What is a security deposit when renting an apartment? What is a security deposit when renting an apartment? Security deposit - what is it?

Renting an apartment is a fairly profitable business, but risky, especially for landlords. Many property owners want to protect themselves and their property from dishonest tenants. The deposit acts as such a guarantor. A security deposit when renting an apartment is a kind of compensation for possible damage, a safety net for the landlord in the event of property damage or arrears on utility bills. This will be discussed in more detail in the article.

Security deposit when renting an apartment

What is a deposit when renting an apartment and how is it calculated? The amount of the contribution is determined by the parties based on various reasons. Sometimes it may be average price for one piece of equipment in an apartment, or just some arbitrary amount, but most often the insurance payment is equal to a month’s rent.

When the rental period comes to an end, the owner must inspect the premises and all things in it. If anything is damaged, the amount required for restoration will be deducted from the deposit.

It happens that the deposit size is not enough. Then the tenant is obliged to pay the required amount. If, after purchasing a new item or carrying out repairs, cash remain, the owner of the premises is obliged to return them. It is possible that no damage will be caused to the apartment, and utility bills will be paid in full. Then the deposit is returned in full.

The security deposit is a guarantor of compensation for material damage in case of property damage

Legal regulation of insurance premium

There is no clear regulation of deposits by law. It is indirectly affected by Articles 662 and 1064 of the Civil Code Russian Federation. The first states that all property transferred for temporary use must be returned in good condition, but taking into account natural wear and tear. That is, the landlord cannot demand from tenants to compensate for the repair of a faucet dripping from old age or to pay for the purchase of new curtains, since the old ones have faded in the sun. But if the tenants' pets tore the wallpaper, or the tenants themselves, for example, broke a mirror, they must pay for the damage caused. This is stated in Article 1064 of the Civil Code - to compensate for damage in any way by agreement of the parties.

Article 329 of the Civil Code calls on the parties to the contract to independently decide for what purposes, as well as under what circumstances, the security deposit will be used.

All this must be stated in the lease agreement or in an appendix to it. Most often the contribution is used:

  • to pay for repairs of damaged items;
  • to buy damaged items;
  • in case of non-payment of utility bills;
  • at early termination unilateral lease agreement.

It is very important that the contract spells out all the points under which the apartment owner has the right to use insurance funds. When it is determined what the deposit will be used for, as well as its size, it is time to pay the amount. You can transfer money in cash or non-cash payment. In both cases, a receipt must be drawn up, which will contain the registered passport details of the parties and the amount that was transferred. For non-cash payments, additional confirmation is a bank statement.

The amount of the security deposit is returned to the tenant upon expiration of the rental period

Property inventory act

Of course, the tenant also wants to protect himself and not pay money in vain. To ensure that no misunderstandings occur at the end of the lease agreement, it would be a good idea to draw up a transfer and acceptance certificate, which will describe in detail the condition of the apartment. You need to write everything down, indicating all the features and nuances (scuffs, chips, scratches, etc.):

  • general condition of the apartment;
  • furniture;
  • technology;
  • plumbing.

Such an annex to the agreement will help the tenant feel more confident and avoid possible disputes between the parties. Be careful when drawing up this document, do not be lazy to indicate everything in as much detail as possible. If something is missed, then in the future it will be difficult to claim damages for the breakdown or, conversely, to prove your non-involvement.

Additionally, it is worth indicating the status of payment of utility bills: meter readings, presence of debt or overpayment. If possible, attach photographs of the apartment with all its contents to the deed. All this must be certified by the signatures of the parties to the transaction. Of course, you may not make an inventory of the property, but in this case it will be difficult to prove when, for example, a vase was broken. Without relevant documents, all statements are unfounded.

How is the deposit returned?

So, the lease has ended - what happens to the deposit? The landlord must inspect the apartment and property to ensure that the tenant returns everything to him in good condition. If there are no claims, the insurance amount is returned to the payer in full. The transaction, as with payment, is accompanied by a receipt. It must indicate that the amount of the security deposit was returned, its size, passport data and signatures of the parties.

Unfortunately, in practice, property damage is a fairly common occurrence. If this fact was discovered, then under the lease agreement the former tenant is obliged to compensate for the damage caused.

If equipment or furniture is broken, you need to pay for repairs or purchase a new item. If the repair is damaged, then cover the cost of materials and labor.

Often, in the first case, the parties cannot agree on whether to repair or replace. And it is better to stipulate this point in the contract at the stage of the initial transaction. Most often they choose what will cost less.
It may also happen that the amount of the insurance payment is not enough to cover the costs. Then the tenant must pay the required difference to the owner of the apartment. In the opposite situation, the remaining amount is returned by the lessor. When assessing damage, one should not forget about the above-mentioned Article 662 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which talks about depreciation. Items may become unusable due to normal wear and tear, and the tenant does not have to pay for this.

If the parties cannot come to a common agreement, then their dispute is resolved in court.

The security deposit is included in the rental agreement

Advantages of a security deposit when renting an apartment Not everyone agrees with paying the insurance amount when renting a home, but most often both parties are in favor of having it. It is the security deposit that insures the interests of both the landlord and the tenant.

  1. But first of all, it ensures the safety of the apartment owner:
  2. The risk of property damage is reduced.
  3. If damage is detected, you will not have to compensate it from your own funds.
  4. If there are unexpected (unpaid) bills, you will not need to pay them yourself.

At the request of the parties, you can specify a lot of additional points where the insurance payment will be applied.

At first glance, it may seem that the insurance premium is beneficial only to the owner of the apartment. However, this is not so: he guarantees the provision of the necessary living conditions to the guest. The disadvantages here include additional expenses. But if the property is handled with care, the deposit amount will be returned in full, and the tenant will not suffer any financial loss.

Renting an apartment without insurance

Having studied the rental property market, you will notice that not all homeowners require an insurance payment. Sometimes you can do without it. Most often, its use is abandoned in the following cases:

  1. The apartment is unfurnished. But even then, it makes sense to consider the deposit option - after all, there are at least plumbing and repairs that can also be ruined. For example, breaking a window or sink.
  2. The apartment is in poor condition. Here, as they say, “the master is the master.” Whether the tenant agrees to live in such conditions, while saving on rent and deposits, is his choice.
  3. A room is rented, while the owner of the apartment lives here and can constantly monitor the order and safety of the property.
  4. Personal desire of the landlord.

But still, most often apartments are rented and rented with a security deposit.

A security deposit differs from a security deposit in that it has a return guarantee.

The difference between a deposit and a pledge

Many people (both property owners and their tenants are guilty of this) do not understand the difference between security deposit and insurance payments. And it’s very good if the transaction is made with the help of a real estate agent who can clearly explain the difference between these concepts.

The deposit is a one-time payment that is transferred to the owner of the apartment at the time of concluding the contract and, as it were, confirms the tenant’s desire to rent this particular property.

If for some reason the tenant changes his mind, the security deposit will not be returned. The amount of the deposit is fixed and is equal to payment for a month's stay. That is, in essence, the new tenant pays the landlord for two months of living in the apartment - for the first and for the last.
The further fate of the collateral must be documented. Most often there are two scenarios: The amount remains until the end of the lease, and then simply covers last month

This is simply beneficial for the tenant, since moving from place to place is an expensive undertaking, and here is a month of paid rent. The amount is returned to the tenant after 2-4 months, subject to timely payment of accommodation and utilities. This option is less popular, but is not excluded.

To summarize, we can say that a security deposit is an excellent tool that ensures additional protection the property owner from possible losses. In practice, it has long been used in all civilized countries, and both sides have no doubt about its significance. The main thing that is needed when collecting a security deposit is to correctly draw up an agreement, describing all the nuances, and then the insurance premium will actually fulfill its main function.

Renting an apartment is one of the most common schemes for making money in the real estate market. But this type of activity is associated with some risks. Therefore, agencies use certain techniques to protect the interests of both parties. This article will focus on the security deposit.

Flat rent

Since the rental process is a risky business, those who are looking to make money on their own apartment are wise to use certain types of protection against potential damage or fraud.

A deposit when renting an apartment is one of the tools to compensate for possible material risks associated with real estate. We are talking about damage to property and the condition of the housing itself. In addition, in the event of sudden insolvency of the tenants, the security deposit will allow the landlord to avoid financial losses.

In most cases, the deposit when renting an apartment is equal to the amount of payment for living for a month. But exceptions are possible. For example, tenants may be required to pay for several months (3-4) at once. If we consider the situation with luxury real estate that is rented out, it makes sense to expect a requirement to pay the annual cost.

Security deposit under the rental agreement

Some agencies take a slightly different approach to such a tool for compensating possible damages. We are talking about a scheme in which such a deposit is not considered as a security deposit or for the last month of rent.

This money cannot be used to pay rent; its only purpose is to guarantee the financial security of the apartment owner in the event of damage to his property by tenants. Therefore, when understanding what a deposit is when renting an apartment, it is worth taking into account this approach to the rental process.

Refund of a deposit

The peculiarity of using the insurance amount when renting an apartment becomes clear at the end of the lease. When the last month of living in the apartment has been paid for, the owner takes over the real estate from the tenant, which means inspecting the condition of the housing and property in particular.

If any damage was discovered (furniture was damaged or repair questions arose), then a security deposit, which is kept by the apartment owner, is used to compensate for it. The remaining funds after payment of the damage are returned to the tenant. If there are no complaints, the owner gives the entire amount to the tenant.

If an agreement was used during the rental process, then there should be no problems with returning the deposit. Thus, in this situation, the deposit when renting an apartment can be considered as a security payment.

How to properly register with a deposit

Initially, it is worth noting that the current legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide grounds for clearly defining the conditions for the return of the security deposit. For this reason, based on Article 329 of the Civil Code, both parties will have to independently determine what obligations the payment of the deposit will imply.

But if we apply the most common scheme that is used in contracts, then attention should be focused on the following points:

  • payment of rent that does not meet the established deadlines;
  • damage caused to property located in the apartment;
  • unilaterally without warning and before the end of the agreed period;
  • lack of payment for rent, telephone calls and utilities.

It is very important to make sure that the rental agreement for an apartment with a security deposit contains all the reasons why a security deposit may be withheld. It would be a good idea for the tenant to check the conditions for returning the security deposit.

It is advisable for each party to ensure that all their interests are respected. For example, if the apartment owner insists on stipulating the tenant's liability for early termination of the contract, the tenant, for his part, can demand the same from the property owner.

Receipt for transfer of funds

The issue of design must be resolved competently. Therefore, upon receipt of funds corresponding to the amount of the security deposit according to the agreement, the apartment owner must write a receipt stating that the money was transferred. This will save both the tenant and the homeowner from possible unpleasant nuances associated with paying the deposit.

The receipt itself must include the following information:

  • landlord's passport details;
  • the amount of the accepted payment;
  • date of transaction confirmation.

At the same time, considering what a deposit is when renting an apartment and what are the features of its registration, it is important to note the following fact: in some cases, the amount of the security payment may be divided into several months. If there was such an installment plan, then the party accepting the money needs to write a receipt for each paid part of the deposit.

Compliance with this format for concluding a transaction is important, since otherwise it will be difficult to prove anything in court.

How to accept an apartment after concluding a contract

It is important not only to know what a deposit is when renting an apartment, but also to be able to competently protect yourself from possible reasons for its non-refund. We are talking about claims from the owner of the apartment regarding In order to avoid accusations that are not true, it is worth taking photographs of the state of repairs, equipment and furniture at the time of move-in.

After photographs are taken and attached to the contract, they must be certified by signature from both parties. Thus, the main reason for a problem-free rental can be identified as the exclusion of potential controversial issues at the very beginning and at the contract level.

By the way, some owners of residential real estate cannot decide whether to include the amount of the security deposit in the income statement or not. According to many lawyers, this is not worth doing, since these funds are not payment for rent and are not used as income.

Possible difficulties

One common mistake on the part of the landlord is the intention to use the security deposit under the lease as payment for the last month of the tenant's occupancy. The risk in this situation is quite obvious: if a few days before the transfer of the apartment property is damaged or large telephone bills are discovered, the owner will not be able to compensate for the losses incurred.

Another point worth paying attention to is the natural wear and tear of property and repairs. Sometimes tenants are blamed for such changes, resulting in tense conflicts. But if you pay attention to the civil code, you will notice that the apartment owner has no right to demand financial compensation for natural wear and tear.

An example is the loss of color saturation of curtains (fading in the sun), which the renter had no influence on. But if, say, the curtains were damaged by the tenant's active pet, then in this case the claims against him will be fair.

How to determine the amount of compensation

This question is also relevant, since both parties may not have the same opinion regarding the cost of the damage caused. A striking example of such a situation is a refrigerator breakdown. The owner of the apartment may require that this type of household appliance be completely replaced. The tenant, not agreeing with such a solution to the problem, is able to offer compensation for the cost of repairs. Obviously, the difference in costs will be significant.

Therefore, it is advisable to indicate such points in the contract from the beginning.

Having understood what a deposit is when renting an apartment, the owner should take into account the following principle: the amount of the security deposit should be returned only after receiving all bills, including telephone bills. Then it will be possible to objectively assess the presence of any losses.

If you neglect this rule, you may find yourself having to pay for long long-distance calls from former tenants.


A security deposit is used when renting real estate in virtually all civilized countries. This scheme has proven its practicality more than once. Therefore, it should not be neglected.

Security deposit - what is it?

The security deposit is not a deposit and does not represent payment for the last month of rent. This instrument is called differently: security deposit, security payment. But there are significant differences between a security deposit and a prepayment or security deposit, and if this difference is not understood, there may be conflicts at the end of the lease.

The essence of the security deposit is that the tenant credits the landlord's account with the amount agreed upon by the parties. This payment provides coverage for possible damage to the rental property. The security deposit is a refundable amount; it cannot be used as payment for the last month and is not related to the rental deposit.

This fee covers damage to the property if such damage is discovered at the end of the annual contract. When drawing up an acceptance certificate, the owner inspects the apartment, determining whether everything is in order with the furniture and the state of repairs, with payment of telephone bills, etc. At the same time, the necessary costs for bringing the apartment to its original form are estimated. These costs are deducted from the amount of the security deposit, and the remainder of the amount is returned to the tenant by the owner. If the property was not damaged and there was no damage, the full amount of the security deposit is returned to the tenant. The purpose of this deposit is to protect the interests of the property owner.

This type of payment can be called a security payment: with its help, the tenant’s obligation to carefully handle the property is ensured. Calculating the amount of damage is a matter for the owner, who does not always accurately estimate losses. It is common practice to charge one month's rent for damage.

The process of renting an apartment involves concluding an agreement that specifies the cost of living, which is pre-agreed and strictly fixed. But in addition to this, more and more often, landlords require payment of a security deposit. What is a deposit when renting an apartment and what is its purpose?

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Insurance deposit- this is one of the elements of the lease agreement, which serves as a guarantee of ensuring the interests of the lessor in a situation where the property was damaged as a result of the actions of the tenant, if the tenant did not pay utility bills or under other negative circumstances.

The process of transferring residential premises for rent is regulated by Chapter 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the term security deposit when renting an apartment does not have a legal definition and arose due to the rules of business turnover in a certain field of activity.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the security deposit is not a deposit at all and not the amount of payment for the last month of residence.

This instrument, of course, has other names, in particular, a security deposit or a security payment, but its difference with an advance payment and a deposit is very significant and a lack of understanding of this difference can provoke the emergence of inconsistencies upon completion of the lease relationship.

The essence of the security deposit is that the landlord receives from the tenant a certain agreed amount to cover possible damage that the tenant may cause to the rented property.

What is it for?

The security deposit is important primarily for the landlord because:

  • property is protected in case of possible damage;
  • the risk of non-payment of utility bills by tenants is prevented.

In general, the presence of a security deposit is a guarantee of peace of mind for the owner. At the end of the rental period, he can inspect his property for damage and if anything is damaged, the damage can be reimbursed from the security deposit.

The same applies to communal services - often residents move out of a rented apartment without paying for the services for the last month and the owner has to pay a decent amount from his own funds, and with a security deposit this situation is practically eliminated.

Difference between collateral

The concepts of collateral and security deposit are quite often confused or considered synonymous, which is absolutely not true.

It is worth taking a closer look at the difference between a pledge and a security deposit from a legal point of view:

  1. A deposit is an amount that is paid to confirm the rental of an apartment, while the deposit is intended to insure the integrity of the property.
  2. The security deposit is taken at the time of signing the lease agreement and is, as a rule, the amount of the monthly payment for accommodation; the amount of the security deposit can vary within different limits depending on the value of the property and is negotiated individually.
  3. The deposit is usually counted towards the rental payment, and the deposit is returned at the end of the rental period in full if there is no damage to the property.

In what cases should I charge?

Based on current practice, a security deposit will not be superfluous for any rental housing, be it an economy class home or a luxury apartment. Moreover, property owners in major cities Most likely, they will refuse to rent if you do not agree to pay a security deposit.

To prevent disputes regarding the payment and return of the deposit, the parties must enter into an additional agreement attached to the rental agreement.

Simultaneously with the conclusion of the agreement, an act on the transfer of property is drawn up, which must contain:

  1. An inventory of all property that the tenant receives for use along with the apartment (furniture, Appliances, plumbing, etc.).
  2. An accurate description of each individual item, including its characteristics and current condition (any defects, abrasions, etc. must be described).
  3. Current status of payment of utility bills (whether there is a debt or not).

It is advisable to stipulate in the rental agreement the procedure for making a security deposit and deducting the amount of damage from this contribution, the method for determining the damage caused, the procedure for returning the security deposit and the maximum period allowed for this.

The act can be supplemented with photographs of the apartment and property. At the end of the lease, an act of return of the property is drawn up, which becomes the basis for the return of the deposit.

Drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of property is not a mandatory requirement, but its presence is beneficial to both the tenant and the lessor.

The absence of an inventory of the property makes any statement of the parties unfounded, that is, it will not be possible to prove that the property was in poor condition, just as it will not be possible to prove that it was the tenant who caused some damage.

And if the landlord turns out to be dishonest, then getting the deposit back will be quite difficult or simply impossible; any payment must be fixed in the contract.

In what cases can you do without a deposit?

In some cases, there may be no security deposit, for example, if:

  • the tenant is given a completely empty apartment, without furniture or equipment, that is, there is nothing to spoil;
  • the apartment is in poor condition and requires significant repairs;
  • rent is paid weekly or 2-3 times a month, which allows the landlord to check his property in a timely manner;
  • it is not an apartment, but a room that is rented, while the landlord lives in the same apartment and has the opportunity to constantly monitor the condition of the property;
  • the landlord is not afraid of possible expenses and damage to property, which is not considered illegal, since the requirement and payment of the security deposit is considered voluntary.

Advantages and disadvantages of renting with a security deposit

The advantages of renting an apartment with a security deposit are beneficial, first of all, to the landlord, because:

  • you don’t have to worry about the safety of your property;
  • the risk of non-payment of utility bills by residents is prevented;
  • It is possible to stipulate in the contract a situation where the security deposit serves as payment for any obligations of the tenant.

For the tenant himself, paying a security deposit serves as a guarantee of comfortable living, but in the event of dishonesty of the owner and the absence of an inventory of the property, you can lose the deposit allegedly due to damage caused.

Since the current legislation does not define the concept of a “security deposit when renting an apartment,” disputes often arise about the legality of collecting a “security” deposit. Therefore, it is important to provide for a variety of possible situations in the contract.

Thus, a security deposit is often charged with the condition that it will be counted as payment for the last month of residence. In this case, the owner runs the risk of not being compensated for damage to property and the risk of facing non-payment of utility services.

Therefore, it is not advisable to include an insurance premium in the amount of rent, having a certain amount on hand after the tenants move out in case of utility arrears or property damage.

When concluding an apartment rental agreement, you must specify in it:

  • terms of payment of the security deposit;
  • method of receiving and transferring property;
  • tenant obligations;
  • procedure for compensation of damages;
  • deadlines for returning the security deposit at the end of the rental period or upon unilateral termination of the contract.

If the procedure for making and returning the security deposit is not specified in the contract, then if a controversial situation arises, it will be quite difficult for either party to prove that they are right.

Renting residential premises is the most popular look relationships that arise between individuals. At first glance, it seems that if you make monthly payments on time, you can live in peace and not deny yourself anything. However, the owner has certain risks that he is exposed to when renting out real estate. Such risks include damage to its property or rendering the entire premises unusable.

What should an owner do to protect himself from possible fraud? To do this, many people use a security deposit, often confusing it with a mortgage on real estate. What is the difference between these concepts, and how to properly protect yourself?

What is a security deposit when renting an apartment?

The concept of “security deposit” is in no way regulated by various regulations. It can be assumed that it follows from business customs that are accepted in a particular field of activity.

It represents a certain amount, a kind of security deposit, which the landlord asks from the tenant when concluding the contract.

DThis amount may be required in case of:

  1. Causing any significant damage to the rental premises.
  2. Damage to furniture.
  3. Destruction of household appliances.

Most often, the amount of such payment is equal to one monthly payment for the apartment.

Difference between deposit and collateral

Quite often, landlords confuse these two concepts, but in reality it turns out that the essence of collateral and deposit are completely different.

  1. The deposit is a certain amount that the future tenant must pay as a reservation for the intention to rent a specific apartment. However, in reality this method is no longer popular, since a security deposit is now used instead.
  2. The deposit is usually paid directly during the signing procedure.
  3. The deposit is equal to the cost of living in this apartment for one month. It is for this reason that it can be used as payment for the last month of stay. You cannot do this with a security deposit.
  4. The deposit represents a certain amount of insurance that can be used in the event of damage to the property or the entire apartment as a whole.
  5. You cannot pay debts from the deposit amount public services, as well as providing a telephone line.

However, people still consider the concept of collateral and security deposit to be something identical.

The main nuances of concluding a rental agreement

The current legislation does not in any way regulate the issue of the procedure for making such a deposit. It is for this reason that no separate document is required when:

  • Making a deposit.
  • Its use.
  • Refund the entire amount.

All these conditions must be specified in the drawn up lease agreement between the two parties.

From the point of view of legislation, as well as common sense, it is worth noting that such an agreement is concluded as a certain guarantee to both parties that their rights and obligations will be reliably protected. In addition, thanks to the lease agreement, both the tenant and the landlord can protect their interests if the terms of the document are not fulfilled in good faith.

In order to comply with all the requirements stipulated by law in the field of registration and conclusion of a lease agreement, you will need:

  1. Conclude this document in writing.
  2. Add a note in one of the paragraphs indicating that the employer has made a certain guarantee payment. The following should be specified:
    • Exact amount.
    • Risks covered by such payment.
    • Refund procedure.
    • The deadline for such a return.
    • Methodology for determining harm.
    • The procedure for resolving emerging issues and disputes between the parties.
  3. The fact that the lessor received the established amount is necessary record in writing. To do this, you can limit yourself to only a receipt. However, to carry out such a procedure, it is best to have two witnesses present who can confirm that the money was indeed received.
  4. If the employer is entity, required submit a cash document, which will confirm the receipt of funds.

Cases when a contract can be concluded without a security deposit

There are several ways to conclude an agreement without using a deposit or so that afterreceive the full amount:

  1. If there is a rental of real estate in which there are only bare walls, without any furniture and expensive repairs, then the landlord will not take a security deposit, since he has nothing to risk in such a situation.
  2. In other situations, it will not be at all profitable for the apartment owner to rent out his property to an outsider, so he is required to pay a certain amount specified by him.
  3. To prevent the landlord from pinning all debts for previous tenants on the new tenant, before renting, you need to ask him to provide a certificate from the local management company, that there are no payment arrears in this apartment.
  4. In addition, you can take simple photographs of the furniture and the entire furnishings, in which you can see all the cracks that existed at the time of signing the contract. In such a situation, the owner will not be able to insist on compensation for such damage, since it was caused before occupancy.
  5. If it is not possible to pay the entire specified deposit amount at once, you can agree with your landlord to spread the insurance over several months. In such a situation, information about the deposit provided will be indicated in the contract only after the owner has received the entire required amount.
  6. If the tenant does not have any complaints when renting out the apartment, you can agree with him that this insurance will be used as payment for the last month of residence.
  7. It is worth remembering that information about the deposit must be indicated in the contract. Otherwise, if it is terminated, you may not receive a refund of the insurance.

Why don't tenants try to pay it?

The main fear that most tenants have when paying out such insurance is that they may simply not get their money back. Most landlords tend to keep this money to cover the natural wear and tear of their premises.

According to the law, this cannot be done. Therefore, if the landlord for some reason refuses to return the deposit paid, and there is no damage due to the fault of the tenant, a refund should be demanded, citing the law. And if an agreement was concluded between the parties, you should go to court. Quite often, when renting out an apartment, owners do not register this moment officially, so as not to pay taxes. Then going to court will be undesirable for him, and he can give away the insurance without contacting the relevant authorities.

Another common reason why residents do not want to pay a deposit is the lack of extra funds. In such a situation, you can agree with the landlord about installments for this particular payment.

How is insurance refunded?

  1. A fairly common mistake is that the contract states that the payment received can be used as monthly rent for the last month of housing delivery.
  2. For the landlord, such a clause is undesirable, since it deprives him of the opportunity to use the funds received as compensation for damage to furniture or the entire condition of the apartment in general. In addition to this, there is also another rather important point, which landlords often keep silent about. According to the code, the item must be returned to the owner in good condition
    • , but taking into account normal wear and tear. It is for this reason that the presence of such wear and tear is not a basis for collecting the insurance paid. Examples include the following situations:
    • The curtains were faded in the sun.
    • Carpeting has changed all its characteristics due to prolonged use.

Small scuffs appeared on the wallpaper.


All these situations are not grounds for using the insurance provided.