Road under construction in Crimea Tavrida. How the Tavrida Crimea route will go - diagram. Scheme and stages of construction of the route

Construction of the Tavrida highway is going according to schedule. Road workers organized work both on the road approach to Crimean bridge, and on the Tavrida highway around the clock, seven days a week.

The Tavrida highway will connect Kerch, where the bridge across the strait was built, with Simferopol and Sevastopol. Total length routes - 250.7 kilometers, capacity - up to 40,000 cars per day. The general contractor is JSC VAD. The total cost of construction of Tavrida is set at 149.3 billion rubles.

Construction is divided into 7 stages, six of which are located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, and the seventh in Sevastopol. The project is being implemented simultaneously in all seven stages and is divided into two stages: in a two-lane design from Kerch to Simferopol (first - fourth stages - 190 km), traffic on the highway is planned to be launched at the end of 2018; Four-lane traffic along the entire highway to Sevastopol will open at the end of 2020.

At the first stageof the 70.8 km long highway under construction, work is currently underway to construct an embankment for the main passage, reconstruct engineering communications, install metal-corrugated culverts, install a layer of geotextiles and a crushed stone base for the road pavement.

Work on the installation of bridges and tunnel-type overpasses is actively underway. 24 km of the two-lane highway have been paved. The overall stage readiness is 36%.

At the second stage of the Tavrida route with a total length of 50 km, 13.5 km are paved in a two-lane design. Currently, excavation work, reconstruction of utility lines, and construction of bridges and overpasses are underway at the site. The overall readiness of the stage is 27%.

At the third stage of the route with a length of 35.6 km, work is underway on the installation of storm drainage, roadbed and crushed stone foundation, as well as, as in the previous two stages, the laying of utilities, the construction of bridges and overpasses. At the same time, 10 km were paved in a two-lane design. The overall readiness of this site is 35%.

General readiness of the fourth stage of "Tavrida"(length 27.5 km) - 10%. The same types of work are carried out here as in the third stage. 5.3 km of two-lane paved road.

At the fifth stage highways, the general contractor for the construction of the Simferopol bypass on the Dubki-Levadki section - the Sibavtoban group of companies continues to improve the future highway along the main route. The installation of metal lighting supports for single-arm and double-arm lamp brackets has begun. In total, it is planned to install more than 300 supports for 555 lamps along the route. IN this moment The general contractor installed more than 50 support pillars.

On the Simferopol-Chistenkoe–Trudolyubovo-Nikolaevka highway, road workers have begun forming road approaches to the bridge: filling and strengthening the cones, compacting the subgrade and forming the main road pavement are being carried out. Previously, 12 reinforced concrete overpass beams were installed, each weighing 55 tons and 33 meters long. The length of the two-lane bridge is 73 m (including approaches). The height above the level of the main passage of the Dubki – Levadki highway is 5 meters.

Road workers continue to develop the excavation and embankment of the future highway. The total volume of earthworks performed is about 2.8 million m³. Along the main course of the highway under construction, a subgrade is being formed, a water conduit and a cattle passage are being installed.

At the sixth stage of the route in the area of ​​the Sevastopol transport interchangeSibavtoban is drilling for the installation of bored pillars for the future overpass: 70% of the total volume has been completed. The excavation for the construction of the interchange overpass continues. On the temporary road, the general contractor is cleaning the route and de-icing it. The transport interchange will be completed in July 2018.

The construction of the Simferopol bypass on the Dubki-Levadki section has been underway since the end of 2016; road workers began the active phase of work in the spring of 2017. The facility will be commissioned at the end of August this year.

At the beginning of December 2017, the official opening of construction and reconstruction work took place highway Kerch – Feodosia – Belogorsk – Simferopol – Bakhchisarai – Sevastopol, km 253+500 – km 269+300, Sevastopol. New road isseventh stage of constructionand reconstruction of the Tavrida highway.

The new section of the Tavrida highway will pass through the territory of Sevastopol: from km 40+578 of the existing highway N-06 Simferopol - Bakhchisaray - Sevastopol to km 16+320 of the highway R-27 Sevastopol - Inkerman past the villages of Verkhnesadovoe, Pirogovka and Frontovoye.

Currently, as part of the project, the clearing of the right-of-way from forests and shrubs, the construction of a subgrade, the installation of culverts, the construction of temporary warehouses and modular buildings are being carried out. Road construction work is preceded by inspection and clearance of the area from explosive objects, as well as archaeological research. In 2018, the general contractor plans to completely clear the right-of-way of the seventh section of the route from green spaces, complete archaeological work, fill the roadbed and begin construction of bridge structures. Construction of the facility is scheduled to be completed in 2020.

In total, more than 800 pieces of equipment and more than two thousand people from among workers and engineering personnel are currently involved in seven stages. Work traffic on the road approaches to the bridge across the Kerch Strait is planned to open in April 2018 and complete work in full in December.

Construction of the eighth section of Tavrida(projected), which will begin in 2019, provides for the reconstruction of the “presidential” road and the construction of a two-level interchange on the Yalta ring. After completion of the technical and price audit (sent to Glavgosexpertiza), design and estimate documentation for the facility will be developed. The total length of the eighth section of the route will be 6.5 km.

Automobile approach to the Crimean Bridge from Kerchwith a length of 8.6 km is in a high degree of readiness: 7 kilometers of asphalt concrete in a four-lane design have been laid during the main course. All work on the construction of the auto approach is carried out in strict accordance with the approved schedule.

7 kilometers of four-lane asphalt concrete were laid on the approaches out of 8.6 kilometers provided for by the project. The construction of the roadbed embankment for the auto-access road has already been completed by more than 93%. The top layer of the base is 84% ​​complete, the bottom layer of the coating is 80%. The installation of culverts at the site is fully completed, and 2/3 of the rainwater drainage system is completed.

The auto approach to the Crimean Bridge from Kerch includes one traffic intersection and three overpasses, one of which is a tunnel type:

At the transport interchange, the construction of the roadbed and crushed stone base is almost completed - their readiness exceeds 90%. The top layer of the base made of asphalt concrete mixture is already 96% complete. In addition, work on the installation of culverts has been completed;

The overpass, located at the intersection of the auto approach with the Heroes of Stalingrad Highway, is 56% ready, the construction of the embankment of the roadbed has been completed at more than 90%, the water supply, sewerage and power supply lines have also been rebuilt by more than 90%, and the builders have completed more than half all work on the installation of external lighting, and also completely reorganized the communication networks;

Ilya Sokolov, Marianna Chursina

The Tavrida federal highway between Kerch and Sevastopol is 30% ready. This was reported by the State Road Committee of Crimea. According to representatives of local authorities, work is proceeding at an accelerated pace. It is expected that the first stage of construction will be completed by the end of 2018, and the full opening of the highway will take place in 2020. The road will run from the Crimean Bridge, traffic on which will begin in May. How the opening of Tavrida will affect tourist flows and the economy of the peninsula - in the RT material.

  • RIA News
  • Alexey Malgavko

The Tavrida federal highway passing through Crimea is 30% ready. This was announced by the Chairman of the State Road Committee of the Republic, Sergei Karpov. He noted that construction of the road began on May 12, 2017 - that’s when the memorial stone was laid.

“A year later, we can sum up the first results: the Tavrida highway is 30% built along its entire length, which is more than 250 km,” RIA Novosti quotes Karpov.

The department noted that the first stage of construction should be completed by the end of 2018. By that time two strips will be ready. The second stage (four lanes) will be completed at the end of 2020. Karpov emphasized that work is being carried out around the clock and in accordance with the schedule. Over a thousand pieces of equipment and more than three thousand workers are involved in construction.

“This is a huge construction project. Almost all the way to Kerch, equipment is working, people are working, and the Tavrida highway is being built at an accelerated pace. Of course, this is a very important route for us, especially since the bridge is almost ready,” said Yuri Gempel, a member of the Crimean State Council Committee on Construction and Housing and Communal Services, in an interview with RT.

The Tavrida highway will connect Kerch with Simferopol and Sevastopol. As previously reported by the Russian Ministry of Transport, already in May 2018, a road approach will be opened from the Crimean Bridge, which will connect the peninsula with Kuban, to the junction with the Crimean road. Car traffic on the bridge itself should open.

Already now, guests of Crimea can evaluate the results of the construction of the route, noted Alexey Chernyak, head of the Crimean parliament’s committee on sanatorium-resort complex and tourism, in a conversation with RT.

“This is very important for Crimea. Although de jure we are a peninsula, de facto we are an island, and without a bridge and this highway it will be almost impossible for Crimea to develop. The ferry service, which delivers not only our tourists, but also all cargo, food, building materials, depends on the weather and work ferry crossing. It is no longer possible to expand it,” the deputy said.

According to him, the construction of the highway and bridge will reduce the cost of goods, including food, and, therefore, reduce the costs of Russians on vacation in Crimea, as well as simplify logistics for guests of the peninsula.

“Tourists will not have to adjust to the ferry. People will be able to travel by bus, personal transport, and bicycles. The traffic flow across the bridge and the highway is planned to be enormous. There will be a speed limit, four-lane traffic. It will be possible to travel from Kerch to Sevastopol in literally two and a half hours,” said the parliamentarian.

  • Map of the future federal highway"Tavrida"
  • Information center "Crimean Bridge"

He noted that the new infrastructure will allow Crimea to receive 8-10 million tourists, noting that this will happen “not in just some decades, but in the next five years.”

Acceleration of tourist flow

The Tavrida highway will run along the route Kerch - Feodosia - Belogorsk - Simferopol - Bakhchisaray - Sevastopol. In this case, the route will bypass major cities, which will reduce travel time.

It is expected that it will be possible to get from Kerch to Simferopol in about two hours, and to Sevastopol in less than three. The length of the highway will be 250.75 km. Motorists will be able to drive along it at speeds of up to 120 km/h.

According to calculations by the State Road Committee of Crimea, the total cost of construction of the route will be 163 billion rubles.

Before the start of work, the authorities emphasized that the project would not harm the ecology of the peninsula.

“There will be no threat to the environment, natural values, or protected lands. This is a priority task. We won’t just shred the Crimean land,” noted the head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov.

The Crimean authorities also promised to create additional roadside infrastructure for motorists during the construction of the route. The Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea Vadim Volchenko told RIA Novosti that an influx of tourists is expected on the peninsula due to the opening of the automobile part of the bridge.

“The road is under construction, it will be opened in parts, in some places we will organize detours, open small agricultural markets with mandatory observance of all sanitary conditions so that tourist bus or a car with a family could stop, buy fruit, or visit the bathroom. We understand where we usually have more difficult traffic, and in these places we will try to offer alternative travel,” he emphasized.

Official information from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. In connection with the plans of the builders of the Crimean Bridge to introduce road part The Crimean Bridge was put into operation significantly ahead of schedule, in May 2018, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation is considering a phased scheme for organizing traffic along the new route across the Kerch Strait.

Joint Stock Company "VAD" began construction of a highway and road access in Kerch to the transport crossing across the Kerch Strait on February 22, 2017. A year later, the overall readiness of the automated approach is 77%.

Last year, Sergei Valeryevich Aksenov, the head of the Republic of Crimea, and Roman Vladimirovich Starovit, the head of Rosavtodor, laid the stone that marked the start of construction work on the Crimean part of the road approaches to the bridge across the Kerch Strait.

Kerchan resident Konstantin Khodakovsky continues to film the grandiose construction taking place in the city using a controlled drone.

Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov inspected the progress of projects connecting Kuban and Crimea into a single road network via the Crimean Bridge. The route of the head of the Ministry of Transport practically corresponded to the one by which in 2018 it will be possible to travel by car from Anapa to Simferopol.

Employees of the VAD company, which is building the Tavrida highway, presented at the multimedia exhibition “Russia, looking to the future” the advanced technologies used to build the Crimean road. According to experts, the most modern technologies are used both for the manufacture of the highway surface itself and for equipping road equipment. Kryminform correspondents visited one of the Tavrida sections to see how the new highway is actually being built in Crimea.

Simferopol, November 16. Kryminform. Builders laid the top layers of asphalt on 18 km of the Tavrida highway in the section from Kerch to Belogorsk. Kryminform was informed about this today by the VAD company, which is the contractor for the construction of the route.

Opening car traffic in operating mode and the start of temporary operation of auto approaches to the Crimean Bridge from Kerch should occur before May 30, 2018. This is stated in the addition to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 5, 2017 No. 2164-r, Kryminform reports.

The Tavrida builders erected two lanes of the road and marked them. The strip of the future highway beyond the Solnechny microdistrict is expanding. One after another, the supports of the overpass are growing. Cameras are monitoring the construction site solar powered. Kerch men went to work for VAD and in the family circle proudly announce the size of their salaries. Every day brings the moment of commissioning of the bridge across the Kerch Strait closer. Life is in full swing. Not far from the territory where a highway interchange is being built, along which tourists will

Route "Tavrida". Kerch interchange 9 kilometer from a quadcopter

The quiet and measured life of a semi-resort town in the very east of the Crimean peninsula has changed a lot after the start of a grandiose construction project. Kerch Bridge Even at the development stage it became a legendary project. Kerchan residents watch this construction project from different points of the city with surprise and pleasure, listening at night to the booming sounds of pile driving and the rhythmic squeak of construction equipment.

As part of the creation of green zones along the Tavrida federal highway under construction in Crimea, it is planned to plant more than 322 thousand trees. This was stated by First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sergei Semenov during the IV Crimean Transport Forum, which opened in Alushta.

The Novosibirsk construction company Sibavtoban laid two lower layers of asphalt on a kilometer-long section of the Dubki-Levadki highway under construction, which will become part of the Simferopol bypass. He told reporters about this today CEO“Sibavtobana” Andrey Morotsky.

Dump trucks, excavators and other heavy equipment are working non-stop at Verkhny Solnechny. The workers clearly demarcated the territory where the main stage of construction will take place. There is also a machine for driving piles on site, which will soon be used for its intended purpose.

In Crimea, work continues on the construction of the main highway of the peninsula. The first stage of the first stage of the Tavrida highway in a two-lane version, it is almost ready to start traffic. Currently, work is underway on a 65-kilometer section to install a barrier fence, develop a road, and install road signs.

The project provides that at the first launch complex of the Tavrida highway, which is launched in December this year, 46 stops will be located public transport. There will also be 23 above-ground pedestrian crossings. In addition, the route will be equipped with the necessary number of mobile cameras to record violations of the rules. traffic. These will be mobile means of control. Stationary cameras will be installed after the facility is commissioned in 2020.

As the representative of the general contractor clarified, at the first stage it remains to pave small areas adjacent to artificial structures and a section of about 800 meters in length bypassing the village of Gornostaevka. This is due to the power line terminals. Planned shutdowns are currently underway. The laying of asphalt concrete at the first stage is planned to be completed on the 20th of December.

In the section from the zero picket of the first stage to the transport interchange in the village of Bagerovo, the second stage of the route is being reconstructed: the old asphalt concrete pavement is being dismantled, the roadbed is being developed, and new asphalt is being laid. According to a representative of the general contractor, The main work on the construction of the Bagerovskaya interchange has been completed in full: on total area 16,000 m² of asphalt concrete pavement was installed, with the exception of the top layer. The overpass has been completed and lighting masts have been installed. Work remains on landscaping the slopes, installing barrier fencing and markings. Traffic movement along the interchange is currently already carried out from Bagerovo in the direction of the village of Ivanovka.

Builders of the Tavrida highway are working on laying asphalt concrete at all seven stages of the road. As the press service of the general contractor JSC VAD reported, as part of the second stage of construction of Tavrida, about 70 km of two-lane construction were laid.

The overall readiness of the route today is 41%. The readiness of the first stage is 82%. At stages 1-4 from Kerch to Simferopol, more than 160 km of asphalt concrete in a two-lane design were laid. As part of the first phase of construction, barrier fencing and lighting poles are being installed at stages 1, 2 and 3 of the route.

"To carry out work within the framework of the second stage in sections of stages 1, 3 and 4, a working traffic bypass was carried out from old road Kerch - Simferopol on two-lane sections of "Tavrida". The total length of the sections of the route on which temporary traffic switching was carried out is about 40 km", noted JSC VAD.

Recently, the Governor of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov, during a working trip, inspected the progress of JSC “VAD” construction and reconstruction work highway Kerch – Feodosia – Belogorsk – Simferopol – Bakhchisarai – Sevastopol, km 253+500 – km269+300, Sevastopol (Tavrida highway, stage 7).

Construction of the Sevastopol section of the Tavrida highway began on December 14, 2017. In accordance with the project, a 13.25 km section of the road will include one interchange at different levels, two overpasses and a bridge crossing.

Currently, work on surveying and clearing the area of ​​explosive objects has been completed at the site, and archaeological research has been carried out. The reconstruction of communication networks has been completed in full, work is underway on the construction of the roadbed and strengthening of slopes, the installation of spillways and layers of road pavement, and the reconstruction of the main high-pressure gas pipeline. The overall readiness of the facility is 27%. In accordance with the contract, work on the construction and reconstruction of the Sevastopol section of the road will be completed simultaneously with work on other sections of the Tavrida highway - in 2020.

Let us remind you that the Tavrida highway, 250.75 km long from Kerch to Sevastopol, will include 18 transport interchanges and 123 artificial structures. Work on the construction of the route is carried out at a high pace around the clock. More than 1,000 pieces of equipment and more than 3,000 people are involved in construction.

In May of this year, an official event took place, during which a stone was laid, which became a symbol of the beginning of construction work on the Tavrida highway. Crimean authorities claim that the construction of the new route will be completed by December 2020. All related documentation for the Tavrida highway was submitted for approval back in 2015.

Benefits of the route for Crimea

It is expected that the construction of two large-scale projects will be completed simultaneously: the Tavrida highway and the bridge passing over the Kerch Strait. This will help attract a huge number of tourists to the resorts located on the peninsula. The length of the entire road will be about 260 kilometers. The new Tavrida highway will be a link between Sevastopol and Kerch.

Features of the Tavrida route

Cars will be allowed to travel at speeds up to 130 km/h, because... The route is a high-speed one. About 20 gas stations and 6 special road service zones will be built and put into operation in the Crimean section. There are plans to build motels, food outlets and even special charging points for electric vehicles. About three and a half thousand highly qualified workers will be involved in the work.

All construction work on the reconstruction of old roads will begin in June this year.

According to the project, two of the four lanes of the highway will be put into operation by December 2018. This route will have four lanes and is expected to 50 years no repairs will be required thanks to the use latest technologies and the most durable materials during the construction process. The highway will become as convenient as possible for both new travelers and the indigenous population.

Scheme and stages of construction of the route

Now we will try to figure out how the Tavrida Crimea route will go. The diagram shows that Kerch will be connected to the cities of Simferopol and Sevastopol using the constructed bridge. Nineteen kilometer bridge will become the longest in Russia. He will connect Crimean peninsula with road and railway Russian Federation. Transport traffic will be opened in December 2018, and train traffic a year later.
Planned to build:
23 overpasses;
15 bridges;
31 passages for agricultural machinery;
35 elevated pedestrian crossings;
4 lanes;

It is known that construction will take place in 6 stages. As can be seen in the diagram, the construction process will begin in the village of Primorsky, then in the Lgovsky district. At the third stage construction will take place in the city of Belogorsk. At the next stage, roads between Simferopol, Bakhchisarai and Sevastopol will be connected. Construction work in the area of ​​the village of Levadki will be completed.

Construction of a highway near Simferopol

Tavrida Crimea route scheme near Simferopol has its own characteristics. The route will pass through 8 villages of the Simferopol region. The new road will improve transport links between Western settlements with Simferopol and allows for traffic freight transport. The new route will also attract tourists.


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