Not a welcome guest. How to quickly discourage an unwanted person from your home using salt. Opinion about the book

Several people are staying for the weekend at the secluded, old-fashioned Mitchell's Hotel. Of the service staff, only father and son are the owners. Others were unable to get there due to the beginning of the snowfall.

Soon the weather completely deteriorated, the roads were snowy and covered with an ice crust. Mitchell's found itself isolated. The guests at first perceived this as a highlight, but when one of them was found dead, they were afraid. It is impossible to leave, the telephone and Internet do not work. The police won't arrive soon. In addition, the electricity went out. They can only suspect each other or hope that the murder is the work of an uninvited guest who secretly made his way into the hotel.

It is obvious that the idea was borrowed from Agatha Christie and it is also clear that Lapeña will not plagiarize. The identity of the killer, his motives and methods will differ from the original source. From the first pages you could feel the atmosphere of the classic detective stories of the Golden Age. Readers follow the actions and thoughts of all the characters in turn. It is interesting to find out their opinion about those present, their intentions, pieces of their life and inner world. Before the first murder, I really liked everything. If it seemed that the characters were not developed enough or were shown too stereotyped, then I explained this by the fact that the book was just gaining momentum. The tension was also looming. The hotel and the area are described atmospherically. Complete immersion in the location.

After the first murder, I suspected that the writer was realizing her dream: “Create unloved characters and make them either victims or murderers.” The second murder confirmed my suspicions. But at first I was glad that Lapeña introduced different characters and did not limit herself to one type often used in psychological thrillers. It turns out that this was necessary to separate the “wheat from the chaff.” Someone is assigned to the role of victim or killer, and someone will definitely not suffer in any way, because he is the way the writer wants him to be. And how then can you feel the atmosphere and experience it? Still, it’s clear in advance.

And there are problems with suspense here. It's not enough to cut off the electricity and make the heroes freeze. There must be some other psychological stuff going on. They are the most effective. Sometimes something broke through, but this was not enough to create tension. Besides, I predicted all the moves. The template “You are a victim or a murderer, and you will not suffer” is understandable, but other moves are also familiar. Two points were unexpected: there is no clear indication of the guilt of one of the guests, the possibility of outside intervention remains; the latest plot twist. I wouldn’t like the deviation from the canon, because the whole point is tightness, but the ambiguity was attractive. Are they really the only ones in the hotel? Although the answer to this question is known even before reading the book. As for the last twist, it does not fit with the psychology of the character, therefore it is helpless. In general, Lapeña was not very good at revealing characters and psychologizing.

The ending was disappointing. I was expecting something more complicated, something more inventive. Both in concept and in development. It’s not like the police came, looked around and whoops – and here’s the evidence and it definitely points to the culprit, we arrest him, the case is closed. No logical conclusions, no analysis of the suspects' testimony, no psychological traps, nothing. One of the guests also understood everything (without the evidence found by the police), but remained silent because he was not sure. How, why, when did you understand? Why write about it? It’s better to simply recount the events from the killer’s point of view and that’s it. The motive is complete bullshit. It seems that everything was selected by Lapeña for the victims planned in advance. And where it didn’t fit, she gave up.

From the very beginning, I carefully read the thoughts of the characters, knowing that one of them is a murderer. I looked for indications of him, remembered what they were thinking about and how they expressed it. But Lapeña cunningly excluded all important moments for subsequent events from the thoughts of the heroes, and when it was impossible, she did not finish telling or deliberately lied. I took the easy path. If it weren’t for the author’s desire to kill the undesirables and reward the right ones, then I would not have any ideas about who could have committed the crimes. There is not enough information and clues. Some lines go nowhere. They are needed to confuse readers. If you worked on the theme well, it could result in a tense story. And this is distracting garbage.

The thriller contains a minimum of trash, is not based on everyday life and violence against women, but Lapeña exploits several annoying cliches. I liked the style, but the riddle was weak, and its solution was ill-conceived and uninteresting. There is little suspense, the characters are genre cardboard and do what the writer wants, and not what is consistent with their character. Nevertheless, I don’t regret reading it and will get acquainted with Lapeña’s other books.

I really love books from the detective, thriller, mystery and horror genres. Such books most often have an excellent, intricate plot with their own secrets, riddles and characters who hide something unsightly and mysterious behind their wonderful manners and life.

Shari Lapena is a Canadian writer. Sheri Lapeña worked as a lawyer and teacher in English, before moving on to writing fiction. Lives in Toronto.


Sheri Lapeña
Name:Unwelcome Guest
Year: 2019
Pages: 320


A snowstorm, a cozy old-fashioned hotel in the mountains, warm company. This is the kind of weekend everyone dreams of: here you can ski, drink delicious cocktails, or sit in the library with an interesting book... But the dream quickly turns into a terrible nightmare. The hotel has no internet or cell phone service, and the snow storm has caused power outages. And at night a dazzling body is discovered at the foot of the stairs beautiful girl- the most attractive hotel guest. I want to believe that this is just an accident, but soon another corpse appears. And the frightened, chilled guests can only huddle together and wait for salvation to come. In her new novel, Sheri Lapeña combines the features of a modern thriller and the traditions of a classic detective story in the spirit of Agatha Christie. A skillfully constructed, chilling plot and a distinctly old-fashioned atmosphere create a special, unique flavor of the book.

Plotmany may be reminded of horror films or other detective stories, many authors and film directors have more than once gathered their heroes in confined spaces with wielding maniacs, fellow avengers, etc., but despite such a common cliche, the plot of the book is interesting and not predictable...

Each hero hoped to spend a quiet weekend, some alone, indulging in thoughts and memories, contemplating and rethinking life, while some with their other halves tried to retire and spend time, some hoped to save their marriage. But subsequent events will change everyone's life...

Early on Saturday morning, near the stairs they find dead body Dana Hart, it looks like she fell down the stairs

but lawyer David Paley suspects it is murder. Suspicion falls on the groom Matthew Hutchinson; many do not believe that he slept all night and did not hear Dana leave the room, especially their quarrel late in the evening. What caused the quarrel and whether he really killed his girlfriend becomes an obsessive thought for everyone.

A cozy hotel turns into a trap. Due to Friday's snow storm and ice, electricity is cut off and there are no mobile connection and the Internet. There is also no opportunity to get out into the city and everyone has to be hostage to the elements and hope for a miracle...

Each hero becomes a suspect, some give the true reason with their behavior and appearance, and others with their past.

What secrets does Riley keep, who seems strange to everyone? Her isolation and unsociability only add to suspicion.

Lawyer David Paley, who was the main suspect in the murder of his wife.

Dana Hart, who seemed very familiar to some...

The atmosphere is aggravated new victim. All this leads to growing psychological stress and panic. Suspicions become more acute, everyone begins to seriously fear for their lives. The search leads to unusual finds that make people think about an "uninvited" guest.


The Mitchells Hotel has 12 rooms, but only 6 are booked for this weekend.

Main characters

- Gwen Delaney and Riley Shooter

Gwen wanted to spend the weekend with her friend Riley, thinking that it would be good for her friend and she would unwind a little. Riley, a war reporter who has been to many hot spots, doesn't mind leaving the city and spending a few days in solitude.

A criminal lawyer came to relax and think about life.

- Beverly and Henry Sullivan

A married couple is experiencing a family crisis. Beverly has high hopes for this trip to reunite with her husband.

A couple in love who came to spend time together away from the pre-wedding bustle.

Opinion about the book

The book is quite interesting, the plot is not bad either. The characters, with their oddities, didn’t evoke crazy sympathy, but Riley felt sorry for her from the bottom of her heart. The book, of course, won’t give you strong emotions and impressions, but it won’t be boring either.

I liked the atmosphere, you are immersed in snow-covered landscapes, evenings by the fireplace are all so pleasant and romantic. As the plot thickens, you begin to plunge into an atmosphere of hopelessness and paranoia, suspecting everyone and everyone, comparing the evidence and drawing conclusions)

Unwelcome Guest

Masha was sitting in the kitchen and leisurely drinking tea. It was a warm summer evening. Masha once again thought about the problem that had arisen in her life. In any case, she believed that what happened to her was truly a problem. However, a little more and the problem will be solved. Very soon - tomorrow morning. But still she had doubts: to go or not to go? To do or not to do?

The child was not and is not included in her plans. She's not ready for this. Slava broke off relations with her as soon as he found out about the pregnancy. Doesn't call, doesn't write, doesn't come. The other day she called his mother, but she said that Slava was in another city. He ran away, disappeared from her life. Goat.

She needs to study and work. You have to pay for a second degree. There is not enough money for a child. Or they won’t be enough to pay for tuition. I'll have to quit my studies. Then it turns out that the money spent on studies in previous years will be thrown away. No, now we need to study, work, and then we can give birth to a child. People give birth, and after abortions they give birth...Mom took the news without enthusiasm, and she was right: what kind of children does she need now? There is no husband, school is not completed, pregnancy is not planned - an ordinary “missed.” Well, she gives birth, so what? She will sit at home with the baby, but who will support them? There is nothing to expect help from parents, especially since they are no longer young enough to sit on their necks. And they are not obliged to support an adult daughter and grandson, strictly speaking. Someday later she will definitely give birth to children. Someday, when she is ready for this, when she has a diploma of a second higher education, a good job, a beloved and responsible husband. In a word - everything that will create decent conditions for the birth and upbringing of children. Not like now...

However, conscience was not silent and insisted.

After all, she is already twenty-seven, and every year her youth and health do not increase. And it’s unknown when he’ll be here again. Now she is young and healthy, and this is a big advantage. And since this has happened, let this child be born, let there be this child.

Come on, it will be in time. A few years won't solve anything.

Studying...This is not the most important thing in life. After all, she already has one higher education. And you don’t have to quit - you can take an academic degree. Then the child can go to a nursery, and she will transfer to correspondence, and will work and study again. Others study despite having children, including full-time students.

But then it turns out that she will have to bear the burden of study, work, and the child, and all this alone. No, she's not a horse.

Mom - yes, disapproved of her “flying up”. But dad said he would support any of her decisions. And he even promised to provide all possible assistance if she decided to give birth. The parents, of course, are not young, but they are not old either...

Not old, but just at this age many men have heart attacks and strokes. So you need to take care of dad. You can't stress him like that.

Strain? A little financial help for his daughter and grandson will not give him a heart attack. Moreover, his health, thank God, is good.

Well, no, it doesn’t matter, somehow it’s wrong. You need to rely only on yourself. And in general, if she is not ready to give birth to a child, she does not have to! This is very out of topic right now, and she doesn't need it right now. Why on earth would a child she didn't want ruin her plans?! Slavka left her anyway, and all because of him, because of the child! True, she doesn’t need Slava anymore. He turned out to be a scoundrel - this situation showed his true colors. But still, it's unpleasant. And the child, if born, will be a constant reminder of him - of this cowardly traitor, of this infantile man, whom it is difficult to even call a man after this.

But the child is not to blame for anything. And if a woman, divorced from her husband, raises children, don’t the latter remind her of her ex-husband? A husband is a husband, and children are children. These are different personalities.

Well, that's different. In this case, the children have already been born...

And what? What is the fundamental difference?

Yes, it’s just different, that’s all. Different situations. Born children are one thing, early pregnancy is another. No, she will not give birth to him.

This is already a tiny living person. He may still be a fetus, an embryo, but he is alive, he is growing and developing.

Come on, alive, not alive - what's the difference?! This is still a set of cells, in fact. He still doesn’t understand or feel anything! They'll knock it off and that's it. It was as if nothing had happened.

A small living person will be torn out of the mother’s womb...

No, it's all! Enough! All this is complete nonsense! You have to go, do it and forget it. This is the only right decision. Thousands of women have gone through and are going through this, and nothing.

On the appointed day, at the appointed time, Masha came to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the city hospital.

- Who is last? - she asked the women sitting in the operating room.

Masha took the turn. There were three people in front of her. She sat, trying not to think about her hesitation anymore, so as not to question the correctness of the decision she had made.

- Next! - came from the operating room.

Masha came in and handed the nurse the directions.

— Have you eaten anything since morning? - asked the nurse.

“No,” answered Masha.

- Take off your clothes!

Masha undressed and lay down on a chair. The doctor and nurse were preparing for the operation. Maybe get up and leave before it's too late? Take another week or two to think...What's the rush? The deadline is not yet pressing.

No, it's all over. Decision is made. She is already here, and now everything will be done. Get up and leave, saying: “Sorry, I changed my mind”? Who does that? The doctor and nurse will just twist their finger at your temple.

The nurse drew the medicine into the syringe. Now she will go into anesthesia. There is still a chance to get up and leave! While she is not under anesthesia, there is an opportunity to change her mind! This is a tiny child, alive, and he will be torn out, torn to pieces, killed...

No, no, not a child yet. And now is not the right time for his birth. And in general, she is not ready. A child must be desired, and so...

“Give me your hand,” the nurse ordered.

Pull your hand back, stand up and refuse the abortion! And don't care what others think!

No, what nonsense. Everything has already been decided, stop hesitating!

The nurse administered a narcotic substance, and Masha began to fall into unconsciousness.

“Lie down on the bed,” the voice ordered again. Masha, with the help of a nurse, crawled onto the bed. She had not yet recovered from the anesthesia and just lay there silently, not thinking about anything. "OK it's all over Now!" - flashed through her head. Having come to her senses, Masha felt relieved. The problem is solved, everything is over. The operation was easy and painless. Only blood was flowing and there were unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. But it will pass.

The day was warm and sunny. Masha arrived at the dacha. This was her grandmother's house, where she lived permanently. Grandmother needed to visit the doctors, so she went to the city for a week, asking Masha to stay at home. At that time, Masha had a vacation, for which her grandmother adjusted in advance and planned her affairs.

“That’s good,” said Machine’s mother. - Go, rest. After recent events, it won't hurt you to unwind and be in the fresh air.

And Masha went. She settled down in the house, walked around the garden, and tasted the first currants and raspberries. Then she visited the chickens and rabbits. She liked rabbits. For some time she stood silently in front of the cage and watched them. One rabbit jumped on the other. “Look, what are you! - thought Masha. - What free love you have! And don’t be shy about anyone! And multiply at breakneck speed." They give birth as much as possible. No contraception, no abortion. Everything is natural. And they do manage it. But those are rabbits, and it’s different with people. And the needs are different. And life is different. And in general, a person is not an animal; he must be able to think with his head. Unlike an animal, a person can decide whether to give birth or not. And it is a great blessing that there is such an opportunity. So, why would she give birth now? She now has completely different matters and concerns. I did everything right.

The day approached evening. The fresh air made Masha feel sleepy early. She fed the animals, herded the chickens into the barn, and immediately after dinner went to bed. Masha woke up in the middle of the night in complete darkness: she was awakened by noise coming from the second floor. She thought it was probably the window frame that was knocking. Masha looked out the window: there was complete calm outside. What could be knocking there? The neighbor's cat must have climbed onto the second floor and is making noise. Suddenly she heard someone's steps upstairs. And it was clearly not a cat, or even a dog. There was a man walking there. She heard this and understood. Robber? But grandma has nothing valuable on the second floor, just like on the first. There is not even a television - my grandmother preferred radio, books and newspapers to it. Masha lay motionless. Should we go and see who's there? Call the police? There was a crash upstairs: something fell. Masha was seized with horror. However, after the roar there was silence. The robber must have left. He climbed out of the window without finding anything valuable. Well, if anything happens, the house is closed, the phone is at hand. Masha lay down for a while, and then went into the kitchen, took a large kitchen knife and put it under the pillow. The noise did not resume again, but Masha could not sleep for a long time. She felt uneasy in her soul.

Masha woke up quite late in the morning. As morning came, her night terrors disappeared. Now you don't have to be afraid of anyone. Masha first decided to go upstairs and see what was going on there. It was scary, but Masha decisively opened the door to the room. There was no one. Silence. Furniture and all things were in their places. Masha looked into the attic. It was also quiet there. There were no traces of anyone's visit.

Masha went to the store and prepared lunch for herself. The day passed calmly and serenely. But in the evening, when Masha went to bed, she began to feel anxious. She couldn't sleep for a long time. She turned on the sconce and began reading a magazine. At two o'clock in the morning Masha turned off the light and again tried to fall asleep. Soon steps were heard upstairs again. Clearly, someone was walking around the room. Then a creak was added to these sounds. There was something eerie, frightening in this creaking. It sounded rhythmically, at regular intervals, and this made it even more terrifying. Creak-creak...creak-creak...

Masha grabbed the phone and called the police.

“Someone has broken into the house and is walking around the second floor!” - she explained to the dispatcher. Then she gave the address. The challenge was accepted.

About twenty minutes later the police arrived. They went up to the second floor and examined it.

- Girl, we looked at everything. There is no one,” they stated.

Masha went to bed. Well, no means no. But what was it? However, if there is no one there, there is nothing to worry about. There was no more noise upstairs, silence reigned in the house, and soon Masha fell asleep.

The next two nights everything was calm. There was silence in the house, and Masha breathed a sigh of relief: it seemed that there were no more reasons for alarm. However, on the third night, history repeated itself. Steps again. Heavy, characteristic only of man, namely a man. The creaking is just as creepy and frightening, causing shivers to run through the body. Bolt. Steps again. What if this is a homicidal maniac waiting for the right moment to attack?!

Hello! Someone is walking on my second floor again! Someone is making noise there, some kind of creaking is heard... No, I’m alone in the house... No, no dogs, no cats... It doesn’t seem like it!...

The dispatcher accepted the call, and Masha began to wait. The police arrived - the same ones who were there last time.

- Girl, we searched everything again. Nobody here. Go and see for yourself.

The police went upstairs again, this time with Masha. They clearly demonstrated to her that there was no reason to worry. Indeed, everything turned out as they said.

“You’re either just having fun like this because you have nothing better to do, or you should see a psychiatrist,” said one of the policemen. - Take a sedative - maybe it will help?

The police left.

Masha went to bed in confusion. Maybe she really is paranoid? It seems like, no, she's not crazy. Eh, I wish I could get back to the city...

The next day Masha called her grandmother and told her the whole story. The grandmother treated what her granddaughter told her with disbelief.

- Come on, stop it, who could be making noise there? Do you keep the windows closed? she asked.

- Yes, I have never opened them. And I close the house for the night.

- Well, that's all. There is no one there to make noise. And it’s too early for you to fall into insanity. This is already possible for me due to my age, and you are still a young girl.

- But I heard! Do you think I'm just making things up?!

- Well, you dreamed or imagined it half asleep! Maybe there were crows walking on the roof or someone’s cat. Do not pay attention. Yes, I may be in town for a bit.

Yes...Crows, cat...I dreamed about it.

Masha woke up. It was two o'clock in the morning. Again this noise, again the steps, which were still heard very clearly. Masha was simultaneously overcome by fear, despair, and anger that no one believed her. Creak. Knock. It seemed as if someone on the second floor was hitting the floor with a large stick. Panic seized her. What to do?! It was scary to go upstairs, it was out of the question. Call the police? She was afraid that if she called the police again, they would call a brigade - for her. They already hinted that it wouldn’t hurt for her to see a psychiatrist when they came for the second time. So what to do?! Panic took hold of her more and more, she jumped up and ran out into the street in horror, throwing on a light summer jacket and putting her feet in sandals as she ran. In the garden she felt a little calmer: now she was free. If this is, after all, a murderous maniac, and he suddenly comes down and wants to attack her, she will have the opportunity to run, scream, call for help. It's just a pity that she didn't grab her phone when running out of the house. Masha wandered along the fence, trying to stay close to the gate. What to do? Where to go? Stay outside all night? In the morning and during the day there is no noise upstairs, which means the main thing is to wait until morning. But it is logical that if there is noise, it means that someone is creating it. Someone walks there and does something. But the police examined the floor themselves and showed it to her so that she could make sure that there was no one there. This only happened in horror movies, and if this continues, she will definitely go crazy. I wish I could leave here! But grandma will arrive only in two days at best - she said that she might have to stay late. Who will then water the garden, feed the chickens and rabbits? Damn them, those birds and rabbits! In such anxious thoughts she paced back and forth. It was cold, but she did not pay attention to it: her mind was too excited. Suddenly she saw an unfamiliar man in the garden. He walked slowly along the path towards her. Everything went cold inside her. In a daze, like a rabbit at a boa constrictor, she looked at the stranger. Meanwhile, the man, without saying a word, walked up to a bench standing near the house and sat down on it. He looked intently at Masha, but not into her eyes, but as if somewhere through her. Masha thought that if he wanted to kill, rob or rape her, he would hardly have sat so calmly on the bench in front of her. He looked about fifty years old. He was dressed in an old-fashioned way, and his clothes were very worn. He was wearing light, wide and slightly flared checkered trousers, a beige raincoat, brown shoes with rounded and heavily worn toes with small heels and a black hat. This is how men dressed in the seventies. He didn’t look like the killer maniac from American horror films, who runs around with a knife in a scary mask in search of new victims. However, there was something gloomy, cold, chilling in his gaze, and this made Masha feel uneasy.

- What are you doing here? - asked Masha, having come to her senses a little.

“I will now be your constant companion,” the man answered. His voice sounded cold, unfriendly, and was as unpleasant as his gaze.

— What do you mean by “constant companion”?

- That’s what it means. This is not the first day I have been next to you. And now, here we are, face to face.

- So... it’s you who makes noise on the second floor at night?

A mockery appeared in the man's eyes.

- Exactly.

- What you want from me? Did someone hire you to follow me?

- How primitive. Come on, who needs you? To the authorities? Oligarchs? Mafia? Secret admirers who have no money? Stop this delusion of grandeur.

- Then what is it? Who are you?

The man's gaze became even more ironic.

“Are you sure you want to know this?”

- Yes, I want to know what kind of person is invading my territory and what he deserves.

you need me!

- And I’m not a person at all. I am the Angel of Death.

“I think you’re crazy,” thought Masha.

“No, I’m not crazy,” the man replied to Thought Machines.

- No. I say - Angel of Death. And what you are thinking about is clear from your look. In addition, sometimes He reveals to me the thoughts of certain people. Sometimes, on special occasions like this.

- Who is he?

- The one you don't know.

- Your boss?

- Not really. I have a different boss. But both my boss and I myself are forced to obey the One I spoke about. More precisely, we can afford exactly as much as He allows.

- Who are you talking about?

- I won’t tell you that. I came here by His order, but not to tell you about Him. I have completely different functions. Yes, and there is no desire.

- Maybe you can already explain to me what’s what? Who are you really, and why did you come?

“I’ve already told you twice who I am.” I won't repeat it a third time. You're smart, you're getting a second higher education. So don't play dumb.

- You are making a fool out of me.

- Not at all.

- Then finally tell me what you need! If you need money, name the amount. And I'll figure out how to get it.

- No, I don’t need money. I’ll just always be present in your life now, whether you want it or not. You yourself made me your ally, and you did it voluntarily.

- What?! Yes, I don’t know you at all!

- You know. You've just never seen me in human form before.

- Nonsense.

- No nonsense. You made me your ally a few days ago when you willingly gave me your child.

“But I don’t have children and never have.”

- Stop doing that. You know what we're talking about.

—Are you talking about abortion?

- Certainly. In fact, you have already given me more than one child. I came into your life much earlier - when you started taking these pills. But then you didn’t consciously give me the children, so I didn’t show myself so obviously. And now it will be different.

- What pills are you talking about? About birth control?

- What do they have to do with it?

“Didn’t your conscience tell you that you were committing a sin by accepting them?”

- There was something like that...

- Exactly. This is also infanticide. If only you knew how many children's lives I take, thanks to these pills... and not only thanks to them.

- Why is this infanticide?

- Well, you know, I'm not going to preach to you here. You can find the information yourself if you want. For now, just know that from now on we are inseparable.

“Will you always scare me at night from now on?”

- How primitive. Playing hide and seek is not in my rules. I won't walk on the second floor anymore. As a rule, my presence in the lives of people like you who killed their child takes other forms. Death soon after abortion, when bleeding or sepsis occurs; oncology; infertility and miscarriages; depression, guilt, nightmares; suicide. And that's not yet full list. I separate my soul from my body only when I receive an order, or rather, permission to do so. In other cases, I am present in people's lives to one degree or another. An order is not needed for this - people themselves, consciously or not, turn to me and make a deal with me.

- Tell me straight: did you come for me? Where is your braid? - Masha decided to joke.

- Yes, I don’t have any braid! This is all people made up. People love to fantasize. I don't have a human form at all. Only occasionally, on occasions such as this, do I appear in human form. I am death, and death is not a person.

- So death has come for me?

- No. Not now. There have been no orders regarding you yet. But he can do it at any time.

- What should I do now? What will happen to me?

- What, what... You and I will be friends! — the man burst into an evil, merciless laugh. “Although it’s hard to call it friendship.” You wouldn't wish such friendship on your enemy.

- I do not want it. I want to break such an alliance.

- This is impossible.

- At all? Are you saying that I'm doomed?

- Well, there is one way, but I won’t tell you anything about it. It's not in my best interest.

- At least give me a hint! What should I do?

The man, still with the same cold gaze, shook his head. Masha realized that it was useless to ask. She lowered her head and looked thoughtfully at the ground. Then she turned to the man again.

“Maybe...” the phrase she wanted to say was abruptly cut off. The man who had just been sitting on the bench disappeared without a trace. Masha was gripped by horror, even stronger than at the moment when she started to run away from the house. So it really was the Angel of Death?! Death came to her?! What to do now? Where to go? Where to hide? What if she doesn’t live to see the morning? Stop: I think he said “not now.” This means that while she has time, she has the opportunity to fix something. But how to fix it? You can’t bring back pregnancy...But what then? Should I tell my parents and grandmother everything and consult with them? They won’t believe you and will throw you in a mental hospital. Find a sage? Talk to old and experienced people? Read on the Internet? Contact some anonymous service? What to do? What?…

Masha opened the gate and entered. She went up to the porch and knocked on the door. The old lady opened it for her.

— Hello, Baba Anya, can I come to you? - asked Masha.

- Hello! Yes, of course, come on in! You haven't been seen here for a long time!

Masha knew Baba Anya since childhood. The old woman’s name was Anna Grigorievna, but most residents of the village simply called her “Grandma Anya.” She was a deeply religious, kind, friendly and affectionate elderly woman. She radiated love and warmth, hated gossip and never spoke ill of anyone. Baba Anya knew how to help with a kind word, wise advice and simply her optimistic attitude and smile. All the villagers who knew her respected and loved her. Everyone - small children, teenagers, middle-aged men and women, and older people like herself. Previously, when visiting her grandmother at the dacha, Masha would always go to Grandma Anya. Then, having entered the second higher education, she stopped coming. There was no time for that: she was too busy for that. And this time, when I arrived, I didn’t want to come. Masha subconsciously felt that this was somehow connected with the abortion she had, but she did not want to think about it, analyze it, or delve into herself. But now, after the events of the night, Masha, as if on wings, hurried to Baba Anya’s house.

- Do you want some tea? - asked the old lady.

- I guess so. Baba Anya, I came to talk. I need your advice.

- What's happened?

- Here, tell me: what should I do if I committed an irreparable act? What should I do?

- It depends what kind of action it is.

- Well... if I caused great harm to a person, but it can no longer be corrected.

- First of all, we need to ask this person for forgiveness. It doesn't matter how he reacts. You have to ask anyway.

- What if this person is no longer there?

- If he died, come to his grave. Address him as if he were alive. Ask for forgiveness, pray for him. This is the most you can do for the deceased.

- What if he doesn’t have a grave?

- How is it not? It's out there somewhere, try to find out. But this, in fact, is not the main thing. You can do this all at home. Well, go to confession, repent of this, so that the Lord will forgive. So you offended someone and didn’t have time to make peace with them?

- No, not at all. I, you see...I had an abortion.

The expression on Baba Anya’s face became very serious. Sorrow appeared in her radiant eyes.

- Well yes. It is a sin. Great sin.

Masha and Baba Anya talked for another two hours, and then Masha went home. Despair gave way to hope. In the pitch darkness reigning in her soul, a ray of light appeared.

The small temple was quiet. Evening services have just ended. The lights were turned off, but the lamps and candles were still burning. The last parishioners, one after another, left the church. Several women began cleaning the temple: washing the floors and wiping down the icons. On the right hung a large icon of the Mother of God “Vladimir”. Masha approached her. She recently started going to church, and so far she knew only three prayers. She lit a candle, crossed herself and whispered: “Our Father, who art in heaven...”.

The candle maker behind the counter was finishing up her business. The sexton was putting things in order in the altar. The women washing the floors were actively working with mops and rags and heard a young woman standing to the side whispering a prayer and quietly crying.

This kind of work

Galya finished work and was slowly getting ready to go home. Suddenly the door opened and a woman entered the service room.

“Oh, it’s you,” said Galya. - Well, come in, sit down. Do you want some tea?

- No. You know... - the guest answered with a slight sigh.

- Well, yes. I think I'll have some tea. Otherwise it takes an hour and a half to get home. I hate public transport. What's with the money, by the way?

Galya poured herself some tea and took out a bag of cookies.

- Tomorrow they will be, as I promised. The due amount on time.

- This is good. Finally, I can take out a car on credit. If I get the money tomorrow, I’ll have just enough for the down payment. Enough already public transport ride. It takes so much effort and time! I've been wanting to get a car for a long time.

- Now you will have this opportunity. I keep my word. You know what minimum you should do. But any exceeding the plan will be welcomed and rewarded.

- Yes, I know. So far I like everything. At first it was unpleasant, but now I'm used to it. In the end, this is also a good cause.

- Of course. Okay, I'll go. I still have a lot of work to do. I work tirelessly, around the clock, without rest or weekends. But you need to rest. Till tomorrow!

- Bye bye.

The next day the meeting was repeated. At the end of the working day, Galya was visited again by her friend.

- Hello! Did you bring it?

- Certainly. Here, here you go,” the woman said, smiling slyly, handing Galya a thick envelope. - Here is the entire promised amount.

- Oh, how great! Thank you!!!

The expression on the woman’s face changed dramatically: the smile disappeared, and irritation and anger appeared in her gaze.

- Don't say that word to me. Never,” she demanded in an icy tone.

- Why? - Galya was sincerely surprised.

- Do you know what it means? When you come home, read it. Then you will understand.

- Okay, whatever you say. It’s just such a pleasure to receive such envelopes!

- Otherwise! Did I offer you a good job?

- Good. The work is not dusty, I even began to enjoy it. I don't know how to explain it, at first it confused me. But now I like it.

- You fulfill my conditions, and for this I give you money and add a feeling of euphoria to it. I think we worked well together.

- I think it's great. And the clinic is so good - large, well-known, attracting many clients.

- Patients.

- Well, I mean, yes. Patients, of course. More precisely, patients. I just perceive them as clients. This is essentially what it is.

- It’s all the same: watch your language. Words are very important both for the reputation of the clinic and for your own reputation.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll pour myself some tea,” Galya, as usual at the end of the working day, poured herself some tea. - Oh, oh my, we're out of cookies!

“Here,” with these words the woman handed Gala a bag of chocolates with a smile. — I bought it on the way.

- Thank you!...I mean, I wanted to say, thank you.

Galya sat down at the table, reached into the bag and began to unwrap the first candy.

- Oh, what is this?! - she exclaimed. - There's blood on her!

- Well, what did you want? There will be blood on everything I give you. On everything you buy with that money. And on the money itself, too.

- So... you want to say that this is THEIR blood?

- Naturally.

Galya looked into the envelope: the money was indeed stained with blood.

- Listen, is there any way to do this without this?

- It is forbidden. This is a side effect, and it is inevitable. But don’t worry: you won’t taste the blood. And soon you will get used to it and stop noticing. You'll just know that this blood is on everything you buy.

- Oh... Well, somehow it’s still unpleasant. And we're out of napkins. You don't have one, by any chance?

- Eat. Here, take it,” the woman handed Gala a colorful package of napkins. “But I would advise you to try not to pay attention to it.” You'll get used to it faster.

Galya took a napkin and wiped the candy. After that, she noticed that there was something written on the napkin.

“This is my job,” she read. - What's this?

- Your words and thoughts.

Galya looked at the napkin again. The sight was not pleasant. There were blood stains on the paper and the inscription: “This is my job.” She threw away the napkin and quickly popped the candy into her mouth. Then she reached into the bag again. The next candy was also covered in bloody stains. Galya took a clean napkin. “I have to feed my family,” another caption read. The candies turned out to be delicious, and Galya began to devour them one after another, wiping each one with a clean napkin. And each time I came across different inscriptions:

“This is the choice of the clients themselves, and I am only a performer.”

“I need to raise my son.”

“We need to do repairs and buy new furniture.”

“I urgently need a car.”

"It's just an embryo."

“Almost all my colleagues do this. This is our job."

“This is life now.”

“This is the right and personal choice of every woman.”

“If she commits a criminal abortion, it will be even worse.”

"We help women."

Galya looked through the packaging and was convinced: how many napkins - so many inscriptions.

“Yes...” she sighed, clearing the table.

“Nothing can be done,” the guest answered. “You’ll have to be patient for a while.” Remember the rewards and pleasure of work.

- I remember, don’t doubt it... But I just don’t understand: this pleasure... where does it come from? Why do I like this? When I do this, I begin to experience some kind of euphoria and an incomparable feeling of power and superiority over the patient, as if I were the arbiter of destinies.

- Certainly. I’m telling you: in addition to money, you will regularly receive this feeling from me. You are helping them, after all. You get rid of the problem. And you are very good at it.

- Oh, I beg you... You and I know very well the consequences of such “help.” This is the illusion of deliverance. Most people just don't understand this.

“They get relief for the first time.” Even if it’s not for long, even if it’s an illusion, there’s still some benefit in it. You see for yourself: many come. And they will come. They want it that way, they insist on it. Yes, many are mistaken, but what do you care? This is your income, on which the material well-being of your family depends. So don’t worry too much and don’t delve into yourself too much. Just do your thing. Otherwise, if you start listening to your conscience, you’ll eventually reach a monastery. So keep it simple, that’s my advice. Sometimes you need to make deals with your conscience. There's nothing you can do, that's life. Just think: if you yourself gave birth to everyone, how would you live? What would you feed so many offspring? Where would you place everyone? You don't need a football team instead of a family, right?

- Is it true. What the hell is a football team? God forbid!

“That’s exactly what He gives,” the woman smiled ironically.

- That's what I mean. And your patients don’t need it - just like you.

- Okay, I'll go. We must remember to wash the suit...

- Listen, maybe you can throw mine in the machine at the same time?

- Come on, of course.

The guest took off her black robe and handed it to Gala.

“If you want, I can disinfect your braid,” Galya offered, smiling.

The woman touched the blade of her scythe.

- What's the point? - She asked, shrugging.

After this question, both women burst into loud, hysterical laughter.


So the morning has come. How bright and sunny it is! Now she will wake up. For now, I'll just look at her. My beloved, my dear. I won't give it to anyone. And I know for sure: she will always love me. Gorgeous. And what gorgeous breasts she has... And by the way, I’m hungry!!!

- Now, my little one, now I will feed you. Come to me…

That's better. Hold me in your arms longer: I like it so much!

- You are my little boy! You are my bite-bite-bite!

It starts: Masechka, bite-bite... I'm a man, actually! But so be it: I agree to be a little girl for you. Well, that's it, now he'll kiss you.

I've finally played enough. That's right: take everything off me, otherwise I'm in clothes all day and night. And why do I need these clothes? I felt so good without her there, inside you. I actually liked it there better. It was so cozy. Why did they just get me? True, if they hadn’t gotten it, I wouldn’t have seen your face, your eyes, your smile. And this's so delicious! No, there are still advantages to living outside.

Eh, where are you taking me? Wash again? So what if you crap yourself? Am I somehow suffering from this?

- Lie down and get some air. Let the skin breathe. In the meantime, I'll go away for a while.

Where are you going? Well, okay, go. He'll probably be having breakfast now. You better eat it there! Whatever you eat, I will need it too. I need a lot of good milk...Yes, and also in this world I like that everyone loves me here. But this was not always the case. No, she always loved me. But those around me felt differently. For what? What harm did I do to them? Why didn't they like me? After all, they didn’t even see me. So strange. I’m already starting to slowly forget my life before I was born. But I probably won’t soon forget those days. I still remember the day when she found out that she had me.

At first she was confused, and I felt it. But I did not immediately understand that this confusion was connected with me. She called someone and then went somewhere. And then there was a conversation with some guy. How rudely he spoke to her! When I grow up, I’ll punch him in the face for this!

— Did you want to talk about something?

- Yes. Nikita, I'm having a baby.

That's when I realized that it was because of me that she was confused.

- And what do you want?

- I do not know what to do.

- I do not know either. This was somehow not at all part of my plans. I think yours too. You yourself know what to do in such cases.

She was silent.

- Do your parents know?

- No. I haven't told them anything yet. I only found out this morning.

- Is this for sure?

- I think yes. Delay and test positive.

- Okay, let's do it this way. I'll talk to my parents. Let's see what they say. And then we’ll think about what to do.

He didn't answer. I felt how nervous she was going home. But I knew I was safe. For some reason, I guessed, I felt that despite the anxiety and confusion, she would not let me be offended and would be able to protect me. Deep down, she already loved me.

Her parents came in the evening. She told her mom about me.

- Well done! Just in time"! - Her mother exploded. — Haven’t you heard anything about birth control?!

- We didn’t succeed that time... It didn’t work out with protection...

“It didn’t work out for her!” Go for an abortion, what can I tell you...

- As in, “for an abortion”?

- So. Just like everyone else. What kind of child are you now? We definitely don't need him here. We don’t have enough space ourselves; we barely fit in this apartment. My grandmother is already in poor health. What was not enough was for the baby to scream under her ear day and night! And my father and I need to sleep at night. After all, we work to support you!

- We can live with Nikita...

- Well, talk to him. But I very much doubt that his parents will be happy about this prospect. And in general, now you don’t need to babysit children, but study.

— We have girls in our stream who have given birth to children and continue to study. I also plan to continue. And I have wanted children for a long time. I always dreamed of family and children.

- Why are you looking at others? How do you know what their circumstances and living conditions are? Maybe they have a lot of assistants, rich husbands, large apartments. And you have none of this. Don't expect any help from your father and me. We have enough dependents. And I have enough worries of my own. As for children, before having them, you need to get a diploma and find Good work with an opportunity career growth. Get on your feet so as not to depend on anyone. And when you get up, then you can think about family and children. Learn to think with your head and rely only on yourself in this life. Or are you going to create poverty? Poverty is created only by the marginalized. So don’t make up nonsense, Irish. Go to the antenatal clinic, take a referral for an abortion and go ahead. Don't be afraid. I've done this myself, more than once. It’s unpleasant, of course, but it’s okay, you can survive it. Moreover, now they always give pain relief.

- But this is a child! I don't want to kill him. And I will not!

- The child is not there yet. This is not a person yet. For now it's just a set of cells. So the sooner you solve the problem, the better. I won’t say anything to dad, but don’t hesitate.

“This is not a person yet” - this was such nonsense! And who, if not a person? A toy, perhaps? Or some kind of fruit?

Then, a few days later, for some reason she went to this Nikita again.

- Nikit, my parents are categorically against the child. They won't let us live with them. Mom demands that I have an abortion.

- Well, do it. I also think that we should have an abortion. What's the question? We've already talked about this.

- What does it mean to “have an abortion”?! I want this baby! And abortion is murder!

- What “murder”? Murder is killing a person. And there is not a person. There is only an embryo, which is still very far from being a human!

“But the embryo is already a tiny person.” He's alive, how can I kill him?

- Listen, have you ever made scrambled eggs? There are also often embryos in chicken eggs. So we are all killers.

- No, this is different. Don't you understand that a chicken and a person are not the same thing?

- I can’t argue with you... Well, now is not the time to have children, understand! What do you want, problems?

- Don’t you remember how we dreamed that we would have a family, have children? You said you would marry me. Well, since this happened, why not get married now and start your own little family?

“I wanted to get married, but definitely not now, and certainly not “on the fly.” Where will we live? You yourself say that your parents are against the child and will not allow you to live with them. Mine won't agree to this either. So, as you can see, we have nowhere to live yet. And I don’t need children now. I don't plan to get married in the near future. I also need to study, just like you. Or should I give up everything and cross out all my plans for the near future? This is not what I dreamed of. So get rid of it and don't create problems for anyone.

- Get rid of what?

- Well, stop pretending to be a fool! Get rid of pregnancy, what’s unclear here?!

- Do not shout at me.

- In general, yes. Either me or the child. If you want to give birth, give birth. But in this case, everything will be over between us.

- But you said you loved me!

“You know, if I love you, that doesn’t mean I have to ruin my life.” So think and decide for yourself. And stop shedding tears. You know I don't like this. If you need money for an abortion, I will give it.

- No, don't.

Arriving home, she cried for a long time. Why did she even go there? Why go to places where they spoil your nerves and say nasty things?

- Well, did you go to the doctor?

- Not yet.

- Why are you waiting?! Have you spoken to Nikita? Is he ready to marry you?

- What did he say to you?

- He is also against it.

- Here you see? If you don’t want to listen to me, at least listen to your boyfriend!

- We broke up.

- I see...What are you going to do? Sit on our necks?

- No. But you know, mom, I decided everything for myself. I will not go for any abortion. I will keep my child and give birth to him.

How firmly and decisively she said this! Smart girl! From that day on, I knew even more firmly and had no doubt at all that I was under reliable protection.

- Well done. I’ve decided everything, you’re our smart one. And who will support you?

- I have some thoughts about this. I can arrange my life.

- You're a fool. Why do you need that? You don’t have a husband, you broke up with Nikita. I doubt that with a child anyone will need you. You'll ruin your life. And keep in mind: we don’t need a screaming baby here.

“It’s okay, baby, it’s okay,” she told me after this conversation, putting her hand on her stomach. - We'll figure something out.

Then there was a lull that lasted quite a long time. True, her mother still complained, but not with such force. I thought that now everything would be fine with us. But it was not there…

— Pregnancy, ten weeks. Get up.

Why did this doctor touch me? What did she want from me?! What kind of unceremonious treatment is this? Would she like it if she were touched like that?

- You came to us late. If they had come right away, we could have had a medical abortion. I would take a couple of pills and that’s it, the problem is solved. And now - just scraping.

- What kind of scraping? For what?

- Why, why... It’s like I was born yesterday, honestly. To terminate a pregnancy, that's why!

“But I’m not going to terminate the pregnancy.”

- So how? Are you thinking about giving birth?

- Wait. You are twenty years old, you are a student, you do not work, and you are not married. Right?

- Well, where should you give birth? You study at a good institute, so you continue to study. And you don’t need a child now.

- I won't have an abortion.

— I advise you to think carefully. You're already ten weeks old. Abortion at will is done only before twelve. So you don't have much time. Think fast.

- No. I don't consider this option. I said that I would give birth.

- It's up to you, of course.

Then another lady joined the conversation.

“You’re just still so young!” Quite a girl! You need to live for yourself. Then you’ll give birth again, you’ll have time! Listen to Elena Arkadyevna: she means business.

- Larisa Anatolyevna, let him do as he wants.

- Let it be, of course. I just feel sorry for her. Not married, will raise the child alone. Do you have a boyfriend?

-Where is the child’s father?

- We broke up with him.

- Here you go. And what are you going to do with this child? Do you really want to become a single mother?

- I said everything. I will keep my child.

“You need to save your brains, not your child.”

Yes, her nerves were pretty frayed. Why are they doing this to her? Is it all because of me? But why did they all hate me so much? I didn't do anything bad to them. It's good that it's all over now. She doesn't go to these evil women anymore. Doesn't communicate with Nikita. Her parents realized that my birth was inevitable and gradually got used to it. And now they don’t like me at all. I wonder why? Why did they not love me so much when I was inside my mother, and then, when I was born, they suddenly loved me? They probably didn't recognize me. Mistaken for someone else. Well, they accepted, and good. Let them continue to think that I am not the boy who was in my mother’s belly, but another. This only makes me feel better!

- Well, honey, let's go for a walk? It's warm outside, the weather is good. Let's get dressed!

Dress? Oh no...No, not the cap!!!

- My Masechka, why are you shouting like that? I understand that the cap is terrible, but what can you do? Be patient a little!

Phew, finally. Dressed. Now let's go for a walk. It's good: I like to walk.

- Hello! Will you arrive?...What time should we expect you?...Okay, we are waiting!...See you!

Who is she waiting for? Oh yes. She was telling someone the other day that her parents and grandma were going away for the weekend and he could come visit her. I wonder who it is? And the weather is really very good. I think I'm going to fall asleep now...

Why did you put me on my stomach?! Feed me! I don't want to lie on my stomach! I want to eat!!!

- Well, well, don't shout like that! You need to lie on your tummy before eating. At least five minutes! That's what the doctor said.

The doctor said...Is this the aunt who touched and groped me? At first, in the maternity hospital, they poked and turned back and forth every now and then, now this... doctor. What do they all want from me? I don’t touch them, don’t let them pester you either!

Well done now! I fed him. How good it is to live in the world! Everything here is so interesting!

- So, Misha will come soon, we need to get ourselves in order.

Is Misha the one she is waiting for? Yes, I remember one Misha. Mom communicated with him when I was still in her stomach. She felt good and joyful with him, and her joy was transmitted to me. The other day she was talking about him to her grandmother. She said that he would come to visit. And my grandmother still protested: she said that I was after vaccination, so you can bring guests only a month after being discharged from the maternity hospital. But mom objected. She explained that Misha was healthy and had just recently done this, whatever it’s called...flu...what’s it called? Okay, whatever...Cute dress! Why are you wearing makeup? For Misha, perhaps?

- Hello!

- Hello! You look great!

- Trying…

-Where is the baby?

— He’s lying in the crib. Let's go, I'll show you.

- Oh, how small! Hello, Arsyusha!

- Not so small! He was born weighing three seven hundred. Such a child is considered quite large. Now he probably weighs more than four kilograms. They gain weight very quickly.

- Cute baby.

- Do you want to hold it?

- I'm afraid.

- Don't be afraid. Come here, Arsyush.

What, do you like me? And I'll look at your behavior. And I’ll think about whether to smile at you or not. After Nikita, I will now very strictly evaluate all men who find themselves next to my mother.

- What a miracle! Wonderful boy. And how good it is that you didn’t have an abortion!

- Still would! I can’t imagine him not being born at all. I can’t imagine my life without my Arsyusha! I love him so much!... Well, come here. You are my little bite-bite-bite!...I’ll put him to bed now, and let’s go sit in the kitchen.

- Does he want to sleep? Something doesn't look the same.

“Such babies sleep a lot and get tired quickly. And he hasn't slept for a long time.

Hmm...He praised her for not having an abortion. What is "abortion"? Probably something very bad. I heard this word more than once when THEY expressed their hatred towards me. When they said that she didn’t need me, that she didn’t need to give birth to me, but that she needed to get rid of me. How arrogant and cunning! They themselves were born and live, and so they get rid of me?

Mother! I woke up! Just think: everyone is still sitting and chatting! What can you talk about for so long? She is laughing. It means everything is OK.

— Arseny woke up. I'll go feed him.

- Yes of course.

Well, she said that she would feed me, but she herself is going to wash me again... Why does she wash me so often? I’m already doing well...

They went to the kitchen again. What are they talking about there?...

— I wanted to ask: have you already registered it at the registry office?

- Not yet. I'm going to do this next week.

- What middle name will you give him?

- Nikitich. So, are there any options?

- Yes. Eat.

I wonder: are they talking about me? Who needs to be registered there...what's his name?...

What?! She called him “darling”?! I disagree! Favorite - it's me! She called me “darling”! It's not fair!!!

- Masechka, why are you shouting? Are you bored here alone?

No, I'm not bored. I'm just outraged!

- Well, come to us.

— How are you doing with your studies?

- I can handle it. The girls bring me notes and send me something by email. You will have to travel with your baby to exams and tests.

- When you need it, tell me - I’ll give you a ride in the car. It’s hard on public transport with such a tiny one.

- Thank you! It will be very good if you can give me a ride. And it will be easier for me, and I won’t have to take the baby on public transport again. He's still small.

Leaves. This means that my mother will spend the rest of the evening with me...What are they doing? She kisses him! Or is he her...No, I don’t agree to that! I want her to kiss only me! What about my cheeks, nose, forehead, back and tummy, arms and legs, which she regularly kisses? Am I really not enough for her and she needs to kiss someone else? However, Misha seems to be good. I'll have a look at it some more, but for now I like it.

Mom, finally we are left alone! What kind of beautiful and bright object appeared on your hand? He was absent. Did he give this? Grandmother and grandfather also have these on their hands, and they are put on the same fingers.

- Arsyusha, I’m so happy! You and Misha are my dearest and most beloved men in the world! You are best. God probably sent you to me. You know, Misha is so caring! He wonders if I need help, if I have everything I need, and if I need to go to the store or somewhere else. I don’t remember Nikita showing such concern for me. Soon, Arsyusha, you will have a dad... Yes, Masechka, I’m getting married!

Married? I have no idea what “married” means. But I see that you are smiling. Your eyes are shining! So you're happy. Which of the two of us makes you so happy: me or him? Or both of us?...And you know, I decided: the next time he comes, I will smile at him. If, of course, I can.

Without an invitation and prior notice, it is considered a rather rude act. After all, the owners may have business, work from home, cleaning, a high temperature or a bad mood. Some people, obsessed with a thirst for communication and confident in their own irresistibility, sincerely believe that their appearance at a party is a reason to drop everything and start having fun. Convincing such visitors that they do not always choose the right time is difficult, but possible.

An unwanted guest can be convinced to leave right from the doorstep. To do this, come up with some simple but tedious task outside your apartment. In this case, going to the store is not suitable, since the visitor will decide that you are trying for his sake and will volunteer to help. But in line at the clinic or visit - good options. Your visitor will not want to turn his sparkling visit into a visit to a hospital or housing department. Naturally, for plausibility you will have to get dressed and go out in the right direction. On the other hand, this will give you the opportunity to complete some boring tasks that you have been putting off for a long time. For example, actually making an appointment with a doctor or submitting documents.

Most people take hints, but some people need to hint more directly. If you are not just not happy with the guest, but are really busy or feel bad, you can say so. Moreover, this should be done not in the form of opposition: “I have a headache, fever, but you’re getting over it, make yourself at home,” but as harshly and unambiguously as possible: “I don’t feel well, come back another time.” In this way, you may darken the visitor’s radiant mood, but at the same time teach him to warn him of your intention to visit in advance.

If an unwanted guest has already entered your apartment, settled down on the sofa and demands small talk, try to inform that in the near future someone will join you whom your visitor, for one reason or another, cannot stand. Try to demonstrate how excited you are for the future visit of the second guest, how long you have been waiting for him and how, finally, everything coincided successfully. With a high degree of probability, your intrusive visitor will simply run away.

Sometimes guests sneak into your home pretending they don't understand the hints. You can play the same game and push the unwanted visitor out the door using his own methods. Try not to behave like the poor Rabbit from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh (“The Rabbit was very smart and very well-mannered”), but use the methods of a rude teddy bear. If a guest hints that he is hungry because he did not have time to have lunch, do not rush to offer him the first, second and compote. Tell him that it’s in vain that he treats his stomach this way, that he needs to take care of himself, that you, for example, just ate an hour ago, and now you don’t want anything until the evening, or even until the morning.

Everyone knows how unpleasant people can be when they come into the house uninvited. In such cases, a conspiracy against uninvited guests will always help. There are many such rituals, and they all work great. It’s easy to keep a person away from home if you take advice from experts. Otherwise, with unnecessary delicacy, you will have to suffer for a long time from burdensome visitors.

Drive away from home unwanted guests conspiracies will help

Unwanted guests tend to arrive at the most inopportune moments. They irritate with their unceremoniousness and impudence, putting their owners in an awkward position and forcing them to abandon their own plans. It can be extremely difficult to send them away, so it is much easier to make sure that they no longer have the desire to appear uninvited.

Our grandmothers knew perfectly well how to get an unwanted person away from home quickly with salt or water. Wise women knew how to do this well, without offending anyone during cunning manipulations and without saying anything to the unpleasant guest. Many rituals and conspiracies have survived to this day and can be successfully used for independent rituals at home.

Water spell

You need to be patient and wait until the annoying guest deigns to leave. Then you need to take a bowl of water and say the words three times in a row:

“Just as this water will not return to my house, the hand (name of the uninvited guest) will never touch my hand again! Amen".

To be sure, you can add a spoonful of salt to the basin - it will consolidate the information. The charmed water must be poured onto the path or road along which you left. uninvited guest, thus washing away his traces. If you fail to ward off the unwanted person the first time, then the ritual should be repeated again.

On the threshold of the house

A conspiracy against unwanted guests can be made before they arrive.

Coarse salt is required for the ritual.

It is suitable if you want to get rid of the unexpected arrival of relatives, the appearance of an intrusive neighbor and other uninvited visitors. For the ceremony you need to purchase:

  • holy water;
  • a simple or white church candle;
  • a sheet of white paper;
  • coarse table salt.

Holy water is sprinkled on the threshold and sprinkled with a granular substance. Conspiracy words:

“I’m not pouring salt, but I’m putting up a wall to block the path to our house (name of the unwanted guest). You can’t go through the wall, you can’t go around the wall, you can’t break the wall, you can’t climb over it. Let it be so".

Then you need to light the candle and wait until it burns out completely. It doesn’t hurt to carefully sweep the salt from the porch or threshold onto paper, place a cinder on it, take it to the nearest intersection and leave without looking back.

This conspiracy against uninvited guests is done secretly so as not to offend anyone.

Conspiracy to refuse visitors

A proven ritual using ordinary table salt will help protect yourself from the arrival of enemies, dissatisfied neighbors and simply unpleasant people. It is simple to implement and accessible to everyone. It is necessary to open the door and, having scattered salt on the threshold from the entrance side, read:

“All the negativity that is sent to me will be returned to the performer. Heavenly angels guard my home and my body. No damage and no evil eye can harm me, the servant of God (name). I read prayers and believe in God. My faith puts an amazing defense on me that even the most experienced magician cannot penetrate. No one can negatively influence me or my relatives. No person can ruin my life. The Lord helps the servant of God (your name). And it will always be like this. Amen".

After the ritual, unwanted guests will not be able to cross the threshold without an invitation and will leave the same way they came.

Magic against uninvited relatives

White magic will help you get rid of unwanted relatives who arrived for a couple of days and stayed for a month. The proposed rituals must be performed exactly according to the instructions, otherwise they simply will not work.

Threshold conspiracy

To perform the ritual, it is necessary to perform a number of magical actions.

During prayer you need to have your hair down and without shoes.

  1. They are simple in terms of applying your own efforts, but mandatory in the order of their implementation. As a result, you need:
  2. Unwind your hair by removing all the pins. They are a kind of antennas for direct communication with the magical world.
  3. Close all windows with curtains. The ritual should not be affected by the forces of nature if one has one’s own will.
  4. Take off your shoes. The ritual is performed barefoot without your favorite house slippers.

When performing the midnight ritual you need:

  1. Wash your hands and treat them generously with soap and salt so that there is a lot of foam.
  2. Carefully collect the foam from your hands and apply to the sole of your bare right foot.
  3. Using a knife purchased in advance, carefully remove the foam from your leg and throw it on the threshold of the house.

Rub the foam before entering the home with the fist of your left hand with the words of the conspiracy:

“The bell is on the temple, the icon is in the frame, the cross is on me, the key is in the lock, the snake is in the grass, the beast is in the den, and I am on my threshold. Just as the snake will not crawl over this threshold of mine, the beast will not cross, so the uninvited guest will not come. I close my words by bowing to you, holy images. Cover the eyes of those who come with this foam. If he doesn’t see the threshold, he won’t cross. My angel, stand with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Despite the mention of an angel and the appeal to him, this is still a conspiracy, not a prayer. Church tenets negatively evaluate rituals using black magic. This prohibition does not apply to a good desire to secure one’s peace by appealing to the saints.

To prevent uninvited guests from coming and relatives not coming without an invitation, the ritual is performed on Thursday.

Ritual for water or salt

When you are quite tired of uninvited relatives and have no intention of leaving or leaving, you can use ordinary running water. Whispering on the liquid helps get rid of such “comrades” and encourages them to quickly leave or leave.

To cast a spell, you need to take a glass of running water and, unnoticed by the guest, whisper the words, holding the container close to your lips:

“I spill this water on the floor, I wash the path of God’s servant (name), just as the water flows on the floor, so he will leave the house.”

The charmed water is seemingly accidentally spilled on the floor at the feet of the fed-up relative. After some time, he will feel awkward and get ready to go home. If for some reason it is impossible to use water (expensive carpet or parquet), then salt will help.

A pinch of salt is spoken with the words:

“As salt flies under your feet, so you will run away from my house.”

She is quietly spilled onto the floor next to the guest. After his departure, it is necessary to clean the house, wipe the floors and read a prayer of gratitude to the patron.

Home protection with a nail or pin

To prevent annoying guests from bothering you in the future and coming uninvited, you can close your home to them using a pin or nail.

To prevent unexpected guests from coming into your house, you need to stick a pin in the door frame

Any of these sharp objects is slandered:

“I put a pin (nail) in the door, I protect the house from enemies. Let her show her wit, let only kindness into the house.”

The pin is stuck into the door frame (in the upper corner) with the point down. The nail is driven in with the head in a side position so that the sharp end protrudes from the jamb and is also inclined downward.

Guests will be able to come to you, but they will not stay for long, and evil intentions will be left at the door.

Close the road to the house

This conspiracy (mischief) is suitable for blocking the way to a specific person’s house. It is pronounced confidently, in a commanding tone, but in a whisper. Having opened the door, they say to the threshold:

“The first time, for an hour, I speak, I reprimand, I speak to my threshold. Just as people don’t walk through shit, How they bypass it, So (name) would bypass my threshold, Never come forever and ever. The key to my words, the Castle to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The person in question may come to the door, but will change his mind about entering. If we are talking about a man, the words change a little (bypassed, did not come). The conspiracy is based on the use of one’s own willpower and only self-confident people succeed.

Ward off unwanted guests

Using a knife, 12 crosses are drawn on the front door (from the inside). Visually they should look like a crucifix. The plot is read on them 12 times:

“They crucified Jesus Christ on the Cross, they nailed Him to the Cross, and did not let anyone near Him. Do not, Lord, let You and the servants of God (names) come to my threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When reading, you need to focus on your desire to keep specific people out of your house.

Any conspiracy is a secret action, not intended for prying eyes and ears. Its goal is to subtly influence a person without offending him directly. Nobody needs extra enemies, so it’s worth it delicately and with the help of higher powers get rid of the annoying person.


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