A trip to the neighboring islands - Gili Meno and Gili Travagan

The islands near Bali attract tourists with their beauty and pristineness. Each of them is interesting in its own way. There is somewhere good beaches, somewhere you can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the resort and take a walk among the tropical jungle. However, there are also places that are not inferior in level to the Balinese resorts - there are hotels, restaurants, and a lot of entertainment. I will tell you in this article about what islands there are near Bali and why they are interesting.

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Not big Island Nusa Penida, with total area just over 200 km2, located 12 kilometers southeast of Bali. Administratively, it is part of Bali's Klungkung district. About 50 thousand people live here; the island is poorly developed in terms of tourism infrastructure, which creates a special specificity for traveling here.

Biaha Island (Gi li Biaha) is located in Amuk Bay, off the southeastern coast of Bali. This is a small piece of land surrounded on all sides by a coral reef. Among the polyps live many tropical fish and shellfish, including quite rare species. Therefore, the place is popular among divers.

Nusa Ceningan is a small island in the Badung Strait, which is located about 15 kilometers southeast of Bali. It is part of a conventional group of three islands, together with Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan. Cheningan is the smallest of them in area, just over 3.5 kilometers long and one and a half kilometers wide. From point of view administrative division, the island is part of Bali. It territorially belongs to the Klungkung district.

Description of the islands

Bali is located between Java (in the west) and Lombok (in the east). That's two big islands, which are part of Indonesia. But I will not talk about them in detail, because they require separate long description. Here we will talk about the smaller islands that are around

In Balinese, island is “nusa”. In Malay (which is also common in this region) it is “pul au” (pulau). There is also a third option - in the language of the Sasaki people inhabiting Lombok; For them, island means “g ili” (gili). All three names occur equally often, sometimes used simultaneously. For example, Menjangan Island is called both “nusa” and “pulau”. So that tourists do not get confused about the options, for them the island is usually designated in English - “i sland”.

  • Dimensions and location

Now let's talk about everything in order

Dimensions and location

The two largest islands are Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan. All others are much smaller. There are also very tiny areas of land, which also have their own names.

Tourists often ask how many islands there are in Bali. This question is both correct and wrong. The fact is that Bali is its own place. separate island. However, most of the islands listed in this article administratively belong to the province of Bali. Only three of them are included in the territory of Lombok and one belongs to Java. If you do not take them into account, then you get 1 4 - that’s the answer to the question.

Below are the names and sizes of each island, their distance from Bali and the number of people living on them.

Southeast of Bali:

  • Area – 0.5 km²
  • Distance - less than a kilometer (south of Denpasar, connected by bridge)
  • Population: more than 3,700 people.

  • Area – 202.84 km²
  • Distance - 15 kilometers
  • Population: more than 50,000 people.

  • Area – 8 km²
  • Distance - 15 kilometers
  • Population - 5,000 people

  • Area – 3 km²
  • Distance - 20 kilometers
  • Population - 1,500 people

Uninhabited islands with an area less than 0.5 km²:

  • Pulau Batulumbung
  • Nusa Batumateg an
  • Nusa Batupadasan
  • Nusa Batuabah
  • Nusa Banah

East of Bali:

1. Gili Trawangan

  • Area – 3 km²
  • Distance - 35 kilometers
  • Population - 1 5 00 people

2. Gili Air

  • Distance - 40 kilometers
  • Population - 1,800 people

3. Gili Meno

  • Area - approximately 1.5 km²
  • Distance — 37 kilometers
  • Population - 500 people

Northwest of Bali

  • Area – approximately 2 km²
  • Distance - 1 kilometer (next to national reserve West Bali National Park)

  • Area – 0.05 km²
  • Distance - 7 kilometers (north from West Bali National Park)
  • Population - absent (there are no permanent residents here)

People live on many islands. Their main occupation is growing algae and serving tourists. Locals They hardly speak English, so problems in mutual understanding may arise. There are also uninhabited places where only tourists and fishermen come.

Islands on the map

1km 5km 10km 25km 50km 75km 100km 150km 200km 300km

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Nature and sights

On the islands you can see:

  • mangroves
  • Limestone cliffs
  • Karst caves
  • Coral reefs
  • Wild animals
  • Palm groves
  • White sand beaches
  • Temples

The vegetation on many islands is quite sparse, since the climate there is arid and there is not enough fresh water. Only a few islands are covered with forest. In some places you can see large mangroves. They are formed by tropical trees that are capable of producing aerial roots. Reaching the surface of the earth, such a root grows into the soil and an additional trunk appears. Thus, one plant turns into a whole grove, with many trunks and a single crown.

There are limestone cliffs on the coasts. Since limestone easily dissolves in water, stones often form at the base of rocks. karst caves. These are cavities of different sizes that appeared as a result of the erosion of rock by water.

Almost all the islands are surrounded by coral reefs, which are home to many colorful fish, shellfish, and rare species. There are also many interesting birds and animals here. Serangan, for example, is famous for its turtle farm. And Menjang An is a nature reserve where you can see deer. Pula u Paus is called the “whale island”. But there are no whales near this small island. It gets its name from its shape, which resembles the head and body of a whale emerging from the water.

On some islands you can see small temples. For example, on Nusa Penida they are made of white limestone, which differs from traditional Balinese ones. But in most places historical and architectural monuments few.

Tourist attractiveness and popularity

The following types of recreation are available on the islands:

  • Surfing
  • Diving
  • Snorkeling
  • Swimming
  • Sunbathing
  • Hiking
  • Fishing
  • Cliff jumping
  • Horseback riding
  • Visit to a turtle farm

Many islands have calm seas and low waves, making them ideal for swimming. Surfing is worth coming to Lembong An. There are places for both beginners and experienced surfers. There are several surf spots near Gili Trawangan. Diving and snorkeling are available almost everywhere. For a relaxing, secluded holiday, the islands of Gili and Nusa Penida are best suited. Fishing usually takes place near the islands. They offer to jump into the water from a cliff at Nusa Ceningan. On Gili Meno, Gili T R

It is worth mentioning separately about Nusa Menjangan and Pulau Paus. There is no infrastructure on them as such. Tourists come to Menjangan to see the deer, beautiful rocks and grottoes, and go diving in the coral reef. People rarely visit Whale Island; most often they admire it from the coast of Candidasa; it is almost completely covered with forest. Little ones uninhabited islands Interested only in beautiful and untouched nature. It’s worth going there for those who love secluded and deserted places.


As you can see, near Bali there is absolutely different islands. A trip to one of them will be a great way to diversify your vacation. You can read about how to get to a particular island in a specific article about it (the list of articles is at the beginning of this page). I recommend devoting 2-3 days to such a trip. This time is enough to see everything that interests you, relax and unwind away from civilization without getting bored.

The Gili Islands are another place near Bali that is a “must have,” so to speak. Well, that is, if you came to Bali and didn’t go to Gili, it’s a complete failure! 🙂

Some “unique individuals” are looking for information about this place using the query: “Gili Island - Bali,” but this query is not correct at the root, because Gili is not one island, but three at once: Trawangan, Meno and Air. More details about each and, in general: why is it worth going there? everything in today's article with real photos from the Gili Islands.

Not long ago my husband and I attended them in person, so the memories are still fresh. I will try to be as detailed as possible, but not boring... Let's go! 🙂

Gili Islands in Bali

The Gili Islands in Indonesia are a place where fans of bounty-style holidays rush from all over the world, and of course those who simply love party nightlife. Moreover, both of them receive the joy of being here equally.

Wikipedia about the Gili Islands briefly reports the following - the Gili archipelago consists of 3 islands: Meno, Air and Trawangan, which are located northeast of the island of Lombok, which is also located in Indonesia. The whole thing is generously washed by the Bali Sea. For everyone three islands Internal combustion engines are prohibited (this is true - this is where tourists enjoy riding horses):

Therefore, nothing prevents travelers from enjoying the beautiful sea ​​air and many other delights of these islands.

Which ones? You'll find out soon...

The Gili Islands on the map are located between the island of Bali and the island of Lombok. For the first time, I visited them with my husband in 2014. Fortunately, then he already knew how to get to the Gili Islands from Bali. And when we decided to do this after a week of vacation in Bali itself, we had no difficulties.

And everything is done quite simply. On the island itself. In the Karangasem area (where, by the way, a volcano recently thundered) there is a port called “Padang Bai”. So, it is there in this port that we usually buy tickets to the Gili Islands. But here it is important not to fall for the bait for those who are for the first time...

Yes Yes! You can go to the same islands completely different prices- I guarantee you this. The last time, a round-trip ticket on a speedboat for one person cost us 400 Indonesian rupees (about 2,000 rubles in Russian money). But for this you need to bargain... :)

Because when you approach one of the many stalls that sell tickets for boat brands: Eka Jaya or Marina Srikandi, first they offer you a ticket at a cost of 2 times more expensive. And even more! Moreover, the sellers claim that this is a single price for everyone...

Fortunately, we know the real prices. So this time, we quickly informed that we know the real prices and we have an offer for 500 rupees to leave directly with a transfer from the villa, which is located 50 km from the pier. To which the seller, of course, agreed to sell us tickets immediately from the ferry for 400 rupees each. And we were traveling in a high-speed boat from Eka Jaya. The inside looks like this:

The soft seats are almost like on an airplane, and local vendors actively sell food and drinks before departure. And on the second floor - open sky, music is playing and beer is being sold... :) But it was very windy there. So I couldn’t even take a photo.

But let's get back to buying tickets. So the most important thing here is to decide where you will go? If you are from the port, it is better to arrive here by 9:00 am in order to have time to buy a ticket. The boats run until 13:00, but it is better to protect yourself from any force majeure and arrive early. Well, or buy tickets in advance online through some trusted service, for example, and be sure that you are guaranteed a place on the boat. 🙂

By the way, have you already decided which Gili island to choose? 🙂

In general, in this matter everything strictly depends on only one thing - what do you want to get from your vacation? All the islands are beautiful in their own way, and then I will describe the beauty of each one separately.

Generally speaking, the weather on the Gili Islands is, as a rule, always better than on the island of Bali itself. So this time we left the cloudy captivity of Bali and ended up in sunny Gili:

This means that in high season from April to September, it is hotter than Bali. And in the low season, when it rains on the big island, the sun shines brightly on Gili at least during the day.

So if you suddenly miscalculated the season and Bali greeted you with constant rain, then go to Gili. And draw your own conclusions on the topic: “Gili Islands: which is better?”

In November 2017, we decided to visit the Gili Islands again. And this time we traditionally decided to start from Trawangan.

Gili Trawangan Island is the largest. This can be clearly seen in the photo from the Gili Islands in Indonesia. This can be clearly seen on this map:

The naked eye can see that Trawangan is the largest. He is also the most popular, the most “moving” in every sense of the word. There are plenty of hotels around and in the center of the island. The entire embankment is covered with a network of cafes, clubs and restaurants that are open until late at night.

When I first saw this island in 2014, the impression from it, of course, was simply indelible! In the good sense of the word. Of course, I had never seen such beauty, cleanliness, and at the same time the opportunity to have a good rest in the evening in my life, so Trawangan looked like a dream in my eyes...

But everything changed in November 2017... The fact is that this time we arrived there at the beginning of the rainy season. And either the season or the global restructuring on the island did not allow us to enjoy it to the fullest.

The fact is that on the island of Trawangan itself the following happened: someone from the government came there and banned the construction of restaurants right on the embankment in the port. And a row of decent establishments - the face of the island - was taken and demolished... They left only tables with umbrellas along the coast and that’s all.

In addition, so much garbage appeared on the island that walking around it became somehow even unpleasant.

We didn’t take pictures of the heavily trashed places, so in reality it looked a little worse...

There was garbage on Trawangan before, but it all accumulated in the center of the island. At the edges, where the main flow of tourists is, this was not noticeable at all. But apparently, tourists in last years there was too much and the island authorities simply could not cope with so much garbage, which eventually broke through to the embankment and ruined the whole view.

In general, after staying in Trawangan for 2 days, we realized that while there was such a global restructuring, there was nothing to do here. Of course, lovers of night parties were not very upset that their island became a little dirtier... 🙂 But everyone else really became depressed and went to other Gili islands.

Gili Air Island

So we boarded a private boat and sailed to the second island - Gili Air (or as the locals call it - “Air”, which means “water” in Indonesian).

Our photos from the island of Gili Air did not turn out much better or more interesting. Because although the island itself turned out to be much cleaner than Trawangan, the weather was disappointing.

But first, let me tell you what is special about Air.

The Gili Islands in Bali each have their own characteristics. So, if the first one - Trawangan - is an island of youth and night parties, then its neighbor Air is intended for completely different purposes.

Eyre is such a “tropical village”. Here chickens and roosters roam peacefully, horses ride. And in recent years, the island has rebuilt itself so well that its restaurants and cafes can easily give a head start to its older “party brother”. Therefore, both lovers of peace and quiet will like it here, as well as those who want to experience the evening restaurant life.

We stayed on the island for 1 day. During which we managed to rent our bicycles and explore the entire island to our hearts’ content, having dinner at a restaurant that served salads and seafood. And even capture a tornado in Bali!

Yes, yes, just at the same time when on the island, such a mini-tornado was also flying over it.

Of course, we didn’t see the sunset that evening. But this spectacle was also worth it!

Gili Meno Island

Well, the last island from the Gili archipelago is Meno. We visited it only once in 2014. Why was he not the most attractive for us?

But before answering this question, let's decide: where is the island of Gili Meno? But actually everything is there. Near Lombok. Meno is located between Trawangan and Air. The area is approximately the same as Air and, accordingly, smaller than Trawangan.

The specialty of Meno Island is “honeymoons” for lovers. This island is notable precisely because most couples in love come here very often right after their wedding to enjoy each other’s company in peace and paradise.

For us, all the times it turned out that trips to the Gili Islands were always in the company of relatives. So back in 2014 we went to this island just to see it without spending the night.

Briefly about the impressions: clean, beautiful, inexpensive accommodation. In general, it’s not much different from Air, but it’s really more expensive to shoot something.

But these are impressions from 2014. In 2017, everything could change. Therefore, if you decide to choose the island of Gili Meno for a long-term stay, then it is better to read a couple of recent reviews about it on the Internet. Then you will have a more complete understanding of it.

The Gili Islands in Indonesia are located close to each other on the map. And in reality, it really won’t take you more than an hour to get from one to the other. Taking a public boat from one Gili island to another in the morning will cost about 100 - 150 rubles. You just need to find out the schedule of these boats in advance at the pier. They go rarely and only in the first half of the day.

But travel is not the only money spent on Gili. The biggest expense is, of course, housing. Trawangan in this sense is more expensive than Eir and is approximately equal to Meno.

So a simple room in a homestay on Trawangan will cost about 1000 - 1500 rubles. In this case, you can choose a clean decent option with breakfast. But no hot water in the shower. On Air, the situation with homestays is about the same, but there are more offers for that price and they look more decent.

Please note that I am providing price tags for the rainy season. In the high season, they increase by an average of 500 rubles for homestays and 1000 - 2000 for hotels and villas.

This time we were incredibly lucky to rent a villa for 2 couples in Trawangan for only 10,000 rubles. for everyone for 1 night. In high season, such a villa would cost us 15,000 rubles. - not less.

It was very bright, tastefully furnished, with its own private area and swimming pool. And the shower... What a shower it was! When you wash in it, you get the feeling that you are washing right in the middle of a tropical jungle! By the way, it was given to us by a very pleasant Russian hostess, Olga.

In general, we were delighted, so here is the name of the villa - Rustic Charm. Located in the center of the island. You can find and book this villa or other hotels on Gili on the Booking website.

Bali is the first place that comes to mind when we hear about Indonesia. The Island of the Gods is not called that by chance. Despite the fact that everyone relaxes differently, even the most experienced tourist will be happy in Bali. After all, there are not only wide beaches with fluffy sand, cliffs plunging into the sea, forests with dense emerald greenery.

Here you will also see places related to rich history islands, and ancient temples, as well as enjoy the unique exotic culture and become imbued with the spirituality of Bali. Not everyone knows about the islands located around Bali. But for some they can become a real discovery.

Moyo Island

If you travel north from Sumbawa Island, you will see paradise - Moyo Island. It is located 280 km from Bali. Thanks to its remoteness from the main routes, Moyo can offer the most memorable holiday: high-class hotels, best service, privacy, communication with nature. You will see an Indonesia that is hidden from most tourists. Moyo Game Park - Nature Reserve wildlife- is located right here. Divers, a marine reserve awaits you: on Moyo Island you will discover the most interesting dive sites in Indonesia.

Nusa Ceningan

One of the islands directly south of Bali is the small but very interesting Nusa Ceningan. A bridge leads to it from two neighboring islands. Locals work here agriculture and collect seaweed, and tourists enjoy watching this process. Want to see breathtaking scenery? Head to the Blue Lagoon of Ceningan Island. For adrenaline seekers, Mahana Point is a must-visit. Co observation deck the cliff top offers exceptional views and some visitors dare to jump off the cliff into the clear blue sea.


The large island west of Bali is called Java. Here you will find Largest cities, including Jakarta. If you want to experience a rich cultural history and the heritage of Indonesia, Java is one of the best places appointments. A variety of excursions from Bali allow you to explore all that Java has to offer in a few days, including the ancient Hindu temples of Borobudur and the stunning Sultan's Palace, home of Indonesia's rulers. Volcanoes, temples and beaches are just a few of the attractive attractions that Java has to offer its visitors.

Komodo Island

To the west of Bali lies the unique island of Komodo. As you might have guessed from its name, the island is home to the Komodo dragon, the largest lizard in the world. Most of the island is part National Park Komodo, which also includes the islands of Rinca and Padar. It is a protected sanctuary for local wildlife and preserves the natural habitat of rare species. You can reach Komodo Island by ferry. Most visitors come for the tour from Lombok, although a tour from Bali is also possible. Apart from the unique wildlife and majestic lizards, the surrounding sea is also ideal for scuba diving. In particular, the reefs off the shore of the chest of drawers are home to sharks and rays.

Bali is called the Island of the Gods, as one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia. The island unites incredible story with an exotic spiritual culture, it offers something interesting for absolutely everyone. The island is truly beautiful and its varied nature runs the gamut from lush green forests to mountains and white sandy beaches. When choosing Bali as your holiday destination, don't forget about the many less famous islands around which are equally breathtaking and picturesque.

Moyo Island

About 280 km from Bali, north of Sumbawa, is Moyo Island. The island is relatively remote and practically undeveloped, which did not prevent the creation of luxury resort. As a result, Moyo Island is the embodiment of the concept of perfect holiday for those who want to see the hidden side of Indonesia but still make the most of upscale amenities. Most of the island is covered by the Moyo Game Park, a unique wildlife sanctuary. All coastline The island is part of a marine reserve where you can enjoy relaxing on the beach and diving.

Nusa Ceningan

One of the islands directly south of Bali is the small but very interesting Nusa Ceningan. A bridge leads to it from two neighboring islands. Local residents here engage in agriculture and collect seaweed, and tourists enjoy watching this process. Want to see breathtaking scenery? Head to the Blue Lagoon of Ceningan Island. For adrenaline seekers, Mahana Point is a must-visit. The viewpoint at the top of the cliff offers exceptional views, and some visitors dare to jump off the cliff into the clear blue sea.


The large island west of Bali is called Java. Here you will find the largest cities, including Jakarta. If you want to experience Indonesia's rich cultural history and heritage, Java is one of the best destinations. A variety of excursions from Bali allow you to explore all that Java has to offer in a few days, including the ancient Hindu temples of Borobudur and the stunning Sultan's Palace, home of Indonesia's rulers. Volcanoes, temples and beaches are just a few of the attractive attractions that Java has to offer its visitors.

Komodo Island

To the west of Bali lies the unique island of Komodo. As you might have guessed from its name, the island is home to the Komodo dragon, the largest lizard in the world. Most of the island is part of Komodo National Park, which also includes Rinca and Padar islands. It is a protected sanctuary for local wildlife and preserves the natural habitat of rare species. You can reach Komodo Island by ferry. Most visitors come for the tour from Lombok, although a tour from Bali is also possible. Apart from the unique wildlife and majestic lizards, the surrounding sea is also ideal for scuba diving. In particular, the reefs off the shore of the chest of drawers are home to sharks and rays.

Nusa Penida

The largest of the Nusa Islands south coast Bali is Nusa Penida. Daily ferries and private speedboats will happily take you to its shores. Most visitors come here for Bali's secluded beaches and lack of tourist crowds compared to the rest of Bali. Crystal Bay Beach is especially popular with its clean white sand, clear water and varied underwater world. This makes it one of the busiest beaches on Nusa Penida. For more secluded spots, head to Goa's Giri Putri limestone caves, or spot rare birds in the lush Tembeling Forest. Like most resorts in Indonesia, Nusa Penida's scuba diving options are extremely varied.

Nusa Lembongan

The third of the Nusa Islands off the coast of Bali is Nusa Lembongan. This place is quickly gaining popularity due to its breathtaking scenery and relatively low number of tourists. Jungut Batu is the busiest beach - a favorite of surfers and budget tourists. More secluded places can be found in the south of the island. This is where the Devil's Tear is located, where low cliffs provide stunning views of the sea. In addition to an abundance of beaches, Nusa Lembongan is home to seaweed farms, mangrove forests and the impressive Puncak Sari Hindu temple, which is considered one of Bali's popular attractions.

Gili Air

Off the coast of Lombok are a number of Gili Islands. The closest island to Lombok is Gili Air, which offers the most tranquil atmosphere and many options for spending time. Scuba diving, snorkeling and freediving allow you to explore the island's rich underwater life and beautiful coral reefs. The local culinary scene is entirely based on fresh fried seafood, while nightlife is virtually non-existent. However, the local bar with live music is always open to visitors. Here you can relax and have a great break from the bustling life of Bali.

Gili Meno

Meno is the middle of the Gili Islands and also one of the most romantic places in Indonesia. Newlywed couples often come here during honeymoon. In addition to sunset cocktails and romantic walks on the beach, Gili Meno is ideal for animal lovers. Among the natural attractions, it is worth noting the Taman Burung Bird Park and the Gili Meno Turtle Sanctuary, where you can watch turtles in natural environment. Several schools for certified scuba diving are open to everyone, where you can also rent all the necessary equipment.

Gili Trawangan

If Gili Meno is for romantics and Gili Air is for intrepid travelers, then Gili Trawangan is for lovers nightlife and noisy parties. Trawangan is the largest and most popular of the Gili Islands, with something interesting happening at any time of the day. During the day, you can take yoga classes, practice scuba diving, go boating, or take surfing lessons. But the island really comes to life at sunset, when bars and nightclubs open en masse, where life is in full swing until dawn.


Lombok is a large island east of Bali. It's diverse beautiful place literally created for your dream vacation. In the south of the island you'll find the beach town of Kuta, where surfers gather. This is the exact opposite of the same name beach town on Bali. Kuta on the island of Lombok offers spectacular beaches and a relaxed atmosphere. On the less visited northern part of the island, you can go walking tour to the top of Mount Rinjani, admire the many waterfalls, or take a ferry for a tour of the Gili Islands. A more lively urban atmosphere reigns in Mataram, the big city islands. Among the attractions of Matarami, it is worth highlighting the 18th century palace in the Mayura Garden, or go to culinary tour along Yalan Udayan.


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