Pvlk Russian Railways work schedule. The mobile exhibition and lecture complex of JSC Russian Railways surprised Saratov residents. Car “Energy saving, energy efficiency and environmental safety”

7,700 people visited the mobile exhibition and lecture complex of JSC Russian Railways in the Orenburg region from November 3 to 7.

At the beginning of November, a mobile exhibition and lecture complex (PVLC) of Russian Railways JSC was operating on the South Ural Railway. The unique train, created by JSC Russian Railways to demonstrate domestic innovative achievements and technologies, visited the stations of Buzuluk, Orenburg, and Orsk. During this time, the traveling exhibition was visited by 7,700 people.

The train arrived in Orenburg on November 4 and 5. Students from the Orenburg Technical School of Railway Transport and the Orenburg Medical College visited the exhibition and listened with interest to the guide’s story.

The mobile complex consists of 12 cars, including 9 exhibition cars, each of which presents thematic exhibitions dedicated to the history of the formation and development of Russian railways, demonstrating modern railway projects and technologies in the field of innovative development, transportation process management, energy saving and energy efficiency, youth and personnel policy. The complex also presents a variety of models of modern rolling stock, infrastructure facilities and others.

The PVLC exposition is updated annually. This time it includes a carriage dedicated to the Year of Ecology. Here you can see models of equipment that allows you to monitor the state of the environment; on the information stands you can see a list of nature reserves through which the railways pass. Also, 2017 marks the 80th anniversary of the formation of the audit apparatus in railway transport, and therefore the complex focuses on train safety technologies.

Students of the Orenburg Institute of Railways are preparing for the forum “It’s Great to Be Young,” which will be held in early December and this year will be dedicated to environmental problems.

For three years now, the Russian Railways Mobile Exhibition and Lecture Complex (PVLC) has been running around the country. Finally he got to Kursk, and I visited him.

A ticket costs 70 rubles, but children, pensioners and disabled people enter for free.

The first carriage houses a lecture hall.

In the second carriage we are greeted by a historical exhibition. Many people get scared out of habit.

Model of the popular L-type steam locomotive after the war.

There is life inside the toy Sapsan:

The Allegro high-speed train is different from the inside.

It even has a bar!

And this is the “Swallow”, which runs on the Kursk-Moscow route.

This is what she looks like on the inside. Who went, tell me - is everything exactly like this?

I was lucky - a group of railway technical school students caught up with me, and I joined their excursion and listened to everything.

The next car contains models of various railway equipment. I won’t go into detail, there are a lot of them, and they have different purposes.
All models are made of very high quality.

The space pavilion greets us with a mannequin of an astronaut with disproportionately short legs.

In addition to Gagarin's headset and other relics, the exhibition presents the hit of the season - a fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Model of the Vostochny cosmodrome under construction.

In general, there are also a lot of terrain models, some of them moving. In my untrained opinion, the quality is quite decent.

The next car contains special railway equipment. For example, this is a “demonstrator of stationary track lubrication technologies.” It turns out that the rails are lubricated, for me this was a revelation.

Autopilot for a train.

This climate control panel is installed in modern carriages. The temperature in each compartment can be controlled.

The environment has not been left without attention. A separate carriage is dedicated to clean and energy-saving technologies.

This is a promising liquefied natural gas shunting locomotive.

The next car contains a variety of equipment for controlling the railway. The picture shows a modern control room. The girls, alas, are not real.

But the simulator of a regular Kamaz truck was more popular among visitors.

Railway students also became interested in the electric locomotive simulator. We even drove from station to station under the guidance of a guide. Graphics are like the best 3D games.

There is also a carriage dedicated to nanotechnology. But it’s not very spectacular there - the size of the technology affects it. Lots of layouts, samples of materials, posters.

I was pleased that many schoolchildren and students saw the exhibition - the groups came one after another.

If you also want to go to the exhibition, go to Zheleznogorsk next weekend; on December 27-28 the train will be at the Mikhailovsky Rudnik station.

Official website of the train: rzd-expo.ru/pvlk. You can also see the schedule and exhibition there.

On January 29, a mobile exhibition and lecture complex arrived at the Kirov-Passenger station.
The train's expositions demonstrate the results of cooperation with world leaders in the field of locomotive construction, high-speed traffic, and nanotechnological solutions used in railway transport.

The exhibition train runs regularly throughout the entire Russian railway network, and its exhibition is constantly updated, demonstrating latest solutions, used in the process of deep modernization of Russian railways being carried out today.
I learned about the arrival of the exhibition train a week and a half in advance. I had time to get ready and so I went there in the late afternoon with my friends who were also keen by rail

A video was shown here about the prospect of building high-speed railways in Russia
Let's go to the second carriage

It's much more interesting here. It is dedicated to the theme of railways of the USSR

But the most unique exhibit was the model of the Vitebsk station in 1944. The station is shown here during the German occupation

Then they told us about the Vitebsk station and the city. It was interesting and informative. And we move on
Models are presented in the third carriage high-speed electric trains which are used on our roads

Electric train SM6 "Allegro" (used on the route St. Petersburg-Helsinki, Finland). Unfortunately, the train itself is not registered with us...

ES1 "Lastochka" Used on many suburban and interregional lines in different regions of the country, starting from Leningradskaya and to Sverdlovsk region. Modified electric trains ES2G operate on direct current sections, which are single-system, unlike their predecessor.

EVS1 "Sapsan". Used between our two capitals
4 car

Double power electric locomotive EP20
Then came DC electric locomotives


2ES6 "Sinara"

2ES10 "Granite"

Rail bus RA2

Gas turbine locomotive GTH1. One of the most powerful locomotives in the world. Today he works in the Sverdlovsk region. In the future, it is planned to use them in the Novy Urengoy-Surgut-Voynovka (Tyumen) direction for the development of heavy-lift traffic on autonomous traction

Cars high speed train Talgo "Swift". Now Talgo works in the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod direction instead of the above-mentioned Sapsanov. Today it is planned to fly the Swift to Berlin
Fifth carriage

Ecological diesel locomotives were presented here. I only photographed Chmukha
Sixth car

Here I photographed various railway maps
The seventh car passed quickly only after paying attention to the simulator of the EP1M electric locomotive
The penultimate eighth car aroused the greatest interest
There are control simulators for the electric train ES1 "Lastochka"

There is an opportunity to feel like a driver on the Adler-Alpinka Service section, Krasnodar Territory, North Caucasus Railway
The only problem is that the screen shows a direct current contact network, but in fact the area is electrified with alternating current

Speedometer "Swallows"
And then the AC electric locomotive simulator EP1M

Rides across the open spaces Irkutsk region to the Slyudyanka station of the East Siberian Railway

EPshki remote control
The three of us took turns controlling the Epshka. Here in the eighth car it was the most interesting
let's leave the car for a while

The last ninth car is represented by various nanodevelopments. We were here for a short time, and then we returned to the previous one, where we again managed to operate the simulators while there were no people

At the end we wrote a review about PVLK

The excursion was interesting and educational
Today, on the 30th, the train will be with us all day, and tomorrow it will go to Zuevka station, and after that to Izheevsk, and from there to the Southern passage of the Gorky road.
Thanks to all 31.12.2015 |11:38

Northern Commuter Passenger Company announces schedule changes due to the operation of the traveling exhibition complex

JSC SPPK reports that for technical reasons the schedule is partially changing commuter train No. 6009 Yaroslavl-Glavny - Alexandrov, departure from Yaroslavl-Glavny on January 9, 2016. The train will travel to Shushkovo station according to the current schedule, then:

Shushkovo 18.16 - 18.17;

pl. 147 km 18.22 - 18.23;

Berendeevo 18.26 - 18.27;

pl. 142 km 18.30 - 18.31;

O. Bagrimovo village 18.35 - 18.36;

Also, in connection with the work of the mobile exhibition and lecture complex of JSC Russian Railways (PVLK), on January 7, 8 and 9, 2016, the schedule of the commuter train 6284 Yuryev-Polsky - Ivanovo, departing from the Yuryev-Polsky station at 4:57, is changing. On the indicated days, the train will follow the current schedule to Pelgusovo station, then Tekstilny - 7:13 - 7:25 (instead of 7:13 - 7:15). The train will arrive at Ivanovo station at 7:35 (instead of 7:25).

On January 12, the schedule of commuter train No. 6326 Danilov - Bui, departing from Danilov station at 18:29, is changing. The train will follow the current schedule to the island. 438 km, then Korega 20:39 - 21:18 (instead of 20:39 - 20:41) and arrive at Bui station at 21:27 (instead of 20:50).

All detailed information information about changes in the schedule, as well as the appointment and cancellation of trains can be found at the Unified Information and Service Center of the Russian Railways JSC by phone 8-800-775-00-00 (24 hours a day, free call for all regions of Russia), as well as at the stands located at train stations and stations.

The organization of transport services for the population by suburban railway transport is the responsibility of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. They are the ones who determine the volume of suburban transportation: they order the required number of trains and wagons and set a tariff for the population, which, as a rule, is lower than the economically justified tariff, while they are obliged to compensate the carrier’s losses in full.


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