Who called from the missing Malaysian Boeing. Who called from the missing Malaysian Boeing Latest news about the Malaysian Boeing

Pilot and flight instructor Simon Hardy told Australia's 9 Now that the commander of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared on March 8, 2014, Zachariah Ahmad Shah, was trying to confuse air traffic controllers. He turned off the detection systems and flew the plane on the border of the Malaysian and Thai areas of responsibility. This area is a blind spot.

Hardy is confident that the pilot's actions were deliberate, and points out that Ahmad Shah made an unnecessary detour near the Malaysian state of Penang, where he was born. According to Hardy, this is how the pilot said goodbye to his home.

Former head of Canada's Transportation Safety Bureau, Larry Vance, who was also present at the program, expressed the opinion that the pilot was planning suicide, and killed all the passengers along with him.

He believes that the captain of the ship could have depressurized the cabin so that passengers and crew members would lose consciousness, while he himself had first put on an oxygen mask.

“He was going to kill himself. Unfortunately, he killed all the passengers along with himself. This was intentional,” Vance said.

Experts disagreed on whether the plane was directed into the sea by the pilot, or whether Shah piloted it until it ran out of fuel, at which point it crashed. According to research, the Boeing did not prepare for landing and landing on water because its flaps were not extended. Thus, this confirms the hypothesis that the plane was not controlled by the pilots before the actual crash.

A Malaysian National Airlines airliner with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board, making a joint flight with China Southern Airlines from the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared from radar screens without giving any signals about problems on board, other problems or a change in course .

According to established data, the weather in the area of ​​​​the disappearance was good, the plane was controlled by experienced pilots. The captain, 53-year-old Malaysian citizen Zachary Ahmad Shah, has worked at MAS since 1981, his flight time reached almost 18.5 thousand hours, 27-year-old co-pilot Farik Ab Namid has flown almost three thousand hours. The aircraft had undergone a full inspection just ten days before this flight.

It was initially reported that on board the missing plane were 154 passengers from China and Taiwan, 38 citizens of Malaysia, seven Indonesians, six Australians, five Indians, four French, three US citizens, two New Zealanders, Ukrainians and Canadians each, one resident of Russia and Italy , the Netherlands and Austria. However, it quickly became known that two who were originally on the list of passengers on the flight - Austrian Christian Kozil and Italian Luigi Maraldi - reported the theft of their passports while in Thailand and did not fly anywhere.

Malaysian authorities have opened a criminal investigation into the terrorist attack, which was allegedly carried out by terrorists who boarded the plane using someone else's passports.

However, Kuala Lumpur is major center transportation of illegal migrants using stolen passports to Europe, and therefore it is possible that the presence of two people on board with fake passports is not directly related to the disappearance of the plane.

An explosion on board has long remained one of the most common versions, since it is difficult to imagine anything else capable of destroying a modern airliner at once. According to experts, it was either an explosion, a lightning strike, or rapid decompression. However, the Boeing 777 is capable of continuing to fly even after a lightning strike, and even after a sharp decompression, but after an explosion there is no longer a chance, experts say.

Over the course of three years, the wreckage of the plane was found in South Africa, Tanzania, and Thailand, but the exact location of the crash could not be determined. The last officially confirmed remains of a Boeing 777 were found on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. According to a study conducted by the Office transport security Australia, the debris found is part of the trailing edge of the plane's wing.

In 2017, Australia officially stopped any efforts to find the plane or investigate the incident.

However, the Search Agency Coordination Center (JACC) continues to work closely with the Malaysian government to share information on the case and support the families dead passengers and crew members.

Currently, the wreckage of the missing liner is being recovered by a private American company, Ocean Infinity. In January of this year, the Malaysian government promised search engines to pay $70 million if the plane or its black boxes were discovered.

The Boeing 777-200 airliner of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board, making a joint flight MH370 with the Chinese China Southern Airlines from the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur to Beijing (China), (March 7, 22.40 Moscow time), did not giving no signals of problems on board, other problems or changes in course. The last message from the plane was: “Everything is fine, good night.”

At the moment of last contact - literally a minute before entering air zone Office of Vietnam - the airliner is 220 kilometers from east coast Malaysia. The weather in the area of ​​the disappearance was good. The plane was flown by experienced pilots (the captain, 53-year-old Malaysian Zachary Ahmad Shah, had worked at MAS since 1981, with almost 18,500 hours of flight time; 27-year-old co-pilot Farik Ab Namid had 2,763 hours of flight time). The airliner underwent a full inspection just ten days before this flight.

On board the missing plane were 154 passengers from China and Taiwan, 38 Malaysians, seven Indonesians, six Australians, five Indians, four French, three US citizens, two each New Zealanders, Ukrainians and Canadians, one resident each from Russia, Italy, the Netherlands and Austria. However, the real nationality of at least two of those on board was then called into question due to evidence that they used stolen passports. According to Interpol, the two Iranians were traveling on the passports of an Austrian and an Italian. According to the international law enforcement organization, they were not related to terrorists, but were heading to Europe as illegal migrants.

Among the 227 passengers on the plane, 20 were employees of one company - Freescale Semiconductor, a former subsidiary of Motorolla, headquartered in Texas (USA), which produces semiconductor equipment, including components for defense equipment and on-board navigation systems.

The missing Boeing was carrying not only passengers, but also more than seven tons of cargo, some of which was not named. transportation documents. The plane was carrying 4,566 tons of mangosteens (the fruit of a tropical tree), as well as a shipment of lithium batteries (200 kilograms), which was part of a separate cargo that weighed 2.4 tons. A Malaysian Airlines spokesman said the cargo consisted of "radio accessories and chargers."

The transportation of the unknown cargo was carried out by the Beijing branch of the logistics company HHR Global Logistics, but another company, JHJ International Transportation Co.Ltd, had to pick up the delivered goods on its behalf.

In April 2015, the governments of Malaysia, Australia and China participating in the search operation doubled the search, as a result of which it was expanded to 120 thousand square kilometers. At that time, more than half of the priority zone at the bottom had been surveyed Indian Ocean(more than 50 thousand square kilometers). However, despite the use of sophisticated sonar equipment and assistance from a number of governments, by that time there was no sign of the aircraft.

The first in 16 months as part of the investigation into the circumstances of the disappearance of the Boeing 777-200 airliner of Malaysia Airlines was a fragment of a wing (a flaperon designed to control the roll angle), found on July 29, 2015 on the French island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean - thousands of kilometers from the main search area. work underway in Australia. The wreckage of an unidentified plane was found by beach cleaners near the city of San Andre. It was filled with shells, indicating a long stay in the water.

After the found fragment of the plane, specialists from the Australian-led Search Coordination Center (JACC), Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, as well as the French prosecutor's office, believed that it belonged to the missing airliner.

By the end of 2015 there were search areas. Other debris was also found in the Indian Ocean.

Summer 2016. In July, the media, citing Malaysian police documents, reported that the pilot of the Malaysian airliner MH370, Zachary Ahmad Shah, flew on a simulator in southern part Indian Ocean less than a month before the plane disappeared, presumably in the same area. According to the documents, Malaysian police provided the FBI with hard drives on which the pilot recorded routes practiced in a homemade home flight simulator. Investigators believe the path taken by MH370's commander is largely consistent with the one the plane may have followed before it disappeared. Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai later said there was no evidence that the pilot of the missing airliner intentionally sent it into the ocean.

In August, Australian media, citing an analysis by the Australian Department of Defense, said that a Boeing 777-200 fell into the Indian Ocean at high speed, which may indicate an uncontrolled crash. According to the automatic signals that the airliner gave in the last minutes of the flight, the plane fell "very quickly - at speeds of up to 20 thousand feet per minute (6096 meters per minute)." Experts concluded that the crash occurred after the plane ran out of fuel and two engines caught fire - “first the left one, and 15 minutes later the right one.”

On January 17, 2017, representatives of Australia, Malaysia and China disappeared Malaysian Boeing MH370, which lasted more than two years. According to the joint statement of the three states, despite all efforts made, the use latest technologies, modeling methods and consultations with highly qualified and best-in-class specialists, the aircraft could not be found during the search.

Conducting searches for the missing MH370 Malaysia for individuals and organizations.

At the end of February 2017, 25 pieces of MH370 debris had been confirmed. Malaysia has reached a memorandum of understanding with African countries whose shores are washed by the Indian Ocean. According to the agreement, the African side pledged to help recover any likely debris that might wash up on its shores.

Team investigating the disappearance of the aircraft, which will be published within a year.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti

British virtual tracker Ian Wilson is a video engineer by profession. He discovered an object similar to an airplane using the resource Google Maps. I saw him lying in the inaccessible jungles of Cambodia.

Yang has no doubt: this object is the plane - most likely, the same one - the Malaysian Boeing 777-200, which on March 8, 2014, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared in the most mysterious way along with 239 passengers.

Based on the outline of the discovered airliner, it is the right one. Only almost 6 meters longer - not 63.7 meters, but 70.

The tail fell off, the tracker explains, and lies a little further from the fuselage. Hence the "extension".

The main objection of skeptics: the photo from space used by Google Maps could have been accidentally captured by a plane flying over the jungle. In addition, four years have passed since the loss, quite enough for lush tropical vegetation to completely hide the liner. And it’s strange that the car in the photo is practically intact. Even if the plane had not crashed high altitude, and tried to land in the jungle, it would most likely fall apart into several large fragments.

No,” Wilson dismisses doubts. Like, I checked it using one of the resource options - “escape ground view”. The plane is down.

Could the virtual tracker have “stumbled upon” not MH370, but some other Boeing 777-200? Excluded - no other similar ones fell in this area of ​​Cambodia. At least, aviation experts nothing is known about such disasters.

Wilson said he would like to get to the crash site he discovered himself. After all, Malaysian and Australian specialists, who, albeit to no avail, are officially busy searching for the remains of the liner, as a rule, do not respond to the “signals” of virtual trackers. Or they brush them off.


And here's another Boeing

Competing with Wilson is Australian Peter McMahon, who has long been passionate about investigating aircraft accidents. Using Google Maps, he also saw the silhouette of a crashed Malaysian Boeing. But in another place - under water. If he gets to it, he will have to dive.

In March 2018, McMahon: The Boeing lies in shallow water about 16 kilometers south of Round Island, one of the Seychelles. The satellite photo shows both the wings and the fuselage.

The Australian Transport and Safety Bureau told McMahon that the plane he discovered could well be the one he was looking for. But no action was taken. The Malaysian authorities also responded. But more harshly: they asked not to mislead people.

McMahon somehow saw that the fuselage of the airliner was full of holes. It’s as if it’s been pierced by machine-gun fire.

And one more

In 2016, the Malaysian Boeing was found by Scott Waring, a famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist among those who look for anomalies in images transmitted from other planets, for example, from Mars.

Scott assures that he did not specifically search for the missing airliner. I was looking for traces of UFOs that were seen in the Cape area Good Hope(Cape of Good Hope) in 2013. And for this purpose, I looked at the photographs of the area posted in Google Earth. I saw the outline of the plane. He lies under water. Almost whole.

The 21st century is the era of total digitization of all spheres of human life: from health to entertainment. An unfaithful husband is identified by a telephone, a lost child by a special bracelet, a stolen car by a GPS tracker. It is all the more surprising that in 2014, a plane with 239 people on board disappeared without a trace.

It was regular international flight, operated by Malaysia Airlines twice a day.

On the night of March 8, 227 passengers and 12 crew members boarded the Boeing 777. The plane took off from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, landing 5 hours and 34 minutes later at International airport Beijing.

Preparations for the flight went without incident: there were no problems with passengers, luggage, or crew. The plane took off on time - at 00:35 local time - gained altitude and set on a standard course.

At 01:06, the dispatcher received an automatic report on the location of the aircraft, according to which it was moving strictly on course. The report included information on the amount of fuel - 43,800 kg with a predicted consumption of 37,500 kg.

At 01:19, the captain of the ship, Zachary Shah, contacted the Lumpur Radar control center. The controller warned the plane's crew that they were leaving his area of ​​responsibility and should contact the controller at the nearby Ho Chi Minh control center. But flight MH370 never contacted dispatchers from Ho Chi Minh.

It was established that the Boeing 777 disappeared from the radars of the Lumpur Radar control center at 01:20 at night, that is, one and a half minutes after the last communication session. Around the same time, the plane disappeared from the radars of the Ho Chi Minh control center, with which it was supposed to communicate.

Employees of both centers tried to detect the Boeing using a signal from a spare transponder, which is present on all aircraft, but it turned out that it was turned off at the same minute when the plane disappeared from the radars of both centers - that is, at 01:20.

The latest data received from the Boeing 777 indicated that it was moving strictly on course at the recommended altitude at a speed of 842 km/h, which was normal.

Later it became known that the captain of another plane flying nearby tried to contact the crew of the missing Boeing. This request was made to him from the dispatch center, informing him that the Malaysian Airlines flight had stopped communicating. The first attempt to establish contact with MH370 was made at 01:30, that is, 11 minutes after the captain spoke with the controller from Lumpur Radar and 9 minutes after the plane disappeared from radar. According to the captain who was trying to establish communication, he heard some “murmuring” and static interference.

The only one that continued to see the Malaysian Boeing was a military satellite. He also recorded that at 01:22 the plane turned right, and then made an unexpected turn to the left, going off course and flying almost into reverse side.

The Boeing continued to maintain altitude, crossing the Malaysian peninsula at a speed of 919 km/h. Data from a military satellite was confirmed at Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, whose radars detected an “unidentified aircraft” flying through their area of ​​​​responsibility from 01:30 to 01:52 at night.

Malaysia's military satellite continued to track flight MH370 until 02:22, when it left its coverage area. During this time, the Boeing flew to the island of Penang, after which it changed direction again, starting to move towards the North.

The countries that the missing Boeing flew past were reluctant to share data collected by their military satellites on the night of the plane's disappearance. Investigators were eventually told that Indonesia did not receive a signal from flight MH370, even though it was flying close to northern Sumatra. It is possible that the country’s authorities decided not to disclose this information, fearing to declassify the capabilities of their military satellites.

Similar statements were received from Thailand and Vietnam, where they reported that they saw the missing Boeing until 01:21 a.m., after which it disappeared from their radars. Later, Thai authorities reported that that night their military satellite still recorded a signal from an unknown aircraft, but the latter did not contain identification data, so it cannot be argued that it belonged to a Malaysian Boeing.

Australia also reported a lack of information on MH370. Despite the fact that the plane was moving in the opposite direction, Canberra still checked the data from its satellites, but did not find any traces of the missing Boeing. Later it became known that the Australian over-the-horizon radar station with a range of 3,000 km was turned off that night.

The weirdness didn't end there. At 02.29 at night, the aircraft's satellite communications system (SCS), which had not previously responded to requests from the ground, suddenly connected to the Inmarsat ground station, sending a request to enter the network. This means that for some reason the SSS was disconnected from the network, and at 02:29 it connected back. After this, the ground station to which the aircraft's SSS was connected sent several requests to it. The requests were automatic - Inmarsat stations send them once every 60 minutes, if during this time there were no signals from the aircraft. That night, Inmarsat sent 5 such requests - each of them was recorded by the aircraft's SSS, which indicates the serviceability of the on-board systems. In addition to these requests, the aircraft's SSS recorded two calls from the ground - at 02:39 and 07:13 in the morning - these were the second and third attempts to contact the crew. Despite the fact that the signals reached the plane, the pilots never responded to these calls.

At 08.19 in the morning the situation repeated itself - the aircraft’s SSS sent a second request to connect to the Inmarsat network. That is, shortly before this, the aircraft's systems were turned off again. Logging into the network was successful, but when an hour later the Inmarsat station sent another automatic request to Boeing, it no longer responded.

Who was responsible for the search for the missing Malaysian Boeing?

The operation to search for the missing Boeing became the largest in aviation history. Initially, it was carried out in the waters of South China and Andaman seas, over which the plane flew at about 2 am. Later, after a detailed analysis of communication sessions with the Inmarsat station, the search area moved to the southern part of the Indian Ocean.

The operation lasted three years and ended only in January 2017. During this time, 120,000 sq. km were searched. sea ​​surface.

Wreckage of Boeing MH370 found off the coast of Africa

The first fragment of the missing plane was found at the end of July 2015 on the shore of Reunion Island, located in the western Indian Ocean - 4,000 km from the search zone. In September 2015, French investigators reported that a serial number found on the wreckage belonged to flight MH370. It was also determined that the fragment was part of a flaperon, a type of control surface on an aircraft wing that combines the functions of flaps and ailerons.

After the discovery of the wreckage, all beaches in Reunion were searched. Investigators were able to find pieces of a suitcase that could have been on board the Boeing, a bottle of Chinese mineral water and packaging of Malaysian cleaning products.

More pieces of MH370 were found in 2016, including on the beaches of Mozambique and on the islands of Mauritius, Rodrigues and Pemba. They were probably carried by ocean currents.

Versions of the disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing

During the investigation, a variety of versions were considered - from the most probable to the almost fantastic.

Initially, the emphasis was on terrorism, but a check of the crew and passengers of the plane did not reveal any suspicious connections confirming the version of a terrorist attack. Investigators determined that at least two people on board used stolen passports to purchase tickets. However, it was later proven that, despite the ambiguity of the situation, these passengers were refugees and not terrorists.

The second most likely version of what happened was a system failure that caused the plane to crash. But the fact that the SSS on board the plane continued to exchange data with the Inmarsat station refuted this version - in order for the SSS to continue working, it needs electricity. The fact that at 08:19 the system sent a request to enter the network indicates that at that time the aircraft was operational and continued its flight.

It was these communication sessions that led investigators to think about the most likely reason for the disappearance of the plane. Let me remind you that in the period from 01:19 to 02:29 the plane was completely inaccessible. The SSS on board did not respond to automatic requests and signals from the ground, and also did not record a call from another aircraft attempting to contact the crew of MH370 at the request of air traffic controllers. But at 02:29 she suddenly sent a login request to Inmarsat. Such a request is sent in several cases: a) power problems, b) failure software, c) shutdown of critical systems responsible for the operation of the SSS, or c) loss of communication due to too high an altitude.

After this, the aircraft responded to 5 automatic requests from the Inmarsat ground station sent every hour, and also recorded two calls from the ground - at 02:39 and 07:13 am. According to investigators, this indicates that the reason for sending the request was a power outage.

At 08.19 the situation repeated itself - the plane again sent a request to enter the system. This means that at some point the board was again de-energized. And already at 09:15 Boeing stopped communicating.

Most experts who worked on the case believe that the cause of the disappearance and probable crash of the plane was the uncontrolled slow decompression of the plane. Slow decompression is a drop in air pressure in a closed space (for example, an airplane cabin) due to its depressurization. Sometimes the air leaves so slowly that you can only find out about the problem after the first signs of hypoxia (suffocation) appear.

Uncontrolled decompression may be caused by human factor(fatigue, inattention), material fatigue, system failure or external influence.

Slow decompression most often occurs during climb. This is likely what happened with MH370, whose crew stopped communicating just 38 minutes after taking off from the airport.

According to investigators, the crew went off course and turned off the plane's power while delirious due to lack of oxygen. An hour later, they somehow managed to restore power, after which the satellite communications system began sending signals to the Inmarsat station. It was probably around this time that the crew finally lost consciousness, and the plane continued to fly on autopilot.

6 hours later, precisely at 8 am, the missing Boeing ran out of fuel. Its shortage led to the shutdown of all systems, including the SSS. The plane took time to start the emergency aircraft turbine, which restored power to some critical systems, including the satellite communications system. Once power was restored, the SSS contacted the satellite again, sending a request to enter the network. However, at this time the plane, most likely, had already fallen into a tailspin, quickly approaching the surface of the Indian Ocean.

It took investigators time to decipher data from the Inmarsat station, which confirmed that the plane continued its flight until 8 am. If this information had been deciphered earlier, the search area would have been moved to the side, and then, most likely, the relatives of the 239 people who remained forever in March 2014 would have someone to mourn.

MOSCOW, March 8 - RIA Novosti, Ksenia Melnikova. Five years ago, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing disappeared from radar while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. There were 239 people on board. All were declared dead, but neither the remains nor the plane itself were ever found. About how the search operation took place and why it did not produce results, see the RIA Novosti material.

Shrouded in mystery

The Boeing of Malaysia Airlines took off from Kuala Lumpur airport on March 8, 2014 at 00:41 local time (20:41 Moscow time March 7). In six hours he was scheduled to land in Beijing. There were 239 people on board, including 12 crew members. Mostly Chinese, Malaysians and Taiwanese.

There were no signs of trouble. Ten days before the flight, the plane underwent a full check. stood good weather. Everything was calm on board: the crew did not send alarming messages. 40 minutes after takeoff, the airliner disappeared from radar.

© AP Photo/Joshua Paul

© AP Photo/Joshua Paul

Subsequently it turned out that everything was done with a delay. For some reason, Ho Chi Minh City air traffic controllers reported that the plane did not enter their air space only 20 minutes after it disappeared from radar, and not within two minutes, as required by the regulations. Malaysia Airlines itself reacted belatedly, declaring an emergency five hours after the last contact with the crew. As a result, the rescue operation was launched only ten hours after the airliner went missing. Representatives of 26 states whose passengers were on board hastily sent military and fishing vessels and helicopters to a search operation.

We tried everything. They tried to determine the location of the aircraft even by signals from smartphones belonging to passengers, but to no avail. Soon, oil spills were discovered near the coast of Vietnam, and after some time, debris was discovered. Oddly enough, all this had nothing to do with the missing plane.

The scope of the search operation expanded, but did not bring any results. Rescuers combed the sea and land for days on end. There were no clues, more and more unexpected versions of what happened were put forward.

One of the main ones is an explosion on board. This explained the lack of noticeable debris. But other questions arose: why did not a single satellite detect the explosion? The possibility of the plane being hijacked was also not discounted. Thus, it turned out that two passengers boarded the plane using stolen passports. Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kotzel had their documents stolen in Thailand in 2012-2013. But this, too, was not related to the disaster - according to European documents, two Iranians were flying, hoping to settle in the European Union.

What has been accomplished during this time?

The search operation for flight MH370 has already been called the largest in the history of aviation. In total, over $150 million was spent on it. Over the course of five years, six fragments of the airliner’s hull were discovered. The first was found by a scavenger in July 2015 on the island of Reunion - four thousand kilometers from the supposed crash site. According to him, he also came across suitcases and a chair that looked like an airplane, but he burned it all, “like all the garbage.” But the garbage man didn’t hear anything about the missing plane because he doesn’t watch TV.

A couple more pieces of debris were found on the coast of Mozambique, Mauritius and on a beach in South Africa. Authorities admitted that these were indeed fragments of the missing plane.

Relatives of the dead passengers have repeatedly complained about the international investigation team and tried to organize own searches. We launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise five million dollars. However, they collected a little more than 100 thousand dollars, and this was only enough for several months of investigation, which, however, also led to nothing.

An international investigative team published a 1,500-page final report last year, admitting there was still a lack of clarity. But there is evidence that "unlawful interference was committed, as a result of which the communication systems stopped working and the aircraft was deployed manually."

The airliner was piloted by the aircraft's commander, 53-year-old Malaysian Zachary Ahmad Shah, who had flown 18,500 hours, and 27-year-old co-pilot Farik Ab Namid, for whom this flight was a test flight.

Various accusations were made against Zachary. Former Canadian head of the Transportation Safety Bureau, Larry Vance, suggested that the first pilot committed suicide and killed the rest of the passengers and crew along with him. Australian experts hypothesized that the ship's commander was trying to confuse air traffic controllers. Allegedly, to do this, he turned off the detection systems and flew the plane on the border of the areas of responsibility of Thailand and Malaysia, which is considered a blind spot. And near the Malaysian state he made an unnecessary detour, as if saying goodbye to the house in which he was born. No one has officially confirmed this information.

As told to RIA Novosti CEO ICAA "Flight Safety", member World Fund flight safety (FSF) Sergey Melnichenko, the pilots were not found guilty - there are no sufficient grounds. But the crew commander is a truly interesting person. With his own hands, he assembled a special simulator, on which he trained to fly an aircraft in the basement of his house. The route programmed into the simulator coincided with flight MH370.

Zachary's call sign was " Twin Towers 777" ("Twin Towers 777"). "Many knew him as a person who could be relied upon, who would give good advice in a difficult life situation. Interestingly, he supported the opposition in Malaysia. A year before the plane disappeared, there were elections there, the opposition lost. There is a photo of him on the Internet with the words “June 13th is the end of democracy.” He had a distant relative - one of the opposition leaders,” the expert says.


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