Borders between different countries of the world. What do the borders of different countries of the world look like? Are borders between states necessary?

State border - usually these are border guards armed to the teeth, trained shepherd dogs, barbed wire and strict passport control. But not everything is so simple!
Between many countries, the border is a purely symbolic line running along the sidewalk or dividing along a country road.

Germany - Czech Republic

Norway - Sweden
People on snowmobiles prepare to travel along the trail separating the two northern states.

Poland - Ukraine
Giant fish between Poland and Ukraine symbolize the conventionality of borders between countries. Their creator is Polish artist Jaroslaw Kozyara.

Sweden - Finland

Austria - Hungary - Slovakia
This picnic table is a meeting place borders of three countries of the European Union.

Argentina - Brazil - Paraguay
On the left is Argentina, on the right is Brazil, in the middle is Paraguay. This is the Triple Frontier - the place where the Iguazu and Paraná rivers meet, connecting the three South American nations.

Brazil - Uruguay
Here the border between countries runs right along the sidewalk. On the left is Brazil, on the right is Uruguay.

Argentina - Brazil
Iguazu Falls are located on the border of the Brazilian state of Parana and the Argentine province of Misiones.

Costa Rica - Panama
This single-lane bridge over the Sixaola River is the natural border between the two countries Central America, through which thousands of cars and trucks pass every day.

Argentina - Chile
The statue of Jesus Christ, perched high in the Andes, symbolizes peace between the two South American countries.

Canada - USA
The border between the United States and Canada runs through the town of Derby Line, right through the buildings.

USA - Mexico
This photo is of the border between the city of Nogales, Arizona (left) and the city of Nogales, Sonora (right). Every year, almost 350 million people legally cross this border, which is more than 3 thousand kilometers long, making it the most heavily crossed border in the world.

Belgium - Netherlands
The border in the village of Barle is the most controversial and confusing in the world. The entire village is surrounded by the Netherlands, but its 26 separate territories belong to Belgium. In order not to confuse tourists, the border is marked with white crosses right in the middle of the streets. This makes it clear whether you are in Belgium (Baarle-Hertos) or the Netherlands (Baarle-Nassau).

Nepal - China
The border between Nepal and China runs right along Everest.

Germany - Netherlands
The border between Germany and the Netherlands is marked in the Eurode Business Center with a metal strip. And although mailboxes located on both sides of the border, letters reach their recipients only after a week.

Russia - USA
This is an island between Russia and the USA. The island is separated by 35 km from both Chukotka and Alaska. Despite this, the time difference is 21 hours.

China - Mongolia

Haiti - Dominican Republic
The photo shows deforestation in Haiti (left) and the land Dominican Republic(on right).

North Korea- South Korea
The Joint Security Zone pictured here is only part of the Korean Demilitarized Zone, where South Korean and North Korean troops stand face to face.

Pakistan - India
Every evening a ceremony called "lowering of the flags" takes place in Wagah, the first of which was held in 1959. The border at Wagah between the two Asian countries often called the "Berlin Wall of Asia".

Northern and southern hemispheres
This is not a state border, but a line drawn in a park in Ecuador, which is located at latitude 0 degrees - the meeting point of the two hemispheres.

Politics is an interesting thing that affects the lives of each of us in one way or another. But today is not about that. Today we will look at how politics has affected the borders of various states. And if you expect to see borders with traditional checkpoints here, then prepare to be surprised. These photographs demonstrate how incredible and even absurd the policies of states regarding their borders can be. And also how neighboring states solve the same issues.

1. Norway and Sweden.

2. The Netherlands and Belgium.

4. And it divides the city almost in half.

5. Former East and West Berlin. When the city was still divided, East Berlin used sodium light bulbs to light the streets, while West Berlin used mostly halogen bulbs. This difference is still visible today.

6. South and North Korea. At night, North Korea is blacker than black.

7. USA (right) and Russia (left). The Diomede Islands are located on both sides of the border between Russia and the United States. Despite the fact that the Russian island is only 3.8 km from the American one, it is 21 hours ahead of it in time.

8. USA (left) and Mexico (right).

11. USA and Canada.

12. With a length of 8851 km, this line marks the border between the United States and Canada. It passes through the small town of Derby Line, even cutting buildings in half.

13. Spain and Portugal. Portugal is famous for its bad roads.

14. India and Pakistan.

15. Bright orange light floods the border area between the two countries.

18. Haiti has virtually no control over deforestation, so its side of the border is bare compared to protected areas. tropical forests Dominican Republic.

19. Poland and Ukraine. These two fish, created by designer Jaroslav Koziara, symbolize unity and trade between these countries.

21. China and Macau. In China, traffic is on the right, but in Macau, because... it was once a British colony - left-hand side. This has resulted in a rather "winding" border that should suit both types traffic.

24. Germany and Poland. The bridge on the Odra River from Poland to Germany was blown up by the Red Army in 1945.

27. Netherlands and Belgium. The Belgian road system is one of the most frequently used in the world, because... Belgian roads are often used by cars from other European countries. As a result, some Belgian roads have practically disappeared.

I present to you the most unusual borders that divide all kinds of states. Here you will see a picnic table, which is the place where the borders of three European Union countries meet, ride a snowmobile, climb over a high fence in Spain and do many other interesting things.
UK and Spain - This is an international border checkpoint between the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar and Spain.

Norway and Sweden - People on snowmobiles are preparing to travel along the trail separating the two northern countries.

Haiti and Dominican Republic – Photo shows deforestation in Haiti (left) and Dominican Republic (right).

Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil are the Triple Frontier - where the Iguazu and Paraná rivers meet, connecting the three South American nations.

The United States of America and Mexico is a photo of the border between the city of Nogales, Arizona (left) and the city of Nogales, Sonora (right). Every year, almost 350 million people legally cross this border, more than 3 thousand kilometers long, making it the most crossed border in the world.

China and Nepal – The Top of the World high mountain in the world - Everest is located on the border of two small sovereign states.

Argentina and Brazil – Iguazu Falls are located on the border of the Brazilian state of Paraná and the Argentine province of Misiones.

The Netherlands and Belgium - The border at Baarle is the most controversial and confusing in the world. The entire village is surrounded by the Netherlands, but its 26 separate territories belong to Belgium. In order not to confuse tourists, the border is marked with white crosses right in the middle of the streets. This makes it clear whether you are in Belgium (Baarle-Hertos) or the Netherlands (Baarle-Nassau).

Costa Rica and Panama – This single-lane bridge over the Sixaola River is the natural border between the two Central American countries, with thousands of cars and trucks passing through every day.

Brazil and Bolivia – The river separating the two countries draws a clear boundary between the deforestation rainforests of Brazil (light green) and the forests of Bolivia (dark green).

Poland and Ukraine – This part of the border between the two European states every year they decorate before the local arts festival (Land Art Festival).

Slovakia and Poland – Mount Rysy in the High Tatras is located on the border between two member countries of the European Union.

Argentina and Chile – The statue of Jesus Christ, rising high in the Andes, symbolizes peace between the two South American countries.

Afghanistan and Pakistan - An American sentry stands at the Torkham Gate, which is one of the main border crossings between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

USA and Canada – This is the longest international border in the world, stretching almost nine thousand kilometers.

Egypt and Israel - Canadian astronaut Christopher Hadfield took this amazing photo from the International space station. The image shows Egypt (left), Israel (right) and the self-governing Gaza Strip stretching along the Mediterranean Sea.

Austria, Hungary and Slovakia – This picnic table is where the borders of three European Union countries meet.

Vatican City and Spain – The entrance to St. Peter's Square marks the border between Italy and the sovereign Catholic city-state of Vatican City.

Spain and Morocco - A tall fence preventing illegal immigrants from entering Spain marks the border of Spain's two North African exclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, which border Morocco. These two spanish cities completely surrounded by Morocco. The photo shows Ceuta.

Pakistan and India - Every evening a ceremony called "lowering of the flags" takes place in Wagah, the first of which was held in 1959. The Wagah border between the two Asian countries is often called the "Berlin Wall of Asia".

North Korea and South Korea - The Joint Security Zone pictured here is only part of the Korean Demilitarized Zone, where South Korean and North Korean troops stand face to face.

Northern and Southern Hemisphere - This is not a state border, but a line drawn in a park in Ecuador, which is located at latitude 0 degrees - the meeting point of the two hemispheres.

At school we are taught that the entire territory of the Earth is divided into separate states.
Somewhere this division is obvious - a barbed fence, a neutral zone, border guards with dogs, and somewhere the border is just a white stripe on the road or a river bed, and standing on some of them you can literally see tomorrow.

Now I will show you the most interesting and unusual examples of border divisions between countries

Netherlands and Belgium
The Dutch town of Baarle-Nassau is located adjacent to the Belgian city of Baarle-Hertog. So dense that the state border between the Netherlands and Belgium runs not just right along the city streets, but through separate houses and restaurants. This is due to the fact that in the Netherlands there was a law according to which restaurants had to close early, so resourceful owners of drinking establishments came up with the idea of ​​​​building them right on the border and after the hour “X” they simply transferred customers to the Belgian side. In general, in Europe there are many similar closely located settlements, some actually constitute one settlement - such as, for example, the Latvian town of Valka and the Estonian town of Valga.

Spain and Morocco
Most believe that Spain is an integral state, however, it also has several enclaves (settlements surrounded by the territory of another state), they are located in Africa. One of them, Ceuta, is separated from Morocco, which is closely adjacent to it, by a huge double three-meter wall with barbed wire, motion and noise sensors, as well as a passage for border guards. It is not that Spain is afraid of an attack from Morocco, it is just that it is tired of the influx of illegal migrants and smugglers from Africa. The wall, by the way, was built with EU money relatively recently - in 2001.

Egypt and Sudan
Bir Tawil is probably the only territory in the world that does not belong to anyone and, moreover, no one claims it. “Nobody” in this case is Egypt and Sudan, between whose borders this “piece of land” with an area of ​​2060 square meters is located. km. As a result of legal and diplomatic conflicts that occurred in the 20th century, both countries hastened to renounce responsibility for this territory, and so it remains to this day, a draw.

Nepal and China
Everest, also known as Chomolungma, also known as Sagarmatha, is the highest mountain border in the world, since the border between Nepal and China runs right through the center of the peak of the mountain. Otherwise, he is absolutely unremarkable, if you just forget about nine tragic stories climbing and more than 260 climbers forever remaining on the slopes of the top of the world.

USA and Canada
Borders running right through cities are not only a European quirk; there is one such “strip” between the USA and Canada, in the city of Derby. Not only does the border run right through many houses (if you want to take a bath, go from the USA to Canada), but two large municipal buildings - the opera house and the library - were quite deliberately built right on the border. In an opera, the stage is on the Canadian side, for example, and most of the audience is on the US side. Because of this, all "double" houses have two mailing addresses - one American, the second, respectively, Canadian.

India and Bangladesh
The border between India and Bangladesh is probably the most porous border in the world, with a total of 200 enclaves. However, the enclave of Dahal Kagrabari No. 51 even against this background stands out - it is the only third-order enclave in the world, that is, being the territory of India, it is surrounded by the lands of Bangladesh, which are surrounded by the lands of India, which themselves are an enclave on the territory of Bangladesh. Dahala Kagrabari #51 is not just a donut hole, it is a hole of a donut hole. Dahala Kagrabari No. 51 existed until August 1, 2015 .
On June 6, 2015, India and Bangladesh signed a land border agreement that included the exchange of enclaves. According to this agreement, India handed over 111 enclaves to Bangladesh in the states of Assam, West Bengal, Tripura and Meghalaya with total area about 70 square kilometers. Bangladesh handed over 51 enclaves totaling about 28 square kilometers to India. The population of these territories was more than 50 thousand people. After the exchange of territories, residents of the enclaves were asked to choose citizenship. After the exchange of territories, the only exclave remains the Bangladeshi Dahagram-Angarpota, connected to the main territory by the Tin Bingha corridor.

Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea
Demilitarized zone separating North Korea and South Korea, is now considered the most heavily guarded border in the world. Its width is 4 km and its length is 241 km. Due to the complete absence of human activity in this territory, the demilitarized zone has turned into a unique nature reserve. But activity is observed under the zone - over 50 years, South Korean border guards have discovered a total of 17 tunnels, dug clearly not by ordinary single Koreans. The most legendary of them, discovered in 1978 and today shown to tourists, represents the crown of North Korea’s “high technology.” It is dug in granite rock at a depth of 73 m, its length is 1635 m, and its diameter of 2 m allows soldiers to move freely along it in full combat gear. It comes to the surface on the South Korean side some 44 km from Seoul. He was discovered only thanks to information from a North Korean defector.

North Korea, China and Russia
The Tumannaya River (Tumangan) is one of the few “natural” borders, which in fact is the border not between two, but between three states at once. For most of its course, the border between China and the DPRK passes along it, and in the lower reaches - between the DPRK and Russia. Moreover, there is a point from which you can take just one step into the territory of any of the states. True, it is located at the bottom of the river.

Russia and USA
The Diomede Islands are two islands and several rocks in the center of the Bering Strait at a distance of about 35 km from Chukotka and Alaska. The Ratmanov and Kruzenshtern islands belong to Russia and the United States (respectively) and are the westernmost and easternmost points of these countries. But they are notable not only for this, and not even for the fact that their residents can travel to visit each other without visas. The International Date Line runs between the islands. This means that when residents American island look west, they don't just look at rocks above the water, the territory of another state or the most eastern point Russia - they look to “tomorrow” in the literal sense of the word.


The most unusual border divides the village of Baarle - a Belgian enclave inside the Netherlands, divided between the two countries. For centuries, the inhabitants of Baarle-Hertog and Baarle-Nassau could not decide who owned the land. Today, the border between them runs not only along the streets, but also along residential buildings, cafes and shops. You can brush your teeth in Belgium, but go to bed in the Netherlands.

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand whether you are in Belgium or already in Belgium. Signs on houses help out. Baarla has two mayors, two city councils, two post offices, two fire stations, two police stations, two telephone networks, two football clubs. As an exception, the village's 9,000 residents can call each other via domestic rather than long-distance lines.

Gorizia (Italy) - Nova Gorica (Slovenia)

The Italian city of Gorizia, located on the border with Slovenia, has attracted the attention of monarchs since ancient times. It was part of the territory of Italy, Austria and even France, where Napoleon included it. In 1916, the city was occupied by Italian troops, and after World War II in 1947 East End Gorizia was incorporated into Yugoslavia and today is the Slovenian town of Nova Gorica.

There is no control at the border between the countries - cars enter Slovenia without hindrance. But the bike path is still blocked by a metal fence, so cyclists have to move onto the roadway. Gorizia and Nova Gorica share one station. The square in front of it also has a border marked by flower beds. Motorcyclists and cyclists cross it without problems, and motorists use this place as a parking lot.

Valga (Estonia) - Valka (Latvia)

In 1920, the city of Valka, located in the north of Latvia, was divided by the border. Its northeastern part passed to Estonia and was named Valga. Serious difficulties for residents of the two countries arose only after the collapse of the USSR: border controls were established between the cities. Hundreds of people rushing to school, work or just to visit friends were forced to spend time every day crossing the border, paying for car insurance, work permits and stay in a foreign country.

Customs worked tirelessly. In particular, she made sure that more than 10 kg of blueberries were not brought into Estonia; they had to pay for the excess. Latvia and Estonia could not reach a common agreement and simplify border crossing for 16 years, until both countries joined the Schengen zone in 2007. Border control disappeared, and now residents move freely.

Nicosia (Republic of Cyprus - Northern Cyprus)

The capital of the island of Cyprus was divided into two parts, Turkish and Greek, after the invasion of Turkish troops in 1974. The border in the form of a mighty stone wall ran right through the center of the city. Gate between Nicosia and Lefkosia (as they call northern part Turks) opened in April 2003, and the center of the capital seemed to come to life.

Cafes and fashion stores appeared there, bars and clubs opened. So now the Greeks go to Turkish part cities for cheap things and live music, and Turks enjoy looking at the rich store windows in the south and dining at popular fast foods. There are no conflicts or disputes in the city, even despite different religions.

Nogales (USA and Mexico)

The US border is 3,169 km long and runs through cities, towns, rivers and deserts. It also crosses the city of Nogales, one part of which belongs to the American state of Arizona, the other to the Mexican state of Sonora. The border is a high wall. Naturally, it is guarded more vigilantly by the United States.

But, despite growing security measures, more and more illegal immigrants enter America every year, and a significant part of them cross the border here. Nogales, Mexico has ten times more residents than its American neighbor. The contrast between the cities, comfortable homes in Arizona and the slums in Sonora is also striking.

Derby Line (USA) - Stansted (Canada)

Derby Line and Stansted are located on the border between the USA and Canada. Previously, residents of this essentially one town freely visited each other, but after the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, it became extremely difficult to enter the territory of another country. Border guards require a foreign passport, which many here simply do not have, and also inspect cars. There are security cameras everywhere and reminders that violators will be fined $5,000 or arrested.

On the border between Canada and Canada is the famous Free Library. It is even allowed to sit on a chair, two legs of which stand on the territory neighboring country, but you can only leave the building in your homeland. The border also runs under the seats. Opera House Haskell. The stage and half of the seats in the hall belong to Canada, but the entrance is located in the USA. The theater has two addresses. Local residents are having a hard time with the changes, but admit that safety comes first.

Konstanz (Germany) - Kreuzlingen (Switzerland)

You can go on foot from Germany to Switzerland via german city Konstanz, located on the shores of Lake Constance. Together with the Swiss city of Kreuzlingen, it forms a single urban space in which more than 115 thousand people live. But since Switzerland is not part of the European Union, the border between the countries, albeit in a lighter mode, continues to exist, although sometimes it can only be noticed by the corresponding signs.

The authorities have also simplified the payment system: in Konstanz and Kreuzlingen both euros and Swiss francs are accepted. Views from the shore of Lake Constance beautiful view on, and in very good weather, according to local residents, you can even see the Austrian Alps.

Interesting fact

The third largest city in Switzerland, Basel lies on the border of three countries. Not far from Basel, on French territory, there is the only airport in the world that belongs to three countries at once: Switzerland, Germany and France. EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg is jointly operated by France and Switzerland, which is also rare. And the Basel-Badischer-Bahnhof station belongs to Germany, although it is located in Switzerland. You can also cross the border by tram. Route No. 10 passes through french city Laymen. In the future, the lines will be expanded to connect Basel with Germany.


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