Organization of the use of airspace for private aviation. Organization of use of airspace. restricted flight zones

Organization of IVP- ensuring safe, economical and regular air traffic, as well as other air traffic control activities, including:

v establishing the structure of the VP;

v planning and coordinating TRS in accordance with government priorities;

v ensuring the permitting procedure for temporary residence permits;

v air traffic organization, which is air traffic service (control), organization of air traffic flows;

v monitoring compliance with the OP IVP.

The organization of air traffic management is carried out by the bodies of the unified air traffic management system of the Russian Federation (EU ATM, the corresponding international term ATMA ir T raffic M anagement) Fig. 2:

o Interdepartmental Commission on IVP of the Russian Federation;

o Directorate for Aircraft and Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Defense;

o Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State ATM Corporation”, as well as

o Zonal interdepartmental commissions on TRP;

o control centers in designated zones and areas in the manner determined by the Government Russian Federation.

1.4 Structure airspace

VP structure is a set of airspace elements limited in the vertical and horizontal planes, intended for the organization and use of airspace (AIS).

v types of air traffic services (controller, flight information, advisory, emergency). Note that in the Russian Federation, air traffic control services are used;

v flight rules;

v flight performance characteristics of the aircraft being operated;

v flight intensity and type of air traffic (regular or irregular);

v performance characteristics radio technical equipment for flight support and air traffic control;

v reducing to a minimum the number of aircraft control transfers from ATC services;

v the capabilities of the dispatch staff as a link in the air traffic control system for air traffic control.

The structure of the VP is established in accordance with the Air Code (AC) of the Russian Federation, FP IVP of the Russian Federation and includes the following elements:

v EU ATM zones and areas;

v Border airspace;

v Areas of airfields and air hubs;

v Air routes (AT) and local air lines (ALL);

v Flight routes;

v Straightened airways;

v Air corridors for passing the state border of the Russian Federation;

v Entry (exit) corridors to VT;

v Special aircraft flight zones;

v Restricted areas;

v Restricted flight zones;

v Dangerous zones (areas of launch and fall of missiles and their detachable parts);

v Areas of testing grounds, blasting operations, anti-hail firing, aerial work and special areas.

The boundaries of the elements of the VP structure are established according to geographical coordinates and heights. They are specified in the relevant instructions and published in aeronautical information documents (ANI). Elements of the airspace structure are plotted on radio navigation maps (RNA).

Military sector
Civil sector
Military sector
Civil sector
Military sector

Fig.3. Division of the airspace of the state.

Thus, there are two types of airspace - permitted for flights of civil aviation aircraft, and prohibited (restricted) for flights of civil aviation aircraft.

The airspace over the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as beyond its borders, where responsibility for ATM is assigned to the Russian Federation, is divided into lower and upper airspace. The boundary of the lower and upper airspace is level 8100 m (FL265), which refers to the upper airspace.

Controlled VP- a general term defining the airspace within which air traffic control is carried out using command and control means: → two-way radio communication and radar or only two-way radio communication.

Uncontrolled VP- this is a space in which air traffic control is not carried out due to the lack of equipment for control and monitoring equipment or their limited technical capabilities. Air traffic is organized based on information about declared flight routes and is carried out using onboard radar and radio equipment of the aircraft.

According to the altitude of flights in the airspace, the following are distinguished:

v extremely low altitudes – from 0 to 200 m inclusive above the terrain or water surface;

v low altitudes – over 200 to 1000 m inclusive;

v average heights – over 1000 to 4000 m inclusive;

v high altitudes – over 4000 to 12,000 m inclusive;

v stratosphere – over 12,000 m and up to the stratopause inclusive.

Airspace structure

7. The airspace above the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as beyond its borders, where responsibility for organizing air traffic is assigned to the Russian Federation, is divided into lower and upper airspace.

The boundary between the lower and upper airspace is the level of 8100 m, which refers to the upper airspace.

8. The airspace structure includes the following elements:

a) zones and areas (zones and areas of the Unified System, flight information areas, control areas, control areas);

b) air traffic service routes;

c) areas of airfields (air hubs, heliports);

d) special zones (pilot training zones, aerobatic zones, test flight zones, flight zones aircraft at low and extremely low altitudes, areas of aircraft flights at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, aircraft flights for in-flight refueling, aircraft flights with a variable profile, etc.);

e) aircraft flight routes;

f) restricted areas;

g) hazardous areas;

h) flight restriction zones;

i) other elements installed for carrying out activities in the airspace.

9. The boundaries of airspace structure elements are established by geographic coordinates and altitudes. The boundaries and conditions for the use of airspace structure elements are published in aeronautical information documents.

Airspace classification

10. The airspace above the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as beyond its borders, where responsibility for organizing air traffic is assigned to the Russian Federation, is classified as follows:

a) class A - flights performed only under instrument flight rules are permitted. All aircraft are provided with air traffic control services and are separated. No speed limits apply. The presence of constant two-way radio communication with air traffic services (flight control) is mandatory. All flights are carried out with permission to use airspace, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 114 of these Federal Rules;

b) class C - flights are permitted under instrument flight rules and visual flight rules. All aircraft are provided with air traffic control services. Aircraft flying under instrument flight rules are separated from other aircraft flying under instrument flight rules and visual flight rules. Aircraft operating under visual flight rules are separated from aircraft operating under instrument flight rules and receive traffic information regarding other aircraft operating under visual flight rules. No speed limits apply. The presence of constant two-way radio communication with air traffic services (flight control) is mandatory. All flights are carried out with permission to use airspace, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 114 of these Federal Rules;

c) class G - flights are permitted under instrument flight rules and visual flight rules. There is no separation of aircraft. All on-demand flights are provided with flight information service. All flights at altitudes below 3000 m are subject to a speed limit of no more than 450 km/h. Aircraft flying under instrument flight rules are required to have constant two-way radio communication with air traffic services (flight control). When flying aircraft under visual flight rules, constant two-way radio communication with air traffic services (flight control) is not required. For all aircraft flights, permission to use airspace is not required.

Establishment and use of airspace structure

11. The boundaries of zones (districts) of the Unified System are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

The organization of the use of airspace in zones (districts) of the Unified System is carried out by the bodies of the Unified System.

12. A flight information region is the airspace within the boundaries of the zone (region) of the Unified System, within which flight information services and emergency alerts are provided.

13. A control area is controlled airspace above 200 m from the earth or water surface within the flight information region.

A nodal dispatch area may be established within the boundaries of the control area.

14. The control area is the controlled airspace within the flight information region, from the ground or water surface to the altitude of the lower boundary of the control area or the altitude of the second echelon inclusive, as a rule, within a radius of at least 10 km from the aerodrome control point.

The control zone can be installed over 2 or more closely located airfields.

15. Air traffic service route, as appropriate, means an air route, an area navigation route, or a local air route.

16. The width of the air route is established:

10 km (5 km in both directions from the airway axis) - when using an air traffic services surveillance system;

20 km (10 km in both directions from the air route axis) - without the use of an air traffic services surveillance system.

The distance between the boundaries of parallel air routes in the horizontal plane when using an air traffic services surveillance system must be at least 20 km, and without using an air traffic services surveillance system - at least 40 km.

The provision of air route equipment with the necessary navigation aids is carried out by the Federal Air Transport Agency.

17. An area navigation route is established in accordance with the type of required navigation performance that can be provided when flying along such a route.

The types of required navigation characteristics for area navigation routes are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Flights along area navigation routes are carried out by aircraft equipped to perform area navigation flights along any desired trajectory within the coverage area of ​​navigation aids based on reference stations (including satellite ones), or within the limits determined by the capabilities of autonomous on-board navigation aids, or through a combination of these means.

18. Local air lines are opened for flights at altitudes below the transition level. The width of the local air line should be no more than 4 km.

The airspace allocated to a local air route is classified as Class C airspace.

During the period when air traffic services are not provided by the air traffic services authority (flight control) on local air routes, the airspace of the local air route is classified as Class G airspace.

19. Air traffic service routes are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

The organization of the development and publication of a collection of air traffic service routes of the Russian Federation and amendments to it is carried out by Federal agency air transport.

20. The use of airspace by aircraft of foreign states outside air traffic service routes open for international flights is prohibited, except in cases provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

21. To organize aerodrome flights, aerodrome (heliport) areas are established.

22. When determining the boundaries of aerodrome (heliport) areas, the departure and approach patterns, missed approach, flight in the holding area, as well as standard departure and arrival routes, entry (exit) routes to air routes, local air lines and special zones.

Departure and approach procedures and missed approach procedures must exclude, and if it is impossible to exclude, limit as much as possible the flight of aircraft over populated areas and hazardous production facilities.

The boundaries of airfield areas (air hubs, heliports) are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

23. The organization of flights and the procedure for using airspace in the area of ​​a controlled aerodrome (heliport) are determined by the instructions for flight operations in the area of ​​the aerodrome (heliport) and the air navigation passport of the aerodrome (heliport).

Aeronautical information contained in the instructions for flight operations in the area of ​​the aerodrome (heliport) or the aeronautical passport of the aerodrome (heliport) is published in aeronautical information documents. Aircraft crews are guided by information published in aeronautical information documents.

At the airfield, an air approach strip is established (airspace within established boundaries), adjacent to the end of the runway and located in the direction of its axis, in which aircraft climb after takeoff and descend during landing. The boundaries of air approach strips are established in the manner determined by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, respectively, for civil, state and experimental aviation.

24. Areas of airfields that have common boundaries, as well as the organization of flights from which require coordination and coordination, can be combined into air hubs.

The boundaries of air hub areas are established along the external boundaries of airfield areas included in the air hub.

The organization of flights in the air hub area is determined by the instructions for flight operations in the air hub area.

25. The organization of flights from landing sites is determined by the air navigation passport of the landing site. An area is not established for landing sites, except in cases where it is necessary to organize the structure of the airspace taking into account the needs of airspace users in whose interests such a landing site is established.

Landing sites installed for a period of less than 30 days per year do not require an air navigation passport.

26. Instructions for flight operations in the area of ​​the aerodrome (airport, heliport), the air navigation passport of the aerodrome (heliport, landing site) are developed by the senior aviation commander of the aerodrome (airport, heliport, landing site) and are registered by the relevant territorial body of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

The procedure for registering instructions for flight operations in the area of ​​an aerodrome (air hub, heliport) or the air navigation passport of an aerodrome (heliport, landing site) is determined by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

27. Standard instructions for flight operations in the area of ​​an aerodrome (air hub, heliport), as well as a standard layout of the air navigation passport of an aerodrome (heliport, landing site) are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

28. In controlled airspace for flights outside air traffic service routes, aircraft flights are carried out along routes. The route width corresponds to:

a) below the transition level:

at a flight speed of no more than 300 km/h - 4 km;

at a flight speed of more than 300 km/h - 10 km;

b) from the transition level inclusive and above:

in areas provided with an air traffic services surveillance system - 10 km;

in areas not provided with an air traffic services surveillance system - 20 km.

29. Prohibited zones are established in the airspace of the Russian Federation to protect important government facilities, key industrial complexes (nuclear power plants, nuclear radiation facilities, chemically hazardous facilities, as well as other particularly important facilities from the point of view of the country’s national security) from harmful effects and destruction arising as a result of possible incidents in the airspace.

30. Danger zones are installed above open sea in the interests of the following activities:

a) ensuring the launch and landing of space objects;

b) carrying out search and rescue operations;

c) carrying out rocket and artillery firing at combat training grounds of the Navy;

d) performing flights for testing, research of aviation and rocket technology, and for setting records;

e) conducting exercises and displays of new naval equipment;

f) ensuring the launch and fall of missiles, the fall of their separating parts.

31. Danger zones are established in the airspace of the Russian Federation in areas of forest fires and volcanic activity, industrial areas with constant high smoke levels.

32. Danger zones are established both for use for a certain period of time (temporary danger zones) and to support activities carried out on an ongoing basis (permanent danger zones).

A temporary danger zone is established by the main center of the Unified System and communicated through a NOTAM notification. To establish a temporary danger zone, airspace users in whose interests a temporary danger zone is established, no later than 5 days before the entry into force of the temporary danger zone, submit to the main center of the Unified System a request for the establishment of a temporary danger zone, indicating its boundaries and the nature of the activity being carried out. .

33. Flight restriction zones are established in the airspace of the Russian Federation over objects (in areas) where aircraft flights must be limited in time or according to the conditions for their execution.

34. Flight restriction zones are established in the interests of the following types of activities:

a) carrying out shootings, missile launches, bombings, and landings at the ranges;

b) conducting anti-hail firing;

c) carrying out work with ammunition at their storage facilities;

d) carrying out scientific research in the atmosphere;

e) carrying out blasting operations;

f) performing flights in special zones outside the areas of aerodromes (heliports).

35. Flight restriction zones may be established over state nature reserves, national parks, historical and cultural monuments, as well as over protected sites.

36. If the activity for the benefit of which a flight restriction zone has been established is not of a permanent nature, the validity of the flight restriction zone is limited to a temporary period.

During the period when the activity for the benefit of which a flight restriction zone has been established is not carried out, aircraft flights in the airspace of the specified zone are carried out without restrictions.

Information about activities in restricted flight zones limited to a temporary period is communicated through NOTAM notifications based on airspace use plans (work schedules) or published in aeronautical information documents.

37. In the event of a danger of unintentional entry of aircraft into a restricted flight zone, as well as in the cases provided for in subparagraphs “b” - “d” of paragraph 39 of these Federal Rules, activities in the use of airspace in these zones must be limited or terminated.

38. Prohibited zones, flight restriction zones and permanent danger zones are established by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on the proposal of persons interested in establishing such zones.

39. The use of airspace in prohibited zones, as well as in flight restriction zones in which activities are carried out on an ongoing basis, is prohibited, with the exception of:

a) use of airspace by persons in whose interests such zones are established;

b) carrying out flights to intercept intruder aircraft, as well as performing other operational tasks in the interests of the state;

c) performing flights for the purpose of search and rescue operations and assistance in emergency situations;

d) performance of aircraft flights carried out in accordance with special international treaties.

40. If it is necessary to use airspace in prohibited zones and flight restriction zones in cases not provided for in paragraph 39 of these Federal Rules, airspace users are required to obtain permission from the persons in whose interests such zones are established. Postal addresses and telephone numbers of these persons are provided to airspace users by the territorial bodies of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

41. Special zones, established climb, descent and approach routes must be removed from each other and from the boundaries of air traffic service routes in the horizontal plane when using air traffic service surveillance systems at a distance of at least 10 km, and without the use of surveillance systems - at least 20 km.

In areas of airfields (air hubs) with limited airspace, the indicated values ​​can be reduced by 2 times. In these cases, special zones, established climb, descent and approach routes must be removed from each other and from the boundaries of airways, area navigation routes and local air lines in vertical plane at a distance of at least 300 m.

42. In the absence of intervals between the boundaries of aerodrome areas, simultaneous flights using the air traffic services surveillance system are possible provided that take-off and approach schemes, flight routes, special zones are removed at a distance of no closer than 5 km from the boundary of the aerodrome area, and without the use surveillance systems, simultaneous flights in the areas of airfields are prohibited or intervals are established between the boundaries of the specified elements of the airspace structure in the vertical plane, amounting to 600 m.

43. Over the territory of the Russian Federation along its state border, a border strip is established - airspace adjacent to the state border of the Russian Federation, 25 km wide with a special regime for its use.

A border strip along the state border of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Ocean is not established.

44. Flights in the border zone are prohibited without submitting an aircraft flight plan, permission to use the airspace and without radio communication between the aircraft crew and the air traffic services (flight control) authority.

45. When using the airspace of the border strip, forced deviations from the air traffic service route and flight route are made, as a rule, towards the territory of the Russian Federation from the state border of the Russian Federation.

46. ​​The use of the airspace of the border strip when performing aerial work is carried out if the users of the airspace have permission from the territorial body of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

47. In order to prevent unintentional violation of the state border of the Russian Federation, airfields (heliports) and control points for unmanned aerial vehicles located in the border zone must have an air traffic services surveillance system that allows monitoring aircraft flights.

48. Aircraft flights over populated areas for the purpose of carrying out measures to save lives and protect people’s health, suppressing and solving crimes can be carried out at an altitude that ensures the implementation of these measures, with responsibility for ensuring flight safety assigned to the authorized person organizing such flights.

49. Aviation work, parachute jumps, and lifting of tethered balloons over populated areas are carried out if airspace users have permission from the relevant local government authority.

50. The use of airspace during aircraft flights at supersonic speeds is permitted only in special areas or at an altitude of more than 11,000 m.

51. The use of airspace when performing flights from the deck of a military ship or non-military vessel in the airspace of classes A and C over the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as beyond its borders, where responsibility for organizing air traffic is assigned to the Russian Federation, is carried out on the basis of an air flight plan vessel and permission to use airspace.

52. The use of airspace by an unmanned aerial vehicle in the airspace of classes A, C and G is carried out on the basis of the aircraft’s flight plan and permission to use the airspace.

The use of airspace by an unmanned aerial vehicle is carried out through the establishment of temporary and local regimes, as well as short-term restrictions in the interests of airspace users organizing flights by an unmanned aerial vehicle.

53. The use of airspace by balloons and airships in airspace of classes A and C is carried out on the basis of the aircraft’s flight plan and permission to use the airspace.

54. The use of airspace during launches of sounding rockets, radiosondes, pilot balloons and similar material objects (hereinafter referred to as sounding balloons), carried out within uniform international deadlines for the purpose of obtaining meteorological data on the state of the atmosphere, is carried out in accordance with schedules (extracts from annual plans).

Schedules (extracts from annual plans) are submitted by territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring to the zonal centers of the Unified System and the headquarters of the Air Force and Air Defense commands annually, until December 15. Changes in the balloon launch schedule are notified no later than 15 days in advance.

One-time balloon launches are carried out on the basis of airspace use plans and airspace use permits.

The placement of stationary launch points for balloons, as well as the location for launching balloons from mobile points, is agreed upon with the Federal Air Transport Agency.

55. In the airspace of the Russian Federation, in areas of local armed conflicts and counter-terrorism operations, a special regime for the use of airspace is established.

A special regime for the use of airspace is established by the Federal Air Transport Agency on the proposal of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

56. The use of airspace during fireworks displays with a height of more than 50 m is carried out with the permission of the centers of the Unified System. The production of fireworks and fireworks within the boundaries of the projection of air approach strips onto the land or water surface is prohibited.

57. The launch and landing of space objects, including foreign ones, on the territory of the Russian Federation are carried out within the boundaries of test sites approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In the event of an emergency and other unforeseen circumstances during space activities, the landing of space objects can be carried out outside the boundaries of the test sites.

The Federal Space Agency and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation notify the Federal Air Transport Agency, interested state authorities and local governments about the area and time of landing of space objects.

58. For each aerodrome, a territory adjacent to the aerodrome is established. The boundaries of the airfield area are determined by the outer boundary of the projection of air approach strips onto the ground or water surface, and outside the air approach strips - by a circle with a radius of 30 km from the control point of the airfield.

The airfield area is a zone with special conditions for the use of the territory and is displayed in the territorial planning scheme of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

Within the airfield area, it is prohibited to design, construct and develop urban and rural settlements, as well as the construction and reconstruction of industrial, agricultural facilities, capital and individual housing construction projects and other facilities without the consent of the senior aviation commander of the airfield.

59. It is prohibited to place waste emission facilities, construction of livestock farms, slaughterhouses and other facilities that contribute to the attraction and mass accumulation of birds in the air approach strips at a distance of at least 30 km, and outside the air approach strips - at least 15 km from the airfield control point.

60. Within the boundaries of the aerodrome area (heliport, landing site), construction without the approval of the senior aviation commander of the aerodrome (heliport, landing site) is prohibited:

a) objects with a height of 50 m or more relative to the level of the airfield (heliport);

b) communication and power lines, as well as other sources of radio and electromagnetic radiation that may interfere with the operation of radio equipment;

c) explosive objects;

d) flare devices for emergency combustion of discharged gases with a height of 50 m or more (taking into account the possible height of the flame emission);

e) industrial and other enterprises and structures, the activities of which may lead to deterioration of visibility in the area of ​​the airfield (heliport).

61. The construction and placement of objects outside the area of ​​the airfield (heliport), if their true height exceeds 50 m, is agreed upon with the territorial body of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

62. Interaction between air traffic services (flight control) authorities when organizing the use of airspace is carried out through communication channels that are organized:

a) between the bodies of the Unified System - the Federal Air Transport Agency;

b) between the bodies of the Unified System and the air defense bodies - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

c) between the bodies of the Unified System and airspace users - the corresponding airspace users.

63. Disabling communication channels between air traffic services (flight control) authorities is prohibited.

Establishment of airspace classification

64. In the airspace above the territory of the Russian Federation the following are established:

a) class A - in the upper airspace where air traffic control services are provided or aircraft flights are controlled;

b) class C - in the lower airspace where air traffic control services are provided or aircraft flights are controlled;

c) class G - in airspace where classes A and C are not established.

65. In the airspace outside the territory of the Russian Federation, where responsibility for organizing air traffic is assigned to the Russian Federation, the following are established:

a) class A - in the airspace allocated for air routes and area navigation routes;

b) class G - in airspace where class A is not established and flight information services for air traffic and emergency alerts are provided.

66. Classes are not established in prohibited areas and restricted flight areas.

67. The boundaries of classes A, C and G are established by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Information on airspace classification is published in aeronautical information documents.


68. Minimum vertical separation intervals are established in the airspace:

a) 300 m - from level 900 m to level 8100 m;

b) 500 m - from level 8100 m to level 12100 m;

c) 1000 m - above the level of 12100 m.

69. Vertical separation in the airspace is carried out using a semicircular system:

a) in the direction from the true meridian from 0 to 179 degrees (inclusive), levels of 900 m, 1500 m, 2100 m, 2700 m, 3300 m, 3900 m, 4500 m, 5100 m, 5700 m, 6300 m, 6900 m are established, 7500 m, 8100 m, 9100 m, 10100 m, 11100 m, 12100 m, 14100 m, etc.;

b) in the direction from the true meridian from 180 to 359 degrees (inclusive), levels of 1200 m, 1800 m, 2400 m, 3000 m, 3600 m, 4200 m, 4800 m, 5400 m, 6000 m, 6600 m, 7200 m are established, 7800 m, 8600 m, 9600 m, 10600 m, 11600 m, 13100 m, 15100 m, etc.

70. In the area of ​​a controlled aerodrome, in the aerodrome control service area, in the approach control service area and in holding areas, vertical separation is established regardless of the direction of flight of the aircraft.

71. The minimum vertical separation interval between aircraft flying at supersonic speed, as well as between aircraft flying at supersonic and subsonic speed, must be 1000 m.

72. The minimum vertical intervals between aircraft flying below the transition level are established:

a) 150 m - when flying under visual flight rules at a flight speed of 300 km/h or less;

b) 300 m - when flying under visual flight rules at a flight speed of more than 300 km/h;

c) 300 m - when flying under visual flight rules with an aircraft flight speed of 300 km/h or less relative to an aircraft with a flight speed of more than 300 km/h.

73. The minimum interval between the transition level and the transition altitude must be at least 300 m.

74. In the area of ​​a controlled airfield, below the transition level, the vertical interval must be at least 150 m with a longitudinal interval of at least 5 km - for aircraft flying under visual flight rules and instrument flight rules at a flight speed of 300 km/h and less.

75. Minimum longitudinal separation intervals are established in the airspace.

76. The minimum longitudinal separation intervals when flying aircraft under instrument flight rules using an air traffic services surveillance system are established:

a) between aircraft flying in the same direction at the same flight level (altitude):

when using regional air traffic control services - at least 30 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance - at least 20 km;

when approach control service is used - at least 20 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance - at least 10 km;

during airfield control services - at least 5 km, and when following an aircraft weighing 136 tons or more - at least 10 km;

b) between aircraft following intersecting routes (at intersection angles from 45° to 135° and from 225° to 315° at the same flight level (altitude), as well as when crossing a flight level (altitude) occupied by another aircraft:

when using regional air traffic control services - at least 40 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance - at least 25 km;

when approach control service is used - at least 30 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance - at least 20 km;

for airfield dispatch services - at least 20 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcast automatic dependent surveillance - at least 10 km;

c) between aircraft when crossing the flight level (altitude) occupied by an oncoming aircraft at the time of crossing:

when using area control services - at least 30 km, maintaining a lateral spacing of at least 10 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance - at least 30 km, provided that the established vertical separation intervals are ensured the moment of aircraft divergence;

on flight routes of state aviation aircraft - at least 30 km with a vertical rate of climb (descent) of 10 m/s or more;

on flight routes of state aviation aircraft - at least 60 km with a vertical speed of climb (descent) of up to 10 m/s;

when approach control service is used - at least 30 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a complex of automation equipment, or broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance - at least 20 km, provided that the established vertical separation intervals are ensured by the time the aircraft diverge;

when using airfield control services - at least 20 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance - at least 15 km, provided that the established vertical separation intervals are ensured by the time the aircraft diverge;

d) between aircraft when crossing a flight level (altitude) occupied by an aircraft traveling in the same direction, at the time of crossing - at least 20 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance - at least 10 km.

77. The minimum time intervals of longitudinal separation during aircraft flights under instrument flight rules without the use of an air traffic services surveillance system are established:

a) between aircraft flying at the same flight level (altitude) in the same direction:

for regional dispatch service and (or) approach control service - 10 minutes;

during airfield dispatch service when performing an approach maneuver - 3 minutes;

b) when crossing a passing flight level (altitude) occupied by another aircraft - 10 minutes. at the moment of crossing;

c) when crossing an oncoming flight level (altitude) occupied by another aircraft - 20 minutes. at the moment of crossing;

d) between aircraft following intersecting routes (at intersection angles from 45° to 135° and from 225° to 315°) at the same flight level (altitude) - 15 minutes. at the moment of crossing.

78. The minimum longitudinal separation intervals during aircraft flights according to visual flight rules are established:

a) between aircraft following the same route at the same flight level (altitude) - 2 km;

b) at the moment of crossing a flight level (altitude) occupied by another aircraft, as well as crossing a flight route at the same flight level (altitude):

2 km - for aircraft with a flight speed of 300 km/h or less;

5 km - for aircraft with a flight speed of more than 300 km/h.

79. Minimum lateral separation intervals are established in the airspace.

80. The minimum lateral separation intervals when flying aircraft under instrument flight rules using an air traffic services surveillance system are established:

a) when crossing a flight level (altitude) occupied by an aircraft traveling in the same direction:

for regional dispatch service - at least 10 km at the time of crossing;

when approach control service is used - at least 10 km at the time of crossing, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcast automatic dependent surveillance - at least 6 km at the time of crossing;

for airfield dispatch services - at least 10 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcast automatic dependent surveillance - at least 5 km;

b) when crossing a flight level (altitude) occupied by an aircraft flying in the opposite direction:

when using area control services - at least 10 km, maintaining a longitudinal interval of at least 30 km, and when using automated air traffic control systems, or a set of automation equipment, or broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance - at least 10 km at the time of intersection;

during approach control service and (or) during airfield control service - at least 10 km at the time of crossing.

81. Lateral separation during flights under instrument flight rules without the use of an air traffic services surveillance system is prohibited.

82. The minimum lateral separation intervals for aircraft flights under visual flight rules are established:

a) when overtaking an aircraft in front at the same altitude - at least 500 m;

b) when aircraft are flying on a collision course - at least 2 km.

83. Distances and intervals between aircraft when performing group flights are established by acts of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, respectively, for civil, state and experimental aviation.

84. Separation of groups of aircraft relative to single aircraft (groups of aircraft) is carried out in accordance with the standards of vertical, longitudinal and lateral separation.

Rules for crossing the state border

Russian Federation

85. Crossing the state border of the Russian Federation by aircraft when performing international flights is carried out along the air corridors of the state border of the Russian Federation.

Crossing the state border of the Russian Federation by aircraft when performing international flights outside air corridors, with the exception of the cases specified in paragraph 96 of these Federal Rules, is permitted only with permission from the Government of the Russian Federation.

When performing international flights along air traffic service routes open for international flights, the air corridor for flying over the state border of the Russian Federation is the part of the airspace at the intersection of the air traffic service route with the state border line of the Russian Federation.

86. The parameters of the air corridor for flying over the state border of the Russian Federation in height and width correspond to the parameter of the air traffic service route.

The air corridor for flying over the state border of the Russian Federation is designated by the geographic coordinates of the point of intersection of the axis of the air traffic service route with the line of the state border of the Russian Federation.

87. The basis for crossing the state border of the Russian Federation when performing international flights is permission to perform an international flight.

88. The basis for crossing the state border of the Russian Federation by Russian airspace users flying in airspace over the open sea is a permit to use the airspace.

89. When performing an international flight, the crew of a Russian aircraft equipped with a state radar identification system, while over adjacent territory, is obliged to turn on the state radar identification equipment no less than 10 minutes before crossing the state border of the Russian Federation.

When Russian aircraft fly in the airspace over the open sea, the state radar identification equipment is turned off when the aircraft moves away from the coastline of the Russian Federation at a distance of 400 km and turns on when approaching the coastline of the Russian Federation at the same distance.

90. The crew of the aircraft is obliged, no less than 10 minutes before crossing the state border of the Russian Federation, to inform the relevant air traffic services (flight control) authority of its flight number (radio telephone call sign of the aircraft commander, state and registration identification marks), location, flight level ( altitude) of the flight and estimated time of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation.

If there are communication channels between the air traffic services authority (flight control) and the air traffic services authority of a neighboring state, coordination of the conditions for crossing the state border of the Russian Federation is carried out between the air traffic services authority (flight control) and the air traffic services authority of the neighboring state. The conditions for crossing the state border of the Russian Federation are communicated to the crew of the aircraft.

The crew of the aircraft, having received the conditions for crossing the state border of the Russian Federation, reports to the air traffic services authority (flight control) only the actual time of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation and the flight level (altitude).

91. The air traffic services authority (flight control) immediately transmits information about the estimated time of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation by the aircraft, its flight number (radio telephone call sign of the aircraft commander, state and registration identification marks) and flight level (altitude) to the air defense authority .

92. In the absence of confirmation from the air defense authority of the crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation by an aircraft performing an international flight, the air traffic services (flight control) authority prohibits the crew of the aircraft from entering the airspace of the Russian Federation and informs about this main center Unified system.

Upon receipt of confirmation from the air defense authority to cross the state border of the Russian Federation, the air traffic services (flight control) authority confirms (if necessary changes) to the aircraft crew the flight level (altitude) and the estimated time of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation.

93. If there are differences in the separation systems adopted in the Russian Federation and in the state adjacent to the Russian Federation, the change of flight level must be completed 30 km before crossing the state border of the Russian Federation (the border of the Unified System zone over the high seas), unless otherwise provided by international There are no contracts (agreements) or other instructions from air traffic services (flight control) authorities.

94. If an aircraft performing an international flight, after crossing the state border of the Russian Federation, cannot continue the flight and the crew of the aircraft decided to proceed to the departure airfield, then crossing the state border of the Russian Federation in the opposite direction is carried out, as a rule, along the same service route air traffic or flight route. The air traffic services authority (flight control) informs the aircraft crew of the conditions for the flight and crossing the state border of the Russian Federation and informs the air defense authority about this.

95. Crossing the state border of the Russian Federation by an aircraft without radio communication is prohibited, except for the case when a radio communication failure occurred in flight after the crew of the aircraft received the conditions for crossing the state border of the Russian Federation. If the crew of the aircraft decides to proceed to the departure airfield, then crossing the state border of the Russian Federation in the opposite direction is carried out along the same air traffic service route, the flight route with a passing flight level.

96. It is not a violation of the rules for crossing the state border of the Russian Federation for forced entry of aircraft into the airspace of the Russian Federation in the event of an accident, natural disaster threatening the safety of the aircraft, delivery of rescued people, provision of emergency medical care to a crew member or passengers, as well as due to other reasons. emergency circumstances.

97. The commander of an aircraft, in the event of a forced crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation, is obliged to immediately notify the relevant air traffic services authority (flight control) and subsequently act in accordance with the instructions of this authority or the instructions of the commander of the duty aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation taken into the air to clarify the fact of such intersection. The air traffic services authority (flight control) notifies the air defense authorities and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation about forced crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation.

98. Aircraft that crossed the state border of the Russian Federation in violation of the established rules are recognized as violators of the state border of the Russian Federation.

The air defense authorities take measures against these aircraft in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In international civil aviation There is such a thing as airspace organization. This term includes:

Determination and designation of parts of the airspace in which the corresponding type of air traffic service will be provided (establishment of elements of the structure of the ATS airspace);

Classification of elements of the ATS airspace structure;

Creation and determination of ATS units to provide specific types of air traffic services within the established boundaries of specific elements of the ATS airspace structure and at controlled aerodromes.

In addition, in international civil aviation there are terms: “General Air Traffic (GAT)” - all flights carried out in accordance with the rules and procedures established by ICAO and/or national legislation in the field of civil aviation.

“Operational Air Traffic (OAT)” means all flights not conducted in accordance with the rules and procedures established for general air traffic, for which rules and procedures have been established by the appropriate national authorities.

In other words, first, the elements of the ATS airspace structure are established, within which aircraft flights related to general air traffic will be carried out, then these elements are classified and, further, the ATS units are determined, whose area of ​​responsibility will be each of the elements of the ATS airspace structure.

In accordance with paragraph 8. FP of the IVP of the Russian Federation, the structure of the airspace of the Russian Federation includes the following elements:

a) zones and areas (zones and areas of the Unified System, flight information areas, control areas, control areas);

b) air traffic service routes;

c) areas of airfields (air hubs, heliports);

d) special zones (areas for practicing piloting techniques, aerobatic zones, test flight zones, zones for aircraft flights at low and extremely low altitudes, zones for aircraft flights at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, aircraft flights for in-flight refueling, aircraft flights vessels with a variable profile, etc.);

e) aircraft flight routes;

f) restricted areas;

g) hazardous areas;

h) flight restriction zones;

i) other elements installed for carrying out activities in the airspace.

For ATS purposes, from the above elements of the airspace structure, parts of the airspace are allocated in which aircraft flights related to general air traffic are permitted. This airspace is called air traffic services airspace(Fig. 1 and 2).


ATS airspace is an airspace of certain dimensions with a letter designation, within which specific types of flights can be carried out, and for which air traffic services and flight rules are defined. (FAP ATM)

In addition, there are parts of the airspace in which flights of aircraft related to general air traffic are prohibited or limited (English terms: Airspace Restrictions and Reservations). This airspace includes:

restricted areas;

flight restriction zones;

hazardous areas;


Restrictions on the use of airspace also include temporary regimes, local regimes and short-term restrictions.

In other words, for ATS units, all airspace consists of ATS airspace and airspace prohibited or restricted for use by aircraft operating in a flight related to general air traffic.

Let us consider in more detail the structure of the ATS airspace.

The structure of the ATS airspace includes the following elements:

flight information regions;


Flight information region (FIR) is an airspace of certain dimensions within which flight information services and emergency alerts are provided;

A flight information region is the airspace within the boundaries of the zone (region) of the Unified System, within which flight information services and emergency alerts are provided. The vertical boundaries of the flight information region are established from the earth's surface upward without restrictions.

Within flight information regions, Flight Information Centers are created to provide flight information services and emergency alerts, if responsibility for providing such services is not assigned to air traffic control units.

control areas;


Control area (English CTA) is a controlled airspace (AC) in which air traffic control services are provided. Installed above 200 m from the earth or water surface within the flight information region.

Example: The upper limit of the Moscow control area is FL 530. Based on analysis carried out by Eurocontrol, modern civil aircraft are not capable of operating flights above FL 660. Therefore, in European airspace, FL 660 is the upper limit for controlled flights.

The control area (as its name) provides area control service. As a rule, the control area is the area of ​​responsibility of the ACC controller.

A nodal dispatch area may be established within the boundaries of the control area.

nodal control areas;


Nodal control area (UDR, English TMA) is a control area, usually created at the convergence points of ATS routes in the vicinity of one or more large airfields.

Nodal control areas, by definition, are part of the control area and are installed in the same way as control areas, above 200 m from the earth or water surface. Approach control service is provided in the nodal control area. As a rule, the nodal dispatch area is the area of ​​responsibility of the traffic controllers and the traffic control center.

Control zones


Control area(English - CTR) is controlled airspace within the flight information region, established from the ground or water surface to the altitude of the lower boundary of the control area (nodal control area) or the altitude of the second echelon inclusive, as a rule, within a radius of at least 10 km from the aerodrome control point.

In accordance with paragraph of Annex 11 to the ICAO Chicago Convention: “The lateral boundaries of the control zone are located from the center of the aerodrome or aerodromes concerned at least at a distance of 9.3 km (5 NM) in the directions from which landing approaches can be made "

The control zone can be installed over two or more closely located airfields.

During the period when air traffic control service is not provided by the air traffic services unit at an aerodrome, heliport or landing site, the Class C airspace of the control area is classified as Class G airspace.


In accordance with the standards and recommendations set out in paragraph 2.10 of Annex 11 to the ICAO Chicago Convention, the upper and lower horizontal boundaries of all of the above elements of the ATS airspace structure must coincide with the VFR cruising flight level specified in the table in Appendix 3 to Annex 2 ( see also Appendix to the Federal Law of the IVP of the Russian Federation).

air traffic service routes;


Air traffic services route - a designated route that is intended to direct the flow of traffic for the purpose of providing air traffic services and, where appropriate, designates air route, area navigation route, local air line.

Air traffic service routes are included in all of the above elements of the ATS airspace structure.

Rice. 1. An example of airspace organization in the vertical plane

Rice. 2. An example of airspace organization in volume

Planning aimed at ensuring maximum use of available airspace based on dynamic timing and, in some cases, reserving airspace for different categories of users in order to meet short-term needs..."


Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated November 25, 2011 N 293 (as amended on April 26, 2012) “On approval of Federal Aviation Rules in the Russian Federation” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 30, 2011 N 22874)

Official terminology.

    2012. See what “Airspace Organization” is in other dictionaries: Organization of airspace use

    - provides for the provision of safe, economical and regular air traffic, as well as other activities in the use of airspace. Organization of the use of airspace includes: 1) establishment... ... Official terminology

    Dictionary of legal concepts Organization of airspace use

    Ensuring safe, economical and regular air traffic, as well as other activities using airspace, including: establishing the structure of airspace; planning and coordination... ... Organization of the use of airspace includes: 1. air traffic services (control); 2. organization of air traffic flows; 3. organization of airspace in order to provide services (control)… …

    Air traffic management Official terminology

    Ensuring safe, economical and regular air traffic, as well as other activities using airspace, including: establishing the structure of airspace; planning and coordination... ... Encyclopedia of Law 128. Air traffic management includes: a) air traffic services (control); b) organization of air traffic flows; c) organization of airspace... Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2010 N ...

    - cm. … Organization of the use of airspace includes: 1. air traffic services (control); 2. organization of air traffic flows; 3. organization of airspace in order to provide services (control)… …

    - cm. … Large legal dictionary 128. Air traffic management includes: a) air traffic services (control); b) organization of air traffic flows; c) organization of airspace... Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2010 N ...

    Airspace use- (English emploument of air space) according to the air legislation of the Russian Federation, an activity during which the movement of various material objects (aircraft, missiles and other objects), as well as others, is carried out in the airspace of the Russian Federation.

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization- The Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation (abbreviated name Rosaviatsia) was formed in 2004 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 “On the system and structure of federal bodies... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers


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  • Organization of air traffic services. Textbook for SPO, Shatrakov Yu.G.. The textbook outlines the basics of air traffic organization in accordance with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), provides the structure of ICAO technical publications,…

Department of Technical Operation



1.1. Airspace structure

Organization of VP is the establishment of the optimal structure of VP in order to ensure its effective use. Let us recall that the term “optimal structure” refers to the establishment of a structure in accordance with selected criteria in the presence of certain restrictions.

The basis for constructing the airspace structure is based on the criteria of efficiency and regularity of air traffic while mandatory ensuring a given level of flight safety (FS). That is, in this case, the optimality criteria are the efficiency and regularity of aircraft flights, and the restrictions include requirements for ensuring power supply. However, at present, the structure of the airspace of the Russian Federation does not meet modern requirements and therefore the Concept and Program formulate requirements for changing the structure of the airspace in the Russian Federation. The main criterion should be the requirements for power supply with restrictions related to the efficiency and regularity of aircraft flights.

♦ method of air traffic control (controller, flight information, advisory, emergency). Note that in the Russian Federation, air traffic control services are used;

♦ flight rules;

♦ flight performance characteristics of operating aircraft;

♦ intensity of flights and type of air traffic (regular or irregular);

♦ tactical and technical characteristics of radio technical means of flight support and air traffic control;

♦ reducing to a minimum the number of aircraft control transfers from ATC services;

♦ capabilities of the dispatch staff as a link in the air traffic control system for air traffic control;

♦ physical, geographical and meteorological features of the area, administrative and political boundaries, including state boundaries.

Please note that as the ICAO CNS/ATM concept is implemented in the Russian Federation, the last factor will gradually lose its importance due to the widespread introduction of satellite navigation and air traffic control systems.

Actually, the airspace structure is a set of airspace elements limited in the vertical and horizontal planes, intended for the organization and use of airspace (ASP).

In general, the structure of a VP includes the following elements:

♦ EU ATM zones and areas;

♦ VP of the border strip;

♦ areas of airfields and air hubs;

♦ air routes and local air lines (AL);

♦ aircraft flight routes;

♦ straightened air routes;

♦ air corridors for flying over the border of the Russian Federation;

♦ entry (exit) corridors to air routes;

♦ special aircraft flight zones;

♦ restricted areas;

♦ flight restriction zones;

♦ dangerous areas;

♦ landfill areas;

♦ blasting areas;

♦ anti-hail firing areas;

♦ areas of aviation work;

♦ special areas;

♦ other special elements of the VP installed to carry out activities in the VP.

Among the given list of VP elements defined by the Federal Aviation Rules (FAR), we will highlight the most significant ones for the activities of civil aviation (CA).

These include:

♦ air route – an airspace established above the surface of the earth in the form of a corridor 10 or 20 km wide, along which regular flights are carried out. This airspace is provided by airports and ground technical facilities;

♦ off-air route – an air corridor for air flights;

♦ airfield area – airspace above the airfield and the surrounding area;

♦ special flight zone - airspace necessary to solve specific problems by aviation of each department, for example, test flight zone;

♦ restricted zone – airspace in which aviation flights of all departments are prohibited.

The indicated elements of the airspace structure are included as components in air traffic control areas. ATC zones, usually of considerable size, unite several areas. ATC areas have different configurations, determined primarily by the direction of the main aircraft flows and the location of airports with intensive air traffic.

The boundaries of the elements of the airspace structure are established by geographic coordinates and heights. They are specified in the relevant instructions and published in aeronautical information documents.

The airspace is divided into lower and upper with a boundary between them - a height of 6100 m (it is classified as the upper airspace).

According to the altitude of flights in the airspace, the following are distinguished:

♦ extremely low altitudes – from 0 to 200 m inclusive above the terrain or above the water surface;

♦ low altitudes – over 200 m to 1000 m inclusive;

♦ average heights – over 1000 to 4000 m inclusive;

♦ high altitudes – over 4000 m to 12000 m inclusive;

♦ stratosphere – over 12,000 m and up to the stratopause inclusive.

When flying, aircraft must comply with separation standards, which will be discussed below in the appropriate section.

In the upper airspace, flights are carried out only under instrument flight rules (IFR), and in the lower airspace - under IFR and visual flight rules (VFR). The IFR and PVP themselves will be discussed in more detail below. Part of the lower airspace below the altitude of the second safe echelon (in flat terrain 1200 m) is allocated for aircraft flights on international flights. The concept of echelon will be discussed in detail below.

In addition to the international flight zone, the air traffic control area includes air routes, off-air routes, airfield areas, and special flight zones. Airways and off-piste routes are located in the upper and lower airways. The airfield areas of the special aircraft flight zone are, as a rule, located in the lower airspace. In this case, the upper limit of airfield areas is mostly m, and the radius is 50-100 km. These dimensions of airfield areas are determined primarily by the flight performance data of the aircraft being operated, the directions of approach of air routes to the airfield, pre-landing maneuver patterns, and the tactical and technical characteristics of radio technical flight support equipment (RTOS) and communications (C) (i.e., RTS and C) , the number and direction of runways (runways), as well as the specific features of the area associated with the basing of aviation of various departments, its physical, geographical, meteorological and other features.

If several airfields are located close together, the airspace above them is combined into an air hub area. In the area of ​​the airfield (air hub), air corridors, takeoff, landing and waiting areas are organized.

An air corridor is a part of an airspace in which aircraft descend and gain altitude.

Take-off and landing zone - airfield from the airfield level to the altitude of the second safe flight level inclusive. The dimensions of this zone are determined flight performance The aircraft operating at a given aerodrome, the capabilities of the flight and control equipment, the landing approach schemes and the specific features of the aerodrome area. As a rule, the boundaries of the takeoff and landing zone are 25-30 km away from the airfield. In this zone, the pre-landing straight line, oriented along the axis of the runway, stands out. The dimensions of this straight line are determined by the landing characteristics of the aircraft, the characteristics of radio engineering and landing aids, the safe flight altitude established for a given airfield in the takeoff and landing zone, and flight rules (instrumental or visual approach).

The pre-landing straight line is located up to 15-20 km from the end of the runway and is limited to a height of 400-600 m from the airfield level. If the crew of the aircraft for some reason does not land the aircraft on the first approach, then the aircraft goes into a second circle, i.e. it moves along a special route in the circle area. If the aircraft is not cleared to move along the approach route due to the temporary occupancy or unavailability of the runway, then the aircraft is directed to a holding area intended to await permission to approach the airfield. These zones are located either directly above the airfield or at a distance of 50-100 km from it.

Areas of air traffic control and airfields with high air traffic intensity are divided into control sectors, which are also elements of air traffic.

All of the airspace elements listed above must necessarily have a limited volume, i.e., clearly defined spatial boundaries, from which it follows that any airspace element can pass through a limited number of aircraft in certain periods of time.

1.2. Rules for the use of airspace

It was noted above that the organization of VP is the establishment of a rational (optimal) structure of VP in order to ensure its effective use. The concept of “optimal structure” was discussed above, and here we will dwell in more detail on the concept of “effective use”. In accordance with the definition given in the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), efficiency is the relationship between the results achieved and the resources used. This refers to the efficiency of a device, system, process, etc. In our case, we consider the efficiency of the process of using airspace. Note that the term “resources” can be understood as human resources (i.e., how many personnel are provided for this process), time resources (i.e., how much time does it take for a particular operation of this process), financial resources (i.e. . how much does one or another operation of this process cost, from a financial point of view), etc. In the situation of considering the process of using the VP, the throughput of the VP element should be taken as the final (achieved) result, subject to the requirements of the BP. Let us recall that the capacity of an air traffic element is the maximum permissible air traffic intensity, which in turn is determined by the number of aircraft passing through certain air traffic sections per unit of time (for example, the number of aircraft crossing the border of an air traffic control area within an hour). The concept of “maximum permissible” is determined by the requirements of the BP. Here we note that the air traffic density is the number of aircraft simultaneously located in a unit of volume (area) of the air traffic control, i.e., simultaneously under the control of the air traffic controller. An increase in air traffic density leads to an increase in the number of dangerous approaches, i.e., situations when aircraft approach each other closer than the distance established by regulations.

Thus, the effective use of an airspace should be to ensure the maximum possible throughput of a given airspace element under given restrictions on temporary resources (air traffic controller load time), on resources for air traffic density in a given airspace element (power supply requirements), etc. Accordingly the solution to the problem of effective IVP must be based on strict compliance with the rules for using the IVP.

The use of airspace itself includes activities during which various material objects (aircraft, rockets, hang gliders, etc.) are moved into the airspace, as well as other activities (construction of high-rise structures, blasting, etc.) that can interfere with traffic in the airfield.

To ensure the implementation of all types of TRP activities without threatening the life and health of people, material damage to the state, citizens and legal entities, it is necessary to organize TRP, i.e., ensuring safe, economical and regular VD, as well as other TRP activities, including:

♦ establishing the structure of the VP;

♦ planning and coordination of IVP;

♦ ensuring the permitting procedure for temporary residence permits;

♦ organization of internal affairs;

♦ monitoring compliance with Federal rules.

The organization of the use of airspace is carried out by the air traffic control authorities, as well as by airspace user bodies - air traffic control authorities in the areas and zones of the air traffic control system established for them.

When using airspace, the following concepts are used (as indicated above): air routes and local air lines; Aircraft routes.

The air route of the Russian Federation is an airspace area established for aircraft flights, limited in height and width, provided with navigation and air traffic control facilities. The width of the air route is usually set at 10 km (5 km in both directions from its axis). However, in areas not provided with radio equipment, the width of the air route can be increased to 20 km (10 km on both sides of the route axis). Distance between the axes of parallel tracks, if available radar control must be at least 30 km, and if not, twice as much, i.e. 60 km.

Local air lines are opened for aircraft flights at altitudes below the first safe flight level (900 m) according to visual flight rules, taking into account the terrain and obstacles on it. The width of the international railway is set to no more than 4 km. Local air lines are developed by territorial bodies of the Federal Air Navigation Service (FANS - Rosaeronavigatsiya). The equipment of international flight lines with the necessary navigation aids is carried out by the territorial bodies of FANS.

Aircraft routes are established in the airspace for flights outside air routes and international routes and are laid at a certain distance from them.

The route width is set when the aircraft is flying at low and extremely low altitudes - 20 km, at medium and high altitudes - 40 km, in the stratosphere - 50 km. The same width of 50 km is established when an aircraft is flying over the sea (ocean) in the absence of radar visibility of the coastline.

If the route axis is located parallel to the air route axis, i.e. at one flight level, the distance between these axes must exceed the width of the route, so, if there is radar control for the altitudes indicated above, this distance must be at least 35, 45, and 50 km respectively. That is, for medium and high altitudes, for example, the distance between the axes of the air route and the route must be at least 45 km. If radar control is available for all aircraft flight altitudes over the sea, the distance between the indicated axes must be at least 50 km.

Without radar control, the corresponding limits increase to 65.75 and 80 km, the latter value also being established for all high-altitude flights over the sea surface.

Note that when using VP, three types of IVP mode (order) are established: temporary, local and special.

A temporary flight regime is a temporary procedure for the use of individual elements of the airspace structure, established for a period of up to 3 days to carry out activities that require special organization of the airspace.

Local flight mode is a temporary procedure for the use of individual elements of the airspace structure, including airspace allocated for air routes and international flights in the lower airspace of the EU ATM zone (region), established for a period of up to 3 days for the implementation of activities that require special organization of airspace. .

A special flight regime is a special procedure for the use of individual airspace parts, established in accordance with the directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

EU ATM centers have the right to introduce additional short-term restrictions at intersections of aviation flight routes of various departments.

1.3. Airspace efficiency

As shown above, the efficiency of the airborne power supply is determined, first of all, by the throughput of a given element of the airborne power supply, which is equal to the maximum permissible intensity of the airborne drive.

Let's consider what factors determine and determine the throughput of a VP element.

Let's select a limited amount of space inside the VP element" width="23 height=30" height="30"> with ground speed https://pandia .ru/text/78/261/images/image005_9.png" width="22" height="23"> is given by the ratio" width="97" height="28"> expression (1) is valid for both and /text/78/261/images/image008_8.png" width="96" height="30"> and" width="23" height="30"> as a result of the imbalance between the incoming and outgoing flows of aircraft volume of space" width="25" height="25"> the incoming flow of aircraft is equal to , and the outgoing flow is" width="279" height="72 src="> (2)

It's obvious that" width="129" height="82 src=">

In this stationary case, there is the intensity of the passing flow of aircraft, and its reciprocal value has the meaning of the time interval between the arrival of successive aircraft, i.e." width="13" height="23 src="> - serial number in the aircraft flow.

If" width="20" height="25"> frequency makes sense.

Let us consider a section of the route at a given echelon of fixed length. Taking into account the limited width of the route and the impossibility of “overtaking” when an aircraft is flying at the same flight level as a parameter corresponding to the volume of the airspace" width="20" height= "23 src=">.

Expression (1) corresponds to the average density of the air force in the volume, i.e. the distribution of the air force along the length" width="20" height="23"> - differential density" width="160" height="72 src="> (4)

Taking into account expression (2) and taking into account that we get" width="96" height="25 src="> we can write" width="23" height="25 src=">.png" width="22" height="32">.png" width="22" height="32">.png" width="345" height="70 src=">

State regulation of airspace is entrusted to the Federal Air Navigation Service, which is a specially authorized Federal executive body exercising the functions of implementing state policy, legal regulation, control and supervision, as well as providing public services and management state property in the field of airborne airspace of the Russian Federation, air navigation services for users of airspace of the Russian Federation and aerospace search and rescue.

The legal basis of the FANS is established by the Air Code of the Russian Federation, and the leadership of the FANS is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the functions listed above, FANS is also entrusted with licensing and certification in the established field of activity (including certification of types of systems and means of air traffic control and air traffic control, as well as their production), establishing rates of fees for air navigation services and the procedure for their collection, disposing of funds from these fees , issuing permits for transit flights of foreign aircraft through the Russian Air Force and for them to cross the State Border of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the general list of functions listed above, FANS exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

♦ submits to the Government of the Russian Federation draft Federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation and other documents that require a decision from the Government of the Russian Federation;

♦ independently adopts regulatory legal acts in the established field of activity: Federal aviation regulations;

♦ issues permits, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to operate international flights from airports and airfields of the Russian Federation not opened by the Government of the Russian Federation for international flights, and also issues certificates, including certificates (certificates) of aviation personnel;

♦ carries out mandatory certification: educational institutions carrying out training of specialists of the appropriate level, according to the Lists of aviation personnel positions; EU ATM facilities; legal entities, carrying out and providing air navigation services to users of the Russian Air Force;


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