Abnormal time. There are many anomalous places on earth. Warning: white fog

It is our deep conviction that time, as a measure of the duration of various processes, must be constant. But, as it turns out, this is not entirely true. There are plenty of places on our planet where time flows somewhat differently. It is quite difficult to explain this phenomenon, but it occurs and cannot be ignored.

So, for example, if you try to keep track of time in the area where the Tunguska meteorite fell, you will be extremely surprised. Your watch is bound to lag. A similar situation is observed at the test sites nuclear weapons, in the area of ​​the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in areas where UFOs are most often found. The time lag is insignificant. It can be a fraction of a second within one hour. But with longer observation, the temporal discrepancy is quite noticeable. Sometimes in such anomalous zones Ah, temporary breakdowns occur, accompanied by the release of a powerful energy flow. And if there are people there at this time, they may disappear without a trace.

It's hard to argue with all this. It’s just not clear how time is affected natural processes? After all, in theory this shouldn’t happen. Although, scientists are familiar with the theory that when moving at the speed of light near huge space objects, time will slow down significantly. A person may be absent from Earth for 50 years, but for him this time period, by earthly standards, will be only a month. This is hard to believe, but it is a fact that cannot be denied. Well, if so, then there is a direct connection between time and the speed of movement of an object. This can be easily checked. Closer to the center of rotation of the body, the clock will lag behind, and away from it, it will rush.

If we study carefully anomalous places, then we note that they are always associated with intense circular motion. These can be the same whirlpools, underwater currents, etc. Anomalous zones can arise in places where the river bed bends. Such, for example, is the bend of the Volga River, called Zhigulevsky. It is in this area that UFOs are most often discovered.

The passage of time is influenced by tornadoes and tornadoes. It is expressed in the delay of clocks, the emergence of clairvoyance in people, etc. An example is the same Vanga, who, after being inside a tornado, lost her sight, but gained extrasensory abilities.

In our opinion, time has a constant and continuous character. However, in relation to various space objects it is discrete. The same pulsars can serve as an example. Scientists consider them artificially created objects. They have small sizes, no more than one kilometer in diameter, high speed, up to 500 kilometers per second. Sometimes these objects are arranged in a certain order, reminiscent of a geometric figure. Upon closer study, it was found that pulsars have the shape of a flat disk or cylinder, which is not typical of other cosmic bodies.

According to another hypothesis, anomalous zones may arise at points of contact different worlds. Scientists have no doubt that they exist. According to this theory, completely different worlds, which are represented by different dimensions, may well coexist on Earth. When they come together and touch, a breakdown occurs, characterized by the contact of completely different realities, which leads to a distortion of time characteristics. At the same time, space and matter change. This is the reason for the emergence of the anomalous zone.

There are places on Earth where so-called chronal phenomena are observed. People there sometimes lose track of time, and the clocks malfunction...

For example, in the Montenegrin city of Kotor, all the clocks show the wrong time - some are in a hurry, others are behind. In the Middle Ages, in order to correctly calculate time, city authorities were forced to introduce the position of a state pedometer. This person was instructed to leave the house every day at sunrise and walk at the same speed, first towards the city gates, and then back. At the same time, he had to look at his watch. If the duration of the one-way journey differed in time from the duration of the return journey, this indicated an anomaly.

Interestingly, city residents associated the hourly interruptions with changes in the force of gravity. The clock is wrong - that means you're expecting an earthquake! The townspeople packed up their things and hastily left their homes. Whether their expectations were justified or not - the chronicles are silent about this. However, the last earthquake in these places happened in 1979, and time continues to be strange.

To the east of Tver (Russia), between the villages of Tukhani, Soboliny and Sosnovets, there is the so-called Sandov triangle. People here walk in circles for days, compasses and other instruments stop working. Tver surveyor Valentina Zemlyanoy had to verify the presence of this anomaly from her own experience.

In the course of our work, we had to examine this area too,” says Valentina. - So what: when we entered the zone, one of our comrades discovered that his watch had stopped. They began to check, and it turned out that the watches of all members of the expedition had risen at the same time.

When we got out in Tukhani, we asked the local residents for the time, and looking at our wristwatches, we were surprised to find that they were moving smoothly, and without any lag. They again had the same time as in Tukhani, Sandov, Moscow...

Later we told the geophysicists who came to Tukhani about the extraordinary phenomenon. Having become interested, they entered the area with their Sosna radiometric device, which measures the level of radiation and determines the presence of magnetic fields. But the device turned off and they couldn't do anything with it.

V. Zemlyanaya sees the reason for the phenomenon in the occurrence of sand and gravel mixtures underground. This creates a magnetic anomaly that affects devices and people. As for the clocks, which either lag behind or go correctly, when leaving the anomalous zone, the chronometers apparently speed up and after some time return to the normal rhythm, so that people do not notice anything.

Something similar is observed in the Verkhovazhsky district Arkhangelsk region, in archival records for June 30, 1912. It is said that the members of a scientific expedition that visited there and investigated the magnetic field, led by the scientist of the Imperial Academy of Sciences Alexander Loidi, all their watches simultaneously malfunctioned.

In the village of Morozov, which is 28 km from Verkhovazhye, in 1944 they committed forced landing five military aircraft: the pilots' instruments all went off scale at the same time and they lost orientation. However, this happens not only in Morozov.

Back in the 90s of the last century, St. Petersburg geophysicists recorded a local geomagnetic anomaly in the vicinity of Verkhovazhye. According to one version, the cause of its occurrence could be iron ore deposits. Not long ago, an expedition of three people arrived in these places under the leadership of Candidate of Geographical Sciences Anatoly Ekhalov. Researchers calculated that the center of the anomalous zone is located in a small forest on the river bank one and a half kilometers from Chushevice.

Before entering the zone, they deliberately checked their wristwatches, but after five hours all the chronometers already showed different time; The quartz watch ran two minutes ahead, the mechanical one was five minutes behind, and the electronic one stopped altogether and showed the same time - 11.65!

By the way, even replacing the battery the next day could not bring them back to life.

There are many places on earth that are anomalous from a scientific point of view. One such place where electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena occur (which, as is known, can affect the space-time continuum) is located near the Mexican town of Ceballos. In this town, televisions do not work, and radios, even if they are turned on at full power, barely squeak.

If you drive 50 kilometers into the desert from this settlement, to the place where the states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila border, you can find that the radio there is completely turned off, the compass needle begins to dance, confusing the cardinal directions. But the most surprising thing, which perhaps sheds light on the very nature of the phenomenon, is the fact that all the clocks in this zone stop!

In terms of its mystery, scientists say, this area is comparable to the Bermuda Triangle. Egyptian pyramids and Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayas, and what is noteworthy is that it is located at the same latitude as these world celebrities.

The first to discover the “Zone of Silence” (in some sources “Zone of Silence”) was chemical engineer Harry de la Pena, who carried out geophysical exploration of the area in 1964. Since then, discoveries in the Silence Zone have rained down one after another. It turned out that meteorites literally rain down here. Experts from the Institute of Scientific Research of the State of Coahuila once recorded the fall of 38 meteorites within three hours. Environmental scientists also discovered a lot of surprises, for example, the world's largest land turtle, and even with unusually yellow eyes. It is believed that the animal has thus adapted to solar radiation, which is 35% more powerful here than anywhere else in the world.

Travelers crossing the zone often see "strange lights" and "fireballs" moving above the ground at night. Sometimes, with the onset of dusk, a bright glow is seen here in the form of small rings that randomly rush over the desert.

And in 1969, a large meteorite fell into the Silence Zone, which had previously performed a maneuver in space that amazed the entire scientific world. A little over a year later, an American Athena rocket fell at the foot of the San Ignacio hill, which inexplicably deviated from its original route by 1.5 thousand kilometers. The American military arrived at the scene of the accident, along with rocket fragments, and removed several truckloads of soil, in which scientists suspect rich deposits of magnetite. A few years later, the top of the Saturn spacecraft used by the Americans in the Apollo project fell in the same place, causing a massive explosion.

Local residents talk about frequent landings UFOs and even contacts with UFO nauts. At the sites of such landings, scientists have discovered areas of fire-scorched earth, particles of a flammable substance unknown to science, and incredibly high levels of radiation.

Scientists in this anomalous zone also discovered the ruins of very ancient complex gigantic stone structures, whose age is estimated at several thousand years. At the same time, it is well known that ancient civilizations created their own megalithic structures in places with abnormal natural energy.

The secrets of the Silence Zone have not yet been fully solved, and it is quite possible that phenomena similar to those that occur from time to time in Bermuda Triangle. But it is possible that it is the presence of large deposits of magnetite that attracts metal objects and causes deformations of the Earth’s electromagnetic field.

The fall of a giant meteorite about 40 thousand years ago is also associated with the formation of a large crater in the state of Arizona (USA), which was called “Devil’s Canyon” for its anomalous properties. Gravimagnetic and chronal (temporal) anomalies are also observed here.

Another “meteor” phenomenon is associated with the surroundings of the village of Tabore, Daugavpils region Republic of Latvia. This zone also attracts meteorites, which can change their trajectories as they fly by. Local residents have already been able to verify the healing power of these “heavenly stones”. They are especially effective in curing the thyroid gland, as well as rheumatism and enuresis. Other phenomena characteristic of anomalous zones also occur here. This is how researcher A. Cherevchenko describes them: “...Apparently, talk about some kind of anomaly in this zone is not idle chatter. It’s not for nothing that in an open field outside the village of Tabore, my voice recorder suddenly stopped working. Rumor has it that radios in this area suddenly break down and electronic clocks do not show the time. Perhaps it is here that some mysterious fault in the earth’s crust passes, releasing an unknown energy from the depths, directed into outer space, along the rays of which meteorites rush down through the hole in the sky?

It is known that fault sites become a “favorite place” for UFOs and other inexplicable and little-studied phenomena. Now many experts also associate the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with its location at the intersection of two faults. In such places, “windows” to other realities can open due to the formation of certain “holes” in space and time. And then people who fall within the range of such a “window” can disappear from our world, and the essences of other worlds can “leak” into our world.

Numerous disappearances of people and aircraft occur in a trapezoidal area located from the southeastern border of the state of Alaska to mountain range Brooks. The local residents are Eskimos. they say that missing people “go into Nothingness.”

Another anomalous zone is located in the Changbai Mountains of the northeastern Chinese province of Jilin. During the Second World War, more than a hundred Japanese soldiers disappeared here without a trace while searching for a weapons depot, and the planes sent to search for them crashed in the mountains. Until now, as soon as someone finds himself in one of the gorges, the mountains of which have the same outline, the compass needle begins to spin wildly, something happens to the person’s memory, and after some time the traveler is no longer able to find the right road.

Scientists, puzzling over the mysterious phenomenon of the Gorges of Death, believe that the “devil’s mountain labyrinth” was formed as a result of a massive fall of meteorites, which created a strong magnetic field in the area, in which a person’s biological clock and his memory completely fail. But, as is already known, a strong magnetic field affects not only the human biological clock. Why not assume that it is capable of deforming space and time, as well as moving biological objects in time and space, as happened during the “Philadelphia experiment”? Moreover, in the opposite part of China, in the inaccessible mountainous region of Sichuan province, at an altitude of 4 thousand meters above sea level, there is another such land-based “Bermuda Triangle”.

Here, in the Black Bamboo Hollow, in the summer of 1950, a hundred Kuomintang soldiers hiding from the communists perished, and then, for some unknown reason, an American plane crashed.

banker. In 1962, five geologists disappeared in the same place, and one of the few surviving eyewitnesses - a hunter-guide - said that as soon as the advanced detachment entered the gorge, it was enveloped in fog, unclear sounds were heard, and when the veil cleared, there was no one left did not have. A powerful magnetic field was also recorded at this location. It is possible that in exactly the same way, already in 1976, a group of forest inspectors almost completely disappeared in this area.

And in this case, a certain parallel can be drawn with the “Philadelphia experiment” - in both cases, a powerful electromagnetic field was affected and before disappearing, people and the objects that were with them were covered by a certain “fog”. Perhaps even now the missing people continue to be somewhere in another time and another space and therefore are “dropped out” of our time and space of our world.

Thus, according to Dr. J. Manson Valentine, during the Philadelphia experiment, the destroyer Elridge gradually became enveloped in “an impenetrable and green fog, similar to the green, luminous one that survivors of the Bermuda disasters talked about.” According to the data provided by the candidate technical sciences V. Chernobrovoy, in the Soviet Union, a similar experiment was repeated on one of the Soviet cruisers of the Northern Fleet under the leadership of I. Kurchatov.

Own experiments with time, carried out by V. Chernobrov, candidate of technical sciences, revealed that the human eye perceives areas of space with different times (i.e., where the time flows of our and parallel worlds intersect) precisely as a “wall of white fog” or as glowing haze of various shades. Such areas of space can have a harmful effect on the body due to the difference in the speed of time in different parts of the body. Only initiates and magicians who have mastered special techniques can be in such points of space without harmful consequences to health.

Once, the author himself had to see this “greenish fog”, which passed along the border of a forest and a field not far from the village of Romashki, Priozersky district Leningrad region. This happened in 1990 at night, when our unit was returning to its unit after night firing at the tankodrome. We, still young officers at that time, were very interested in this phenomenon, since we had never seen anything like it before. Luckily for us, we didn't have time to explore it. At that time, we did not know the nature of this phenomenon, but having entered such a “fog”, you may no longer return either to your time or to your world at all. It should be added that the next night there was no repetition of this phenomenon. Apparently these “gates” operate strictly at certain times.

The presence of anomalous energy in these places was also evidenced by other incomprehensible phenomena, for example, bright white flashes at an altitude of five to twenty meters above the ground, which we also observed more than once. And one day they noticed a bright fireball hanging over the training ground, which apparently caused concern at the nearby Gromovo air base, since a pair of fighters flew towards the object, which diverged to the sides, bypassing the “ball” on both sides. Now it is difficult to say whether all these phenomena were a side effect of the influence of UFOs or, on the contrary, the activity of UFOs in this area was associated with the anomalous energy of the area? The answer to such questions can only be found after serious research.

In general, in subsequent years I repeatedly read about the presence of anomalous zones on the Karelian Isthmus and in particular in the Priozersky region. Yes, and with Ladozhsky

The lake is associated with many anomalous stories, including those related to the appearance of UFOs. For example, G. Fedorov describes one of these UFO appearances on March 24, 2006. in the period from 20.00 to 20.40 Moscow time. Observers saw the object simultaneously from the villages of Krotovo, Pochinok, Sinevo and Sudakovo, Priozersk district. This “object” also disappeared before the appearance of fighters from the Gromovo airbase.

Another anomalous zone, which the author had a chance to visit, is located near the village of Vasilyevo, Kolomensky district, Moscow region. The bed of the Oka River here runs along a geological fault. This is clearly visible, since the right bank here is quite high, about 30 - 40 meters. According to data collected by V. Chernobrov, candidate of technical sciences, UFO flights along the fault line have been repeatedly observed in these places.

The author observed one similar flight of a “fireball” in this area in a campaign of friends and relatives on the night of August 9–10, 2008. The "ball" appeared around 11:55 p.m. With southwest direction and silently flew along the Oka riverbed towards Kolomna, while keeping to the high right bank. Within 1-2 seconds it changed color from red to yellow and vice versa. The flight of the object was almost strictly horizontal, but not rectilinear: it made small zigzags. Visually, the size of the “ball” was comparable to a flare, but unlike the rocket, it was not going to go down at all.

The flight of this object was observed for about 3 - 4 minutes, during which time it flew about 140 of the observation sector. After that, somewhere above the right bank (approximately in the area of ​​the recreation center) it instantly “turned off,” like an electric light bulb turning off. It is possible that such instantaneous “switching off” of observed UFOs is associated with their transition to other space-time dimensions.

As for the appearance of the previously discussed anomalous “fog,” it is generally characteristic of space-time phenomena and is formed in places of transition from our world to other times and spaces. Fog, as a rule, can be of different shades. For example, greenish, crimson, blue. Scientists who studied the phenomenon of “blue fog” noted in the area where it was located an electric field strength exceeding that of a thunderstorm. For example, A. Guk notes that during the appearance of “blue fog,” car engines stall, and the image of the area seems to be “blurred.” Strong electrical charge was also noted by V. Polonsky, who encountered this phenomenon in 1998 on the Chilean-Paraguayan border.

V. Psalomshchikov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, who studied this phenomenon in the Urals, claims that the electric field strength in the area of ​​fog formation exceeds that of a thunderstorm, and a thin metal wire in silk insulation thrown into the fog zone instantly burns out. Similar phenomena are not uncommon in the Andes, the Himalayas, the Caucasus and other mountain systems, and scientists associate them with high-mountain electricity.

Such a strong electromagnetic field (natural or artificial) is capable of distorting space-time, creating a “hole” or “entrance” into another reality or another time.

Finding himself in such a fog, a person disappears from our space-time, and does not always have the opportunity to return back. Thus, many, emerging from a strip or wall of such “fog,” noted that much more time had passed in our world than their own watches showed, others inexplicably moved long distances.

P. Odintsov notes that “fog”, as a rule, appears unexpectedly and, unlike ordinary fog, it is completely opaque and more dense. It can occupy large spaces and has a clear boundary without a gradual transition. Radars are not able to detect objects falling inside the zone of such “fog”. People who have fallen into the “fog” claim that it is very difficult to leave its borders, because... it represents a kind of viscous and pressing medium.

In general, as many researchers note, anomalous zones often have a completely standard set of natural conditions, among which it should be noted: a change in the electrical conductivity of the air, the appearance of special clouds or the formation of fog, which can have different shades, the appearance of various glows in the sky or around objects, the appearance of various kinds of unidentified flying objects.

This is what he writes regarding the anomalous “fog” famous explorer M. Rechkin: “It must be said that in the area of ​​faults not only the glow of plasma flowing from the bowels of the planet is possible, but also the output of powerful plasmoids, which are often mistaken for UFOs, and also here the opening of space-time channels takes place, into which a person may well fall , and animal. In the evenings, in such places there is a greenish or purple fog. These channels are a kind of “gateway” to parallel worlds.”

This is how V. Shapina describes such a “hole” in space-time while she and her husband were in one of the anomalous zones: “...Night. Light fog. We are walking along the road. The lights of Krasnoslobodsk are ahead. Closer, a little to the left, are the lights of the farm, to the right are the lights of the agricultural farm. Suddenly the fog begins to thicken sharply, all sounds and all external landmarks disappear. My husband and I stand as if in milk. Slowly we moved forward. Suddenly, a small area of ​​several meters opens, surrounded by fog. Completely different smells: for some reason it smells like potato tops; and the noise of the engines of rare cars is heard, as if the highway is nearby. In our area the smells are different: it smells like grass, a river, and closer to the forest - pine. On the left you can see a ravine, it is not in the AZ (anomalous zone - author). I got scared, clung to Volodya and didn’t understand anything. And when we went further, as we moved forward, the fog retreated several meters ahead and thickened behind us. We turned back, entered the fog again and came out at the point where we started our movement ... "

Having passed further into the “fog” strip, they could move to a completely different area using a space-time “tunnel” (“holes”). But, in exactly the same way, using “holes” in our space-time, you can move to another continent or travel to the distant past or even the future, and perhaps to a completely different “parallel” reality. It is precisely such movements that can explain the large number of “defectors” - those who disappeared behind the wall of “fog” without a trace.

“Tunnels” formed by anomalous “clouds” pose no less danger to air travelers. The American pilot B. Jernon encountered a similar phenomenon when he took off on December 4, 1970 from an airport in the Bahamas. Having flown into a cloud, which was a “giant donut” about 20 - 30 miles long, he tried to leave it through a hole in the form of a “tunnel”. According to Gernon's description, the entire interior of this “tunnel” was dotted with small gray threads of clouds that were spinning counterclockwise right in front of and around the plane.

During the passage of the “tunnel,” all electronic and magnetic devices malfunctioned. Even though the plane was flying perfectly straight, the compass needle was moving slowly in a circle. At this time, the plane was completely invisible to the radars of Miami Airport. Having emerged 3 minutes later from this “electronic fog”, the pilot discovered that during these 3 minutes the plane had flown about 100 miles, i.e. twice as fast as expected.

Having become interested in such a “tunnel effect” of space-time deformations, Gernon began to study the nature of the formation of “tunnel clouds”. It turned out that the phenomenon of the formation of “tunnel vortices” in dense clouds in Bermuda is very common. He has repeatedly observed how such tunnels are formed: the clouds seem to begin to curl, forming tunnels five miles long, but with different diameters. Sometimes this diameter is 1 mile, and sometimes it reaches 3 miles.

Jernon flew through these “tunnels” inside the clouds many times after the first incident, and each time the plane covered a distance in 3 minutes of flight that it should have covered in half an hour. The pilot notes that high electrical activity and electromagnetic storms are not uncommon in these areas. Ball lightning is often observed here.

Another amazing phenomenon is the biconvex lens-shaped lens clouds. They have a strictly symmetrical shape and are associated with those areas of the ocean where the so-called “ white water" Very often this “white water” occurs near the shallow waters of the Bahamas. All these phenomena are characteristic companions of space-time phenomena.

To explain the essence of these phenomena, many researchers adhere to the version of the existence in various parts of our world of points of transition to other realities - parallel worlds. These transition points are called “portals” or “gates”. Periodically, these points in space are activated (as evidenced, for example, by the presence of “fog”) and a person who finds himself in a given place at that moment unexpectedly “slips” into another reality, or into other times of our reality.

Similar “valleys of death” and “devil’s gorges” exist in almost every part of the world. For example, in the Devil's Canyon, located in the wilds of the Amazon, people still disappear without a trace. There is a similar “Valley of the Seven Deaths” in the northern part of India. Australia also has a similar anomalous zone and it is located in a labyrinth of huge rocks in the Black Mountain region (Queensland, 26 kilometers from Cooktown), which local aborigines call Death Mountain. Daredevils who dare to enter this natural labyrinth often disappear from our world without a trace.

Another anomalous feature of mountain systems is associated with the occult properties of mirrors to influence time. It is no coincidence that mirrors have long been used in clairvoyant practices. Using these properties of the mirror labyrinth, the well-known Count Cagliostro could move to other times and other (including parallel) spaces.

Professor E. Muldashev discovered in mountain system Tibet has a whole system of “stone mirrors”, which are formed by ice and snow covered mountain ranges- a kind of “mirror labyrinth”. He wrote: “The stone mirrors of Tibet can compress time...” Another participant in the trans-Himalayan expedition, S. Seliverstov, came to a similar conclusion, who called these stone complexes a “time machine.”

John the Theologian testified that concave mirrors are capable of “stretching” or “compressing” time. This ancient knowledge was confirmed by academician N. Kozyrev, who created mirrors capable of changing the course of time. However, their size did not exceed 2 - 3 meters. What properties then might Tibetan “stone mirrors” the size of an almost two-kilometer mountain have? As researcher L. Volodarsky notes: “Placed in a certain way in relation to each other, they create the desired effect of a “time machine”, which is capable of transporting the initiate not only to different time periods, but also to other worlds.”

This reveals to us the secret of one phenomenon, which from time immemorial was noted by mystics and researchers who were looking for a way into magical land Shambhala, located in another reality, the entrance to which is, according to legend, in the Himalaya mountain system. The essence of this phenomenon is the distortion of space after crossing a certain line. Thus, the companions of Apollonius of Tyana, N. Roerich and some other people who visited this country noted that the path behind them became covered with haze and disappeared. It is possible that the “fog” that accompanies many space-time phenomena was again formed.

American and British scientists conducting research in Antarctica in 1995 also discovered a “whirling gray fog” in the sky above the South Pole, and a weather probe launched into this “streak of fog” after returning showed on the chronometer an even date thirty years ago - January 27, 1965 . This vortex funnel was called the “Gate of Time.” Currently, according to the statement of the American scientist Marianne McCline, the study of the discovered “gates” to other dimensions continues in the South Pole region. According to some scientists, similar gates exist in the North Pole area. How can one not recall the ancient legends of the Hyperboreans about the “Axis Mundi” - a colossal planetary space-time “tunnel” stretching from the North Pole to the South Pole and connecting all the parallel worlds of planet Earth.

In addition to the main tunnel on the planet, there are many other, more local “doors” and “windows” to other realities. Some of them are located on the surface, others underground, and others in the air.

According to the Danish physicist P. Heglund, from 1976 to 2001 alone, about 274 cases of spontaneous movements of people and technical objects are known. At the same time, according to statistics, airplanes are the most likely to get caught in “time loops.”

But such gates can also be located on the surface of the earth. Walking in such a “fog” is for amateurs thrills may end unpredictably: you never know in what time and space you may find yourself. And without certain knowledge of the nature of these phenomena, returning to your space-time will be very difficult.

But, nevertheless, some of these “travelers” manage to return back. Especially if they do not move far from the border separating the worlds. Here is how the vice-president of the Academy of Spiritual Development, A. Golubev, describes a similar incident: “On May 19, 1991, I went to another meeting with the unknown. As soon as the friends with whom I arrived were left behind, a certain “fog” floated behind me, gradually surrounding me from all sides. When we moved away to a decent distance, the “fog” began to dissipate, and I suddenly found myself in the center of some circle - 10-15 meters in diameter, then as if in a huge “cylinder”, at the top of which a clear sky could be seen, where the stars were clearly visible . There was some kind of unearthly beauty... I realized that it was time to return. Seeing me emerge from the “fog,” my friends breathed a sigh of relief.”

In the same way, one of the workers managed to return to our time in 1995, located on the territory of one of the chemical plants in Florida. Footage captured by an impartial CCTV camera showed a worker approaching the warehouse being enveloped in a “band of whitish fog” which dissolved along with the man. At the same time, at the moment of disappearance, blinking of the image was noted. This blinking was repeated half an hour later, and suddenly the worker appeared in the frame again, but being in the “time loop” was not harmless to his health - he was vomiting heavily.

It ended well enough and independent travel V underground labyrinths the caves of the Reed Flute of one arrogant Japanese tourist. He just “took a nap” in one of the caves and, instead of 1998, came to the surface in 2001. And such cases are not so rare. Thus, over the course of 20 years, English researcher Jenny Randles managed to find more than 300 people who were in a time “loop.”

The appearance of such “holes” and “loops” in our space-time is possible both with the help of special technical devices (the Philadelphia experiment, etc.), and with the help of volitional magical influence or as a result of the action of the energies of the Earth and space. It is with the latter that the existence of permanent “anomalous zones” is associated.

From the point of view of quantum physics, the ability of people and objects to move in time does not contradict the data of modern science. Indeed, at the subatomic level, particles, and therefore the matter that makes up a person and the creatures and objects around him, have wave properties. Consequently, they can participate in energy processes, including instantaneous movements in space and time, regardless of mass and size.

If we consider time as an energy flow, then it is quite acceptable that its smooth flow at some points may be disrupted, as a result of which “temporary vortex funnels” or “time gates” may form. These are the zones of space-time anomalies, of which there are a sufficient number on our planet.

In our country there are many so-called “enchanted places” where people can lose orientation in space or even in time. This is facilitated by all sorts of magnetic anomalies. Thus, A. Silvestrov notes: “Devil's patch” - this is how in the old days they called areas where the most incredible incidents were possible: first of all, a complete loss of spatial orientation. The size of such anomalies, as a rule, varies from 100 - 200 m to 1 - 2 km. They are well known to the peasants of the surrounding villages. In a rare village they won’t show something like this.”

One such place is located between the villages of Usadye and Bokovo on the banks of the Oka, where a well-trodden path passing through dense bushes bifurcates. Even local residents These paths are often confused. Perhaps some deposits of magnetic ores are confusing our internal “compass”?

The “Oka” anomalous zone measures three by ten kilometers and is crossed approximately in the middle by the Oka riverbed. Moreover, as the researchers determined, it is located not only at the site of a tectonic fault - in this place, in addition, there is a certain ring structure ( ancient volcano or meteorite crater). UFO sightings, as well as the phenomena of teleportation and space curvature, are not uncommon in this area.

Here, for example, is how one of the local residents describes this phenomenon: “Once I went with my children to meet my husband - he was supposed to arrive on a boat. The path from the village to the pier is straight, the walk is only a kilometer. I think we'll arrive early, we'll have to wait. But it was not there! We go, we go, and we come out to a completely different place - to a farm. And so on several times. This is in our native places, where we know every bump. The obsession disappeared when I saw my husband - he was walking towards us. And he noticed us even earlier, when we were walking in these strange circles.”

There are also frequent cases when local residents, going for mushrooms, unexpectedly moved a whole ten kilometers to a neighboring village. Something similar happened to N. Tsvetkov in one of the parks in Prague, when, walking along a path, he unexpectedly found himself in a completely different city, 50 kilometers from where he should be. In these cases, people completely did not notice how they fell through a certain “window” in space, which transported them to various distances in the blink of an eye.

However, in other similar cases, people clearly observe a certain “fog,” which, according to many researchers, is precisely a characteristic sign of the energy barrier separating our world from other times and spaces. So, there is a city in the Ulyanovsk region called Sengilei. On the road passing near the city, thick fog sometimes falls over a section of about 300 m. However, it is not so easy to overcome this short section - the traveler invariably returns to the starting point, although he walks along a straight road that has no branches.

It is possible that this “fog”, as in other cases, accompanies the phenomena of space-time curvature. This fact is supported, for example, by a phenomenon occurring near the village of Ogarkovo, Ferzikovsky district: a person, having passed along one of the sections of the road, suddenly finds himself several kilometers away. And there are quite a lot of such places in Russia and in the world.

The phenomena of curvature of space and time are also observed at the famous Devil's settlement near Kozelsk. Here people not only lose their orientation, but also, having moved close to each other, do not hear screams; often the clocks of those who are lost are much slower.

A. Golubev expresses the following opinion on this matter: “The so-called anomalous zones can give useful experience. They reveal a different – ​​dynamic – geometry of physical space, which includes different geometries, including the well-known ones: Lobachevsky, Riemann and Euclid. The anomalous zones form a single life support system for the planet and probably have a very definite connection with the so-called black holes of our Universe, or neutron stars, through which communication with many universes is carried out.”

Thus, anomalous zones are “entrances” to other realities - parallel worlds of the Earth and even, subject to the existence of a corresponding space-time “tunnel” - to other universes. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the study of anomalous zones.

Temporary phenomenon on

Recently on about. Sicily was registered strange
phenomenon: for more than a week electronic
The clocks are fast by 10-20 minutes every day for most residents.

This phenomenon causes great inconvenience to the inhabitants of the island,
who are always late.

The phenomenon is truly amazing in that it has been recorded
failures in more than a thousand electronic watch devices in different places on the island.

Scientists from the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Catania,
put forward versions that can explain what is happening: amateur radio
experiments, unregulated solar panels or underwater repairs
electric cable, which has been running since May.

But the most likely cause of the temporary anomaly could be
Mount Etna, which has not been calm for the past few weeks. Maybe,
volcanic activity could have caused magnetic radiation that affected
electronic watch mechanism. Just as scientists believe, eruptions could have influenced the clock.
volcano particles of magnetic minerals contained in volcanic ash,
which covered almost all of Sicily.

Going in reverse
side clock in the Urals

The tornado that flew over Siberia shocked people not only with its
impressive power, but also because it caused a temporary anomaly. So in the usual
Ural apartment of Yuri Ilyichev, the electronic clock went to reverse side How
once during a tornado. After the owner of the watch took it out and put it back in
battery, the clock went in the right direction again. Scientists from the institute
electrophysicists of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, suggested that the tornado caused
electromagnetic field current,
which affected the drive of the electronic clock, causing it to go backwards
direction. But physicists themselves admit that they encounter a similar phenomenon

As is the case on about. Sicily, the electronic clock has malfunctioned,
which once again can prove the influence of electromagnetic forces, as suggested
physicists from Sicily and the Urals. But in the latter case, the electromagnetic field could
cause not a tornado, but powerful and frequent lightning that accompanied it. Atmospheric
lightning discharges could affect the clock, both with the help of an electromagnetic field and
and generally change the course of time itself.

The suggestion that lightning can affect the passage of time
put forward Vladimir Emelyanov,
member International Research
association "Kosmopoisk"
. Perhaps this summer the Cosmopoisk group will conduct an experiment,
which should confirm Emelyanov’s assumption. The experiment will be
be carried out in Ryazan
, in a place called "nest of lightning"(based on materials from LIFE NEWS).

Temporal anomaly in
Eltyubyu village

One of the most mysterious places regarding time
is the Balkar village of Eltyubyu. In this place the clocks in some houses are always
are lagging behind, in others they are in a hurry, and for some visiting tourists even
stop. But unlike the previous two examples, here there are anomalies
observed in both electronic and mechanical watches, which eliminates the influence
electromagnetism. This village is also famous for its long-livers, some
here they live to be 110 years or more. And women who gave birth at the age of 50 in this village
are considered commonplace. Here meat and milk do not spoil for a long time, and
also other products.

Scientists from the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and
propagation of radio waves of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it is believed that the village surrounded by rocks is
the base of the pyramid, the top of which is the tops of the rocks. Moreover, the edges of these
mountains are strictly oriented to the cardinal points.

It makes you think that the clock has started to go crazy
in different parts of the world almost at the same time (Except for the village of Eltyubyu, here
Temporal anomalies began to be recorded with the appearance of the first clocks in this place).
Even if scientists explain these temporary anomalies by influence: in the 1st case -
a volcanic eruption, and in the second - a raging tornado. But tornadoes and
erupting volcanoes have always existed, but with such a phenomenon, as they themselves admit
scientists, they collided for the first time.

So has time itself really gone crazy or
Is it just that the clock is out of order?


Since 1840, numerous strange incidents have occurred in the northwest Atlantic Ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle. Planes, ships with crews and crews mysteriously disappeared there for no apparent reason.

We will not retell many well-known cases about which much has already been written. Let us, however, pay attention to several incidents in which victims (for lack of a more precise word) left clues before they disappeared, hinting at what they were about to encounter; as well as in cases where people who experienced strange phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle area returned unharmed.

One of the world's most shocking disappearances occurred in 1945 of five Avenger bombers carrying ballistic missiles that had taken off from the Fort Londerdale military airfield for a training exercise. Some time later, all five bombers disappeared. The planes took off at two o'clock in the afternoon on December 5, 1945. The following account is taken from the book "Invisible Residents" by Ivan T. Sanderson:

“The first radio signal from the lead aircraft arrived at the base only at 3.35 pm, and, surprisingly, they did not request permission to land, but instead reported: “Calling the base. Urgent... We seem to have lost our course... We can’t see the ground... We We don’t see the ground.”

When the base was asked what their location was, they received a stunning answer:

“We cannot indicate our location. We don't know where we are at all. It seems we are lost."

When the base advised us to head west, we received an even stranger answer: “We don’t know where west is. Everything is wrong... Strange. We can't find our way. Even the ocean doesn't look the same."

Apparently the senior officer panicked and handed over command to another pilot, who also seemed confused when talking to the base. They heard a few words from the new commander, and then silence followed.

All pilots were experienced, and weather excellent. The strange disorientation that continued throughout the incident indicated that the five planes were on the threshold of another dimension. The commanders did not report any obstacles they noticed that could prevent the completion of the flight. However, they claimed that everything seemed “somehow different” to them. Most likely, they entered another dimension from which they could not return. A thorough search was carried out in the area of ​​the disappearance, but no traces of the aircraft were found... Until 1991. In the summer, divers searching for underwater treasures accidentally found at the bottom near one of Bahamas all five planes lying side by side on the bottom. It’s completely incomprehensible how they ended up there so close to each other.”

Sanderson also mentions two letters he received from a military pilot. In the first, his correspondent writes about an incident that happened to him while he was flying south over Korea in a B-26 late autumn or early winter 1955. The altitude was 7 thousand feet, and the B-26 was flying at a speed of 550 knots (1000 kilometers), while the maximum speed for this type of aircraft was 285 knots (530 kilometers), which indicated a tailwind blowing at a speed of 265 knots (490 kilometers ). Winds of 265 knots at an altitude of 7 thousand feet while moving south are something unheard of and almost impossible. In any case, the wind should have been felt on the ground, but no anomalies in the weather were observed there. The plane was also expected to experience severe buffeting as it entered and exited its southern corridor, which also did not happen.

The second letter described such a case. Fighter C-97 air force The US flew from Kwajalein Atoll to Guam at an altitude of 12 thousand feet (3650 meters). During the flight, the cruising speed suddenly increased, as if it was being pushed by 200 knots (370 kilometers) winds. Then the speed decreased to normal, and the strong wind stopped as mysteriously as it had appeared. In any case, the Si-97 covered 340 nautical miles (630 kilometers) in one hour, which was impossible for an aircraft of this type.

Sanderson asked a senior pilot to conduct a thorough analysis of the two stories. The conclusion was categorical: these incredible winds most likely rose suddenly in very narrow, isolated areas and died down just as suddenly, but gently, so that no turbulence occurred. The last comment was: “There is something very strange going on here.”

Without accepting this explanation, Sanderson puts forward a very interesting theory. He speculates that the planes may have become trapped in local "temporal anomalies" in which time moves more slowly. Thus, he argues, “the planes flew relatively longer” and returned earlier. He believes that if planes enter a time anomaly in which time flows faster, their speed slows down sharply, but the pilot attributes this anomalous phenomenon to headwinds.

Anomalies in time do not explain all the disappearances that have occurred in the Bermuda Triangle, but the above examples nevertheless suggest the possibility of occurrence in this region curvatures in time and space. In some cases, vehicles could become permanently trapped by these contortions. And indeed, most likely this was the fate of the five bombers. On the other hand, two military pilots were apparently able to escape from these strange areas unharmed.

Scandal with the bulk carrier "Milena"

“You need to drink less,” the company owner said irritably to Captain William Tooker, “and not involve the whole team in these matters.” And he added, already walking down the stairs. “We will find someone who can look after the interests of the company much better than you and keep the team in line.”

And the whole point was that the bulk carrier Milena, having left the Ceylon port of Colombo on a course to Bombay - Karachi - Aden and further through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, disappeared without a trace for several months. He arrived in Bombay, which was less than one and a half thousand miles (2,800 kilometers), later than if he had been continuously moving, calling at scheduled ports, almost around the whole world. Meanwhile, the ship’s instruments stubbornly showed: not a single extra mile had been made, the course was laid out optimally. The team led by the captain confirmed the same.

In the loud newspaper skirmish between the captain and the shipowners that followed Tooker’s dismissal (many newspapers in England took the side of the crew and its commander) and at the trial, few listened to the sailors. And even those who sympathized with the experienced navigator with 20 years of experience and his comrades were very skeptical about their arguments.

“If you believe the former owner of the captain’s bridge of the Milena and the records of the instruments, which were obviously simply cleverly reconfigured, then Tuker must be reinstated immediately. But only in order to immediately send him, along with his assistants and all the sailors, to a psychiatric institution for socially dangerous patients.” Even the respectable Times made this statement on its pages. Can you imagine what the tabloids wrote...

Meanwhile, demanding reinstatement in service, the disgraced captain referred not only to instrument readings (although the electronic log with a lag and other equipment equipped with recorders, according to experts, were not opened or adjusted by anyone after leaving Colombo). The tape recording reproduced the entire radio traffic of the ship from the moment it left the loading port. Scientists have taken this story seriously.

At about 7 o’clock “Milena” was regularly in touch, and then disappeared for those very months, while she was unsuccessfully requested via the air and was even searched for with the help of coast guard ships and aviation; she was eventually presumed dead. The tape recorder recorded all communications between the ship and the shore. Then came a strange entry: “We were attacked. An unknown sailing ship is landing troops on board. Help!" This signal was not received by the radio services of either Colombo or Bombay, or the ships that were in great numbers in this part Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea.

Sign up for logbook confirms:

“On July 12, 1983, at 2:08 p.m. after emerging from the tornado, I was met and attacked by a two-masted sailing ship of unknown nationality. The attack was repulsed with improvised means and with the help of the Thompson system machine gun on board. One attacker died. After that, he continued moving on the given course.”

Doubts that Tuker and the crew should be urgently sent to a psychiatric clinic began and grew stronger after one of the radio and electronics experts expressed official conclusion this opinion: “Listening to the tape recordings submitted for research allows us to draw a conclusion about the strange behavior of the airwaves at the moment the signal for help was transmitted. The coastal and ship radio stations that had previously worked on neighboring waves and were listened to on the Milena seemed to disappear from the air. The receiver recorded a significant number of atmospheric discharges, which in their frequency characteristics differ significantly from those corresponding to the area between 7 and 20 degrees north latitude and 70 and 80 degrees east longitude.”

While experts argued and doubted, William Tooker, who soon received a new ship from the same company and retired a few years later, stubbornly continued to insist on his, for many, an absolutely fantastic version of events.

This is what the story of the ship's many-month absence looks like as described by its captain and the testimony of other living sailors from the crew. By the way, they sailed with almost the same composition for about seven years, which at first served to praise Tooker for his ability to accurately select people and work with them. After the start of the litigation, this circumstance became the reason for accusations of “conspiracy among all members of the crew, who spent about three months in revelry and rest, hiding the ship in a remote bay.”

So, just a short story. Soon after the last airing took place, “Milena” was caught in an instant squall, accompanied by a strong thunderstorm and frenzied, as the sailors said, “lightning discharges, which none of us had ever seen before.” The clouds and rain streams disappeared in the same way as the previous episode of a film disappears during film editing. The sky became cloudless, and a moderate, although fairly steady, breeze was blowing towards us. “We have not yet had time to adapt to the instantaneous bright sun, when a sailboat of an ancient design jumped out to meet us, threw hooks on our side, and then all sorts of things began..."

People climbed onto the deck of the cargo ship, dressed in dresses cut from times long before the events from the book “Treasure Island.” It was difficult to make out individual words in the screams of the attackers, but everyone on the crew was convinced that it was not similar to any of the modern languages. At first, the team fought back with hooks and everything that came to hand. Then the first mate rushed to his cabin for the machine gun stored there and opened fire in long bursts. The defeat of the attackers was completed after they managed to turn on the ship’s powerful fire hoses and activate fire extinguishers with increased foaming. From all this, wild panic began in the ranks of the attackers. The sailboat immediately rolled off somewhere to the side, leaving one dead person on the deck of the cargo ship.

The body carried into the cabin was carefully examined. It belonged to a man who clearly did not know about the existence of soap, toothpaste, shaving accessories, etc. He had a wide curved knife of the Malaysian type with him. The dead man's clothing consisted of wide pants, tied with a sash, and a goatskin vest with the fur turned inside out. The trousers were clearly homespun or made from tarred burlap.

The captain ordered the body to be transferred to the ship's freezer, and locked the other “material evidence” in his safe. The first order was not carried out. The cargo ship again found itself in a thunderstorm of incredible force. The storm lasted no more than half an hour. And what followed in the words of Tooker and every single member of the team looked as they insisted from the first moment:

“Considering that we were attacked by bandits using exotic camouflage, we once again contacted the port of departure and Bombay to report the incident. And they were surprised when the local radio operators, after a long silence, almost unanimously began to shout: “So you have been found?” Are you alive?” We followed our course, didn’t go anywhere, didn’t drift in one place. What was a huge shock for all of us was not even the fact that the company’s management came down with incredible attacks, but the date on the coastal calendars was the end of October.”

By the way, the cargo of Ceylon tea lost exactly as much quality as if it had been on the road all this time. The deceased disappeared without a trace, his belongings remained in the safe.

Oddly enough, interest in the incident with Tuker and Milena was rekindled in 1991, after some clever hoaxers staged the “return of an Argentine airliner from another time zone.” And the following happened. A little-known airline informed the whole world that a Douglas plane that took off from Buenos Aires in 1938 landed at its airport in Bahia Blanco. The press was presented with the DS-3 itself, a pre-war production, and quite coherently talking about the “disappearance in time” of a young pilot, dressed in a pre-war uniform. The trick would have gone off with a bang if... First, the “commander of the airliner” was caught with the simplest lack of flight education and confusion in special terms. Following this, the retired pilot recognized in a color photograph in a magazine, for some unknown reason, the Douglas that he himself had flown and which had been written off in 1948 for sale to a private collector. The trick failed.

And then the “script for Captain Tooker’s thriller” was pulled from the editorial files. Forced to once again defend his good name, the sailor supplemented the existing materials with the results of serious scientific examinations. They, including on the basis of radiocarbon analysis, indisputably recognized:

"a) the fabric from trousers of an old cut presented for examination is burlap, made in the 16th or 17th centuries and preserved thanks to the resinous substances that impregnated it; other items can also be attributed to the same period: a knife, a vest and a belt in the form of a wide scarf, the least preserved from everything submitted for examination;

b) traces on the bulwark of the cargo ship were left by sharp, curved objects of metal origin, but small particles of this metal show that it was smelted using a technology that has not been used for at least a century and a half;

c) the sheet on which, according to the crew, the body of the deceased lay, corresponds to the time of its production and purchase indicated in the ship's documents, however, traces of liquid of organic origin (presumably blood) remaining on it cannot be accurately calculated in time due to the enormous date of their origin."

Actually, the last point and the disappearance of the body raised doubts even among scientists who supported the sailors 12 years ago and made a cautious assumption that the cargo ship could theoretically end up in another time dimension, an explanation for which can easily be found in the works of not only Einstein, but also his consistent and even opponents.

One of these scientists, Charles Moray, argued: “A corpse, having arrived in our time, could have undergone chemical processes normal for the human body in tropical conditions. After all, he actually seemed to remain in the same space for at least three centuries.” The reason for the delay of Tucker's ship? Obviously, entering and leaving the “other time curve”, which, from the point of view of the participants in the event, takes a few minutes, actually lasts months. Things? So even in museums they far outlive their former owners.

And while some gloated and others shrugged off the incident, the sailor and the explorer prepared a book. Over many years, they have collected dozens of testimonies from eyewitnesses and direct participants in “flights to other centuries.” Many opened up only to them because they were previously afraid of being branded crazy, although they had met not only pirates, but also, for example, cavemen or living mammoths. Moreover, whether this happened on land or at sea, it was invariably accompanied by thunderstorms or other manifestations of powerful electric fields.

Well, perhaps representatives of science will not rush to make a psychiatric diagnosis of witnesses of phenomena and events inaccessible to our current understanding.

The case of the Starfish

On October 16, 1992, the Indian ship Starfish left Bombay heading for Malaysia. There were 10 tourists and 39 crew members on board. At first everything went fine, but on the fifth day of the journey, a strong storm suddenly broke out. Radio communication was interrupted, and the last message from the ship was: “SOS! We're drowning! And soon the ship disappeared from all radars of ships approaching the disaster site.

When the storm subsided, five Indian Coast Guard boats set off to search for the Starfish. For several days they examined the disaster area in detail, but did not find any traces of the ship. All official reports noted that the Starfish tragically sank and all passengers and crew were killed.

Exactly three years later, day after day - October 16, 1995, in the same place, in front of the eyes of surprised fishermen, a ship appeared from nowhere. The ships nearby received a signal from him: “Everything is fine! SOS is cancelled! The storm suddenly stopped!

But no one heard any distress signal, and there were no storms in these places for more than a year!

The amazement of the coast guard knew no bounds when they learned that the mysteriously materialized ship was the missing Starfish. On board, passengers held a celebration in honor of their rescue. At first they did not believe that their ship had been officially declared lost for three years. The captain considered this statement an inappropriate joke. According to him, they sent the last distress signal no more than three hours ago, and the rest of the time they heroically fought the storm. One can imagine the horror of the Starfish crew members when they finally realized that they had been erased from life for three whole years!

Perhaps the narrated incident will seem implausible to some, but several other cases of this kind are known. As the Skeptical Inquirer magazine reported, in 1995, Louise Dupin, a French woman living in a small provincial town, disappeared under unexplained circumstances. It was not possible to find her, and relatives assumed the worst. But a year later, to the day, Louise unexpectedly returned. It took quite a long time to convince the unlucky “traveller” that her walk lasted a whole year.

It turned out that on that ill-fated day Louise went shopping. She found it a little strange that she didn't meet a single person along the way. Suddenly the sky became cloudy and a strong wind rose. The young woman felt ill for a while, and then she discovered that she had lost her way. After wandering for about an hour, she finally came to a local shop, sincerely wondering why all the neighbors were looking at her so scared...

Reports periodically appear in the press about people who mysteriously disappeared for one or another long period of time, and then reappeared in the same place. Scientists have repeatedly made attempts to study these anomalous phenomena, but so far none of the research results have been published. Meanwhile, people continue to disappear in similar ways in various parts of the planet. There is even some pattern. Usually, before disappearing, people observed a sharp deterioration in the weather. Suddenly a storm or hurricane, heavy rain began, and suddenly it became very cold. Most of the missing felt a nagging pain in their temples, their eyes suddenly darkened. Apparently, it was at this moment that a fantastic time shift occurred. According to the calculations of the missing people, only two, maximum three hours passed. Then they again found themselves in the same place where they were suddenly overtaken by a storm. One more nuance is striking. If a person believed that he had wandered for an hour, then he was found after a year, and when the missing person had two hours at his disposal, he showed up in real life two years later. It is noteworthy that the victims did not meet anyone on their way, and their wrist or pocket watches stopped at the moment of disappearance and return, and then started running again.

There are several hypotheses regarding these strange phenomena. According to one of them, people are abducted by aliens, who then study them for a long time. But this version does not seem convincing. Firstly, the “travelers” themselves do not remember anything about such experiences, and secondly, the similarity of such cases casts doubt on this.

Another point of view looks more interesting, although controversial. Perhaps powerful cosmic energy accumulates in some places on the planet, sometimes breaking space-time relationships. A person who accidentally gets there at this moment finds himself, as it were, trapped, out of time. But how he manages to come back is still not clear. Probably, the answer should be sought in the phenomenon of teleportation. In some ways, these two phenomena are identical.

Experts dealing with the problem of strange disappearances of people consider it necessary not only to conduct a detailed study of the areas where such phenomena occurred, but also to examine the disappeared themselves. However, now this is hardly possible, because most scientists, despite eyewitness accounts, still do not believe in the time gap...

In addition to the strange disappearances of people, there have been cases of objects falling into invisible holes from which they could no longer be retrieved. Sometimes such an item would appear later in another part of the world. In his book Strange Mysteries of Time and Space, Harold T. Wilkins describes an incident in which a man at sea accidentally dropped a knife overboard. At the same moment, his wife (who was at home) saw with horror how the same knife fell from the ceiling in the kitchen and pierced the table.

Objects fall into holes between dimensions, but they also seem to return from them. Almost every object imaginable fell through the holes: pieces of red meat, live fish, cookies, even alligators. A strange substance called "angel hair" is often spotted in areas where UFOs have been. This is a thin, white fibrous material that falls from the sky in areas where flying saucers have been seen. Such objects often fall from a clear, cloudless sky, when not even an airplane is visible that could be blamed for what happened.

There are several such mysterious regions known on Earth that seem to be in another world. In such areas, the laws of nature have almost no force.

One such place is Magnetic Hill near Moncton in New Brunswick (Canada). Cars, rubber balls, even water - everything easily rolls... up in this strange place. The forces acting on objects are not magnetic, because non-iron objects behave in the same way as those made of this metal. On Magnetic Hill, gravitational forces act exactly the opposite.

Another strange place where things behave differently than usual is the Oregon Sinkhole along Sardine Creek near Grant's Gulch in Oregon. The Oregon Sinkhole has a diameter of about 55 meters. Strange forces pull people and other bodies into the center of the vortex, so you must deviate from the center to maintain your balance. Objects even roll uphill on an inclined plane towards the center of the funnel.

Scientific instruments confirm the presence of the force, but scientists have not yet been able to explain its origin.

Everyone can attest to the strange forces that operate on Magnetic Hill and the Oregon Sinkhole. However, there may be similar ones on Earth strange places, affecting only some susceptible people. For example, American researcher Brad Steiger in “Mysterious Disappearances” describes a man who has the supernatural ability to pass through doors into other dimensions. Some of these doors lead to dark, lifeless places, without sound or movement, others to the past or future of our world.

If such holes in time and space really do exist, then a person cannot resign himself to just watching objects disappear into them. Let us hope that our knowledge will advance to the point where it will be possible to understand the nature of these phenomena.

The story of AVB and others

Just 10 years ago, reports of UFOs were called “fantastic nonsense.” But times are changing, and now skeptics are in the absolute minority. But since the majority of sensible people recognize UFOs and the “intelligent” elements accompanying them as a reality, albeit incomprehensible, then it is natural to recognize the carriers of this “intelligence”, that is, the inhabitants of the UFO, as real. And here it’s not far from abductions, and as a result – to contacts with people, and even very close ones...

American researcher Donald Worley, who has been studying the problem of abductions (abductions of people by aliens) for more than 30 years, has personally investigated about 100 such cases. He states in Faith magazine, April 1998, that the total number of kidnappings in the world reaches hundreds of thousands, and perhaps many millions! Moreover, without taking into account abductions, which the abducted are not even aware of! What happened is confirmed by indirect signs - for example, the sudden appearance of unusual abilities in the victims. According to Donald Worley, one of the abductees, Sandra from Georgia (USA), acquired the ability to turn off street lights from a distance of 30 meters from the lamp! Another victim, Alice from Maryland, interfered with the operation of televisions and computers with her appearance. Another abductee turned off street lights when he walked under them or passed them in a car. Moreover, the instruments did not detect any electromagnetism in this person. The details of what happened were clarified from those abducted using regressive hypnosis.

In the last decade, cases of forced sexual contacts between aliens and people have become more frequent. Donald Worley talks about one of them in detail. A woman named Pamara from Richmond, Indiana knew absolutely nothing about abduction. She was pregnant, and this was confirmed by ultrasound probing. One day, Pamara and her family were driving home when five miles northeast of Donald Worley's home near Abbington, Indiana, they experienced collective abduction. The aliens released the victims after four hours, which, of course, were erased from their memory. But Pamara was writhing in pain on the floor of the car.

Later, under hypnosis, the woman said that inside the UFO she was spread out on a table and four “gray” aliens were “processing” the abducted woman in various ways, including with instruments. Moreover, they assured that “they wouldn’t do anything bad to her.” Then they plunged some kind of instrument into the body, from which Pamara experienced severe pain and labor spasms. “They pulled the baby out of me,” the victim said.

In general, it’s too early to put an end to the problem of sexual contacts with aliens. Whether they are intended for evil or for good remains to be seen. Donald Worley believes that not for evil...

It's easy to dismiss sensational stories of kidnapping, time travel, and sexual experimentation, but how can you doubt the credibility of a solid, respected lawyer?

Antonio Villas Boas was 23 years old at the time. He lived a rough, simple life on a small farm outside the city of São Francisco do Sul in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais with his parents, brothers and daughters-in-law. The family hired a worker during the day, and Antonio worked at night.

Antonio wasn't particularly surprised when, around 1 a.m., he saw what he later described as a "big scarlet star" landing at the far end of the field.

The previous evening, at about half past nine, Boas was plowing with his brother when they saw a “dimly glowing red ball” hovering about 300 feet (about 100 meters) above the northern edge of the field. When Antonio wanted to come closer, the mysterious object darted to the other end.

However, this time Boas was alone and frozen like a statue, because when the “scarlet star” descended to a height of 150 feet (about 50 meters) above his head, he saw that it was shaped like an egg.

A blindingly bright object landed "on three legs" 50 feet from Antonio. In the front part three processes were visible, also with scarlet lights at the ends. The upper, dome-shaped part of the machine rotated counterclockwise. After landing, the dome turned from red to green.

Antonio wanted to leave on the tractor, but the engine stalled. He jumped to the ground and ran across the freshly plowed field. Someone grabbed him from behind. He pushed the creature away, but immediately three more fell on him. All of them barely reached his shoulder, and he himself was not tall: five feet five inches (165 centimeters).

Desperately resisting, Antonio was dragged up the ladder to the ship. He found himself in a brightly lit small square room with metal walls.

He was surrounded by five short creatures in tight-fitting overalls and massive helmets with tubes extending from them and reaching to the armpits. The thick-soled “boots” seemed to be part of the overalls, as did the large, clumsy gloves. From the appearance of the aliens, Boas was able to discern only small, faded blue eyes.

He was taken to another, also brightly lit, oval-shaped room. There the aliens made their first attempt to start a conversation with the captive. Subsequently, Boas said that the sounds they made were “some kind of shrill, completely different from ours. If they vaguely resembled any earthly sounds, it was perhaps the barking of a dog. I still shudder at the memory of them, and I can’t even reproduce them: my throat is absolutely not designed for this.”

Having failed to communicate verbally, the five aliens stripped the reluctant farmer naked. They wiped him with a damp sponge and took him to the third room. There was an inscription blazing above the door, which Boas managed to remember and subsequently reproduce for researchers (the letters were more reminiscent of Arabic, but even this similarity turned out to be very distant). This room contained several chairs and a couch. Boas's blood was taken for analysis. Then he was left alone. A strange smell filled the room, making him sick. After that, he felt noticeably better, and he began to gradually calm down, but then the most outlandish thing began.

Boas remained naked for about half an hour. Suddenly the door opened and a naked woman “with the most luxurious body I have ever seen” walked in. She also reached Boash’s shoulder; The hair on the neck, combed in a middle parting, curled inwards. They were very light, almost white - in contrast to the fiery red under the arms and on the pubic area. The stranger had a sharp chin, a straight nose, prominent cheekbones and large blue eyes. Boas noticed a scattering of freckles on his hands. The woman had a slender figure; breasts stood upright; he also noticed the wide hips. What happened next was perhaps inevitable, and it is best to leave the floor to Antonio Villas Boas himself.

“The woman silently came up and glared at me, as if she needed something. Then she suddenly hugged me and started rubbing her head on my face. The body seemed to be glued to mine and trembled.”

Antonio suspected that the smell that made him nauseous was some kind of stimulant that he did not need at all.

“Contact with the alien ended on the couch. It was a normal sexual act: she reacted exactly like an earthly woman. Then we caressed a little and repeated the act, but she began to resist.”

If so, then Antonio also lost interest - and even became offended. “All they needed was a breeding stallion to improve the breed; but I decided not to attach any importance: after all, she gave me a few pleasant minutes.”

He felt as if he was being coldly and calculatedly used. Moreover, the woman never kissed him - “she just bit him lightly on the chin.”

Immediately after this (it did not occur to Boas that, most likely, his exploits were reproduced on the monitor), the woman was called from the next room. Before leaving, she pointed to her stomach and then to the sky. Boas understood this to mean that sooner or later she and the other aliens would return to take him with them. (However, Brazilian scientists convinced him that most likely she meant her intention to give birth to his child on her planet.) After this, Antonio Villas Boas was returned to his clothes and helped to leave the ship. In parting, he tried to steal some kind of instrument as evidence, but he was stopped. Already on the ground, he saw the ship take off, sway slightly and instantly disappear into the sky. Boas stayed on the alien ship for 4 hours and 15 minutes.

The case of Antonio Villas Boas so stunned UFO researchers that his name only appeared in print 12 years later. But, although this episode became a classic of ufology, nothing was heard about Boas himself.

However, in 1978, his name suddenly appeared on a Brazilian television program, but he was no longer a simple farmer, but Dr. Antonio Villas Boas, a reputable lawyer with a practice in a small town near new capital, Brasilia. He married successfully and had four children. The only thing that changed in his testimony was a mere trifle: during the second intercourse, the alien took his sperm for analysis.

For hardened skeptics, the case of Antonio Boas has always remained a “dark country boy's fantasy.” However, now, 21 years later, a man with an academic degree, who enjoys authority in society, is intelligent, well-versed in speech, was talking about the same thing - in short, not a person who can be easily dismissed.

It should also be noted that, unlike most abductees who testified under hypnosis (often twenty or more years after the event), Antonio Boas first spoke about the incident four months later - and without any hypnosis.

“Cases with AVB” - this is the name it received among ufologists - was long considered the only one of its kind, since it included sexual contact - although in 1977 an even more sensational story was published in Germany by South African Elisabeth Klarer, who claimed that throughout 1954-1963 had numerous contacts with a crew of two who arrived from the planet Meton in the Proxima Centauri star system. One of the enlonauts, astrophysicist Akon, became the father of her child (see more about this below). Few ufologists took Klarer's revelations seriously - as well as the claims of other contactees that they visited other galaxies. Her story does not agree with the laws of celestial mechanics.

Proxima Centauri is one of three stars in the Alpha Centauri system and is a red dwarf star that is too small and unstable to support life in any form.

Until the 1980s, stories about kidnappings were generally not sexual in nature. The classic pattern can be seen in the well-known cases of Betty and Barney Hill (kidnapped in 1961 in New Hampshire), Betty Andresson (Massachusetts, 1967), Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson (Mississippi, 1973), David Stevens (Maine, 1975), Whitley Strieber (New York State, 1985) and others.

The events reported by these eyewitnesses followed the same pattern. First - the appearance of a UFO, sometimes accompanied by electromagnetic or other physical effects on the vehicles of eyewitnesses. The key factor in the vast majority of such cases occurs after the UFO has departed: it suddenly turns out that events that seemed to take a few minutes actually lasted more than an hour. Eyewitnesses conscientiously reported the incident to the police, local ufology society or sheriff. On their own initiative or prompted by relatives or ufologists, they underwent a hypnosis session in order to extract from the subconscious the memory of what happened in the mysterious “missing” time.

At the same time, many of the abducted retain clear memories of this stage of the “visit” and do not need any prompting or psychological drainage. At the same time, the actions of the aliens they described practically coincided with the testimony obtained under hypnosis, which cannot be said about the external appearance of the aliens and their ships.

As for the interior of alien ships, then, according to numerous testimonies of contactors, this is, as a rule, a brightly lit room, “sterilely clean, where everything glitters”; “white or metallic instruments” are conspicuous. The purpose of the instruments soon became clear, since the next stage of the abduction was usually a medical examination of the “guest,” often very painful.

Betty Hill and Betty Andresson independently claimed that they were examined using a “machine with sharp wires sticking out like needles.” Charles Hickson said his body was "scanned" using a floating device resembling a large eye. Betty Hill and Betty Andresson said they had needles inserted into their belly buttons as part of a "pregnancy test." Samples of skin, earwax, hair and nail clippings were taken from Betty Hill.

David Stevens had his blood tested twice; he was stripped naked and thoroughly examined from head to toe using a small “box”. Whitley Strieber claimed that he had a “huge and scary triangular object with wires coming out of it” being inserted into his rectum.

After examination, the abductees were either allowed to get dressed and leave the ship (some were transferred back by teleportation), or in very rare cases, they were given a tour of the ship.

As soon as people found themselves where they were abducted from, the object quickly flew away.

Whether stories of alien abductions are fact or fiction became a major point of debate among ufologists and captured public attention in the 1980s. New York artist Bud Hopkins, after personally witnessing the appearance of a UFO, became fascinated by stories of abductions and himself used hypnosis to extract hidden memories of the experience from the subcortex of numerous eyewitnesses. Writer Whitley Strieber, in his bestselling book Community (later successfully filmed), used personal experience as a kidnapping victim and other eyewitness accounts obtained under hypnosis.

Undoubtedly, Hopkins' book caused a stir in the media. mass media thanks to a new, sexual component. Many men talked about special devices that were used to extract sperm from them. An even larger number of women (notably Katie Davis) were hypnotized and provided details that led Hopkins to conclude that aliens were carrying out a program of genetic research and perhaps even interfering with the genetic system of unsuspecting humanity.

According to Hopkins, hypnosis revealed that aliens first visited Katie Davis when she was a little girl and implanted a device in her head that allowed her to determine her location at any time. (Katie and other family members will be found with identical scars of unknown origin on their legs. Hopkins explains them as a breakdown of cellular material, emphasizing that other kidnapping victims had similar markings.) At a young age, Katie became pregnant, but the pregnancy was unexpectedly and mysteriously terminated. Under hypnosis, it turned out that before Katie became pregnant, aliens visited her, performed an “unpleasant intimate procedure” and flew away. A few months later they returned and removed the fruit. Many years later, after she had married and given birth to two children, the aliens returned and gave her a little girl - “the spitting image of an elf or an angel.” Apparently it was her daughter from an alien. Katie Davis was not the only woman to become pregnant by an enlonaut.

Many prominent ufologists, from ardent adherents to those teetering on the edge of disbelief, have had serious doubts about the veracity of abduction stories dating back to the days of George Adamski, who, according to him, met a Venusian in the California desert.

However, if the stories of UFO encounters are a bizarre mixture of physical and psychic realities, it can be assumed that there is a rational grain in many reports of abductions - albeit of a strange nature. But there is a big difference between the story of a man like Dr. Antonio Villas Boas and the stories that Bud Hopkins put into circulation, and the key to these differences lies in the use of hypnosis.

The famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) believed that in the subconscious of every person a certain number of archetypal figures are stored (archetypes are the original, innate mental structures, images and motifs that make up the content of the so-called collective subconscious and underlie the universal symbolism of dreams, myths , fairy tales and other creations of fantasy, including fiction) - from old wise men to monsters. Jung considered UFOs to be creations of human consciousness, symbols projected onto the environment. Had Jung lived longer, he would have been interested to know that UFO passengers reproduced the archetypes of appearance and behavior that he attributed to the fruits of the collective subconscious.

Despite its many advantages in various situations, hypnosis cannot be considered a reliable tool for exploring the recesses of memory unless the hypnotist is extremely careful in the methods and content of the questions. One problem is that a false memory suggested by the hypnotist can become embedded in the mind and, felt as reality, will be strengthened from session to session.

There is an opinion among ufologists that Hopkins' conclusions, based on the hypnosis of abduction victims, have a significant flaw. Critics say he is too obsessed with his idea to be a conscientious researcher. Hopkins did not specifically train in hypnosis, just as he did not study psychology. Opponents accused him of extensive and shameless use of leading questions: they say, he makes the subject understand what answer would give him the most pleasure, and also violates other rules that professional hypnotists adhere to.

But the worst thing for Hopkins is that over the several decades during which the aliens “carried out genetic experiments on people,” a number of his key witnesses publicly recanted their past testimony. In 1987, Kathy Davis, the central character of Hopkins' book Uninvited guests”, frankly stated at the All-American UFO Symposium in Washington: “I don’t want to live with this anymore, because I don’t believe it. I don't believe it at all. Apparently it was something else."

Whitley Strieber, who received a million-dollar advance in 1987 for his best-selling book Community, admitted in 1991 that his impressions may have had a source other than “alien abductions.”

Attentive readers of the book themselves could guess this, because in it Strieber repeatedly hints that he happened to pass off fictional events as genuine.

Even more serious was the discovery that even those who did not know or were not interested in UFOs, under hypnosis, began to create in their imagination details of the abduction similar to those reported by eyewitnesses.

This amazing experiment was carried out in 1977 by Professor Alvin Lawson, Dr. W. C. McCall and ufologist John De Guerera at the Memory Institute near Los Angeles. The reason for the experiment was the stunning results of a study conducted by De Guerera. In the hope of obtaining even more details, eyewitness Brian Scott agreed to undergo hypnosis and “regression” - that is, to travel back in time to the moment when his contact with the UFO occurred.

In a state of hypnotic trance, Scott described his abduction by aliens. But in his normal state he vehemently denied that such an incident had occurred.

Lawson and his colleagues selected 16 volunteers who, according to the professor, “knew little and were even less interested in UFOs.” They were introduced in general terms to the classic abduction scheme: UFO landing, visit on board, medical examination. At each stage, participants in the experiment were asked what they saw and felt. Detail by detail, the volunteers produced images and impressions that were strikingly similar to those given by “real” kidnapping victims.

Lawson also noted that the descriptions of both the "real" eyewitnesses and the perpetrators of the imaginary abductions coincided with the basic archetypes that psychologist Carl Gustav Jung considered part of every person's subconscious fantasies. From this it was not difficult to conclude that people who imagined themselves as victims of abductions were simply succumbing to unconscious fantasies sleeping in the recesses of the human brain.

This text is an introductory fragment.


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