Business for renting out country houses. How to rent out a summer house - a sample contract and useful comments. Procedure for drawing up and sample agreement

Renting houses as a business is a long-tested option for earning income for residents of areas where only residential or commercial real estate can bring profit. Many doubt that this type can actively generate real income, but in fact everything is more than possible. This is a great way to earn money short time quite a large amount. But, of course, there are some pitfalls.

  • Step by step plan for renting out a house
  • Search for a tenant
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What equipment to choose to equip your home
  • What is the OKVED code for a rental housing business?
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • Which tax system to choose
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Rental sales technology
  • Registration of a lease agreement

Step-by-step plan for renting out a house

Search for a tenant

First, you need to find a tenant. A specialized agency can help with this, but you may have to search for a tenant yourself. Most people who have been working in the real estate market for a long time prefer to cooperate with agencies. You need to choose an organization with a good reputation and positive reviews; you should not trust the first company you come across from the yellow pages. The only disadvantage of working with an agency is the need to pay for the services provided to find a tenant.

In cases where we are talking about cooperation with well-known and large agencies, the cost of their services increases in proportion to their fame. Therefore, it will be beneficial for landlords to use such services only if they simultaneously search for several tenants for different properties.

Independent search for tenants is limited to the dissemination of information about the property in various sources: on television, in the press, on the Internet and even on billboards. Selecting and using only one source is ineffective, so you should find the ideal combination of information sources that can attract the maximum number of interested people. It should be taken into account that the costs for implementation independent search Although there are often fewer tenants than when collaborating with an agency, there will be many times more worries.

How much can you earn

Daily rental of housing usually brings great benefits. Because the house is rented by a company for a day or two in order to celebrate this or that event. And they are willing to pay higher rents than long-term tenants. But renting for long periods allows you to minimize time costs and effort, guarantee a stable income, subject to the integrity of clients.

For example, from an elite class cottage with an area of ​​100 square meters, you can receive from 65 to 80 thousand per month. It all depends on the equipment, renovation, area and location of the house. If the house undergoes cosmetic renovations, the rental price will be up to 50 thousand per month.

How much money do you need to start a business?

If you have your own home, you will need money for repairs and equipment. The amount will depend on the condition of the housing, the level of construction work and the equipment with household appliances and furniture. Investments in repairs can range from 30-60 thousand, up to one million rubles and more.

What equipment to choose to equip your home

Don't skimp on household appliances. It must be certified, reliable and wear-resistant.

What is the OKVED code for a rental housing business?

Basic OKVED code 70.20 - Renting your own real estate. Namely, a clause such as 70.20.1 − Renting out your own residential real estate, which will include the rental of apartment buildings and other residential buildings, apartments, etc. Please note that these codes do not apply to the hotel industry.

What documents are needed to open a business?

It depends on how you set up your business. If, as an individual entrepreneur, then the standard set: passport, application for state registration, receipt for payment of state duty, copy of the TIN certificate. But there is no mandatory registration required to rent out housing.

Which tax system to choose

If you are just for physical. person (resident), the tax rate for renting out an apartment is 13% of income. For an individual entrepreneur, the tax on renting out an apartment is 6%. If you are an individual entrepreneur, keep in mind that you will still have to pay for certain insurances.

Do I need permission to open?

You do not need any permits or licenses to rent out your own living space.

Rental sales technology

Place rental advertisements both online and in print media. The living space must be presentable, taking into account the wishes of potential clients. Equipped houses with decent repairs are more expensive. Calculate rental cost. That is, divide the price of living space by one hundred. Moreover, taking into account that the price of housing is influenced by location, area, availability of infrastructure, distance from the center, etc.

Registration of a lease agreement

As soon as a tenant is found on your own or with the help of an agency, you will definitely need to conclude an agreement with him. When we are talking not about seasonal construction, but about a permanent house, the agreement is concluded for a period of one year. It is important to make a list of all items and features of the interior, describe the appearance and cost of each item. It would be a good idea to take photos and attach them as an attachment to the contract. The document should also allocate the responsibilities of both parties: the landlord and the tenant. First of all, you need to take care of the distribution of responsibilities in matters of paying utility bills, transferring funds to the board, garbage removal and snow removal. At the same stage the amount is discussed security deposit. The security deposit should be understood as the amount that the landlord receives if the tenant decides to terminate the contract before the due date. Also, the deposit is not refundable in cases where, after leaving, the tenant left behind broken and damaged furniture or unpaid bills. The deposit is a kind of insurance for the landlord against an unscrupulous tenant.

The contract should also indicate the frequency of visits to the property by the owner. This could be one day to hand over a month's rent or more frequent visits to check the order and integrity of the property.

During the execution of the contract, you should obtain all information about the tenants: passport and contact information. You can clarify details about their place of work in an informal conversation, then double-check the information received and protect yourself from scammers.

After signing the agreement, you should contact the district authority tax office, provide a copy of the document drawn up and receive an income tax charge of 13% of the amount rent.

In our age of high speeds and environmental pollution, more and more city dwellers are beginning to appreciate life in nature. Is it profitable to rent out a house similar to city apartments? And what should be taken into account by those who still dare to take such a step?

In our age of high speeds and environmental pollution, more and more city dwellers are beginning to appreciate life in nature. Is it profitable to rent out a house similar to city apartments? And what should be taken into account by those who still dare to take such a step?

How much?

The price per square meter greatly depends on the class of the house. But let’s say offhand: not far from the town of Pushkino near Moscow (17 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Yaroslavskoye Highway) we managed to find an advertisement for the rent of a house of 250 sq. m. m in a guarded village on 15 acres for 130 thousand rubles per month. Another advertisement - a house in the same location and the same area for 160 thousand rubles per month. House 270 sq. m in the same village is offered for 200 thousand rubles per month. For comparison, in the prestigious district of New Cheryomushki, an apartment with an area of ​​103 sq. m. m with good finishing in a brick “Tskov” house with high ceilings and within walking distance from the metro is offered for 90 thousand rubles per month. Apartment with an area of ​​79 sq. m in a neighboring house - for 80 thousand rubles. How advisable such an investment is, in any case, is up to you to decide. Moreover, prices, as we see, can vary. But a quick analysis shows that renting a square meter in a city apartment is still somewhat more expensive than in a country house.

Who lives in the little house?

Most often, the middle class and people with above-average income are interested in renting a country house. As a rule, this is a wealthy married couple with children, whose total income starts from 200 thousand rubles per month. After all, who, if not children, especially needs fresh air, good ecology and the opportunity to swim in a warm river in the summer? But in winter, even the head of the family can afford a real man’s holiday with a bathhouse, birch brooms and snow hardening. And who doesn’t want to eat natural products from a neighbor’s farm instead of buying food from a chain store with preservatives, dyes and carcinogens?

In addition, wealthier people can afford a nanny or cleaner. This practice also happens in rented houses, although it is more common among rich people in their own mansions and cottages.

So, for those wishing to purchase houses for rent, it is highly advisable to provide for at least three bedrooms, one storage room, and a Russian bathhouse (or at least a water supply).

Practicality in fashion

The area of ​​the house should not be very large and should not be more than 400 meters, even if we are talking about a relatively high price segment. Housing should be as functional as possible. Even among the wealthy public, huge red brick castles with towers are not in fashion now, let alone the middle class. The crisis has taught people of almost all professions to count money, and it is unlikely that anyone will want to overpay for useless empty premises or a huge plot behind a high fence. But the presence of security is very welcome, since the situation in our country still remains quite criminogenic. Therefore, it will be better if the house is located in a cottage community. As a last resort, it should be located next to other houses of similar level and price. And under no circumstances - in an open field or in the middle of old rickety huts. By the way, another advantage of the villages is the presence of a children's playground. However, it is quite possible to build a sandbox and swing right on the site.

Since most tenants work in the city, the house should have, if not ideal, then acceptable transport accessibility. If it is located further than 25 kilometers from the ring road, then it will not be easy to find people willing to live there.

Another important nuance- the house must be decently furnished. Yes, some tenants renting on long term, prefer to determine the interior items themselves. But finding them right away is not so easy. So all this can hardly be a reason to show bare walls to clients.

Types of rental

In addition to long-term permanent lease Country houses are often rented out for the season (usually summer), as well as for weekends or holidays. In the first case, you need to start looking for guests in March. And don’t forget to install mosquito nets on the windows and barbecue areas.

As for short-term rentals, let's be honest, with a high degree of probability it will be a corporate or student drinking party. So be prepared in advance for numerous breakdowns and dirt. At the same time, you should not refuse such an opportunity to earn money right away, especially since the rental rate will be significantly higher.

But even if you are renting out the house for a long time to a calm married couple with children, you should first conduct a complete inventory of all items and do not forget to photograph the property.
Next, you need to draw up a house rental agreement, which clearly states who will be responsible for breakdowns and pay utility bills (water, gas, electricity, etc.)

If you take into account some simple nuances, you can theoretically organize the process competently and turn things around profitably. In practice, a house is a large, labor-intensive household, which is much more difficult to manage than even a city apartment. Whether you need to get involved in such a troublesome matter as renting out a house - only you can answer.

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A country house can be not only a place for a short summer or winter holiday, but also a means of stable monetary income.

Renting out country houses is becoming an increasingly popular business. It is known that country houses country houses stand empty most of the year. Meanwhile, their owners live in city apartments, because they are more convenient for getting to work. They appear at the dacha only sometimes on weekends or even once every few years. The rest of the time, the dacha plot does not bring any benefit. In this case, you can sell the dacha, but this will allow you to earn money only once.

Moreover, return to Vacation home will no longer be possible. Renting out a country house can bring in a lot of money, because many people in cities want to spend their summer or winter holidays away from the bustle, noise of the streets, and city problems. But often there is not enough money to go on vacation to the domestic, and even more so, foreign sea. Then a country house that can be rented inexpensively becomes a good alternative. In order to be able to rent out a country house, it must meet certain requirements. Firstly: the size of the house must be sufficient to comfortably accommodate a group of people, because families or groups usually go on vacation.

The house should also have heating to protect guests from the cold. It is equally important to take care of the possibility of accepting water procedures. A shower stall and a sink with a tap are quite enough. If you have the financial opportunity, you can make your country house more attractive for guests. For example, buy bicycles for walks in nature, or build a gazebo, sauna, or even a swimming pool with a mini beach. The more conditions for have a nice rest will be in a country house, the more expensive it can be rented out. To rent out a country house, you need to place advertisements in relevant newspapers and magazines.

It is also worth posting rental information on specialized websites on the Internet. It is very important to advertise your country house correctly. You should definitely indicate the maximum number of guests that it can accommodate, and the availability of sanitary conditions (shower, bath, toilet). It is also necessary to indicate the presence of other benefits. Nature plays an important factor when choosing a place to relax, so it’s worth remembering that not far from the house there is a lake or river where you can swim, or a forest where you can go mushroom hunting. It will be even better if all the advantages of the house are demonstrated using colorful photographs.

It is best to search for clients and maintain the house yourself. This will allow you to better understand the desires of vacationers and, accordingly, improve the house. If you yourself are not able to do this work, then you can entrust it to one of your relatives or neighbors in the dacha, that is, those people who can often visit the dacha and maintain order there. A dacha equipped for relaxation can also become a vacation spot for yourself owner, because this will save a lot of money.

When buying a cottage for the purpose of further renting it out, you need to understand that the criteria for buying a house as a business and a house for personal residence are different. What do you need to know when making an investment purchase, so that later you won’t be excruciatingly painful for wasted money?

The first mistake that a future landlord can make is buying a home “for themselves” (I would like a house in the village) or for the occasion (a neighbor is offering his dacha for half the price). If you are going to enter this business - as, indeed, any other - then enter it prepared. “Obviously, sooner or later the suburban real estate rental market will repeat its urban counterpart. Quite recently, it was most profitable to buy a very expensive apartment and rent it out at a high price, but today we are seeing a trend of saturation of the market for luxury apartments,” Irina Bobko, head of the rental department of the Vavilon real estate agency, comments on the situation on the market. “Currently there are few offers for renting quality suburban housing.”

Of course, a lot depends on the direction in which the house is located - a potential source of your income. Identical houses on different directions may vary significantly in rental rates, and this should not be forgotten. At the moment, Rublevka remains unrivaled in popularity. It is followed by Novorizhskoe Highway, Mozhaiskoe Highway, Kaluzhskoe Highway, Simferopolskoe Highway.

The second mistake is choosing the wrong target consumer. The future landlord must clearly understand to whom (compatriot or foreigner, with high or average income, with or without children...) and for how long (for the summer season or year-round) he will rent the house. For example, if the cottage is intended for permanent residence, then the distance from it to the Moscow Ring Road should not exceed 30 km (and this is provided that the route is not too congested).

The third mistake is an incorrectly selected environment. The most liquid in terms of renting out a house is in a cottage community: tenants pay attention to security, the availability of infrastructure - to everything that makes living and recreation comfortable and safe. Naturally, the more developed the infrastructure and the more reliable the security, the higher the rent. Of course, it is cheaper to buy land in the village from some grandmother and build a house there. But for rental business This option is absolutely not suitable. “I had to watch how absolutely charming owners acquired a very presentable house with a large plot, a swimming pool, landscaping and other benefits,” says Irina Bobko. “But they could not rent out their house even at a relatively low price only because it was surrounded by a village with dilapidated houses and half-drunk residents.” Old-fashioned places are also not very suitable for rental business. Yes, they have romance, yes, they are located in a wonderful location, but they cannot provide residents with either comfort or safety.

The fourth mistake is choosing the wrong house. You often see a picture where a house was designed by a would-be architect in the person of the owner or hostess, the only bathroom in the house is on the first floor, and from the bedroom on the third level you can only get there through the entire house. In addition, the cottage could be designed individually for a particular family. So what should a house be suitable for renting? Two, maximum three levels, a small number of spacious rooms. There should be at least three bedrooms in the house, especially if the house is intended to be rented to a family with children. “Particular attention should be paid to stairs, their convenience and safety,” adds Bobko. “There are two extremes possible here: excessive savings, which leads to a structure that is completely inconvenient for lifting, or, conversely, generosity of soul in the form of metal forging, stained glass, etc., which can be very unsafe for children.”

The presence of a bathhouse, sauna, or, even better, a swimming pool can significantly raise the rent. The liquidity of the house is increased by the presence of a landscaped plot of at least 10 acres. Moreover, fruit and berry bushes, and especially gardening, are not held in high esteem - tenants will not appreciate it. As a finishing touch - the presence of 1-2 parking spaces. By the way, no less important are the 100-500 m that the future tenant will have to overcome from the highway to the house. “Recently in our practice there was such a case. The potential tenant didn’t even bother to drive up to the house as soon as he saw that from the highway to his future place of residence, his expensive car would have to regularly drive 100 meters on clay soil,” says Irina Bobko.

The fifth mistake is incorrectly executed documents for the house and land. This is one of the biggest problems that arise when renting out a country house. When purchasing, you need to carefully check the documents for both the house itself and the land. The ideal option is that both are properly registered and owned by the same person. But quite often the house is registered as unfinished, which leads to problems, for example, with insurance or registration of a lease agreement. There are also frequent situations when part of the land being sold is owned, and part is owned long term rental, which again increases risks. “The nuances may be different, I have come across cases when they tried to privately rent out a house that, in principle, they do not have the right to rent out,” says Bobko, “since it itself was legally leased in a departmental village.”

The sixth mistake is that the costs of maintaining the building are not taken into account. It is important to understand that it is not enough to just buy a house, you will also have to maintain it, and monthly costs can reach up to $500-1000. When choosing a house, carefully check the presence of all communications, their condition, the technical indicators of the building - the presence and maintenance of a septic tank, energy dependence, so that it does not turn out that the lion's share of the rent will go only to the maintenance of the house. Moiseeva


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