Unusual geographical names of the world. Funny names of geographical objects. Distant and mysterious North

short facts about


Funny and weird

Name A They simultaneously have rivers in the Netherlands, Germany, places on the Lofot Islands of Norway, as well as in France, Denmark and Sweden.

There are also two small towns with the name AND- one is located in the north of France, and the other in west coast Finland.

There is also a village in France ABOUT, however, this is how it is read, although it is written not with one, but with four letters: Nauh.

Towns YU located in France and Sweden.

E- this is the name of a town in Belgium and one of the ports of Burma.

On Caroline Islands in the Pacific Ocean you can visit a town called U. The left tributary of the great river has a similar name South-East Asia Mekong, in the Lao Republic and a city in South Korea.

Dad- a city in Hungary.

Tyatya(old Russian "father") is a volcano on the Kuril Island Iturup.

Mother- city and river, left tributary of the Vitim River in Irkutsk region Russia. By the way, the sources of this river are called Right Mama and Left Mama.

Daughter- a river in the Bryansk region, a tributary of the Desna, and a river in the Moscow region.

Woman- cape in the west of the peninsula Asia Minor(Türkiye). Has the same name mountain range in the Hindu Kush system of Afghanistan. By the way, “Baba” means “Father” in Arabic.

Grandmothers- a village in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine.

Great Grandmother- also in Ukraine - a tributary of the Seversky Donets and a village of the same name in the Kharkov region. Babka is a river in the Perm region of Russia and a city in the west of the island New Guinea.

Dedovsk- a village in the Moscow region.

Sister- rivers in Moskovskaya and Leningrad regions.

Brothers- islands nearby south coast Republic of Vietnam.

Vnukovo- a village near Moscow.

Husbands- a village on the Ob River in Siberia and a left tributary of the Tagus River in Portugal.

Godfather- a river in Turkey. Kuma is a river in the North Caucasus and a city in the Australian state of Victoria.

Cousin- island in the group Seychelles in the Indian Ocean.

Matchmaker- a river in Eastern Slovakia and Pakistan.

Twins- a village in the Kharkov region of Ukraine.

Stepmother- a village in the Volgograd region.

Relatives- village in Kaliningrad region Russia.

Village Neighbor is located in Penza region.

River Boy flows through the Magadan and Kamchatka regions of the Far East.

Village Maid is located in Voronezh region Russia.

City Virgo- in Western Romania.

A tributary of the Abakan River in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is called She, and the village on the Rioni River in Georgia is called They.

In Massachusetts (USA) there is Not big lake, the name of which is not easy to pronounce without stopping, because it consists of 42 letters, and in English transcription- even longer (44 letters). Judge for yourself: Chargoggagogg. Translated from the local Indian language, this abracadabra means: “I will fish on this side, you will fish on that side, and in the middle no one catches anything.” Thus, the name of the lake records an agreement between two Indian tribes that once lived on its shores.

The long name is associated with one of the villages North Island New Zealand: Taumatavkakapikiahu(83 letters!). Translated from the local Maori language, it means: "The place where Tamatea, the man with long shins, the famous mountain eater who moved mountains, climbed them and swallowed them, played the flute for his beloved."

The longest among the Gulliver names is the name of the capital located in Southeast Asia of the Republic of Thailand - Bangkok. Translated, it sounds like this: “Place of the wild plum,” but the full local name has as many as 147 (!) letters and means: “The great city of angels, the highest repository of divine treasures, a great land that cannot be conquered, a great and prosperous kingdom, a magnificent and the wonderful capital of the nine gems, the place where the greatest rulers live and is located Grand Palace, the home of gods who can transform into spirits." It is this geographical name that is registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest in the world.

River Volga, in addition to the well-known one, flows in the state of Iowa (USA). The right tributary of the Mississippi has the same name. The city of the same name is located on the banks of the American Volga.

River Don flows in Scotland, in the north of the island of Great Britain, and the famous tributary of the Volga Oka has a “namesake” - a large tributary of the Angara in Eastern Siberia.

City Moscow is located in Vyatka region Russia.

You can get to Russia from Berlin V Paris without leaving the territory Chelyabinsk region. Is here also Leipzig, Varna and other cities. All of these are usually small towns, received their names in honor of the outstanding victories of the Russian army in the Patriotic War of 1812.

IN Odessa region Ukraine has railway stations Borodino, Leipzig, Paris and others. Village Paris is also located in the Krasnokutsky district of the Kharkov region.

In the Fergana region of Uzbekistan there is a village with a great name Baghdad, in the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan - railway station Cairo, in Moldova - railway station - Sofia, in Latvia and the Yekaterinburg region of Russia - towns Nice, V Novosibirsk region- village Shanghai, V Oryol region- village Panama, in Irkutsk - railway station Malta.

Nile- a settlement in the Amur region of Russia, Chad- railway station in the Perm region, Sahara- river in Yakutia, Africa- cape on the Kamchatka Peninsula, Victoria- a village in the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan.

Bay America- on Far East, Danube Islands- at the mouth of the great Siberian river Lena, Eldorado village- on the middle Yenisei, lake china- in the Odessa region of Ukraine.

On railway Perm - Nizhny Tagil yes Eurasia station(on the border of Europe and Asia).

An interesting road sign is located in the vicinity of the American city of Linchula (Maine). He indicates that from here to Peru- 90, up to Poland - 50, Denmark - 35, Norway- 25 km. All of these localities are in this state and are not countries.

There are villages in the states of Indiana, Minnesota and North Dakota Russia, Belarus And Kyiv. They were founded over 100 years ago by natives of these areas who moved to America in search of a happy life.

In the California desert there is stop station Siberia. It must be admitted that the authors of this title were humorists. After all, the hottest place in the entire Western Hemisphere is located nearby.

Located in the south of Brazil city ​​America.

In the USA there are cities such as London, Boston, Newcastle, Cambridge, Oxford, Baltimore, Bristol, Greenwich and many others whose “parents” are in Europe.

Geographical names came from France to the American continent Orleans, Nancy, Toulon, Lyon, A Paris occurs over ten times.

Found seven times on the US map Moscow and repeatedly numerous towns called Petersburg, Rome, Cairo, Athens, Odessa and others.

From Spain to Latin America"moved" such geographical names How Barcelona, Valencia, Venice, Granada, Cordoba, Seville and others.

In Ukraine in the Chernivtsi region there is Mamalyga village, and in Poltava - Pie.

Cockroach- Name small island and the city of the same name near eastern shores Indonesian island of Kalimantan.

Gang- one of the seas washing the shores of the islands of Sulawes, New Guinea and Timor.

An island with an attractive name Paradise can be seen off the coast of the Republic of Vietnam.

In the Gulf of Thailand in the west of the island, New Guinea rises mountain house.

Sombrero- this is the name of the strait in Nicobar Islands Indian Ocean.

Rivers Dream And Barack flow in India.

Pech City located in Hungary, Cabinet- in Sweden, and cities with no less strange, in our opinion, names Salo located in Finland and Northern Italy.

There are towns in Italy Bank, Fortune And Mirage.

Madonna- a city in Latvia.

Duma city located in Syria.

Village Game- in Udmurtia.

Give- in Romania.

Moi River flows in Ireland, and islet Mak is located in the Hebrides group of islands off the coast of Great Britain.

Kucha city is located in Western China, Tank- in Pakistan, Tea And Chan- in Turkey, city ​​of Limon- in Guatemala.

Subject - sea ​​port in the African republic of Ghana.

Marine name Squid assigned to land French city in Alsace.

On geographical map Russian Federation you will see nearby Summer And Winter shores, as well as the city Winter in Eastern Siberia.

Stump- a village in the Novosibirsk region, Miracle- in Smolenskaya, Baklushi And Turks- in Saratovskaya, Kalach- in Volgogradskaya, boot- in Ryazan, Wand- in Tomsk, Bottom- in Pskovskaya, Mud- in Lipetskaya, A cap- in Leningradskaya, Wasp- V Perm regions, Barysh- a river in the Ulyanovsk region.

In Ukraine - Paradise in Ternopil region, Bar- in Vinnytsia, Platypus, Partying, Benefit- in Odessa, Wise heads- in Khmelnytskyi, Good afternoon- in Chernigovskaya, Brawler, Bucha And Kozhanka- in Kievskaya, Money- in Cherkasy, Happiness- in Lugansk regions.

Stomach can be found in the Grodno region of Belarus.

Note flows in Murmansk, Dark in Tverskaya, Pair in Ryazan, Leather in Arkhangelsk and even Shish- the right tributary of the Irtysh - in the Omsk regions.

Villages are located in the Gomel region of Belarus Mars, Venus and even Capricorns. Villages with names Mars we find in the Sharansky district of the Nizhnenovgorod region of Russia and the Novoaidarsky district of the Lugansk region of Ukraine.

Cape The end of the world located on the extreme eastern island Kuril ridge Shikotane.

Half- this is the name of a village in the Irkutsk region of Russia, halfway between Moscow and Vladivostok.

In the Far East, on the Moscow - Vladivostok railway, one of the cities is called by name and patronymic - Erofey Pavlovich.

Some geographical names reflect the shape of objects. For example, in Siberia, in Eastern Sayan There is Mount Pyramid, in the Arctic Ocean - Yugorsky and Matochkin Shary straits, in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - Cone Island, and in the east, on the Lysyansky Peninsula, there is Cape Duga Zapadnaya. River Krivaya flows in the Republic of Macedonia and Serbia.

There are also names on the geographical map that consist of only vowels. This Wye- river in England, cities Aue(Germany), Aya("Saint" in Greece), island Eui in the Tonga archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, village Ii- in Australia, island Eiao in the group of Marquesas Islands.

But there are also names consisting of only consonants, for example Croatian island Krk in the Adriatic Sea and mountain Smrk(1204 m) in the Czech Republic.

There are geographical names starting with the letter “Y”, for example, rivers Õhne in Estonia, Yrgaity in Kyrgyzstan, Yngata in Yakutia (Right tributary of the Vilyuya), as well as villages Eundin in the Komi Republic, Uizhou in Northern and Eunsung in South Korea.

Purely Russian geographical names can be found on the world map. Villages God, Vershok, Morning- in France, Dream- in Spain, Moan- in England, Favorite- in Germany, Rich- in Hungary, Plan- an island off the coast of the Republic of Tunisia in Africa.

based on materials from the book "Entertaining Geography"

And last summer I discovered this in Nizhny Novgorod region.
and couldn't pass by.

Great pleasure is experienced by people who travel on own car. They get vivid impressions not only from contemplating the beauty of the surrounding area, but also from the names settlements, rivers, lakes.

If you plan to drive your car a significant distance, then take a pen and notepad with you to write down the names of cities, towns, villages and rivers you encounter along the way. In the future, you will not only be guaranteed victory in the game “Cities,” but you will also be able to amuse your friends and family with funny and unusual place names.

As a starter, I would like to bring to your attention the following interesting names of real geographical objects:

  • Cocaine Mountains - a river in the Perm region;
  • Lysaya Balda is a river in the Ukrainian village of Zaryanoye;
  • Dno is the name of a city not far from Pskov;
  • The Hare Bubble is a river in the Kemerovo region;
  • In the Ulyanovsk region - the village of Musorka;
  • Krasnaya Mogila is a village in Donetsk region;
  • Chuvaki - a village in the Perm region;
  • Tukhlyanka - a river on Sakhalin;
  • Bolshiye Pupsy is a village in the Tver region;
  • Machekhin Konets is a village in the Tver region;
  • Krutiye Khutora is a village in the Lipetsk region;
  • Tsatsa is a village in the Volgograd region;
  • The village of Kurilovka in the Saratov region;
  • Yes, yes - a village in the Khabarovsk Territory;
  • This is a village on Sakhalin Island;
  • Kuyoknulo is a village in the Tver region.

If you are traveling to Omsk, then you will meet on your way:

the rivers Bernyazhka, Nyukhalovka, Byzovka, Ingaly, Avlukha;

the villages of Pochekuevo, Shchuevoz, Takmyk, Kurnosovo, Bolshiye Murly, Chebakly, Uvalnaya Bitiya and others.

These are some interesting geographical names! Each such name, of course, has its own origin story. What seems funny to us now had a completely different meaning in ancient times. You can ask around local residents where did the name of their village or village or river come from. Old people will tell you a lot of interesting things, however, there are fewer and fewer of them every day.

It’s a pity that our history flows like a river into oblivion.

It's a pity that we are ready to laugh at unusual name, without inquiring about the history of its origin.

Fortunately, there are enthusiasts who collect bits and pieces of this information and save it. After all, a people who does not know their history, their roots, is weak and vulnerable. Esotericists, clairvoyants and healers say that strength is given to living people by their ancestors, the so-called family tree or family egregor.

Don't forget to take a notepad and pen with you when traveling!

There are geographical names that we use in everyday life with a different meaning. There are many such words that came into our language from maps and geography textbooks. Let's look at the most interesting of them.

The name of alabaster, which is a valuable building material, comes from the name of the city of Basra in Iraq. Translated from Arabic, the word “al-basra” means “soft” and is associated with the characteristics of the local soil. The word “kaolin” is associated with the Kaolian area in China, where white clay was first mined for the purpose of making porcelain. The name of the city of Faenza in Italy is associated with the word “faience”. Intended rock as a facing material during the construction process and during the construction of monuments. The rock is called labradorite from the name of the peninsula of the same name..

North America

The names of the four chemical elements - ytterbium, yttrium, erbium and terbium - come from the small town of Ytterby, which is located on the Swedish island of Roslagen. In 1787, in the vicinity of this city, an unusual heavy mineral containing these rare earth elements was found.

The town of Ytterby became famous thanks to this miracle of nature. An example of a chemical named after a city is veronal (from the Italian city of Verona); cologne, which means "water from Cologne". In 1972, cologne was first produced in Cologne. Cologne today is the largest industrial centre

Germany, where various kinds of machine tools, cars, television and radio equipment are produced. However, Cologne is known throughout the world for “Cologne water.” From island of the same name

The name of the valuable stone topaz comes from the Red Sea.

What about the names of the fabrics? Not everyone knows that the name tulle fabric comes from the French city where it was first made. In the state of northwestern India, the name of fine woolen fabric - cashmere - was born, from the name of the state of Kashmir. Madepolam fabric is also of Indian origin. It got its name from a small town of the same name. A city in Scotland is Cheviot, the name of the ridge in the Pennine Mountains of Great Britain duplicates Covercott. Jersey fabric owes its name to the English island of Jersey from the group of Channel Islands near France. The city of the same name in the USA is the birthplace of Boston wool fabric. The name Waltz-Boston comes from here. Translated from


The origin of the word jeans also has a connection with geography. The appearance of the first jeans dates back to the 50s. last century, and San Francisco (USA) is their homeland. Jeans in those days were made only for laborers. The material was tarpaulin. The country that supplied the fabric for sewing was Italian city

Genoa. The names were somewhat distorted by the Americans, so the end result was the emergence of the word jeans.

From the name of the city of Fez, which is located in Morocco, the name of the men's fez hat was formed, made of red felt in the shape of a truncated cone with a tassel, until recently common in the countries of North America and the Middle East. The name of a hat with a feather - Tyrolean - comes from the Austrian province of Tyrol. Geographical sound is also inherent in a large number

food products.

In the city of Mayon on the island of Menorca, part of the Spanish Balearic Islands, mayonnaise, widely known today, was made for the first time.

The name of the ice cream variety - ice cream - was derived from the French city of Plombieres. The name Torto, which flows on the island of Sicily, is derived from the river Torto.

Roquefort cheese owes its name to the French city of the same name. The names of such cheeses as Dutch, Poshekhonsky, Uglich, Kostroma, Swiss have a similar origin. And also sausages: Hamburg, Odessa, Krakow, Lviv, Moscow, Odessa, Minsk, etc. Buckwheat came from Greece, and peach came from Persia. Orange means “Chinese apple”.

In the names of refrigerator brands,

mineral waters , motorcycles, televisions, cars, there are also a large number of geographical names. For example, the horse-drawn carriage of a landau got its name from the Bavarian city of Landau. It was there that it was first manufactured. To this day, the name landau has come down to the name of the body of a passenger car with a convertible top. The closed body of a high-class passenger car received its name from the historical French province of Limousin. From a geographical point of view there will also be interesting name US dollar. Name of this

For the most part, place names have a meaning that corresponds to them.

But there are a large number of them that appeared on the geographical map by accident and were the result of errors and misunderstandings.

Spring is approaching and the desire for change appears. I really want to change my usual surroundings and go on a trip somewhere. There are many unique, interesting places that are worth seeing with your own eyes. We will present some of them - the most unusual, the most extraordinary.

1. The most high mountain In Canada

In Canada, Mount Logan is the highest at 5959m. it belongs to the St. Elias Range system located in the southwestern Yukon Territory. The name of the mountain was given in honor of William Edmond Logan, a Canadian geologist.

2. Most Southern City in the world

Ushuaia (Argentina) is the southernmost city in the world. The population of this administrative center of the province Tierra del Fuego is 45 thousand people.

3. The most low point Africa

Lake Assal in Djibouti is located 155 meters below sea level - the lowest point in Africa.

4. The largest lake on the island in the lake

The system of these lakes resembles a nesting doll - in Canada on Lake Huron there is Manitoulin Island, on Manitoulin Island there is Lake Manitou. Manitou turns out to be the most big lake in a lake with an area of ​​104 square kilometers.

5. The richest city in the world

The richest and most beautiful city world - Dubai. It is not at all difficult to buy cheap in Dubai, and therefore this city is the most visited in the world. What’s interesting is that its population is 80% foreigners.

6. The longest lake in the world

Lake Tanganyika is located on the border of Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi and Democratic Republic Congo is the longest in the world. It was discovered in 1858 by English explorers John Speke and Richard Burton. The lake is interesting not only for its length (673 km), but it is the second in the world in depth (1470 m) and volume of water.

Tanganyika is also famous for its interesting and diverse fauna, colorful and unusual fish.

7. Most high waterfall in Africa

On the territory of the Republic of South Africa in Drakensberg Mountains Tugela Falls is located. Here water falls in five cascades from a height of 948 meters. The largest cascade has a height of 411 meters.

8. The most deep depression on Earth not filled with water

We have heard a lot about deep sea depressions, but there are also the deepest faults on the surface of the Earth. The deepest of them was discovered in Antarctica in 1961. Deepest point The Bentley depression is 2540 meters below sea level and it is all filled with ice.

9. Highest peak of the Scandinavian mountains

In the Scandinavian mountains, the highest peak is Gallhöpiggen. This 2469-meter mountain in Norway was first climbed in 1850 by Arnesen, Flaatten and Solheim.

10. The longest river in Eurasia

The deepest and long river in Eurasia is the Yangtze. It carries its waters from its sources in Tibet to the East China Sea across China for a distance of 6,300 km.

11. The longest braid in the world

The world's longest spit is located in Ukraine. The Arabat Spit, located on the Crimean peninsula, 112 km long and 270 m to 8 km wide, separates Sea of ​​Azov Sivash Bay.

12. Most Small town in the world

Incredible facts

Planet Earth is full of amazing geographical and geological mysteries and paradoxes. In fact, there are so many of them that we are unlikely to be able to reveal all the secrets that nature hides. Here are the most unusual and sometimes strange facts related to geography, geology and earth.

1.The shortest name of the area

The shortest place name is " Å " - the name of a small village, which is located in both Sweden and Norway. In the Scandinavian language " Å " means "river".

2. The most Big City in the world

The largest city in the world, based on surface area, is the city Hulun Buir in the Inner Mongolia region of China, which covers an area of ​​263,953 square meters. km.

3. Countries completely surrounded by one country

Lesotho, Vatican City and San Marino are the only countries completely surrounded by one country. Lesotho is completely surrounded by South Africa, and the Vatican City and San Marino are completely surrounded by Italy.

4. Second Longest Place Name

The second longest place name in the world has been recognized as " Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu", consisting of 84 letters, which belongs to a hill in New Zealand and in the Maori language means " the place where Tamatea, the man with big knees who slipped, rose and swallowed mountains, being known as the eater of mountains, played his flute for his beloved".

This was the longest geographical name for some time (and remains so in the Guinness Book of Records), until it was supplanted by the name " Krung thep mahanakhon bovorn ratanakosin mahintharayutthaya mahadilok pop noparatratatchathani burirom udomratchanivetmahasathan amornpiman avatarnsathit sakkathattiya visnukarmprasit", consisting of 163 letters and meaning the poetic name of Bangkok in Thailand.

5. The coldest and warmest sea

The water temperature in the White Sea in Russia is the lowest and is only -2 °C. Persian Gulf is the most warm sea. In summer, the water temperature here reaches 35.6 °C.

6. The world's oldest constitutional republic

San Marino is considered the oldest constitutional republic in the world. It was founded in 301 by a Christian mason who was fleeing persecution by Emperor Diocletian. The Constitution of San Marino, which was adopted in 1600, is considered the oldest written constitution in the world.

The deepest hole drilled by man is Kola superdeep well in Russia. It reached 12,262 m and was drilled for scientific exploration, during which a number of unexpected discoveries were made, such as a huge hydrogen deposit that was so massive that the mud that came out of the hole was literally boiling.

Due to the bulge of the Earth at the equator, the top of the volcano Chimborazo in Ecuador, whose altitude is 6310 m, is the most distant point from the center of the Earth, claiming the title " highest point on Earth", despite the fact that Everest is highest peak above sea level. Chimborazo is an extinct volcano and is located 1 degree south of the equator.

Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans with the lowest surface elevation of the earth's crust. Today it is believed that its depth is 10,971 m. It is located in the western part Pacific Ocean east of the Mariana Islands.

Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the longest mountain range on Earth, amounting to 40 thousand km. It is located in the center Atlantic Ocean. Iceland is the only part of this mountain range that is above sea level.

The Andes form the longest surface mountain range, amounting to 7000 km.

10. Place name consisting of only vowels

Mountain Circeo on the west coast of Italy was once called Aeaea(5 vowels in a row and not a single consonant). According to mythology, the sorceress Circe lived here. Two other geographical areas that have only vowels in their names are Aiea(Aiea) in Hawaii and Eiao(Eiao), one of the Marquesas Islands.

11. The northernmost, eastern and western state in America

Alaska is the northernmost, eastern and western state in America. It is the only state that is part of the eastern hemisphere, making it the easternmost and westernmost state.

12. Sea without coast

The Sargasso Sea is an area in the center of the North Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by ocean currents, and is the only sea without a coastline. In the west it is limited by the Gulf Stream, in the north by the North Atlantic Current, in the east by the Canary Current and in the south by the North Equatorial Current. This current system forms the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre.

13. Lake in an ancient impact crater formed as a result of a meteorite fall

Lake Bosumtwi, located in an ancient impact crater formed as a result of a meteorite fall, whose diameter is 8 km, is the only natural lake in Ghana. It is located 30 km southwest of Kumasi city and is a popular recreation area. There are about 30 villages near the lake, total population of which there are 70,000 people.

14. Unusual river flow

There is only one river in the world that originates near the equator and flows from there into the temperate zone and that is the Nile River. For some unknown reason, most rivers flow in the opposite direction.

15. Lack of land at the North Pole

There is no land at the North Pole - only ice over the water surface. The Arctic Ocean, which has 12 million square kilometers of floating ice, has the lowest winter temperature, -34°C.


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