Dalat rice plantations how to get from Mui Ne. Transfer from Mui Ne to Dalat by taxi. How much does it cost to travel from Mui Ne to Da Lat?

Road from Phan Thiet to Dalat

Despite the fact that we left Phan Thiet quite early, it seems it was not even 9 am yet, halfway to the city of Dalat we were both really exhausted. I must say, traveling around Vietnam is not easy. Perhaps this is the most difficult route, which we have ever had. Almost the entire road from Phan Thiet to Dalat was very difficult, as it ran along mountain serpentine roads.

The road from Phan Thiet, number 28, is very interesting and so beautiful that it will take your breath away! Almost all of it is deserted; local motorcyclists occasionally rush past us and look at us in amazement.

We drove past small mountain villages located almost on the slopes of the mountains, around impenetrable forests, and on one slope of the mountain, opposite from our road, we saw a narrow waterfall that originates from the top of the mountain! Unfortunately, there were no entrances to it; they photographed it from afar. There were no gas stations along the entire route either, so it’s good that we filled the tank full.

On the way, we stopped at a small town in the mountains, Di Linh, to take a short break and eat. We took rice with meat and egg for 25,000 dong, had a snack and realized that the further journey was simply impossible. Suddenly such wild fatigue came over me that I did not dare to continue the further journey to Dalat. The husband admitted that he was also tired. Although we drove, at first glance, nothing at all - some 90 km! And there are only 77 km left. Really Mountain road very tiring. To be honest, sometimes there are times when it seems to me that traveling around Vietnam on a motorcycle is the last thing that will happen in my life, I’m so tired. Usually such gloomy thoughts overtake me in the evening, when fatigue knocks me off my feet and there are no other thoughts than how to get to bed as quickly as possible. The mountain town of Di Linh is very small, but very neat, well-groomed, with stunning nature around.

Based on our condition, we decided to spend the night in Di Linh, since there are more than enough Nha Ngi hotels in Vietnam. In the first one they came across, they negotiated from 300,000 dong to 250,000 per room. The room was simply huge! Three-meter ceilings, TV, good Internet Wi-Fi, hot water in the shower, refrigerator and, most importantly, what always captivates my husband - a balcony! To my surprise, why there is no air conditioning, the girl from the reception answered that it is quite cool here at night, so air conditioning is not needed. It turned out to be true! All night I wrapped myself in a plush blanket...

In the morning we allowed ourselves to get up a little later than usual, since there were only 77 km left to Dalat. We didn’t know that troubles seemed to become our eternal companions on our journey through Vietnam.

Arriving in Dalat, the first thing we decided to do was immediately buy tickets to Mui Ne. But it turned out to be not as simple as we thought. It was not possible to get bus tickets at the Dalat bus station. Local bus companies There are no buses to Mui Ne and Phan Thiet. At least that's what they told us at the box office.

Fortunately, the office of Sincafe (a well-known tourist transport company) was literally a few steps from the hotel where we rented a room. We bought tickets to Mui Ne in Sincafe for 319 thousand dong for one and calmed down.

A few days later, having enjoyed the mountainous Dalat and being slightly frozen in it, we left for Mui Ne. The road Dalat - Mui Ne was very beautiful and very tiring. I understood why many companies chose not to travel on it and not hit buses. In some places it seemed as if we were driving not along a road, but along a forgotten mountain path. The bus was old and barely pulled up the hill, sometimes practically stopping, wheezing heavily and tumbling over another hole.

The views outside the window slightly compensated for the difficult road, but when the sea finally appeared outside the window, we were extremely happy. End of the road! Instead of the stated 4 hours, we drove for almost 6.

And now - Mui Ne! The Sincafe office is located behind Boke, on the other side of the “Russian beach”. We popped into the hotel across the street and were very surprised when we were offered a room for three for $20. We heard a lot about how Mui Ne is no longer the same, that it has become expensive and show-offy, that there are only Russians here, and there is nothing to do at all.

Having been impressed by the “eyewitness accounts,” we expected to pay at least 30 bucks a day for the hotel. But having been encouraged by the first price mentioned, we went to look further. We didn’t stay in that hotel opposite Sincafe. The rooms were only on the first floor, and there was a strong smell of dampness.

We found housing quite quickly, on the first line by the sea, with a Vietnamese owner who lived right there, a meter from the guesthouse. It was new, clean and bright, with large beds and a wide porch. All this beauty cost 16 dollars.

The sea was very close. I can't say that the beach was great. But you have to understand that Mui Ne is not Phu Quoc, and the beaches here are generally tense. Although we later found absolutely amazing beaches some distance from the center of Mui Ne. I will definitely write about them.

As for prices in Mui Ne... In Mui Ne we got the most cheap holiday. Food is inexpensive, there is not much entertainment, and those excursions that are available are either free or very inexpensive. But there is plenty of time to ride a bike to the dunes and distant beaches. And if you don’t want to go anywhere, you can just sit by the sea and watch the kiters. Or play billiards in a nearby cafe. Or sit on the porch of your guest house and chat with your neighbors about anything and everything.

Mui Ne somehow reminded me of Goa. Probably the atmosphere. No one is in a hurry or fussing. Everyone is relaxed and smiling, happy with life, themselves, the warmth and the sea. Fine!

True, all this concerns the place where we lived. For Boke. Boke is a promenade in Mui Ne. Where the “Russian beach” has more bustle, as well as Russian tourists, the prices are higher and in general something is wrong. We felt comfortable in our poverty-stricken area, where mostly foreigners settled in budget guesthouses, where we could eat in local Vietnamese cafes and love each other in the evenings on a completely empty beach.

Phan Thiet turned out to be a very nice and bright town with a wonderful beach and cozy cafes with delicious coffee.

The days in Mui Ne flew by very quickly. The first few days were completely calm and no waves. And then, to the delight of kiters and surfers, windy weather set in. But we were already getting ready to go. Saigon again, and then home, home...

In this post I will share with you information about my trip to Da Lat. I’ll tell you where you can buy bus tickets in Mui Ne, show you photos from the trip, and be happy to answer any of your questions.

How long does it take to get from Mui Ne to Dalat?

Between Mui Ne and Dalat there is a well-established transport connection, there are no problems getting to the resort on your own.

But you should remember that Dalat is located in the mountains. It is for this reason that the time spent traveling 160 kilometers is a little more than usual; the bus will travel for four hours, or even more.

A lot depends on weather conditions, if there is heavy fog in the mountains, then not every driver will drive headlong. Expect about 4-5 hours, as there will be a mandatory stop along the way to change the driver and have a light snack; the Vietnamese cannot live without food.

Pay attention to this map of Vietnam, on it I indicated the location of Dalat and the nearest sea ​​resorts.

If you are coming from the center of Mui Ne, then the distance does not exceed 160 kilometers, you should consider the location of your hotel in both Mui Ne and Da Lat.

The flat part of the trip does not stand out in any way, but when you see the mountains outside the window, your trip will sparkle with new colors. :)

if you have free time, then I strongly recommend going from Dalat to Nha Trang (follow the link for all the attractions of this resort), stay there for a couple of days and then return. There is a very high probability that you will stay in Nha Trang until the end of your vacation. How to return from Nha Trang to Mui Ne, read the link.

How to travel to Dalat

There are several options for visiting Dalat, from the extreme (ride a moped) to the ordinary (with group excursion).

In this part of the post I will talk about the most popular ones, at the end of the post read about my experience of traveling from Mui Ne to Dalat on local buses.

Bus from Mui Ne to Dalat

This is the most common, cheapest and quite comfortable way to get to high places. mountain Dalat.

The price of the trip costs 500 rubles (follow the link to find out the exact ticket prices), and you are guaranteed a Vietnamese flavor. On the specified site you should enter the name of the cities in Latin Mui Ne (Mui Ne), Dalat (Dalat), Nha Trang(Nha Trang), etc.

I choose this option, but it has its drawbacks:

  1. It is highly recommended not to travel along the route on evening flights, as this can simply be dangerous;
  2. Buses to Dalat arrive either at their offices or at the Dalat bus station, so you will have to get to the city center on your own or by taxi;
  3. You will have to travel with the Vietnamese, and this is a very specific audience.

Transfer from Mui Ne to Dalat

This is an ideal option for a small company that has everything in order with money.

What could be more comfortable than a taxi ride? Probably just a trip in a rented car, but in Vietnam there are problems with driving with our driver’s licenses (see the link for all the details).

The average cost of a transfer from a hotel in Mui Ne to a hotel in Da Lat does not exceed $90, follow the link to find out the exact price. If a large company is traveling, then in terms of each person there is a reasonable amount.

Here are the main advantages of traveling by taxi:

  1. The travel time is slightly less than a bus trip (about 3 hours), but do not forget about the road conditions and weather;
  2. You are driven from doorstep to doorstep, there are no additional costs for a taxi to/from bus station;
  3. And most importantly, you can make stops on demand for rest, selfies, light snacks, etc.

My experience of a bus trip from Mui Ne to Dalat

After wandering around the only street in Mui Ne in the evening, walking all the way through it and returning back, I realized that it would be difficult for me to spend more than one day in this tourist ghetto.

Having had dinner at a nearby restaurant, there are countless food options here, having bought a bus ticket to the mountainous Dalat, I headed to my hotel, because I had to get up early.

The next morning began with a misunderstanding: at the hotel reception they should have left me a lunch box with food (I had to eat at least something on the road), but there was no food prepared for me. What kind of sloppiness I thought and headed to the hotel restaurant, in full confidence that they did not have time to inform the reception, but no, it turns out the cooks did not know that they had to do something for me.

I swear out loud, but I walk away, otherwise it might turn out that while I’m figuring out the fate of the food, I’ll miss the bus. The bus is more expensive and I stomp onto the road in front of the hotel. There is no one at the appointed time, ok, I wait patiently, 15 minutes pass - no one, I start to get nervous, 30 minutes pass - no one, I’m no longer nervous.

I wait another 15 minutes and go to the room to continue the interrupted sleep, I go in, start to dismantle my backpack, there is a knock on the door, I open it, “Mister, are you going to Dalat?” This is interesting, but I quickly pack up and the bus quickly leaves sleepy Mui Ne.

The bus went through Phan Thiet, then there was only one stop, something like for a snack and to go to the toilet and then back on the road. The bus itself was a little better than a regular regular bus in terms of comfort and a little worse than tourist minivans, but it performed its function properly.

On the part of the journey where the road turned from flat to mountainous there was another stop, but a very strange one. The driver stopped, turned off the engine and waited, I don’t understand what he was waiting for. About 5 minutes later, a bass of exactly the same color and the same brand was parked on the opposite side of the road, the drivers swapped places and the trip continued, everyone went back to where they came from.

Outside the window, the weather and landscape were changing very quickly, after chatting with fellow travelers, I learned from an Englishman (who was traveling to Dalat not for the first time
) disappointing weather forecast, rain and coolness. Immediately behind me sat a couple of elderly Vietnamese with perfect English, the secret is simple, they have been living in California for 20 years, and in their old age they decided to visit their relatives, they completely confirmed the Englishman’s forecast and noticed that I would not be very comfortable in shorts.

We drive into the city and the weather is really like St. Petersburg, gray gloomy sky, drizzling rain and cold. The bus took us all to some guest house and right at the exit a cunning Vietnamese man handed out business cards and a map of the city (on the other side of the map, of course, there was an advertisement for excursions).

Killed by the weather, I go to see what kind of guesthouse it is and what the prices are. For 5 dollars they offered only a bed in a common compartment, for 15 a clean but small room, I obviously don’t like it, I’m going to wander around the city.

One thing I can say is that if you are going to Dalat, take warm clothes, they will come in handy here.

Mui Ne has long been considered Vietnamese resort for Russians. Yes, yes, this place is so popular among residents of the Russian Federation that even shops, cafes and restaurants duplicate their signs and menus in Russian, and cinemas there even show Russian films. You won't believe it until you see it. :)
I came to Mui Ne from Dalat. I will tell you further what kind of transport you can use to travel from one city to another. So, let's go! :)


One of the ways to travel from Dalat to Mui Ne is by car. You can rent it via the Internet on one of the sites similar to. If you haven’t found any current offers, then you can simply contact the reception of the hotel where you live and order a car right there.

The trip from Dalat to Mun will take four hours or more.

Although the cities are located 155 km from each other, however, it will not be possible to accelerate well for several reasons:

  • there are speed limits - 50 km/h;
  • The roads are narrow, and, in most cases, you will have to drive along serpentine roads with many sharp turns.

By the way, if you decide to travel by yourself by car (after all, you can rent a car directly with a driver), then you should first obtain a temporary driver’s license from the local department. Of course, most companies providing rental services often turn a blind eye to the lack of such rights. But, in the event of an accident or a stop by a traffic inspector, there can be big problems. Therefore, it is better to follow the rules and contact your local driver's department first. Among the documents required, there must be Russian and international rights (the text is translated into Vietnamese), a photo, a completed application form and a foreign passport.


If we talk about public transport, that is, there is only one option - the bus. There is no railway connection between these cities. I once thought that traveling by bus in Vietnam was not an option. For some reason I associated them with large crowds of people, stuffiness and the like. However, when I myself used the services of local carriers, I realized that I was mistaken.
Wonderful buses from The Sihn Tourist run from Dalat to Mui Ne.

They depart from the Dalat bus station, which is located far from the city center.

The easiest way to get there from the hotel is by taxi. There are several windows at the bus station where you can find out information about available flights. In this case, it is better to write the question on a piece of paper, which will make life easier for both you and the bus station employee. :)

By the way, some hotels also provide information about available flights to a particular city. Ask if necessary.
The duration of the trip is four hours. Not for very long, but a TV showing funny Vietnamese films will help pass the time, or beautiful landscapes outside the window.


The cost of a bus ticket from Dalat to Mui Ne is 99,000 dong (4.5 US dollars).


You can buy tickets as follows:

By the way, if the purchase was made online, then upon checkout you only receive a voucher, which can then be exchanged for a ticket at the company’s office. The address of The Sihn Tourist is located on the web page that I indicated above.

Bottom line

I got to Mui Ne from Dalat by bus. Renting a car is not an option for me; I don’t have a driver’s license yet, so I had to use public transport.
I was satisfied. Although the bus was completely full, the cabin was not stuffy.

After the start, free water was distributed. Good service.


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