Volcanoes of Kamachatka. Active volcanoes of Kamchatka Kamchatka volcanoes

business card this Russian region, annually attracting thousands of tourists from different parts of the world to this land. Volcanoes are so different that you will have to spend more than one day to get to know each of them. Among them there are many active ones, the eruption of which can cause conflicting feelings in travelers: delight and horror, admiration and fear, all at the same time. Kamchatka volcanoes erupt very rarely, without causing harm to local residents. Volcanoes are an amazing sight that attracts vacationers to such a distance. Today we will introduce you to the most famous volcanoes Kamchatka.

Despite the fact that all volcanoes are magnificent, each in their own way, on the Kamchatka Peninsula three main volcanoes can be distinguished based on their size and unusual shape: Klyuchevskoy, Koryaksky, and Kronotsky volcanoes. Each of them can safely claim the proud title of a symbol of Kamchatka. But we will tell you about all the local volcanoes in more detail.

1. Uzon Volcano– it is surrounded by a ring-shaped hole of the same name, formed forty years ago after the eruption. The diameter of the caldera is ten kilometers, and throughout this territory there are the main riches of Kamchatka: mineral springs with unique algae and microorganisms living in them, healing mud baths, lakes with flocks of snow-white swans, endless tundra, birch forests with formidable guards living there - bears. The autumn landscapes here are especially delightful, when the forest and tundra are painted in golden and red hues.

2. Klyuchevskoy Volcano– famous nature education Russia, which appeared seven thousand years ago. The volcano has the shape of a huge cone, created due to layers of basaltic lava. Tourists are amazed by the amazingly clear lines and such a regular geometric shape created by nature. Smaller volcanoes have grown together with the main volcano: Kamen, Ploskaya Near, Ploskaya Dalnyaya. The peculiarity of the Klyuchevskoy volcano is the column of smoke constantly rising from its crater, which is created by constant and numerous explosions occurring inside. The height of this Russian volcano is four thousand seven hundred and fifty meters, but it changes periodically: it depends on the power of the explosions that occur. The entire foot of the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano is overgrown with dense coniferous forests - spruce and Okhotsk larch. The first inhabitants chose these places back in the Stone Age, they were the Koryak and Itelmen tribes, they were engaged in fishing and hunting. This volcano received its name in the seventeenth century, after the beginning of the development of the territory of Kamchatka, when springs with the purest water were discovered here. Here they created a settlement for researchers, which they called Klyuchi, just like the volcano - Klyuchevskoy. The first to conquer the top of this volcano was Daniil Gauss, who arrived here as part of a Russian expedition. He and his two comrades climbed up without special equipment, despite the enormous risk, everything ended successfully. Was created here National Park, which, together with Klyuchevskaya Sopka, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is an active volcano in Russia, at the foot of which there is a station of the Institute of Volcanology. Scientists have found that the volcano erupts once every six years, but destructive eruptions occur only once every twenty-five years. It is estimated that over three thousand years, lava was ejected fifty times. With each such eruption of lava, columns of dust and smoke rise into the sky, which gradually dissipate throughout the surrounding area; the flame can last for a week or three years, as it once did. But this does not frighten the local residents of the Klyuchi settlement, who, like their distant ancestors, hunt, fish, and Agriculture, raise livestock, that is, lead an ordinary way of life, in the shadow of a formidable neighbor, which attracts crowds of tourists to these parts.

3. Karymsky Volcano- the most active volcano in Kamchatka, which in one century produced more than twenty eruptions, many of which lasted for years, replacing one another. The most intense eruption occurred in 1962; it lasted for three years, releasing more than three thousand cubic meters of dust and gases in one explosion. Sometimes up to nine hundred emissions occurred in one day. A volcanic eruption looks especially amazing at night, when luminous puffs of smoke, ash and flashes of fire rise into the sky, illuminating the surroundings like a white day. Tourists are not afraid of the formidable volcano, climbing to its peak, first stopping at the Maly Semyachik ridge to enjoy the amazing view around. The history of the origin of this volcano is complicated: at first there was the Dvor volcano, which was completely destroyed during its eruption, but in the caldera that arose after the explosion, over time, the Karymsky volcano was born, the central part of which was also severely destroyed after the eruption. Here again a caldera appeared and a new cone, which we can observe today. A volcanological station was installed at the foot of the Karymsky volcano to maintain safety in the area.

4. Maly Semyachik Volcano– this absolutely amazing volcano of Kamchatka stretches for three kilometers. It is unique in the presence of three craters, in one of which, during the eruption, an acid lake appeared, a kilometer deep, with green water, the temperature of which varies from twenty-five to forty-five degrees, and the composition of the lake water is similar to sulfuric acid. In sunny weather, tourists have the opportunity not only to climb this volcano, but also to approach the lake, however, they should not stand next to it for a long time, since it periodically begins to “spit out” jets of acidic water in different directions.

5. Gorely Volcano- has an elongated westward form. This is a typical volcano formed from a caldera. The height of Gorely is one thousand eight hundred twenty-nine meters, it has eleven craters, some of them picturesquely intersect. The craters where the eruptions occurred are ring-shaped and filled with acidic lakes. In one part of the Gorely volcano, the caldera, descending from the faults, created a kind of entrance gate on the walls. Everything looks very unusual, which is what attracts tourists here.

6. Avachinsky Volcano– this Kamchatka volcano has a complex structure similar to the Vesuvius volcano. Its height is two thousand seven hundred and fifty-one meters, and the diameter of the crater is three hundred and fifty meters, with a depth of two hundred and twenty meters. During the last eruption, which occurred at the end of the twentieth century, the crater crater was filled with lava and fumaroles depositing sulfur began to form.

7. Koryaksky Volcano- a picturesque Kamchatka volcano, with a very regular and perfectly even cone. Its height is three thousand two hundred and fifty-six meters. At the top there are numerous glaciers, which are completely unaffected by the fumaroles formed nearby, which warm the inside of the volcanic crater. This volcano is a champion in the content of rocks and volcanic rocks.

8. Volcano Dzenzursky- a long-destroyed volcano, in the crater of which there is now a glacier. But in the southeastern part of Dzenzursky there is a fumarole center, occupying an area of ​​\u200b\u200bone hundred square meters, which heats the internal waters to a boiling point of one hundred degrees.

9. Vilyuchinsky Volcano– is located near quite big city Kamchatka - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. It has been extinct for a long time and is characterized by a cut off top, with areas filled with ice, and the lava that flowed along it in ancient times, thanks to fumaroles, became multi-colored.

10. Volcano Ostry Tolbachik– has a sharp roof that was formed by a glacier. The height of the volcano is three thousand six hundred eighty two meters. The foot is covered by glaciers, the most famous of which is the Schmidt glacier, from which you can clearly see the barrancos, which picturesquely cut the ledges of Tolbachik. From the west you can see dikes that look like jagged walls of basalt origin, which are of interest not only to researchers, but also to ordinary tourists.

11. Volcano Ksudach- shaped like a cut cone, with craters filled with acidic lake waters. This volcano reaches only a thousand meters in height, whereas at the time of its appearance it was two thousand meters in height, but in the process volcanic activity, became a thousand meters lower. There are many calderas of different sizes and ages. Ksudach Volcano is the most unusual volcano in Kamchatka: here you can find lakes with the purest water, a waterfall originates from its caldera, and beautiful alder forests grow on the slopes of the volcano.

12. Volcano Mutnovsky– a massif of the most complex structure, with numerous fumarole zones, several craters, with hot mineral spring, bubbling cauldrons of boiling water and warm lakes. The height of this Kamchatka volcano is two thousand three hundred twenty-three meters. The Vulkannaya River flows nearby, tumbling into a huge and beautiful waterfall.

Volcanoes of Kamchatka- so dangerous and beautiful in all their manifestations, every year they attract everyone more tourists who are uprooted and leaving their comfort zone, set off on a long journey through the most remote region of Russia - Kamchatka, to get acquainted with these amazing natural creations.

Russia is famous for its unique natural sites. Some of them are active volcanoes of Kamchatka. Many tourists dream of seeing these fire-breathing mountains with their own eyes. Some of them are very active, others are extinct. More detailed information can be found in this article.

Volcanoes in Kamchatka

More than 600 volcanoes are still active in our country. In Kamchatka alone there are more than 25 of them, three of which can be visited by tourists. These extraordinary natural objects have always attracted the attention of travelers and scientists. Entire books have been written about volcanic eruptions in Kamchatka. At the end of the 18th century famous explorer Krashennikov S.P. in his scientific work fully described the lands and volcanoes of Kamchatka. Scientists from all over the world have studied these natural objects. Many books and works were written by such volcanologists as A. E. Svyatlovsky, P. T. Novograblenov, B. I. Piip, V. G. Vladavets and others.

Active volcano in Kamchatka

Everyone dreams of seeing an active fire-breathing mountain. Kamchatka is exactly the place where you can make this dream come true. The beauty and mystery of these natural objects is simply mesmerizing. The Kamchatka volcano with its lunar landscape and craters of mountain lakes is an unforgettable sight. These wonders of the world, created by nature itself, are rightfully considered attractions of Russia as a whole.

Some Kamchatka volcanoes are still active. Some of the most interesting natural sites include:

  • Klyuchevskaya Sopka;
  • Shiveluch;
  • Tolbachik;
  • Kronovskaya Sopka;
  • Big Udina and Small Udina;
  • Kizimen;
  • Maly Semyachik.

Description of the Shiveluch volcano

Shiveluch is an active volcano in Kamchatka. It is located in the very north of the peninsula. We are talking about young Shiveluch. There is also an old volcano that has already died out. Young Shiveluch has several lava flows. The volcano is very large, its diameter is 6x7 km. The domes of the fire-breathing mountain were completely destroyed due to large explosions. Now young Shiveluch has a double crater. One part with a diameter of 1.7 km is located in the north, the southern crater is about the same size. The land covered by the discarded material has an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. km. Despite the fact that the volcano is called young, it appeared more than 70 thousand years ago.


Tolbachik volcano is located in the southwest of the Klyuchevskoye plateau. It is a huge mountain consisting of two parts - extinct volcano and acting. The shape of the fire-breathing mountain is cone-shaped. The size of Tolbachik, like the height of the Kamchatka volcanoes, for the most part exceeds 2000 meters above the ground. The slopes of the flat mountain are very picturesque, and the peak has a vast area with a glacier inside the caldera. Scientists attribute Tolbachik to the Klyuchevskaya group. According to the works of researchers, volcanoes belong to areas of modern glaciation.

Karymsky volcano

Karymsky is an active volcano in Kamchatka. He is one of the most active. This miracle of nature is located in the Eastern volcanic belt, in its central part. The structure of Karymskaya Mountain is very complex. The cone is relatively young, and the caldera has been preserved since ancient times. Its diameter is 5 km. Last eruption was recorded in 1996. The height of the volcano has not changed since then; it is 1546 meters. Karymskaya Mountain belongs to the class of old volcanoes. Eruptions are characterized by large emissions of ash from the central crater and constant explosions. The lava is very viscous, so it usually does not reach the foot. At the very base is Karymskoye Lake. In 1996, the eruption began from there and from the central crater. The water in the lake began to literally boil. The acids and salts reached such concentrations that they killed all lake life. Since then, Lake Karymskoye has become the first natural reservoir with acidic water, unsuitable for life of fish and plants.


The volcanoes of Kamchatka differ from each other in their structure, height, frequency of eruptions, etc. Ksudach is a special shield-shaped mountain. The slopes of the volcano are gentle, and the base area is very large. The diameter of the foot is 35 km. At the top of the mountain there is an oval caldera. Its parameters are 7x9 km, and the bottom is divided into two parts. Ksudach is famous for its lakes in the western part of the caldera and mountain ranges.

Maly Semyachik

The length of the volcanic ridge is about 5 km. Its ridge has three craters. The southernmost one, Troitsky, is special. Inside it, at a depth of more than 150 meters, there is an acidic lake. Its width is 500 m and its depth is 140 m. average temperature water varies from +25 to +42 degrees Celsius. Maly Semyachik became the owner of such unusual lake after the eruption, which passed without consequences for the settlements of Kamchatka. Tourists visiting this unusual region enjoy climbing to the top of Maly Semyachik. An unforgettable picture of a green lake in a two-hundred-meter hole opens before the eyes of travelers.

Volcano Klyuchevskoy

Beautiful landscapes and mountains - that's what Kamchatka is famous for. Klyuchevskoy Volcano is also a local landmark. It is one of the largest. The height of the Klyuchevsky volcano is 4750 meters. The shape of the hill is cone-shaped. Its regular outlines, created by nature itself, are visible from afar. Scientists consider it relatively young, age - 8000 years. The explorers of this region recorded a volcanic eruption for the first time. At that time, researcher Vladimir Atlasov was working in Kamchatka (in 1697). In those days, the Klyuchevskoy volcano erupted once every five years. Later, annual ash emissions and explosions could be observed. However, for the residents of the city of Klyuchi, the mountain did not pose a serious danger.

Avachinsky volcano

The active volcano in Kamchatka is Avachinsky. It rose above sea level to 2751 m. This mountain differs from the others in its complex structure and shape. Until 1991, the peak of the Avachinsky volcano had a deep crater 350 meters wide. After an eruption at the end of the 20th century, large amounts of lava fell into it, and now there are fumaroles that deposit sulfur.

Mutnovsky volcano

This array has a very complex structure. The height of Mutnovsky volcano is 2323 meters above sea level. Due to constant gas-hydrothermal activity, large structures made of sulfur appeared on the surface. Their diameter reached 5 meters. In addition, these bizarre figures formed a large number of glaciers, minerals and lakes.

Mutnovsky, like other Kamchatka volcanoes, is deservedly called a miracle of nature. It is famous for its operating thermal springs near active craters. Most often, tourists visit the Dachnye and Severomutnovskie springs. There you can admire warm swamps and lakes, as well as see boiling boilers and steam-gas jets. In addition, a river emerges directly from the crater, which forms a waterfall. Its height reaches 80 meters.

Eruptions of active volcanoes

A volcanic eruption in Kamchatka is not a rare phenomenon. Typically, fire-breathing mountains emit lava once every 100 years. An example is young Shiveluch. The largest and most catastrophic eruptions were recorded in 1854 and 1964.

Today there is no need to be afraid of constant eruptions, which used to frighten the local population from the volcanoes of Kamchatka. Klyuchevskaya Sopka, once famous for its constant emissions of ash, has slowly calmed down. The worst eruption was recorded in 1944. It was also the longest. Emissions of ash and lava were observed from the end of 1944 to the summer of 1945. Then the ashes settled throughout the peninsula. And when the eruption began, the walls of houses shook at a distance of 50 kilometers from the foot of the mountain. Lava began to pour out through the cracks that ran from the top of the hill to the bottom. Locals We will remember that time for a long time.


The volcanoes of Kamchatka, photos of which can be seen in this article, periodically go out and become active again. This is what happened with Nameless. This mountain has long been considered an old volcano. But unexpectedly for everyone, in 1955 the Nameless Volcano awakened. A terrible earthquake began in its vicinity. Afterwards, strong explosions were heard. Ashes began to be thrown out in huge quantities. The eruption was very strong, scattering ash over a distance of 100 km from the crater. There was so much of it that sunlight could not get through it. Then it was equally dark in Kamchatka both during the day and at night. After some time, the eruption began to subside, but in 1956 a monstrous explosion occurred again. Ashes and hot fires rose 40 kilometers above the peak. All living things within a radius of 25 kilometers were burned by lava. East End the surface of the cone was damaged, and streams of hot debris and ash poured through the hole. The river valley, 100 meters deep, was immediately filled with this loose volcanic material. For a long time, hot jets of gas and steam rose above the surface of the earth. The material finally cooled down only after several months.

People witnessed the most terrible volcanic eruption in those years. Force air wave, which was formed during the explosion, exceeded the speed of sound. And the energy generated is comparable to the amount of energy produced by the Kuibyshev hydroelectric station in 365 days. A few years later, lava flows could be observed descending from the mountain. The temperature of the fiery material, according to approximate calculations, was equal to 900 degrees Celsius. Afterwards, smoke clouds were visible above Bezymyanny, and soon the volcano died out.

Other eruptions

The Avachinsky volcano erupted in 1945 in less than a day. Then a giant mushroom of smoke and hot bombs formed above its top. As a result of the explosion, the glacier melted on the cone, and mud flows with debris and water fell down.

The most recent eruption of the Ksudach volcano occurred in 1907. The explosion caused the formation of a large crater, where a lake subsequently formed.

Scientists identify 5 volcanoes in Kamchatka that you should be afraid of. One of them is Tolbachik, the eruption of which began in 2012 and continues to the present day. Lava flows still fall from the summit. You can get close to basalt flows. Some tourists even manage to ride on lava. Active and potentially dangerous ones include Avachinsky, Koryaksky, Klyuchevskaya Sopka and Shiveluch.

The volcanoes of Kamchatka are fascinating. Their mystery attracts many tourists from all over the world. It is impossible to predict their behavior, although scientists are trying to do this. Residents of the Kamchatka Peninsula can only watch what is happening and hope that destructive and deadly eruptions will not happen again.

The Kamchatka Peninsula is one of the most volcano-rich places on earth, perhaps second only to Iceland and Hawaii. In this area Pacific Ocean, the so-called “ring of fire”, there are more than a hundred and about 30 of them have awakened only recently.

The volcanoes of Kamchatka, currently recognized as active, form a 700-kilometer volcanic belt from the Shiveluch volcano, which is located in the north of the peninsula, to the Kambalny volcano in the south. Vigorous volcanism in Kamchatka, as well as in the neighboring Aleutian and Kuril island arcs, is caused by the subduction of the Pacific plate under the Eurasian

Over the past few thousand years, about 30 (Plinian) eruptions have occurred, as a result of which approximately 1 km 3 of magma was thrown out. According to these data, today Kamchatka is the place on earth with the highest frequency of large explosive eruptions.

The most active volcanoes in Kamchatka are Klyuchevskoy, Karymsky, Shiveluch and Bezymyanny.

The Shiveluch volcano in Kamchatka is one of the most active and largest volcanoes and is distinguished by the most powerful eruptions. It is located 80 km from Klyuchevskoye. Shiveluch has experienced about 60 major eruptions over the past few thousand years, the most catastrophic of which date back to 1854 and 1956, when most of the lava dome collapsed, resulting in devastating avalanches of debris. This Kamchatka volcano belongs to the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes and is about 65 thousand years old.

Relatively low (1486 m) and young (6100 years) - the most active. More than 20 eruptions have occurred this century alone, and the last of them began in 1996 and lasted 2 years. Karymsky eruptions are accompanied by bursts and ejections of ash from the central crater with gushing lava. The lava erupted by the Kamchatka Karymsky volcano is so sticky that, as a rule, the flaming flows do not always reach the base. The last eruption coincided with the underwater eruption of Lake Karymskoye, located 8 km away. It lasted for only 20 hours, but for this a short time there were about 100 underwater splashes, each of which was accompanied by tsunami waves reaching 15 m in height. As a result of the volcanic eruption, Lake Karymskoye, whose water was very fresh and clean, turned into the largest natural reservoir with the most acidic water in the world.

Kamchatka's Bezymyanny volcano is located on the southeastern slope of the extinct Kamen volcano. Traces of lava flows can be found on the upper part of its slopes. This is a small and young volcano (4700 years old), which was formed on top of a larger one ancient volcano. In the mid-50s, it erupted, after which a large horseshoe-shaped crater was formed. Since then, Bezymyanny has been recognized as one of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka. A new lava dome grows inside the crater, which often leads to explosive activity and since 2011, the volcanic dome has almost filled the crater.

(average: out of 5)

Volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the territory Kamchatka region form part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Currently, there are about 29 active volcanoes in Kamchatka.

1. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

2. Some volcanoes are surrounded by lenticular clouds that form in the troposphere. A characteristic feature of these clouds is that they do not move, no matter how strong the wind is. And in general they look like UFOs.

Also see the article “Rare types of clouds”. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

3. It is difficult to strictly determine the exact number of volcanoes located on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Various sources mention from several hundred to more than a thousand volcanoes. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

4. Kamchatka volcanoes are characterized by big variety shapes and sizes, they were formed in different geological eras and are currently active to varying degrees. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

5. Most of them are ancient volcanoes that are not currently active, but some volcanoes are active. For some volcanoes of the peninsula, the word “hill” is often used instead of the word “volcano”. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

6. Also, some volcanoes, especially extinct and low ones, are often simply called mountains, origin. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

7. The concept of an active volcano is quite relative. A volcano that erupted during a historical period of time is considered to be active. Some volcanoes last erupted about 1000 or even 4000 years ago, and these volcanoes have different statuses according to different classifications. Thus, an active volcano does not necessarily have to be continuously erupting. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

8. Most active volcanoes, during “free time” from work, release water vapor and other gases into the atmosphere, that is, there is so-called fumarole activity. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

9. The area of ​​active volcanism on the Kamchatka Peninsula historically moved from west to east, forming two main superimposed volcanic belts - the Middle volcanic belt and the younger East Kamchatka volcanic belt. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

10. The East Kamchatka volcanic belt stretches from north to south along the entire Kamchatka, from the Ozerny Peninsula in the north to Cape Lopatka in the south. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk):

11. In 1996, thanks to Greenpeace Russia, an object appeared in Kamchatka World Heritage UNESCO (expanded in 2001) “Volcanoes of Kamchatka”. It is worth noting that the Kronotsky Natural Biosphere Reserve and the Yuzhno-Kamchatsky Federal Reserve are included in the “Volcanoes of Kamchatka” nomination, natural Park“Volcanoes of Kamchatka”, characterized by a unique diversity of biological species and picturesque landscapes. (Photo by Vladimir Voychuk).

The Kamchatka Peninsula is a unique region in eastern Russia, which is distinguished by the presence huge amount volcanoes formed in different geological eras. Today there are both dormant, ancient volcanoes and active, active ones. It is unknown which volcanoes in Kamchatka will manifest themselves, wake up and begin to erupt at one time or another. Some of them can sleep for centuries, and some begin their work once every few years. In 2014, the Karymsky, Shiveluch, Zhupanovsky and Bezymyanny volcanoes became active at once. In 2015 – Klyuchevskaya Sopka. In 2017 – Kambalny.

Currently, there is no exact data regarding how many volcanoes there are in Kamchatka. Various sources indicate figures ranging from several hundred to several thousand. Most of them had not woken up for a long time. Many have lost their original appearance under the influence of external factors. All volcanoes have their own shape and size. Some are high hills, others look like small mountains. Today there are two main volcanic belts - the East Kamchatka volcanic belt and the Middle volcanic belt, which is more ancient. According to the latest data, approximate figures for how many volcanoes there are in Kamchatka are as follows:

  • Active volcanoes - 29;
  • Extinct - 160.

List of volcanoes in Kamchatka

1. Klyuchevskoy: height - 4.75 km, age - 8 thousand years, active.

2. Bezymyanny: height - 2,882 km, young active volcano.

3. Avachinsky : altitude - 2,741 km, active.

4. Vilyuchinsky : height - 2,175 km, extinct.

5. Mutnovsky: altitude - 2,323 km, active.

6. Burnt: altitude - 1,829 km, active.

7. Karymsky: altitude - 1,536 km, active.

8. Ksudach: height - 1 km, volcanic massif, declared a natural monument.

9. Maly Semyachik : 3-kilometer volcanic ridge with an acid lake, active volcano.

10. Kronotsky: altitude - 3.528 km, active.

11. Kizimen: altitude - 2,485 km, active.

12. Tolbachik: volcanic massif from Ostroy Tolbachik - 3.682 km (extinct) and Plosky Tolbachik 3.14 km (active).

13. Stone: altitude - 4.579 km, extinct.

14. Udina Big (2,923 km) and Udina Malaya(1,945 km) - extinct volcanoes.

15. Uzon Caldera - a ring-shaped failure of the Uzon volcano, which appeared 40,000 years ago. The diameter of the funnel reaches 12 km. The area of ​​the Caldera is about 100 km2. The combination of volcanism and wildlife Kamchatka.

16. Koryak: altitude 3.456 km, active.

17. Dzenzur: height - 2,159 km, destroyed volcano.

The list of Kamchatka volcanoes includes all currently known geological objects. There is a separate list of active volcanoes, which indicates the year of eruption and other characteristics. Considering the fact that it is in Kamchatka that the largest number of active volcanoes are concentrated, being in different modes of activity, it is quite extensive. Reliable data about each object is collected here.


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