Form of order to appoint a responsible director of an organization. Order sample

In the course of organizing the work of an enterprise or organization, it becomes necessary to entrust control of the execution of certain work to a specific employee and document this with the appropriate act. There is no specially established sample order for the appointment of responsible persons. Each enterprise has the opportunity to independently develop orders of this nature.

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Who appoints those in charge?

Persons regulating the functioning of labor activities in an enterprise or organization are appointed directly manager or head of a separate structure. The draft administrative act is compiled by the secretary or personnel inspector. After preparing the draft document, the latter is transferred to management or the person authorized to sign such papers.

To appoint a responsible person means assign obligations to perform certain tasks on subordinates, otherwise the manager will be responsible for a certain area of ​​activity.

List of areas for which employees are responsible:

  • office work;
  • organization of education and training;
  • Industrial Safety;
  • state of the territory;
  • metrological verifications;
  • Fire safety;
  • production culture;
  • ecology;
  • material values;
  • carrying out inventory;
  • civil defense;
  • maintenance of machine equipment;
  • PC maintenance;
  • conducting a special assessment of working conditions.
  • other areas based on the types of activities of this organization.

The Personal Liability Act, for example, for conducting instructions or for safe work performance lifting mechanisms or another direction has its own structure, which indicates:

  1. Full name of the organization, including locality in which the enterprise is located.
  2. An order to appoint someone responsible for any area requires the date and number of the document to be entered.
  3. The purpose of issuing a regulatory document with links to regulatory documents is indicated.
  4. Main content of the document.
  5. Signature of the manager and signatures of the employees.

Each organization sets its own regulations.

Financial appointment document template responsible person

How to create an order

A draft order for the appointment of responsible persons is prepared by the manager or authorized representative who is entrusted with these obligations. Before assigning responsibilities to employees or the person in charge, it is necessary to clearly understand how to draw up the document correctly so that no points are missed.

Filling rules:

  1. Initially, it is worthwhile to provide that the order on the appointment of responsible persons must match the sample specified in the regulations on office work.
  2. The order to appoint a responsible person must first be worked out, that is, all the norms and rules of industrial safety and labor protection, ecology and other areas must be studied. Next, you need to analyze what areas employees should be responsible for.
  3. The order to appoint the head of a division is issued on the initiative of the general director.
  4. It is recommended to draw up an order for the appointment of workers based on the types of responsibility assigned: full or limited, collective or individual.

Attention! The list of responsible persons of the organization may be issued by a separate order for the unit.

You can learn how to draw up an order to appoint a responsible employee or person from the ConsultantPlus system.

Filled document

Order structure

A sample order for the appointment of responsible persons is not established by the regulations, but it is recommended that it be drawn up in accordance with the form established by the office work standards:

  1. In the upper part, that is, in the header, you must write down the name of the organization, as well as indicate the form of ownership.
  2. Under the name of the organization, the topic is indicated, for example, this is an order to appoint a manager for personnel work.
  3. Next are written down links to main regulatory documents federal, regional or internal in nature, according to which an administrative act imposing obligations is issued.
  4. After the introductory part, the essence of the document is stated, directions and persons who are responsible for their provision are prescribed.
  5. The act is signed by the head of the unit or the employer.
  6. Afterwards, the order is given to the employees taking part in the work for review.

The publication of an administrative act does not cancel the conduct of briefings with managers.

The order on the appointment of employees has the same legal force as an order. But there is some difference between these two documents, namely, the order is narrow in nature, applicable to a specific object or person, and the order appointing a responsible person covers the main areas.

An example of a document appointing a team of responsible persons

Example of an appointment order

An example of an order for the appointment of a responsible person is proposed as follows:

JSC "Plant RTO"

Saint Petersburg

About approval of the project manager

and work safety

Based on the Regulations approved by the order of the General Director dated December 1, 2017 No. 733 “On reconstruction in workshop No. 001,”


1. Appoint leading engineer K.V. Kurochkin as the head of the reconstruction project in division 001.

2. Appoint E.D. Talankin as responsible for the work on the safe movement of goods, to whom A.N. Vasiliev, the slingers, should be subordinated. and Mikhailova A.V.

3. Appoint occupational safety specialist V.V. Nikitin as responsible for conducting occupational safety briefings and ensuring safety regulations.

4. Complete the work by 03/01/2018.

5. Entrust control over implementation to the chief engineer of the enterprise A.M. Boltushkin.

General Director V.G. Ivanov

The order on the appointment of the head of a new project, after signing by the general director, is registered in the office work and is given for review to the persons involved in its execution.

Important! When choosing responsible persons for labor protection, industrial or environmental safety take into account the fact that the knowledge of managers has been tested according to the relevant rules.

Useful video: sample order for the appointment of a director

Administrative documents, especially orders appointing a person responsible for the safe performance of work, are checked by regulatory authorities and can serve to some extent as protection in the event of incidents or emergencies.

Execution job responsibilities related to material assets requires separate documentation. An employee who accepts responsibility for valuables bears obligations for their safety.

An agreement on financial liability must be concluded between the employer and the employee. The enterprise issues an order appointing a person and the range of his duties.

The order has no legal force to determine a person's liability. Only an agreement can be the basis for the employee to acknowledge responsibility and be willing to cover the shortfall when it is identified.

Algorithm for hiring a financially responsible person

The category of financially responsible persons is determined by the type of work. Exception to admission the position is under age. Until the age of 18, a financial liability agreement cannot be concluded. In the absence of an agreement, a claim for a shortage can only be made in the amount of the employee.

Material liability occurs during the performance of work:

  • Receiving and issuing funds.
  • Carrying out transactions for the purchase and sale of goods and their storage.
  • Acceptance for storage of material assets and participation in other similar work.

The legislation establishes a list of works performed by financially responsible persons. At the enterprise, the list must be confirmed in the collective agreement, signed by the employees or their representative and the trade union body (if there is one at the enterprise).

Employer has the right to independently supplement the list of positions with financial responsibility and approve the list:

  • An independent local act.
  • Include it in the provisions of the collective agreement.
  • Secure with an order for the enterprise.

Separate instructions must be developed for each position.

Assignment Rules

The procedure for hiring a person for a position with financial responsibility does not differ from the employment of other employees. The employee must submit it to the head of the enterprise. After the employer's approval, a conclusion is made.

Before signing the employment agreement, the employee must be familiarized with conditions:

  • job description;
  • collective agreement.

Additional documents are signed by the employee after concluding an employment contract.

The order to appoint a financially responsible person is concluded after all documents have been completed and is also presented to the employee against signature.

In labor records management accepted agreement :

  1. Individual full financial responsibility. If damage is identified that was caused by an employee, the shortfall is covered by the employee alone and in full.
  2. Collective form of responsibility. The amount of damage is distributed among all employees with equal participation in the performance of duties. The contract is not concluded if there is an incomplete schedule.

Only one type of contract can be concluded with an employee. Before accepting valuables at the site, it will be necessary to carry out and determine the balances, the transfer of which is carried out under the act. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to prove the damage.

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When drawing up an order on individual responsibility points must be entered:

  1. Standard data for orders - name of the enterprise, number, date of the document, place of preparation and its name: “order of appointment...”.
  2. Last name, first name, patronymic and position of the full-time employee.
  3. Brief description of material assets and responsibilities for their safety.
  4. The start date of financial liability (may not coincide with hiring).
  5. Information about the person who signed the document - position, surname, initials, signature.

Responsibility for drawing up an order entrusted to the personnel body, but it is signed only by the head or the person replacing him by order.

The order must be presented to the employee for review, about which at the end of the document he makes a note with signature, date and decoding of the data.

If a person is included in the list of persons with collective financial responsibility, an addition is issued to the previously issued order. A link to the main document is published in the text of the order. A new edition of the order is not made due to the need to comply with the dates from which the time of responsibility of each employee is counted.

Accounting and storage of this document

The order is stored for a period determined by each employer independently.

The order can be issued in 2 copies, one of which is archived for 5 years, the second is attached to the agreement on liability and is stored for the entire duration of the agreement.

For information about the financial responsibility of employees, see the following video:

There is no specially developed, unified form of order for the appointment of a responsible person (or several). Each organization has the right to independently develop such a form or write it in free form. It should be borne in mind that this order is part of a package of administrative documentation, which in addition to it includes a decision on the appointment of responsible persons and a job description containing Full description the employee’s duties, as well as the sanctions that follow for their failure to fulfill them. The employee must put his signature under the last document, which will indicate that he has read and agrees with it.


Who appoints the responsible person

Depending on the situation, either the head of the enterprise or, if the organization is large, the head of a structural unit can choose a responsible person among the personnel. The order is filled out by a HR specialist or secretary. After registration, the order is submitted for signature to the manager or another person authorized to sign such documents.

An employee appointed as a responsible person may be responsible for material assets, technical or fire safety, labor protection, work at high-risk facilities, etc.

In large companies, entire specialized departments are created, whose employees are busy controlling all internal areas of the enterprise. In small companies, the head of the organization can take full responsibility, but this order is also necessary for this.

Before issuing an order

Most often, the order implies the assignment of responsibility for labor protection. This is due to the fact that providing personnel with safe conditions when performing work duties is one of the first conditions for the legal functioning of an enterprise, especially those engaged in the manufacturing industry.

Before drawing up a document imposing such obligations on subordinates, they should be given a course of appropriate training.

In the future, certificates, certificates, etc. documents confirming the qualifications of employees must be attached to the order appointing responsible persons. It is important to remember that such documents are usually valid for no more than five years, so from time to time employees will have to undergo re-certification, and at the expense of the enterprise.

If responsibility is assigned to material assets, then before the employee signs such an order and assumes all risks, an inventory of the property must be completed, since in the future the person will be responsible for its safety.

Order cap

The order on the responsible person has a completely standard structure.

In the “header” of the document the full name of the enterprise is written, indicating its organizational and legal form (CJSC, OJSC, LLC, individual entrepreneur). Then the locality in which this enterprise is located is indicated, as well as the date the order was filled out (day, month, year).

Just below you need to write the type of document (in this case it is an order) and its number according to internal document flow. The following briefly describes the essence of the order and for what purposes it was created. Then, lower in the center of the line, write the word “I order” and put a colon.

Body of the order

The second part of the document contains more detailed information. All employees who are responsible for compliance with certain production conditions are included here. In particular, the type of responsibility is indicated, as well as their full surnames, first names and patronymics (first and patronymic names can be entered with initials). A separate paragraph must also indicate the persons who, in the absence of responsible employees at the workplace, will replace them. In the last paragraph you should indicate full list documents that employees must follow to fulfill the requirements for monitoring their area of ​​responsibility.

Finally, the order must be signed by the manager, as well as the seal of the organization. If the organization has a trade union, then it must be noted.

After writing the order

Employees who have been assigned responsibility for any part of the production process by a special order, from the moment it is signed, must conduct briefings with colleagues, bring to the attention of personnel safety rules, various internal regulations, etc. Among other things, they are required to keep a special log conducting training, where employees who have completed it must sign. From time to time, they must also monitor employees’ knowledge of labor protection and safety rules at work.

Publish order appointing a responsible person has the right to publish CEO enterprises, as well as the head of any structural unit - division, department. To issue an order for the appointment of a responsible employee Relevant administrative documentation is being prepared: orders, decisions, job descriptions, which include a description of the duties of employees and the responsibilities that will follow in the event of their failure to comply. It is worth emphasizing that, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, some of the administrative documents accompanying the order to appoint a responsible person may require the participation of trade unions. This especially applies to acts defining social guarantees and the rights of responsible persons.

Order to appoint a person in charge The employee must be issued in relation to officials who are responsible for safe work at work and labor protection, electrical facilities and operation of facilities with a high degree of danger.

In order to consider the features of the design of this administrative document, let us turn to a sample order for the appointment of a responsible person.

First of all, the employee who is subject to the order to appoint a responsible person must familiarize himself with the job description. Upon completion, endorse it. Only after this can you begin to draw up the document in accordance with sample order for the appointment of a responsible employee. Even though the document is free-form, it must follow a certain structure.

So, when registering order for the appointment of a responsible employee in the header of the document it is necessary to indicate the organizational and legal form of the enterprise and its name, the type of administrative document - order. The sample order for the appointment of a responsible employee indicates that in the header of the document it is also necessary to leave space for writing registration number, dates and places of compilation.

At the beginning of the order for the appointment of a responsible employee, it is necessary to state the reasons for drawing up the document, as well as links to articles of the Labor Code and other regulatory documents.

The text of the order must indicate who is responsible and for what, as well as indicate who will replace the official during his absence. The documents that need to be followed in the work should also be reflected in order on the appointment of a responsible employee.

In the final part of the work on filling out the order, it is endorsed by the general director.

You can visit the websites of the relevant organizations.

You need to understand that the matter is not limited to one order to appoint a responsible employee. In order to appoint an employee as the person responsible for labor protection, electrical safety, and so on, he must undergo special training and receive a certificate, which is a rather expensive process.

These are the features of compiling order to appoint a responsible person.

  • employees have reached the age of 18;
  • they directly service or use monetary, commodity values ​​or other property;
  • lists of works and categories of such workers are provided for by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated December 31, 2002 No. 85.

It must be borne in mind that the conclusion of such agreements is the right, not the obligation of the employer. At the same time, it is generally impossible to recover full damages from employees who meet the above conditions, but with whom financial liability agreements have not been concluded.

An order for a financially responsible person, a sample of which the organization can develop itself, is not a mandatory document. However, it often precedes the immediate conclusion of contracts on liability. The order for the appointment of a financially responsible person (a sample is given below) usually contains a list of positions and even specific full names. employees with whom such agreements are to be concluded, the need to conclude agreements on full financial responsibility is justified, and the date from which full financial responsibility will be assigned to the employees is indicated. The order is transmitted for review to the financially responsible persons to whom it applies. For an order to change the financially responsible person, a similar sample can be used.

Order imposing financial liability: sample

We will provide a sample of 2017 for an order on the financial responsibility of an employee.

Order on full financial liability:


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