What does 1pc baggage allowance mean? Another great step Features of carrying hand luggage with Aeroflot Aeroflot airline. Premium upgrade in class is issued

For a long time, baggage transportation was limited in accordance with two criteria - size and weight; relatively recently a third parameter was introduced - the number of pieces. Piece Concept (pc) standards are widely used in European countries, in Russia the system was first used in Aeroflot. In accordance with the new standards, the airline determines the number free places, to which the passenger has the right to carry. Each piece of luggage occupies a cell in a special luggage compartment of the aircraft. It is worth noting that the rules, standards and restrictions in different companies may differ, all details should be clarified in advance.

Many passengers do not have a clear idea of ​​what 1pc luggage means in relation to luggage, especially since the standards in one company depend on the class and other nuances. Economy class ticket holders are hit the hardest by the restrictions.

Norms for Aeroflot

Standards for transporting economy class luggage:

  • 1рс - 1 piece 23 g in the luggage compartment +10 kg hand luggage, bag dimensions must be less than 158 cm;
  • 2рс - 2 pieces 32 kg +15 kg hand luggage.

Special conditions are provided for participants of the Aeroflot bonus program and regular SkyTeam customers:
Platinum level owners receive 2 additional bonuses. places;
SkyTeam passengers - 1 additional place.

Standards for other classes:

  • economy premium - 1рс - 23 kg +1рс -10 kg;
  • comfort — 2pc — 23 kg +1pc — 10 kg;
  • business - 2pc - 32 kg + 1pc - 15 kg.

The size of hand luggage is limited to 115 cm, there are no restrictions on the carriage of outerwear, women's bags, umbrellas, the passenger has the right to carry 1 electronic device.

The ticket price includes the cost of transporting baggage; it does not change if you carry less items, but you will have to pay for the excess.

Conditions in other companies

The new standards are widely used in other Russian companies, standards depend on pricing policy. Transportation standards for low-cost airlines are lower, at Pobeda 1pc = 10 kg, luggage and hand luggage are not allowed into the cabin. Carriage of 1 item from the established list is allowed; goods from duty free must be paid in accordance with the established tariffs:

  • 700 rub. — in the Russian Federation;
  • 10 euros - when departing from another country.

1RS standards in other airlines:

  • “UTair” - 1 rs = 23 kg, 203 cm, hand luggage 10 kg and 115 cm;
  • S7 - 1 rs = 23 kg, 203 cm, hand luggage - 7 kg.

The listed conditions apply when traveling in economy class; standards for other classes differ.

Actions in case of advantage

At the airport, baggage is measured; if the standards are exceeded, an additional payment is made for excess baggage; the calculation takes into account the size, weight and number of pieces. The cost is also affected by the type of flight; prices for regional flights are lower than international flights, so you should first calculate the consequences. The best option is to take 2-5 bags with a total weight of up to 23 kg, rather than trying to carry a large, heavy suitcase.

Payment of overweight on international airlines:

  • extra space - 50 euros;
  • weight of 1 item over 32 kg - 100 units. at home/150 euros in other countries;
  • sizes over 158 cm - 100 units;
  • sizes over 203 cm - 150 euros..

Please note that at some European airports a suitcase or bag heavier than 32 kg is not allowed for transportation due to restrictions on single lifting.

Specific luggage

When transporting non-standard luggage, the passenger must notify the company staff at least 1.5 days in advance. This will ensure the safety of valuable and fragile items being transported.
The passenger has the right to carry 1 pet weighing up to 8 kg, which must be accompanied by Required documents, veterinary certificate. If the weight of the animal exceeds 8 kg, the flight is carried out in the baggage department, with the exception of guide dogs.

To comply with the standards, you should read the rules approved by the carrier in advance. When following connecting routes, it is important to check the standards. Before departure, it is recommended to check the dimensions and weight of your luggage. When transporting special/dangerous goods, you should familiarize yourself with the carrier's standards on their website or by phone.
If you don’t have luggage, you can save by choosing a fare with 0pc; this will help you avoid overpaying when purchasing a 1pc ticket, the price of which includes the price of luggage.

If you are carrying a large amount of luggage, distribute it evenly. A distinctive feature of flying with low-cost airlines is prepayment extra places It should be taken into account that when transporting a large amount of luggage, choosing a low-cost airline is often not advisable; this option is more suitable for passengers traveling light.

Increase pc

1pc baggage cannot be reduced or refunded for unused space, but subject to payment, it is possible to transform the space into 2pc. The conditions for providing additional space vary from carrier to carrier. Most often, this can be done on the company’s website, at the ticket office or upon boarding.


Carrying baggage in any company has its own restrictions; 1 rs gives the right to transport 1 piece of luggage with a specified weight and dimensions. Excess weight or dimensions require additional payment; to avoid problems, it is recommended to weigh and measure your luggage before departure. Low-cost airlines have the strictest requirements for luggage transportation; they are more suitable for tourists traveling light.

Economy class (Premium) 2 pieces of 23 kg each. Economy class 1st place 23 kg. Aeroflot baggage size limit for each seat: no more than 158 cm in the sum of three dimensions Baggage allowance Transaero Service class Weight allowance Y,H**,Q**,B**,K**,L**,V* *,O,U,N,E 1 piece up to 20 kg. X,T,I,W,G 1 piece up to 10 kg. Restriction on baggage dimensions for Transaero for each seat: no more than 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions. Note that these are the norms for free baggage allowance, and you will be allowed on the plane with an excess. Kilograms in excess of the specified norm are paid separately at the rates provided by the airline. Baggage allowance Aeroflot, Transaero Baggage allowance 1pc what is it? Some airlines use the so-called piece system, when they are allowed to carry a certain number of pieces of luggage. Typically the piece system is used in America.

Carriage of baggage and hand luggage

UTair's 1pc baggage allowance states that a passenger in economy class can carry 1 pc of checked baggage weighing no more than 23 kg. and 1pc hand luggage up to 10 kg and size 55 x 40 x 20 cm. For s7 1pc luggage - how much? According to the basic economy fare - 0 RUR for checked baggage and 1 RUR for hand luggage weighing 10 kg.
At the economy fare, a flexible passenger can take 1 pc of checked baggage and 1 pc of hand luggage up to 10 kg. In business class, the carrier provides extended transportation conditions both in terms of the number of seats and weight.
I'll show you what the inscription 1рс looks like in the photo. This is part of my electronic ticket to Israel, where I flew by airline Ural Airlines. Look to the right for the 23k-1pc symbols. They say that I can carry 1 piece of luggage, the weight of which will not exceed 23 kg.

Baggage allowance 1pc: what does it mean?

Payment is taken not only for additional space, but also for exceeding the established weight or permissible dimensions. In our example, the surcharge will depend on the country of flight.
On domestic flights it will be 2500 rubles, internationally 50-100 dollars or euros. But the third place and subsequent ones will cost many times more.

The same rule applies if the baggage weight exceeds. It is often cheaper to purchase one more piece of luggage than to pay extra for overweight luggage.


As a rule, purchasing an additional piece of luggage in advance is cheaper than at the airport. So for Pobeda Airlines the difference is up to 50%.

Imagine how much you can save by calculating the required volume in advance. The same order applies to weight, since one piece of luggage at a low-cost airline can have a different weight.

You can buy 1pc with a weight of 10 kg, or you can buy one with a weight of 20 kg.

Aeroflot baggage allowance

  • 32 kg by weight and a total of no more than 158 cm in width, height and length for all business class fares;
  • the same parameters in terms of dimensions, and the weight is reduced to 23 kg for all other tariffs.

If the flight is carried out with a child under 2 years old, then one piece per child is considered to be items in one package of no more than 10 kg and not exceeding 115 cm in width, length and height. How many pieces of luggage can I carry? According to Aeroflot airline rules, each passenger can still take baggage (1pc Aeroflot and others) with them as free rate things, and for an additional fee.
The free allowance is stipulated in the rules both for baggage carried in the aircraft cabin and checked into the cargo hold. You are allowed to carry one seat free of charge for all fares.

1pc luggage: what does it mean?

The luggage compartment can accommodate cargo with a volume of 158 cm and a weight of no more than 10 kg. What to do if a passenger has too much luggage? The number of things that passengers take with them on a flight does not always correspond to the standards.


Company employees are required to take into account all the mandatory parameters of the cargo, that is, its weight, dimensions and number of occupied spaces. Passengers decide on their own how to pay for exceeding the listed standards.


Excess number of seats for domestic flights will be 2,500 rubles, if the plane flies abroad - 50 dollars or euros. For the third, fourth or any other place you will have to pay 7,500 rubles (domestic flights), 150 euros (international flights).

Excess weight for flights within the country provides for 5 thousand rubles. For international transportation, passengers whose luggage weight exceeds the norm will pay an additional fee of 100 to 150 euros.

Aeroflot baggage allowance 1pc is how much

For example, Aeroflot accepts a separate surcharge for excess:

  • weight;
  • sizes;
  • number of seats.

Let's look at the freight payment system free luggage For example. When you went on an airline trip, you took two suitcases with you. Your ticket says 1 rs, and each suitcase weighs 15 kg. What should you do in this case? Pay a certain amount for an additional seat and fly on vacation. If the flight is on an international flight, the surcharge will be 50 dollars or 50 euros. Another example, suppose that your two suitcases have become heavier, and the first weighs the same 15 kg, and the second - 25 kg. With this kind of luggage, you exceed the number of seats and weight. Each excess of the norm will cost you an additional 50 euros (if we are talking about domestic flights). The total overpayment will be 100 euros.

Baggage 1 rs what does it mean

Typically, payment is made in adjacent windows, not far from the organization’s standard cash registers. You can clarify this issue with employees in advance. The overweight will cost only 2,500 rubles if the weight of the luggage exceeds the standard, but weighs no more than 32 kilograms. Owners of items whose weight is in the range of 32-50 kilograms will have to pay an additional 5 thousand rubles. Separate rules are established for the size of the sides. If they are 2 m 3 cm more than the norm, then you need to pay 5,000 rubles. If the dimensions exceed 203 cm, then passengers must pay 7,500 rubles for each seat. Conclusion and additional rules Baggage rules must always be taken into account.

Especially if the passenger plans to use special offers and discounts from one company or another. The rules described above apply to all carriers that operate regular flights.

As for hand luggage, in addition to the dimensions and weight 1pc established by airlines, the passenger has the right to carry additional items from the FAP list. They are not carry-on baggage and come extra. For example, you can take with you a handbag or a suit in a suitcase. Are skis or bicycles included in the stated 1рс in the ticket? It all depends on the carrier.

Aeroflot allows passengers, instead of a suitcase (or in addition to it, if you have a 2PC), to carry sports equipment without paying. But for S7, skis and snowboards are an addition to 1pc. Transportation of animals will not be considered 1рс, even if you fly without luggage.

An additional fee will be charged for transporting a pet, according to the tariffs established by the carrier. In this article you learned what 1pc luggage is.

Baggage allowance 1 rs aeroflot what does this mean

Please note that if your luggage exceeds the size limit, the additional payment will also be significant. If your suitcase measures 158 cm, but does not reach 203 cm, you will have to pay an additional 100 dollars or euros (Aeroflot standards). Larger luggage (over 203 cm) will make your wallet poorer by another 150 dollars (euros). Additional payments made in Pobeda are closely related to the method of payment. There are three payment methods:

  • via the Internet (Victory call center website);
  • directly at the airport ticket office;
  • at the gate.

Note! Paying online is much cheaper. For example, to pay for one more seat (weight up to 20 kg) via the Internet you will spend 1,449 rubles. Paying for the same place at the airport will cost 3 thousand rubles.
Let's look at these indicators for economy class at Aeroflot. If we are talking about the 1 rs indicator, this limitation means 10 kg and 115 three-dimensional cm.

If luggage is checked in, then it is 23 kg and 158 cm in three dimensions. At the same time, at the low-cost airline Pobeda the norm is 10 kg and 158 cm, but there is no talk of free hand luggage at all (0 rs).

If passengers fly on a Pobeda plane, they can take only one thing on board, and the list of items is quite limited. Important! Passengers often purchase some goods in duty free.

For one package, which must be sealed, they pay 700 rubles. If the goods are purchased at a foreign airport, the payment amount will be 10 euros. For other air carriers, such as UT Air or Ural Airlines, in economy class 1 pc means baggage weighing 23 kg and volume 203 cm.
Important! It is worth thinking about paying for additional space or weight in advance, since payment in Pobeda at the exit is the most expensive. Consider the same situation at UT Air. An additional seat in this company for flights within the country costs 2 thousand rubles, and for international flights the amount will be more – 25 euros. Baggage that exceeds the standard 203 cm in size and weighs more than 32 kg will also incur the costs indicated above. In the case where luggage is heavier than 50 kg, the surcharge will double. Choosing planes Siberian Airlines, be prepared for the following costs for exceeding the standards (weight, dimensions, space) on flights within the country - 2 thousand rubles. In business class, you need to pay 6 thousand rubles for an additional piece of baggage. If you need two or three more places, each of them will cost 6,000 rubles.

According to it, the airline determines the number of pieces of baggage that a passenger is allowed to carry free of charge. This system is also called piece system, since the measurement of transported items is based on their quantity.

If the ticket indicates 1pc, this means that the passenger can carry one piece of baggage free of charge, if 2pc, then 2 pieces of baggage. When the ticket says 0рс, it means the ticket does not include luggage and you do not have the right to carry a suitcase or bag for free. Dimensions and baggage allowances 1pc Many airlines have restrictions on baggage not only in the number of pieces, but also in weight and size. Each carrier sets its own requirements and dimensions. Baggage allowance 1рс – what does this mean? Let's start with Aeroflot, about which I wrote about the requirements here not long ago.

Not long ago, a mysterious inscription 1рс appeared on Aeroflot airline tickets, which immediately raised numerous questions among passengers. It was this carrier that decided to be the first to reform the rules for carrying baggage on an airplane. In this article we will try to find out what 1pc baggage means on an air ticket and what is the 1pc baggage allowance.

Before the introduced reforms, passenger baggage was limited according to two criteria - weight and size. Aeroflot was the first to introduce a third restriction – on the number of seats. This is how the Piece Concept system, abbreviated as pc, began to operate on its flights. It operates in many European countries and gradually began to be implemented and Russian airlines. According to it, the airline determines the number of pieces of baggage that a passenger is allowed to carry free of charge. This system is also called piece system, since the measurement of transported items is based on their quantity.

If the ticket indicates 1pc, this means that the passenger can carry one piece of baggage free of charge, if 2pc, then 2 pieces of baggage. When the ticket says 0рс, it means the ticket does not include luggage and you do not have the right to carry a suitcase or bag for free.

Dimensions and baggage allowances 1рс

Many airlines have baggage restrictions not only in the number of pieces, but also in weight and size. Each carrier sets its own requirements and dimensions. Baggage allowance 1рс – what does this mean? Let's start with Aeroflot, about whose requirements I wrote not so long ago. How much is 1pc luggage from Aeroflot? At the country's most important carrier, 1pc for checked baggage in economy class is 23 kg; in business class, the ticket will indicate 2pc, that is, you can carry 2 suitcases for free. Each person weighs no more than 32 kg. The weight applies to one piece of baggage.

Carry-on baggage allowances are lower. 1рс for hand luggage in economy class includes 10 kg, and in business class – 15 kg. Aeroflot also has limited luggage and hand luggage sizes. The sum of three dimensions for items in the cargo compartment should not exceed 158 cm, and for hand luggage - 115 cm.

Aeroflot's subsidiary, Pobeda Airlines, has significantly reduced its free baggage allowance with the introduction of . Now, which can be carried for free, can be designated 0рс, which means there are no free seats, only paid ones. The carrier’s position is this: either fly with hand luggage, which is required by law for passengers, or pay extra for luggage. You can take any number of things into the aircraft cabin that will fit in the carrier’s calibrator. Its dimensions are small (36 x 30 x 27 cm), which means you are unlikely to fit several bags in it. But for an additional fee, Pobeda offers to carry hand luggage, no longer limited by these dimensions, the main thing is that the weight of 1pc does not exceed 10 kg. Since the airline positions itself as a low-cost airline, it saves on everything. He is also trying to make money by transporting luggage.

For Ural Airlines, 1pc baggage in the promo category is 1 piece of hand luggage weighing up to 5 kg and 1 piece of checked baggage up to 10 kg. 2 rs only applies to the Business category.

UTair's 1pc baggage allowance states that a passenger in economy class can carry 1 pc of checked baggage weighing no more than 23 kg. and 1 piece of hand luggage up to 10 kg and size 55 x 40 x 20 cm.

How much luggage does the s7 1pc have? According to the basic economy fare - 0 RUR for checked baggage and 1 RUR for hand luggage weighing 10 kg. At the economy fare, a flexible passenger can take 1 pc of checked baggage and 1 pc of hand luggage up to 10 kg. In business class, the carrier provides extended transportation conditions both in terms of the number of seats and weight.

I'll show you what the inscription 1рс looks like in the photo. This is part of my electronic ticket to Israel, where I flew with Ural Airlines. Look to the right for the 23k-1pc symbols. They say that I can carry 1 piece of luggage, the weight of which will not exceed 23 kg. If I have 2 suitcases or, say, a weight of 25 kg, then I will have to pay extra. In the first case, for additional space, in the second, for an excess of 2 kg.

Look for a similar inscription on tickets from other carriers.

Baggage allowance depends on the class of service. For economy class, 1pc is usually offered, and its weight is lower than that of a higher class. For business, the carrier often indicates 2pc on the ticket, which means 2 pieces of luggage. Moreover, the weight of each is significantly higher than in economy class.

Is it possible to increase 1rs

For example, you bought an economy class ticket at Aeroflot, but you realize that your wardrobe will not fit in one suitcase. Is it possible to purchase one more place in the cargo compartment? Almost every carrier has the opportunity to cash take extra luggage or hand luggage. Payment is taken not only for additional space, but also for exceeding the established weight or permissible dimensions.

In our example, the surcharge will depend on the country of flight. On domestic flights it will be 2,500 rubles, on international flights 50-100 dollars or euros. But the third place and subsequent ones will cost many times more. The same rule applies if the baggage weight exceeds. It is often cheaper to purchase one more piece of luggage than to pay extra for overweight luggage.

As a rule, purchasing an additional piece of luggage in advance is cheaper than at the airport. So for Pobeda Airlines the difference is up to 50%. Imagine how much you can save by calculating the required volume in advance. The same order applies to weight, since one piece of luggage at a low-cost airline can have a different weight. You can buy 1pc with a weight of 10 kg, or you can buy one with a weight of 20 kg.

As for hand luggage, in addition to the dimensions and weight 1pc established by airlines, the passenger has the right to carry additional items from the FAP list. They are not carry-on baggage and come extra. For example, you can take with you a handbag or a suit in a suitcase.

Are skis or bicycles included in the stated 1рс in the ticket? It all depends on the carrier. Aeroflot allows passengers, instead of a suitcase (or in addition to it, if you have a 2PC), to carry sports equipment without paying. But for S7, skis and snowboards are an addition to 1pc. Transportation of animals will not be considered 1рс, even if you fly without luggage. An additional fee will be charged for transporting a pet, according to the tariffs established by the carrier.

In this article you learned what 1pc luggage is. Based on the above, passengers should remember three important components when preparing their luggage for a flight - weight, size and number of pieces of luggage. If you exceed any of these three parameters, airlines charge an additional fee. In connection with the introduction of changes to the law on the mandatory free baggage allowance, airlines have the opportunity to introduce baggage-free fares and set 0рс for their transportation. On this moment not all airlines have followed this path. Many still left a free baggage allowance of 1pc for the cheapest tickets. When purchasing an air ticket, I recommend checking whether baggage is included in the price and in what amount.

About the author: Ekaterina

On the pages of my blog you will find information about the places I have been, secrets and life hacks of independent travel.

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    Discussion: 10 comments

  1. We recently flew to New York and were allowed only two bags of 26 kilograms and carry-on luggage of 7 kilograms, + a laptop bag.


Until April 2019 in all tariff plans Aeroflot provided free luggage. If the airline accepts it for carriage under its own responsibility, tags it with a baggage tag, and transports it in the baggage compartment of the aircraft, it is called “checked baggage.”

Aeroflot: baggage allowance

On Aeroflot's own flights, there is a piecemeal checked baggage system (based on the number of pieces).

The number of pieces of free checked baggage on the ticket (passenger receipt) is indicated as 1pc/2pc/3pc. The abbreviation "pc" stands for Piece Concept. If you are entitled to 1 place, 1 pc will be written down on your ticket, if 2 places – 2 pc.

For Light group fares, the ticket (passenger receipt) indicates NIL.

Aeroflot's baggage rules are such that the baggage system is differentiated depending on the class of service.

The dimensions of free baggage are no more than 158 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions.

Children from 2 to 12 years old are entitled to the same number of free suitcases as adult passengers.

For infants under 2 years of age who have not purchased a separate seat on the plane, 1 suitcase weighing no more than 10 kg and the sum of three dimensions no more than 115 cm is allowed free of charge, regardless of the class of service (except for the Light fare).

If the total weight of a passenger's baggage, including hand luggage, does not exceed 10 kg, then the number of free checked baggage pieces is not limited.

Flight sharing

If the transportation involves flights of other carriers, including joint flights with other airlines, Aeroflot determines free baggage allowance according to the rules of the dominant carrier on the route.

On codeshare flights operated by Aurora and Rossiya airlines, the standards established by Aeroflot apply.

But there is an exception: on shared operation routes operated by Aurora Airlines - SU3630-3639, SU4526-4545, SU4591-4629, the free checked baggage allowance for all fare groups is 1 piece.

Non-standard luggage

When the weight of one piece exceeds 32 kg (but not more than 50 kg), the baggage is classified as heavy. When the size of one piece exceeds 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions, the baggage is considered oversized.

The carriage of such baggage by Aeroflot must be previously agreed upon by the passenger with the airline - no later than 36 hours before the flight departure.

Sport equipment

Sometimes you need to take skiing or hockey equipment, a bicycle, golf equipment or fishing gear. What are Aeroflot’s baggage transportation rules in this regard?

The following equipment is considered as 1st place and is included in the free rate:

Ski equipment case with 1 pair of skis and 1 pair of poles + 1 piece of luggage with 1 pair of boots, 1 case with 1 pair of water skis
Snowboard equipment 1 case with 1 snowboard + 1 piece of luggage with 1 pair of boots
Hockey equipment case with equipment + case with 2 clubs
Bike bike ready for transportation
Golf equipment golf equipment packed in one case
Fishing equipment(packed in 1 container or case)2 fishing rods + 1 set of tackle

The corresponding baggage tariff will be applied if the sum of the passenger's pieces of baggage exceeds that indicated on the ticket, as well as if the weight of the equipment exceeds the established norms for one piece of free baggage allowance.

Baggage carried in the passenger seat

Things that require special conditions transportation (for example, valuable, breakable, fragile, breakable items) can be accepted for transportation in the passenger seat. But provided that:

  • the passenger agreed on this service with the airline in advance, no later than 36 hours before departure;
  • luggage underwent special inspection for aviation security.

Such baggage cannot exceed 80 kg in weight and 135x50x30 cm in size. The passenger must pay for a ticket for additional seat at the fare applicable when transporting an adult passenger.

Aeroflot stated in its baggage rules that a ticket for transporting items in a passenger seat is not subject to a free allowance.

Transported to passenger compartment luggage must be packed in such a way as to prevent damage to the aircraft cabin equipment during transportation. Luggage is placed on the passenger seat near the window and secured with a seat belt.

Delivery to aircraft baggage carried in the cabin, its placement, removal from the board and delivery from the aircraft is carried out by the passenger himself.

Passenger baggage consolidation

If passengers fly together for the same purpose, to the same destination airport, in the same on your own flight Aeroflot or its subsidiaries - aviation companies under the commercial management of Aeroflot PJSC (family members, persons traveling together or on a business trip), then the carrier, at their request, can combine their checked baggage.

The total number of pieces of combined baggage should not exceed the sum of the norms for the number of pieces indicated in the tickets of each passenger. The combined piece of baggage cannot exceed 32 kg in weight and 203 cm in size.

Transportation of animals

If you decide to take your pet on a trip, be sure to inform us when purchasing your air ticket. Or call the Contact Center no later than 36 hours before the flight departure time. This must be done, since the transportation of animals is carried out only with the consent of the airline.

Aeroflot can accept domesticated animals such as cats, dogs, and birds for transportation. Other animals (ferrets, ferrets, meerkats, fennec foxes, loris, decorative hedgehogs, mini-rabbits, marmosets and others) are accepted for transportation if they are domesticated pets.

The luggage compartment provides for the transportation of animals (birds), the weight of which with the container exceeds 8 kg, but not more than 50 kg. Dogs belonging to potentially dangerous breeds (guard, aggressive, fighting) are transported only in the luggage compartment in reinforced cages.

Small vehicles

Small personal mobility devices powered by lithium batteries include: unicycles; Segways (mini-Segways); hoverboards; hoverboards; electric scooters.

Transportation of the specified items on Aeroflot PJSC flights is possible as checked baggage, but only without a lithium battery. You can take the removed battery into the aircraft cabin. True, its power should not exceed 160 Watt-hour.

It is forbidden to check in luggage

According to the baggage rules, Aeroflot prohibits passengers from carrying the following dangerous substances and objects in their suitcases and travel bags:

  • magnetized substances
  • explosives and weapons
  • poisonous and poisonous substances
  • flammable liquids
  • flammable solids
  • radioactive materials
  • compressed and liquefied gases
  • oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
  • toxic substances
  • caustic and corrosive substances
  • small-sized means of personal transportation powered by lithium batteries and other dangerous substances, objects and cargo that can be used as a weapon of attack against passengers, the crew of an aircraft, and also posing a threat to the flight of the aircraft.

Transportation of weapons on Aeroflot flights

According to the baggage transportation rules, Aeroflot allows passengers to take weapons with them on a trip. But when booking and checking in, you must notify the airline of your intention.

A passenger carrying a weapon must arrive for check-in no later than an hour and a half before departure.

When transporting weapons across the territory Russian Federation you must have the appropriate permit to store and carry weapons.

When exporting weapons from the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as when transporting them through the territory of the Russian Federation, the passenger must have a permit for the import (export) of weapons issued by the authorized body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Relatively recently, almost all Aeroflot air tourists had a question: where did the inscription baggage 1pc appear on the ticket, what does it mean? Let's try to figure it out.

Luggage 1 pc - what does it mean?

Aeroflot has decided to increase the level of provision of services for the transportation of passenger air cargo. Therefore, she introduced new standards in this area - the number of places that this cargo occupies. Previously, the rules for transporting air luggage concerned only its weight and dimensions. They should not exceed the indicators established by the company. It was possible to transport no more than 5-10 kg per passenger for free.

Innovations were recorded not only at Aeroflot, but also at other Russian and foreign airlines.

What does the 1pc baggage allowance mean? The rule applies to both hand luggage and the cargo compartment in the luggage compartment of an aircraft. If the ticket says 1pc next to the piece of hand luggage, the tourist can take only one bag into the cabin, which is equivalent to hand luggage. A similar inscription will be opposite the line for carrying bags in the cargo compartment. The weight and dimensions of air cargo differ for each airline.

The inscription 2pc means that a passenger can use two places to transport air luggage in the cabin and in the cargo compartment. This right of carriage can be used by business class passengers. Tourists traveling in economy class can carry one free bag as carry-on baggage and one free bag as air cargo in the hold.

Note. The weight and dimensions of air baggage for free transportation are limited. Each air carrier sets its own standards.

If the bags are overweight, the passenger will have to pay for additional space in the cargo compartment or in the cabin.

Baggage dimensions and allowances 1pc

As mentioned above, each air carrier sets its own rules for transporting cargo. Aeroflot's baggage allowance of 1pc means that a passenger can carry up to 23 kg of cargo for free. In business class, the weight of air cargo for free transportation is increased. It is 32 kg.

This standard is marked on the ticket as 2pc. As for hand luggage, Aeroflot’s 1pc allowance means that a passenger can take into the cabin a bag whose weight does not exceed 10 kg, in business class - up to 15 kg.

Air baggage allowances for other airlines:

  • "Ural Airlines". They established their own rules for transporting free goods. Their 1pc standard for hand luggage means that the bag a passenger takes into the cabin should not weigh more than 5 kg. The weight of checked baggage can reach 10 kg. The 2pc allowance is provided only for passengers traveling in business class.
  • "S7". According to the tariffs of this air carrier, a passenger can take with him a bag weighing up to 10 kg as hand luggage. This rate is indicated on tickets as 1 pc. Economy basic checked baggage is designated as 0pc. According to the carrier's "economy-flexible" tariff, a tourist can take hand luggage (up to 10 kg) and checked air luggage.
  • "UTair". This airline has more loyal standards for air cargo transportation. Thus, a passenger can take hand luggage with him into the cabin, the weight of which does not exceed 10 kg. This is the 1pc allowance for hand luggage. For air luggage it is 23 kg.

Foreign carriers have established their own standards for air cargo transportation. For international flights, the weight of a “1pc” bag should not exceed 32 kg.

Is it possible to increase the rate?

Increasing cargo transportation standards for each air carrier is paid additionally. This can be done directly at the airport or through online resources.

Note! The 1pc baggage allowance in the booking status does not differ from the norms when purchasing an airline ticket at the airport.

Therefore, the passenger must notify the air carrier about the excess of hand luggage or checked cargo. The latter reserves additional seats for air luggage, which will need to be paid for.

Each carrier sets certain rules for paying for excess cargo. They depend not only on the weight of the bag, but also on its dimensions. Also, the cost of excess baggage depends on the country of flight. On domestic flights, a passenger will pay up to 2,500.00 rubles for excess cargo. International flights require payment in foreign currency. It varies between 50-100 dollars. USA or Euro. This is the cost of one additional piece of air luggage. If a tourist has exceeded the air cargo transportation norm several times, additional second and subsequent seats will cost him much more.

You need to know that it is more profitable to buy additional space if you have excess luggage in advance rather than directly at the airport. For example, at Aeroflot the cost of additional cargo space, which is paid in advance, is 50% lower than if paid during check-in. It is also worth considering that each additional seat has its own weight limit: 10 kg and 20 kg. This is worth considering when choosing tickets.

In order to comply with the standards of the carrier company, you must first clarify their rules for transporting air cargo. It is better to double-check the weight of your luggage several times so that problems do not arise at check-in. If a tourist does not have air luggage that needs to be checked into the cargo hold, he can purchase a ticket with a fare of 0pc.

Watch a video about baggage allowances on planes


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