The great journey of the Belyaevs. Picnic and relaxation in the jungle of the Hon Ba nature reserve Travel to Mount Hon Ba

Trip to Hon Ba Mountain near Nha Trang

Some compare Hon Ba Mountain to the resort of Da Lat, as it has the same forests and mild climate. The height of the mountain is 1578 meters above sea level. It is located in Khanh Hoa province next to communes such as Suoi Cat and Khanh Phu. Tourists who have been there say that Mount Hon Ba can be visited at any time of the year except for the rainy season in late autumn ─ early winter. Here you can go hiking in the mountains, admire the waterfalls and streams.

From Nha Trang to the top of Hon Ba Mountain it takes about 2 hours. To do this, take the National Highway 1A and head towards Suoi Cat Commune, a distance of about a kilometer. There will be a left turn and a sign indicating that Hon Ba is approximately 37 km. The road to the top will be narrow, uneven, with sharp turns. It will get colder as you go up. Here you can admire the primitive nature, streams, and tropical vegetation. There are many ancient trees growing along the road.

On interactive map Below you can see the location of Hon Ba Mountain.

Tourist infrastructure in this area is poorly developed. So, there are few options for eating and spending the night here. True, some houses can count on offering local dishes, but such orders should be made in advance. It is best to take food and drinks with you. You can ask for an overnight stay local residents. In addition, there are several guest houses at the top of the mountain. It must be said that it is quite cool here at night. Therefore, it is worth taking warm clothes with you on your trip. A stay on Hon Ba Mountain for 24 hours will cost about 200 thousand dong per person. This amount includes food and fuel.

From the top of the mountain you can admire a beautiful view of Nha Trang. For entertainment, you can go to the forest to enjoy local nature. Here you can have a good rest listening to the sound of streams and the chirping of birds. Travelers often come to the mountain to take photographs and admire the beautiful views. Those who have been to Mount Hon Ba note beautiful view at dawn. At this time, the clouds here fall to the ground. It is no less beautiful here during sunset. Nature lovers will definitely not regret this trip.

There is such a landmark as the house of Alexandre Yersin. This scientist from France came to live on Mount Hon Ba in 1915. If you believe the documents stored in the Yersin Museum, he came to the top of the mountain on horseback. Here he built a wooden house, a scientific station, and also planted medicinal plants. During the tour, tourists can explore Herzen's two-story house, as well as the stables and herb garden.

When you drive to the top of the mountain, you will see the Suoi Nguon waterfall. This is a fairly large waterfall with huge rocks and clear blue water. Not far from it there is a cottage of a local resident. He offers food to tourists. The Suoi Dau River originates at the top of Hon Ba Mountain and ends in the valley, forming a lake of the same name. Lake Suoi Dau is located at the foot of the mountain. This is a man-made reservoir that is designed to provide water to nearby farms. Its size is quite large, and the water is bright green.

Before you go to Mount Hon Ba, you need to remember the following. If you go there on a scooter, then fill up a full tank of gasoline and take some fuel with you. If you go into the forest, handle the fire very carefully so as not to start a fire. The lakes and waterfalls here are very deep and very dangerous. Therefore, to prevent an accident, behave extremely carefully.

Nha Trang is one of the main resorts in central Vietnam. It perfectly combines a classic beach holiday and excursions to picturesque National parks. The city is located along a wide bay surrounded by green mountains. Not far from the coast of Nha Trang, small archipelagos are scattered in the South China Sea, where lovers of secluded recreation and divers flock.

The tourist area of ​​the city includes several streets where the main hotels and restaurants are located local cuisine, souvenir shops and numerous agencies ready to organize excursions to any point in Vietnam (and if you have enough time, even to Laos and Cambodia). If you wish, you can stroll through the local colorful markets or visit the central neighborhoods where citizens live their normal lives.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see and where to go in Nha Trang?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

In the 7th-12th centuries, the medieval principality of Champa (Chapma) existed on part of the territory of southern and central Vietnam. The Po Nagar towers on Mount Cu Lao were erected in the 10th century during the heyday of this state. Only four buildings have survived to this day. The Cham Towers are a Hindu religious complex. Until now, they are a cult place for some Vietnamese.

The cable car connects the coast of Nha Trang with Hon Tre Island, where the Vinpearl Land amusement park, popular among tourists, is located. The length of the road is more than 3 km. The design of the metal supports resembles the outlines Eiffel Tower(due to the beautiful night illumination, an even greater resemblance to the Parisian landmark is achieved). Trip to cable car lasts 10-15 minutes. During this time, the passenger has time to admire the coast and islands.

Located on Hon Che Island, Vinpearl can be called one of the most visited attractions in the city. Hundreds of tourists go to this “land of entertainment” every day. The vast territory includes a water park, an amusement park, an aquarium and a hall slot machines. Visitors can relax on the beaches of the local five-star hotel, dine at one of the many restaurants, and watch a colorful fountain show in the evening.

Main Buddhist complex Khanh Hoa province and at the same time a popular attraction in Nha Trang, where all guests of the city strive to get. The architectural dominant of the pagoda is a 14-meter statue of white Buddha, to which a long staircase of 150 steps leads. This statue can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. Inside the pedestal on which the god sits there is a temple.

The pagoda is located outside the city on a hilltop. Getting there is not so easy, since the last public transport stop is an hour and a half walk from the temple. Moreover, tourists face a long climb up the mountain. But at the end of the journey, a surprise awaits all those who dare - breathtaking views of the rice fields, mountains and green surroundings of Nha Trang.

The Catholic Church of St. Mary, which Vietnam inherited from the French colonists. The cathedral houses the residence of the Bishop of Nha Trang. The building was erected in the 1930s in gothic style. Its facade is decorated with pointed arches, the windows are decorated with multi-colored stained glass, and the roof is crowned with a church tower with a clock dial. Around the cathedral there is a small courtyard where statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus are installed.

Lotus shaped structure decorating city ​​embankment. The real name of the building is the Tower of Incense. Previously, on its site there was a memorial in honor of the fallen defenders of Khanh Hoa Province. In 2008, partly with funds hotel complex"Vinpearl Land" was erected exhibition complex, reminiscent in shape of a well-known flower. Its premises are used for holding various exhibitions.

The museum is located in the wing of the research institute, which was founded by A. Yersin in 1891. This scientist is highly revered in Vietnam. Many streets and educational institutions are named after him. He devoted his life to the study of bacteria - the causative agents of plague and other diseases. The museum exhibition reproduces the atmosphere of A. Yersin’s study. The collection consists of books, personal items and tools.

Long Tan is a famous Vietnamese photographer who has devoted his entire life to the art of black and white photography. In his house there is a small gallery containing a collection of photographs depicting the daily life of the Vietnamese. The master has filmed various subjects since the mid-20th century. His works are distinguished by their diversity, originality and expressiveness. You can buy the photo you like.

An entertainment complex located in the southern part of the city. The museum exposition is located on the territory of the traditional Vietnamese house. The collection consists of 3D paintings and optical illusion rooms where you can take fun photos. The museum will be of interest to visitors with children, as the excursion is somewhat reminiscent of a fun game, during which you can immerse yourself in a magical “through the looking glass.”

A scientific institution engaged in deep sea exploration since the 1920s. The institute has an aquarium where you can see the inhabitants Pacific Ocean. Stingrays, moray eels, turtles and exotic fish swim in the aquariums. On the second floor there are stuffed sea creatures. Part of the exhibition is located in aquariums inside the building, the other part is in tanks outside.

The aquarium is located on one of the islands off the coast of Nha Trang. The original building of the aquarium is made in the form pirate ship. Local residents nicknamed it "Neptune's Palace". Chi Nguyen was founded by a simple fisherman Le Can, who was remembered by his contemporaries for his love of nature and his country. In 1971, using his own funds, he dug a pond where he began breeding representatives of marine fauna. Over time, his collection grew into a large maritime museum.

The fortress is located about 10 km from Nha Trang. Presumably, it was built in the 18th century during the reign of one of the last emperors of independent Vietnam. Brick and marble were used in the construction of the citadel. Only part of the buildings has survived to this day, since Dien Khanh was severely damaged during the French invasion. The surviving gates and part of the walls are in a fairly neglected state.

The reserve is located on the mountain of the same name, several tens of kilometers from Nha Trang. This is a real kingdom of impenetrable green forests and misty horizons. Most of the park's territory is located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, so the local climate is very different from the coastal and lowland. In the middle of the reserve on the top of the mountain stands the house-museum of Alexandre Yersin.

Visit natural park Yang Bay is one of many excursion routes. It is located about an hour's drive from Nha Trang. Here tourists can admire the Yang Kan, Yang Bay and HoCho waterfalls, feed crocodiles, ride an ostrich and watch a musical performance by the local Raglai tribe. Visitors are also offered entertainment such as pig races and cockfights.

Ba Ho is a group of three waterfalls located in the vicinity of Zoklet Beach. To get to this natural attraction, you need to overcome a rather difficult road that passes through mountainous terrain. Most tourists limit themselves to visiting the first of the three waterfalls; only a few reach the last one, since only physically resilient people can overcome the path to it.

During the period of Soviet-Vietnamese friendship, monkeys were bred on this island to be sent to the USSR. Then the supplies were stopped and the animals overran the entire area. Now Monkey Island is a protected area, a real “kingdom of monkeys”, where, according to various estimates, more than 1,500 individuals live. For tourists, there are entertainment shows, cafes and restaurants, and a beach.

Almost the entire territory of Hon Mun Island is classified as a protected area and is under the protection of World Fund wildlife conservation. People come here not only to relax on snow-white beaches. The coastal waters of Hon Mun are inhabited by amazing marine life, so all tourists who want to scuba dive and enjoy the beauty of the underwater world flock to the island.

Large spa center nearby temple complex By Nagar. It is located in a picturesque area surrounded by eucalyptus groves and flowering gardens. In Thap Ba you can spend the whole day taking healing hot baths, swimming in pools and enjoying healing treatments. Local therapeutic mud helps with many ailments. After visiting the resort, tourists can purchase jars of this substance as a souvenir.

Another “mud bath” of Nha Trang, which is a worthy competitor to the Thap Ba springs. Visitors have access to service packages that include various procedures. Visiting I-Resort is a great alternative beach holiday, especially on a cloudy day (the water in the center’s pools is always warm). The main pool of the complex is stylized as a sea beach with white sand.

A new spa resort that opened in 2012. The complex occupies an area of ​​23 hectares. In addition to swimming pools and hot springs, there are Botanical Garden, a zoo, an impromptu ethnic village, a temple and observation decks, with magnificent views. The name "100 Eggs" is associated with the legend of the love of a dragon and a magical bird. One hundred nationalities of Vietnam subsequently hatched from the eggs laid by the bird.

Hon Chong is located in the backend of Nha Trang. The cape is strewn with stones of all possible sizes and shapes. Sometimes the blocks gather into bizarre shapes, against which spectacular photographs are obtained. At the local souvenir shop you can buy a picture made from stones as a souvenir. The cape offers breathtaking views of the expanse South China Sea, especially during dawn and dusk.

Industrial salt mining is carried out in the fields of Khon Khoi. They are located about 50 km from Nha Trang near Zoklet Beach. The plantations are flooded with seawater, which evaporates within a few days and leaves snow-white crystals. After this, the salt is collected and sent for processing. The work is carried out in the morning, since salt collected in the heat of the day is considered unsuitable for consumption.

Zoklet is considered one of the best beaches in Nha Trang and surrounding areas. It is located 50 km north of the city. You can get there by taxi, bike or public transport. Tourists value this place for the beauty of the scenery, the clear sea and the opportunity to be in relative solitude, since there are usually few people here. Zoklet is ideal for families with children due to its gentle slope and shallow sea depth.

The city beach stretches for several kilometers along the sea line. It is free, but you will have to pay to rent hotel-owned sun loungers and umbrellas. Along the beach there is a stone-paved embankment with public gardens and equipped recreation areas. The ideal time for swimming is the first half of the day, as after lunch the waves rise and the water becomes cloudy.

The main attraction of Nha Trang, in my opinion, is not the luxurious Vinpearl amusement park, as many believe, but the gorgeous nature. One early morning we got on our bikes and went to admire nature with one of the most high peaks Khanh Hoa province - Hon Ba Mountains, and at the same time visited the dacha of Alexandre Yersin. Kilometers of serpentine roads and fabulous beauty awaited us.

Mount Hon Ba is famous for the fact that the French bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin built a summer house on it at the very beginning of the 20th century. Now there is a museum there. Previously, I had no idea who Yersin was, but it turned out that he is a very revered person in Vietnam. Why is this Frenchman so loved and respected here that even the streets are named after him? More on this later.

And now about the trip itself: we had to drive 65 km from the city center to the aforementioned mountain. Of these, 35 km we drove along the old mountain serpentine and reached an altitude of 1500 m above sea level. Travel time from the city to the top: 1.5 hours.

It was one of the most exciting entertainments.

Mount Hon Ba is marked on the map of Nha Trang (click on the Menu icon in the upper left corner of the map):

We left early to avoid the hot sun. We took our smartphone with us and turned it on Mobile Internet, opened a Google map, on which they had previously marked a mountain with an asterisk, and plotted a route from point A to point B. . We drove around the city for the first half an hour, then 20 minutes outside the city and finally arrived at a little-known landmark of Nha Trang - Hon Ba Mountain. Before starting the serpentine:

Checking the bike before the serpentine:

The road began to twist:

It was hot, our bike could barely crawl, but the nature around was worth getting here:

On sharp turns installed mirrors:

At first we met local residents and their houses:

But the higher you went up the mountain, the less crowded it became. In the end it was just the six of us left:

Denis and I tried to do a romantic photo shoot in the lap of nature, but it only turned out like this:

Closer to the top, very sharp turns began:

We reached Yersin's dacha!

Entrance to the territory is 30,000 dong, there is really nothing in the house itself, the only interesting thing is in the living room, where furniture from the very beginning of the 20th century has been preserved:

And now a little about the owner of the home: late XIX centuries he traveled around South-East Asia. It is worth understanding the difference between today's travelers (like us) and Alexander Yersin, who was a real discoverer: a European who of his own free will came to such a little-known country and actively talks about life here (through letters to his mother, more than a thousand letters) is Nonsense, now every third person has a blog :) In his youth, the future bacteriologist lived in Switzerland and Germany, studied medicine in Paris, where he witnessed the “Golden Age of Bacteriology.” Then the bacteriologist arrived in Vietnam as part of a group of French colonists and made many important medical discoveries, and also studied the life of the locals, treating them not as slaves, but as ordinary people.

At the end of the work contract, returning to Switzerland, the scientist told his family and friends that the weather here is bad, and it’s also cold and I don’t want to work in the laboratory at all, I want freedom. This really scared everyone. After all, no European in his right mind would want to return to Vietnam. Dinners were given in Switzerland in honor of the bacteriologist, he was showered with awards and all sorts of honors, all so that his bright mind would not go to Asia, but would remain to work in his homeland. But Yersin turned out to be a stubborn guy: he organized a cartographic expedition into the previously unexplored jungles of central Vietnam. The expedition was accompanied by constant rains and floods (we know that there is a lot of rain in winter, but he did not know). Along the way, he swapped a Swiss music box for an elephant, tried to stop an uprising, and took pictures of people before their execution.

So why is Alexandre Yersin one of the few Europeans who is so loved in modern Vietnam? The scientist, after his adventures in the jungle, stayed in Vietnam and lived here most of his adult life, founding hospitals and medical laboratories that are still in operation. He also discovered the causative agent of the plague and fought malaria in Vietnam. During World War II, Alexandre Yersin fell ill and died in Nha Trang at the age of seventy-nine. Original story in English

From the scientist’s house there is an excellent view of the serpentine:

On the territory there is a restaurant (dining room), a hotel (several wooden houses) and camping. We were the only visitors.

Hon Ba Mountain, 1,578 m above sea level, borders Khanh Phu and Suoi Cat communes in Khanh Hoa Province.

Adventurous tourists say that Hon Ba is a place that can be visited in any season. However, you should avoid the rainy season, which lasts from October to December, if you want to see waterfalls, streams and go mountain trekking.

It takes about 2 hours to get from Nha Trang to the top of Hon Ba Mountain. Take National Highway 1A to Suoi Cat Commune (Cam Lam District) for about 1 km, then you will see the first landmark, which shows that it is 37 km to the left to the mountain. The road up the mountain is quite rough and narrow, with many sharp turns.

The closer you get to the top of Hon Ba, the cooler it will be. It is unspoiled nature with numerous creatures and streams. Ancient trees line the road and sway their branches among the white clouds and fog.

Where to eat and stay

Hon Ba is located in an ecologically clean area that has not been spoiled by investment in tourism, so there are not many options for where to eat and spend the night. Some houses will offer you local dishes, such as boiled and grilled chicken, vegetable soup or fried vegetables if you order in advance.

Therefore, take food and drinks with you on your trip.

As for accommodation, you can ask local residents to stay overnight, rent a room in one of the guest houses or in a camp on the top of the mountain. It gets much colder here at night, so keep this in mind when planning your trip.

If you are departing from Nha Trang, the cost of one day in Hon Ba is VND 200,000 per person, including fuel and food.


The top of Hon Ba Mountain is surrounded by white clouds all year round. From the top there is a stunning view of Nha Trang. Besides beautiful view, on Hon Ba you can go into the forest and enjoy nature. The singing of birds and the sound of streams will help clear your mind. Some young people often come here to photograph the ancient jungle and admire the wild flowers. Others come to enjoy the cool atmosphere and feel its mystery.

They say that Hon Ba Mountain is most beautiful at dawn, when the clouds descend to the ground and the first sunlight hits the leaves. However, many people find that the mountain is more attractive when the sun goes down and the jungle goes to sleep. No matter the time, Hon Ba will satisfy any beauty and adventure seeker.

In 1915, the French scientist Alexandre Yersin came to Hon Ba to live and work. According to documents in the Yersin Museum, he rode a horse from Suoi Dau to the top of Hon Ba. He built a wooden house and planted new plants, including those used to make medicine for malaria. He also created a scientific monitoring station.

Now you can see the old wooden two-story house of Dr. Yersin and get acquainted with his herbal garden, stables and ancient tea tree.

Lake Suoi Dau

The Suoi Dau stream begins at the top of Hon Ba Mountain and descends into the valley. In some places the river forms big lakes. In addition, sometimes the stream suddenly falls down and it turns out to be a waterfall.

Suoi Dau Lake is located at the foot of Hon Ba Mountain. This is a man-made lake that provides water to local farms. The lake is huge and amazingly green.

Suoi Nguon Waterfall

Suoi Nguon Waterfall is located along the road to the top of Hon Ba Mountain. The area of ​​the waterfall is large, with huge rocks, and the water is clear blue.

Near the waterfall you can find Uncle Hiep's cottage. He is a friendly local who offers food to visitors.

Precautionary measures

There are no gas stations on the way to the top, so fill up your tank full or take your own fuel.

In addition, you should handle the fire carefully to prevent a forest fire.

Suoi Dau Lake and waterfalls are deep and dangerous, so you need to be alert to avoid accidents.

Sometimes authorities prohibit tourists from coming to the top of the mountain, but don't miss places like Suoi Dau and Suoi Dau Lake along the way.

Green perspective: Lake Suoi Dau is a huge man-made lake at the foot of the mountain
Magical Waterfall: Suoi Nguon Waterfall, beautiful, refreshing and attractive
French heritage: two-story mountaintop house owned by Dr. Yersin in 1915

Hon Ba is the name of the mountain, which is located approximately 25-30 km. from Nha Trang city. At the very top of the mountain, at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters above sea level, there is now the house-museum of Alexandre Yersin, the famous French scientist, bacteriologist and microbiologist who discovered the causative agent of bubonic plague to the world.

On the way to Hon Ba we will make several stops: at a village market, banana and mango plantations, and also at an unusual Buddhist temple, which is located right in the jungle. As a matter of fact, this is not even a temple, but only a few altars, which in the future quite possibly will actually become a temple. But to get to these altars, you will have to cross a homemade bamboo suspension bridge over a mountain river! This unusual place interesting because it was built by a simple peasant right in tropical forest. Then we will climb the old mountain serpentine higher and higher, passing banana plantations and mountain boulders various forms and sizes, and a real tropical jungle. The final point of our journey is located on the slope of a mountain, at the foot of which two mountain rivers merge into one channel. Here you can swim in the cool mountain river, and also walk up the riverbed to a small waterfall, where you can dive straight from the rocks. In the bamboo bungalow you will find kebabs, a variety of snacks, vegetables, tropical fruits, as well as soft drinks and sugar cane rum.

A trip to Hon Ba is a great opportunity to spend a day in the jungle and truly enjoy communicating with the nature of Vietnam!

Travel time from Nha Trang to Hon Ba Nature Reserve by a comfortable car/bus takes about an hour.


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