VAD. The total cost of construction of Tavrida is set at 149.3 billion rubles.

Construction is divided into 7 stages, six of which are located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, and the seventh in Sevastopol. The project is being implemented simultaneously in all seven stages and is divided into two stages: in a two-lane design from Kerch to Simferopol (first - fourth stages - 190 km), traffic on the highway is planned to be launched at the end of 2018; Four-lane traffic along the entire highway to Sevastopol will open at the end of 2020.

At the first stageof the 70.8 km long highway under construction, work is currently underway to construct an embankment for the main passage, reconstruct engineering communications, install metal-corrugated culverts, install a layer of geotextiles and a crushed stone base for the road pavement.

Work on the installation of bridges and tunnel-type overpasses is actively underway. 24 km of the two-lane highway have been paved. The overall stage readiness is 36%.

At the second stage of the Tavrida route with a total length of 50 km, 13.5 km are paved in a two-lane design. Currently, excavation work, reconstruction of utility lines, and construction of bridges and overpasses are underway at the site. The overall readiness of the stage is 27%.

At the third stage of the route with a length of 35.6 km, work is underway on the installation of storm drainage, roadbed and crushed stone foundation, as well as, as in the previous two stages, the laying of utilities, the construction of bridges and overpasses. At the same time, 10 km were paved in a two-lane design. The overall readiness of this site is 35%.

General readiness of the fourth stage of "Tavrida"(length 27.5 km) - 10%. The same types of work are carried out here as in the third stage. 5.3 km of two-lane paved road.

At the fifth stage highways, the general contractor for the construction of the Simferopol bypass on the Dubki-Levadki section - the Sibavtoban group of companies continues to improve the future highway along the main route. The installation of metal lighting supports for single-arm and double-arm lamp brackets has begun. In total, it is planned to install more than 300 supports for 555 lamps along the route. IN this moment The general contractor installed more than 50 support pillars.

On the Simferopol-Chistenkoe–Trudolyubovo-Nikolaevka highway, road workers have begun forming road approaches to the bridge: filling and strengthening the cones, compacting the subgrade and forming the main road pavement are being carried out. Previously, 12 reinforced concrete overpass beams were installed, each weighing 55 tons and 33 meters long. The length of the two-lane bridge is 73 m (including approaches). The height above the level of the main passage of the Dubki – Levadki highway is 5 meters.

Road workers continue to develop the excavation and embankment of the future highway. The total volume of earthworks performed is about 2.8 million m³. Along the main course of the highway under construction, a subgrade is being formed, a water conduit and a cattle passage are being installed.

At the sixth stage of the route in the area of ​​the Sevastopol transport interchangeSibavtoban is drilling for the installation of bored pillars for the future overpass: 70% of the total volume has been completed. The excavation for the construction of the interchange overpass continues. On the temporary road, the general contractor is cleaning the route and de-icing it. The transport interchange will be completed in July 2018.

The construction of the Simferopol bypass on the Dubki-Levadki section has been underway since the end of 2016; road workers began the active phase of work in the spring of 2017. The facility will be commissioned at the end of August this year.

At the beginning of December 2017, the official opening of construction and reconstruction work took place highway Kerch – Feodosia – Belogorsk – Simferopol – Bakhchisarai – Sevastopol, km 253+500 – km 269+300, Sevastopol. The new road isseventh stage of constructionand reconstruction of the Tavrida highway.

The new section of the Tavrida highway will pass through the territory of Sevastopol: from km 40+578 of the existing highway N-06 Simferopol - Bakhchisaray - Sevastopol to km 16+320 of the highway R-27 Sevastopol - Inkerman past the villages of Verkhnesadovoe, Pirogovka and Frontovoye.

Currently, as part of the project, the clearing of the right-of-way from forests and shrubs, the construction of a subgrade, the installation of culverts, the construction of temporary warehouses and modular buildings are being carried out. Road construction work is preceded by inspection and clearance of the area from explosive objects, as well as archaeological research. In 2018, the general contractor plans to completely clear the right-of-way of the seventh section of the route from green spaces, complete archaeological work, fill the roadbed and begin construction of bridge structures. Construction of the facility is scheduled to be completed in 2020.

In total, more than 800 pieces of equipment and more than two thousand people from among workers and engineering personnel are currently involved in seven stages. Work traffic on the road approaches to the bridge across the Kerch Strait is planned to open in April 2018 and complete work in full in December.

Construction of the eighth section of Tavrida(projected), which will begin in 2019, provides for the reconstruction of the “presidential” road and the construction of a two-level interchange on the Yalta ring. After completion of the technical and price audit (sent to Glavgosexpertiza), design and estimate documentation for the facility will be developed. The total length of the eighth section of the route will be 6.5 km.

Automobile approach to the Crimean Bridge from Kerchwith a length of 8.6 km is in a high degree of readiness: 7 kilometers of asphalt concrete in a four-lane design have been laid during the main course. All work on the construction of the auto approach is carried out in strict accordance with the approved schedule.

7 kilometers of four-lane asphalt concrete were laid on the approaches out of 8.6 kilometers provided for by the project. The construction of the roadbed embankment for the auto-access road has already been completed by more than 93%. The top layer of the base is 84% ​​complete, the bottom layer of the coating is 80%. The installation of culverts at the site is fully completed, and 2/3 of the rainwater drainage system is complete.

The auto approach to the Crimean Bridge from Kerch includes one traffic intersection and three overpasses, one of which is a tunnel type:

At the traffic intersection, the construction of the roadbed and crushed stone base is almost completed - their readiness exceeds 90%. The top layer of the base made of asphalt concrete mixture is already 96% complete. In addition, work on the installation of culverts has been completed;

The overpass, located at the intersection of the auto approach with the Heroes of Stalingrad Highway, is 56% ready, the construction of the embankment of the roadbed has been completed at more than 90%, the water supply, sewerage and power supply lines have also been rebuilt by more than 90%, and the builders have completed more than half all work on the installation of external lighting, and also completely re-arranged the communication networks;

The new ring road around Simferopol is a long-standing project, which began with the work of KrymNIIproekt at the turn of the 1970s-80s.

Simferopol ring road.
The yellow line is the site under construction, the gray line is design.

From the airport (now old, new terminal will be launched by the 2018 season) the Okruzhnaya section on Dubki was built in Ukraine. The highway from the Fontana microdistrict was brought to the village of Klinovka and Tyoplya Balka, where the Crimean deputies set up their villas. There is nothing left to complete before bringing it to the trolleybus route near the village of Pionerskoye.

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Okay, about the good stuff: we’ll tolerate a little of the inconvenience of temporary detours for the 2018 season, but by August 30, 2018, the first high-speed section of the Simferopol Ring Road, in accordance with the standards of the Tavrida federal highway, will be open to traffic.

Official details:

The four-lane Dubki-Levadki bypass road of category 1B will stretch for 9.1 kilometers. The area of ​​the roadway will be 170 thousand square meters, with a roadway width of 15 meters. It is necessary to move the main gas pipeline, a water pipeline, several power transmission and communication lines, build three overpasses, a crossing over railway tracks and a transport interchange on the highway to Sevastopol. In addition, six culverts with a length of 343 meters will be laid. To protect the roadbed from waterlogging and erosion, surface drainage systems are provided. Fences and lighting will be installed on the road. The warranty period is eight years. The estimated speed along the highway section will be 120 kilometers per hour. The cost of construction of the facility is 6.15 billion rubles, completion of work is planned for August 30, 2018.

How the Tavrida highway is being built near Simferopol on the Dubki-Levadki section. In the video we fly in two places. Half the video is in the Dubkov area, and the second half is in the Levadki area...

North-eastern sector of SCAD: new terminal of Simferopol airport and new Central bus station. State Farm. Bitumen. Productive. Picturesque. Tavrida highway near the village of Trudovoye.

The federal highway Tavrida from the east of Feodosia and Kerch goes to Simferopol airport and the new Central bus station from the village of Trudovoye, namely through the dacha area of ​​Ilyushino, Beloe, Aykovan, Solnechnoe, Bitumen and Sovkhoznoe.

Owners of dacha plots need not worry; the map shows that the Tavrida highway does not affect dacha areas. But conditions will improve dramatically, as will the cost of plots.
For example, in the Trudovoye dacha area there will be a gas station and a very large transport interchange, which will allow you to get to the airport in 5 minutes by car, and in 10-15 minutes to Dubka, and the exit to Sevastopol or Nikolaevka.

A section of the Tavrida federal highway near the new terminal of Simferopol airport and the Central bus station

The approximate average speed on the ring roads around Simferopol will be 120 km/h. Well, the customers plan to complete construction by 2020, and this is already the year the route was commissioned, but according to forecasts, it should be completed even earlier, simultaneously with Crimean bridge. The construction of a transport crossing across the Kerch Strait is progressing ahead of schedule.

The southern half of the SKAD will connect through Livadki and Pionerskoye to the Sevastopol and Yalta highways. And through Trudovoye, the new Simferopol thermal power plant, Denisovka, Pionerskoye - Feodosiyskoye and Yalta highways.

The first block of the Simferopol Thermal Power Plant will be commissioned in 2018. SCAD bypasses the thermal power plant on top. In the photo on the left is the direction to Trudovoye, on the right to Denisovka. At the bottom of the Stroganovka - Denisovka - Ivanovna highway. View from Ostrich Farm

A bridge will be built across the Maly Salgir River on the southeastern outskirts of the village of Denisovka. Four lanes expressway car traffic This is something amazing on this scale. However, it is quite consistent with the size of the new power plant. In short, there will be a city here. By the way, to relieve Simferopol, the authorities and planners are considering options for building several satellite cities and elite suburban villages, as well as residential neighborhoods.

Accurate data on alienation land plots for the federal highway Tavrida and SCAD are posted in village and town councils. Property owners receive compensation.


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