Recreational tourism types, trends, specifics. Recreational tourism. Types, forms and system-forming factors

Tourism is a trip or journey of people to another city or country where people do not live permanently. Such a journey lasts, maybe from 24 hours to six months.

People very often go abroad in pursuit of some business interests, for example, for a meeting at work. Some people go to the mountains to ski, some go to improve their health, some go to study the culture, civilization and customs of other peoples, etc. Due to the fact that we are all completely different and individual in our characteristics, in the field of tourism it is customary to distinguish different types or types of tourism.

The first basis on which types of tourism are classified is the goal that the person setting out on the trip sets for himself.

So, depending on the purpose, tourism is divided into:

Business - travel is related to a person’s professional interests, his work and career;

Recreational - a person goes on vacation to improve his health, both physical and psychological.

Further, recreational tourism can be divided into other types (subtypes) of tourism. For example, according to the method of travel, depending on the landscape and geographical features terrain or from the purposes pursued by the tourist, etc.

Business tourism is also divided into subtypes. For example, for military and archaeological tourism, gastronomic and others.

Types of recreational tourism

The first type of recreational tourism is health tourism. First of all, this type of tourism is associated with the traveler’s desire to improve his health. The tourist pursues the goal of undergoing health or rehabilitation procedures and activities.

The traveler can go to balneological resort, where treatment will take place using natural mineral waters. There are various deposits of healing mud in the area of ​​which special resorts and sanatoriums are built, which make mud treatment the basis of their wellness program. Depending on climatic and natural conditions health resorts are divided into forest, mountain, and seaside. Mountain resorts located in the mountains far from the sea, coastal ones are usually in the coastal zone.

You can find combined resorts and sanatoriums, for example, located in the coastal zone with mud treatment and including mineral waters. Several such sanatoriums can be found in the Sochi area.

The next subtype of recreational tourism is tourism with educational purposes. People going on educational trips plan to attend many excursions and thus expand their horizons.

Tourists want to study the peculiarities of the language, life and culture of a certain people, which means this is ethnic tourism. If the excursion includes only visiting holy places, traveling to the Holy Land, therefore, this is a pilgrimage.

Further classification depends on how the tourist travels on foot or by car, etc. - this type of tourism is called sports tourism. The main goal pursued by a traveler is sports, for some walking is a sport, for others a car or skiing.

This includes autotourism - traveling by car. For example, you are traveling from Kaluga to Moscow by car. If you want to see architectural monuments, then you are engaged in auto tourism. Motorcycle tourism - traveling on motorcycles. Cycling tourism is a trip on bicycles, but it’s too far, but you won’t be able to go. Water tourism - traveling either on a yacht, or on a boat, or on a sailboat, etc. Equestrian tourism is a trip to another city or village on horseback. Ski tourism - the goal of this type of tourism is to ski to your heart's content and at the same time explore some architectural monuments, or simply admire nature and landscapes. Hiking, includes walking. For example, we gathered a group of tourists and took them for a walk around Kaluga, talking about the sights. Mountain tourism, hiking in the mountains with all the appropriate gear and equipment. Speleotourism is the so-called underground tourism. That is, a tourist visits some caves for the usual educational purpose, or in pursuit of a sporting goal. The sport here is connected with the fact that visiting the cave involves overcoming various natural barriers and obstacles. When going to the cave, the tourist must have the appropriate equipment and equipment ready (ropes, hooks, ropes and much more).

In sports tourism, extreme tourism is distinguished. It is easy to guess that it is connected with extreme view sports, with a risk to your health and your life in general. Extreme tourism includes the well-known diving and rafting, jeeping and mountain tourism, and much more. Sports extreme tourism is diggerism. Diggers usually explore underground structures and structures, such as subways or sewers. People become diggers for the sake of ordinary curiosity or the desire to take a walk in unusual place, someone is engaged in digging for scientific and educational purposes. Among the diggers, many are involved in rescue work, etc. affairs. Mountain tourism means that a tourist with a large backpack on his shoulders and fully equipped will conquer the peaks of mountains, for example, Everest. This type of tourism is very famous: jeeping, especially in mountainous areas. The essence of this holiday is to travel by car off-road. If you choose jeeping, then get ready to drive through bushes, abandoned areas of cities and towns, crossing rivers, etc. In our country, jeeping is widespread in the areas of Sochi, Novorossiysk, and Lazarevsky. Anyone who has visited the resorts of Turkey and Egypt should be familiar with this type of tourism as diving. Diving itself is the immersion of a person in special equipment and with special equipment under water. While you are underwater, you can explore the topography of the sea or ocean, the fish around you and other living creatures on the seabed.

A combined type of recreational tourism is a combination of several types of tourism in one. Let's give an example: you arrived somewhere on a yacht, then went to walking, then we got on a horse and went on excursions, then we got into a rented car and came back. Here is an elementary example of combined tourism.

Further, recreational tourism is divided into subtypes in accordance with the goals pursued by the traveler: sports and cultural, safari and agrotourism, educational and gastronomic, medical and religious, and many other types. Let's take a closer look at several subspecies.

Religious tourism is divided into pilgrimage and Muslim destinations. That is, those travelers who strictly adhere to the values, principles and regulations of pilgrimage or Islam will be accommodated in appropriate hotels, with appropriate food and service, and their tour will include visits to places that have the character of holy places for them. For example, for a Muslim, food should be prepared in accordance with Halal, there should be no alcoholic drinks in the hotel, swimming pools and even beaches are separate for both men and women.

If a traveler is pursuing a sporting interest, then his tour may include all types of sports tourism. For example, riding a bicycle or motorcycle, conquering mountains using mountain equipment (mountain tourism) or by car (jeeping) and much more.

Agritourism - tourists spend their travel time in rural areas in some special house or estate. Tourists must work daily together with the owners of the house, take an active part in the life of their village, help with housework, etc. Some people compare agritourism with rural tourism. This type of tourism is very developed in Italy and Spain.

Ecotourism - travelers visit various places such as nature reserves, parks and other natural sites that are protected. Environmental friendliness is due to the fact that the places visited by tourists are located far from large industrial cities with some kind of production. For example, when you come to Lake Baikal, you will not find there those heaps of garbage and various rubbish that are found in big cities at every step.

Everyone knows that safari was originally associated with hunting. Currently, safaris are walks around wildlife by car and shooting wild animals. This type of tourism such as safari is very developed in Africa. The safari also includes hunting accompanied by a professional hunter.

Tour-realism is a type of tourism in which the traveler plunges at the maximum level into the culture and traditions of the country where he is temporarily vacationing. Tour operators must provide travelers and tourists with all conditions for living, provide people with security at the highest level, and create a comfortable atmosphere.

Medical tourism is divided into health and childbirth tourism. Health tourism involves going somewhere with the goal of improving your physical and mental health. During your trip, you will definitely attend various medical procedures, massages, etc. Tourism associated with childbirth assumes that you are going to another country in order to carry and give birth to a child and, if necessary, improve his health, or you and your husband are flying to a foreign country to solve the problem of infertility.

Gastronomic tourism - tourists travel to a country in order to get acquainted with the cuisine of the country. During the tour, travelers taste various dishes, wines, fruits, berries and other food products. Get acquainted with dishes that are national.

Educational or excursion tourism is associated with the educational interests of the tourist. A traveler can visit various countries, cities, landmarks and architectural monuments in order to expand his horizons and knowledge about other cities besides his native one. If a tourist liked a place or city and returns to it again once or twice, then this is already a nostalgic (but still educational) type of tourism.

Cultural tourism is associated with the study of the cultural characteristics of a particular country. Some are interested in books and literary works, others will be interested in music or the language and dialect of a certain people. In accordance with the above, cultural tourism is divided into music and book or language tourism. Everyone can continue the division of cultural tourism for themselves. For example, lovers of painting and landscapes will highlight cultural tourism art tourism, etc.

Let us now move on to the classification of the type of tourism depending on the geography and landscape of the area.

This includes mountain tourism, which has already been discussed earlier. Mountain tourism involves tourists staying in mountainous areas and visiting all kinds of excursions and hikes there.

Jailoo is tourism, travelers are thrown into places where there is no electricity, abundant communications and the Internet, in a word, to places where civilization has not had a bad influence.

Industrial tourism is a visit to territories and buildings, engineering production facilities for the purpose of psychological satisfaction. Many people enjoy visiting an abandoned house or taking a tour of a factory; others may be drawn to the outskirts of the city. With industrial tourism, a traveler can receive not only psychological satisfaction, but also satisfy his research interests, if any.

Forest tourism, it is clear to everyone that it is associated with hiking in the forest and living in houses or cottages located in a forested park area.

Rural tourism - travelers stay in some small hotel or in the private sector, study and get to know the life of the people, the sights of the area, etc. Rural tourism is directly related to agritourism, which was discussed above.

Speleotourism, which has already been mentioned earlier, is associated with the study and exploration of caves.

Classifications of types of tourism are distinguished depending on the method of travel of travelers. This classification will almost completely repeat the classification of sports tourism.

Issues discussed in the lecture.

1. Content and forms of recreational tourism.

What do we understand by the definition of “recreational tourism”? Recreational tourism is one of three subsystems of tourism activity. Tourist activities that make up the content of this tourism subsystem are aimed at the enhanced restoration of a person’s physical, intellectual and emotional strength. Simply put, the goal of recreational tourism can be formulated as complete rest and health improvement of a person through tourism. The tasks of improving the health of participants in tourist recreational activities are actually inseparable from the tasks of their proper rest (they are solved jointly). Therefore, without fear of making a mistake, we can call recreational tourism at the same time health tourism. At the same time, if one or another health improvement technology is specifically used in tourist activities (a method, means of health improvement are selected, appropriate activities are planned), then we, emphasizing this focus, will call them recreational and health-improving. In other cases, it should be understood that any recreational tourist event also has a health-improving orientation (health-improving motive), and the healing process takes place “on its own” in the context of passive or active recreation.

Due to what factors are the main goals of recreational tourism achieved – complete rest and improvement of health for participants in tourism activities? Recreational tourism, especially active forms, make it possible to eliminate or weaken the impact on a person of unfavorable factors of everyday reality (neuro-emotional overload, hypokinesia, excessive poor nutrition, etc.). Effective rest and health improvement for participants in recreational and tourism activities is facilitated, firstly, by Oensuring sufficient muscle activity(Fig. 1), eliminating the adverse effects of “muscle hunger” with training of the main functional systems that ensure the body’s performance: cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, neuro-endocrine, etc.

Secondly, in addition to physical activity of moderate volume and intensity, physical activity itself has a healing effect. change of scenery and positive emotional background from communication with nature and pleasant company. A person’s “exit” from everyday, monotonous conditions ensures a switch of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects. Hiking trips transfer the city dweller to a new landscape and climatic environment, provide “close contact” with nature, teach him to observe and enjoy it; develop a caring attitude towards it and ennoble a person spiritually. It is against such a positive emotional background that the proposed physical activity is not perceived as tiresome and monotonous. On the contrary, they are easily tolerated and generally provide relaxation and recovery for the participants.

Thirdly, the health of the participants in the hike is promoted by: recreational ones themselves Natural resources . It is not even worth proving the beneficial effects on health of such natural factors as moderate exposure to the sun, clean air and water, the effects of phytoncides in a pine forest, etc. Obviously, the hardening effect of water-air procedures in camping conditions. In the natural recreational environment occurs Withstimulation of natural immunity; among people who regularly participate in health hikes an increase in immunity to pathogenic microorganisms was noted. It also contributes to the health and well-being of tourists quality tourist service, and regular(unlike the bustle of the city) diet, exercise and rest; healthy diet. In general, we come to the conclusion that recreational tourism is characterized by a whole complex of health-improving factors that have a beneficial effect on both the physical status of a person and his neuro-emotional sphere. It is their complex effect, where moderate muscular efforts are combined with nervous “relaxation”, positive emotions, and the hardening effect of natural sources of health, that makes up the health-improving effectiveness of recreational tourism that we are talking about.

In the previous lecture, we already named some types of recreational tourism and pointed out the close relationship of all three subsystems of tourism activity. Indeed, the definition of “recreational” tourism hides a variety of means and forms of tourism activities aimed at achieving recreational goals. Among this diversity, we again have to “select” those that form the subject of our “Tourism” course. Let us again try to classify, this time one of the segments of tourist activity (recreational tourism) and determine those varieties of it that are most significant from the point of view of health-improving physical culture.

How can recreational tourism activities be classified? As in the case of the classification of tourism activities in general, we will try to determine the most significant grounds for classification. Let us dwell on two of the previously mentioned ones: the dominant goal of the tourist event and the level of physical activity of the event participants. Classification based on purpose will allow us to create a system of recreational tourism activities that reflects the essence and functions of specific tourism activities. A classification based on the level of physical activity of the participants will allow us to identify activities with maximum health-improving effectiveness and clearly limit the subject of our study.

Based on the “narrow” goals and objectives of recreational tourism activities (the “broad” goal is clear - recreation of participants), we will highlight types of tourism activities in the recreational tourism subsystem. Without pretending to be the ultimate truth, we will name four such types: recreational and entertainment (relaxation) tourism, recreational and health tourism, recreational and educational and recreational and sports tourism(Fig. 2). Recreational-entertainment and recreational-health (including rehabilitation) tourism is actually recreational tourism. One main goal dominates here - complete rest and health improvement for tourists. When recreational and entertainment In tourism, tourists “remove” their familiar, boring reality and “immerse” themselves in a new, vibrant natural context that has significant recreational potential and brings vivid impressions and adventures. An example (one of the forms) of such an event is a trip to a seaside resort for the purpose of beach holiday commented on us earlier (here and other reality; and health resources in the form of sea, sun, fruits; and a standard “package” of entertainment, starting from the actual “charring” on the beach and ending with the contemplation of oriental beauties performing belly dance). In the case of recreational and health tourism, certain health technologies are purposefully used in tourist activities; The emphasis in planning is on improving the health of tourists. For rehabilitation tourism (form – trip to a sanatorium resort holiday) are characterized by technologies that make it possible to return the state of health to the status characteristic of a person before the disease. Such technologies include dosed walks in the natural environment, special dietary nutrition, the use of medicinal mineral waters, etc. For the actual health tourism (the form is a weekend health trip) is characterized by technologies that make it possible to maintain and even improve the health status of participants. Such technologies, first of all, include dosed physical activity in the natural environment, hardening procedures, etc.

Recreational-cognitive tourism on the graphical model of tourist activity (see lecture 1) lies in the area of ​​interacting subsystems of recreational and educational tourism. This type of recreational tourism includes tourism activities with two dominant goals: recreation and the acquisition of new (for oneself) knowledge. Consequently, this section of recreational tourism includes any recreational tourist travel, where some kind of excursion program is planned. Of course, we also classify ecological hikes, with a clear educational motive, as part of this section of tourist activity. TO recreational and sports Tourism includes all recreational tourist events where technologies from various sports (skiing, scuba diving, running, cross-country skiing, etc.) are actively used for proper rest and health improvement of participants. In such events, in addition to the motive of good rest, the participants clearly have a motive for personal sports improvement (the desire to improve skiing technique, terrain orienteering technique, rafting and kayaking technique, etc.), and there is sports passion.

In addition to the classification based on the content and purpose of tourism activities, for specialists in the field of physical culture, the classification of tourism activities from the point of view level of motor activity of its participants. As we indicated earlier, in tourism activities, it is possible, with a certain assumption, to highlight “ active" And " passive» forms of tourist activities. Forms of passive recreation are the above-mentioned trips with exclusively beach-swimming purposes, where the level of physical activity is minimal, and health improvement occurs due to the recreational resources of the vacation spot and psychological relaxation (changing the work environment to “paradise under the palm trees”). A sanatorium (rehabilitation) holiday “on medicinal waters” can also be called passive, with a minimum of physical activity. A relatively “passive” form of recreational and educational tourism is the so-called rural tourism (agritourism). Rural tourism - life and relaxation in a village house, with eating organic products, waking up to the crow of a rooster, fishing, a bathhouse, linen sheets and the smell of manure. This is tourism aimed at understanding rural life, folklore, crafts, trades, and the surrounding nature. Tourism with a touch of romance “returns” the tourist for a while from the noisy and hectic city environment to the rural ancestral “roots”. But for you and me it should be an axiom, that active recreation and health tourism is more effective for the purposes of physical, emotional, intellectual recreation than passive recreation tourism. Active forms of tourism provide physical activity dosed in volume and intensity for participants in tourism events, which is the most important factor in their proper rest and effective recovery.

An example of active forms of recreational and entertainment tourism activities is the leader in popularity and prestige in the tourism and entertainment business - a special form of corporate outdoor recreation, the so-called. “team building” (team building training, and its form that is especially close to tourism techniques – rope courses). In this case, teams formed according to the production principle (teams of colleagues) compete in overcoming natural and artificial obstacles, performing certain “moving” competitive tasks, using, among other things, tourism techniques. The conditions of the game (and this is a game, not a sport) require a certain dexterity, endurance, intelligence and, of course, mutual assistance, mutual assistance in the process of collective action. The principle of “team building” in the process of conducting rope courses was successfully formulated by Elena Bogatyreva (2004). “The psychological basis of the training is that when taken out of a familiar environment, a person is less likely to return to the stereotypes of behavior and thinking that have developed in it. In a different environment, the need arises to act differently; a person learns not only to do, but also to perceive and analyze the situation in a new way. The emotional uplift, superimposed on the need to act together, lays down a new principle of work - in a team, creates the prerequisites for trust in team members in working conditions.”

Undoubtedly, an active form of recreational and health tourism is a weekend health trip or a multi-day health trip. In this case, the very journey through an area with recreational resources (forest, clean air, clean water bodies, beautiful landscapes), using standardized health-improving physical activity, is a technology of recreation and health promotion. A striking example of active forms of recreational and educational tourism are ecological tourist trips through “wild” clean territories, with the most careful attitude towards these territories, with educational excursions along an ecological trail. And finally, we note that all recreational and sports tourism events, where sports technologies are used for the purpose of relaxation and recovery, relate exclusively to “active” tourism. Using examples of holidays with the inclusion of scuba diving, pedal boats and motorbikes, boat rides in the tourist package alpine skiing, rafting on mountain rivers (rafting), sports games we stopped earlier.

We must be aware that the classification of recreational tourism presented above is hardly perfect. If we think about it, we will not be able to determine clear “boundaries” between the taxa we have identified. Let's say the same rafting, which we classified as recreational and sports tourism (water tourism and rowing slalom technologies are used), in its purposes is a recreational and entertainment event. Agrotourism, using ecological excursions (tourist walks), will smoothly move from the “passive” category to the “active” category, etc. However, we believe that the presented classification will help us “position our claims” (define the subject of study in the field of recreational tourism) and acquire practical skills in this, limited framework active tourism, areas of knowledge.

What are the main features of active forms of recreational tourism activities? The subject of our study is exclusively forms of active recreational tourism within the framework of physical recreation, with certain restrictions on physical activity (with dosed health-improving physical activity). Based on the above material, we can formulate the following main features inherent in active forms of recreational tourism.

    When carrying out the event, active tourism means are used (walking, hiking, competitions).

    When carrying out the event, sports technologies are used (skiing, water slalom, scuba diving, equestrian sports, team sports, etc.)

    The activities are therefore based on the use of physical activity of participants or their physical activity is a significant part programs.

    Activities, with rare exceptions, include cultural and cognitive aspects and contain intellectual and emotional components.

    They are predominantly entertaining (hedonic) in nature.

    Carried out in natural conditions.

    They have a certain scientific and methodological base (according to Ryzhkin, 2001 with additions).

People began to deliberately travel for the purpose of recreation only in 1841; in fact, from that time we can talk about the emergence new form leisure - tourist and recreational. Tourism satisfies people's need for relaxation through a change of scenery. People began to specifically go and travel to places where they can relax, unwind, and escape from the usual bustle. This is how recreational tourism appeared. This is a special form of activity during which a person restores his resources. This will be discussed in the review. We will tell you what the features of this phenomenon are, what its types are and how recreational tourism is organized.

Recreation and tourism

The tourism sector is becoming an increasingly important sector of the economy of modern states. In this regard, the complexity of this area of ​​activity occurs. Systems of types and subtypes of tourism are being built, new modifications are appearing. And theorists are trying to comprehend all this. Today, researchers often talk about the recreational foundations of tourism; in this regard, the question arises about the relationship between the concepts of “tourism” and “recreation”.

The first term refers to the temporary movement of people to other areas in order to satisfy the needs for relaxation, pleasure, knowledge, health, etc. The second term usually refers to the restoration of human resources expended during work. They also propose to understand recreation as the activity of people using their free time. Thus, the concept of recreation is broader, since tourism is only one of the ways to relax and restore human strength. Recreation and tourism have something in common: both of these activities are associated with rest, relaxation, restoration of strength and resources. But there are also differences. Recreation can occur without moving to any other places, for example, lying on the couch after a working day is also a way to restore strength. And tourism can occur not only for recreational purposes, although it is fair to note that most of the purposes of tourism are recreational.

Concept of recreational tourism

In the most general form, recreational tourism can be characterized as follows: it is the movement of people in free time to other territories in order to restore physical and mental resources. Almost all types of tourism fall under this broad definition. But the main antipode of recreational tourism is business tourism. In general, all movements in space for the purpose of earning money, performing any duties or work do not belong to recreation. And all other travel for the purpose of having fun and thereby restoring one’s resources is recreational. Thus, the essence of tourism largely comes down to the fulfillment of a recreational function in human life. Traveling is needed to replenish your reserves of mental and physical strength. But not every trip fully contributes to a productive vacation. Here a feature of the place to which the traveler is traveling appears as a potential opportunity to meet the needs of the tourist. In this case, it is worth talking about tourism not only from the side of the consumer of tourism services, but also from the side of their organizer. After all, tourism is also a business sector. And here it is necessary to talk about recreational tourism resources, which include not only the natural characteristics of a place, but also those artificially created by people designing a tourism product.

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Recreational resources

This term refers to a system of natural and man-made objects that can satisfy the recreational needs of tourists. As well as a set of objects on the basis of which it is possible to create a tourism product, i.e. a tour for sale to tourists. It is obvious that recreational resources are the basis of recreation and tourism. If a place doesn’t have anything that would help a person restore at least some strength after work, then no one will come here. There is an extensive classification of recreational resources, these include:

— natural objects (forest, sea, mountain, water, meadow);

- artificial objects ( architectural monuments and complexes, cultural and historical complexes, cities and settlements with a complex of attractions, resorts, places of worship and religious sites, ancient sites, as well as various events, including sports).

Thus, recreational resources include many different objects with different potential. There is also the practice of dividing resources by movable/real estate, renewable/non-renewable.

Recreational resources are characterized by such features as heterogeneity of quality, exhaustibility and renewability, and limited simultaneous use.

Natural and recreational resources

TO natural objects, capable of satisfying people's need for recreation include:

  • shores of seas, rivers, various reservoirs;
  • forests and meadows;
  • mountains and foothills;
  • jungle and desert.

Based on them, they are created National parks, nature reserves, resort areas, the necessary infrastructure is being formed.

Cultural and historical recreational resources

Artificially created objects include:

  • museums;
  • architectural complexes;
  • capitals of the world;
  • religious complexes and buildings;
  • sport events;
  • festivals, holidays, competitions, ceremonies.

Tours are also being developed to bring people to these sites, and the necessary infrastructure is being created.

Classification of recreational tourism

There are several approaches to identifying types of recreational tourism. In the most conservative approach, only two types are distinguished: health-improving and educational. However, the ever-increasing complexity of the tourism system has required a more thorough approach to identifying types of recreational tourism. These include:

  • health;
  • informative;
  • ethnographic;
  • sports;
  • religious;
  • rural;
  • ecological;
  • gastronomic;
  • cultural types of tourism.

There is even an attempt to justify the development of tourist and recreational tourism, which is aimed at achieving several goals at the same time: recreation, knowledge, health improvement. An example in this case is given by vacationers who come to the resort with main goal- undergo medical procedures. But at the same time, tourists also make excursions around the resort, play sports: trekking, swimming, fitness, and also visit entertainment venues: casinos, bowling alleys, discos. It would be more appropriate to call this species mixed or actually recreational.

Another classification is related to the area in which it is carried out, in this case there are:

  • mountain;
  • nautical;
  • forest,
  • rural,
  • industrial,
  • jailoo,
  • caving tourism.

According to the method of transportation, there are walking, automobile, air tourism, railway, bicycle, water, mountain, ski and other types of recreational tourism. There are other classifications, but those listed fully characterize the concept of recreational tourism.

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Health tourism

One of the most widespread in the world is recreational and health tourism. In order to improve their health, people go to resorts, where they receive special treatment, and also recover due to the features of the area: air, water, mud, etc. The peculiarities of this type of tourism are that the duration of the tour cannot be less than 3 weeks. A stay at a resort is always an impressive financial outlay, since the tour includes not only treatment, but also accommodation and transportation costs. Spa treatment is mainly consumed by tourists of the older age group, when their health begins to suffer greatly.

Today, a new type of health and recreational tourism is emerging - these are preventive and sanatorium tours. Their goal may be the prevention of any diseases, as well as receiving a course of procedures aimed at rejuvenating the body, relieving stress, and relaxing. There is also such a variety of this type of tourism as cosmetology tourism. As part of the tour, people receive a set of procedures aimed at improving the condition of their skin and body.

Cultural and educational tourism

Educational recreational tourism is a huge variety of different subspecies. The fact is that cultural needs can be satisfied through a variety of objects: museums, attractions, events. By topic, educational tourism is also divided into many varieties: artistic, historical, literary, ethnographic, natural history and others. Developing a tourism product that satisfies such needs of the traveler should arouse his curiosity. By satisfying it, a person experiences pleasure, in addition, a person replenishes his mental strength.

Sports tourism

This type of travel is also called active tourism. As part of such tours, people travel long distances on foot, skiing, horseback riding, kayaking or catamarans. The purpose of such tourism is to enjoy physical activity, as well as combat stress and replenish mental strength. Sports tourism is associated with overcoming various obstacles, including overcoming oneself and one’s fears. Sports recreational tourism should not be confused with just sports tourism, in which people compete to overcome various obstacles. From this perspective, tourism ceases to be a means of replenishing resources; it becomes close to professional tourism.

Recreational tourism system

Since recreational tourism faces many challenges, its organization is also associated with a whole range of different activities. Organization of recreational tourism includes the following stages:

  • choosing a recreational destination and assessing its potential and resources;
  • route development;
  • compiling a list of necessary tourism products and their suppliers;
  • compiling a list of possible additional products and services on the tour.

All these stages must find expression in the tourist service program. In addition, the organization of tourism includes providing tourists with the necessary infrastructure: transport, accommodation and food. Staffing is also required. Recreational tourism is a specific sphere of human activity. To meet the needs of tourists, qualified personnel are needed: doctors and other medically competent staff for health tourism, trained tour guides - in educational tourism, instructors and coaches - in sports.

Concept of recreational activity


Recreation, from the Latin "recreatio", means restoration. The industry for the restoration of spiritual, physical, moral, moral strength provides ample opportunities for the provision of services when a person chooses, and professionals suggest in which direction it is best to carry out restoration and, most importantly, carry it out. The recreation industry is, on the one hand, a well-known phrase, and on the other hand, it is constantly being filled with new meaning.

In general, the recreational system can be structurally represented by the following functional subsystems (by type of recreational activity):

Educational, sports, health tourism, including sanatorium and resort treatment;

Hotel services and stay;


Leisure culture.

The recreational system is a set of social, demographic, medical-biological, economic and other characteristics of a region or territory.

Based on these characteristics, when solving problems of environmental management for the purposes of resort and recreational development, the primary task is to assess the recreational potential of the area, defined as the interaction of bioclimatic, territorial, natural and hydromineral resources of the study area.

The assessment of the recreational potential of the territory is based on a consistent analysis of the characteristics of all its elements. These characteristics are grouped into three main blocks:

Medical and biological;


Functional and economic.

Each block includes indicators such as activity, heavy metal pollution, number of days with precipitation, energy availability, etc. The assessment is made for all types of recreation, summer and winter periods, and there are three of them:




Recreational tourism is considered as a form of active tourism within the framework of physical recreation with certain restrictions on physical activity.

The purpose of my work is to characterize recreational tourism, as well as to consider its impact on human life.

The object of the study is active recreational activities.

Recreational tourism

Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time for the purpose of recreation, which is necessary to restore a person’s physical and mental strength. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most common and widespread. To develop this type of tourism, recreational resources are needed.

Recreational resources constitute the most important part of the region’s natural potential. In addition, their role in the formation and development modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view.

The assessment of recreational resources is made on the basis of a factor-by-factor assessment of each of the components: relief, water bodies and soil and vegetation cover, bioclimate, hydromineral and unique natural medicinal resources, historical and cultural potential, considered from the point of view of its use by a specific type of tourism.

Recreational tourism can be divided into several types:

1. Tourist and recreational type;

2. Educational-tourist type.

Each type requires its own type of recreational resources. Recreational resources are understood as a complex managed and partially self-managed system, consisting of a number of interconnected subsystems, namely: vacationing people, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and management bodies. Part natural characteristics includes the area and capacity of the recreational area, climate comfort, the presence of water bodies, primarily of a balneological nature, aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the necessary basis for the development of recreational tourism.

For the first type, these are climatic factors, which, in combination with sources of mineral waters and medicinal mud, create favorable conditions for the formation resort complex. For the second, in addition to the above - historical and cultural potential. Geographically, several main recreational zones can be distinguished. Forest-steppe, forest, mountain and coastal zones have opportunities for organizing both mass recreation and tourism, as well as medical and rehabilitation resort holidays almost all year round.

Recreational activities of the first type can be called passive. These include sun and air baths at rest. They are usually carried out in beach conditions. People are naked. This type of recreation makes strict demands on the weather.

The second type is active recreation: walks, sports games, etc. What distinguishes active recreation from passive recreation, firstly, is that physical activity causes increased heat production. Secondly, during active recreation people are usually dressed. And although in this case light clothing with a thermal protection level of 0.5-1.0 clo is usually used, in combination with increased heat production this makes lower air temperatures comfortable than for passive recreation. Weather requirements are less stringent compared to passive recreation.

The program for organizing this type of tourism should be multifunctional in nature: recreation, leisure and entertainment activities, a health program that can raise the vitality of vacationers and satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs.

The system-forming factors of recreational tourism are identified:

A change of scenery;

Ensuring sufficient muscle activity;

Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria.

A change of environment is associated with a person’s “exit” from everyday, monotonous and therefore already tiresome living conditions, ensuring a switch of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects of the external environment, distracting him from the tiring and sometimes negative impacts of everyday life. Tourist trips and travels, which transport a city dweller to a new landscape and climatic environment, are associated with direct contact with nature.

Recreational tourism is used to improve the reliability of life in the everyday conditions of an already developed habitat.

The main objectives of recreational tourism are:

1. harmonious physical development and promotion of comprehensive human development

2. health promotion and disease prevention

3. providing adequate rest for different ages and professions

4. maintaining high performance

5. achieving active creative longevity

Recreational tourism is a type of tourism whose main goal is to restore the strength and health of the vacationer in the process of active or passive recreation and therapeutic measures.

Recreational tourism- one of the most popular types tourism. The main goals are educational and health-improving. In order to improve their health, vacationers visit special establishments and recreation centers, which, as a rule, are located in climatic zones favorable for this - forest-steppe, coastal, mountain. As a rule, many factors have a positive effect on health in such establishments - therapeutic mud, mineral waters, fresh sea or forest air and others.

Recreational activities available in seaside sanatoriums include breathing sea air, swimming in therapeutic mud, sea bathing, air baths, rowing, swimming, games on the shore and others. The most famous territory sea ​​resorts in Russia is the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Gelendzhik, Anapa, Sochi, and the resorts of Tuapse, occupying Black Sea coast. They are located in both coastal and mountainous areas, which is partly why they are so popular. Also known for their landscapes and health benefits wonderful resorts, Narzan Valley and Caucasian Mineral Waters.

In the listed resort areas winters are mild, summers are very warm. Such climatic conditions contribute to the fact that these resorts do not lose popularity among vacationers throughout the year. In mountainous areas, on the banks of rivers and lakes, health resorts also help people improve their health, gain strength and have pleasant experiences. Such famous Ukrainian resorts as Morshyn, Mirgorod, Khmilnyk are located on picturesque river banks. Khmilnik is known for its healing radon waters, Mirgorod is known for its mineral water, as well as Morshyn. The most famous Ukrainian balneological resort, Truskavets, is also famous for its mineral waters - several dozen types of mineral waters help vacationers cope with various health problems, from kidney stones to sexual disorders. There are 25 sanatoriums in the city.

For educational purposes, vacationers visit national parks, cultural and natural monuments, architectural, ethnographic and historical monuments.
Recreational tourism objects are characterized by the presence of certain recreational resources - cultural and natural complexes, service personnel of recreational establishments, etc. This condition distinguishes recreational tourism from health and sports tourism. Factors of recreational tourism that have a positive effect on health are a change of environment, providing certain physical activity, and stimulating the immune system. During hiking trips a person’s attention switches to objects of nature and culture, this temporarily distracts him from the usual conditions of urban life. Moving on foot or swimming, a person gives a certain load to his muscles, which has a positive effect on various systems of his body. The objectives of this type of tourism are to strengthen the immune system, provide the necessary muscle load, and prevent diseases.


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