The height of the f-hole is Curonian. The height of the f-hole on the Curonian Spit. Not included in the standard excursion route

Hi all! Today I want to tell you about a special place - the Curonian Spit. It is included in guidebooks to magical places in Russia and Europe; it is first of all recommended to be visited by those who come to the Kaliningrad region for the first time.

First, some facts. The Curonian Spit is a narrow sandy strip of land between the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. It starts near the city of Zelenogradsk Kaliningrad region and ends in the city of Klaipeda in Lithuania, its length is 98 km. The spit is divided approximately in half between Lithuania and Russia. The Kaliningrad part is 48 km, the Lithuanian part is 40, border crossing is located on the 49th kilometer of the spit. The widest point of the spit - almost 4 km - is located near the Lithuanian town of Nida, the narrowest - only 400 m, near the village of Lesnaya, Kaliningrad region. This narrowest place sometimes floods with water during strong storms, and the spit turns into an island.

If you get to the Baltic Digital Days conference by plane, the spit will be the first thing you see in the Kaliningrad region. The most important thing is to register for place F: then outside your window, if, of course, the day turns out to be cloudless, you will see the spit, the bay, and the sea. Accordingly, when you fly back, choose seat A and you will be guaranteed a repeat showing of the Curonian Spit.

So, the Curonian Spit is national park, which was included in the list in 2000 World Heritage UNESCO. There are three villages on the spit: Lesnoy (11th km), Rybachy (33rd km) and Morskoye (44th km), and countless places worth visiting: forests, lakes, magnificent sand dunes, a mysterious dancing forest and birdwatching station, not to mention the beaches on the sea and bay sides.

The Kaliningrad-Morskoye bus runs along the spit 4 times a day and the international Kaliningrad-Klaipeda bus 2 times a day. I want to warn you right away, if you want to explore the spit in detail, the bus will not help you: the dunes, the dancing forest and other iconic places are located several kilometers from each other. The road on the spit is single and narrow, without a sidewalk, and walking along the beach will take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it would be better to rent a car, negotiate with Kaliningrad friends, or buy an excursion (from 1000 rubles). Another option is to ride a bicycle. But keep in mind that bicycle paths (I hope not yet) have been built on the Russian part of the spit. But on the Lithuanian part they are. Entry into the territory of the spit is paid (since last year, even for cyclists), at the entrance there is a checkpoint (which, judging by latest news, they are going to move it 3 km closer to Zelenogradsk). The rules for visiting the National Park can be found on its website.

Book a hotel in Kaliningrad:

Ornithological station "Fringilla"

The Fringilla ornithological station was founded back in 1901 by Johannes Thienemann in the village of Rossiten (now Rybachy). Ornithologists call the Curonian Spit a “bird bridge” because bird migration routes pass through it. Wikipedia claims that up to a million birds fly here during the hot season. That is why a bird ringing station was organized here. In the 1930s, the station became known throughout the world as a research center for the study of bird migrations. In 1944, due to the war, Fringilla was closed, then abandoned, and reopened in 1956. Now the field station of the ornithological station is located at the 23rd kilometer of the spit; excursions are held here in warm weather. Ornithologists talk about birds flying through the spit and show how they catch birds for research and banding. Quite interesting, I tell you.

Muller height

Another iconic place on the spit is Müller Height, named after the Königsberg forester who came up with a new way of planting forests to stop the movement of the dunes. Perhaps it was he who saved the village of Rybachy from being covered with sand. Müller Height is located at 31 km of the spit, and there is a walking route here. At the highest point of the Bolotnaya dune (Bruchberg) there is an observation deck that offers stunning views of the forest, sea and bay. Here you can spend a lot of time, practically meditating, looking at the incredible nature around.

Dancing Forest

The dancing forest at the 37th kilometer of the spit is the same magical place, which is mentioned in guidebooks to unusual places. This is a pine forest, planted in 1960, which suddenly began to grow, not rapidly upward, but bending and curling into rings. All stereotypes about straight pine trees are shattered here! There is a walking route through the dancing or drunken forest, leaving which to hug the trees is not recommended and is generally prohibited. In East Prussia, this site was the site of a gliding school founded in the 1920s. German glider pilots soared serenely over the dunes; during the school’s existence, 30 thousand glider pilots graduated from here. But in January 1945 the school was closed and never reopened.

Height of Efa

At the 42nd kilometer of the spit there is, in my humble opinion, the most stunning place on the entire spit - the height of Efa. Efa is the highest place of the Orekhovaya (Petsch) dune, named after the dune inspector Wilhelm Franz Efa, who was involved in strengthening and afforesting the Curonian Spit in late XIX century. The 2.8 km long wooden paths of the walking route will lead you to the highest dune of the Curonian Spit. There are 2 observation decks with incredible views. The saying: “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” fits perfectly here. There is a myth that the film “White Sun of the Desert” was filmed here. And, looking at the endless expanses of sand, it’s easy to believe in it. But in fact, no filming took place here.

I told you about my favorite places on the Curonian Spit. You can find several more on the official website of the national park walking routes, which may interest you.

In addition, there is an application for Android and iOS, which is called the Curonian Spit. For some reason, the link to it on the national park’s website does not work, but it can be easily found by name in Google Play and the App Store. It works without the Internet. In it you will find a map of the spit with attractions, a description of the route and useful information. I recommend installing it, especially if you are going to the spit for the first time and without local friends.

And if visiting the Curonian Spit doesn’t fit into your busy plans, take a look at the virtual tour of the spit, I’m sure you’ll change your mind!

And one more thing: where to eat on the spit:

  • Cafe "Kurena" behind the village of Lesnoy in the visitor center of the Curonian Spit.
  • Cafe-bar "Las Promenados", Lesnoy village.
  • Restaurant at the Mayakovsky Hotel, Lesnoy village.
  • Tavern “By the Road”, Rybachy village.
  • Restaurant at the Altrimo Hotel, Rybachy village.

Where to stay on the Curonian Spit:

If you want to stay on the spit for a couple of days and enjoy beautiful views, you can book a hotel room or rent a house. Moreover, the price per day for hotels on the Curonian Spit will pleasantly surprise you!
The list of hotels can be viewed on the website:

Dancing Forest: Vera Toropova
Dune Efa, Muller height, spit: Elena Belyakova
Fringilla: Hope Winter
From the plane: Dina Lyakh

But first things first.

Curonian Spit (lit. Kuršių nerija, German Kurische Nehrung) - a narrow and long sandy strip of land (spit) of a saber shape, separating the Curonian Lagoon from Baltic Sea. It extends from the city of Zelenogradsk, Kaliningrad region, to the city of Klaipeda (Smiltyne, Lithuania).

In 2000, the Curonian Spit was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Favorable climatic conditions allow you to relax on the Curonian Spit from May to November (very dubious information).

Once upon a time, now a very long time ago, I had the opportunity to drive through the entire Spit from Zelenogradsk to Klaipeda.

But the trip took place at the beginning of winter on a regular bus from Kaliningrad to Riga. In some places, neither the driver nor the neighbors and passengers considered it necessary to satisfy my desire to get out and look around. Therefore, there are practically no memories left. Twice more in Soviet times I visited Palanga - Klaipeda with colleagues and friends. Of course, they made voyages to the spit. I even had a chance to swim in the Baltic Sea. But this is the very north of the spit. And a very small part of it. And I wanted to embrace the immensity.

Back on November 6, 1987, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, by resolution No. 423, assigned the status of a State Natural National Park (SPNT) to the Curonian Spit up to the border with Lithuania. The Curonian Spit National Park is the smallest national park in Russia and at the same time one of the most visited in the country.

To enter the park you must purchase a ticket.

The length of the spit is 98 kilometers, the width ranges from 400 meters (in the area of ​​​​the village of Lesnoy) to 3.8 kilometers (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bCape Bulviko, just north of Nida, which is already located on the territory of Lithuania).

Forest village "Zarkau"

It is located just 11 kilometers from Zelenogradsk.

But we couldn’t get there. Excursions to the station are only available for groups of at least 6 people. There were three of us. There were about 5-7 other people nearby. They asked if they were expecting anyone as a travel companion. No, these were sellers and saleswomen from nearby stalls and eateries. Apparently Neringa found out about something bad that I had done.

The largest settlement on the territory of the National Park is the village of Rybachy (German Rossitten, lit. Rasytė)

33 km from Zelenogradsk.

It is also the administrative center of the rural settlement of the Curonian Spit.

Guest House Ostermeier

The history of the village begins in 1372, when Rossitten Castle was founded. In 1507, the castle was abolished as unnecessary. No traces of it have survived to this day. The castle is described in the work of E. T. A. Hoffman “Majorat” (Remember, we went to Hoffman in Svetlogorsk).

Former church building

Now the Temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh

There is no access to the pier now

Ships used to come here before

It is with the village of Rossitten that the vast majority of the myths of the spit are connected, namely with the area that in ancient times bore the name Rasite.

The body of the spit consists of sand covered with a thin (several centimeters thick) plant layer.

The formation of this layer took place over many decades, and most likely centuries.

This is the main legend of the Curonian Spit about Neringa, the coastal (beach) giantess.
Like all legends, it is a bit long. Therefore, in order not to bore you with a few words, I will try to convey the essence.
Many hundreds of years ago, when the Curonian Spit did not yet exist, on the seashore... In general, there lived a good fellow, Karvait, and his wife, famous for her fidelity and beauty. However, they had no children. And next to their castle, on a hill, stood the sanctuary of the good goddess Laima (no, not Vaikule, although who knows what the surname of that goddess was - the myths don’t tell about it - Laima, and that’s all).
According to the modern version, for a bribe - Karvait sacrificed a huge elk to the goddess Laima - the goddess gave them a child - the girl was born into the Karvait family.
But the girl grew up very quickly - at nine months she began to run, she was as big as a child of 15 years old, and had braids as long as two hands.
Then the parents got scared (and who wouldn’t be scared - I would have gone crazy if my daughter had grown like that at the age of one - the engineer’s salary at that time would not have been enough to raise her) and called the priests.
The priests didn’t think for a long time (this is the habit of priests - not to think for a long time) and came to the conclusion - everything is fine. A child is a magical gift from the goddess Laima. This means he cannot be a mere mortal. My daughter will continue to grow, so we need to build it for her. new house, taller than the tallest trees.
When Neringa (that was the name of the giantess girl - now you know who she is) became an adult, what the prophets predicted came true: she brought happiness wherever she went.
Of course, Neringa had a betrothed. Naglis his name - the ruler of Windenburg Castle - as the old-timers claimed - was similar to Neringa herself in height and beauty.
The couple delayed something with the wedding: a storm came from the west (where else could a misfortune come from - only from the wild west) and raged without a break for 13 years. The sea threw huge masses of sand ashore. The waves destroyed everything that was possible and impossible on the coast. Windenburg Castle was also about to be swallowed up by the abyss of the sea. Then Neringa decided to build a barrier in the path of the raging waves. She collected a full hem of sand, carried it and poured it into the sea, and so she worked without a break for several weeks. When the work was completed, a thin sandy strip of land stretched across the sea from one shore to the other, separating the quiet and calm surface of the bay from the raging sea.

This is how the Curonian Spit appeared. And scientists tell all the fairy tales that supposedly there is an interaction between two natural forces here. Waves and coastal sediment flows move sand toward the shore, and constantly blowing winds move it onto the spit, forming sand dunes. You can't trust scientists!

The wedding of Naglis and Neringa was celebrated, but the music did not play for long. Armored knights of the Teutonic Order came from the west (again from the west) and south and conquered the Curonian Spit along with other lands, including the land of Skalovia, in which Windenburg Castle is located. Neringa's sons and all her relatives died in the struggle, and the castle was destroyed. Its walls collapsed into the bay and, as the shipbuilders say, are still visible to this day in the clear water not far from the shore.

This is a bit of a sad story. And why do beautiful girls have such bad luck in love affairs? Although, without love, nothing beautiful was created on Earth (I already explained this in the story about Iguazu - here is another confirmation).

The northernmost point of the Russian part of the Curonian Spit - Morskoe

(until 1946 - Pillkoppen, (German: Pillkoppen), located 44 km from Zelenogradsk.

The first mention of Pillkoppen dates back to 1532. That settlement was gradually covered with sand, and in 1712-13 it was moved to a new location, northeast of the previous one.

Later it was postponed again due to the threat of being covered with sand. Only after securing the adjacent sand dune

By dune inspector Franz Efa (hence the dune's name), this threat was eliminated.

From the sea along the western slopes of the Loose dune (German: Kaspalegeberg)

Once again I became convinced that I had somehow annoyed Neringa. The fog above this place was as dense as milk (or “almost” like milk, or the milk that they sell in our stores).

There is an observation deck at an altitude of about 55 m above sea level

From which you can immediately see the bay, Swan Lake, and the Baltic Sea.

We approached the sea. But they didn’t even bother going up to the platform. You can't see your arms outstretched. To deceive you, I could photograph a white sheet of paper and show it. But I’m not used to deceiving (and especially in the land with Munchausen, I’m very connected) - I only give out the truth. Well, or almost the truth, just a little bit if I make it up somewhere.
And the village of Morskoye itself is located at the base of the Efa dune.

One of the Baltic attractions is the Efa dune. This is a large sand ridge stretching for 4.5 kilometers along the Curonian Lagoon. This dune is the largest in Europe, so it attracts many tourists from neighboring Lithuania, and from all over Russia and Europe.

What is the Efa Dune?

In fact, this is sand, which is actually called Nut. However, more often it is called by the name of its highest point - Efa Height, which, by the way, rises up to 64 meters. The dune begins approximately at the 16th kilometer of the Curonian Spit and stretches all the way to the border with Lithuania.

There are hiking trails along the entire length of the spit. The desert landscapes are picturesque: the sky, the waves of the bay and the vegetation are what makes the Efa dune unique. - also a place of bird migration; for example, at the end of summer and autumn you can find many seagulls here. Nearby, by the way, there is also an ornithological station where birds are ringed. But besides the seagulls, there is something to see here.

The history of strengthening the "dancing" sands

The Efa dune was once surrounded by trees, but they were cut down in the 18th century. Why, why and who - history has no answer to these questions. But everyone knows exactly what happened after - the sands, no longer restrained by the roots and tree trunks, commanded by the power of the wind, began to move freely. Over the years, they destroyed 14 surrounding villages - the sand slowly penetrated into the houses, fell into the cracks and gradually crushed everything. They say that local houses even had one - if the sand starts to back it up, one narrow door could be opened.

Every year the dune protruded 20 meters forward. Stop it a natural phenomenon people were unable to do so and simply abandoned their houses and moved further away. Soon the sands began to threaten not only villages, but also shipping and rich fisheries. Therefore, in 1768, Europe decided to fight the elements. Nobody knew how, so they announced a competition for the best solution to the problem. Professor Titius won, and proposed to return the spit to its original appearance and replant it with trees. To do this, they built cages from dry reeds, which retain the sand and allow the dune to grow upward. When the desired height is reached, grasses are planted in similar cells, which grow well in the sun and have long roots that hold the dune in one place. And then they plant shrubs and pines, which with their roots help the common cause.

The work lasted for as much as 100 years, 40 of which the process was led by forester and dune inspector Franz Efa; it was in his honor that the highest point of the dune was named. He earned such gratitude from the residents of the local village of Pillkoppen (now it belongs to Russia and is called Morskaya). It was Ef’s contribution that stopped the advance of sand into the village and saved its residents and houses. There was even a memorial plaque dedicated to the forester on the dune, but today it is no longer there.

To date, work on afforestation of the dune is still ongoing; about 15 percent of all sand remains to be planted. Although, according to some sources, this 15 percent is the most mobile dune of Efa, which was left as the highlight of this place. Like the twig cages Efa designed, modern technology would support the sands without them, but the uniqueness of the object encourages us to preserve everything as it was conceived a century ago.

Walking not on special floorings is strictly prohibited here and is punishable by a fine. However, the reality is that tour groups enter the dune right under the prohibitory signs and go down to the bay, risking ruining two centuries of work.

What to see

The most important thing that the Efa dune offers is its natural attractions, namely breathtaking views. To admire nature, two observation platforms have been created here. From here there are amazing views of the Baltic Sea on the other side, of the village of Morskoy and of the alien landscapes of the dune itself.

When the wind rises in good sunny weather, millions of grains of sand in the air create the feeling of being in a real desert, as if you were in a sandstorm. This is an amazing experience for the Baltic region.

From the first observation deck you can see Staroselskaya Mountain. Here (according to legend) the local Curonians worshiped their pagan gods, and the crusaders built a fortress for themselves in the 18th century. But all this is buried and destroyed by wandering sands. From the second platform you can see Morskoe - picturesque village with houses under red tiled roofs.

Hiking routes

Since walking on the dune itself is strictly prohibited, wooden platforms are installed along it, along which you can take a walking tour. The length of the path is about 2.8 kilometers, the entire journey will take approximately 2 hours.

The entrance to the trail begins at the 42nd kilometer of the dune and is marked with a sign, but it is difficult to drive past - there are always a lot of tourists, cars and buses, and souvenir tents. The route is called “Height of Efa” and it is laid along the southwestern slope of the dune.

So, the route begins in a forest clearing, after walking only 200 meters, you can climb to the first observation deck. A wooden staircase leads to it along a very picturesque pine forest. The second platform is located a little further, at the highest point of the dune. Keep in mind that the landing is small and the stairs leading to it are narrow. During the season, due to the large number of tourists, it will be difficult to go up and down.

Features of the visit

Since the Efa Dune is a national park, you need a pass to visit it by car. It is issued at the park checkpoint. Travel to the territory costs 250 rubles.

The weather in the Baltic is very changeable - rain gives way to sun, and vice versa, so take an umbrella or raincoat with you, as well as a cap and sunglasses, in order to explore the local sands that make the Efa dune unique in any weather. Reviews from tourists and local residents They say: if the weather is not pleasant, wait five minutes. However, even if you like it, then in five minutes everything can change.

The hiking trail, laid on a wooden platform, is quite narrow, the flooring is old and rotten in places, so watch your step. In addition, after rain or in fog it can be slippery.

Efa Dune: how to get there

You can come and see the Efa dune by car. If you drive from Kaliningrad, there will be a sign in front of Morskoye, to the right of the road.

You can also arrive by bus from Kaliningrad. There is a route directly to Morskoye, but it rarely runs, so you can get to Zelenograd and change there to the Zelenograd-Morskoye bus. By the way, big Shuttle Buses This route takes longer than small minibuses.

Where to stay

You can stop for the night to explore the dune and the entire Curonian Spit in Kaliningrad or in the village of Morskoye. The city has many accommodation offers - from luxury hotels to inexpensive hostels and private apartments. Morskoe, as reviews say, is an actively developing tourist village where it is pleasant to relax. There are many boarding houses and recreation centers that are open all year round.

Complete guide to the Curonian Spit 2019. Best routes and attractions of the reserve. Excursions to the Curonian Spit - group and individual.

An excursion to the Curonian Spit is the best thing that can happen to you in the Kaliningrad region. This is even cooler than Kaliningrad itself. Those who find the Baltic (cold sea, snow-white, as if sifted, sand, dunes) a wonder will especially like it. The territory of the Curonian Spit is divided between Lithuania and. The border runs approximately in the middle, or to be more precise, 49 kilometers from Zelenogradsk (total length - about 98 km).

For more than 15 years, this natural landmark of the Baltic has been on the UNESCO list. The reason for the reverent attitude towards this piece of land is simple: the territory represents an aesthetic value, the likes of which are not found anywhere else in the world. The Curonian Spit, along with the Hel and Baltic Spit, forms a complex of dunes on the Baltic coast. The biological diversity and several types of landscapes make this area a treasure trove for geological research.

There are several unique habitats on the territory of the Curonian Spit. In them you can see rare and even endangered species of birds, plants and animals.

In spring and autumn, up to 20 million birds flock to the national park. Most are delayed to recuperate.

Favorable climatic conditions and picturesque landscapes make the Curonian Spit popular place and for beach holiday. True, it is worth making allowances for the temperatures of Baltic water and air - “ swimming season“Sometimes it lasts a couple of weeks. But the beaches are gorgeous: spacious, clean, snow-white. Most of them are practically not equipped.

Excursions to the Curonian Spit 2019

There are three options to get to the spit: on your own, with a guided tour, and with an individual excursion. The first method is mainly for those who drive their own car, and even then with restrictions. The other two are in stable demand:

  • The most popular option is a regular excursion. The only thing that overshadows it: a large number of people in the group and a lack of free time - not just for lunch, but even to take a closer look at everything and take pictures. As always, at a gallop. But, despite the chaos of the organization, the guides were wonderful everywhere. Prices from 1300 rub. per person.
  • Upon return, it turned out that there was a more comfortable option - a trip with an individual guide. On Tripster, which I now actively use, has a choice of routes to the spit. The only downside to them is that they are not cheap. Cost from 5500 rub. per excursion, in a group of 1 to 4 people - according to the number of seats in the car. Some guides even have 7-seater cars.

The most popular route is (7.5 hours from Kaliningrad to the national park and back). If there are no free dates, look at others - they are no worse. For new excursions that have not yet received enough reviews, guides offer discounts. Often up to 50%.

Sights of the Curonian Spit

On the Russian part of the spit you can visit the national park of the same name, which is the leader (!) in terms of attendance among the huge number of nature reserves in the country. To preserve the park's delicate ecosystem and protect the spit from destruction, free access to this area of ​​land is limited. However, excursions to the Curonian Spit National Park are available: entry into the territory is paid, but it is excellently equipped for walking. For excursion groups a route was developed along picturesque places, but not affecting the most vulnerable areas.

1. Station "Fringilla" (Curonian Spit)

All the attractions of the national park are popular, and it is difficult to distinguish which of them is more and which is less in demand. But I will say for sure: employees ornithological station "Fringilla" do not experience attention deficit. This station, which began its activities at the very beginning of the 20th century, is today the target of the same name tourist route. The route to Fringilla is half a kilometer long and is located at the 23rd kilometer of the spit. The ornithological station was created to observe migratory birds, ring them and count their population.

Communication with ornithologists on the Curonian Spit allows you to learn more about the bird world, as well as get acquainted with more than a century of cooperation between European and Russian scientists. The Fringilla site has the highest traps seen at similar stations.

"Fringilla" is being captured and studied huge amount birds. The process is proceeding very successfully, because an ancient bird migration route runs through the station, along which several million birds fly every year. At Fringilla, the following bird species are studied: willow warbler, robin, siskin, yellow-headed wren, brambling, great tit, song thrush, coalbird, blue tit and, of course, chaffinch, whose Latin name (lat. Eringilla coelebs) and the station is named.

Tourists are greeted by experienced guides with deep knowledge of ornithology. They tell most interesting stories from the life of the research center and birds, answering questions along the way. If tourist groups are lucky, you can see how the process of catching and banding birds takes place.

2. “Royal Forest” (Curonian Spit)

Route "Royal Forest" on the Curonian Spit

Another popular forest route is called “Royal Forest” and runs along the initial section of the spit - 5-6 km from Zelenogradsk. This route, the distance of which is 2.8 kilometers, runs through an ancient forest area represented by coniferous trees, many of which are over a hundred years old. Picturesque forest landscapes and nearby water meadows were in the old days part of the royal reserve, where the best falcons in all of Prussia were captured and trained.

The forest growing here has never been cut down. Also interesting fact is that not far from the forest there is one of the most popular tourist centers of the Curonian Spit - “Dunes”.

3. “Dancing Forest” (Curonian Spit)

Dancing forest - the calling card of the Curonian Spit

The “Dancing Forest” route, which is only 800 meters long, is notable for the fact that along its course you can see a unique section of pine forest with picturesquely curved trees planted to strengthen the Round Dune. This phenomenon is being studied by scientists, but popular rumor finds its explanation for it. Some are sure that somewhere here, in the Curonian Spit nature reserve, there was that same pagan Sacred Grove. Others talk about space-time distortions and other anomalies of this kind.

Be that as it may, the Dancing Forest is one of the most beautiful places Curonian Spit. And it attracts not only mystics and lovers of devilry.

4. “Müller Height” (Curonian Spit)

Impressions from the excursion: 9 out of 10 points

The route, laid at the 32nd kilometer, is called “Müller Height” and has a length of 3.5 km. It passes through the territory of the oldest part of the Curonian Spit - the island of Rasite, which is of glacial origin and is the historical beginning of the sandy body of the spit. Like the height of Efa (more about it below), the route was named after a scientist who fought against the movement of sand. Along the route you can get acquainted with the wealth local nature, see how work is being done to strengthen the dune, visit the village of Rybachye. And, of course, explore the surroundings from the observation deck located at an altitude of 44.5 meters.

5. “Height of Efa” (Curonian Spit)

Impressions from the excursion: 10 out of 10 points

Observation deck "Height of Efa"

Another “high-altitude” route of the national park is called “Efa Height”. Its length is 2.8 km, it passes at the 42nd kilometer of the spit, near the village of Morskoy. Efa Height is the highest point of the Petsch (Orekhovaya) dune, and it is named after the scientist and active figure Franz Efa, who worked on the problem of fixing shifting sands. The main part of the route passes along the southwestern slope, overgrown with forest, which is the same “safety belt” that prevents the dune from moving to the side settlements.

Along the route you can visit two observation platforms, each with views of the village, forest and water surface of the Curonian Lagoon. Efa's height is excellent place for lovers of landscape photography.

6. “Lake Swan” (Curonian Spit)

Not included in the standard excursion route

Panorama of Lake Swan on the Curonian Spit

The “Swan Lake” route is the longest one available on the Curonian Spit, its length is more than 4 km. It is located closest to Lithuania, at the 47th kilometer of the spit. This route allows you to get acquainted with the geological beauty of the spit and admire the surrounding landscapes from a 55-meter height.

Of course, there are other attractions in the national park, because along its length there are many settlements with rich history. But you will learn more about them from the guide who will accompany you throughout the excursion along the Curonian Spit.

Before visiting it is important to know:

  1. Entrance (and at the same time entry) into the park territory is carried out using passes.
  2. You can only walk on the spit along paths.
  3. Walking on sand risks not only a fine and expulsion from the park, but also spilling a large amount of sand into the water of the bay.

How is the excursion to the Curonian Spit going?

You now know everything and even more about the reserve’s routes. But keep in mind: the standard excursion only includes a visit to the Dancing Forest, Efa Heights and the Fringilla ornithological station. Sometimes a miracle happens, and tourists are taken first to the “Height of Efa” and then to the “Height of Muller”.

To see more and adjust the trip to your taste, you need individual route. You also have a list.

By the way, when we returned home, we figured out what to order. individual tour for 6000-8000 rubles. for four (and our company just consisted of four participants), profitable. This is 1500-2000 rubles. per person versus 1300 rub. behind group excursion, where there were exactly 42 participants.

But now it’s too late to think, I have to share my impressions of traveling on a big bus. By the way, we bought it on the spot, already in Kaliningrad itself.

A group trip has a lot of disadvantages: the guide sets a high pace, there is little time for photography, there are a lot of people. On the narrow and slippery platforms of the reserve, the frantic speed of walking became a problem. Looking into the lens, I realized that I was behind and, trying to catch up with the group, I twisted my ankle unpleasantly.

The first stop on the road to the Curonian Spit is in the village of Morskoye. There is a fish shop there where you can buy local products (the hit of the program is smoked eel). At each stop on the route you will also see shops with amber. If you haven’t purchased any of the products yet, know that prices are lower than in Kaliningrad.

Well, then the Curonian Spit is full of vivid impressions. It’s hard to choose which is more picturesque: the observation decks, the Dancing Forest or the ornithological station, where the first owl of the season was caught a couple of hours before our arrival.

The only upsetting thing is the catastrophically small amount of free time at each site. We ran at a gallop through the Dancing Forest, observation deck The Efas were all very nervous while 42 people were taking pictures, and we were given 35 minutes for rest and lunch on the Baltic coast.

Not even that: either for rest or for lunch, since it is unrealistic to do both in such a time frame. We chose a vacation: no one had seen the coast and snow-white sand before, and the film “ Long road in the Dunes" everyone watched it as a child. I also love the detective series “Bay of Fear,” which was filmed in Morskoy and right in the middle of the Dancing Forest... But if I start telling you, the article will be endless.

Tourists on the shore of the Curonian Spit

Thus, we managed to spend 15 minutes (considering that we need to walk from the bus and back) on the shores of the Baltic Sea - and this is a real thrill.

And in order not to exaggerate, I will say in conclusion: the rest of the excursion was friendly and, in places, very fun. We even became friends with the guys from Yekaterinburg and the girl from Khabarovsk and then traveled together.

Route of the Curonian Spit on the map

Theoretically, you can travel the distance from Korolev Bor to Lake Swan in 12 hours. In practice this is almost impossible. By national park There are few places where you can walk with impunity, and getting around without a car is very difficult.

The Efa Dune is located at 42 kilometers of the Curonian Spit, stretching from Zelenogradsk (Kaliningrad region) to Lithuanian Klaipeda. The sand ridge received its name in honor of Wilhelm Franz Eph, a German scientist and engineer who was involved in strengthening and landscaping the spit.

Oddly enough, but a couple of hundred years ago, today’s attraction posed a serious problem for the local population. Long-term deforestation and cattle grazing led to the fact that in the 18th-19th centuries. in this area of ​​the dune landscape a real ecological catastrophy. The place turned into a lifeless desert, and the sands that began to move began to fill up the houses of local residents. The German authorities (at that time the territory of modern Kaliningrad belonged to Prussia) decided to stop the advance of the dunes by entrusting the development of a project to strengthen particularly dangerous sections of the spit to V.F. Efu. It is thanks to the efforts of the engineer that today’s visitors to the heights of Efa can admire its desert landscapes without fear of being buried under a layer of sand.

Walk among the dunes

Regular excursions are organized to the Efa dune, but at the same time, many travelers prefer to get acquainted with the natural beauty of the height on their own. Since the area of ​​the site is small, it is easy to get around on foot. The tourist route passes through the southwestern slope of the Orekhovaya dune. Highest point this majestic dune is the height of Efa (64 m above sea level).

Please note: to avoid accidents, walking on the Efa dune itself is prohibited. For walks and excursions, wooden boardwalks are used here, leading to the main viewing areas.

The sand ridge is located a little away from the 42 kilometer of the highway, as evidenced by the road sign. If you are traveling with your own car, then leave it at the roadside parking lot and walk along the wooden boardwalk passing through the pine forest. Along the way you can come across a large number of information stands telling about the animal and flora The Curonian Spit, as well as the history of this amazing natural-anthropogenic landscape.

Walking along the walkways winding among the snow-white hills, don’t be too lazy to climb the Orekhovaya dune. It is from here that a wonderful view of the Curonian Lagoon, the Baltic Sea and the nearest village of Morskoe opens.

An interesting fact: the history of the village of Morskoye began in the 13th century. The first settlement on this section of the spit was founded by the knights of the Teutonic Order, giving it the name Pilkoppen. Throughout its existence, the village was periodically covered with sand, which is why it changed its location three times.

The height of Efa is equipped with 2 observation platforms, from which you can not only admire the cosmic landscape of the ridge, but also see the remains of the dune fortification system invented by a German scientist. On some slopes, fragments of fences made of dry reed stems are still preserved. Herbs with a powerful root system were planted in these improvised cells, which helped to hold sand mountains on the spot.

How to get there

Since the Efa dune is located in close proximity to the highway, it is better to get here by car or bus. You can rent a car immediately upon arrival in Kaliningrad. For those who prefer to travel by public transport, there are two options: bus route 593, going from Kaliningrad to the village of Morskoye, or route 210, which departs from Zelenogradsk.


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